RFMP / Vtrpe
RFMP / Vtrpe
RFMP / Vtrpe
User's Guide for the VTRPE (Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation) Computer Model
Frank J. Ryan
PR 11992.
92-08150 ..
Technical Director
ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION The computer code described in this report was developed through funding provided by the Joint Electronic Warfare Center (JEWC) under MIPR 90-0069, and by the Office of Naval Technology (ONT) under the ONT block program NO2C at the Naval Ocean Systems Center (NOSC). Released by M. F. Morrison, Head Acoustic Branch Under authority of J. H. Richter, Head Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Division
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is a user's guide to the \'TRPE (variable terrain radio parabolic equation) computer model. It is designed to provide the reader with a summary of the physics and numerical methods used in the VIRPE model, along with detailed instructions on the model's use and operation. The VTRPE computer program is a range-dependent. tropospheric microwave propagation model that is based upon the split-step Fourier parabolic wave equation algorithm. The nominal applicable frequency range of the model is VHF to K-band. The VTRPE program is able to make predictions for microwave propagation over both land and water. The VTRPE code is a full-wave propagation model that solves the electromagnetic wave equations for the complex electric and magnetic radiation fields. The model accounts for the effects of nonuniform atmospheric refractivity fields, variable surface terrain, and varying surface dielectric properties on microwave propagation. Multiple refractivity vs. altitude profiles may be input. and the VTRPE code will internally compute a smooth, continuous rrefractivity field in range and altitude. The surface dielectric properties may input directly into the model or computed internally using semi-empirical algorithin-. For overland propagation. the terrain elevation profile is user selectable. A wide variety of transmitter characteristics are encompassed. including " horizontal and vertical polarization. " variable mainlobe vertical beamwidth and tilt. " arbitrary transmitter/receiver geometries, and " analytic antenna radiation patterns. The highly efficient split-step Fourier parabolic equation algorithm is used to calculate the antenna pattern propagation factor. which is a critical component of the radar transmission equation, that is used in the performance prediction and analysis of radar and communication systems. Optimized fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms are used in the code for high computational efficiency. The user has control over both the FFT size and horizontal range step size used in the calculation. Many model inputs have internal defaults, thus minimizing the amount of input data required for execution. The code is highly portable. being written in ANSI-77 FORTRAN with MILSPEC1753 FORTRAN language extensions. Modern software structures and modular program design are used throughout. The VTRPE program is currently configured to run under the UNIX operating system on SUN minicomputers and CONVEX supercomputers. and under MS-DOS on 80386/80486-based PC's.
EXECUTIVE SUM M ARY ........................................... 1.0 INTRODU CTION ............................................... 1.1 A ntenna Patterns ............................................ 1.2 Radar Transmission Equation ................................ 2.0 M ODEL PHY SICS ............................................... 2.1 Vector Wave Equation ....................................... 2.2 Scalar W ave Equation ....................................... 2.3 Boundary Conditions ........................................ 2.4 Pattern Propagation Factor ................................. 2.5 Split-Step P E ................................................ 2.6 Split-Step Fourier PE Algorithm ............................. 2.7 PE Starting Fields ........................................... 2.8 Analytic Antenna Patterns ................................... 2.8.1 sin(x )/x .............................................. 2.8.2 G aussian ............................................. 2.8.3 Com pound ........................................... 2.8.4 H ansen ............................................... 2.9 SSFPE Range Step Size ..................................... 2.10 Reflectionless Absorber ...................................... 3.0 U SA G E .......................................................... 3.1 N otation .................................................... 3.1.1 Typographic Conventions ............................. 3.1.2 Namelist Input ....................................... 3.2 Program Invocation .......................................... 3.3 Input F iles .................................................. 4.0 GENERAL INPUTS ............................................. 4.1 Output Range/Altitude Grid ................................ 4.2 RPE Namelist Variable Descriptions ......................... 5.0 ATMOSPHERIC INPUTS ....................................... 5.1 Refractivity Profiles ......................................... 5.2 Profile Range Interpolation .................................. 5.3 SECTOR Namelist Variable Description ..................... 6.0 SURFACE INPUTS .............................................. 6.1 Terrain Elevation Data ...................................... 6.2 Surface Dielectric Data ...................................... 6.2.1 Sea Water M odel .....................................
1 1
2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 17
20 20 21 32 32 32 32 36 36 36 36
6.2.2 Soil M odel ........................................... 6.3 GROUND Input Data Stream ............................... 6.3.1 Header Record Format ............................... 6.3.2 Data Record Form at .................................. 7.0 O UTPUT FILES 7.1 Plot Output 7.2 Plot Output 7.3 Plot Output ................................................. File: ASCII Format ............................. File: EREPS Format ........................... File: Binary Format ............................
37 38 38 39 40 40 42 42 .4 3 43 44 47 . 50
8.0 EXAM PLES .................................................... 8.1 Test Case 1: Evaporation Duct .............................. 8.2 Test Case 2: Guadalupe Island ............................... 8.3 Test Case 3: N. Persian Gulf ................................. 9.0 REFERENCES .................................................
This report is designed to be a guide to the use and operation of the VTRPE (variable terrain radio parabolic equation) computer code. The VTRPE code is a microwave propagation model designed for use in range(-dependent environments. It provides a fullwave solution (i.e.. the electromagnetic wave equations are solved for the complex fields) to the problem of microwave propagation in a range-dependent environment having variable surface boundary conditions. The model is based upon the parabolic equation (PE) or paraxial approximation to the electromagnetic wave equation. and uses the split-step Fourier PE algorithm. The VTRPE model is an extension of the smooth surface RPE (radio parabolic equation) model developed by the author to predict microwave propagation in marine environments. 1 The major difference between the VTRPE and RPE codes is in the ability of the former to handle complicated finite conductivity boundary conditions and irrcgular surface terrain. The primary use of the VTRPE program is to predict tropospheric microwave propagation in range-dependent environments. This information is used in the analysis and performance prediction of radar and conmmunication systems operating in the microwave region of the spectrum. The frequency range of interest is VHF to Ku-band (,50 MHz 18 GHz). At these frequencies. spatial variations in the tropospheric refractivity field and the earths surface dielectric properties can have major effects on radar signal propagation. In fact. substantial differences may exist between radar propagation in range-dependent environments and the classic "standard atmosphere" that is typically assumed by radar system designers. In practice, the actual performance of a radar in the atmosphere is often quite different from that predicted based upon free-space propagation conditions. Free-space ranges are often several orders of magnitude different from observed detection ranges in the atmosphere. The reason for this discrepancy is threefold: 1. The earth's surface is a finite conductor and scatters (reflects) incident energy in various directions, leading to complicated spatial interference patterns. 2. The curved earth casts a shadow giving rise to diffraction phenomena. 3. Inhomogeneities in the atmospheric index of refraction cause significant refraction or bending of radio wave energy. The VTRPE model incorporates full-wave propagation physics to properly account for these "anomalous" propagation effects. 1.1 Antenna Patterns In analyzing these various phenomena. it proves useful to separate those system parameters not influenced by the environment, for example the antenna radiating characteristics. from propagation effects that are environmentally influenced. such as (icting. The radiating characteristics of an antenna are specified in terms of the antenna radiation pattern function f(9. o). where (0. o) are the zenith and azimuthal angles. respectively. of a spherical coordinate system centered at the antenna. with polar axis pointed in the direction of maximum transmission. The antenna radiation pattern function is defined to
ili l l l I l | I
be the ratio of electric (or magnetic) field strength, E(. to the peak transmitted field strength, EO : E(0.o) f(O~) Eo
The antenna pattern function f is related to the time-averaged Poynting vector S of the electromagnetic wave field by SO0, 0) = ,f(0, 0) 12S0 . where S o is the energy flow per unit area corresponding to the peak field E 0 . In general. the antenna radiation pattern function f is a complex valued quantity. Closely related to the antenna pattern function is the antenna gain. The antenna gain G is expressed in terms of the antenna radiation pattern function f as
and the corresponding two-way generalized transmission equation for a monostatic radar (i.e.. the transmitter and receiver are colocated): F]2 0, [ Ftr G P,(r) PtG,[2A (3)
G, = transmitting antenna power gain. Gr = receiving antenna power gain.
