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An Introduction To US Bombs PDF

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This is an incomplete and brief introduction to US bombs but an ongoing one.

As I create more pages I will add them to this section.

The United States bombing campaign of WWII was an incredible industrial, technological and innovative effort never seen before, nor seen again until their futile effort to bomb North Vietnam back to the stone-age in the 1960s and 70s. In addition to the efforts of the scientists and leaders in conceiving, planning and directing this massive campaign there was an incredibly courageous effort put forth by the aircrews in carrying out the dictates of their leaders. This effort was on a scale not seen before or since. Day after day in broad daylight they went in harms way knowing full well that casualties would be and were suffered sometimes on rather large scales. On many an occasion the leaders were tempted to change their tactics as the costs mounted. To the everlasting honour of the airmen of all ranks they didnt flinch and finally achieved the goal of destroying the Third Reich with bombs. Shown below are the basic technical methods by which the US made and delivered the bombs in their air arsenal and how those bombs were assembled.

US HE GP 500lb bomb

As with all weapons there was a gradual development from early beginnings and the table below shows the progress of US bombs during and after WWII. To summarise the development of US bombs during and after WWII the following may be of assistance:

US Army Modified Mark series were:

Streamlined bombs filled 100% TNT

US Army M series were:

Parallel sided, ogival nosed and boat tailed with box type tail fins. They were filled 50/50 Amatol with TNT surrounds at both ends.

US Navy Mk series were:

Similar in design to Army bombs and filled 100% TNT, they were largely discontinued when the standardisation programme was adopted.

US Army-Navy AN series were:

Similar to the M series with the exception of a third suspension lug and the base plate being changed to a male plug.

I dont know the differences between this and the A1 below yet. If you have any information please let me know.

I dont know the differences between this and the above yet, once again if you have any informa tion please let me know.

Bomb wt lbs. 100 250 300 500 600 1000 1100 2000

M series M30 M57 M31 M43 M32 M44 M33 M34

Navy Mk series Mk 4-4

AN series AN-M30 AN-M57 AN-M43 AN-M44 AN-M34

AN-GP series AN-GP A1 series AN-M30 AN-M30A1 AN-M57 AN-M57A1 AN-M64 AN-M65 AN-M66 AN-M64A1 AN-M65A1 AN-M66A1

Mk 2-2 Mk 13-2

HE GP bombs are the workhorses of the bombing world. They are tasked with the general bombing of industrial, chemical and lightly built military targets, such as oil refineries, steel production etc. They are largely ineffectual against any resistant targets such as battleships, hardened bunkers and deeply buried bomb shelters.

The body construction of US general purpose bombs will be found in the following styles: One piece cast or spun Two piece cast and welded Three pieces cast and welded The noses were ogival and joined at the straight section. The nose fuze opening in the ogival section either closed with a plug or with the fuze seat liner. The threaded base opening is closed by a male plug. The tail fuze pocket being made by the adaptor booster.

To enhance the fragmentation effect of HE bombs a simple add on piece of steel is attached to the bomb body. The theory being that the added piece of steel will provided further fragmentation pieces. Ive got a feeling that the piece of steel will actually get projected away from the bomb as a single high velocity fragment or several large pieces. I could be wrong though.

Fragmentation bombs are those bombs used to attack lightly defended targets or vulnerable vehicles, aircraft and exposed personnel. They consist of an HE charge surrounded by a coiled steel bar or rings of steel. When the filling 90lb US Army fragmentation bomb. detonates the steel surround is projected outward as a hail of fragments thus damaging the target. Mostly these types of bombs are delivered in clusters as the effectiveness is enhanced by the concentration achieved by clustering. When delivered by low flying aircraft they are usually retarded in some manner to give the attacking aircraft time to get out of the danger zone. The CWR is only in the realm of 10 to 15%. The M81 was an individual fragmentation bomb and never used in clusters The M1 was a 128lb cluster type filled 6x20lb M41 fragmentation. A 540lb cluster was used in Europe during the latter days of the war.

