BA Sociology
BA Sociology
BA Sociology
B.A. I Sociology Paper Ist: Introduction to Sociology. Objectives: This introductory paper is intended to acquaint the students with sociology as a social science and the distinctiveness of its approach among the social science. It is to be organized in such a way that even students without any previous exposure to sociology could acquire an interest in the subject and follow it. Course Outline: Unit 1: The nature of Sociology. The meaning of Sociology: Origin, Definition, Scope, Subject matter, Nature and relation of sociology with other social Sciences. Humanistic orientation to Sociological study. Unit 2: Basic concepts Society, community, Institution, Association, Group, Social structure, status and role, Human and Animal Society. Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Institutions. Family and kinship, religion, education, State. The individual and Society. Culture, Socialization, Relation between individual and society. The use of Sociology. Introduction to applied sociology-Sociology and social problems, Ecology and Environment: Pollution, Global warming and Green house effect. Impact of Industrialization and Urbanization on Environment.
Essential readings: Bottommore. T.B. 1972, Sociology: A guide to problems and literature. Bombay :George Allen and Unwin (India) : Harlambos, M.1998. Sociology: Themes and perspectives. New Delhi Oxford University Press. : Inkeles, Alex, 1987. What is Skociology? New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. : Jaiaram, No. 1988 . What is Sociology .Madras:Macmillan, India : Johnson, Harry M. 1995. Sociology: A Systematic Introduction. New Delhi , Allied Publishers. 1
: Schaefer, Richard T. and Robert P. Lamm. 1999 Sociology. New Delhi Tata-Mac Graw Hill. Pedagogy: : While introducing sociology as a social sciece emphasisshould be laid on the distinctiveness of its perspective rather than on its substantive theme of study. : For effective teaching and meaningful learning, illustrations may be drawn from relevant empirical studies. : Throughout the course, conscious effort should be made to drive home the relevance and significance of sociology for understanding society and in attempting to solve its problems. Paper II nd. Society in India: Structure and Change. Objectives : It is presumed that student has some familiarity with Indian sociery by virtue Of the fact that he is a member of it and that he has observed and Experienced some facts of it. However this familiarity is likely to be Superficial selective and rather fragmentary. The course is aimed at recti-fying these limitations by presenting a comprehensive, integrated and empirically based profile of Indian society. The continuity between the present and the past is an evident feature Of Indian society. Though this continuity is reflected ink the structure of the course. The focus is on the contemporary Indian society. It is hoped that the sociological perspective on Indian society presented in this course will also enable students to gain a better understanding of their own situation and region. Course outline: Unit 1- The structure and composition of Indian Society: Villages, Towns, Cities, rural Urban linkages, tribes, weaker section, dalits and O.B.C.s, women and minorities population profile and related issues. Unit 2Unit 3Cultural and ethnic diversity, diversities in respect of language, caste, regional and religious beliefs and practices and cultural pattern . Basic Institutions of Indian society: Caste, marriage, religion, class, joint family and democracy. Culture: Material and Non material culture, cultural lag. Changes and transformation in Indian society ,factors affecting National integration: Regionalism Communalism and Naxalism.
Unit 4-
Essential readings: :: Bose, N.K. 1967, Culture and Society in India. Bombay : Asia Publishing House. :: Bose, N.K. 1975, Structure of Hindu Society. New Delhi. :: Dube, S.C. 1990, Society in India.(New Delhi: National Book Trust.) :: Dube, S.C. 1995, Indian Village (London : Routledge) :: Dube, S.C. 1958: Indias changing Villages (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul). :: Karve, Irawati, 1961 : Hindu Society : An Interpretation(Poona : DeccanCollege) :: Lannoy, Richard, 1971: The Speaking Tree : A study of Indian Society and Culture (Delhi: Oxford University Press). :: Mandelbaum, D.G. 1970 : Society in India (Bombay: Popular Prakashan) :: Srinivas, M.N. 1980 : India: Social Structure ( New Delhi: Hindustan -Publishing Corporation) :: Srinivas, M.N. 1963: Social Change in Modern India (California, Berkeley: University of California Press). :: Singh, Yogendra,1973 : Modernization of Indian Tradition ( Delhi: Thomson Press). :: Uberoi, Patricia, 1993: Family, Kinship and Marriage in India (New Delhi: Oxford University Press ). Pedagogy: :: The use of audio-visual media should be necessary and important componant of instruction. :: The participation and involvement of students should be ensured through formal and informal discussions in the class room and field visits. They should be encouraged to write short essays on the local situation and local issues under the guidance of the teacher. :: Wherever possible, illustrations should be drawn from the local situation .
