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Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning Via Counterfactual-Based Data Augmentation

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Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning via

Counterfactual-Based Data Augmentation

Chaochao Lu∗1,3 , Biwei Huang∗2 , Ke Wang6 , Jośe Miguel Hernández-Lobato1,4,5 , Kun Zhang2 , and
Bernhard Schölkopf3

Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms usually require a substantial amount of
interaction data and perform well only for specific tasks in a fixed environment.
In some scenarios such as healthcare, however, usually only few records are
available for each patient, and patients may show different responses to the same
treatment, impeding the application of current RL algorithms to learn optimal
policies. To address the issues of mechanism heterogeneity and related data
scarcity, we propose a data-efficient RL algorithm that exploits structural causal
models (SCMs) to model the state dynamics, which are estimated by leveraging
both commonalities and differences across subjects. The learned SCM enables
us to counterfactually reason what would have happened had another treatment
been taken. It helps avoid real (possibly risky) exploration and mitigates the issue
that limited experiences lead to biased policies. We propose counterfactual RL
algorithms to learn both population-level and individual-level policies. We show
that counterfactual outcomes are identifiable under mild conditions and that Q-
learning on the counterfactual-based augmented data set converges to the optimal
value function. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world data demonstrate
the efficacy of the proposed approach.

1 Introduction
Over the last few years, reinforcement learning (RL) has been successfully applied to challenging
problems such as playing Go [1] and Atari games [2]. Key factors of the success include a substantial
amount of interaction data and that the ongoing tasks are well-designed in a fixed environment.
However, these factors do not always hold in real-world scenarios. A case in point is the RL
formulation of healthcare, which aims to optimize sequential treatments to achieve recovery [3, 4].
Healthcare data usually have the properties that (1) only a few records are available for each patient
and no further exploration can be performed, and that (2) patients may show different responses to
identical treatments. These two properties impede the application of most RL algorithms to learn
optimal policies.
Regarding handling the issue of data scarcity, model-based approaches tend to be more sample
efficient and allow better interpretability than model-free ones. However, model-based approaches
have problems when dealing with complex dynamics. Several hybrid approaches have been considered
to mitigate these limitations. For example, model-based value expansion (MVE [5]) incorporates
a fixed depth of predictive models of system dynamics into model-free value function estimation,
and later stochastic ensemble value expansion (STEVE [6]) further mitigates the bias due to model
mis-specification by dynamically interpolating various horizon lengths. Besides, a recent approach
based on counterfactually-guided policy search [7] models the dynamics with a pre-defined structural
causal model (SCM) and performs probabilistic counterfactual reasoning to generate alternative
University of Cambridge, 2 Carnegie Mellon University, 3 Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems,
Microsoft Research Cambridge, 5 Alan Turing Institute, 6 Imperial College London, ∗ Equal Contribution.
Correspondence Authors: cl641@cam.ac.uk, biweih@andrew.cmu.edu.

Offline Reinforcement Learning Workshop at Neural Information Processing Systems, 2020.