= o0= vacuum wavenullber
T = target radar cross section. R = radar-to-target range. F, = pattern propagation factor for target-to-receiver path. F, = pattern propagation factor for transnitter-to-target path.
Environmental effects are included in the generalized transmission equation via the pattern propagation factor F. The pattern propagation factor accounts for the fact that (1) the receiver may not be in the mainlobe beam maximum of the vertical-plane antenna pattern, and (2) non-free-space wave propagation may occur. The pattern propagation factor F is defined as the ratio of the field magnitude at a point in space, E(r). to the magnitude of the field at the same point but under free-space propagation conditions, E 0 (r):
E(r) EO(r)
This definition of the pattern propagation factor assumes that the transmitting antenna is aligned with its maximum response axis pointed directly at the observation point. The pattern propagation factor F is the component of the generalized transmission equation. Eq. (2) or Eq. (3). that includes antenna directivity and medium propagation effects. It is the fundamental quantity to be computed by the VTRPE model. The other parameters in the radar transmission equation are independent of the environment. Because of the large dynamic ranges of the various terms in the radar transmission equation. it is customary to work in dB-space. Thus. define the dimensionless variables PF and PL by PF = 20logIFI, (5)
The quantity PF is often called the propagation factor, while PL is denoted the path loss. The VTRPE code outputs either PF or PL values on a user specified range/altitude grid. The remainder of this report is divided into sections which cover the VTRPE model physics and its operation. Section 2. on the VTRPE model physics. should be read before attempting to use the model. The X'TRPE code inputs are described and sample input run streams are provided.
' ?
tIon For
A I Rq
2.0 MODEL PHYSICS This section briefly describes the physics and numerical methods used in the development of the VTRPE code, including the split-step Fourier PE (SSFPE) algorithm. Additional details and references may be found in a companion report by Ryan. 3 This section is designed to help the reader better understand the usage of various VTRPE model inputs that are covered in later sections. First. the electromagnetic vector wave equations are derived from Maxwell's equations and then reduced to scalar Helmholtz form via an earth-flattening coordinate transformation. Second. the PE approximation to the reduced wave equation is derived and its solution via the SSFPE algorithm is discussed. Third, the calculation of the pattern propagation factor using free-space dipole fields is reviewed. Finally, various details of the SSFPE algorithm implementation, including starting fields and range step sizes, are covered.
V x E(r.,,')
+i 1 'oH(r,,').
V x H(r.W') = -i,e(r)E(r.,:).
p0 \7
e0 V -- (r)E(r.We)
where ,c is the radian frequency (,,: = 2rf) and the implicit time-dependence exp(-i.'t) has been suppressed. The medium electrical properties are specified via the free-space magnetic permeability p0 and the spatially varying, complex relative dielectric constant c(r). For microwave frequencies in nonionized media. the complex dielectric constant may be represented in the form
+ (r) s~)= l 1(r) + .a-WE0
where co is the vacuum dielectric constant. a is the medium conductivity. and I is the usual permittivity of the medium. A related parameter is the vacuum wave number k0 ,,w_ ";/c. where c is the speed of light. = Using standard vector identities. 7 the first order Maxwell's equations (7) may be replaced by equivalent second order vector wave equations for either the electric or magnetic field. If the electric field E is eliminated from Eq. (7). then the magnetic intensitv vector H(r) satisfies:
k0srH( x V x H(r) +
The electric field is then determined from the Maxwell curl relation
I- V x H(r.,,').
In a similar fashion, if the magnetic field H is eliminated from Eq. (7). the electric field vector E(r) may be shown to satisfy:
V2 E(r) +
2.2 Scalar Wave Equation
The vector wave equations. Eq. (8) or (9), may be convertted into simpler scalar wave equations if the transmitter emits radiation that is linearly polarized-- i.e.. the electric field vector has nonzero components lying either wholly within (vertical polarization) or perpendicular to (horizontal polarization) the meridian plane containing the source and observation point. This is the case for many types of radar systems. Calculations are done in a spherical, earth-centered coordinate systen (r.6.o). with respective unit vectors ( r. eO. io). In this coordinate system, one of the linearly polarized field components is in the azimuthal direction ." For vertical polarization, the nonzero magnetic field component is H(r) = H,(r) , which satisfies k1O(rHO) +
r Or -z Or +r
0sin 0OHO
sin00 09 +
r0 sin 2 0
r 2s O0 H o =0.
For horizontal polarization, the nonzero electric field component is E(r) = E,(r)g o and satisfies
1O 2 (rE 0 (r))
r Or
+ r
r +[
sin 2
E0 (r)= 0.
sin 09
The above equations for H. or E. are then converted to the scalar Helmholtz form
+0K2(x.Z) 7,(X
where a is the effective earth radius. and 1i = r - a is the local altitude. A new dependent variable w is then defined by horizontal polarization:
Wh = Vrsin9 E,(r).
vEo(x), V.r
in/a if -
E1(x 1a)) .
= (+3:/(2a) V/_asiI(x/a)H,(x)-
n(.r. z)
\." /X H,(x ). if .r/a< 1 and
A new "effective" wave number K is also defined by horizontal polarization: vertical polarization:
2 = k12 _ K' 3sec2(.r/)
(O 2 nr-
91- 1
2.3 Boundary Conditions Maxwell's equations are augmented with boundary conditions on the field components. 9 These are (1) a Sommerfeld radiation-type boundary condition at infinity
lim r
-i k 0 4
where A denotes H. or E o. and (2) continuity of the tangential electric and magnetic fields at the earth's surface r = a . Continuity of tangential field components is achie,-ed by modeling the earth as a locally homogeneous dielectric with finite conductivity and specifying a surface boundary condition. This surface boundary condition is implemented 10 via the Leontovich surface impedance boundary condition 0(rA) r,9r La
= =-
with , the complex dielectric constant of the earth's surface. The Leontovich impedance boundary condition in earth-flattened coordinates becomes
Olh( ) 1 +
ik v
h( r-. 0)
for vertical polarization. 2.4 Pattern Propagation Factor If the transmitter emits only linearly polarized radiation, the pattern pro)agation factor F, Eq. (4). only involves the field coml)onent along co:
horizontal polarization
H (r)
vertical pelarization
where Ef s and Hf" are the o-component of the free-space electric and magnetic fields respectively. To calculate the pattern propagation factor F. the free-space fields must first be specified. By convention. the pattern propagation factor is defined with respect to the free-space field of a unit-strength point dipole. For horizontal polarization, the reference free-space electric field. Enl(I. is chosen to be that arising from a vertically oriented magnetic dipole (VMD). For vertical polarization, the reference magnetic field. Hid. is that from a vertically oriented electric dipole (VED). For both the VED and VMD cases, the unit-strength point dipole is located at r0 = (r 0 .0.0) in a spherical earth-centered coordinate system (r. 0. o) with the dipole moment oriented along the polar axis. Employing the dyadic Green's function, the o-components of the dipole fields are then given by'' H (r) = ikoRsin 0 ( (ko+
(16) (17)
where R Ir - rol - r2 + r 2rr o cos0 is the radius vector between the dipolh and the field observation point. and 0 is the polar angle.
Employing Eq. (17) and (11), the propagation factor for horizontal polarization F1, is computed as Fh(r)
Iwh(r)IR 2R 47r ko" 1o I sill O) 5 k~w 0 r ix 93 [1
+ (k 0R 2]
Similarly. using Eq. (16) and (12). the propagation factor for vertical polarization F, is F,r) -]Ho(r)
Hd( r)
(r)w,.(r)R (r sin 0) 7
i1 + (kOR)_
In earth-flattened coordinates, the propagation factor takes the following limiting form for altitudes and ranges typical of tropospheric propagation:
4w]R 2 ko0poX
3 7h( -2V1
zo)/x < 1
k0A; x
N/-1 + (kR)-*
<0)/r 1
The propagation factor F requires the field o-component. which is directly related to the solution u of the scalar wavc equation (10). To calculate w. the elliptic Helniholtz equation is first approximated by a parabolic wave equation that in turn is solved via formal operator methods. Making the envelope transformation w(x) = (ikoX(x). with k0 the reference wave number. the elliptic wave equation is replaced by the generalized one-way parabolic wave equation (GPE)
= V02/:2 + K 2 (x) - k0 .
k' + 02/0z 2
B(x, )
K(x..-) - k".