B.A.II Sociology Paper Ist. : Indian Society: Issues and Problems Objectives: Society in India today is undergoing rapid and massive changes. Many of the Changes are such that they tend to call into question the age-old social norms and practices, thus giving rise to some critical social issues and problems. This course is designed to indentify and analyze come of such emerging Social issues and problems form sociological perspective. In the interest of systematic ordering, the issues and problems have been classified into four sets: structural, familial development and organizational. The course seeks to go beyond the commonsense understanding of the prevailing social issues and problems in order to project them into their 3
structural context. Accordingly, it focuses on their structural linkages and interrelationships. Hence the objectives of the course are to sensitize the students to the emerging social issues and problems of contemporary India, enable them to acquire sociological understanding of these issues and problems over and above their commonsense understanding, empower them to deal with these issues and problems and to serve as change agents both in governmental and non-governmental and organizations. Course outlines Unit 1: STRUCTURAL: Poverty, inequality of caste and gender, Problemes of Religious, ethnic and regional, minorities,backward classes and dalits. Human Rights violation Unit 2: FAMILIAL: Dowry, domestic violence, divorce, intra and interGenerational conflict, problemes of elderly. Unit 3: DEVELOPMENTAL: Development induced displacement, ecological degradation, consumerism, crisis of Values. Unit 4: DISORGANIZATIONAL: Crime and Delinquency, White Collar crime and criminals, drug addiction, suicide, terrorism, cyber crime. Corruption in public sphere. Essential readings: :: Beteille,Andre, 1974, Social Inequality, New Delhi, OUP :: Beteille, Andre, 1992, Backward classes in Contemporary India,New Delhi OUP. :: Berreman,G.D. 1979, Caste and other inequalities: Essays in inequality, : Meerut:Folkore Institute. :: Dube, Leela. 1997. Woman and Kinship . Comperative perspective on Gender in South and Southeast Asia. New Delhi: Sage Publications. :: Gadgil, Madhav and Guha, Ramchandra. 1996. Ecology and Equity:The Use and abuse of nature in Contemporary India. New Delhi. OUP :: Gill, S.S. 1998. The Pathology of Corruption . New Delhi.: :: Guha, Ranjit, 1991. Subaltern Studies, New York: OUP :: Inden, Ronald.1990 . Imaging India, Oxford: Brasil Blackward. :: Lewis Oscar, 1966. Culture of Poverty Scientific American, Vol. II and V No. 4pp. 1925. :: Madan, T.N. 1991, Religion in India, New Delhi. OUP :: Ministry of Home Affairs. 1998. Crime in India. New Delhi. Govt.of India. :: :: Satya Murty. T.V. 1996 Region , Religion, Caste, Gender and Culture in Contemporary India. New Delhi. OUP. Sharma, S.L. 1997. Towards Sustainable Development in India In S.R. Mehta (Ed) , Population, Poverty, and Sustainable development, Jaipur. Rawat Publications. Sharma, Ursula. 1983. Woman, Work and Property in North West India. London : Tavistock. 4
References: :: :: :: :: :: Allen, Douglas (Ed).1991 . Religion and Political Conflict in South Asia, West Port Conn. : Connecticut University Press. Bardhman .P.1984, Land.: Labour and Rural Poverty. New Delhi. OUP. Brekenbridge, C.1996, Consuming Modernity: Public Culture in Contemporary India, New Delhi. OUP. Singh, Anoop Kumar 2011. Ramification of Human Rights in India, New Delhi, Serials Publication. Guha,Ramchandra .1994. Sociology and the Dilemma of Development, New Delhi: OUP Juergensmeier, Mark 1993, Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State. New Delhi: OUP Sharma, .L. 2000 Empowerment Without Antagonism: A case for Reformulation of Womans Empowerment Approach .Sociological Bulletin. Vol.49. No.1. Waxman. 1983. The Stigma of Poverty: A Critique of poverty Theories and policies.
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B.A.II SOCIOLOGY Paper II: Social Change and Social Control Objectives: Social change and Social Control have always been a central concern of Sociological study. So far as Social Change is concern, it has gained in saliance Partly because of its unprecedented rapidity and partly because of its planned character. The course is designed to achieve all aspect of social change as well as of Social Control . Unit 1: Social Change: Meaning. Nature and factors of Social Change : Biological Factors. Demographic Factors, Technological Factors , Economic Factors Cultural Factors , Info-tech factors . Theories of Social Change : Demographic and Biological Theories: Evolutionary, Diffusionist and Marxist theory, Technological Deterministic Theory, Linear and Cyclical theories of Social change.
