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Organizational Psychology: Theme: Effective Management of People

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Organizational Psychology

Theme: Effective Management of People

Organizational Psychology
Major Objectives Understand, predict, and control (manage) behaviour in the workplace

Organizational Psychology
Micro-level Factors
Motivation Attitudes Stress


Meso-level Factors
Leadership Group Processes

Employee Behaviour

Macro-level Factors
Organizational Structure Organizational Culture

Employee Wellbeing


What is motivation? What should we look for in a theory of
motivation? What are the dominant theories?

Assumptions Propositions Empirical support Applications

Work motivation is a set of energetic forces that originate both within as well as beyond an individuals being, to initiate work-related behavior, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration.
Pinder (1998)

Criteria for Good Theory

Parsimony Precision Testability Utility Generativity

Motivation Theory
Questions to be Answered What energizes behaviour? What determines the direction of behaviour? What determines the duration of the behaviour? How can motivation be effectively managed?

Motivation Theory
Theoretical Perspectives Need-Motive-Value Theories Behavioural Theories Cognitive Choice Theories Self-regulation Theories
Note. Theories within these categories each take a different perspective on motivation. Each has its strengths and its weaknesses. Together they provide a more complete picture.

Need-Motive-Value Theories
Maslows Need Hierarchy Theory Alderfers ERG Theory Herzbergs Two-Factor (Hygiene-Motivator)
Theory McClellands Theory of Social Motives Hackman & Oldams Job Characteristics Theory

Need-Motive-Value Theories
Common Assumptions Motivation originates from within We seek out situations that can satisfy our needs To motivate others, we must provide opportunities to satisfy their needs

Need-Motive-Value Theories
Differences Number and nature of basic needs Origin of needs Sequencing and timing of activation Consequences of fulfillment Consequences of frustration

Overview of Need Theories

Alderfer's ERG Theory Maslow's Hierarchy Hertzberg's Two-Factor Theory Self-Actualization Growth Esteem Relatedness Motivators


Safety Existence Physiological Hygienes

McClellands Theory of Social Motives

Based on earlier work by Henry Murray Identifies three important social motive at work

Need for Achievement Need for Power (personal and socialized) Need for Affiliation

Origin acquired through learning (strengthened

through fulfillment)

Implications of Need Theories

Employees will be motivated to satisfy their needs Therefore If needs are assumed to differ:
Match employees to situations (e.g., select leaders with high nPower)

If needs are assumed to be common:

Design jobs to satisfy basic needs (e.g., job enrichment)

Job Characteristics Model

Experienced meaningfulness Experienced responsibility Knowledge of results


Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback


High internal motivation High quality performance High satisfaction Low absenteeism & turnover

Common Criticisms
Lack of clarity in defining the need construct
(reflected in disagreements among need theorists) Lack of empirical support (testability?) Descriptive rather than explanatory (Tautological)
Presumed cause NEED Inferred existence BEHAVIOUR

Does not explain the direction of behavior

Radical Behaviourism
Major Proponent: B.F. Skinner Principle of Reinforcement
Behaviour is a function of its consequences

Implications (operant conditioning)

To increase the frequency of a response, use:

Contingent positive reinforcement Contingent negative reinforcement

To decrease the frequency of a response, use:

Extinction punishment

Radical Behaviourism
Some Key Concepts Contingency

Consequences must be depend on the behaviour Cues that signal when the contingency is in effect Fixed or variable scheduling based on response frequency (ratio) or time (interval) Reinforcement of successive approximations to the desired behaviour

Discriminative Stimuli



Organizational Behaviour Modification *

Steps 1. Identify specific target behaviour(s) 2. Monitor target behaviour to establish a baseline 3. Identify controlling conditions 4. Change conditions and/or consequences 5. Monitor results * aka Behaviour Management

Common Criticisms
Accurate but incomplete

Does not explain what energizes behaviour Does not account for individual differences (e.g., responsiveness to reinforcers) Does not take the role of cognition into account Use of extrinsic rewards (e.g., pay can reduce intrinsic motivation)

Focuses on the use of extrinsic consequences Use of operant conditioning techniques to change
behaviour is unethical

Cognitive Choice Theories

Expectancy Theory (e.g., Vroom, 1964) Equity Theory (e.g., Adams, 1965)
Common Assumptions People make conscious choices about how to behave To understand motivated behaviour, we must understand how these choices are made

Expectancy Theory
Basic Assumptions 1. Cognition (thought) plays an important role in determining behaviour 2. People often make conscious decisions about how to behave 3. Choices are made to attain pleasure and avoid pain

