SIMS Install V4
SIMS Install V4
SIMS Install V4
Supported operating systems: Windows 2000 Professional >=SP3 Windows XP Home or Professional Minimum Hardware requirements: PC with minimum Pentium 3, 256 MB Ram, 100 MB free Disk Space Screen resolution: 1024x768 or 1280x1024 The following parts have to be installed in the correct order: 1. dotnetfx.exe 2. MDAC_TYP.EXE V2.7 3. MSDE_EN\Setup.exe 2000 4. Setup.exe 5. 6. 7. 8. Microsoft .NET Runtime V1.1 Microsoft Database Access Components Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine SIMS Installer
Setup ODBC Connection Restore empty NOX Database with SQLUpdate.exe Configure your Setup with V4.SIMSConfig.exe Starting the System for the first time
Click Next
Click Finish
To complete the installation select Close. Its possible that you have to restart your computer now.
When the Installation is finished, please restart your computer When you have restarted you computer, you will notice a new Symbol in your Taskbar:
Now start the Database Server by right-clicking on the icon with the red point:
if the point turns green after some seconds, the Database Server is up and running.
Press Next
Press Finish
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Select Add:
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Enter as name: SQLServer Select in Server: the name of your PC Then press Next
Press Next
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Press Next
Press Finish
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Select Restore:
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Press Ok
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Please enter at least the following information: On the right side, you can select the main language (for Config and Server) Client-name: Name of your Client Server IP Address: The IP-Address is this Computer Comm. IP Address: The IP-Address is this Computer (normally the same as the Server IP) Everything else need not to be changed. Configuring the first central system: Select Centrals
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Enter the Name of the system. Enter the Central-key you received from Sauter Communication. IP address: enter the address of the central Logout-code: Enter a valid user code to connect to the central When all information is entered, save them. Now you are ready for a first system startup.
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