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
OTHER CONCEPTS RELATING TO SOCIAL CHANGE: Social process: Industrialization, Urbanization, Mordernization and Sanskritization Social Evolution, Social Change in India Unit 4: Social Control: Definition, Need and Importance of Social Control, Types Of Social Control, Theories of Social control Agencies of Social Control: Family, Propaganda, Public Opinion, Education 5
and State, Religion. Essential Reading : Bottommore. T.B. 1972, SOCIOLOGY: A guide to problems and literature. Bombay : George Allen and Union (India). Gillin and Gillin, Cultural Sociology : The Mac millan and co.New York. 1950. Kingsley Davis- Human Society, The Mac millan and co.New York. 1959. W.E. Moore, Social Change, Prentice-Hall of India. New Delhi 1965. Herbert Spencer; First principles, New York 1906. W.F. Ogburn and M.F. Nimkoff: A handbook of Socioloty, Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. London 1960. Maclver and Page, Society, London 1953.
B.A. III SOCIOLOGY. Paper I Foundations of Sociological Thought Objectives: Sociology originated as an intellectual response to the crisis confronting the mid nineteenth century European society. Its development over two century since then has been influenced by a variety of socio-economic and political conditions where it has been taught and practiced. It is know established as a multi-paradigmatic academic discipline, with its body of theoretical knowledge enriched and its methodological techniques and procedures systemized, Nevertheless, some of its original concerns have persisted and some of its classical theoretical and methodological landmarks are relevant even now. This paper is intended to familiarize the students with the social, political, economic and intellectual contexts in which sociology emerged as a distinctive discipline. Its objective is to help students gain an understanding of some of the classical contributions in sociology, and their continuing relevance to its contemporary concerns. Course Outlines : Unit I: The Emergence of sociology: Transition from social philosophy to sociologyThe intellectual context. Enlightenment- The social, economic and political forces : The French and Industrial Revolutions. Unit II: The pioneers. Comte: positivism- Spencer: Social Darwinism superorganic evolution. the classical tradition: Durkheim: social solidarity, and suicide- Weber: authority, and the concept of ideal type- Marx:materialist conception of History, Dialectical Materialism, and class struggle Pareto: circulation of elites. Unit III: Development of Sociological Thought in India. Essential readings: 6
Aron, Ramond. 1967(1982 reprint). Main currents in sociological thoughts (2 columes). Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books. Barnes, H.E. 1959. Introduction to the history to the sociology . Chicago The University of Chicago press. Coser, Lewis A. 1979. Masters of Sociological Thought. New York : Harcourt Brance Jovanovich Fletcher, Ronald. 1994.The Making of Sociology (2 volumes) Jaipur-Rawat. Morrison, Ken.1995 Marx, Durkheim, Weber: Formation of Modern Social Thought. London; sage. Ritzer, George. 1996. Sociological Theory . New Delhi. Tata-McGraw Hill. Singh, Yogendra. 1986 Indian Sociology: social conditioning and emerging Trends. New Delhi: Vistaar. Zeitlin, Irving.1998 (Indian Edition). Rethiking sociology: A critique of Contemporary Theory. Jiapur: Rawat. Pedagogy: I The focus of this paper is on the substantive, theoretical and methodological issues which shaped the thinking of pioneering and classical sociologists And which continue to concern the practitioners of sociology today. Unless Otherwise necessary to understand their contributions, the biographical Details of the sociologist should be kept to the minimum. Evaluation of the relevance and significance of the contributions of the pioneers and classical theorist should be briefed by the historical context of the discipline and its theorists. Paper IInd: Social Research Methods Objectives: This course aims to provide an understanding of the nature of social Phenomena, the issues involved in social research and the ways and means Of understanding and studying social reality. Thus the emphasis is there on the study of research method as a means of understanding social reality. There are different perspectives and methods (both quantitative and qualitative research) are to be covered. Course outline:
Unit I:
Meaning, scope and significance of social research. Conceptualization and and formulation of hypothesis. scientific Study of social Phenomena. The scientific method, logic in social Science. Objectively and subjectivity in social science. Positivism and Phenomenology.
Unit II:
Unit III: Methods of Research : Quantitative- Social Survey and qualitative methods, -observation, case study, content analysis. Unit IV: Types of Research- basic and applied, historical and empirical, Descriptive, exploratory, explanatory experimental. Techniques of Data Collection:- Sampling techniques, Questionnaire, schedule and interview guide, primary and secondary data. Classification and presentation of data coding, tables, graphs, Measures of central tendency: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Dispersion.
