Coca Cola Brand Development
Coca Cola Brand Development
Coca Cola Brand Development
This report is prepared with the respect to the course of Brand Management. We are assigned to prepare a term paper by our honorable course instructor Shobodh Deba Nath. Our task is to make an in-depth analysis on brand performance of Coca-Cola and complete a study that covers all-important factors of Brand Management. 1.2 Objective of the Report: This report has been prepared considering a number of objectives. The objectives are:
To apply our knowledge that we have gathered from Brand Management course into
the report
Brand promotional activities and relevance of them. To get knowledge and apply it into the real world. 1.3 Scope: The term paper is made on the basis of what people think about and the brand performance of Coca-Cola. For this we searched in the internet and several articles to get the actual information. This is focused on Brand performance, positioning, marketing mis of Coca-Cola and in depth analysis on the brand. 1.4 Sources: Secondary information was collected from books and the web site of Coca-Cola. Statistical techniques were used to analyze the collected information and this information was presented in the graphical form. Also several internet articles and the marketing knowledge of the group members are also applied.
Background of the Company The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage corporation and manufacturer, retailer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The company is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola, invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves over 1.7 billion servings each day. The company operates a franchised distribution system dating from 1889 where The Coca-Cola Company only produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers throughout the world who hold an exclusive territory. The Coca-Cola Company owns its anchor bottler in North America, Coca-Cola Refreshments. According to the 2005 Annual Report, the company sells beverage products in more than 200 countries. The report further states that of the more than 50 billion beverage servings of all types consumed worldwide every day, beverages bearing the trademarks owned by or licensed to Coca-Cola account for approximately 1.5 billion (the latest figure in 2010 shows that now they serve 1.6 billion drinks every day). Of these, beverages bearing the trademark "Coca-Cola" or "Coke" accounted for approximately 78% of the Company's total gallon sales. In 2010 it was announced that Coca-Cola had become the first brand to top 1 billion in annual UK grocery sales. Also according to the 2007 Annual Report, Coca-Cola had gallon sales distributed as follows:
42% in the United States 37% in Mexico, India, Brazil, Japan and the People's Republic of China 20% spread throughout the rest of the world
In 2009, the company generated revenues of $31 billion with $6.8 billion net income. CocaCola Company will take control of the bottler's North America operations, giving the company control over 90% of the total North America volume. In return, Coca-Cola enterprises will take over Coke's bottling operations in Norway and Sweden, becoming a European-focused producer and distributor.
Company Profile:
Basic Information
Company Name Company type Industry Company Founded Company Founder Area Served Number of brands Headquarters Chairman& CEO Website : : : : : : : : : : The Coca-Cola Company Public corporation Beverage 1892 Asa Candler More than 200 countries More than 500 brands Coca-Cola headquarters, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. Muhtar Kent
Financial Information
Revenue Operating Income Net Income Total assets Total Equity Employees : : : : : : US$ 35.119 billion (2010) US$ 08.449 billion (2010) US$ 11.809 billion (2010) US$ 72.921 billion (2010) US$ 31.317 billion (2010) 139,600 (2010)
Mission: The official website of Coca-Cola states in its mission statement: At the Coca-Cola Company we strive to refresh the world, inspire moments of optimism and happiness, create value and make a difference. Coca-Cola Roadmap starts with a mission, which is enduring. It declares the purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness. To create value and make a difference.
Vision: Coca-Colas vision serves as the framework for the Roadmap and guides every aspect of its business by describing what they need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.
People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.
Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.
Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities.
Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.
Winning Culture of Coca-Cola: Coca-Colas winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that will be required to make its 2020 Vision a reality. Coca-Cola promotes some cultures as: Live Our Values: Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world.
Leadership: The courage to shape a better future Collaboration: Leverage collective genius Integrity: Be real Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me Passion: Committed in heart and mind Diversity: As inclusive as our brands Quality: What we do, we do well
Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn Possess a world view Focus on execution in the marketplace every day Be insatiably curious
Work Smart:
Act with urgency Remain responsive to change Have the courage to change course when needed Remain constructively discontent Work efficiently
Be accountable for our actions and inactions Steward system assets and focus on building value Reward our people for taking risks and finding better ways to solve problems Learn from our outcomes -- what worked and what didnt
Be the Brand:
Products of Coca-Cola
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Coca Cola takes every customer as target and potential customer who is thirsty. All age groups are being target but the most potential is the age group from 18-25 that covers around 40% of total age segments. And since the urge of enjoyment rest more on this age segment, this is very vital for Coca-Cola.