Adapter -boosters are essentially bushings that are threaded externally for assembly in the nose or tail of some high-explosive and chemical bombs, and threaded internally to accommodate a fuze. A booster charge (usually Tetryl) forms a component part of the adapter booster to boost the explosive train between the fuze and bomb. Some adapter boosters are drilled for insertion of a lock pin, which prevents removal of the adapter-booster from the bomb when anti-withdrawal fuzes are used. Shown at left and below are typical adapterboosters. New series general-purpose bombs, developed to accommodate either mechanical or electrical fuzing, require nose and tall adapter-boosters when mechanical fuzing is used.

Adapter-booster T45E1

Adapter-booster M117.

To detonate a large quantity of high explosive efficiently and completely a very strong and violent impulse must be provided by the fuze system. It can be seen that in relationship to the mass of HE filling the fuze magazine is, in relative terms quite small. To boost this small impulse from the fuze magazine to a level guaranteed to detonate the entire HE contents an auxiliary booster is provided. These boosters are issued in two types:

Fixed & Removable.

Usually the removable boosters are fitted to the tail fuze systems and fixed are fitted to nose fuze systems. This is not a hard-and-fast rule; it can be and has been changed. Some of these boosters are rather large, sometimes running the full length of the bomb. The advantage of using a removable booster is that fuze variation can be carried out by Ordnance technicians at the point of loading to suit the tactical conditions at the time.

A burster is used in most chemical bombs to burst the bomb case and spread the filler. Most bursters are encased in cylindrical metal or fibreboard tubes and extend from the nose of the bomb to the tail. Some bursters are used in conjunction with an igniter if ignition of the bomb filler is required.

Burster M32

Igniters are used in chemical incendiary bombs and chemical firebombs to ignite the filling as the burster scatters the filling.

Igniter AN-M9

Various types of base closures are used on U. S. bombs; the most common types are male-threaded, welded, and bolted. Other types include female threaded and riveted. Some bombs are designed without any type of base closure, but are closed on the aft end by an Integral portion of the bomb body. .

This type of base plate is used on most U. S. high-explosive bombs. It has external threads that mate with internal threads inside the base of the bomb, and usually has a threaded central well to accommodate a fuze or an adapter booster, which in turn accommodates the fuze. Some base plates of this type have lock pins that protrude into the bomb filler cavity to lock the base plate in place after the bomb has been filled and the explosive filler has solidified around the pins. Base plates with this feature usually have an annular groove inside the central threaded well to accommodate an adapter-booster lock pin; this feature provides a means of locking the adapter booster to the base plate when certain anti-withdrawal fuzes are used. External threads on the aft end, or an annular groove around the perimeter of this type base plate provide a means of adapting a stabilization or retardation assembly to the base of the bomb. Base plates of smaller bombs may have internal threads on the aft end to accommodate the stabilization or retardation assembly.

Most chemical incendiary and chemical gas bombs weighing 100 pounds or more have welded base closures. These closures usually have fittings to provide a means of filling the bomb, and they may have a valve for venting if a toxic gas filler is used. Provisions for tall fuzing, and for the adapting of a stabilization or retardation assembly, are similar to those female or male threaded base plates.

This type of base plate is used on aircraft depth bombs and on some general-purpose bombs. It is characterized by exposed bolt heads or studs with nuts screwed on the edge of the base plate. Provisions for accommodating tail fuzing in this type of base plate are similar to those for the male-threaded base plate.