Then a formal solution of Eq. (18) can be expressed in exponential operator form via the 13 Magnus expansion
i,(x + A where B = B(,r + !A
. z). X.
c +iA.(A
B) u(x.z)
The Trotter product formula 1 4 is then used to symmetrically factor the Magnus expansion into the product of simpler operators. U,, and UB. where UA = UA( LB = = UB(
x) = (+iA
A X)
The PE solution at range x + Ax\. i'(x + Ax.z ). is obtained from the known field at rmige x. e,(x. z), by means of the SSPE algorithm. Physically, the SSPE algorithm amounts to (1) a half-step of free-space propagation. 1A(Ax/2). (2) a phase correction. L'B(A 2 ), to account for refractive effects. and (3) another half-step of free-space propagation. UA (x/2).
T (X-p) = F[
, Z)] _
.i ,
being defined by
The transform variable p may be associated with a vertical wave number via 1) = k0 sin 0. where 0 is the propagation angle with respect to the horizontal. The exponential operator c+iA-A is evaluated using Fourier transfori methods as
- 1 J)=
Employing Eq. (20) in Eq. (19) yields the split-step Fourier PE (SSFPE) algorithm:
1"0. + A.
aBy I I
))1 YVtx
Providing the initial starting field c,(0, z) is known. the SSFPE algorithm can efficiently advance the solution in range. 2.7 PE Starting Fields The split-step PE method must be initialized with a starting field distribution tu(0. z). This is accomplished in the VTRPE model by using the duality of the :-space antenna aperture field distribution A(:) and the corresponding p-space radiation pattern function f(p).15 In free space, the antenna radiation pattern fumction f(p) and the antenna aperture field distribution A(z) are a Fourier transform pair: f(p) =
where the p-space parameters are defined by p = k0 sin 0. P0 = k0 sin 00. (22)
In Eq. (22). 0 is the elevation algle measured with respect to the horizontal (0 > 0 is up) and 00 is the antenna mainlobe vertical pointing direction. The antenna pattern 10
function f(p) is used to construct even, I(0,(O p). and odd. %Io 0 (Op). symmetry p-space starting fields in the form qj,(O.p) = f(p)(-iP:O + f(_p)e+ip:O. and
Xio(O.p) = f0p)(-iP:O _ f(p)+ipzo.
where the Fourier shift theorem has been used to properly account for a nonzero source a]titude, :0. Given the above even/odd symmetry p-space field, the corresponding even/odd synnetry s-space field is obtained by taking the inverse cosine or sine transform of Eq. (23) or Eq. (24). respectively: (0 . t'o(O. z)
J7 [P (0.p)],
In practice, the infinite Fourier transforms in Eq. (25) are replaced by finite discrete Zmax ).16 These discrete transforms are sine or cosine transforms over the finite interval (0, 1 Fourier transform (FFT) methods. 7 fast in turn evaluated numerically using real-valued Use of FFTs requires proper selection of the transform size N and the sampling interval 18 Zmax to ensure satisfaction of the Nyquist theorem and thereby avoid aliasing problems. If Pmax k0 sin Omax is the maximum vertical wave number in the FFT p-space transform grid. and N is the discrete cosine/sine transform size. then the relation between Zlnax and Pmax is given by
ZmaxPmax = 7rN.
Equivalently, the specification of the FFT Z-grid size. b.. and the corresponding p-grid size, 6p, is provided by (26) 6 = r/P ax
bp = r/Zinax.
Two constraints need to be placed on the FFT p-space grid to ensure accurate results using the SSFPE method. These constraints depend on the initial p-space field spectrum. and on the desired vertical resolution in s-space. First. the value of pmax must be sufficiently large to contain all significant energy in the starting field %P(0.p).If OSLL is the elevation angle corresponding to a specified sidelobe level in the antenna radiation pattern (e.g.. 50 dB down relative to the mainlobe peak) and PSLL = k o sin OSLL. then an estimate
forp max is
Pmax Typically. only sidelobes above a minimize the size of p max Before field '(O.p) is low-pass filtered to avoiding FFT aliasing problems.
certain threshold are included in the VIRPE code to transforming back from p-space to s-space. the initial remove energy above the Nyquist point prax thereby Since pmax is related to the vertical spacing ._ via
Eq. (26). a further constraint on its size is provided by the smallest vertical scale length 1,. needed to resolve the refractivity field N(z): Pmax
The maximum vertical wavenumber pmax is a function of the antenna pattern sidelobes. and the vertical tilt angle 00. A second contraint is placed upon the p-space mesh size 6P. To adequately resolve the surface image interference lobes in the starting field %I(O. p), the p-space resolution bp must satisfy 5 Zmax ' 2z 0
This. in turn, constrains the minimum allowable size of Znia.. to be ZmaxI> 2z o . 2.8 Analytic Antenna Patterns The SSFPE method is capable of modeling the radiation emitted by directional antennas-provided that the complex antenna radiation pattern f(p) is known. Often this information is not available for specific radar systems. so simplified generic antenna patterns are used instead. These generic patterns display some of the features of real antennas while retaining fairly simple analytical forms. Each of the analytic antenna patterns is specified in terms of a normalized p-space steering parameter t defined by
0 - sin 00 sin(!Obu,)
P- P 0 Pi
wh e re
and Obw, is the half-power beamwidth (HPBW). In addition to the HPBW. each antenna pattern has sidelobes specified at a certain power level relative to the mainlobe peak. The following analytic antenna radiation patterns are useful approximations to real antenna radiation patterns and are implemented in the VTRPE model: 2.8.1 sin(x)/x The uniformly illuminated aperture corresponds to a radiation pattern having the functional form sin(at) a = 1.3916. ~. --f(t) = at The scale parameter a is determined by solving the nonlinear equation
sin a =-
a -9
This pattern has the narrowest mainlobe width, at tile expense of high sidelobe levels.
2.8.2 Gaussian The Gaussian antenna radiation pattern has the functional form
f(t) =
This pattern is the optimal compromise between sidelobe level and inainlobe beaniwidth. 2.8.3 Compound The compound radiation pattern is a one-parameter pattern that is a blend of the uniformly illuminated aperture and the cosine- squared aperture distribution, having the functional form
1 + Cb
sin(at) Cb+ [ at
-C1 2 1 - (at/)
O " -J-
C <
The parameter a controls the mainlobe width and is determined by solving the nonlinear equation Cb sina 2C 1--Cb ] The uniform aperture corresponds to C b = 1. while the cosine-squared aperture corresponds to C b = 0. The cosine-squared aperture is often used as an approximation to the radiation pattern from a parabolic reflector antenna. 2.8.4 Hansen Another single parameter pattern is obtained from the circular aperture distributions analyzed by Hansen. 19 This pattern has the functional form flt) H -Vfor x > 0 i(H) f(t) - I Ji(
for x < 0.
where x = H 2 - (at)2 , and J, and i 1 are the first-order spherical and modified spherical Bessel functions respectively. The quantity a, which determines the 3-dB point in the pattern, is found by solving the transcendental equation I( 2 iI (H) H 2 -a vaH 2
V 2
) )
for i ( H fov-H-
J/a (
for i(H)
The first sidelobe level. SLL. in the radiation pattern can be shown to have a value of SLL =3084 + 20log [3il ( H)] down from the peak, and is located at p = PSLL
2 1 +(3.763/H) .
The parameter H allows a trade-off between low sidelobe level and mainlobe beamwidth.
1d 0k. 1J
u2 O
42 ,
22 0a 2
0 o002
2+ a1 2 1t ,1
+4 a-:2-I Z=o
Here IV( ) M /.
m 2 ( s)-I
21, a2
a2 -
k 21
0:2 ]
7:9 2 Os
As the VTRPE code advances the field, the local error budget is monitored and the range step-size A, is dynamically adjusted to keep the local error below a preset threshold.