Age: The target market for the Coca Cola is based on age. The target audience of Coca Cola is youngster or youth. It is a wide range for targeting. It ranges from the age of 15-25 and also reaches to 40 plus, as they are serving this age group also.
Gender: Coca-Cola Zero or Coke Zero was specifically marketed to males, who were shown to associate 'diet' drinks with women. It is primarily marketed towards young adult males and has even been nicknamed "Bloke Coke". Diet Coke is also focused on females to have diet drinks with males who like Coke Zero.
Life style: Busy life style and mobile generation who like to enjoy much are targeted since the slogan always promotes happiness, and joy of life.
Family: There is segmentation based on family since the Coca-Cola family pack is designed to serve the whole family to enjoy in occasions or without any occasions.
The target audience of the Coca Cola brand love to have exposure to media. They are the mobile generation and spend lot of time on MMS and SMS chatting. They spend most of the time on enjoying music. They spend their home time on watching TVs. They like innovations in TV ads. Etc.
There are large numbers of factors that are affecting the demand of the Coca Cola but most out of them are the competitors price and promotional activities and the life style attached with the brand. Criteria for alternatives
Now-a-days the personality attached, taste, freshness and other factors like marketing theme are set standards for alternatives to be selected. Pepsi provides the best alternative to Coca Cola brand users. This strong factor changes the consumer behavior. Use of product
Basic purpose of using Coca Cola is to quench the thirst. But now days it has become a lifestyle status symbol. The use of the product is also very simple with out any complexities in usage and also is available for drinking.
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Pepsi, the flagship product of PepsiCo, The Coca-Cola Company's main rival in the soft drink industry, is usually second to Coke in sales, and outsells Coca-Cola in some markets. RC Cola, now owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, the third largest soft drink manufacturer, is also widely available. In 1893, Pepsi Cola was established in North Carolina by pharmacist Caleb Bradham and Pepsi had imitated the franchise bottling system of coke. In 1910, Pepsi build a network of 270 bottlers. In 1923 and 1932 Pepsi was declared bankrupt but still then it focuses on marketing strategy and sold its 12 oz bottle for only a nickel----the same price that coke charged for 6.5 oz bottle. In 1938, coke first suit against Pepsi by claiming that Pepsi cola brand was an infringement on the coca cola trade mark. In 1941, Pepsi won the law suit claimed by coca cola and counter suits between two companies. From 1938-1941, Pepsi not only faced the competitor ship of coca cola but also surpasses royal crown and Dr. Pepper and in 1940 it became the largest selling CSD brand. And in 1950, coke share of U.S market was 47% and Pepsi was 10%.
Around the world, many local brands compete with Coke. In Peru, Inca Kola outsells CocaCola, which led The Coca-Cola Company to purchase the brand in 1999. In Sweden, Julmust outsells Coca-Cola during the Christmas season. In Scotland, the locally produced Irn-Bru
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was more popular than Coca-Cola until 2005, when Coca-Cola and Diet Coke began to outpace its sales. In India, Coca-Cola ranked third behind the leader, Pepsi-Cola, and local drink Thums Up. The Coca-Cola Company purchased Thums Up in 1993. As of 2004, CocaCola held a 60.9% market-share in India. Tropicola, a domestic drink, is served in Cuba instead of Coca-Cola, due to a United States embargo. French brand Mecca Cola and British brand Qibla Cola are competitors to Coca-Cola in the Middle East. In Turkey, Cola Turka, in Iran and the Middle East, ZamZam Cola and Parsi Cola, in some parts of China, China Cola, in Slovenia, Cockta and the inexpensive Mercator Cola, sold only in the country's biggest supermarket chain, Mercator, are some of the brand's competitors. Classiko Cola, made by Tiko Group, the largest manufacturing company in Madagascar, is a serious competitor to Coca-Cola in many regions. Laranjada is the top-selling soft drink on Madeira. Many of the brands available from the three largest soda producers, The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo and the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, are intended as direct, equivalent competitors. The following chart lists these competitors by type or flavor of drink. Flavor/Type Cola Diet Cola PepsiCo Pepsi Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Max
Cherry-flavored Cola
Coca-Cola Orange
Crush, Sunkist
Lemon Lime
made on a domestic basis to fit in with the culture and needs of the domestic community. In 1919 Coca-Cola decided it was time to go global. The Coca-Cola Company decided to take its operations beyond national boundaries and marketing research was started in Central America, china and many other countries of the world. Because of successful and efficient marketing research Coca-cola was able to produce globally in different regions of the world. Coca-cola has got such an intensive distribution and bottlers system that its products are available everywhere in the world, starting from Middle East to Australia. You can find coca cola product on every retail outlet I. Product:
Coca-Cola has several differentiated products to help consumers with different tastes and features. There are many reasons why Coca-Cola decided to sell its product in international market. The prospect exists to sell Coca-Cola worldwide, because Coca-Cola is a product which can be used by everyone irrespective of age and gender, all over the world. Marketing globally demand the company to have a marketing team in line with a country's consumers so effective sales can be made and good relations with the abroad key employees can be maintained. Some of the popular products are: i. Coca-Cola: The original version of Coca-Cola which was invented in 1886 and is being continued until now. People who like the cola flavor are great fan of its taste and attributes. Coca-Cola is being packed into cans, family pack, bottles and different other sizes. ii. Coca-Cola Cherry: Cherry flavored cola which was available in Canada starting in 1996. Called "Cherry Coca-Cola (Cherry Coke)" in North America until 2006. People who like cherry or cherry flavor or the fragrance of cherry were targeted for this product. iii. Coca-Cola Lime: It was introduced in North America in the first quarter of 2005. The formula is the same as regular Coke but with added lime flavor. The decision to market the product was based on popular feedback from consumers in 2004 with the release of Diet Coke with Lime. iv. Coca-Cola Zero: Coca-Cola Zero or Coke Zero is a low-calorie (0.75 calories per liter) variation of Coca-Cola specifically marketed to males, who were
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shown to associate 'diet' drinks with women. Coke Zero is being distributed to more than 90 countries in the world. v. Diet Coke: Diet Coke (also known as 'Diet Coca-Cola', Coca-Cola light or Coke light) is a sugar-free soft drink produced and distributed by The CocaCola Company. It was first introduced in the United States on August 9, 1982 and distributed in 12 different flavors with 4 flavors being discontinued later. vi. Coca-Cola Vanilla: Vanilla Coke is a vanilla flavored version of Coca-Cola Classic. The marketing campaign for Vanilla Coke aimed to appeal across all generations. It is available in Austria, Australia, China, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Malaysia, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States. vii. Coca-Cola Blak: Coca-Cola BlK was a coffee-flavored soft drink introduced by Coca-Cola in 2006 and discontinued in 2008. The mid-calorie drink was introduced first in France, before making its way to the United States and other markets. It was available in the United States, France, Canada, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Lithuania. viii. Coca-Cola Orange: Coca-Cola Orange was a variation of Coca-Cola available for a limited time that was flavored with orange. It was introduced in June 2007 in the UK and Gibraltar only, following the success of the previous year's Coke with Lime, for which 40% of the launch sales represented new customers and increased purchasing. Coca-Cola Orange was designed to appeal to regular Coca-Cola drinkers as well as those who prefer the more citrus flavors of Coke with Lemon and Coke with Lime.
The Coca-Cola products pricing are set around the same level as its competitors. Most of the Coca-Cola products use this method of pricing. For example, for a pack of 250ml of CocaCola it is priced at Rs.12 instead of Rs.10.00.This pricing strategy makes consumers perceive the products to be affordable.
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Like any company who has successfully endured a century of existence, Coca Cola has had to remain tremendously fluent with their pricing strategy. They have had the privilege of a worthy competitor constantly driving them to be smarter, faster, and better. A quote from Pepsi Co's CEO: "The more successful they are, the sharper we have to be. If the Coca Cola Company didn't exist, we'd pray for someone to invent them." The relationship between Coca Cola & Pepsi is a healthy one that each corporation has learned to appreciate. Throughout the years Coca Cola has made many pricing decisions but one might say that their ultimate goal has always been to maximize shareholder value. In order to grab market share most of time Pepsi began to drop prices (even with summer approaching). Shortly thereafter, Coca Cola decided to drop their prices slightly, but focused on the reduced price point of their 200ml container. Coca Cola planned to use the lower price point to penetrate new cities that were especially price sensitive. The carbonated soft drink market in Pakistan is nearly 57% of the total beverage market there. Coca Colas first used low-price strategy in the early 1990s. After annihilating the low price store brands, Coke chose to reposition itself as a "Premium" brand and then raise prices. They are sticking with this strategy as it is working. They are positioning themselves as premium product for having fun in life. Position support Pricing: Coca Cola has been doing continuous focus on its price related positioned. With the help of experience of over the years coca cola has finally emerged with the best marketing strategy of its time and successfully maintained its position as an affordable enjoyment of life.