Dual suspension lugs were welded directly on the bomb body with the following dimensions: Lugs on bombs up to 2000lb were 355.6mm apart (14 inches) Lugs on bombs 2000lbs and over were 762mm apart (30 inches) A single suspension lug was welded directly to the bomb body and diametrically opposite the dual lugs. This permitted the bomb to be carried in British aircraft. The lugs were eyebolts shaped in the form of a U M series bombs could be carried in single suspension lugs welded to a suspension band fitted at the CG of the bomb. Dive bomber suspension was as follows: Trunnions were provided in two types: 1 the trunnions only were fitted 2 the trunnions were fitted and a single hoisting lug was also provided. On some later bombs of naval design the suspension and hoisting fittings were not welded to the bodies but were threaded into holes provided in the body.

B7 bomb shackle for carrying 100 to 1100lb bombs.

Lugs used in bombs are tested to ten times the bomb load in addition they are tested in a centrifuge to twice the bomb load. For suspension in torpedo slings the torpedo sling guide key found on naval bombs can be made on AN bombs by using the base of the single suspension lug Bomb bay suspension of bombs. It can be clearly seen with the lug removed by hacksaw. why suspension lugs need to be manufactured to close tolerances. To hoist bombs without hoisting lugs into naval aircraft a hoisting lug attached to a hoisting band must be used. These bands are re-useable. Bombs being loaded into Army aircraft were usually hoisted using canvas slings.

B10 bomb shackle for carrying 1600lb bombs it is also interchangeable with the B7.

D6 bomb shackle for carrying 2000 and 4000lb bombs. They have a single suspension lug.

B17 bombing layout

US bombs mostly used the box construction for their tail fins and the parts of these were: A cast steel sleeve secured to the bomb body by a fin locking nut. Four sheet steel fins. One fin and one strut are pressed from a single piece of metal and then welded together. Four sheet steel struts in the form of a box. Ditto the above. The fins and struts are welded to the sleeve. The addition of fin braces is to ensure that no vibration of the fin assembly occurs during the fall. They did use other forms of tail fins and some of these are shown below:

This is a shrouded fin assembly. This is their standard box fin assembly.

This is an axial fin assembly

This is a conical fin assembly

This is a cloth streamer stabiliser

This is a hollow tube stabiliser

This is a Snake-eye fin assembly in the open position.

The Snakeye fin assembly was originally designed for use on US Naval LDGP bombs, but their general characteristics were so good that they have been applied to many other general purpose bombs. They can be used to great advantage in high level and low level bombing. The fins are locked in the closed position for high level bombing and are allowed to open for low level bombing.

The Americans seem to regard bombs filled with Napalm or gasoline as being different from those bombs filled with pyrotechnic mixtures such as smoke compositions, photoflash powder or incendiary. To some extent they have a point. Regardless of the fineness of the distinction it is just the way they do it.
Fire bombs are used in land bombing of entrenched troops, materiel storage areas, buildings, and convoys; they may also be used for water bombing. The bombs are normally dropped from low altitudes and are fuzed to function in the air or instantaneously upon impact. Most U. S. fire bombs are constructed of aluminium; however, some are made of light sheet steel. The bodies of the bombs are usually made up of two, three, or four preformed sections which are secured together by welding, by crimping, by external lock pins or clamps, or by an internal tie rod. The shapes of the bombs vary: some are cylindrical with a rounded nose and tapered tails; some are tear-shaped or cigar-shaped, while others are specially configured to blend with the aerodynamic design of individual aircraft.