outcomes under counterfactual actions. Its implementation assumes that the ground-truth transition
and reward kernels are all given, which may not be realistic in some cases.
Regarding heterogeneity across subjects or environments, a common strategy is to use meta-RL. For
instance, context-based meta-RL methods adapt to new tasks by aggregating experience into a latent
representation on which the policy is conditioned [8, 9, 10, 11]. In practice, meta-RL is usually hard
to train, and during training, it may require large amounts of data drawn from a large set of distinct
tasks, exacerbating the problem of sample efficiency.
To address the issues of mechanism heterogeneity and related data scarcity, we propose a sample-
efficient RL algorithm, leveraging the following properties:
1. Although the treatment effect may be different across individuals, a large proportion may still show
a similar trend. We leverage commonalities and take into account variations across individuals to
achieve more reliable estimation.
2. We leverage structural causal models (SCMs) to model the dynamic process. For generality, we
do not put hard constraints on the functional class of causal mechanisms or data distributions.
Moreover, to take into account mechanism heterogeneity, we include a variable θC in the causal
system explicitly, to characterize hidden factors which change across individuals.
3. Given the SCM, accordingly we perform counterfactual reasoning by following Pearl’s procedure
[12]. Counterfactual reasoning is the process of evaluating conditional claims about alternate
possibilities and their consequences. For example, in our case, we can leverage it to infer that
given the observed state-action tuple hSt = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 i, what would have happened
had we performed a0 . This helps avoid real (possibly risky) exploration, which is often infeasible
in real-world scenarios, and mitigates the problem that limited experiences lead to biased policies.
Contributions: We propose a practically useful and theoretically sound approach to tackling mecha-
nism heterogeneity and data scarcity in RL, by counterfactual data augmentation. 1) On the technical
side, we achieve flexible counterfactual reasoning in the general case, by adopting neural networks
for function approximation of the SCM with no hard restrictions on data distribution or causal
mechanisms, and use it for data augmentation to address the issues in RL. 2) We explicitly model the
changing factors across subjects to achieve personalized policies, as well as a general policy over the
population. 3) Theoretically, we show that the counterfactual outcome is identifiable under rather
weak conditions. Furthermore, we show that Q-learning on the counterfactual-based augmented data
set converges to the optimal value function.
2 Preliminaries
In this section, we briefly introduce structural causal models and counterfactual reasoning which will
be used throughout the paper.
2.1 Structural Causal Models
Let Y = {Y1 , · · · , Yn } be a set of n observed variables. A structural causal model consists of a set
of equations of the form [12]:
Yi = fi (Xi , Ui ), (1)
for i = 1, · · · , n, where Xi stands for the set of parents of Yi , i.e., a subset of the remaining variables
in Y that directly cause Yi , and Ui represents disturbances (noises) due to omitted factors. Each of
the functions fi represents a causal mechanism that determines the value of Yi from the causes and
the noise term on the right side. The functional characterization in Eq. (1) provides a convenient
language for specifying how the resulting distribution would change in response to interventions.
2.2 Counterfactual Reasoning
Suppose we performed action a in state st and observed st+1 . One may be interested in knowing
what would have happened had we performed a0 . This is a counterfactual question. It has been shown
that given an SCM, we can then perform counterfactual reasoning [12].
Suppose the SCM in (1) is given, denoted by M , and that we have evidence Y = y and X = x
(the subscript i has been omitted for representation convenience). The following steps show how to
counterfactually infer Y had we set X = x0 [12]:
• Step 1 (abduction): Use evidence (Y = y, X = x) to determine the value of U .
• Step 2 (action): Modify the model, M , by removing the structural equations for the variables in X
and replacing them with the function X = x0 , to obtain the modified model, Mx0 .

• Step 3 (prediction): Use the modified model, Mx0 , and the value of U to compute the counterfactual
value of Y .
The counterfactual outcome is usually represented as: YX=x0 |Y = y, X = x. Note that in Step 1,
we perform deterministic counterfactual, that is, counterfactuals pertaining to a single unit of the
population, where the value of U is determined.

3 Counterfactual RL Using SCMs

We now propose data-efficient RL algorithms, by leveraging SCMs and its corresponding
counterfactual-based data augmentation to handle the issues of data scarcity and mechanism het-
erogeneity. In this section, we first propose CounTerfactual Reinforcement Learning of a general
policy, denoted by CTRLg , aiming for a policy over the population. Next, we propose CounTerfactual
Reinforcement Learning of personalized policies, denoted by CTRLp , providing personalized policies
for each individual or each automatically determined group.
3.1 CTRLg : Estimation of a General Policy
When examining whether a treatment is effective and should be adopted as a standard, it is first
essential to understand its effect over the population. In the following, we focus on the estimation of
a general policy for the population.
We assume that the state St+1 satisfy the SCM
St+1 = f (St , At , Ut+1 ), (2)
where f represents the causal mechanism, At the action at time t, and Ut+1 the noise term, which
is independent of (St ; At ). To estimate a general policy, we do not consider the variability across
Given observed triplets hSt , At , St+1 i from individuals, for t = 1, · · · , T , the first problem is how to
efficiently estimate the causal mechanism f . To achieve generality, we do not specify a particular
functional class of the causal mechanism, e.g., linear relations [13], nonlinear relations with additive
noise [14], or the causal model with further post-nonlinear transformations [15]. Instead, we use a
generative adversarial framework to learn f , by minimizing the discrepancy between real data and
generated data. In addition, to achieve counterfactual-based data augmentation, we need to estimate
the value of the noise term at each time point in (2).
To achieve the two goals, estimating f and noise values simultaneously, we cast the learning of both
an inference machine (encoder) and a deep generative model (decoder) in a generative adversarial
network (GAN)-like adversarial framework, called Bidirectional Conditional GAN (BiCoGAN
[16]). Specifically, the BiCoGAN contains two parts: one is a generative model mapping from
hSt , At , Ut+1 i to St+1 , and the other is an inference mapping from St+1 to hSt , At , Ut+1 i. The
discriminator is trained to discriminate between joint samples from encoder distribution
P (St+1 , Ŝt , Ât , Ût+1 ) = P (St+1 )P (Ŝt , Ât , Ût+1 |St+1 )
and decoder distribution
P (Ŝt+1 ,St ,At ,Ut+1 ) = P (St ,At ,Ut+1 )P (Ŝt+1 |St ,At ,Ut+1 ),
where Ŝ, Ât , and Ût+1 denote the estimations of S, At , and Ut+1 , respectively. The decoder and the
encoder learn conditionals P (Ŝt+1 |St , At , Ut+1 ) and P (Ŝt , Ât , Ût+1 |St+1 ), respectively, to fool the
discriminator, with objective function:

