OPC Setup For MiMiC
OPC Setup For MiMiC
OPC Setup For MiMiC
User Configuration
The first change that must be made to the DeltaV workstation is to add a user that will enable the MiMiC client to access the DeltaV OPC Server information. Follow the steps below to assign the user-rights to the DeltaV workstation: 1. Login to the DeltaV workstation using an account that has Administrator privileges. 2. Open the DeltaV User Manager application.
3. Using the name and password of the user that will be running the MiMiC client. If you plan on using the DeltaVAdmin account please skip to step 9. Otherwise, make sure that the username and passwords match those on the MiMiC client (and DeltaV) and that the users Account Type has DeltaV Administrator, Windows Desktop Access, and Windows Administrator (at a minimum) are checked:
4. Click on the Advanced tab and check the Password Never Expires box. 5. Click on the Groups tab and grant the new user keys for all of the non-user defined keys as shown in the following:
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6. Click on the Keys tab and grant the new user keys for all of the non-user defined keys as well as the Groups tab as shown in the following:
7. Follow these steps for each user that will need to access the OPC Server remotely. 8. When the DeltaV User Manager closes, it will warn: the workstation needs to be re-downloaded and the current user will have to log out. Download the DeltaV workstation and re-log onto DeltaV.
This step must be done on the MiMiC and DeltaV workstation(s). 9. From Windows explorer select Tools Folder Options:
10. Select the View Tab and de-select the Use Simple File Sharing option, as shown below.
This allows remote users to be properly identified to the system. With simple file sharing enabled, all remote users log in as guest, which would prevent proper operation of OPC.
When MiMiC is on a separate computer from DeltaV, then OPC Remote is required to be installed. This can be found on either Disk 2 or Disk 4 (depending on DeltaV version). 11. Enter in the name of the Pro or App station that contains the OPC Licensing
12. Next, enter in the DeltaVAdmin password. This password needs to be the same as the DeltaVAdmin password on every DeltaV station. If the user does not know what his DeltaV password is, then the DeltaVadmin password needs to be reset to the same thing on every DeltaV station by running Servpwd. Note: This does not mean you have to use the DeltaVAdmin account on the MiMiC and DeltaV machines, just the DeltaVAdmin account passwords need to match on all machines.
15. Then on the Log On Tab select This account and type in the Username and password of the account youre currently using for OPC communications, we recommend using the DeltaVAdmin. This must match the account setup in Step 3 on the DeltaV workstation.
16. This window will be seen after the password is entered and ok is selected. Select Ok, then Apply and OK.
17. Finally, Restart the service by selecting MiMiC OPC Bridge and clicking on the Restart the service link
Starting Communications
18. First start diagnostics by right-clicking on the OPC Node in MiMiC Explorer and select diagnostics
19. Right-click on your OPC node in MiMiC Explorer and select Start Node:
20. Make sure the Correct node and the OPC driver is selected. IO Definitions created by the DeltaV FHX Utility will be of the form ControllerName_Driver_IODEF, where ControllerName and Driver are replaced with the correct values.
21. Select the Automatically Initiate Communications When Started? and Log Errors and verify the correct OPC Server. Then Select OK. The "Log Errors" checkbox instructs MiMiC Diagnostics to display any error messages created while the OPC driver is communicating. The Automatically Initiate Communications When Started?" checkbox instructs the simulation engine to begin communications using the specified IO Definition.
22. If everything is setup correctly, the window you see should be similar to the one below. This dialog lists the objects which were downloaded to the simulation engine. If any problems were encountered during the download, they would be indicated here.