Most fire bombs are fitted with two fuzed igniters that are installed in igniter wells in both the nose and tail, or in the upper surface of the bomb case. The igniters may be filled with white phosphorus (WP) for land bombing, sodium (Na) for water bombing, or magnesium and Teflon (Mg-Teflon) for land or water bombing. The fuzes are of the all-ways acting type to ensure functioning regardless of the direction of impact. Some fire bombs may be designed or modified to accommodate a VT fuze or VT fuzing system. Examples of such bombs are the Mk 77 Mod 0 and the Mk 79 Mod 1. To ensure proper operation when a VT fuze or VT fuzing system is used, a stabilization assembly must be installed on the bomb. On the Mk 77 Mod 0 bomb, a VT fuze is installed in the nose and a mechanical all-ways acting fuze is installed in an igniter well in the tail. The VT fuze functions to rupture the nose casting of the bomb and to free one end of the tie rod holding the bomb sections together. The bomb sections separate, then burst on impact and spread the filler over a wide area. The filler is ignited by action of the tall fuze and igniter.
The Mk 79 Mod 1 bomb may be fitted with an electric impact fuze screwed to a burster-igniter in a transverse well between the suspension lugs. AVT sensing element maybe employed in the nose of the bomb and connected electrically to the transverse fuze, providing an optional airburst or impact functioning feature. Fire bombs have dual suspension. Most bombs of early design have the lugs welded to the case; bombs of recent design have threaded U-lugs. Nose and tall fairings may be used on fire bombs to improve aerodynamic characteristics. The filler used in fire bombs is NP, a mixture of gasoline and napalm thickener.

Chemical bombs were issued in two types and these were: Light case bombs Heavy case bombs Light case bombs had a high CWR Heavy case bombs had better stowage and handling characteristics but a lower CWR. Both types of these bomb had a full length burster to ensure that the bomb split the case fully thus allowing the contents to be spread over the largest possible area. Fuzing was always instantaneous or air burst to also ensure the maximum dispersion of the contents. The fillings found in these bombs were: Smoke composition WP Tear gas

Incendiaries were issued in two types and these were: Intensive type Scatter type

Intensive type burns as a single unit thus confining its incendiary effect to a small area. They are small in size and are usually dropped in clusters to maximise the area covered. They were also usually aimed at buildings where there was a large roof area to maximise the incendiary effect. These types were filled with and made from magnesium or aluminium, or were filled with thermite or thermate. Scatter types, as the name suggests scatter many small pieces of the incendiary material over a large area to ignite many small fires. These types were filled with gasoline, napalm or other jellified petroleum materials. Early US incendiaries were copies of German and British types. The US used large 250lb oil filled incendiaries of British origin until the autumn of 1943 when US petroleum based incendiaries became available. Very large incendiaries were made by filling fighter aircraft drop tanks

with napalm and they were known as Class C fire bombs. The tank used was the 108 gallon (408.8litres) composite paper tank. The first of the US incendiaries was the M47 70lb that was filled with a mixture of petrol, crude latex, caustic soda and coconut oil. The M47A1 was filled with 93lb of WP and was used extensively in the German theatre. The M47A2 was another jellified oil incendiary with thin steel walls and it weighed 26lb. The M76 incendiary weighed 500lb and was filled with a mixture of jellified oil, heavy oil, magnesium powder and sodium nitrate. This type was used extensively in Japan and was reputed to be very difficult to extinguish.

The 2lb incendiary was steel cased and 120 were packed into a 250lb container. Later magnesium cased incendiaries were the 2lb M52 and the 4lb M50. Both these had hexagonal, cored magnesium bodies with hollow steel tails and they were filled with thermate and an igniter. The M50 had a blunt cast iron nose and was fitted with a fuze. They burnt for 6 to 8 minutes at a temperature of approximately 2300F. They were loaded into two types of clusters: The 100lb filled with 34x4lb M50s The 500lb filled with 110x4lb M50s. The M17 cluster introduced into Europe in January 1944 had a primercord opening system designed to operate at 5000 feet. It weighed 500lb and carried 110x4lb M50s. The M19 was filled with 38x6lb M69 jellified oil incendiaries which became the standard incendiary used against Germany and Japan.

To deliver very small bombs by suspending them from racks would be an inefficient method of dropping bombs. The number suspended would be small and the effect minimal to say the least. To suspend a 100 lb bomb on a suspension hook that was capable of carrying 1000lb is wasteful. The answer is to cluster the small bombs in groups and drop the group as a unit, and would you believe it these groups are called Cluster bombs and they appeared during WWII. The small bombs are assembled using a Cluster adapter and after the cluster is dropped from the aircraft the bombs are released from the adapter to arm and fall independently on the target area. Clusters are issued in two basic types and these are:

Early cluster bomb from WWII.


