PSQI Scoring
PSQI Scoring
PSQI Scoring
Form Administration Instructions The range of values for questions 5 through 10 are all 0 to 3. Questions 1 through 9 are not allowed to be missing except as noted below. If these questions are missing then any scores calculated using missing questions are also missing. Thus it is important to make sure that all questions 1 through 9 have been answered. In the event that a range is given for an answer (for example, 30 to 60 is written as the answer to Q2, minutes to fall asleep), split the difference and enter 45. Reference Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ: The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: A new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Research 28:193-213, 1989. Scores reportable in publications On May 20, 2005, on the instruction of Dr. Daniel J. Buysse, the scoring of the PSQI was changed to set the score for Q5J to 0 if either the comment or the value was missing. This may reduce the DISTB score by 1 point and the PSQI Total Score by 1 point. PSQIDURAT DURATION OF SLEEP IF Q4 > 7, THEN set value to 0 IF Q4 < 7 and > 6, THEN set value to 1 IF Q4 < 6 and > 5, THEN set value to 2 IF Q4 < 5, THEN set value to 3 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) SLEEP DISTURBANCE IF Q5b + Q5c + Q5d + Q5e + Q5f + Q5g + Q5h + Q5i + Q5j (IF Q5JCOM is null or Q5j is null, set the value of Q5j to 0) = 0, THEN set value to 0 IF Q5b + Q5c + Q5d + Q5e + Q5f + Q5g + Q5h + Q5i + Q5j (IF Q5JCOM is null or Q5j is null, set the value of Q5j to 0) > 1 and < 9, THEN set value to 1 IF Q5b + Q5c + Q5d + Q5e + Q5f + Q5g + Q5h + Q5i + Q5j (IF Q5JCOM is null or Q5j is null, set the value of Q5j to 0) > 9 and < 18, THEN set value to 2 IF Q5b + Q5c + Q5d + Q5e + Q5f + Q5g + Q5h + Q5i + Q5j (IF Q5JCOM is null or Q5j is null, set the value of Q5j to 0) > 18, THEN set value to 3 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) PSQILATEN SLEEP LATENCY First, recode Q2 into Q2new thusly: IF Q2 > 0 and < 15, THEN set value of Q2new to 0 IF Q2 > 15 and < 30, THEN set value of Q2new to 1 IF Q2 > 30 and < 60, THEN set value of Q2new to 2 IF Q2 > 60, THEN set value of Q2new to 3
Next IF Q5a + Q2new = 0, THEN set value to 0 IF Q5a + Q2new > 1 and < 2, THEN set value to 1 IF Q5a + Q2new > 3 and < 4, THEN set value to 2 IF Q5a + Q2new > 5 and < 6, THEN set value to 3 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) PSQIDAYDYS DAY DYSFUNCTION DUE TO SLEEPINESS IF Q8 + Q9 = 0, THEN set value to 0 IF Q8 + Q9 > 1 and < 2, THEN set value to 1 IF Q8 + Q9 > 3 and < 4, THEN set value to 2 IF Q8 + Q9 > 5 and < 6, THEN set value to 3 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) SLEEP EFFICIENCY Diffsec = Difference in seconds between day and time of day Q1 and day Q3 Diffhour = Absolute value of diffsec / 3600 newtib =IF diffhour > 24, then newtib = diffhour 24 IF diffhour < 24, THEN newtib = diffhour (NOTE, THE ABOVE JUST CALCULATES THE HOURS BETWEEN GNT (Q1) AND GMT (Q3)) tmphse = (Q4 / newtib) * 100 IF tmphse > 85, THEN set value to 0 IF tmphse < 85 and > 75, THEN set value to 1 IF tmphse < 75 and > 65, THEN set value to 2 IF tmphse < 65, THEN set value to 3 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) PSQISLPQUAL OVERALL SLEEP QUALITY Q6 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) NEED MEDS TO SLEEP Q7 Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 3 (worse) TOTAL DURAT + DISTB + LATEN + DAYDYS + HSE + SLPQUAL + MEDS Minimum Score = 0 (better); Maximum Score = 21 (worse) Interpretation: TOTAL < 5 associated with good sleep quality TOTAL > 5 associated with poor sleep quality