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The FLSmidth ATOX mill - history, features and performance

Reprint of article published in Global Cement and Lime Magazine, March 2005. By Sren Worre Jrgensen, FLSmidth A/S, Denmark.








The original FLSmidth Atox mill has its origins in the 1920s, although the only thing that is common between the early mills and those of today is the name Atox. The first of the new series of Atox mills were commissioned in the early to mid-1980s for grinding coal and raw materials. Some of the larger mills were prone to mechanical problems, and throughout the late 1980s and the 1990s a series of innovations and improvements were applied to the design of the mills. These optimised Atox mills are now found world-wide.
n the beginning of the nineteen twenties, FLSmidth introduced a new vertical roller mill on the market under the registered name ATOX. This first generation of the ATOX mill, however, was of a design entirely different from todays modern ATOX mill. The old design (Figure 1) was abandoned a long time ago and only the name remains in the ATOX mill offered today. Through the 1970s, FLSmidth co-operated with Gebr. Pfeiffer AG of Germany enabling FLSmidth to manufacture and sell MPS vertical roller mills for grinding of raw materials. However, for various reasons the co-operation between the two companies was terminated around 1980 and FLSmidth started to develFigure 1, above: An old design ATOX mill op the new ATOX roller mill. The first new ATOX mills for grind- from the 1920s. Figure 2, below, The modern design concept of the ATOX mill. ing of coal and raw materials were commissioned through 1983 to 1985 and they performed reasonably well in terms of operation. However, they were not Figure 2 without problems as far as mechanical performance was concerned. In particular some of the large size raw mills suffered from various mechanical problems. FLSmidth allocated the necessary resources to analyse the problems, identify the causes of the problems and develop solutions to the problems encountered. Through the mid-1980s all problems were analysed, the causes of the problems were identified and solutions to the problems were worked out. The problems addressed and the solutions to those problems are described in this article. Since January 1988, FLSmidth has sold more than 100 ATOX raw mills, all including the design improvements made through the mid-1980s. More than 50 of these ATOX raw mills have been successfully commissioned and are generally operating without any significant problems mechanically as well as in terms of process.

The ATOX raw mill today is regarded as a well-performing mill in every respect, which is reflected in a high market acceptance and a corresponding growing market share for the ATOX raw mill.

ATOX mill design concept

The grinding table of the ATOX mill (Figure 2) has a flat, horizontal grinding track encircled by an adjustable dam ring and an adjustable nozzle ring equipped with an air guide cone. The dam ring is made of stacked bolted-on segmented rings and is simply adjusted by adding or removing one or more segmented rings. The height of the dam ring determines the depth of the grinding bed on the table. The roller assembly is kept centred on the grinding table and prevented from rotating by three torque

March 2005







Figure 3. A, left: Reaction force from grinding bed. B, middle: Conventional design. C, right: Design with toe-in.

forces. In case of excessive vibrations of the roller system, the lower inertia also limits the dynamic loads on the grinding table and thrust bearing in the gear box as well as on the surroundings. During grinding, the force of reaction on the roller is located in front of the vertical line below the roller shaft, see (Figure 3a). In that position, however, the velocities of the roller and Design advantages With the grinding track being hori- the table have different directions, zontal and the centre of gravity of the (see Figure 3b), if the roller is placed roller system only moving vertically, traditionally, resulting in significant all impact forces and dynamic reac- axial loads on the roller bearing. Due to a patented toe-in of the rolltions are mainly vertical and therefore ers of the ATOX mill, the axial load is easy to accommodate. The extremely low mass of the eliminated, (see Figure 3c), and the roller suspension system means low roller bearings are thus only exposed inertia and thereby low dynamic to well defined radial load ensuring significantly longer life of the spherical bearings. Segmentation of wear parts (Figure 4) means low risk of cracking; therefore extremely wear resisFigure 4: Segmented and oversize rollers tant wear parts for both rollers and mean low risk of cracking, easy segment reversal and a coarser mill feed. table can be used. Roller segments can be reversed enabling high material utilization to be achieved also in case of uneven wear. The roller wear segments can easily be reversed inside the mill, i.e. without taking the rollers out of the mill. The separator reject cone is provided with a rail and trolley for that purpose. The ATOX mill has rollers with a larger diameter compared to the diameter of the table than most other vertical roller mills. Larger roller diameter permits operation with a proportionally thicker grinding bed, and this is less critical as regards uneven wear and foreign bodies in the mill feed. The rollers of larger diameter further allow a proportionally coarser mill rods attached to the mill housing through rubber dampers. The grinding pressure is exerted hydraulically through three pull rods attached to the outer ends of each roller shaft. By this unique roller suspension the grinding forces are transmitted by the tension rods directly into the foundation.