They are as their names suggest. QUICK OPENING: These open on leaving the aircraft. They consist of a frame to which the bombs are strapped. The straps are fitted with quick release system so that on release the bombs separate simultaneously. Some versions of these are fitted with end pieces to hold the bombs securely in place during storage, movement and loading. The method of opening these versions is to use the arming wires of the fuzes to retain the clips holding the strapping bands. The action of dropping the cluster pulls the wires from the clips and the fuzes thus permitting the bombs to separate and the fuzes to commence their arming sequence.

AIMABLE. These are designed to be dropped from medium to high altitude and actually aimed at the target, hence the designation of aimable. The operation of the delay is achieved with clockwork or combustion time fuzing. Within this designation there are three types of aimable clusters and these are:


This type uses two airburst fuzes to blow apart the retaining band buckles and to blow off the tail retaining cup. After a pre-determined delay the first airburst fuze functions and shears the bands retaining the bombs. This action releases the bombs. The second fuze is added as a back-up. The action of the second fuze is to blow off the tail unit as mentioned and in doing so the tail unit pulls the fin assembly away from the bomb and this action withdraws the release wire from the buckles holding the strapping bands. This action releases the bombs. Early models of these clusters were nose fuzed.

These types consisted of two half-shells hinged together at either the rear or the sides. The earlier versions were hinged at the rear and fitted with a single airburst fuze in the nose. The two half-shells are locked together by a retaining cup in position over a flange. When the fuze functions the retaining cup is blown off thus unlocking the half-shells. The force of the airstream opens the cluster and disperses the contents.

Later versions of these are hinged along each side and a fitted with two airburst fuzes in the fin assembly. Each fuze has a detonating cord attached and this cord is threaded through the tube that forms the hinge pin for the cluster half-shells. When the cordtex detonates it destroys the hinges thus allowing the two half-shells to separate and disperse the contents.

Later version with side hinges.

This type of cluster consists primarily of a cylindrical body casing, an Inner framework, and a shrouded fin assembly which houses two airburst fuzes. The inner framework is composed of a weighted front end plate, a pressure plate, and longitudinal cluster bars secured around a payload of small bombs by metal strapping bands. Each strapping band is fitted with a buckle which, when the cluster is assembled, is held in the closed position by contact with the body casing. A stud and split nut assembly on the aft end of the pressure plate secures the inner framework inside the body casing. A gas chamber on the aft end of the body casing is fitted with either three or four cartridge containers, each of which accommodates a black-powder ejection cartridge and a firing pin assembly. Detonating cord, leading from the base of each airburst fuze, is wrapped around a disk immediately to the rear of the cartridge containers and is exposed to the firing pin diaphragm of each firing pin assembly. Detonation of the cordtex, resulting from the functioning of either or both of the airburst fuzes, drives the diaphragm and firing pin forward in each of the cartridge containers to fire the ejection cartridges. The gas pressure, produced by the cartridges, increases in the gas chamber until sufficient force is exerted against the framework pressure plate to strip the split nut from the stud. As the pressure ejects the framework from the nose of the body casing, buckles on the strapping bands open to release the cluster bombs, which fall free.

Cluster bombs are also delivered from dispensers that are issued in two types and these are: CLUSTER DISPENSER & STATIC DISPENSER

One type is designed to be dropped from aircraft and, like an aimable cluster, opens to deploy small bombs after a time delay; The other type remains with the aircraft and ejects or otherwise deploys its payload on command. These two types of dispensers are referred to respectively as:

Each dispenser of this type has an SUU (suspension and release unit) designation when empty and a CBU (cluster, bomb, unit) designation when assembled with a payload. A typical cluster type dispenser consists of two half-shells locked together at the rear end by a retaining ring and at the forward end by a nose locking cap. Threaded U-lugs on the upper half-shell provide suspension from a standard bomb rack; radial fins bolted to the aft end of the dispenser provide stabilization during free fall. An airburst fuze, screwed to a fuze well in the nose locking cap, functions at a predetermined altitude to eject the nose locking cap and fuze out of the dispenser. This action unlocks the two half-shells at the forward end, allowing the airstream to open the dispenser and disperse the payload.