min max V (D, G, E) = min max ESt+1 ∼Pdata (St+1 ) [log D(E(St+1 ), St+1 )]
G,E D G,E D | {z }
+ EZ̈t ∼P (Z̈t ) [log(1 − D(G(Z̈t ), Z̈t ))] + λE(St ,At ,St+1 )∼Pdata (St ,At ,St+1 ) [R((St , At ), E(St+1 )] ,
| {z } | {z }
Decoder Regularizer

where Z̈t = (St , At , Ut+1 ), D denotes a discriminator network, G a generator network, E an encoder
network, and R is a regularizer (with hyperparameter λ) to prevent overfitting the estimation error of
(St , At ), which helps to better encode extrinsic factors. A graph illustration is given in Figure 1a.
After learning the SCM, including the causal mechanism fˆ and noise values ût+1 , for t = 1, · · · , T ,
we can counterfactually reason what would have happened if another treatment had been taken.
Suppose at time t + 1, we have hSt = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 i. We want to know what would have
been the next state, if we had taken the action a0 . Practically, this can be achieved by feeding st , a0 ,
and ût+1 into the learned generator network G, and the output is the counterfactual outcome s0t+1 .


(St , At , Ut+1 ) G Ŝt+1

Discriminator (St , At )
{St−τ +1:t , At−τ +1:t }
Encoder D Ut+1 G Ŝt+1

(Ŝt , Ât , Ût+1 ) E St+1

0/1 LSTM θC

(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) Generator G, Encoder E, and Discriminator D in CTRLg . (b) Generator in CTRLp .
The alternative actions a0 are chosen in the following way. Suppose the action space is A ∼ PA with
support [b− , b+ ], which can be either discrete or continuous; for example, in healthcare, whether
surgery is performed is a binary variable, while a drug dosage may be continuous. We uniformly
sample from [b− , b+ ] to generate alternative actions a0 and accordingly estimate the counterfactual
outcome s0t+1 . We denote by D̃ the augmented data set after including the data from counterfactual
reasoning. Counterfactually reasoning about the effects of alternative actions helps avoid possibly
risky exploration and mitigates the problem that limited experience leads to biased policies in RL.
Remark 1 (SCMs vs. standard model-based approaches). SCMs directly involve noise term U ,
which makes counterfactual reasoning possible. In principle, standard model-based approaches (e.g.,
[17, 18]) do not have U as input and cannot directly produce counterfactual outcomes–counterfactual
reasoning is not possible without a causal model. Moreover, our approach nicely benefits from the
power of the recently developed GAN-type methods in capturing the property of high-dimensional
(conditional) distributions and generating new random samples. By contrast, the dynamics in standard
model-based approaches are usually parameterized with a Gaussian distribution or a Gaussian mixture
distribution. Although in the limit of infinitely many components, Gaussian mixture can fit any
distribution, this becomes unpractical if the numbers get too large.
Remark 2 (causal reasoning vs. standard Monte-Carlo simulations). Standard Monte-Carlo
simulations are not able to directly perform (individual-level) counterfactual reasoning, and hence
cannot achieve our goal. As pointed out by Pearl [12], in counterfactual reasoning one has to exploit a
causal model, and then he/she is able to infer the specific property of the considered individual, related
to the noise term U , and then exploit it to derive what would have happened if we had performed
alternative action a0 (for the same individual). Monte-Carlo simulations can only produce random
samples at the population (not individual) level.

3.2 CTRLp : Estimation of Personalized Policies

In healthcare, patients can exhibit different responses to identical treatments. Therefore, one should
care not only about the treatment effect for the general population, but also the response of each
individual or each properly divided group. In the following, we propose counterfactual RL of
personalized policies (CTRLp ), by taking into account variabilities across individuals/groups and
leveraging commonalities to achieve statistically reliable estimation.
We use a variable θC to explicitly take into account hidden factors, whose value may vary across
individuals, where C denotes the subject index. Thus, for an individual, we assume that the state
St+1 satisfies the SCM
St+1 = f (St , At , θC , Ut+1 ), (3)
where f represents the overall family of mechanisms, and θC captures factors that depends on the
subject or group.
To capture the variation (i.e., estimate the value of θC ), we segment the data sequence of each subject
using sliding windows of size τ , resulting in triplets {hSt−i+1 , At−i+1 , St−i+2 i}τi=1 . At each time t,
we exploit individual-specific information from the sequence {St−τ +1:t , At−τ +1:t }, by leveraging
Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) [19]. The LSTM output θ̂C acts as a new input to the generator
G. Note that we constrain the same individual to have the same value for θC . Figure 1b illustrates the
generator G.
Similar to CTRLg , CTRLp is also estimated with BiCoGAN, with the difference that there is a
latent variable θC , learned with an LSTM network, as a new conditioning variable, i.e., conditioning

