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Addressing Ravens

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Addressing the Ravens Progressive Matrices Test of General Intelligence

Maithilee Kunda, Keith McGreggor, & Ashok Goel

Design & Intelligence Laboratory, School of Interactive Computing Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA mkunda@gatech.edu, keith.mcgreggor@gatech.edu, goel@cc.gatech.edu

The Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) test is a commonly used test of general human intelligence. The RPM is somewhat unique as a general intelligence test in that it focuses on visual problem solving, and in particular, on visual similarity and analogy. We are developing a small set of methods for problem solving in the RPM which use propositional, imagistic, and multimodal representations, respectively, to investigate how different representations can contribute to visual problem solving and how the effects of their use might emerge in behavior.

The Ravens Progressive Matrices (RPM) test1 is a standardized intelligence test that consists of visually presented, geometric-analogy-like problems in which a matrix of geometric figures is presented with one entry missing, and the correct missing entry must be selected from a set of answer choices. Figure 1 shows an example of a problem that is similar to one of the problems in the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM). Although the test is supposed to measure only eductive ability, or the ability to extract and understand information from a complex situation (Raven, Raven, & Court 1998), the RPMs high level of correlation with other multidomain intelligence tests have given it a position of centrality in the space of psychometric measures (Snow, Kyllonen, & Marshalek 1984), and it is therefore often used as a test of general intelligence. Using the RPM as a
Copyright 2009, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.
1 A note on the Ravens family of tests: We use RPM to denote the Ravens Progressive Matrices paradigm without referring to any particular version of the test. Specific versions that we discuss include the original Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), which was developed as a more difficult test to reduce the ceiling effects sometimes found with the SPM (Raven, Raven, & Court 1998). Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM) is a simpler version of the test often used with children or other less mentally able individuals; we do not address the CPM in this work.

measure of general intelligence, though it consists only of problems in a single, nonverbal format, stands in contrast to using broader tests like the Wechsler scales, which are comprised of subtests across several different verbal and nonverbal domains. Despite its widespread use, neither the computational nor the cognitive characteristics of the process of solving the RPM are well understood. Hunt (1974) gives a theoretical account of the information processing demands of certain problems from the Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), in which he proposes two qualitatively different solution algorithmsGestalt, which uses visual representations and perceptually based operations, and Analytic, which uses feature-based representations and logical operationsthat could yield identical results on at least portions of the test. Our work expands on Hunts idea by asking whether qualitatively different systems of representation can lead to identical performance on the RPM. Our question is theoretically interesting for the study of cognition and AI because the fact that the RPM correlates so well with broader tests of intelligence suggests that the specific information processing capacities tapped by the RPM may

Figure 1. Example problem similar to one in the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) test.

be central to domain-general processes of reasoning used across a variety of cognitive tasks. If different schemes of representation can provide equivalent performance, then this raises the issues of 1) whether these broader reasoning processes can (or must) also be instantiated with different types of representations, 2) to what extent a single individual may (or must) draw on these different representations for reasoning tasks, and 3) to what degree individual differences may (or must) result from variations in the underlying representations being used. Our central question is also of immense practical import because the RPM family of tests is used extensively in clinical, educational, vocational, and scientific settings as an accurate assessment of intelligence. Therefore, interpretations of RPM scores should be made only with a thorough understanding of what cognitive implications these scores do and do not provide.

are much higher than their Wechsler scores (Mottron 2004; Dawson et al. 2007). Individuals with Aspergers syndrome show a similar pattern (Hayashi et al. 2008). One possible explanation for these results is that individuals with autism might be predisposed towards reasoning visually (Kunda & Goel 2008a, 2008b). In this case, they might find the RPM amenable to a visual reasoning solution but the verbal Wechsler subtests very difficult. Recent neuroimaging evidence is consistent with this possibility (Soulires et al. 2009).

Building Computational Accounts of the RPM

Existing computational accounts of problem solving on the RPM, with the exception of Hunts early work in 1974, use propositional representations and assume that individual differences result from quantitative differences in the problem solving architecture, e.g. number of goals that can be managed, types of shapes that can be discriminated, etc. (e.g. Carpenter, Just, & Shell 1990; Lovett, Forbus, & Usher 2007). In contrast, we are developing three methods for solving RPM problems, each of which uses a fundamentally different representational substrate. The first is a purely imagistic method that relies on fractal encodings of an RPM matrix. The fractal representations use only grayscale pixel values from an image of an RPM problem and are mathematical abstractions quite rigorously grounded in the theory of fractal image compression (Barnsley & Hurd 1992). The second method uses a multimodal representation in which elements from an RPM problem are represented using a visuospatial-symbolic scheme, in which the elements can be manipulated symbolically but only with operations based in visual perception, e.g. translation, rotation, scaling, etc. This representation follows the work of Kosslyn, Thompson, and Ganis (2006) on depictive mental representations and is similar to representations used in our earlier work on visual analogy (Davies & Goel 2001; Davies, Goel, & Yaner 2008). The third method uses propositional representations similar to those in Carpenter, Just, and Shell (1990). We view this chiefly as a control representation with which to compare our first and second methods. We now present our first and second methods in greater detail.