feed, which reduces the requirement on pre-crushing. The roller suspension system of the ATOX mill permits the hot gas inlet section to be designed virtually without restrictions to the airflow below the grinding table and, further, to be fitted with an oversize nozzle ring. In consequence the standard ATOX mill can operate with the extra amount of gas required by specially wet or easy to grind materials. It is not necessary to involve a larger mill size just to accommodate the air flow - only the nozzle ring and the separator must be adapted to the higher airflow. The ATOX mill is of a very compact design, involving a space-saving arrangement of inlet ducts and, further, crane access for service is required in only one position. The mill is thus easy to fit into a constricted space. The very compact design of the ATOX mill offers a correspondingly low cost of foundation and mill building in case of clients demand for the latter.

Mill design development

Major improvements and re-design of critical components took place during the mid-1980s to eliminate the problems encountered with the first ATOX mills in operation. Further development and optimisation has been made to enhance the reliability and performance of the mill. The following is an outline of the most significant improvements made, leading to the current design of the modern ATOX raw mill. The axial thrust bearing supporting the grinding table and the grinding force has been changed from a proper hydrostatic bearing to a more reliable hydrodynamic/semi-hydrostatic bearing of segmented design

March 2005







RAR-LVT RAR flow to the mill. To prevent buildup of sticky material, the rotor is provided with a wear-resistant rubber lining. The sluice is provided with a circular outlet flange, so it can always be aligned with an incoming belt conveyor. Sluices of latest design are provided with removable cylinder walls for easy maintenance. The first ATOX mills introduced in the early 1980s were supplied with static separators - simple and sturdy separators, but at Figure 5: Segmented hydrodynamic/semithat time considered adequate for hydrodynamic axial thrust bearing the application. After thorough analysis of the performance of the (Figure 5). (Only hydrodynamic for mills and in particular of the sepasmall mills). All the thrust pads are rators it was concluded that - after immersed in an oil bath. The design grinding pressure has all - the efficiency been increased to raise mill capac- of these separators ity and the roller bearings have been was inadequate. It consequently enlarged to match the higher grinding was pressure. Lubrication of roller bear- decided to replace Figure 7: Comparison between the FLS RAR and FLS RARings has been changed from grease the static separa- LVT separators. lubrication to circulating oil lubrica- tor with a modern, tion with continuous oil filtering and dynamic and efficient separator - the In such a case, the RAR separator FLS RAR Separator. conditioning. modified by use of LVT design concept In 1998 L.V.Technology developed has a larger rotor D/H ratio, a larger The design of the grinding table has been changed from a T-profile a concept for upgrading existing verti- radial air velocity through the rotor, a to a Y-profile (Figure 6) for enhanced cal roller mills. An upgrading project new suspension of the reject cone and rigidity and better fixation of table based on the LVT concept addresses a filling mantle for increased air velocsegments. An improved tensioning three key areas: the separator; the ity in the mill housing (Figure 7). system including tension rods with air velocity through the mill; and the The grinding efficiency of an ATOX pre-stressed bolted connections air nozzle ring and air guide cone. In with RAR-LVT typically appears to be instead of fatigue-prone threaded 1999 FLSmidth signed an exclusive some 5-10% better than that of an co-operation agreement with LVT to ATOX mill with RAR separator. Since joints has also been introduced. The three-flap sluice has been market this upgrading concept. An the RAR separator even without LVT replaced by a simple rotary sluice that amendment agreement was signed in concept is a very efficient separator, effectively keeps the ingress of false 2001 allowing FLSmidth to use and the advantage of using LVT concepts air to a minimum and furthermore market the LVT concept also for new in the RAR-LVT design is significantly provides a virtually constant material ATOX mills. lower than benefits achieved by LVT upgrades of other vertical roller mills. Until recently water injected on the Figure 6: Change in grinding table profile from T to Y, for enhanced rigidity. grinding table for stabilisation of mill operation was introduced through pipes above the nozzle ring. The water pipes and their wear protection were thus exposed to heavy wear from the material accelerated upwards of the nozzle ring. In new ATOX mills, however, the water injection will be provided via the central part of the roller suspension system (figure 8) and the wear of the water injection pipes will thus be eliminated or at least be reduced significantly.