Vrooms VIE Theory

Motivation is determined by three factors Expectancy

Perceived likelihood that one has the ability to do something Perceived likelihood that the behaviour will produce various outcomes The value placed on the outcomes



Vrooms VIE Theory

Basic Proposition Motivation is greatest when a person believes (s)he has the ability to do something that has a high probability of leading to a desirable outcome. F = E x ( I x V)

Expectancy Theory
Relation to Radical Behaviourism


Behaviour is a function of its consequences Perceived contingencies are more important than actual contingencies

Key Difference

Expectancy Theory
Empirical Support Mixed Stronger support in predicting within person choices
than between person differences

Limitations Assumes a greater degree of rationality than actually

occurs (e.g., maximizing vs. satisficing)

Implications To motivate others, we should manage perceptions of V, I

and E

Equity Theory
Source: Adams (1965) Basic Assumptions People are motivated to maintain equity in exchange relationships Equity is assessed by making social comparisons Equity Os/Is = Oc/Ic Underpayment Inequity Os/Is < Oc/Ic Overpayment Inequity Os/Is > Oc/Ic

Equity Theory
Reactions to Inequity 1) Tension (anger or guilt) strength varies a function of degree of inequity 2) Attempt to reduce inequity

Equity Theory
Strategies for Reducing Inequity Alter ones own O or I Alter the O or I of the comparison Leave the relationship Change comparison Distort perception of O or I

Behavioural Psychological

Research Strategy
EQUITY CONDITION Underpayment Overpayment Quantity Quality METHOD OF PAYMENT Piece-rate Quantity Quality Quantity Quality Quantity Quality

Hourly Wage

Equity Theory
Summary of Research Findings Findings in underpayment conditions are generally consistent with prediction Findings in overpayment conditions tend to be inconsistent

Equity Theory
Common Criticisms Research largely limited to short-term laboratory studies (although there are some exceptions) Ability to predict reactions to inequity is limited by ambiguities concerning:

Relevant inputs and outcomes Comparison other Behavioural choice processes

Overemphasis on equity norm (vs. equality, need)

Equity Theory
Recent Developments Individual differences in sensitivity to equity norms (Huseman et al., 1987)

Benevolents Sensitives Entitleds Distributive Procedural Interactional

Expansion of the concept of justice (three forms)

combine to produce fair process effect

Self-Regulation Theories
Social Cognitive Theories Control Theories Goal-Setting Theory

Social Cognitive Theories

Example: Bandura (1986) Behaviour



Social Cognitive Theories

Self-regulation Process
Self-efficacy Effort Outcome (performance goal)

Self-evaluation & self-reaction


Control Theories
Example: Carver & Scheier (1981, 1998)
Goal (Standard) Behaviour Performance Feedback Comparator Goal choice Note. Motivation results from a need to reduce discrepancies Negative feedback loop

Goal Setting Theory

Origins Scientific Management (Taylor) Management by Objectives (Drucker) Cognitive Psychology (e.g., role of intention)

Goal Setting Theory

Early Laboratory Studies Original series of studies conducted by Ed Locke and associates Basic Findings

People assigned difficult and specific goals outperform those assigned easy, no, or ambiguous goals

Goal Setting Theory

Field Studies Generally replicated findings in the laboratory Example Latham & Baldes (1975)
Tested effects of assigned goals with unionized truck drivers in
the logging industry Union conditions: no punishment or monetary incentives Goal: load trucks at 90% of legal limit Performance monitored and posted

90 80 70 60
Do best

Practical significance: $100.000 in annual savings in equipment costs

50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Specific Hard Goal

10 11 12

Block of Four Weeks

Goal Setting Theory

Boundary Conditions 1. Acceptance of (or commitment to) the goal (i.e., internalization) Can be increased by: Setting difficult but realistic goals Allowing participation in goal setting 2. Feedback 3. Incentives (i.e., extrinsic or intrinsic rewards)

Goal Setting Theory

Mechanisms (how goal setting works) 1. Directs action 2. Leads to strategy development 3. Increases motivation (energizes action) 4. Increases persistence

Goal Setting Theory

Guidelines for Application Set SMART goals Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound

Goal Setting Theory

Common Criticisms Goal-setting is more of a technique than a theory of motivation Goal-setting can lead to:

undesirable competition overemphasis on some aspects of performance and neglect of others (e.g., quantity over quality)

Motivation Theories: Summary

Need-Motive-Value Theories

Identify needs that energize behaviour (common human qualities and individual differences) Focuses on environmental effects on behaviour helps to explain direction

Behaviour Theory

Cognitive Choice Theories / Self-regulation Theories

Emphasize the role of thought and volition, and the interaction of person and environment

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