Ultra Fast Liquid Chromatograph
P romi n e n c e U F L C XR - p ro g re s s in g t owa rd mo re e f fe ctive performance -
nce -
1. Aspartame
2. Benzoic acid
Not Detected
1.2 mg/mL of chlorhexidine chloride, 2 μL injection Blank analysis just after the chlorhexidine chloride
P rom i n e n c e U F L C XR - p ro g re s s in g t owa rd mo re e f fe c tive performance -
A p p lica tio n s
1. Epigallocatechin 2. Caffeine
3. Epicatechin 4. Epigallocatechin gallate
5. Epicatechin gallate
1. Formaldehyde 2. Acetoaldehyde 3. Acetone
4. Acrolein 5. Propionaldehyde 6. Crotonealdehyde
7. 2-Butanone 8. Methacrolein 9. n-Butylaldehyde
10. Benzaldehyde 11. Valeraldehyde 12. m-Tolualdehyde
13. Hexaldehyde
e - P romi n e n c e U F L C XR p rov id e s wid e s p re a d a p p lic a t io n flexibility
Peaks 1. Fluorene
2. Phenanthrene
3. Anthracene
4. Fluoranthene
5. Pyrene
6. Chrysene
7. Benzo (b) fluoranthene
8. Benzo (k) fluoranthene
9. Benzo (g,h,k) perylene
Shim-pack XR-ODS2
Detection : UV 245 nm; SPD-20A UFLC 1. Acetophenone Inner diameter (mm) Length (mm)
2. Propiophenone 2.0 75 / 100 / 150
Column : Shim-pack XR-ODS2
3. Butyrophenone
(150 mmL. x 3 mmI.D.) 3.0 75 / 100 / 150
4. Valerophenone
Mobile phase : Water / Acetonitrile = 3/7 (v/v) 5. Hexanophenone Particle size : 2.2 μm
Flow rate : 1.2 mL/min 6. Heptanophenone Pore size : 8 nm
7. Octanophenone Maximum pressure : 60 MPa
Temperature : 40°C
Injection vol. : 4 μL
S peci f i c a t i o n s
CBM-20A (228-45012-xx) CBM-20A lite (228-45011-38)
Connectable units Solvent delivery units: 4 max, Solvent delivery units: 4 max,
Autosampler: 1, Autosampler: 1,
Column oven: 1, Column oven: 1,
Detectors: 2 max, Detectors : 2 max
Fraction collector: 1
Number of connectable units 8 5 (including the unit incorporating the system
Data buffering Approx. 24 hours for an analysis (at 500 ms sampling rate; available only with LCsolution)
Event I/O 4 inputs, 4 outputs 2 inputs, 2 outputs
Analog board Up to 2 boards can be mounted Not supported
Operating temperature range 4°C to 35°C
Dimensions, weight 260(W) x 140(H) x 420(D) mm, 6 kg 120(W) x 20(H) x 100(D) mm, 0.5 kg
Power requirements AC 110 V, 230V, 100 VA, 50/60 Hz Supplied from the unit.
LC-20ADXR (228-45137-xx)
Solvent delivery methods Parallel-type double plunger
Plunger capacity 10 μL
Flow-rate setting range 0.0001 - 3 mL/min (1.0 to 66 MPa)
3.0001 - 5 mL/min (1.0 to 44 MPa)
Flow-rate accuracy No more than ±1% or ±2 μL/min, whichever is greater (0.01 to 3 mL/min) *1
DGU-20A 3
DGU-20A3 (228-45-18-32)
Number of degassed solvent 3
Degassed flow-line capacity 380 μL
Operating temperature range 4°C to 35°C
Dimensions, weight 260(W) x 70 (H) x 420 mm (D), 5 kg
Power requirements Supplied from LC-20ADXR
Rack Changer
Rack changer C (228-45030-xx)
Compatible plates 96-well MTP, 96-well DWP
Number of processed plates 12
Sample cooler Block cooling/heating, used together with dehumidifying function, 4°C to 40°C
Operating temperature range 4°C to 35°C
Dimensions, weight 420(W) x 415(H) x 500(D) mm, 32 kg
Power requirement AC 110V, 230V, 350 VA, 50/60 Hz
SIL-20A XR / 20AC XR
SIL-20AXR (228-45135-xx) SIL-20ACXR (228-45136-xx)
Injection method Total-volume sample injection, variable injection volume
Applicable Pressure 66 MPa max.