2.10 Reflectionless Absorber The appropriate boundary condition to be satisfied as z -- c by the PE field '(x. z) is the Sommerfeld outgoing wave radiation condition. Eq. (15). Since the split-step Fourier algorithm employs finite Fourier transforms. the implement at ion of a radiation-type boundary condition is quite complicated. This follows from the fact that truncation of the infinite z-domain down to a finite interval in the Fourier transform leads to the introduction of slurious discrete standing wave solutions in the vertical. In effect. the terminal impedance at the end of the transform grid is not properly "matched" to the radiation boundary condit ion. To circumvent this problem and attenuate the spurious standing wave solutions introduced by the finite Fourier transforms. a complex absorber potential X~b. ) is added to the split-step B operator: B(x.) = B(x. z) + V-,(:).
where the parameters {1'. u" 0 } are deternined paranetrically by minimizing transmission and reflection coefficients from the sponge region. 2 0 The actual "'physical" propagation
region in the VTRPE model thus extends to an altitude = Hmax < Zmax to allow room
3.0 USAGE This section describes how to access and run the VTRPE code. It assumes that the VTR PE code has already been installed on either a DOS-based PC or UNIX-based system, and that the VTRPE executable is in the current working directory. Optionally, an environmental path variable may be set to the directory containing the VTRPE executable (this is the preferred method. since it allows sub-directory organization of data files).
3.1 Notation The following notation conventions are used in this report. 3.1.1 Typographic Conventions The following typographic conventions are used in later sections of this report to describe various input formats.
{} ()
Braces are used to group items together. An item within angle brackets (including the brackets) is a parameter which needs to be replaced by user-sup)plied text. [ Anything within square brackets is optional: the brackets are not part of the
... The ellipsis means that the previously defined pattern can be repeated several times. The ellipsis represents the position at which text or items have been omit ted. text Input text to be entered. for example program names or input keywords. is
shown in a monosi)aced text font.
3.1.2 Namelist Input The VTRPE inputs are invoked via ASCII files in FORTRAN nainelist format. This type of file consists of plain text records up to 80 characters in length (i.e.."card inmages") and may be prepared using a text editor or word processor. If a word processor such as WordStar or W\ordPerfect is used. be sure to disable any "word wrap- or special output
formatting opt ions.
FORTRAN namelist input is a powerful. free-format type of input, consisting of ordered strings of "items" or symbobc variable names, and their associated "values.- An item is a mnemonic name (e.g.. MEGAHZ for the tranismitter frequency in MHz) that is associated with a particular FORTRAN variable scalar. array name. or array element. Associated with each item in the namelist input stream is a value, that is a FORTRAN-type INTEGER. REAL. DOUBLE PRECISION. COMPLEX. LOGICAL. or CHARACTER constant that
is appropriate for the associated item. Different types of namelists are used to specify different categories of inputs to VTRPE.
namelist data fields &END The start of a namelist input stream is signaled by a unique identifier string of tile form "&idnt'. where idtnt is the name of a particular namelist (e.g.. &RPE). while the end of the input stream is signaled by the unique terminator string -&END". In between the initial and terminating identifier strings is the body of the naimelist, consisting of free-format data fields. The following rules apply to the nanielist identifier strings: " The initial identifier string &id nt must start in column two of the input record. be capitalized, contain no embedded blanks. and be contained within a single record. " At least one blank space must separate the starting identifier string from the body of the nanelist. " The terminating identifier string is always &END. Otherwise, white space (i.e.. blanks) may appear anywhere in the list. Each data field or input record in the namelist has the general format: it m
2] =
t, aluf 2]...
where item is the symbolic name of a scalar. array. array element. or character string: valut is a FORTRAN-type INTEGER. REAL. DOUBLE PRECISION. COMPLEX, LOGICAL. or CHARACTER constant that is appropriate for the associated item: and < sp > is a comma. tab, or space separator. The actual symbolic names and associated data types for various namelist items are covered later. The following rules apply to namelist data field records: " An item specified on the left side of the equal sign cannot contain spaces or tabs except within the parentheses of a subscript. Each item must be contained in a single record. The spelling and case of the item name is critical! " CHARACTER string constants are enclosed in single quotes. * COMPLEX constants are specified in the format item = (rfal. imag) by enclosing the real and imaginary parts of the complex quantity in parenthesis. separated by a comma. A null value is specified by two consecutive commas. by an initial comma or by a trailing comma. A null value indicates that the corresponding namelist array element is unchanged. A null value can represent an entire complex element but cannot be used for only one part of a complex constant. " Multiple items may appear on a single line. " The equal sign in a value assignment can be delimited by spaces.
.. . ..
> VTRPE where ->" denotes the operating system command line prompt. After the model is loaded into memory, a logo will appear and the user will be prompted for the names of the input and output files to be used in the run. The content and format of the various input and output files are described in subsequent sections. Optionally, the run input and/or output filenames may be specified at program invocation via command line arguments that follow the program name:
> VTRPE inp[t_.fil( p c [,pintfih .. pf c] [plothfil sp c
These run-time argumients consist of valid filenames (with an optional path) in the order indicated. Items inside the square brackets are optional. Each fil(, pc denotes the name of a file to be processed, which can include a full or partial path specification. Not all filenames need be specified on the command line; those that are not will be prompted by
the )rogram.
VITRPE inputs are invoked via a formatted INPUT-file denoted by ilput filh ,pc . The contents and format of the INPUT-file are described later in this document. In addition to tile INPUT-file. there are two optional output files: (1) the PRINT-file. denoted by print_fihl.pc. which is an ASCII-foirmatted file containing diagnostic and/or debug output. and (2) the PLOT-file. denoted by plot fi l.p( c, which may be either ASCII or binary
and contains a compacted range- altitude matrix of loss values that may be postprocessed and input into a user specified plotting program. The file formats of the PRINT and PLOT
temporary 'scratch" files, which are deallocated upon successful run termination. If any
errors have occurred during program execution. then a file having the same filename as ir putjil(. p c but with the extension "'.err" will be created in the current working direc-
tory. Consult this *.err file for more details of any errors that may have occurred. As the VTRPE program is run, many different input/output files are created. and it often proves beneficial to create separate subdirectories for different projects. Any valid filename may be used for the input/output filenames. However. to facilitate file management and prevent confusion. a uniform file-naming convention is strongly recommended for the input and output filenames. One possible choice is to use a unique. descriptive run filename and then vary the file extension depending upon the type of file. For example. the following default file extensions are suggested: jobnamt.np jobnarm.prt jobnamn.plt 3.3 Input Files Inputs to the VTRPE model are via ASCII formatted-type files in FORTRAN nainelist
format. Three types of namnelist input streams are processed by VTRPE
(1) RPE.
(2) SECTOR, (3) GROUND. The general layout of the VTRPE input stream is shown in figure 1. &RPE : &END &SECTOR : &END &SECTOR * &END &SECTOR : &END &GROUND * &END transmitter characteristics and run-time options
Figure 1. VTRPE input stream. The first namelist. RPE, contains information relating to the transmitter characteristics (e.g.. frequency. beamwidth, or polarization) and general run-time parameters (e.g.. output range stepsize). The RPE namelist should occur first in the input file. Section 4 describes the variables in the RPE namelist. Following the RPE namelist are one or more SECTOR-type namelists which contain environmental refractivity profile data. For a range-independent run. only a single SECTORtype namelist is required. For a range-dependent run. a separate SECTOR namelist is required for each distinct environmental refractivity profile. The refractivity profiles are grouped into data sectors that are to be arranged in monotonically increasing great circle range from the transmitter. Section 5 describes the variables in the SECTOR namelist. Finally, if variable terrain or finite surface conductivity conditions are to be modeled. then the surface elevation profile and corresponding surface dielectric properties must be input via the GROUND-type namelist. In this case, the variable terrain control flag IVTPE must be set in the RPE namelist to flag the run as a variable terrain run. Various formats are available to input the surface dielectric properties and are discussed in section 6.
4.0 GENERAL INPUTS This section describes the variables in the RPE namelist. These variables are used to set initial VTRPE run parameters that are not functions of the environment. These include " " " " transmitter height and antenna characteristics. specification of the model output altitude/range grid., range/altitude units flags. SSFPE range step size and FFT size. and type of VTRPE model output.