variables Z̈ = (St , At , θC , Ut+1 ). All parameters in CTRLp are learned simultaneously in an
adversarial manner.
After learning the SCM, including f , θC , and Ut+1 , we divide individuals into groups by applying
k-means clustering to the estimated values of θ̂C . We use the estimated centroids from k-means as a
new θ̃C , and hence θ̃C is constant within each group but varies across groups. We can then perform
counterfactual reasoning on each group of individuals, as described in Section 3.1, resulting in an
augmented dataset Ďi for the i-th group.
3.3 Identifiability
Given triplets hSt = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 i, it is important to show whether the counterfactual
outcome is identifiable. Without this guarantee, the output of the method may be different from
the true counterfactual outcome. Surprisingly, the following theorem shows that without any hard
constraints on the functional form f and the noise distribution in the SCM, the derived counterfactual
outcome is correct under weak assumptions. This makes counterfactual reasoning generally possible.
Theorem 1. Suppose St+1 satisfies the following structural causal model:
St+1 = f (St , At , Ut+1 ),
where Ut+1 ⊥ ⊥ (St ; At ), and we assume that f (which is unknown) is smooth and strictly monotonic
in Ut+1 for fixed values of St and At . Suppose we have observed hSt = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 i.
Then for the counterfactual action At = a0 , the counterfactual outcome
St+1,At =a0 |St = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 (4)
is identifiable.
Note that the above theorem naturally holds for the specific SCM in Eq. (3), since for an individual
C = c, θc is fixed and thus, equivalently, Eq. (3) can be written as St+1 = fc (St , At , Ut+1 ). The
monotonicity condition on f with respect to Ut+1 guarantees that the noise term is recoverable.
Consider extreme cases, nonlinear causal models with additive noise or multiplicative noise, where
the effect variable is always strictly monotonically increasing in the noise, rendering the noise
recoverable from the cause and effect. Moreover, the above theorem holds no matter whether the
state space and the action space are continuous or discrete.
Furthermore, note that although the function f and the probabilistic distribution P (Ut+1 ) are not
uniquely identifiable from the collected data without strong constraints on the functional class of
f and on the data distributions [20], surprisingly, the constructed counterfactual outcome does not
depend on which f and P (Ut+1 ) we choose, provided that f is strictly monotonic in Ut+1 . In
experiments, this strict monotonicity can be easily implemented through monotonic multi-layer
perceptron network [21], in which positive signs of the weights are guaranteed by introducing their
exponential form [22].
Remark 3. Previously, the identifiability of counterfactual quantities was only shown in the case
where both cause X and effect Y are binary and Y is monotonic relative to X [12]. Later, [23]
discusses the case with categorical variables. Note that in previous work, the monotonicity is with
respect to X (equivalent to At in Eq.(2)), while in our theorem, it is relative to the noise term U .
Interestingly, we find that by requiring monotonicity in U , we can show identifiability for more general
data types and causal mechanisms. Moreover, note that here we only care about the identifiability of
the counterfactual outcomes, which does not require identifiability of the SCM.
4 Deep Q-Networks
After estimating the dynamics model and generating an augmented data set D̃ by counterfactual
reasoning, we are now ready to learn policies on D̃ to maximize future rewards. To this end, we use
the Dueling Double-Deep Q-Network (D3QN) [24], a variant of Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) [25].
A simple DQN may suffer from shortcomings that Q-values are often overestimated, which leads
to inaccurate predictions and sub-optimal policies [24]. This problem can be mitigated by using
Double-Deep Q-Networks [26], where the target Q values are determined using actions found through
a feed-forward pass on the main network, instead of being estimated directly from the target network.
In addition, a high Q value may be due to (1) a patient’s positive state, e.g., being near discharge, or
(2) a treatment that is taken at that time step [24]. For general applicability of the learned policy, it is
important to distinguish between these two cases. To achieve this, one may use Dueling Q-Networks
[27], where Q(s, a) is split into separate value and advantage streams, representing the quality

of the current state and the quality of the chosen action, respectively. Leveraging the advantages
from Double-Deep Q-Networks and Dueling Q-Networks, the final network is a fully connected
Dueling Double-Deep Q-Network. Algorithm 1 gives the entire procedure of policy learning via
counterfactual-based data augmentation.
The following theorem shows that on the counterfactually augmented data set, Q-learning converges
to the optimal value function.
Theorem 2. Given the transition dynamics, Q-learning on the counterfactually augmented data set

