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Sixth Pay Commission Faq

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Frequently asked questions / queries and clarification thereon: -

Question Clarification
1 2
1. Grant of increment. -
(i) If an employee opts R.C.S. Rule 14 of R.C.S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 stipulates that there will be a uniform date of
w.e.f. 03.01.2007 what annual increment viz. 1st July of every year.
would be his next date of Employee completing 6 months and above in the
increment ? running pay band as on 1st July will be eligible for
grant of increment. In the instant case, the
employee has opted pay scale from 03.01.2007, as
such he is not completing six months on
01.07.2007. He is entitled to next increment on
(ii) If an employee has opted In this case, he will be completing six months on
R.C.S. (Revised Pay) 1st July 2007. Hence, he will get his next increment
Rules, 2008 from on 01.07.2007.
08.12.2006 what would be
his next date of increment
(iii) What will be the next date In this case, his next date of increment would be 1st
of increment, if an July 2008.
employee opts R.C.S.
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
w.e.f. 02.07.2007 ?
(iv) What will be the next date In this case, his next date of increment would be 1st
of increment, if an July 2007.
employee opts R.C.S.
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
w.e.f. 01.09.2006 ?
(v) What will be the next date In this case, his next date of increment would be 1st
of increment, if an July 2007.
employee opts R.C.S.
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
w.e.f. 01.01.2007 ?
(vi) What will be the next date In this case, his next date of increment would stand
of increment, if an unchanged and he will get next increment on 1st
employee opts R.C.S. July 2007.
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
w.e.f. 01.09.2006 and he
is promoted on next post
on 31.03.2007 ?
2. Authority competent to Assured Career Progression (ACP) shall be
sanction Assured Career granted by the authority competent to make
Progression. appointment on that post.
3. Whether selection grade R.C.S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 have been
can be availed in the promulgated on 12.09.2008. After 12.09.2008, no
existing pay scales even promotion and selection grade shall be admissible
after promulgation of in the existing pay scales in force prior to
R.C.S. (Revised Pay) 01.09.2006.
Rules, 2008.

4. Guidance has been sought This is not a query, the facility is not for advisory
by various employees in work, it is clarificatory. In such matters it is advised
regard to exercise of that employees may consult accounts staff of the
option without furnishing department for proper guidance with full facts.
full details.
5. Regarding arrears of HRA. No arrear of House Rent Allowance is payable for
the period from 01.01.2007 to 31.08.2008.

The revised rates of House Rent Allowance are

applicable on the total of pay in the running pay
band and grade pay w.e.f. 01.09.2008.

The old rates of HRA are applicable only for those

who draw pay in the existing pay scales.

6. Whether table of fixation of The tables given in Schedule - III of the rules are
pay appended as applicable only for fixation of initial pay of the
Schedule-III will be existing Government servants in R.C.S. (Revised
operative subsequent to Pay) Rules, 2008.
fixation of pay in the
R.C.S. (Revised Pay)
Rules, 2008 or not ?
7. Whether the First ACP for a A Government servant drawing pay in the existing
Government servant pay scale of 3050-4590 on completion of 10 years
drawing pay in the pay service will be eligible for first ACP in the next
scale of 3050-4590 will be grade pay of Rs.2000/- and not in the grade pay of
in the next grade pay or promotion post.
grade pay of the next
promotion post ?
8. Whether an employee Pay of the employee promoted during the period
promoted during the from 01.09.2006 to 12.09.2008 can be fixed in
period from 01.09.2006 to R.C.S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 as per option of
12.09.2008 can opt for the concerned employee on lower post or higher
lower post or higher post post. In case he opts for lower post, on fixation of
R.C.S. (Revised Pay) pay in the R.C.S. (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, his
Rules, 2008 ? pay shall be fixed on higher post from the date of
promotion as per provisions of Rule 24 of R.C.S.
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.
9. A Jr. Accountant who was
appointed on 25.05.1990, On option from 01.09.2006 Option after availing Second
Selection Grade i.e. on
and was drawing pay as Pay as on 01.09.2006 Rs.7250/- 25.05.2008
on 01.09.2006 in the (5500-9000) Pay as on 25.05.2008 Rs.7700/-
existing pay scale of 5500- Date Pay in Grade Total Date Pay in Grade Total
9000 (First Selection RPB Pay (2+3) RPB Pay (6+7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Grade) as Rs.7250/-. On 1.9.06 13490 3600 17090
completion of 18 years 1.7.07 14010 3600 17610
service on 25.05.2008, 1.7.08 14540 3600 18140 25.5.08 14330 4200 18530
second Selection Grade 1.7.09 15090 3600 18690 1.7.09 14890 4200 19090
was sanctioned in the ACP 25.5.10 15660 4200 19860
existing pay scale of 6500- 20 years.
10500 and his pay was 1.7.10 16260 4200 20460 1.7.10 15470 4200 19670
fixed as Rs.7700/- with
next date of increment as Keeping in view the above position, the concerned
D:\Rules\Rules Books\Query Reply Update.doc

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