Evidence for Different RPM Strategies

While within- and between-individual differences on the RPM are generally treated as being those of degree and not of type, there is evidence that the use of qualitatively different solution strategies may be responsible for some of these differences. Within-individual differences have been linked to the presence of different problem types on the RPM, i.e. factor analyses and other behavioral markers have suggested that different problems may admit distinct solution strategies (DeShon, Chan, & Weissbein 1995; Dillon, Pohlmann, & Lohman 1981). Recent studies have highlighted the possibility of there being qualitative differences in RPM solution strategies between individuals with autism and neurotypical individuals. Autism is a developmental disorder marked by significant language delay and atypical behaviors in social interaction, communication, and stereotyped or repetitive patterns of behavior and interest (DSM-IV-TR 2000). While individuals with autism show impaired performance on many cognitive tasks, many studies report intact or superior performance on certain visuospatial tasks (e.g. Joliffe & Baron-Cohen 1997). Studies of intelligence tests have shown that, unlike neurotypical individuals who show correlated scores, individuals with autism often demonstrate RPM scores that

Fractal Representations and the RPM

An RPM problem can be viewed as a sequence of images (ordered in rows and columns), where some unknown transformation T can be said to transform one image into a corresponding adjacent image. In a typical two-by-two RPM problem, there are four such transformations, as shown in Figure 2. (RPM problems can also have threeby-three matrices, which we do not address in this paper.) RPM problems are formulated to suggest that these transformations are pairwise analogous (i.e. the two row transformations are analogous to one another). We seek to

Figure 2. Illustration of four image transformations implicit in a two-by-two RPM problem matrix.

solve a problem by determining which of the candidate solutions yields the most analogous transformations. To this end, we explored the fractal encoding of one image in terms of another as a representational basis for calculating and discovering the underlying analogies. The mathematical derivation of fractal encoding expressly depends upon the notion of real world images, i.e. images that are two dimensional and continuous. A key observation is that all naturally occurring images we perceive appear to have similar, repeating patterns. Another observation is that no matter how closely you examine the real world, you find instances of similar structures and repeating patterns. This suggests that it is possible to describe the real world in terms other than those of shapes or traditional graphical elementsin particular, terms which capture the similarity and repetition alone. The theorem at the heart of the fractal encoding algorithm can be stated concisely: For any particular real world image D, there exists a finite set of affine transformations T which, if applied repeatedly and indefinitely to any other real world image S, will result in the convergence of S into D.

manipulate it geometrically (copy, rotation, or flip) and photometrically (altering the blocks luminosity). While it is tempting to treat contiguous subsets of these transformations as features, note that their derivation does not follow strictly Cartesian notions (e.g. adjacent material in the destination might arise from strongly non-adjacent source material). With this in mind, we consider (in our present implementations) each of these block-level transformations to be independent of one another, and we only construct candidate fractal features for matching from single block-level transformations. Each such transform yields a very small finite set of fractal features. We generate fractal solutions to RPM problems by examining all possible pairwise transforms and calculating a measure of similarity for each pair. This metric reflects similarity as a comparison of the number of fractal features shared between candidate pairs taken in contrast to the joint number of fractal features found in each pair member (Tversky 1977). The solution is chosen as the answer that results in the highest measured similarity for both row and column pairs in the RPM problem.

Affine Symbolic Reasoning and the RPM

As described at the start of the fractal section above, pairs of images in a two-by-two RPM problem can be viewed as having some unknown transformations T that apply either across a row or down a column. Following the view of mental imagery as supporting operations on depictive representations (Kosslyn, Thompson, & Ganis 2006), we designed our second method around affine transformations (such as rotation and reflection) and other depictive operations such as image addition and subtraction (and so we call this method affine-extended). In particular, this method seeks to explicitly characterize the transformation across any given row or column of an RPM problem matrix as being one of (or a composition of) these types of transformations. Unlike the fractal method, the affine method then applies this transformation to the row or column with the empty entry to generate a predicted value for the missing image. Only after a prediction has been made does the algorithm examine the set of answer choices. It chooses an answer based on some measure of visual similarity, for instance choosing the answer that minimizes the sumsquared-difference between the intensity (grayscale) values of the predicted image and the answer image.