A way of getting the product to the consumer and/or how easily accessible it is to consumers. Coca-Cola products are available anywhere in the world. It is served more than 200 countries in the world and in a very convenient way. Coca-Cola basically sells the syrup chemical to the bottlers and then it is distributed across the whole world. Coca-Cola is available at
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convenient places like retail stores, shopping mall, vending machines, confectionery stores, convenient stores etc. The World of Coca-Cola is the latest premiere location where you can experience Coca-Cola Freestyle - the sleek and stylish fountain that offers 100+ beverage choices in one incredible machine. Coca-Cola Freestyle machine is the newest innovation that brings you the ultimate fountain experience from the company that has its roots in the fountain experience. CocaCola Freestyle touch screens make it simple to select from more than 60 diet and low-calorie beverage brands, and among Coca-Cola varieties that have never before been available in the U.S. other than on Coca-Cola Freestyle. Coca-Cola Freestyle machine is a new addition to our Taste It! beverage lounge and a great complement to the more than 60 beverage choices from around the world we currently offer. Availability of Coca-Cola Freestyle may vary depending on scheduled maintenance, updates or during specialty beverage activations.
By taking into consideration all the key elements involved in the Developing of an IMC campaign strategy such as, deciding on the mix and level of different IMC ingredients as advertising, sales promotion, publicity and direct marketing.
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In Promotional plan there are three campaigns which would be carried for the whole year by Coca-Cola. The Marketing strategy for Coca-Cola would depend on the nature of market and focus on the social responsibility or societal marketing. Secondly, it will focus on the fun and entertainment perspective in order to motivate youngsters to purchase Coca-Cola and generate more sales. Whole marketing communication will be developed to communicate the message to the target audience to raise funds to attract consumers attention and alter their decision on the basis of its taste and quality. Following are the details of the whole IMC including promotional mix for Coca-Cola. Elements of IMC mix This depends upon not only on the nature of the product and also on the objectives. In IMC mix there are three different types of media that will be used like TV advertising and Print advertisement, and banners advertisement. The various elements that are included in the IMC mix must work together to deliver a consistent and persuasive message to the target audience. Promotional Activities for Each Target Segments In IMC the target market of Coca-Cola is the whole nation especially teenagers, families and all those people who consume Coca-Cola. So by using different types of media we will give a message to our target customer that we are here to help the victims of earth quake.
Advertisement: In order to reach the maximum target customers, newspapers are best media suited for reaching to very large audiences. It is a cost effective way and it has more frequency of distribution. Another media being selected for giving ads of Coca-Cola is using television as a medium because young generation watches television very much. It also reaches mass media, and it does so during a short period of time, so every one can be reached in the very short time period by using the television media. It also covers a large number of people and delivers a good message to the customers more effectively. Some Newspaper and Television ads are given below: Similarly, another medium being selected for giving advertisement of Coca-Cola are billboards. The reason of giving ad on billboards is that they are considered to have
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high impact on the people passing through the highways and roads. Billboards create more exposure towards the ad leaving an impact on the people. They are hard to ignore and are use for the purpose of creating reminder in the minds of the people about Coca-Cola existence. Some of the Television, print media and billboard advertisements are given below:
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Sales promotion:
Coca-Cola Co. is running a mobile campaign via the Cha-cha mobile answer service to generate interest in its loyalty program and Coke Zero soft drink. The soft drinks giant is one of Cha-chas first advertisers. Cha-cha has been charged with enabling a conversational relationship between Coca-Cola and the millions of users of its answer service. Firehouse Subs is launching Coca-Cola Freestyle fountains in all of its 437 restaurants. With Coca-Cola Freestyle, visitors to Firehouse Subs will now have the ability to create their own customized drinks. Robin Sorensen, co-founder of Firehouse Subs, said, Coca-Cola Freestyle has led to a substantial increase in beverage sales. Were pumped to be the first national chain to bring the fountain of the future to all our customers. iii. Public relation
Coca Cola spent $4,890,000 on lobbying in 2010. $475,000 went to seven outside lobbying firms. Everyone remembers those cute cuddly polar bears from the Coca-Cola Commercials. In Coca-Cola's newest PR campaign they are ready to take action. Coca-Cola wants to reduce human impact on global climate change! They are also socially responsible to the matter.
