Materials needed: about 40-50grms of double knitting or aran weight wool(washable), oddments of black and white and 20grms of brown for snout, inner ears and hands. use 3.5mm needles for double knitting and 4.5mm for a ran weight. Double knitting makes toy about 7 inches tall, and, A ran makes one about 10 inches tall. Use good quality industry standard stuffing. For accessories, use oddments of felt to make hats and waistcoats, and material and lace for Mme Cholet. Uncle Bulgaria has a Blackwatch Tartan poncho and Pillbox style hat, also sew glasses on around his eyes with gold coloured wool , he has a walking stick, which you could substitute with a straw covered in wool.(only if not for small children).
Legs and Body Cast on 28 sts . Row 1: Purl Row 2: Inc. k.wise into every stitch (56 sts) Row 3: Begin with purl row and st.st. 7 rows. Shape Feet Row 10: K 6, (k 3 tog) 6 times, k 8, (k 3 tog) 6 times, k 6 (32 sts). St, st. 13 rows marking center of last row. (Marks end of legs). Row 24: K 14, inc in next 4, k 14 Row 25: purl one row
Row 26: k 13, inc. in next st. k 8, inc. in next st. k 13 (38 sts.) Row 27: purl 1 row Row 28: k 13, inc in nest st., k 10, inc in next st., k 13 (40sts) Row 29: purl 1 row Row 30: K 14, inc in next st., k 10, inc in next st, k 14 (42 sts) Row 31: purl 1 row St. St. next 4 rows. Row 36: K 14, (k 2 tog) 7 times, K 14 Row 37: purl 1 row Row 38: K 14 (k 2 tog) K 1, (k 2 tog) 2 times, K 14 (32 sts) Row 39: Purl 1 row Row 40: Knit 1 row Row 41: purl 1 row Shape Shoulders Row 42: K 7, (K 2 tog) twice, k 10, (k 2 tog), twice, k 7. (28 sts). Row 43: purl 1 row Row 44: K 7 (k 2 tog), k 10, (k 2 tog), k 7 (26 sts) Row 45: purl 1 row Row 46: K2 tog to end ( 13 sts ) Row 47: Purl 1 row Row 48: B & T tightly To make up Sew from cast on edge end to top, but leave gap for stuffing. Fold cast on edge tog. so the back seam is in the middle, and sew across cast on edge. Now sew up through front and back to marked thread to devide legs. Stuff and close gap. Head Cast on 10sts . purl 1 row Row 2: Inc in every stitch (20sts) Row 3: purl 1 row Row 4: K 6, (inc knitwise) 8 times, k6 (28sts) Row 5: purl 1 row Row 6: K 8, inc in next 12 sts, k 8 (40sts) Row 7: purl 1 row Row 8: knit 1 row St.St. next 11 rows. Row 20: K 4, (k 2 tog) 4 times, k 2, (k 2 tog) 6 times, K 2 (k 2 tog) 4 times, k 4 ( 26 sts) Change to brown colour for snout. Row 21: purl 1 row Row 22: K 4 (k2 tog) twice, K2, (k 2 tog) 3 times, k 2, (k2 tog) twice, K 4 (19sts) Row 23: purl 1 row Row 24: (k2, k2 tog) to last 3sts, k2 tog, k1 (14sts) Row 25: purl 1 row
Row 26: K 2 tog, k 4 , k2 tog, k 4, k2 tog Row 27: purl 1 row Row 28: K 4, k 2 tog, k 5 (10sts) Row 29: Purl 1 row Row 30: Knit 1 row Row 31: Purl 1 row Row 32: k 2 tog to end (5sts) Row 33: purl 1 row B&T tightly To make up Sew from point at nose end to middle. B&T cast on edge, and sew row ends tog toward the center, but leave a space for turning and stuffing. Stuff. And close gap. Place head in position on body and join securely together. Satin stitch two white eyes, with black pupils in position. On the end of nose, with black wool , sew a large French knot for nose. Arms (Knit two the same) Cast on 7 sts. Row 1 : Inc k wise into every st. (14sts) Beginning with a purl row st.st 22 rows , then cast off loosley. To make up. Sew row ends tog, from cast off edge round cast on edge. Stuff, and position on body. Sew in place tightly.
Ears (Knit two the same) Cast on 4 sts . Row 1: K 1 row Row 2: purl 1 row Row 3: inc in 1 st, k2, inc in 1 st Row 4: purl 1 row Row 5: k 1 row Row 6: purl 1 row Row 7: k 1 row Row 8: purl 1 row Row 9: inc in 1 st, k 4, inc in 1 st, (8sts) Row 10: purl 1 row Row 11: knit 1 row Row 12: purl 1 row Row 13: k2 tog, k 4, k2 tog
Row 14: purl 1 row Change to same colour as nose, Row 15: knit 1 row
Row 16: purl 1 row Row 17: inc k.wise, k4, inc k.wise Row 18: purl 1 row Row 19: knit 1 row Row 20: purl 1 row Row 21: k 2 tog, k 4, k 2 tog (6sts) Row 22: purl 1 row Row 23: k 1 row Row 24: purl 1 row Row 25: k 1 row Row 26: purl 1 row Row 27: k 2 tog, k 2, k 2 tog 4 sts Row 28 : purl 1 row Row 29: knit 1 row Row 30: purl 1 row Row 31: Cast off. To make up Fold in the middle right sides tog. Sew up row ends, and turn right way out Attach firmly to sides of head, with the small edge at the top, level with eyes.
Hands (Knit two the same) Cast on 14 sts. Start with a knit row St.st. the first 4 rows Row 5: k 2, inc k wise in next 2 sts, k2, inc k wise in next 2 sts. k 2, inc k wise in next 2 sts, k 2.(20sts) Row 6: purl 1 row Row 7: k 1 row Row 8: p 9, cast off 4 purlewise, p 6 (15sts) Next 5 row st.st. Row 14 : Cast off purlwise. To make up Join side row ends, and cast off edge, with right side tog. and turn right sides out. Oversew thumb tops. To shape hands, sew from cast off edge to level of thumb three times with black wool , to make four fingers. To Attach Pull over ends of arms and slip stitch round bottom, catching arm. Pull slightly tight to shape wrist and fasten off. Remember to make sure the thumb points up on each arm.