The Fractal Encoding Algorithm

Given an image D, the fractal encoding algorithm seeks to discover the set of transformations T. The algorithm is considered fractal for two reasons: first, the affine transformations are generally contractive, which leads to convergence, and second, the convergence of S into D can be shown to be the mathematical equivalent of considering D to be a strange attractor. Here are the general steps of the algorithm for encoding an image D in terms of another image S: 1) Decompose D into a set of N smaller images {d1, d2, d3, ..., dn}. These individual images are sets of points. 2) For each image di: a) Examine the entire source image S for an equivalent image si such that an affine transformation of si will result in di. This affine transformation will be a 3x3 matrix, as the points within si and di under consideration can be represented as the 3-D vector <x, y, c> where c is the (grayscale) color of the 2-D point <x,y>. b) Let Ti represent the compact representation of the discovered affine transformation. 3) The set T = {T1, T2, T3, ..., Tn} is the fractal encoding of the image D. The fractal transforms we construct are sets of specific affine transformations which describe the alteration and colorization of fragments of the source image that will collage into the destination image. These fragments are generally blocks of pixel data inferior in size to the whole image. The fractal encoding indicates compactly 1) from where the source material originates and 2) how to

The Affine-Extended Algorithm

The affine-extended algorithm seeks to discover a single transformation T that holds across any of the complete rows or columns of the RPM problem matrix. In particular, the algorithm has access to a memory store containing a set of basic transformations along with a finite subset of possible compositions of such transformations, from which it can draw specific candidate transformations

to test on the matrix. The algorithm proceeds as follows, in the case of a two-by-two RPM matrix problem: 1) For each transformation Ti in memory: a) For the top row, check to see if Ti holds. i) If so, apply Ti to the bottom row to generate a guess for the missing image. Go to step 2. ii) If not, continue to step 1b. b) For the left column, check to see if Ti holds. i) If so, apply Ti to the right column to generate a guess for the missing image. Go to step 2. ii) If not, repeat step 1 with the next Ti. iii) If there are no more transformations in memory, then the algorithm halts. 2) For each answer choice Ai: a) Compute the sum-squared-difference (SSD) between the predicted image and Ai. 3) Choose the answer choice Ai that minimizes the SSD value. Unlike the fractal method, the affine-extended method will not always produce a solution. The memory set is restricted to a finite set of possible relations in order to prevent the algorithm from stalling indefinitely on a single problem. Despite this limitation, we hypothesize that the affine-extended method will in fact be able to solve a large fraction of the SPM problems.

Ambiguity and the Affine-Extended Method

Notice, in the algorithm above, that there are two biases in searching for the correct transformation. First, there is a bias in examining rows first and then columns. Second, there is a bias in the order in which transformations are retrieved from memory. These biases would not matter if there were exactly one transformation from memory that held for a given matrix problem. However, the presence of ambiguity in some problems means that, if two or more transformations hold,

or if a transformation holds for both rows and columns, the algorithm will use the first one that crosses its path, which may or may not be the correct one. Figure 3 gives an example of a problem with this kind of ambiguity; this problem is analogous to one in the actual SPM test. One transformation that could hold in this problem would be, across the top row, reflection about a vertical axis. Using this transformation on the bottom row, the predicted answer would be identical to answer #5. However, one could also have a transformation across the top row that consists of a rotation 90 to the left and then a scaling along the vertical axis (i.e. squishing the figure down vertically). Applying this transformation to the bottom row would predict an image identical to answer #6. So which is correct? There are several ways, which we are currently investigating, in which this conflict could be resolved. First, the algorithm could just stick with its first prediction, and sometimes its biases would result in the correct answer being chosen, and sometimes not. Another option is to explicitly assign biases to the transformations in memory, where, for example, a transformation comprised of a single operation (e.g. reflection) would be examined before transformations comprised of multiple operations (e.g. rotation plus scaling). This approach puts additional requirements on the memory store and assumes that such rankings of transformations are somehow justified. A third approach is to add an additional step to the algorithm that examines the final matrix (with the predicted answer choice in place) for qualities of symmetry or other global measures. If symmetry were the measure, then the algorithm would choose answer #5 over answer #6 in the example problem shown in Figure 3. This approach raises questions as to what precisely the RPM tests are measuring, if such problem ambiguities are resolved by a fixed, global scale of optimal answers. It could be that aspects of symmetry play a key role, in which case it would be interesting to compare the demands of computing symmetry on the RPM to the requirements for recognizing symmetry in other cognitive tasks.