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Coca-Cola posts, "Polar bears need your help too. We created this web site so you can learn about polar bears and what you can do to help the planet. Send a polar bear e-card to a friend, make a donation to WWF or "adopt" a polar bear. Whether you do one thing or do them all, you can make a difference." Coca-Cola has made several cans and bottles promoting to save polar bears.
Personal Selling:
Coca-Cola has vending machines in roadside and different stores to get coca-cola from the machines to make it more easy and convenient for the customers. In 2009, Coca-Cola carried out a mobile coupon campaign in the UK, powered by digital voucher company, i-movo. Using the Pay point network, hundreds of thousands of bottles of Coca-Cola were distributed free, using secure digital vouchers delivered to mobile phones. Selected Pay Point stores were given eye-catching point-of-sale material, including door posters, shelf blazers and fridge-top stands, which made clear the simple step required of customers to get their free drink. All they had to do was send a text message with the word YES, followed by their date of birth. Valid voucher requests received a text message reply within a few seconds that included a unique voucher code that was validated by the retailer using the Pay Point terminal. By the conclusion of the eight-week campaign, over 200,000 drinks had been given away to nearly 100,000 consumers across the UK, with the campaign delivering a redemption rate of 87%, according to i-movo, leading the company to describe it as: the most popular and effective mobile coupon campaign the UK has ever seen.
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The Coca-Cola system is not a single entity from a legal or managerial perspective, and the Company does not own or control all of its bottling partners. While many view the Company as simply "Coca-Cola," the system operates through multiple local channels. The Company manufactures and sells concentrates, beverage bases and syrups to bottling operations, owns the brands and is responsible for consumer brand marketing initiatives. The bottling partners manufacture, package, merchandise and distribute the final branded beverages to our customers and vending partners, who then sell our products to consumers. Regarding the manufacturing process, the company says: We take the environmental impact of our business very seriously. Within our manufacturing process, these areas includes water, packaging, energy use and emissions
People are the most important element of marketing activities. Services tend to be produced and consumed at the same moment, and aspects of the customer experience are altered to meet the 'individual needs' of the person consuming it. Most of us can think of a situation where the personal product/service offered by individuals has made or tainted a tour, vacation or restaurant meal. Remember, people buy from people that they like, so the attitude, skills
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and appearance of all staff need to be first class. Some ways in which people add value to an experience, as part of the marketing mix is, training, personal selling and customer service. VII. Packaging:
Most consumer products goods depend on some form of packaging of transportation, display and shopper convenience. In food and beverage products, packaging also provides important safety benefits such as spoilage reduction and temper resistance. The majority of Coca-Colas primary packaging is returnable bulk or made from commonly recycled materials. They are developing packaging designs that use less material without sacrificing quality, and investing in technologies in recovery systems that enables them to use more recycled materials. Besides the shape of the bottles, cans and other packs are determined by conducting mass amount of survey investing millions of dollars after every certain period of time.
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SWOT Analysis:
As a market leader in beverage industry and the most valued brand in the world, Coca-Cola has certain enormous strengths, weaknesses, huge opportunities and strong competitions. In this section, an in depth SWOT analysis is given to measure a bit of the giant companys total situation. Strengths: Coca-Cola has been a complex part of world culture for a very long time. The product's image is loaded with over-romanticizing, and this is an image many people have taken deeply to heart.
The Coca-Cola image is displayed on T-shirts, hats, and collectible memorabilia. This extremely recognizable branding is one of Coca-Cola's greatest strengths. "Enjoyed more than 685 million times a day around the world Coca-Cola stands as a simple, yet powerful symbol of quality and enjoyment" (Allen, 1995).
Additionally, Coca-Cola's bottling system is one of their greatest strengths. It allows them to conduct business on a global scale while at the same time maintain a local approach. The bottling companies are locally owned and operated by independent business people who are authorized to sell products of the Coca-Cola Company. Because Coke does not have outright ownership of its bottling network, its main source of revenue is the sale of concentrate to its bottlers.
The Coca Cola sells beverages in around 200 countries. And it has a huge variety in the product line.
Coca Cola was the first commercial sponsor of Olympic Games and it has been sponsoring the FIFA and cricket world cup events.