4.1 Output Range/Altitude Grid The VTRPE code generates output (PFor PL) on a user specified range/altitude grid of V,. range points and N'- altitude points. The vertical grid: {zr(0 ,i = 1.2 ...... N. is constant with range and defined by the entries in the ZR input variable described below. At each output range. the VIRPE code interpolates the complex field from the equi-spaced FFT :-space grid: {-j :- _ i 0. 1 .... , X} to the user specified receiver grid { }. The A r = NRANGE output range points. { ri I = 1.2 ...... r }. correspond to the nearest V'RPE range step to the equi-spaced range grid {Ri} defined by
R i = R o0
(i - 1 )A
I = 1.2 .....
where R 0 =RFIRST is the initial output range and .,'R = RNGINC is the output range increment. Note that the actual output ranges {ri } may not correspond to the user specified raniges {IR} due to the fact that the VTRPE code man use a variabie range step size. The user must specify at least two items in the triplet {1R Nr. A R }: the remaining coiponent of the triplet is computed internally by the model. For a range-independent run, (i.e., only one input refractivity profile. no terrain elevation variability, and simplified surface boundary conditions) the following RPE namnelist variables are the minimun set needed to specify the run: * * 9 o * o transmitter antenna mainlobe vertical beamwidth.BWIDTH transmitter frequency. MEGAHZ at least two of NRANGE, RFIRST, RLAST specification of the output range increment. RNGINC specification of the output altitudes, ZR specification of the transmitter height. ZTRANS
All other RPE namelist variables will take on their default values. To change a particular variable, merely specify it in the namelist input stream. The list on the following pages describes the RPE namelist input variables. Mandatory input parameters are indicated. with all other input variables optional. If a nonmandatorv input variable is not specified in the RPE namelist. then the internal default value will be used. Note that some input variables that normally are optional. become mandatory if certain options are specified.
4.2 RPE Namelist Variable Descriptions ALPHA Atmospheric tolme attenuation a ,(s) Total frequency dependent atmospheric volun microwave attenuation vs. altitude Q,.z ). Arising. for example. from absorption by molecular gases. water vapor. or liquid water (rain). Stored as FORTRAN 2-D array ALPHA( i) that is input as ordered pairs: {z. oi }. i < 50. where ALPHA(1. i) = z i . ALPHA(2. i) = aj. i < 30 where z i is the jth altitude and (i = (z,) is the corresponding attenuatiol (dB/kni) at the altitude z i . Tlie input attenuation values {:zi. i} must start at the surface and be ordered in terms of increasing altitude. The attenuation valhos should correspond to the actual run frequency as specified 1y MEGAHZ. The attenuation profile a(s) is modeled by piecewise constant layers. and is range-independent. The altitudes { z}I need not correspond to the input refractivity profile altitudes. If volume attenuation is desired. then also specify IVOLUME variable in addition. UNITS: attenuation a i in dB/km: altitude s i in units as specified by IZUNIT variable DEFAULT: ALPHA() = 0 BMWIDTH Transmitter vertical bramwidth OB Free-space 1/2-power (i.e.. angular width to 3-dB power points) transmitter vertical beainwidth. Used in conjunction with mainlobe tilt parameter BMELEV to comlute the initial PE starting field. The particular type of antenna radiation pattern to be used in generating the starting field is specified by variable ISOURCE. BMWIDTH < 180. use free-space pattern having specified 1/2-power l)eanlwidth BMWIDTH = 1S0. use omnidirectional point source pattern RANGE: 0 < BMWIDTH < 180 DEFAULT: Note: mandatory input UNITS: deg BMELEV Transmitter vertical mainlobr beam tilt 0 0 Transmitter free-space antenna pattern inainlo)e vertical tilt angle (with respect to the horizontal). BMELEV < 0. transmitter mainlobe is steered down BMELEV = 0. transmitter mainlobe is steered horizontally BMELEV > 0. transmitter mainlobe is steered up RANGE: -90 < BMELEV < +90 DEFAULT: BMELEV = 0 UNITS: deg CBEAM Compound aperture parameter C b Controls selection of the PE starter aperture field A(s). which varies continuously from a uniform aperture (C b = 1) to a cosine-squared type aperture (Ct, = 0)
depending upon the value of Cb = CBEAM. The uniform aperture field (CBEAM = 1) corresponds to a sin( ,r)/.r type radiation pattern, while the cosine-squared aperture field (CBEAM = 0) is a common approximation for parabolic reflector antennas. If CBEAM is specified. then the user must also specify ISOURCE = 1. CBEAM = 0, cosine squared aperture field 0 < CBEAM < 1. compound type aperture field CBEAM = 1. uniform aperture field RANGE: 0 < CBEAM < 1 DEFAULT: 0 UNITS: none DBPASS PE wave number pass-band
Controls the PE wave number (p-space) energy spectrum and starter field passband cutoffs. The initial PE fields vertical wave number power spectrum is lowpass filtered for levels > DBPASS down from spectrum peak. DBPASS is also used to low-pass filter (i.e.. band limit) the PE field at each range step and controls variable range step size. May be used in lieu of 0,, x = THBMAX to limit maxiimi PE wave number Pmax" WARNING: Do not specify this parameter unless ,ure of results. DBPASS = 0. truncate p-space PE field based upon value of THBMAX at Pma. 40 sin 0m1ax DBPASS > 0. truncate p-space field at specified sidelobe level RANGE: DBPASS > 0 DEFAULT: DBPASS = 50 UNITS: (lB DRMAX Maximum, PE range step size
Used in variable step size run to limit the maximum SSFPE range step size that will be used. Do not specify larger than RNGINC or missed output will result. RANGE: 0 < DRMAX < RNGINC DEFAULT: DRMAX UNITS: in DRMIN
1000 1
Used in variable step size rm to limit the minimum PE range step that will be RANGE: DRMIN > 0 DEFAULT: DRMIN = 75 UNITS: meters
Complex effective surface dielectric constant at the transmitter ( = I + is 2 )" If EPSURF = 0. then perfect conductor surface boundary conditions are used in the calculation: if nonzero. then finite conductivity surface boundary conditions are used. For range-dependent problems. the surface dielectric constant (r) is input via the GROUND input stream. The complex input value ES is sI)ecified as an s the surface pernittivity and 2 is the where is ordered pair: EPSURF relative loss function (note that z2 > 0). EPSURF (0.. 0.), flags perfect conductor surface EPSURF - (0.- 0.), flags finite conductor surface RANGE: E > 1, 2 > 0 DEFAULT: EPSURF = (0., 0.) UNITS: none FPLOT PLOT-filename
Character string, enclosed by apostrophes,. for output PLOT-filename. If nonblank, then the specified filename is used for PLOT-filename: otherwise. prompt for filename OR use command-line argument. DEFAULT: FPLOT = blank UNITS: none FPRINT PRINT-filename
Character string, enclosed by apostrophes, for output PRINT-filename. If nonblank, then the specified filename is used for PRINT-filename: otherwise. prompt for filename OR use command-line argument. DEFAULT: FPRINT = blank UNITS: none HMAX Maximum phymcal altitude H.ax
Maximum physical region of SSFPE vertical grid: the transmitter altitude. :0. and all output receiver altitudes, zr. must be less than Hmax. The input refractivity profiles N(z) must all extend to at least this altitude. In addition. Hma should exceed the height of the highest elevated refractivity profile duct (if any) along the propagation track. HMAX = 0. compute Hmax based upon the highest input refractivity profile point along propagation track HMAX > 0. use as specified DEFAULT: HMAX = 0 UNITS: m 23
Minimum altitude in SSFPE grid for variable terrain case: Hmmi must be < minimum terrain elevation point along propagation track. All input profiles must start at or below this altitude.
Earth-flattening transformation flag: controls whether the earth-flattening trailsform is to be used. If specified. then the refractive index profiles and transnitter/receiver heights are modified to account for an earth-flattened coordinate systern.