Contrasts with Propositional Representations

Carpenter, Just, and Shell (1990) describe a computational model that simulates solving RPM problems using propositional representations. Their model is based on the traditional production system architecture, with a longterm memory containing a set of productions and a working memory containing the current state of problem solving (e.g. current goals). Productions are based on the relations among the entities in a RPM problem, for example, the location of the dark component in a row, which might be the top half in the top row of a problem, bottom-half in the bottom row, and so on. Their computer model is able to emulate human problem solving on most RPM problems (from the Advanced Progressive Matrices test) up to the performance levels of the highest scoring subjects in their study. However, as

Figure 3. Example problem similar to one in the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), illustrating ambiguity in possible solutions when using the affine-extended method.

described in their paper, the model operates on a handcoded, symbolic description of each matrix entry. Thus, visual information is encoded implicitly in their coded matrix entries and also in the set of production rules but is nowhere explicitly accessed or used by the model.

The answer with the highest calculated similarity is deemed correct. For the arrow problem, using a 32 x 32 block size, the similarity measures for each answer are: S(T,C1) = 21 / (21+18+24) 0.333333 S(T,C2) = 15 / (15+24+30) 0.217391 S(T,C3) = 16 / (16+23+11) 0.32 S(T,C4) = 14 / (14+25+29) 0.205882 Therefore, the fractal method chooses as its answer #1.

Preliminary Results
In this section, we will describe solutions based upon each of our two novel computational methods.

Example Using the Fractal Method

As an example, we shall use the arrow problem shown in Figure 4. Also, while the complete fractal method examines each of the problems analogies, we shall restrict this detailed discussion to just one of these transformations (T1, as labeled in Figure 2). The initial transformation T1 is the fractal encoding of the transformation from the upper left arrow into the upper right arrow. When encoded using a block size of 32 x 32 pixels, this encoding generates 39 distinct fractal features. Each candidate answer is encoded likewise, from the upper left arrow into the candidate, each resulting in between 27 and 45 distinct features. On the determination of the set of fractal features for each candidate, a measure of similarity S between the candidate transform C and the target transform T1 is calculated using the following formula, also known as the ratio model (Tversky 1977): S(T,C) = f(T C) / [ f(T C) + f(T - C) + f(C - T) ] where f(A) is the number of features in the set A. For our initial work, we have chosen values of = = 1.0, which, according to Tversky, results in this simplification: S(T,C) = f(T C) / f(T C)

Example Using the Affine-Extended Method

For this example, we used a limited version of the affineextended method that holds in memory the following image transformations, in this order: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) identity horizontal reflection vertical reflection rotate 90 rotate 180 rotate 270

These transformations are successively tested against the images in the top row and then left column to see if they hold. To check each transformation, the first entry in the row or column is transformed accordingly and compared to the second entry using the sum-squared-difference (SSD) of the pixel intensity values. A threshold value determines whether the transformation holds, and the algorithm stops testing transformations once a valid one has been found. For the example shown in Figure 4, the SSD values for each of the first three transformations were around 150 million, which fell well above the threshold, and the SSD for the fourth transformation was exactly zero (due to the noiselessness of the input images). So, the fourth transformation was chosen as the correct one. Once a valid transformation is found, the first entry in the remaining row or column is transformed according to this rule and compared to the answer choices, again using the sum-squared difference of the pixel values. The answer with minimum difference is chosen as correct. In this example problem, the SSD values calculated for each answer choice were as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 0.0 3.19 108 3.57 108 3.54 108

Thus, the affine-extended method also chooses as its answer #1.

Figure 4. Example problem for illustrating the execution of the fractal and affine-extended methods.

Presently, we are engaged in defining, implementing, and testing our three systems of representation on subsets of

the RPM. We expect to answer these questions concerning accuracy, efficiency, and behavioral effects: Can these different methods produce the same (correct) behavior on RPM problems, and if so, on which of the problems and why? Are there intrinsic aspects of the various problems that make them amenable to solution using particular methods? Do these different methods confer processing speed advantages for certain RPM problems? What behavioral markers can we determine to distinguish among these three methods, and given these markers, how might we test for their presence in human subjects?

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With the answers to these questions in hand, we propose to have established the first firm cognitive and computational account of the Ravens Progressive Matrices test using multiple-representation methods.

This research has been partially supported by an NSF grant (IIS Award #0534266) entitled Multimodal Case-Based Reasoning in Modeling and Design; by the Office of Naval Research through an NDSEG fellowship; and by the NSF GRFP fellowship program. We also thank Gregory Abowd for his encouragement of this work.

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