Injection volume setting range 0.1 to 50 μL (standard), 1 to 100 μL (option)
Number of processed samples 175 (1mL vials) 175 (1mL vials)
105 (1.5 mL vials) 70 (1.5 mL vials)
50 (4 mL vials) 50 (4 mL vials)
192 (two 96-well MTP/DWP) 192 (two 96-well MTP/DWP)
768 (two 384-well MTP/DWP) 768 (two 384-well MTP/DWP)
also, ten 1.5 mL vials in addition to also, ten 1.5 mL vials in addition to
each of the above. each of the above.
Injection volume accuracy ±1% max.
Injection volume precision RSD: 0.3% max.
Cross-contamination 0.005% or less (under specified analytical conditions,
typical value 0.0035% or less without needle rinsing)
Number of repeated injections 1 to 30 times/sample
Needle rinsing Set freely before and after sample injection.
Sample cooler None Block cooling/heating, used together with
dehumidifying function, 4°C to 40°C
Operating pH range pH 1 to pH 14
Operating temperature range 4°C to 35°C
Dimensions, weight 260(W) x 415(H) x 500(D) mm, 27 kg 260(W) x 415(H) x 500(D) mm, 30 kg
Operating temperature range AC 110 V, 230 V, 100 VA, 50/60 Hz AC 110 V, 230 V, 300 VA, 50/60 Hz
CTO-20A (228-45009-xx) CTO-20AC (228-45010-xx)
Temperature control method Forced-air circulation
Cooling method None Electronic cooling
Temperature setting range 4°C to 85°C
Temperature control precision 0.1°C max. (Typical value 0.04°C max.)
Temperature control range 10°C above room temperature to 85 °C 10°C below room temperature to 85°C
Storage capacity 220(W) x 365(H) x 95(D) mm
Time program Linear temperature programs supported.
Safety measures Solvent sensor, temperature fuse, temperature upper limit
Operating temperature range 4°C to 35°C
Dimensions, weight 260(W) x 415(H) x 420(D), 20 kg 260(W) x 415(H) x 420(D), 23 kg
Power requirements AC 110 V, 230 V, 500 VA, 50/60 Hz
SPD-20A UFLC version (228-45130-xx)
Light source Deuterium (D2) lamp
Wavelength range 190 to 700 nm
Bandwidth, slit width 8 nm
Wavelength accuracy 1 nm max.
Wavelength precision 0.1 nm max.
Noise 1.2 x 10-5 AU (with standard semi-micro cell, under specified conditions)
< 0.5 x 10-5 AU (with conventional cell, under specified conditions) >*1
Drift 2 x 10-4 AU/h (with standard semi-micro cell, under specified conditions)
<1 x 10-4 AU/h (with conventional cell, under specified conditions)>*1
Linearity 2.5 AU
Functions Dual-wavelength detection, ratio-chromatogram output, wavelength scanning
Cell Standard semi-micro cell: Optical path length: 5 mm, Capacity: 2.5 μL, Withstand pressure: 12 MPa
Optional conventional cell: Optical path length: 5 mm, Capacity: 12 μL, Withstand pressure: 12 Mpa
Cell temperature range 5°C above room temperature to 50°C
Operating temperature range 4°C to 35°C
Dimensions, weight 260(W) x 140(H) x 420(D) mm, 13 kg
Power requirements AC 110 V, 230 V, 150 AV, 50/60Hz
*1: Conventional cell is optional