ICURVE = 0. flags a spherical earth run: modify the refractivity profile. X(2). and transnitter/receiver altitudes to account for earth curvature. If modified refractivity .1( z. r) is input, then ONLY correct the transmitter/receiver altitudes. ICURVE = 1 fiat-earth run: no earth-curvature corrections are applied to either the
refract ivity profile or the t ransmit t er/receiver altitudes
Controls quantity and type of debug output from run, output is to file specified by FPRINT variable or to second filename on command line. IDEBUG = -1. no PRINT-file output IDEBUG = 0. no diagnostic debug IDEBUG = 1. minimal debug output + tabular dB loss table IDEBUG > 1. detailed debug output
Controls the run-time screen graphics output. Plot layout is determined by variables in the PEGRAF-type nanelist. IGRAPH = 0. no run-time screen graphics IGRAPH = 1. run-time screen graphics
PE output flag
Controls type of VrRPE model output from the run. Output is (1B-loss values on a range-altitude grid determined by the ZR-array and by the output ranges. ILOSS = 1. output path loss PL = 20log(2k 0 R/IFI) ILOSS = 2. output pattern propagation factor PF = 20 log F
UNITS: none IPLOT PLOT-file flag
Controls format of the output PLOT-file specified by the FPLOT variable or by third filename on the command line. The PLOT-file contains dB values on rangealtitude grid. IPLOT = 0. no PLOT-file produced IPLOT = 1, ASCII file, packed integer format IPLOT = 2, EREPS compatible format IPLOT = 3. binary output file
UNITS: none
Flag specifying the transmitter field polarization. IPOLAR = 0. horizontal polarization IPOLAR = 1, vertical polarization DEFAULT: IPOLAR = 0 UNITS: none IRUNIT Range units flag
Flag specifying input range units, will apply to all refractivity profile and surface data unless reset. IRUNIT - 0, ranges in kilometers IRUNIT - 1. ranges in nautical miles IRUNIT = 2. ranges in kiloyards IRUNIT 3. ranges in meters DEFAULT: IRUNIT = 0 UNITS: none ISOURCE Transmitter antenna radiation pattern flag
Specifies type of transmitter antenna radiation pattern used to initialize SSFPE field. ISOURCE = 0. Gaussian antenna pattern
ISOURCE = 1, compound antenna pattern (must also specify the CBEAM parameter) ISOURCE = 3. Kaiser-Bessel pattern DEFAULT: ISOURCE = 0 UNITS: none IVOLUME Atmospheric attenuationflag
Atmospheric volumetric absorption loss flag. IVOLUME = 0. no volume absorption loss IVOLUME = 1. add volume loss as specified in ALPHA array DEFAULT: = 0 UNITS: none IVIPE Variable terrain flag Flag specifying variable surface boundary condition run. Used to specify either a variable terrain elevation or variable surface dielectric properties run. IVTPE = 0, earth's surface modeled as smooth and flat IVTPE = 1. surface dielectric properties and/or terrain elevation vary with range from transmitter: user MUST specify GROUND-type inputs. DEFAULT: IVTPE= 0 UNITS: none
Controls all input vertical units for transmitter/receiver altitudes and refractivity profile altitudes. IZUNIT = 0, all input altitudes in meters IZUNIT = 1, all input altitudes in feet DEFAULT: IZUNIT = 0 UNITS: none Transmitter frequency MEGAHZ Specifies VTRPE run frequency in mega-hertz. DEFAULT: Note: mandatory input UNITS: megahertz NFFT FFT exponent size N
Controls the FFT size used in run: FFT size N 2 NFFT. The maximum FFT size allowed is dictated by the amount of available memory on the computer. NFFT = 0. flags a variable FFT size run: program selects initial FFT transform size based on input values of ZMAX, DBPASS and wave num)er power spectrum: the FFT size is then dynamically adjusted as the run progresses to ensure no aliasing.
NFFT > 0, flags fixed FFT run: program runs at fixed, specified transfoirm size. This option also disables all internal error checking. CA UTION: if NFFT i. too
small, then PE output may be incorrect due to transform aliasing problems. RANGE: 7 < NFFT < 12 PC version RANGE: 7 < NFFT < 16 UNIX version
UNITS: none NRANGE Number of output ranges N,.
Controls th, number of range points N, at which pathloss or propagation factor values will be written to output files. Used in lieu of RLAST to specify the num)er of output ranges. NRANGE = 0. model computes number of output ranges N r as Ar = max[1. (Rnmax - Ro)/AR ]: user must specify RFIRST,RLAST and RNGINC in this case NRANGE > 0. specified number of output ranges. with last range being Rmax = RO + (N DEFAULT: NRANGE = 0 UNITS: none PESTEP PE range step size A x WARNING: Do not spccify this parameter unless
- 1)A
PESTEP = 0, flags a variable step size run: PE range step zA- is computed based upon the local split-step truncation error estimates. The range step size will be dynamically adjusted within DRM~lIi < A x 5 DRMAX to minimize the total error in the PE calculation PESTEP > 0. run at fixed specified range step. Warning size disables all error checks DEFAULT: PESTEP = 0 UNITS: meters RFIRST First output range R 0
Minimum range of PE model output: if R 0 = 0. then first output will be at PE range step r i that is nearest to A R = RNGINC. RFIRST = 0, first output range R 0 = RNGINC RFIRST > 0. first output range R 0 = RFIRST DEFAULT: RFIRST = 0 UNITS: units as specified by IRUNIT
Ro)/AR + 1.-
+(Nr - ) * 'J?:
user mullst specify NRANGE parameter in this case RLAST > 0. last output range Rinax =RLAST
Transmitter terrain elevation h() Terrain elevation (relative to mean sea level) at the transmitter: DEFAULT: TELEV = 0 UNITS: units as specified by IZUNIT
TUBMAX Maximum PE vertical aperture 9 0HIRX Maximum PE vertical angular aperture 1/2-width: usedl O-NLY for compound type
aperture starter.
Sponge amplitude 1o SSFPE complex absorber amplitude. WARNING: Do not specify this parameter unless sure of results. VO = 0, absorber parameters computed by model VO > 0. specified absorber amplitude RANGE: VO > 0 DEFAULT: = VO = 0 UNITS: none
WVO Sponge scale length u,O Vertical length scale for complex -sponge" absorber. WARNING: Do not specify this parameter unless sure of results. WVO = 0. computed based upon frequency and transmitter properties WVO > 0, specified absorber scale length RANGE: WVO > 0 DEFAULT:WV0 = 0 UNITS: meters ZMAX Max PE grid altitude Z1nax Maximum z-value in PE grid: Znax = Hmnax + absorber width. Used to set the vertical wave number mesh increment Ap via Ap = 7W/Zmax. To avoid aliasing of Lloyd's mirror surface interference pattern, requires Znax > 2z 0 . where z0 is the transmitter altitude. ZMAX = 0. set Zmax based upon run parameters ZMAX > 0. use as specified DEFAULT: = 0 UNITS: meters ZR Receiver altitudes Receiver (i.e., target) altitudes array ZRO: dB-loss values (either PL or PF) are interpolated, at each output range. from the internal high-density vertical PE mesh onto a vertical grid specified by the contents of the ZR-array. The entries in ZR() need not be equi-spaced. and are self-counting - the first non-positive entry terminates the input scan. Two options are available to specify the actual receiver altitudes: (1) input a list of N_ <_ 1000 monotonically increasing receiver altitudes: ZRO = z1 -Z2 .:%
(2) specify the receiver altitudes ')v inputting via ZR up to five sets of ordered triplets having the form: ZR =z 1 .- A1 .d 29
I [.: 2
d 2 ""
The Ith triplet, {z , -NV, d,}. will then be expanded into N, equi-spaced altitudes starting at z z, with a vertical spacing of dj. The sum of all the NI's must be < 1000. RANGE: ZR(i) > 0, < 1000 DEFAULT: Note: mandatory input UNITS: input units as specified by IZUNIT flag ZTRANS Transmitter altitude z 0
RANGE: ZTRANS > 0 DEFAULT: Note: mandatory input UNITS: input units as specified by IZUNIT Table 1 summarizes the variables in the RPE-type namelist and their defaults.
