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Summary - Cost of Capital

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The Cost of Capital

1 Background As investors desire to obtain the best/highest return on their investments in securities such as shares (Equity) and loans to companies such as debentures (Debt), these returns are costs to the companies paying these Dividends (on equity) and Interest (on Debts)! It all depends on the perspective from which we chose to view the calculation (are we Earning or Paying?) Companies MUST consider the cost of financing they receive in the form of equity or debt if they are to manage their finances better; cheaper finance cost to the company means higher profitability and in most cases, superior cash flow. Generally, the cost of EQUITY has no tax effect but the cost of DEBT finance to companies are technically SUBSUDISED by tax since INTEREST (cost of Debt) can be claimed for tax purposes in so far as it is wholly, exclusively and necessarily incurred for business purposes. 2 The Cost of Equity Assumptions of the Dividend Valuation Model (DVM) Investors only buy shares to acquire a future dividend stream. All investors have homogeneous (i.e. identical) expectations of this future dividend stream. The stock market is extremely efficient at pricing securities. Present Value (PV) of dividend stream = current share price (current market price of share). REMEMBER: Our focus is the COST OF EQUITY (shares/securities) NOT DEBT (debentures)!


An Example: Assuming CONSTANT dividend streams of income (Investors perspective) A plc has paid a dividend of 50p per share for many years. This is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. A plcs current share price is 2.50 ex div. You are required to calculate the cost of equity of X plc, Ke. Solution: Present value (PV) of dividend stream = current share price (see assumption 4 above please)
50p Ke


Ke =

50 p 250 p

= 20% per annum

Current share price used is Ex. Div. (i.e. without the next dividend payment). Constant dividend divided by Cost of Equity equals Current share Price

Assuming INCREASING dividend streams of income (Investors perspective) To deal with an increasing perpetuity we need a formula. PV of dividends = current share price
D1 K e g

= P0 or K e =

D1 P0


An Example D plc has just paid a dividend of 30p per share. Shareholders expect dividends to grow at 5% pa. The current share price is 1.80 ex div. D1 P0 Ke = 30p x 1.05 = = 180 p =
D1 P0

31 p
31 180p


+ 5 = 22%

Note: If the market capitalisation is given in cum div terms it will need to be converted to the ex div equivalent for use in the formula.


The Gordon growth model If a large proportion of earnings is retained and reinvested now rather than being paid out as dividend then the company will grow. Thus by forgoing dividends now the shareholders will receive higher dividends in future. Estimating growth from the Gordon model If given profit and loss and balance sheet information growth can be estimated as follows: First we calculate the retention or plough back rate from the profit and loss account. (If 100% profit is retained = 100% retention rate) Retention rate =
retained profit profit after tax


Secondly we calculate the return on capital employed (ROCE) from the profit and loss account and balance sheet (as normally done in Ratio analysis or Interpretation of Accounts) ROCE =
profit after tax opening net assets


Finally, multiply the two ratios together to estimate dividend growth. g = retention rate


Limitations of this method The accounting ratios calculated are assumed to remain constant over time (which is illogical in reality) The model uses accounting data (which can be manipulated to suit management objectives) The model only works correctly if the company is all equity financed (assumes the company has no debt; this is not practical in most cases)


The historical pattern method to calculating Dividend Growth RATE An alternative approach to calculating dividend growth is to examine past growth and assume that shareholders will expect this pattern to be repeated in future. An Example G plc is about to pay a dividend of 50m in total. When G plc first obtained a stock market listing four (4) years ago, it paid a dividend of 30m in total. Over the last four years there have been no changes in the share capital of G plc. You are required to estimate the annual rate of dividend growth. Solution [30m 3 (1 + g) 4 = 50m] therefore, [g = 13.62% p.a]

The Cost of Debt Based on equivalent assumptions to those used in the DVM above, we conclude that: PV interest stream = Market Value (MV of debenture ) Note: (DEBT in this case!) The tax system gives tax relief on interest payments by allowing tax deductions from companys Profit & Loss account (thus REDUCING taxable profit). This has the effect of reducing the Cost of DEBT or what do you think? Lower Tax means lower cost of finance as WITHOUT the tax relief, the company will pay HIGHER tax bills and the full cost of the loan BUT in this case, you pay the FULL interest BUT save on TAX, see it? Therefore the true cost to the company of servicing the debentures will be after the tax relief subsidy is taken into account.