March 2005







the mill feed materials varies within a very wide range; from less than 3kWh/t to more than 11kWh/t. The mills have in all cases produced a raw meal of a fineness suitable for kiln operation; whether with a sieve residue of less than 5% or more than 20% on a 90m sieve. Irrespective of mill feed properties and requirement for product fineness, proper and stable operation has been attained. Table 1 shows performance figures for a number of ATOX raw mills operating with raw materials representing a wide range of properties. The feed material for the ATOX 30 mill in Chile has a moisture content of less than 1% and, further, there is a very limited supply of water Figure 8: Water injection provided via the central part of the roller suspension system: available for water injection. water of previously-used water injection Vertical roller mills have been pipes is eliminated. claimed to be unsuitable for such applications. Nevertheless, ATOX raw mill performance More than 50 ATOX raw mills are with a slightly reduced now in operation grinding and dry- speed of rotation of the ing a very wide range of raw materi- grinding table, the mill als including raw materials that are performs quite well highly abrasive or very sticky. Some even without water of the mills grind very dry raw mate- injection. The raw materials rials with a moisture content of less than 1%, while others grind very wet for the ATOX 35 mill in raw materials with more than 18 % Brazil are extremely moisture. Likewise, the grindability of easy to grind. The
Table 1: Performance comparisons between ATOX mills grinding raw materials. Plant location Mill size Chile ATOX 30 Achiev./Guar. Production, t/h Feed moisture Product moisture Product fineness %>90m %>0.2mm Spec. energy Cons. Mill (kWh/t) Mill+separator Mill+sep+fan Water injection m3/h 6.1 6.2 13.5/16.2 0/1.2 2.7 2.9/4.5 8.6 0 8.8 8.9 15.4 0 10.2 10.8 19.3/20.1 10.3 9/10 16.4/18 2.2/2.8 8.7/10 0.6 12/12 114/100 <1 0.3/0.5 Brazil ATOX 35 Achiev./Guar. 294/245 7 0.5 England ATOX 37.5 Achiev./Guar. 183/165 17.2/17 0.3/1.0 China ATOX 50

capacity of this mill is therefore very high compared to the mill size. The high capacity and the moisture content in the raw materials require an above-standard air volume through the mill. The mill is simply adapted to such a situation by being provided with an oversize nozzle ring and an oversize separator. Part of the mill feed to the ATOX 37.5 mill in England is introduced to the mill as slurry, which increases the moisture content in the mill feed material to around 17%. The ATOX 50 mill in China represents a case of very hard-to-grind raw materials. It is significant that all four mills have complied with the guaranteed performance, which in fact is characteristic of virtually all ATOX raw mills commissioned so far.
Figure 9: Raw coal enters via a double feed screw that also serves as an air sluice.