Unit V:
Unit VI:
Essential Readings: Bajaj and Gupta. 1972, Elements of Statistics. New Delhi: R.Chand and Co. Beteille, A. and T.N. Madan.1975, Encounter and experience: Personal Accounts of Fieldwork. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. Bryman, Alan. 1988 Quality and Quantity in Social Research ,London: Unwin Hyman. Garrett, Henry. 1981 Statistics in Psychology and Education. David Mckay. Indian Publication-Mrs. A.F.Sheikh For Vakils, Bombay, Tenth Reprint. Jayram, N.1989. Sociology: Methods and Theory. Madras: MacMillan. Kothari, C.R.1989. Research Methodology : Methods and Techniques, Bangalore, Wiley Eastern. Punch, Keith. 1996. Introduction to Social Research, London: Sage. Shipmen, Martin. 1988. The Limitations of Social Research.London Sage. Srinivas, M.N. and A.M.Shah 1979: Fieldworker : The Field, Delhi Oxford. Young, P.V. 1988 Scientific Social Survey and Research. New Delhi: Prentice Hall. 8
Pedagogy: The uses of techniques and methods have to be understood alongwith the Perspective that governs research. An effort should be made to distinguish Between techniques and methods. Moreover, the teachers may convey the Message to the students that the social context of research and its methods Is fundamental to their understanding and application. The purpose of the course is to train students as good research and investigators. For this reason, understanding of social reality, especially the local context, is imperative. Therefore, examples and illustrations may be drawn from local / regional contexts for effective teaching and meaningful learning. The main efforts may be devoted to making students do exercises in the class and, if possible, in the field. This will also make the course interesting and give students the necessary practice to apply the techniques and methods in the field situations as well as for data analysis. Students may also be familiarized with published source material especially the census reports. Use of OHP for the reading and interpretation of tables, graphs etc. will be helpful.
B.A. III SOCIOLOGY Paper III PIONEERS OF INDIAN SOCIOLOGY OBJECTIVES: The impact of various social thoughts and philosophies is very important in The formation of Indian Society. To have a proper understanding of Indian Social system, one must be acquainted to those thoughts. India has a rich philosophical tradition. Their contributions to sociology is very remarkable In this paper the students are introduced to some of the Pioneers of Indian Sociology. Unit I: Radha Kamel Mukerjee: Social structure of values. Social Ecology. D.P.Mukerjee: Cultural diversities, Modernization. Andre Betille: Social Stralification, Peasant Society and Folk Culture. G.S.Ghurye: Caste, Rural Urban Community. Iravati Karve : Kinship in India. M.N.Srinivas: Sankritization, Secularization, and Dominant Caste. S.C.Dubey: Indian Village, Tradition, Modernization and Development.
Unit II:
Unit III:
Unit IV:
M.S.A. Rao, TK Ooman: Social Movements in India. Yogendra Singh: Modernization of Indian Tradition, Social change in India: Culture and resilence.
Essential readings: Dubey, S.C.: Society in India, New Delhi.National Book Trust. Dubey, S.C. : Indian Village, London Routledge (1995) Dubey, S.C.: Indias Changing Village, London Routledge(1958)
M.N.Srinivas: India: Social Structure New Delhi, Hindustan Publishing Corporation. 1980 M.N.Srinivas: Social Change in Modern India, California, Berkeley University of California University Press 1963. Singh,Yogendra: Modernization of Indian Tradition Delhi: Thomson Press 1973. Karve Irawati : Hindu Society: An interpretation. Poone. Deccan College 1961. G.S.Ghurye : Caste , Class and occupation, Popular Prakashan Bombay1950 G.S.Ghurye: Culture and Society. Popular Prakashan Bombay-1945 D.N.Majumdar: Races and Culture of India, Asia Publishing House, Bombay 1958. D.P.Mukerjee: Diversities. Peoples Publishing House, Delhi-1958 Ooman,T.K. and R.N.Mukerjee: Indian Sociology : Reflections and Intro-spections, Popular Prakashan, Bombay 1986 Andre Beteille: Essays in Comparative Sociology: Oxford University Press New Delhi. Andre Beteille: Society and Politics in India. Essays in Comparative Perspective: Oxford University Press: New Delhi. Pedagogy: The impact of thoughts on Indian social system must be kept in view. Particularly on contemporary system. Emphasis on present relevance is must.