2nd Asian Physics Olympiad: Taipei, Taiwan Experimental Competition Thursday, April 26, 2001
2nd Asian Physics Olympiad: Taipei, Taiwan Experimental Competition Thursday, April 26, 2001
2nd Asian Physics Olympiad: Taipei, Taiwan Experimental Competition Thursday, April 26, 2001
I. Background description The purpose of this experiment is to explore the basic characteristics of solar cells. Solar cells can absorb electromagnetic waves and convert the absorbed photon energy into electrical energy. A solar cell mainly consists of a diode, whose forward dark current-voltage relationship (i.e., I-V curve under no light illumination) can be expressed as I = Io(eV 1), where Io and are constants. The diode is made up of a semiconductor with a band gap of Ec Ev (see Fig. 1). When the energy of the incident photon is larger than the band gap, the photon can be absorbed by the semiconductor to create an electron-hole pair. The electrons and holes are then driven by the internal electric field in the diode to produce a photocurrent (light-generated current). There are several important parameters other than light-generated current involved in a solar cell. electron
(conduction band)
(valence band) hole Fig. 1 Brief explanations of the terminologies and basic principles are listed below: (1) Short-circuit current (Isc) is the output current of the solar cell when the external circuit is shorted, i.e., zero load resistance. (2) Open-circuit voltage (Voc) is the output voltage of the solar cell when the external circuit is open, i.e., infinite load resistance. Voc is also referred to as photovoltaic voltage. (3) Pm is the maximum output power of the solar cell, i.e., the maximum value of IV. (4) The filling factor (FF) is defined to be Pm/(IscVoc), which represents an important parameter used to evaluate the quality of the solar cell. (5) Because the photocurrent is produced by photon absorption by the semiconductor, the spectral response (i.e. response to different wavelengths)
of the photocurrent can be used to determine the semiconductor band gap. From the band gap value, one can infer the particular semiconductor material used (as there is a unique band gap value for each material). Any incident photon with photon energy larger than the semiconductor band gap can contribute to the photocurrent (Iph) of the solar cell, thus
I ph
0 C
N()d ,
where N( ) is the number of electrons per unit wavelength produced by photons with wavelength , c is the cut-off wavelength of the optical filter (see Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 4), and o is the longest wavelength capable of producing a photocurrent. Here N( ) is approximately constant in the visible spectral range, and each optical filter provided in this experiment cuts off all light with wavelengths shorter than a certain cut-off wavelength c . Therefore, the spectral response of Iph with an optical filter can be simplified to be Iph (o c ). (7) The photon energy E is related to the photon wavelength as E = 1240/, where the unit for is in nm (10-9m) and the unit for E is in eV (electronvolt) in this equation. II. Equipments and materials (1) A solar cell in a black box with pre-installed electrical connections (2) Two digital electrical multimeters (3) A set of dry cell batteries (1.5 V 2) (4) One precision variable resistor (0-5 k) (Caution: Do not connect the central connecting lead (the red wire) of the variable resistor directly to the battery, it may damage the resisitor.) (5) A white light source with power supply (6) Two polarizers (Note: these polarizers are less effective for light with wavelengths shorter than the cut-off wavelength of yellow filter.) (7) Red, orange, and yellow optical filters, one of each (their spectral specifications are shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 4) (8) An optical mount for the optical filters or polarizers (Note: optical filters and polarizers can be mounted (or screwed) together on the same optical mount.) (9) One optical bench (10) Wire joining devices: 6 small springs (11) One 45 cm ruler
(12) Regular graph paper (10 sheets), semi-log graph paper (5 sheets) (13) Two light-shielding boards (Note: To avoid deterioration due to heat, polarizers and filters should be set at a distance as far away from the light source as possible.)
1 0.8 Transmission 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) Red filter c = 587 nm
Fig. 2
1 0.8 Transmission 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) Organge filter c = 557 nm
Fig. 3
1 0.8 Transmission 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Wavelength (nm) Yellow filter c = 470 nm
Fig. 4 III. Experimental steps (1) (Question (1) : 3 points) Measure the dark I-V (i.e. I-V curve obtained under no illumination on solar cell) characteristic of the forward biased solar cell. a. Draw a diagram of the electrical circuit you used. b. Plot the I-V curve. Using the I-V data again, determine the values of and Io. (2) (Question (2) : 7 points) Measure the characteristics of the solar cell, without electrical bias under white light illumination. (Note: the distance between the light source and the solar cell box should be kept at 30 cm as shown in Fig. 5.) light source solar cell box
30 cm
a. b. c. d.
Draw the circuit diagram you used. Measure the short-circuit current , Isc. Measure the open-circuit voltage, Voc. Measure the I vs. V relationship of the solar cell with varying load resistance and plot the I-V curve. e. Determine the maximum output power of the solar cell. f. Determine the load resistance for the maximum output power. g. Calculate the filling factor, FF Pm/(IscVoc) (3) (Question (3) : 3.0 points) Assume that the solar cell can be modeled as a device consisting of an ideal current source (light-generated current source) and a diode. In addition, there is a shunt (or by-pass) resistance Rsh, and a series resistance Rs a. Draw an equivalent circuit diagram for the solar cell under light illumination. b. Derive the I-V relationship based on the equivalent circuit. Express the result in terms of R sh , R s , Iph (light-generated current), and Id (the current passing through the diode). c. Setting R sh = and R s = 0 in the I-V relation just obtained (in part 3(b) above), prove that
I sc Voc = 1n I + 1 0
where Voc is the open-circuit voltage, Isc is the short-circuit current, and I0, are constants. (Question (4) : 4 points) Find effects of irradiance. a. Measure and plot a curve for Isc vs. relative light intensity, and determine the approximate functional relationship between Isc and the relative light intensity. b. Measure and plot a curve for Voc vs. relative light intensity, and determine the approximate functional relationship between Voc and the relative light intensity. (Question (5) : 3.0 points) Find the wavelength response of the solar cell. a. Measure the short-circuit current Isc for three different cut-off
wavelengths using the three optical filters. Plot Isc vs wavelength. Repeat the experiment for two more different light intensities. b. Estimate the longest wavelength for which the solar cell can function properly. c. Infer which semiconductor material the solar cell is made of. (Hint: the band gaps for commonly used semiconductors are InAs: 0.36 eV, Ge: 0.67 eV, Si: 1.1 eV, amorphous Si(a-Si : H): 1.7 eV, GaN: 3.5 eV)