converges with probability one to the optimal value P function Q , as
Plong as the state and action
spaces are finite, and the learning rate αt satisfies t αt = ∞ and t αt2 < ∞.
Remark 4. In this paper, we used deterministic counterfactuals (see Section 2.2), where the value
of Ut+1 can be determined, with which we show that the estimation is consistent. Instead, CF-PE
[7] performs probabilistic counterfactuals, where the value of Ut+1 is sampled from the posterior
distribution P (Ut+1 |D). CF-PE is unbiased, if there is no model mismatch, but it is not guaranteed
to converge to the optimal value function. Moreover, if Ut+1 is directly sampled from the prior
distribution P (Ut+1 ), which is usually the case in a probabilistic transition model, the estimation is
even biased [7].

5 Experimental Results
To evaluate the proposed approaches CTRLg and CTRLp , we applied them to a modified classical
control problem and a real-world healthcare dataset. More experiments and details about model
architectures and implementation are given in Appendix.
5.1 Results on Classical Control Problems
We first evaluated the performance of our proposed methods on the cartpole environment in OpenAI
gym, a benchmark for classical control tasks. It has continuous states with dimension ds = 4 and
discrete actions with dimension da = 1. To increase the complexity and make the environment
stochastic, we extended the original two discrete actions (i.e., a = 0, 1) to eleven actions (i.e.,
a = 0, 0.1, . . . , 0.9, 1) and added 5% Gaussian noise to both states and actions.
To train our models and evaluate their performance, we created two datasets: SD: Simple dataset
with fixed gravity (gearth = 9.8) and HD: Hybrid dataset with five different gravities (gjupiter = 24.79,
gearth = 9.8, gmercury = 3.7, gneptune = 11.15, and gpluto = 0.62). In SD, we collected 250 trials by
applying random actions and put the collected data in five data subsets with the number of trials
ntrial = 50, 100, ..., 250. Each trial has 20 consecutive steps and each step contains hst , at , st+1 , rt i.
In HD, for each gravity, we generated 50 trials in the same way as that in SD. Additionally, we
generated 5-time-step sequential data by applying sliding windows along each trajectory for CTRLp .
Comparisons to Baselines and SOTA We first compared the proposed CTRLg with three well-
known baselines and three state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches in terms of sample efficiency on
SD. The three baselines are summarised as follows (more details can be found in Appendix). (1)
Base-D (deterministic dynamics model): The next state St+1 is determined by current state St and
current action At with St+1 = f (St , At ). (2) Base-S (probabilistic dynamics model with unimodal
Algorithm 1 Policy Learning via Counterfactual-Based Data Augmentation
1. Input: observed triplets hSt , At , St+1 i from individuals, for t = 1, · · · , T .
2. Estimation of a general policy:
2.1. Estimate the SCM given in (2) with BiCoGAN.
2.2. Generate counterfactual data given alternative actions, according to the estimated SCM. Denote the
counterfactually augmented data set by D̃.
2.3. Perform D3QN learning on D̃.
3. Estimation of personalized policies:
3.1. Estimate the SCM given in (3) with BiCoGAN, meanwhile with LSTM to characterize individual
specific factor θC .
3.2. For each individual or each automatically determined group, generate counterfactual data given alterna-
tive actions, according to its estimated SCM. Denote the counterfactually augmented data set for the
i-th individual by Ďi .
3.2. Perform D3QN learning on Ďi .
4. Output: General policy over the population and personalized policies for each individual or each group.


Cumulative Rewards

Cumulative Rewards
Base-D 80
200 Base-S
Base-M 60 CTRLp
150 CTRLg
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K 0
Sample Size Earth Jupiter MercuryNeptune Pluto
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) CTRLg outperforms three baselines, three state-of-the-art methods, and D3QN on the original
data on SD. The improvement is obvious, especially when the sample size is small. (b) The general policy
CTRLg is competitive, and the personalized policy CTRLp outperforms state-of-the-art methods on HD.
Actions by Physician Actions by CTRLg Actions by CTRLp
3200 2000
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4
2 3200
Mean IV Fluids