Static dispensers are designed in two types and these are:


An internal dispenser consists primarily of a large box-like metal container with 24 double-walled cells. Four suspension hooks, two on the top of each side, are used to secure the dispenser in the aircraft. Each cell is fitted with a number of ADUls (auxiliary dispenser units) or other box-shaped munitions. Unlike most other dispensers, a CBU designation is not assigned to an assembled and loaded SUU-24/A. The SUU-24/A is controlled in its functioning by the pilot or an aircrew member. Fail-safe bars, which act as positive blocks for the cells, are opened on approach to the target area. On electrical command, relays energize release mechanism solenoids on selected cells, unlocking the munitions, which drop free.

Static dispensers carried externally are usually streamlined sheet-metal containers which are fitted with a number of dispenser tubes, a bomb-like suspension system, and no means of stabilization. Some externally carried dispensers, however, consist merely of a number of assembled dispenser tubes with a nose fairing and a suspension system. Small bombs housed in the tubes of these dispensers are ejected by explosive ejection charges or by the combined action of a compressed spring and ram-air pressure. Initiation of the ejection system is controlled by the pilot or an aircrew member and may be selective, so that only the payload of a particular number of tubes is ejected at one time.

These devices are a method of getting the bomb to explode above the ground thus improving the lethal radius of the contents. They are exactly what their name implies in that they are an explosive filled tube with the fuze inserted in the front end. The rear of the tube is inserted into the nose cavity and is connected with the main filling. On impact with the ground the fuze detonates and passes the detonation wave through the explosive filled tube into the bomb filling.

Sadie the munitions lady inspecting bombs during WWII.

The Americans call these bombs Depth bombs but I believe that most people would know them as Depth charges I suppose the US differentiates between depth charges dropped or fired from ships and depth charges dropped from aircraft. I presume because they had tail units they can be considered a bomb and not just a charge. The original depth bombs were round nosed and fitted with a transverse hydrostatic fuze. It was soon discovered that round nosed bombs and water produced skipping, as any child will tell you and in addition the hydrostatic fuze caused problems. These problems were fixed by adding an anti-skipping device attached to the nose which was a bucket shaped piece of steel filled with plaster of Paris. The next models were flat nosed and the hydrostatic fuze was dispensed with. The bombs were made from steel tubing with noses and tails welded on. The noses had a strengthening strip added and a piece of steel was added beneath the suspension lugs for the same purpose.

Later version with flat nose.

Depth bombs are usually large, high-capacity bombs with very light case construction. They rely for their effect on blast more than fragmentation. When a depth bomb explodes underwater the hydrostatic pressure generated does a great deal of damage to the vessel against which it is used. The effective radius of depth bombs is not great being of the order of: 13 metres for the 325 Lb bomb. 17 metres for the 650 Lb bomb. Not a very large distance when aiming for a submerged submarine that is ducking in an unknown direction and you are dropping it from a moving aircraft.

These bombs have been thickened in the nose area to permit their use against hardened targets such as warships, hardened bunkers and aircraft shelters. They achieve their effects due to the penetration and the small quantity of HE that can be packed into the reduced volume of the thickened case. They need to be dropped from medium to high altitudes as they require high velocity to achieve the penetrations. Naturally enough the higher you drop your bombs at means that your accuracy will be mediocre at best. This is of course before the advent of laser guided bombs. They are filled with Explosive D, which is an insensitive type of explosive. The use of this type of explosive and the fact these bombs are very thick in the nose area allows the maker to dispense with nose pads found in SAP bombs. In addition they are made from high quality steel to withstand the forces applied during impact with hard targets. To some extent they are like an artillery projectile being expected to perform much the same role. Indeed the first AP bombs were converted artillery projectiles. They are always tail fuzed as the forces encountered in striking armour plate or re-enforced concrete would destroy a nose fuze before it could carry out its intended function.