ATOX for coal grinding

The ATOX coal mill was designed and further developed concurrently with the ATOX raw mill. In terms of basic design concepts, the ATOX coal mill is identical to the ATOX raw mill and this also applies to the separators for the two applications. However, some components of the ATOX coal mill are obviously designed or adapted with particular reference to coal grinding applications. The raw coal enters the mill via a double feed screw that also serves as an air sluice (Figure 9). Self-cleaning is achieved by

Achiev./Guar. 351/320 2.6 0.3/0.8

March 2005




Mill: ATOX 17.5 Guarantee/Design Coal, pet-coke Capacity, t/h Product SR %>90m Product mositure % Feed moisture % Spec. Eng. cons. kWh/t Mill Separator Fan Mill + Sep. + Fan 26.0 15 10 1.5 12


Achieved Coal 16.1 6.8 0.8 4.0 Achieved Petcoke 15.3 5.9 0.9 7.5


a cutting action of the two rotating screws, which enables the handling of sticky materials with high moisture. An airlock is achieved by consolidation of the feed material at the outlet end of the screw feeder as the screws are without flights in the outlet end section. In the case of bigger-size coal mills, reversal and replacement of roller wear segments is easily carried out inside the mill, as is the case for ATOX raw mills. Reversal or replacement of roller wear segments for smaller-size mills normally takes place outside the mill. The whole roller assembly is pulled out on a special trolley and serviced on the platform in front of the mill.

10.4 0.5 10.0 20.9

12.3 0.6 11.0 23.9

Table 3: Performance figures for an ATOX 17.5 mill grinding more than one kind of solid fuel.

Coal mill performance

More than 50 ATOX mills are now in operation, grinding and drying various types of solid fuels like anthracite, pet-coke, ordinary bituminous coal and lignite. Dependent on the type of fuel and in particular on its content of volatile matter, the fuel is ground to a fineness in a range from less than 3% to more than 20% residue on a 90m sieve. The content of volatile matter in the fuel is not only reflected in the product fineness, but also in the layout of the coal grinding plant. In case of high volatile fuels like lignite and most bituminous coal, the layout

must be prepared for inert operation, using exit gases from the kiln preheater to dry and convey the material through the mill. Mills exclusively grinding low-volatile fuels like anthracite or pet-coke may operate under non-inert conditions using excess air from a clinker cooler for drying and conveying purposes. Examples of performance figures for ATOX coal mills grinding various types of solid fuels are shown in the Table 2, below. The mills grinding anthracite and pet-coke are provided with a variable speed motor, to ensure that optimum grinding conditions can always be attained even when grinding to high fineness.

Some ATOX coal mills are supplied for alternate grinding of two or more types of fuel; typically pet-coke and ordinary bituminous coal. An example of performance figures for such a mill is shown in Table 3, above.

The ATOX mill grinds coal and raw materials of a very wide range of properties. Virtually all ATOX mills sold and commissioned have fulfilled the guaranteed performance. After redesign of some basic components and current development and optimisation, the modern ATOX mill now presents itself as a very reliable and well performing mill, reflected in its pronounced position in the market for vertical roller mills.

Table 2: Comparison of ATOX mills grinding solid fuels. Type of Fuel Location Mill size Anthracite Vietnam ATOX 27.5 Achiev./Guar. Production t/h Feed moisture % Product moisutre % Product %<90m Product %<0.2mm Spec. Eng. cons. kWh/t Mill Separator Mill fan Total Water injection m3/h 9.7 1.3 12.0 23.0/29.1 2.1 12.8 0.7 14.9 28.4/36.2 0 16.7/13 1.8 15.2 30/31 0 40.3/40 10 1/1 4.3/5 0.2 Pet-coke El Salvador ATOX 25 Achiev./Guar. 28.1/27 12.7/10 0.8/0.9 2.8/3 Lignite Thailand ATOX 27.5 Achiev./Guar. 48/45 25 7.5/10 18/18 1


March 2005


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