Description Atmospheric attenuation array Transmitter vertical bearnwidth Transmitter vertical beam tilt Compound aperture parameter p-space spectrum pass-band Maximum PE range step size Minimum PE range step size Surface dielectric constant PLOT-filename PRINT-filename Maximum physical altitude Minimum surface elevation Earth curvature flag Debug print flag Screen graphics flag PE output type flag PLOT-file flag Transmitter polarization flag Range units flag Transmitter antenna type flag Atmospheric attenuation flag Variable terrain flag Vertical units flag Transmitter frequency FFT exponent size Number of output ranges PE range step size First output range Last output range Output range increment Terrain elevation at transmitter Maximum PE vertical aperture
Run Title
Typc' R R R R R R R C A A R R I
m m
I 1 I I I 1 1 I R 1 I R R R R R R
Default 0. none 0. 0. 50. 1000. 75. (0.-0.) blank blank 0. 0. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 none 0 0 0 0. 0. none 0. 0.
Sponge amplitude Sponge scale length Max PE grid altitude Receiver altitudes array
0. 0. 0. none
Transmitter altitude
I=integer. R=real.
"FORTRAN data type: A=character. (=complex. blnits set by IRUNIT. 'Inits set by IZUNIT. .31
profiles (vertices) which define quadrilateral surface interpolation regions. If no surface interpolation is desired. then simply connect the first and last points in each profile. Note that for range-depeident input. ALL profiles must be extended to a common maximum altitude. 5.3 SECTOR Namelist Variable Description The SECTOR namelist variables are defined below:
Array of refractivity profile vertex connection altitudes in adjacent profiles that are used to define the quadrilateral regions (tesselation) used for profile range/altitude interpolation. Used ONLY for range-dependent data inputs, and for the second and successive data sectors. The CONNECT-array data are input as ordered pairs of profile vertices: {z1 l)(i) 2 (i)}, i = 1.2,,NPAIR. where z,(i) is the altitude of the ith vertex connection in the previous profile. and z 2 (i) is the altitude of the ith vertex connection in the current profile. The points chosen for vertex connection pairs should typically be local extrema (i.e.. local maxima or minima) in the profile. DEFAULT: none UNITS: units as specified by IZUNIT IPTYPE Profile data type flag
Specifies type of atmospheric refractivity profile data that are input via the PROFILE array. IPTYPE = 1.contents of PROFILE are refractivity N.(z) in N-units IPTYPE = 2. contents of PROFILE are modified refractivity M11(:) in M-units IPTYPE = 3.contents of PROFILE are normalized modified refractivity. 31(z) -. 110 . (NI-units) where _11 0 is the reference modified refractivity as specified by the MZERO parameter DEFAULT: IPTYPE = 3 UNITS: none IRUNIT Profile range units flag
Specifies input range units of the refractivity profile data: overrides value of IRUNIT set in RPE-type namelist. IRUNIT = 0, profile ranges in kilometers IRUNIT = 1, profile ranges in nautical miles IRUNIT = 2, profile ranges in kiloyards IRUNIT = 3, profile ranges in meters DEFAULT: set in RPE namelist UNITS: none
Profile altitude unit,, flag Specifies input altitude units in refractivity profile: overrides IZUNIT value set in RPE-type nanelist. IZUNIT = 0. input heights in meters IZUNIT = 1, input heights in feet DEFAULT: set in RPE namelist UNITS: none
Reference value for modified refractivity: MUST be input when IPTYPE=3. Normally set -o the surface modified refractivity value. DEFAULT: MZERO = 0 UNITS: M-inits NPAIR Number of CONNECT points
Number of vertex altitude pairs specified in the CONNECT array: ONLY used for range-dependent profile inputs. Should not be specified for the first environmental sector! RANGE: NPAIR > DEFAULT: none UNITS: none NVP Number of profile points Vp Number of points in the input profile array PROFILE: MUST be specified for multiple-profile inputs in lieu of self-counting. NVP = 0. self-counting input: the number of profile input points determined by the model based upon last non-zero entry in PROFILE0. The self-counting option may only used for single profile runs. For multiple profile runs. each p,.,filc inpllt must specif NVP. NVP > 0. number of data pairs input via PROFILE-array DEFAULT: NVP = 0 UNITS: none PFILE Profile filename
Optional name of datafile containing input refractivity profile data: used in lieu of inputting the profile via PROFILE namelist variable. Quote-delimited character string containing a valid filename with optional path. PFILE = blank. profile input via PROF ILE-array PFILE = 'filename'. read profile from indicated file in Et(EPS format DEFAULT: PFILE = blank PRANGE Profile range
Profile great circle range relative to the transmitter: use(l only for inultiple-profile input. Mandatory input for a multiple-profile run: PRANGE=O for 1st profile DEFAULT: none UNITS: as specified by IRUNIT variable
Optional profile ID character string: quote-dellimited character string (mnaximuil 80 characters). DEFAULT: PROFID U-NITS: none
De.,ccriptiori Profile vertex connection array Profile data type flag Profile range units flag Profile altitude units flag Reference mnodified refractivity Numbler of CONNECT points Number of profile points, Optional profile filenamle Profile range Profile ID Refract ivity profile array
Units~ ITUNIT'-
"FORTRAN data type: A~chiaractfer. C=comle~(x. I~nee.R bUnits set IAy IZUNIT. ck-ertical units set by IRUNIT. dProflf, units set byN IPTYPE.
6.0 SURFACE INPUTS Surface environmental inputs are specified in the GROUND nainelist input. It contains information specifying the terrain elevation and/or the surface dielectric properties along the propagation track. This information is used by the -IrRPEi model if a variable terrain run is specified by means of the IVTPE parameter in the RPE namelist. If the earth's surface is not flat or if finite conductivity surface boundary conditions are desired. then GROUND-type input data must be supplied. This includes the terrain elevation vs. range profile and specification of the complex surface dielectric constant. 6.1 Terrain Elevation Data For propagation over variable terrain, the user must specify the terrain elevation vs. range profile h?(r). The surface-elevation profile may be specified in one of two ways: 9 the terrain elevation profile h(r) is input as ordered pairs {r i . Iii) } where r is the ith range and h i = h( ri) is the corresponding terrain elevation relative to mean sea level. Piecewise linear interpolation is used to construct a continuous (with range) profile h( r ). * by specification of the parameters of an analytical "'buip"surface-elevation model. The specific analytic form used is a Lorentzian function with specified peak and FWHNI (full-width at half maximum).
6.2 Surface Dielectric Data
The complex surface dielectric constant is defined to be piecewise constant with range and may be specified in two general ways. First. if the actual complex dielectric constant is known. then it is input directly into the V*TRPE model. This is accomplished by specifying the surface perinittivity c 1 (i.e.. the real part of the complex dielectric constant) and either the imaginary part of the dielectric constant. g2. or the loss tangent. 6. where tan6 = 2 / 1 . This is the prefered approach. provided the user has sufficient knowledge about the dielectric properties of the surface. Alternatively, if knowledge of the complex surface dielectric is not available, then the VTRPE model will compute surface dielectric constant data internally using seniiemjpirical models. These models of the dielectric data are based upon environmental surface properties such as temperature and salinity that are cominionly available. The particular seinempirical model used depends upon whether the surface is land or ocean. 6.2.1 Sea Water Model
If the surface is the ocean, then a semici ical model is used that is parameterized by frequency, sea surface temperature and sea ,iirface salinity. For a good conductor like sea water, the frequency-dependent dielectric constant is 21 modeled by the Debve expression
ir + i+
where sf, = 4.9 is the far-infrared value of the pure-water dielectric constant. s 0 is the static dielectric constant of sea water (i.e.. the zero frequency limit), r is the relaxation time. and a is the ionic conductivity. For sea water. 0 . (7. and r are all functions of the temeperature (T) and salinity (s) of the water. Klein and Swift 2 2 have analysed L-band experimental data to derive the following empirical formulas which are used internally by the VTRPE model: (87.134 -0 where a(T.,s) = 1.0 + 1.613 x 10-5sT - 3.656 x 10-3., + 3.21 x 10-5s2 - 4.232 x 10-7, 3 .
(1.768 x 1011
- 7.638 x 0,
- 7.760 x i06,2
+ 1.105 X 10-8;
a(25. s)c-3 ,
A = 25 - T.