Mean IV Fluids

Mean IV Fluids
2400 1600
Q Values

0 2400
physician 1600 1600
−2 CTRLp 800
800 400

0 0 0
0 10000 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Samples Maximum Vasopressor Dosage Maximum Vasopressor Dosage Maximum Vasopressor Dosage
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: (a) Comparison of Q-values estimated by Physician, CTRLg , and CTRLp over all state-action pairs
on the test set. (b-d) Distribution of actions obtained by applying Physician, CTRLg , and CTRLp . The axes
labels index the discretized action space, where 0 represents no drug given, and 4 is the maximum dosage.
distribution): The probabilistic dynamics model P (St+1 |St , At ; θ) is Gaussian, where θ denotes
a set of parameters in the dynamics. (3) Base-M (probabilistic dynamics model with multimodal
distribution): P (St+1 |St , At ; θ) is a mixture of Gaussians, implemented by a mixture density network
[28]. The three SOTA approaches are STEVE [6], BCQ [29], and PETS [18].
For a fair comparison, all methods are trained on the five subsets in SD (with ntrial = 50, 100, ..., 250)
without exploration in the environment, and all results are reported after training converges. After
learning the transition dynamics, we counterfactually generated new data for each and trained a
D3QN on a mixture of real data and generated data. For the baseline models, counterfactual reasoning
was replaced by generating st+1 via fixing st and applying a random at . Then we tested the learned
policy in the CartPole simulation by performing 10 trials with different random seeds. We also
compare with D3QN on the original data, without data augmentation, denoted by D3QN. Figure 2a
shows that CTRLg outperforms all other methods, with the highest cumulative reward in all settings,
especially when the sample size is small.
Next, we evaluated the performance of CTRLp on HD. Based on the grouping information obtained
by CTRLp , we counterfactually generated more data for each group and then learned an optimal
policy on each. At test time, we first estimated the group membership of a given patient, and then
applied the optimal group-specific policy. Figure 2b demonstrates that the individual policy learned
by CTRLp is superior to the general policy learned by the SOTA methods in all five environments, as
shown by the consistently highest cumulative rewards. Note that the SOTA methods learn a general
policy, and only our method is individualized. We did not compare with meta-RL, because typically
meta-RL-based approaches are not in the batch off-policy setting.
5.2 Results on MIMIC-III
In this section, we investigated the performance of our approach on the real-world Medical Informa-
tion Mart for Intensive Care-III (MIMIC-III) database with Sepsis-3 [30]. Each patient state consists
of 46 variables including laboratory tests, vital signs, and patient demographics. We follow the setting
of data preparation and the reward function in [24]. We selected 15,656 patients who have at least
five consecutive time steps. For each model, we generated the train, validation, and test sets. More
precisely, CTRLg had three sets of size, 120K, 15K, and 15K, respectively. Since CTRLp needs the
sequences as input, the sizes of the three sets were smaller, corresponding to 80K, 10K, and 10K.
General Treatment with CTRLg We first learned SCM on the (real) training set. Once the model
was learned, we randomly selected a pair of (st , st+1 ) from the set, and used the learned encoder
to estimate the noise value ût . We then used st and ût to generate ŝt+1 by taking a uniformly
random action. After training the D3QN on the augmented data set, we estimated the Q-values of the