AP bombs are usually more streamlined than GP bombs

Bomb SAP 500Lb. AN-M58A1. Note the thicker nose and side walls.

The idea behind a Semi-armour piercing bomb is a little difficult to discern. It is neither a general purpose bomb nor an armour piercing bomb. So what does it really do? Nothing much really, it is not heavy enough to pierce much armour nor does it carry enough explosive to be as effective as an HE GP bomb. The Semiarmour piercing designation is achieved by reducing the AP capacity, which means that the body has been thinned down, and increasing the HE content. I suppose the idea is to give you a bomb that can be dropped on a substantial building or bunker and hopefully achieve some penetration due to the residual armour piercing qualities and get some effective results from the increased HE content. Externally they resemble HE GP bombs.

These are bombs used to give aircrew, ground crew and armourers practice in arming, loading and delivering them. They range in weight from 1.4kg to 453.6kg. There are two types of practice bombs and these are:
Miniature bombs & Full size bombs.

These are as the name suggests just smaller versions of bombs with very small charges to give an indication of point of impact and nothing more. Some of the larger versions of these bombs were fuzed with standard bomb fuzes. 3lb Mks 3 practice bomb.

These are sophisticated versions of the miniature bombs but they are full size and are fuzed in a similar manner as HE bombs. They give a more realistic training to all the members of a bombing group. They are necessarily more expensive than miniature bombs.

US Naval 100lb Mk 15 practice bomb.

There are two types of smoke bombs and these are:

Burning type & Bursting type.

The burning types are usually filled with one of the various smoke compositions such as Hexachlorethane. The ignition of the smoke filling is normally achieved by the action of a fuze and igniter system.

These bombs are filled with WP and require a fuze system and a burster to break open the bomb body and scatter the WP.

These bombs in American parlance are the Flare types, Target indicator types, Sea markers and smoke floats.

These bombs are used to indicate the target to bomber crews and the come in two types: Smoke types and Illumination types.

These bombs are used to indicate a theoretical bomb release point and they are filled with a smoke composition and burster that is designed to igniter and scatter the composition.

These bombs are used to indicate the target itself and consist of a payload of illumination candles. The payload is ejected using an airburst fuze and an igniter and expelling charge. The scattering of the burning candles serves to mark the target area.

It is to be noted that both of these bombs could really be used interchangeably as they would clearly mark an area regardless of what interpretation the mission planners decided to apply to them. It is also to be noted that the smoke type would not be suitable for night use.

These bombs were designed to produce an intense flash of light to illuminate an area for the purposes of night photography. They are normally fuzed for airburst and the fuzes are usually placed in the nose. The fillings of these bombs is usually some form of powdered metallic element such as powdered aluminium and magnesium, or powdered aluminium, potassium Perchlorate and barium nitrate. These mixtures while not explosive are exceedingly violent in their burning and are to be treated with a great deal of caution. Most photoflash bombs were fitted with some sort of spoiler or retardation to modify the trajectory to ensure the necessary trail for photographic purposes. In other words the photoflash bomb operates behind the area in which the bombs are exploding therefore giving a good photographic image when the photos are taken.

This is an example of a parachute flare operated by a fuze system.

These bombs are usually known as parachute flares and they are used to illuminate large areas of ground for bombardment, reconnaissance, emergency landings or any other purpose for which a high intensity light for some time is required. For example

they can be used to temporarily blind anti-aircraft gunners. These bombs are designed to function in two different ways. 1. Operate immediately after release from the aircraft 2. Operate after a delay to allow the flare to work closer to the ground.

