2013 - Early Childhood Reading - Store - School, Library, Public Agency
2013 - Early Childhood Reading - Store - School, Library, Public Agency
2013 - Early Childhood Reading - Store - School, Library, Public Agency
Organization Information E-mail questions to Community.Relations@Target.com Organization Information Organization Name Please limit your response to 25 characters maximum. Satilla Marsh Elementary School AKA Name Street Address or P.O. Box Please include your primary mailing address in the first line. If applicable, put your Suite Number in the second line. Please limit your response on each line to 25 characters maximum. 360 South Port Drive City Brunswick State GA 5-Digit ZIP Code 31523 Extended 4-Digit ZIP Code (to find your extended code, please click here to open a window to USPS.com) 8200 County Glynn Main Phone Number 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 9122653675 Main Fax Number 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 9122674197 General E-mail Address patricia.herrington@glynn.k12.ga.us Website http://flashmedia.glynn.k12.ga.us/webpages/pherrington/ Organization Detail Which best describes the organization? Libraries (EDUCATION) What is the organization's Mission Statement: Together, we will provide the foundation for life-long learning.
What year was the organization founded? 1997 Is the organization a part of a State, the United States, or the District of Columbia (i.e., a public school, public agency, or public library)? yes Is this donation being requested exclusively for public purposes? yes Tax Status Please select from drop-down Schools, Libraries, Hospitals, Churches, Govt units Do you have any Target Team Members serving on your board? no If you have Target Team Member on your board, please supply the first and last names in the box below (e.g., John Doe) separated by commas.
Contact Information Organization Primary Contact - i.e., Executive Director, President Prefix Ms. First Name Patricia Middle Initial A Last Name Herrington Suffix <None> Title EiP Teacher - Media Specialist Candidate Street Address or P.O. Box Please include your primary mailing address in the first line. . If applicable, put your Suite Number in the second line. Please limit your response on each line to 25 characters maximum. 360 South Port Drive City Brunswick State GA 5-Digit ZIP Code 31523 Direct Phone Number 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 4048045857 Fax Number 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 9122674197 E-mail Address patricia.herrington@glynn.k12.ga.us Primary Contact for this Funding Request: Click here if same as Organization Primary Contact Yes Prefix Ms. First Name Patricia Middle Initial A Last Name Herrington Suffix <None> Title EiP Teacher - Media Specialist Candidate Street Address or P.O. Box Please include your primary mailing address in the first line . If applicable, put your Suite Number in the second line. Please limit your response on each line to 25 characters maximum. 360 South Port Drive City Brunswick State GA 5-Digit ZIP Code 31523 Direct Phone Number 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567) 4048045857 Fax Number 10 digits only without punctuation (i.e., 6122334567)
Proposal Information Proposal General Information: Program Title Please limit your response to 30 characters maximum. Addy Book Club Program Start Date 09/02/2013 Program End Date 05/16/2014 Proposal Detail: Which best describes the primary focus of the program? Culture of Reading (EDUCATION-Reading) Please provide an overview of the program. Students will join the book club and then read all six books in the Addy Walker series. Students will meet in groups to discuss the books and personal thoughts. Accellerated Reader test will be taken. Students will meet members of a local soriety and luncheon will be provided for all participates meeting the minimum requirements. Activities will be designed and supported by an event or events that took place in each.
Provide a description of how the program will demonstrate success in increasing the reading proficiency of Pre-K and/or Elementary Students. Students will have the opportunity to read the books individually or with support members. Comprehension skills will be taugh where needed. Students will meet on a weekly basis to discuss events taking place in books and as an outlet to voice concerns, provide opinion
What year was this program first implemented? 2013 What is the organization annual budget? The organization budget refers to the average amount of funds raised each year to run your organization. We understand this varies by year, so please refer to last year's budget as a point of reference. Please enter one whole number without any punctuation (i.e., no dollar signs or decimal points). 0 What is the proposed program budget? The proposed budget refers to the amount of funds needed to fund the project for which you are requesting a grant. Please enter one whole number without any punctuation (i.e., no dollar signs or decimal points). 600 List the 5 primary expenses for the program budget. i.e., line item: $0; line item: $0, etc. 6 copies of each book in the series @ $7.99 each 1 ice cream maker @ $75.00 5 double dutch jump ropes @ $9.95 each cowrie shells and string for necklaces $50.00 cloth, thread, and beans to make handmade dolls $100.00
List committed and potential funders of this program. Include the funder's name and funding level. There are no committe or potential funders for this prgram at this time.
What other income sources are being used to support this program? No other sources are being considered at this time.
Are there any recognition opportunities for Target? yes If yes, list any recognition opportunities. e.g., newsletters, website, etc. Information will be posted in school newsletters and published on school website. Additionally, there may be opportunities for media coverage on local radio stations, tv newscasts, and newspaper articles.
Would there be any volunteer opportunities for Target? yes If yes, list volunteer opportunities that would be available. Reading opportunities - read to students or students read to Target team members. Opportunities to support or manage book related activities.
When answering the following questions, please think about the mission and/or primary focus of the organization as well as the majority of people served by this program. Ethnicity Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each of the Ethnic Groups below. You may make more than one selection, but only select those that apply. Your selections should total 100% Asian (2%) Black or African American (35%) Latino or Hispanic (15%) White or Caucasian (45%) Other Race/Multiracial (3%) Gender Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each Gender listed below. You may make more than one selection, but only select those that apply. Your selections should total 100% Female (95%) Male (5%) Age Group Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each of the Age Groups listed below. You may make more than one selection, but only select those that apply. Your selections should total 100% Elementary Students - Grades K-5 (5-10 years old) (100%) Population Served Indicate your best estimate of the percentage of those served by this program for each Population listed below. You may make more than one selection, but only select those that apply. While some individuals may fit more than one population, please only count in one category. Your selections should total 100%. Persons with Learning Challenges (8%) Economically Disadvantaged (35%) ESL/ELL (35%) Single Parents (22%) Target Store Project Program Zip Code Please provide the 5-digit zip code for the location of your program 31520 Target Store Location Please select the Target store closest to your program from the dropdown list below. Measurement Measurement What are the anticipated outcomes of the program?
Students will be exposed to African American trials and tribulations during the Civil War. Students will develop a deeper level of comprehension through book talks and activities centered on events that took place in the reading series. All students who join the book club will have access to materials and will be given needed support to assist in overcoming academic barriers.
What key metrics do you plan on collecting to determine if the outcomes have been achieved? Completed surveys. Accelerated Reading Quizzes. Personal interviews conducted individually and with groups of students.
How many people do you anticipate will be served by this program? Please enter one whole number only 75 In 2014 we will be asking grant recipients to complete a program evaluation. E-mail questions to Community.Relations@Target.com