physician policy as well as that of the learned optimal policy (Q-values have been typically used to
evaluate patient care, e.g., [24, 3, 4]). In Figure 3a we can see that the optimal policy trained on a
combination of real data and the generated data by CTRLg achieves a larger estimated Q-value than
the physician policy. In other words, the optimal policy trained on our counterfactually-generated
data is able to increase survival time. Figure 3(b-c) further shows that the policy learned by CTRLg
differs from the physician policy. While both polices exhibit a similar trend to high usage of IV fluids
and lower usage of vasopressors, CTRLg recommends using more vasopressors and less IV fluids.
Personalized Treatments with CTRLp We trained CTRLp on sequential data with five time steps.
During training, our model uses k-means on the estimated θC to group the patients.1 Exploiting this
grouping information, we pool the data from the patients within the same group, then counterfactually
generate new data based on the real data in each group, and finally train a D3QN on a mix of real data
and generated data for each group. The resulting optimal policy is specific for each group. During
the test phase, given a new patient with a sequence of data, we first estimated which group he or she
belongs to, and then applied the corresponding policy of that group. As shown in Figure 3a, applying
a personalized policy to each patient leads to a larger average estimated Q-value than directly applying
the general policy learned from the whole population data. Figures 3(b-d) present the difference of
action statistics over all clusters by applying different policies. It seems that compared to the general
policy, the optimal personalized policy on average prefers heavier usage of both vassopressors and
IV fluids. Interestingly, Figure 3(c-d) suggest that actions learned by CTRLp are more diversely
distributed than that by CTRLg . This indeed makes sense in that the personalized policy encourages
personalized treatments for each patient, which can lead to more diversity. It is also reasonable
that the policy learned by CTRLg is closer to the physician policy than that by CTRLp , because the
physician policy also comes from their experience of treatment to the population as CTRLg does.
Although without a real-world experiment we cannot verify the true effect of the learned optimal
policy, it may provide guidance for physicians to inform their decisions and do further evaluations.
6 Related Work
Many studies have been trying to address the perceived sample inefficiency of RL. Compared to model-
free RL, model-based RL tends to be more sample efficient and allow better interpretability. However,
current model-based RL algorithms may converge to suboptimal solutions [32]. The reason is that
the learned models may fail to reflect the true process from insufficient interaction data and thus lead
to biased policies. One way to mitigate this problem is to incorporate uncertainty into the dynamics
model. For example, the deterministic dynamics model has been extended by parameterizing it with
a Gaussian distribution or a Gaussian mixture distribution for better generalization [28]. PILCO
[17] leverages Gaussian processes to express model uncertainty, and further the model uncertainty is
incorporated into planning and policy evaluation. Probabilistic Ensembles with Trajectory Sampling
algorithm (PETS) [18] combine uncertainty-aware deep network dynamics models with sampling-
based uncertainty propagation.
Recently, an algorithm based on probabilistic counterfactually-guided policy search has been pro-
posed in the POMDP setting [7]. In its implementation, it assumes that the ground-truth transition,
observation and reward kernels are all given. Furthermore, it adds uncertainty only on the initial state
S1 . Although noise added to the initial state can propagate to the whole system, it is not the true
causal process. In contrast, we model and implement the underlying causal process with an SCM
in the MDP setting, so the noise appears in the SCM at each time step (see Eq. (2)), representing
unmeasured factors influencing St+1 . In addition, the work by [33] leverages counterfactual data in
multi-armed bandit problems under heterogeneous conditions, with counterfactual quantities being
estimated by active agents empirically. Backtracking models [34] consider predicting the samples
that may lead to high-reward states.
7 Conclusion
To address the issue of dynamics heterogeneity and data scarcity common in healthcare, we propose
a data-efficient RL algorithm that exploits SCMs to model the state dynamics. The learned SCM
enables us to counterfactually reason what would happen had another treatment been taken. It helps
avoid real (possibly risky) exploration and mitigates the problem that limited experience leads to
biased policies. We provide both a general policy over the population and personalized policies for
individuals in automatically identified groups. The proposed methods show promising results on both
synthetic and real-world datasets.
More sophisticated clustering methods may lead to improved results [31].

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A Proof of Theorem 1
Proof. It is clear that as implied by Lemma 1 of [20], the function f and the probabilistic distribution
P (Ut+1 ) are not uniquely identifiable from the collected data. Furthermore, from the triplets
hSt = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 i, one can always find a infinite number solutions functions to f
and P (Ut+1 ) such that St+1 = f (St ; At ; Ut+1 ), where Ut+1 ⊥ ⊥ (St ; At ) and f is strictly monotonic
in Ut+1 . Choose an arbitrary solution to f and P (Ut+1 ), denoted by f i and P i (Ut+1 ). Later,
surprisingly, we will see that the constructed counterfactual outcome actually does not depend on the
index i; that is, it is independent of which f i and P i (Ut+1 ) we choose.
Given observed evidence hSt = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 i, because f i is strictly monotonic in Ut+1
i i
we can determine ût+1 , which is the value of Ut+1 , with
ûit+1 = fsit ,a (st+1 ),
where fsit ,a denotes the inverse of f i with St = st , At = a fixed. Then, we can determine the
value of the cumulative distribution function of Ut+1 at ûit+1 , denoted by αi .
Without loss of generality, we first show the case where f i is strictly increasing in Ut+1 i
. Because
f i is strictly increasing in Ut+1
and st+1 = f i (st , a, ûit+1 ), st+1 is the αi -quantile of P (St+1 |St =
st , At = a). Then it is obvious that since st+1 and P (St+1 |St = st , At = a) are determined, the
value of αi is independent of the index i, that is, it is identifiable. Thus, below, we will use α, instead
of αi .
Since Ut+1 ⊥ ⊥ (St ; At ), when doing interventions on At , the value ûit+1 will not change. The
counterfactual outcome St+1,At =a0 |St = st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 can be calculated as follows:
St+1,At =a0 = f i (St = st , At = a0 , ûit+1 ).
Because ûit+1 does not change after the intervention, the counterfactual outcome St+1,At =a0 |St =
st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 is the α-quantile of the conditional distribution P (St+1 |St = st , At = a0 ).
This quantile exists and it depends only on the conditional distribution P (St+1 |St = st , At = a0 ),
but not the chosen function f i and P i (Ut+1 ), rendering the counterfactual outcome identifiable.
Similarly, the above reasoning procedure can also be applied to the case where f i is strictly decreasing
in Ut+1 .
Therefore, the counterfactual outcome is identifiable, under the condition that f is strictly monotonic
in Ut+1 .

