Cultural Differences: San Pedro Technological Institute Respect
Cultural Differences: San Pedro Technological Institute Respect
Cultural Differences: San Pedro Technological Institute Respect
Upon completion of this lesson, students will understand the importance of dealing with legal and ethical issues appropriately. In addition, the objectives listed below should be met. OBJECTIVES: Deal appropriately with cultural/racial diversity Does not engage in harassment of any kind What is diversity? Its the differences that make each person unique, i.e. biology, ethnicity and culture, family life, beliefs, geography, and experiences. Sometimes we have difficulty accepting others because they are different from us. We make a judgment before we get to know them as an individual; we pre-judge them. When we pre-judge someone, we are prejudiced toward him or her. Assuming that everyone in a certain group is the same way is stereotyping the individuals in that group. Such behavior may cause us to limit a persons opportunities or can make the person feel rejected or resentful both can cause a lawsuit against you, or your employer if you display such behavior at work. It is hard not to form prejudices and stereotypes. However, we can keep our prejudices from affecting how we interact with our classmates or co-workers and save ourselves an embarrassing day in court if we are aware of the legal and ethical issues surrounding our behavior and actions. Cultural Differences People react to situations differently, depending on their individual personalities and their cultures. Facial expressions vary in different cultures. For example, Japanese people often do not let their emotions show in their facial expressions. According to their culture, it is not proper to impose one's grief or sorrow on another person. They are also less likely to share other emotions. Sometimes when Westerners are working with a Japanese person, they feel frustrated because Westerners like to let emotions show in facial expressions and Japanese people don't. Facial expressions are an important part of communication for people in the United States. Legal/Ethical Issues Much has been written and reported about legal and ethical issues in the workplace over the past several years. Sexual harassment lawsuits have plagued the news ranging from military scandals, big company settlements, political resignations, and teacher/student accusations. Many have resulted in ruined careers, large cash settlements, devastated families, and dramatic changes in laws. Likewise, the unfair treatment of a person or group of people because of who they are or what they are has resulted in the same action. What was acceptable twenty years ago may not be acceptable today. Our workforce has changed also. There has been an increase in the number of women and minorities working. More employees have technical training or a college education. A wider range of age groups is in the workforce, too. Because of this, we now have a distinct cultural/racial diversity among our working Americans. So that we all may live and work together in harmony, we must increase our awareness and respect for the differences we each possess (or our cultural diversity). Educators and employers alike have shifted to a standard of NON-offensive behavior in every situation every time! No one is immune from being measured by this standard no one.
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Ethical Conduct INSTRUCTIONS: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow. Sue works in a doctor's office which is next door to a small trucking firm. In order to get to the office, Sue has to walk to an area where the truck drivers gather. During the first work week, Sue wears a short skirt and a tube top. As she passes the trucker's area, she receives several whistles, shouts, and hand gestures. Not knowing what to do, she just smiles. For several days each time Sue passes the driver's area, she receives whistles and shouts. The following day Sue quits, explaining to her boss that she was "fed up" with the loud whistles and jokes.
Do you think Sue should have gone to her boss with her problem? Why or why not?
Saechong sat down in the lunchroom and pulled out her ham and cheese sandwich. "Hey," Roberto said, "that looks pretty American. I thought you people ate dog meat." Saechong didn't say anything, even though Roberto embarrassed her in front of others at least once a week. Saechong could have said . . .
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