An Example irredeemable debentures M plc has some 8 per cent coupon irredeemable debentures in issue trading at 90 ex int. Corporation tax is 30 per cent with no lag in payment. Interest is paid annually. Solution PV of aftertax interest = current debenture price
8(1 0.30) Kd

= =

5.60 90


= 6.2% per annum

Note: The calculation is made Ex. Int. (meaning Exclusive of the next Interest to be received) Redeemable debentures A redeemable debenture will pay the holder interest for a number of years, then will be redeemed for a capital sum by the company (i.e. company will BUY BACK debt Debentures). Here an IRR computation is appropriate. An Example N plc has some 10 per cent coupon debentures in issue redeemable in five years at par. They are currently trading at 90 ex int. Interest is paid annually. Tax is at 30%. Solution The cost of debt would be the IRR of the following debt flows (as they affect the company) estimated by interpolation in the usual way: Cash flow t0 t1 t5 t5 90.00 Benefit to company of retaining debentures (7.0) Net of tax interest cost (100.0) Redemption cost

The cost of debt is sometimes known as the gross redemption yield in exam questions.


The Weighted Average Cost of capital (WACC) Calculating WACC A three-step approach is taken to calculating the cost of the pool of long-term funds used to finance operations (the weighted average cost of capital or WACC). Step 1: Isolate the companys sources of longterm funds. (SEPARATE Equity from Debt) Step 2: Use appropriate models to calculate the cost of each source individually. (for Equity, DVM, Constant Dividend streams or Increasing Dividend streams; for Debt, adjust for tax etc see 2 and 3 above to refresh these models) Step 3: Calculate the weighted average cost of capital by weighting each source according to market value. NOTE USE MARKET VALUES NOT BOOK VALUES An Example - WACC S plc has the following summarised balance sheet at 31 December 20X3. m Ordinary shares of 50p nominal value 10 Reserves 20 10% irredeemable debentures 10 __ Net assets 40 __ The current share price is 1.20 ex div and a dividend of 15p per share has been paid for many years. The debentures are trading at 90 cum int. Interest is paid annually and the corporation tax rate is 30 per cent. You are required to calculate the traditional weighted average cost of capital at 31 December 20X3.


Solution Step 1 Isolate sources of longterm funds. The only sources relevant to X plc are the ordinary shares and the irredeemable debentures. Step 2 Calculate cost of each source Ke = Kd =
15p 120p

= 12% per annum = 8.375% per annum

10(1 0.3) 90 10

Step 3 Weight out according to market value. Sources MV m Cost - Equity 10m 2 1.20 = 24 12.5% - Debt 10m
80 100

WACC 9.375 2.094 _____ 11.469 _____

= 8 __ 32 __


WACC = 11.47% This represents the overall annual cost of servicing the pool of funds the company uses to finance its operations in the long run. Limitations of WACC If we use the existing WACC as the hurdle rate in NPV computations (benchmark), we are assuming that when new funds are raised to finance new projects, the cost of capital will be unchanged, i.e.: The proportion of debt and equity remain unchanged. The operating risk of the firm is unchanged. The finance is not project specific.


The theory of Capital structure The question Does the mix of debt and equity used by the company - i.e. its capital structure - make a difference to shareholder wealth? If it does, we need to know how to manipulate the capital structure for our shareholders benefit. If it does not we can ignore it. Modigliani and Miller (M&M) 1958 Suppose that two companies (A, B) are identical in all respects other than capital structure and consider their efficiency in generating spending power (corporate wealth). By identical we mean that they have the same projects with the same risk and the same operating profits (100,000). At this stage all taxes are ignored and a perfect capital market is assumed. Perfect capital market assumptions Typical features of a perfect market are as follows. Everybody in the marketplace has perfect information. There are no barriers to entry or exit such as transactions costs. Nobody can individually influence market prices everybody is a price taker. There is a single interest rate for borrowing and lending (no spread). There are homogeneous products. There are no distorting corporate or personal taxes. Company A, all equity, provides 100,000 cash to spend with a risk related to that of the underlying projects. Company B, geared, provides two cash flows (interest and dividends) totalling 100,000, also with a risk related to that of the underlying projects. Rational investors would be indifferent between the two packages outlined. This tells us that logically the two companies must have the same value on the market as they ultimately have the same efficiency in spending power generating potential and risk.