B Proof of Theorem 2
Proof. From the proof of Theorem 1, we can see that the counterfactual outcome St+1,At =a0 |St =
st , At = a, St+1 = st+1 is the α-quantile of the conditional distribution P (St+1 |St = st , At =
a0 ). Given the transition dynamics P (St+1 |St , At ), the counterfactually augmented triplet can be
determined, and it satisfies the underlying Markov decision process (MDP).
Moreover, it has been shown that Q-learning on the data generated from the MDP converges to
the optimal value function, under the listed conditions [35, 36]. Therefore, Q-learning on the
counterfactually augmented data set converges to the optimal value function Q∗ .

C Three Baselines
Below, we give more details about the three baselines, Base-D, Base-S, and Base-M , which all
belong to model-based RL.
Model-based RL explicitly builds a model of the state transition and evaluates actions by searching
this model. It is appealing because it is sample efficient. According to the dynamics model that is
used, it can be divided into two types: model-based RL with deterministic dynamics models and
that with probabilistic ones. Therefore, we compared the proposed CTRLg and CTRLp with three
well-known baselines in terms of sample efficiency.

Specifically, for model-based RL with a deterministic dynamics model, the next state St+1 is
determined by current state St and current action At : St+1 = f (St , At ), where f can be learned
with neural networks. Figure 4(a) gives a graphical illustration of the generating process with a
deterministic dynamics model; we denote it by Base-D. It has been observed that model-based RL
with deterministic dynamic models tends to converge to sub-optimal solutions where the learned
dynamics may not reflect the true process. One way to mitigate this problem is to properly incorporate
uncertainty into the dynamics model.
For model-based RL with probabilistic dynamics, one can represent the conditional distribution of the
next state given the current state and action in parameterized form, P (St+1 |St , At ; θ), where θ denotes
a set of parameters in the dynamics that needs to be learned. One may parameterize the dynamics
model with a Gaussian distribution or a mixture distribution [28] for better generalization. Figure
4(b) illustrates a generating process of mean µŜt+1 and variance σŜ2 of a Gaussian distribution, and

Ŝt+1 is sampled from the learned Gaussian distribution; we denote it by Base-S. Figure 4(c), instead,
uses a mixture density network (MDN), to handle more general cases; we denote it by Base-M .

fD (NN) Ŝt+1
(a) Base-D.

St µŜt+1
fS (NN) Ŝt+1
At σŜ2

(b) Base-S.

fM (NN) MDN Ŝt+1
(c) Base-M .

Figure 4: Three baselines: (a) Base-D, (b) Base-S, and (c) Base-M .

D More Experimental Results

D.1 More Results on Classical Control Problems

We conduct additional experiments on the data generated under a non-random policy which is a
better-than-random policy trained after ten episodes, as shown in Figures 5 and 6.

E Network Architectures
In all experiments, unless stated otherwise, we used linear layers, followed by batch normalization and
nonlinear activation function (ReLU) in all network architectures. For simplicity, we omit the notation
of batch normalization and ReLU in the following description. Note that, in the implementation
of CTRL algorithms, the strict monotonicity stated in Theorem 1 are easily implemented through
monotonic multi-layer perceptron network [21], in which positive signs of the weights are guaranteed
by introducing their exponential form [22].

E.1 Network Architecture for Baseline Models

Here we give details about network architectures of the three baseline models. The network structure
is presented in Table 1.
Note that, in the model of Base-M , the hyperparameter α, which represents the categorical probability
of the mixture density network, is set to 5.


Cumulative Rewards
200 Base-M
150 D3QN
100 PETS
1K 2K 3K 4K 5K
Sample Size
Figure 5: Comparison of CTRLg , CTRLp , three baselines, and three state-of-the-art methods on SD.

Cumulative Rewards

60 CTRLp
40 BCQ
20 D3QN
Earth Jupiter MercuryNeptune Pluto
Figure 6: Comparison of CTRLg , CTRLp , and three state-of-the-art methods on HD.

Table 1: Network structures of baseline models

Hidden Layers Neurons Per Layer
Base-D 2 300
Base-S 2 300
Base-M 2 300

E.2 Network Architecture for CTRLg

Shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Network structures of CTRLg

Hidden Layers Neurons Per Layer
Generator 4 200 → 400 → 600 → 600
Encoder 4 600 → 600 → 400 → 200
Discriminator 4 600 → 600 → 400 → 200

E.3 Network Architecture for CTRLp

Shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Network structures of CTRLp

Hidden Layers Neurons Per Layer
Generator 4 200 → 400 → 600 → 600
Encoder 4 600 → 600 → 400 → 200
Discriminator 4 600 → 600 → 400 → 200
LSTM 1 200

E.4 Network Architecture for D3QN

Shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Network structures of DDQN

Hidden Layers Neurons Per Layer
Policy 4 512 → 512 → 512 → 512


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