NATM Engineer: New Austrian Tunnelling Method
NATM Engineer: New Austrian Tunnelling Method
NATM Engineer: New Austrian Tunnelling Method
NATM Engineer
Module 1: April 14th, 2009 to April 30th, 2009, held in Leoben Module 2: Sept. 14th, 2009 to Oct. 2nd, 2009, held in Graz Module 3: April 6th, 2010 to April 23rd, 2010, held in Leoben Module 4: Sept. 13th, 2010 to Oct. 1st, 2010, held in Graz
Successful participants are awarded the title "Academic NATM engineer".
Attendance fee
12.000 Euro (3000 Euro per module)
NATM Engineer
Introduction to the "New Austrian Tunnelling Method" Aim: Fundamental knowledge of the modern tunnel construction methods, knowledge of the observational method, its fundamentals and practical application. Course type: Lecture Lecturer: Schubert ECTS-Credits: 0,75
Investigation and Engineering Geological methods Aim: Ability to develop project-related exploration programmes, to define the objects of the exploration, ability to identify benefits and limits of each investigation method. Course type: Lecture Rock mechanical laboratory testing Aim: Comprehension of laboratory methods, the ability to interpret laboratory results critically and to properly use the parameters in the design. Course type: Lecture Lecturers: Blmel, Pittino ECTS-Credits: 2,0 Lecturers: Kieffer, Schubert, Galler ECTS-Credits: 3,0
Rock Mass Characterization and Classification Aim: Ability to critically apply classification methods; ability to develop basics and input parameters for the modelling of rock mass. Course type: Lecture Geotechnical design Aim: Ability to perform geotechnical design from the evaluation of exploration results to structural design. Course type: Lecture, exercise Risk Analysis Aim: Ability to identify and quantify hazards in NATM tunnelling; ability to execute a risk analysis; ability to conduct corridor assessment and route selection. Course type: Lecture Tunnel Layout Aim: Ability to design tunnel profile and construction sequences. Course type: Lecture Lecturer: Galler ECTS-Credits: 6,0 Lecturers: Schubert, Galler ECTS-Credits: 4,0 Lecturers: Schubert, Galler, Kieffer ECTS-Credits: 10,5 Lecturers: Galler, Kieffer, Schubert ECTS-Credits: 3,5
Numerical Analysis Aim: Ability to use numerical simulation programmes and interpret the results. Course type: Lecture, exercise Construction contract Aim: Ability of independent development of a construction contract model for NATM-tunnels. Good knowledge of the rights and duties of contractors and clients. Course type: Lecture Lecturer: Haberland ECTS-Credits: 1,5 Lecturers: Schweiger, Schubert, Galler, Pittino ECTS-Credits: 4,5
Site organization, construction management Aim: Knowledge of the most important aspects of construction management, operation economic fundamentals of NATM tunnelling, including tunnel safety (from aerodynamics to drainage). Course type: Lecture Tunnelling safety Aim: Ability to establish, implement and monitor safety and health protection concept. Course type: Lecture Lecturer: Galler ECTS-Credits: 1,5 Lecturers: Haberland, Galler ECTS-Credits: 3,0
Monitoring, data evaluation and interpretation Aim:Ability to merge geological, geotechnical data and measurement data to a geotechnical model; ability to judge whether behaviour is normal; interpretation of deviations from normal behaviour, prediction of rock mass quality based on displacement trends. Course type: Lecture, exercise Instrumentation Aim: Ability to work with monitoring instruments of measurements and to evaluate monitoring results. Course type: Lecture, exercise Lecturers: Rabensteiner, Golser, Galler ECTS-Credits: 3,0 Lecturer: Schubert ECTS-Credits: 3,75
NATM Engineer
The majority of the lectures will be held by the professors Galler, Schubert, Kieffer and Schweiger. In addition lecturers with academic background and from industry will contribute to special issues. O.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.mont. Wulf Schubert Head of the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology Worked with GEOCONSULT, Consulting Engineers, as Senior Engineer and Consultant for 12 years Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.mont. Robert Galler Head of the Institute of Subsurface Engineering, Department of Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineering, Leoben University of Mining Worked with GEOCONSULT, Consulting Engineers Univ.-Prof. D. Scott Kieffer Head of the Institute of Applied Geosciences, Graz University of Technology Geologist and independent consultant Worked with Jacobs Associates, San Francisco Worked as associate Professor at Colorado School of Mines Ao.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Helmut Schweiger Ao.Univ.-Prof. at the Institute for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Graz University of Technology Head of the Working Group Numerical Geotechnics
In addition: Ass.-Prof. Dr.phil. Kurt Klima Ass.-Prof. at the Institute of Applied Geoscience, Graz University of Technology Ass.-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Manfred Blmel Ass.-Prof. at the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling, Graz University of Technology DI Dr.mont. Gerhard Pittino Lecturer at the Institute for Subsurface Engineering, Department of Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineering, University of Mining Leoben Head of the laboratory of the Institute of Subsurface Engineering, Leoben University of Mining DI Klaus Rabensteiner Head of the management of Geodata ZT GmbH, Leoben Lecturer at the Institute of Geomechanics and Tunnelling at the University of Mining Leoben DI Johann Golser Manager of Geodata Messtechnik GmbH, Leoben DI Christoph Haberland Construction and Project manager of several construction sites of tunnelling of PORR Tunnelbau GmbH Since 2007 department manager of the MOE-region for PORR Tunnelbau GmbH
NATM Engineer
Prof. Wulf Schubert, TU Graz E-Mail: Tel.: +43 316 873-8114
Fax: +43 316 873-8618
Prof. Robert Galler, MU Leoben E-Mail: Tel.: +43 3842 402-3400
Fax: +43 3842 402-6602
TU Graz Institute for Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Rechbauerstrae 12 8010 Graz, AUSTRIA ++43 316/873 8114
in Zusammenarbeit mit TU Graz Life Long Learning Mandellstrae 13/II
MU Leoben Institute for Subsurface Engineering Erzherzog-Johann-Str. 3 8700 Leoben, AUSTRIA ++43 3842/402 - 3400