This is an example of a hand dropped parachute flare that operates immediately on leaving the aircraft.

The methods by which these two types operate are the following: Immediate operation is achieved by causing the parachute deployment to operate a pyrotechnic element that ignites the flare. This is one of the reasons why you should never pull a parachute out of an aircraft flare. Delay operation is achieved by providing an airburst fuze and ignition system. There exist some early US flares that had mechanical time fuzes fitted, (M26). Both these types may be hand dropped from aircraft or dropped from the standard bomb racks or suspension points. There was another flare that is not strictly a bomb. This is the Flare, Tow target M50 that was used to train anti-aircraft gunners. It was a flare that was towed at the end of a cable 1 nautical mile long and it was made of laminated cardboard. It burns for 6 minutes giving out approximately 60,000 candlepower. Sufficiently bright to be seen by the gunners but not bright enough to obscure the navigation lights of the towing aircraft.

These bombs are designed to mark or illuminate and area of water. They are used by aircrews to calculate drift for navigation purposes (before the days of satellite navigation), mark the position of submerged submarines or mark an area on land for emergency landings. They are designed to produce smoke, flame, light and dyes that mark the surface of the water and they contain pyrotechnic compositions to do these things. Some of them are filled with calcium carbide and calcium phosphide, respectively a combustible gas and a self-igniting gas. The sea markers are filled with dyes or pigments to float on the surface of the sea. These types are either designed to burst on impact with the water or are provided with an impact fuze to do the same thing. Some are fitted with a delay fuze that is armed on leaving the aircraft and functions on or near the surface.

Prior to March 11th 1942 US bombs were painted a buff yellow colour but after that date they were painted an olive drab colour with markings applied in black paint and various coloured bands to indicate the type of filling. The standard banding system was as follows: For High Explosive fillings: Amatol and TNT fillings= A 25mm band at the nose and tail and 6mm dotted band at the C of G. Comp B filling= Because the Comp B is a little more sensitive the bombs are given two extra 25mm bands, one at the tail and one at the nose.. Later production of these bombs omitted the 6mm band at the C of G because it was unnecessary due to the single suspension lug being a good indication of the C of G.

Incendiary fillings: Purple bands Pyrotechnic fillings: The body colour of these items could be either natural metal colour or light grey. These were also marked with coloured bands and/or embossed markings to facilitate night identification. In addition pyrotechnic stores are often provided with an identification label detailing the procedure for using the item. Further markings were stamped into the bomb body material on the tapered portion of the body and these were:

Type Size Nomenclature Makers monogram Lot number Date of filling Inspectors initials.

Chemical bomb markings were as follows: They were painted light grey with coloured bands to indicate the nature of the filling. The bands were placed between the dual suspension lugs and forward of the C of G. One band indicated a non-persistent filling and two bands indicates a persistent filling. Green bands indicated a casualty agent Red bands indicated a harassing agent Yellow bands indicated a smoke or screening agent. Purple bands indicated an incendiary agent. Modern trends have changed the colour scheme of incendiary bombs so that they will now be found with an olive drab body and purple bands.

Shown below are the required markings on a standard HE Demolition bomb. It is not necessarily what you will find on a bomb. Factories forget markings, paint runs out sometimes and pressure of events means that what gets put on a bomb isnt what is supposed to be there. Shown below are some general markings on other types of bombs.

General markings on HE GP TNT filled bombs.

General markings on HE GP Tritonal filled bombs.

General markings on HE GP filled with Comp B.

General markings on Gas bombs.

General markings on Incendiary bombs.

General markings on leaflet bombs.

General markings on PWP filled bombs.

General markings on practice bombs.

General markings on drill bombs.

General markings on aircraft flare.

General markings on photoflash bombs.

General markings on depth bombs.

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