Conclusions from the 1958 analysis Value of equity plus value of Value of equity of all equity = debt in equivalent risk geared financed company (Vu) company (Vg) It appears that different capital structures have no impact on the total value of a company then all capital structures appear to be optimal we can ignore the issue of capital structure completely. Modigliani and Miller 1963 However, a fact ignored in the original theory was that the corporation tax system gives tax relief on debt interest payments but not on dividend payments. Using the same example as above, but including corporation tax, Company B would now be able to pay out more to its investors than A due to the tax relief on debt interest. (Tax provides advantage to company B). This would be realised by all investors on our perfect market who would be prepared to pay more for all the securities of the geared company than for the equity of the all equity company. (i.e. ALL equity companies loose out on Tax benefits provided by Gearing so investors will favour geared company to ALL equity companies). This sounds strange considering that in Financial analysis/Ratio Analysis, Gearing is BAD NEWS! Thus we arrive at the very famous M&M 1963 equation:

Vg =
Value of geared company shield (MV debt tax rate) =

Vu + DTc
Value of ungeared company + PV of tax


An Example G plc has operating cash flows of 12m pa in perpetuity. Its Debt:Equity (D:E) ratio is 1:2, based on market values, and it pays corporation tax at 30%. An identical all equity company has a cost of capital of 15% pa. Required: Calculate the market values of Gs debt and equity. The equivalent ungeared company would have a total MV of: Vu =
12 m 0.7 0.15

= 56m

Using M&M (VG) = Vu + DTc = 56 + 0.3D As D:E is 1:2, D = 1 3 total value of G = 1 3 Vg VG 0.3 ( 1 3 VG) = 56, giving VG = 62.2m Thus D = 20.7m E = 41.5m Conclusion on capital structure We should now realise that every time debt is issued the shareholders benefit owing to the increased value of the tax shield generated by debt. Therefore logically we should always issue debt to finance expansion. The optimal capital structure is 99.9 per cent debt at the extreme (in M&Ms 1963 world). 6 M&M and the cost of capital (WACC) It can be proved algebraically that in an M&M 1963 world the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and the cost of equity (Keg) can be predicted from a given gearing level by the formula: WACC = Keu
Dt 1 E + D

(This formulae is provided in the exam.) (1 t)

Keg = Keu + (Keu Kd)

(This formulae is not provided in the exam. and must be learned) The symbols used in these equations have the usual meanings., but note: Kd = Cost of debt before tax


An Example The following information is relevant to X Plc. Keu = 15% pa; Kd = 10% pa; t = 33%; D = 16.7m; E = 33.5m.

Calculate Keg and WACC. WACC = = = = Keg = = Keu

Dt 1 E + D 16.7m x 0.33 1 50.2m

15% x

15% x [1 0.11] 13.35% per annum Keu + (Keu Kd)


(1 t)
16 . 7 m 33 . 5 m

15% + (15% 10%) x

x 0.67 =

16.67% per annum

The WACC figure can be checked using the traditional WACC equation given on the formula sheet.


Gearing and risk The cost of capital at varying levels of gearing (M&M 1963)
Cost of capital



Kd 0

As we increase the amount of debt in the capital structure the WACC falls and tends towards Kd at extreme gearing levels. As we gear up the cost of equity increases BUT not at such a rate as to outweigh the tax subsidy on debt. This increase in the cost of equity is caused by the introduction of financial risk now imposed upon the shareholders by the introduction of more and more debt, which causes the shareholders to demand a financial risk premium to compensate them for the increased risks imposed on them. Flaws in the 1963 hypothesis The assumption of a perfect market One assumption underlying a perfect capital market is that investors have perfect information. This does not hold in reality because investors are starved of information about a companys future. Debenture holders may call in the receiver if a company cannot pay the interest due, even if the company may be able to pay back such interest in the future. The costs of bankruptcy The problem from a shareholders point of view of such an incorrect bankruptcy is that the assets will be sold off piecemeal and may realise substantially less than their economic values (present value of future cash flows they would generate). If we reconcile back to the real world we can probably come up with a revised 1963 equation. Vg = Vu + Dt
Expected present value of bankruptcy associated with our geared company


The traditional view of capital structure

Cost of capital


Keu Kd

Increasing gearing

The cost of debt starts off low because of the tax shield and its low risk. Eventually the company runs out of assets to offer as security and has to issue junk bonds which are high risk. The cost of debt rises. The cost of equity rises gradually as the company gears up. At high levels of gearing the shareholders also start to worry about imminent bankruptcy and the cost of equity rises sharply. Overall, the WACC falls in the early stages as the company gears up, because of the introduction of cheap, efficient debt. However as bankruptcy worry bites, driving up the cost of debt and equity sharply, the WACC will also start to rise.


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