People like the taste and quality of Coca Cola around the world. Strong Financial reserves and returns Huge range of brands and variety of product line to a huge extent
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Weaknesses: Weaknesses for any business need to be both minimized and monitored in order to effectively. Achieve productivity and efficiency in their businesss activities, Coke is no exception. Although domestic business as well as many international markets are thriving (volumes in Latin America were up 12%), Coca-Cola has recently reported some "declines in unit case volumes in Indonesia and Thailand due to reduced consumer purchasing power." According to an article in Fortune magazine, "In Japan, unit case sales fell 3% in the second quarter [of 1998] scary because while Japan generates around 5% of worldwide volume, it contributes three times as much to profits. Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Japan account for about 35% of Coke's volume and none of these markets are performing to expectation. Coca-Cola on the other side has effects on the teeth which is an issue for health care. It also has got sugar by which continuous drinking of Coca-Cola may cause health problems. Being addicted to Coca-Cola also is a health problem, because drinking of Coca-Cola daily has an effect on your body after few years.
Customers are not being able to differentiate among few brands such as Coca Cola Zero and Diet.
It high relies on Coca Cola drink only. Most of the beverages supply is restricted to few countries. Lack of innovation.
Brand recognition is the significant factor affecting Coke's competitive position. Coca-Cola's brand name is known well throughout 94% of the world today. The primary concern over the past few years has been to get this name brand to be even better known.
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Packaging changes have also affected sales and industry positioning, but in general, the public has tended not to be affected by new products.
Coca-Cola's bottling system also allows the company to take advantage of infinite growth opportunities around the world. This strategy gives Coke the opportunity to service a large geographic, diverse area.
Making more innovations and overtaking competitors. Also there are huge opportunities in acquiring firms which they have been doing for a long time. In India, Coca-Cola acquired Thumbs-up cola and is doing a great job.
Launch healthy drinks Increase mineral water sales Increase Awareness programs Launch other coca cola variants in the untapped countries.
Threats: Currently, the threat of new viable competitors in the carbonated soft drink industry is not very substantial. The threat of substitutes, however, is a very real threat. The soft drink industry is very strong, but consumers are not necessarily married to it. Possible substitutes that continuously put pressure on both Pepsi and Coke include tea, coffee, juices, milk, and hot chocolate. Even though Coca-Cola and Pepsi control nearly 40% of the entire beverage market, the changing health-consciousness of the market could have a serious affect. Of course, both Coke and Pepsi have already diversified into these markets, allowing them to have further significant market shares and offset any losses incurred due to fluctuations in the market. Consumer buying power also represents a key threat in the industry. The rivalry between Pepsi. Coke has produce a very slow moving industry in which management must continuously respond to the changing attitudes and demands of their consumers or face losing market share to the competition.
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Consumers can easily switch to other beverages with little cost or consequence. New entrants are gaining market share. Competitions from local firms. It has some negative health effect. Ongoing recession Economy instability in third world countries and also in the European countries. Political instability in Middle East and third world country. Some of the events like Arab Spring and others.
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Logo: Logo means the visual trademark that identifies the brand. The coca-cola company has their own popular logo which helps to distinguish the coca-cola product from others. The company never made any major change to their logo, the perception that people have of their logo is one of consistency. But coca-cola has managed to update the logo so that it looks more modern and ready for the future.
Packaging: All products of the Coca-Cola are committed to strict environmental guidelines, and to ensuring their packaging has as little impact as possible on the environment. For this, a recycling project was introduced in New Zealand during 2001.which ensures their PET bottles contain an average of 10% recycled material.
Shapes: The distinctive shapes of the Coca-Cola bottle are trademarked elements of those brands.
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Graphics: The dynamic ribbon is also a trademarked part of Coca-Cola's brand. Slogan: Slogans are short phrases that communicate descriptive information about the brand. Coca-Cola practices different slogans to communicate with their customer since 1886. Here r some slogans in USA:
1886 - Drink Coca-Cola. 1942 - The only thing like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola itself. 1986 - Red White & You (for Coca-Cola Classic)
2003 - Real. 2005 - Make It Real. 2006 - The Coke Side of Life (used also in the UK) 2007 - Live on the Coke Side of Life (also used in the UK)
2009 - Open Happiness
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has introduced sub-brands and transferred and adjusted their current values and ways of promoting to the new brands. Protectability: Coca-Cola has protected their image, brand value and any chance of imitation or process that might confuse consumers with other brands. When Pepsico named the company as Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola filed a lawsuit against the company stating that the company name is too much similar to Coca-Cola brand name. PepsiCola lost the case and then changed into Pepsico. Also there are some other incidents where Coca-Cola has filed cases to protect their own identity.
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When a celebrity is paid to allow his or her name to advertise a product, fans of that celebrity display a heightened level of interest in the product being offered. Some of the image of the celebrity is 'transferred' to the product, offering a connection to the celebrity's fans. CocaCola's current celebrity endorser is former England football captain Davi. In India, Amir Khan, Imran khan are promoting Coca-Cola in different ads and programs. Famous footballer of the club Manchester United, Wayne Rooney has also been endorsed to promote Coca-Cola in different times d Beckham. 'Brand' Beckham and Beckham the man are two different entities the former exists in our heads, and the latter in real life. The image plus the product creates a powerful selling machine. Sad but true, Beckham doesn't drink Coca-Cola. Some of the Celebrity endorsement is given below:
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Axe deodorant (a.k.a. Lynx in many parts of the world) and Coke Zero have joined in a promotional partnership in 2008. It was an effective way of achieving product sampling with the added benefit of association with a cool brand. In 2011, Coca-cola has also co-branded with the Red Monkey. The challenge was to create a complex visual identity for Coca-Cola and Red Monkey Group - a leading gastronomy company in the CEE region. The website states: We have found a way of cleverly incorporating the identity of Coca-Cola and implementing into the existing identity of Red Monkey Group that has been updated during the process. The result is a smooth and clean design with easy adaptability.
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shows that it is not much appropriate for a good health or healthy diet, Perceptual mapping of Coca-Cola is given below:
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Why this definition, Coca-Cola has unquestionably chosen a differentiation strategy. This has always been Coca-Colas strategy since the early days of the companys life as evident by Woodruff refusing to match Pepsis 6 cent 12 ounce bottle. (Pendergrass, 2000) Coca-Cola hopes to isolate their competition away from the market by creating a strong, brand loyal customer base. They have dropped in market share lately and thus they need to create stronger advertisements that will once again provide a sturdy customer base. This strategy is a good choice for Coca-Cola; however it can be detrimental if they are not careful. A couple more years of slipping market share may take Coca-Cola into the Stuck-in-the-Middle category of which it can be very hard to climb out. There is a fine line between being confident in a company and being content. Coca-Cola better be careful that they do not mistake confidence with being content as their overwhelming success over the past century could and very well may lead to ignorance of their current situation. Therefore if Coca-Cola wishes to not only exist but also prosper in the future, a much stronger concentrated effort toward a differentiation strategy will prove to be highly beneficial.
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Limitations of the study: This report is not free from limitations. Moreover the topic is so much vast, so we the following.
some problems while preparing this report. The limitations acquainted with this report are as
Collecting previous information was little bit tough. Information might be 100% perfect. All the internet sources might not be reliable. Decisions only based on this report might not be appropriate always Technical Problems Time shortage
Conclusion This study lets the reader know about the huge entity of Coca-Cola, besides it creates brand awareness and might lead to likeliness of the products. Surely, Coca-Cola brand is giant in size. This term paper is aimed at revealing the brand performance of Coca-Cola and an indepth analysis of the marketing programs of the brand. Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves over 1.7 billion servings each day. The company operates a franchised distribution system dating from 1889 where The CocaCola Company only produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers throughout the world who hold an exclusive territory. Coca Cola has been successful by using Unique Selling preposition as Live the coke side of life. Cole basically associates this brand with emotions and joy. We name of Coke comes into mind the first thing comes into mind is fun and entertainment. POP of Coca-Cola simply refers to a soft drink with good taste which will serve thirst. POD or a differentiation strategy calls for the development of a product or service that offers unique attributes that are valued by customers and that customers perceive to be better than or different from the products of the competition. The value added by the uniqueness of the product may allow the firm to charge a premium price for it. The firm hopes that the higher price will more than cover the extra costs incurred in offering the unique product.
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1. Kevin Lane Keller, Strategic Brand Management, 3rd Edition, prentice Hall
,Inc. 2008
2. Wikipedia, Cola Wars, retrieve date:11/12/11,
3. Knowledge
4. The Coca-Cola Company official Website, Our Manufacturing Process,
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