= 2.033 x 10.S
1.849 x 10-
1.28205 x 10-7,,3)
In the above formulas. T is the water temeperature in 'C. and s is the salinity in psu. 6.2.2 Soil Model For propagation over ground. a wet soil model developed by Hallikainen et al is used.2 3 This model treats the ground as a mixture of soil particles, air voids. and liquid water. The water contained in the soil is divided into two fractions: (1) bound water, and (2) free water. Based on experimental measurements between 1.4 and 18 GHz. the dielectric data at each frequency are fit by polynomial regression to an expression of the form
o0 + alS + 02C + (b0 + bS + b2 C)m" , + (c O + clS + c2C)111,, where S is the percentage of sand in the soil. C is the percentage of clay and mn is the soil volumetric moisture content.
6.3 GROUND Input Data Stream The user may input surface terrain and dielectric data in one of six ways: (1) by direct input of the complex surface dielectric constant c s + ic 2 : (2) by input of the sea surface temperature and salinity (marine only): an internal computation of the complex sea water dielectric constant E is done using semiempirical models: (3) by input of the surface soil type and moisture content: an internal computation of the complex soil dielectric constant via semiempirical formulas: (4) by input of the surface permittivity El and conductivity a: (5) by input of the surface permittivity E, and loss tangent tans =$2/c: or (6) by the analytical bump model. The actual format of GROUND-type inputs is a pseudo namelist format. The input file run stream is scanned for the starting control string, &GROUND. and the terminating control string. "&END". Each control string must be on a separate input record. start in column two or later. and have no emlbedded blanks. The actual surface data are found between these two control strings as a series of individual data records. one for each range. preceded by a header record. The input format of the header record and data records is standard FORTRAN list-directed input. If default inputs are assumed. then connas should be used to specify the default inputs. All header and data records should be terminated with a slash (/). The GROUND input data stream is organized as follows: &GROUND header record data record 1 data record 2 = input data records starting control stri,.g
The header input data record has the format: IGTYPE, IZUNIT, IRUNIT The first item inthe header record isthe data type flag IGTYPE. This determines the type of input data records which follow. Each input data record must have the same format. Depending upon the specification of the IGTYPE flag. the following types of input data records are allowed: (1) IGTYPE=O: range. surface elevation. and complex surface dielectric constant are input : (2) IGTYPE=I: range. surface elevation, surface permittivity. and surface conductivity
are input:
(3) IGTYPE=2: range. surface elevation, surface permittivity, and the surface losstangent are input: (4) IGTYPE=3: range. sea surface temperature, and salinity are input (water only) (5) IGTYPE=4: peak range, peak height. peak width. and surface dielectric constant are input (bump model); (6) IGTYPE=5: range, surface elevation, and the soil clay/sand/moisture content are input (semiempirical soil dielectric model): IRUNIT = input range units flag (same as RPE namelist) IZUNIT = input z-units flag (same as RPE namelist) 6.3.2 Data Record Format Each input data record consists of a range value r i followed by a list of parameters
The actual order and contents of the items in the data record depend upon the IGTYPE flag in the header record. The first item in the data record is always the range. Following the range item are one or more items in the order specified in the following list as determined by the IGTYPE flag: IGTYPE = 0 IGTYPE = 1 IGTYPE = 2 IGTYPE = 3 IGTYPE = 4 IGTYPE=5 ri. hi. El.
r i . peak-height, peak-width. r i . h i . C, S. m.
soil clay textural component by weight (X) surface conductivity (Siemens/meter) surface elevation relative to mean sea level imaginary part of dielectric constant dielectric loss tangent = /
7 = ,s = S = T =
relative dielectric permittivity surface salinity (psu) soil sand textural component by weight () surface temperature (centigrade)
There are three possible output files from the VRPE model: (1) An ASCII formatted-type file containing a diagnostic listing controlled by the RPE namelist input variable IDEBUG. (2) An optional ASCII-type plot file controlled by the RPE namelist input variable IPLOT. This plot output file is intended to be input to a suitable plotting program and contains tabular values of path loss (PL) or propagation factor (PF) on a range/altitude matrix as specified by inputs in the RPE namelist. (See the description at the end of this section.) (3) An optional BINARY-type file containing path loss or propagation factor on a range/altitude matrix. 7.1 Plot Output File: ASCII Format The plot output file is an ASCII-type file consisting of a header block followed by columnar values of range and dB loss values (i.e.. PL or PF). The header block is comprised of the following records formed by five FORTRAN formatted-type records which may be read using list directed INPUT/OUTPUT as and is shown in figure 2. logical record I run-title logical record 2 program version logical record 3 input filespec logical record 4 integer run paral eters logical record 5 real run parameters logical record 6 refractivity profile data logical record 7 receiver altitudes Figure 2. Output file header. The header block is comprised of the following records formed by five FORTRAN formatted-type records which may be read using list directed INPUT/OUTPUT as: record 1: run-title: quote delimited FORTRAN character string containing the title of the run (< 80 characters). record 2: version-id date-time-group data-format three quote delimited FORTRAN character strings in the order indicated where * tersionj'd is the VTRPE program version identifica .mn. e dateJimegroup is the date and time of the run. e data-format is the FORTRAN format of subsequent data. record 3 inpu0_.fispec full name of file containing run inputs. record 4 N item1 itm 2 ... it CM N integer parameters.where N is the total number of items which follow (currently. N = 14) and
input range units flag IRUNIT = input altitude units flag IZUNIT = number of receiver altitudes N_ = number of output ranges N.V
= number of points in first refractivity profile. 'p = profile data type flag IPTYPE = transmitter antenna type flag ISOURCE = transmitter polarization flag IPOLAR
Itenm 9 = type of absorber item 0o = type of dB-loss output flag ILOSS itcm1 l = FFT exponent size used NFFT item 12 = scale factor for loss values ISCALE itm Cr 1 3 = number of "triplets" in receiver altitudes array ite 14 = number of items in floating point record. Nf loat record 5 item 1 item 2 ... item N floating point parameter values, where iteM1 = transmitter altitude (m)
= =
transmitter frequency (Hz) first output range (kin) last output range (kin) output range increment (km) transmitter vertical mainlobe tilt (deg)
item 8 = initial PE range step (in) item 9 = maximum altitude in PE grid (in). Zr itemlo = complex absorber amplitude, V0 item I 1 = complex absorber scale length. w0 Itrre 1 2 = FFT p-space pass-band limit, DBPASS
Following the floating point parameters record, are one or more records which contain NP profile data pairs corresponding to the first input refractivity profile. Each profile data record contains up to five pairs of altitude. z i . and corresponding refractivity, Pi. {z 1 l P1 z 2 P 2 "'" }, starting at the surface. The type of refractivity data is indicated by item 6 of the integer parameters record. Following the profile data logical record, is the receiver altitudes logical record consisting of one or more physical records containing the N_ receiver altitudes. This concludes the header block. After the header block, there are NR logical range records. each of which contain NZ scaled (by scale factor ISCALE) integer dB-loss values. Each logical range record comprises one or more physical records and has the format:
rang( item
l i "m 2
... item.N.Z
rang( = floating point range in units specified bi IRUNIT it
The actual FORTRAN format used to write the range data record is contained in the CHARACTER string data-format contained in logical record 2 of the header. 7.2 Plot Output File: EREPS Format If IPLOT=2 is specified in the RPE iamelist, then the outpwt plot file will be in a format that may be input into the EREPS model. Consult the EREPS docuinentation for the exact format. 7.3 Plot Output File: Binary Format If IPLOT=3 is specified in the RPE namnelist. then the output plot file will be a FORTRAN binary-tyIpe file. The file will consist of Ar logical recor(ds. each ha ii. !!,. formn rang(i dB, dB2 ... dB\ where ranqg i is the PE output range. and the
The followxing exanljles of VTB PE iIJut run streanis illustrate variou1S described. 8.1 Test Case 1: Evaporation Duct 2S-meter evaporatioii-dtict p)rofile. with smlooth1 surface b)oundary condlition~s. The title of the runl is TEST case 1: 28m Evap Duct. A 400 MNHz (MEGAHZ=400 ) transmit ter is located at a height of 23 meter,. (ZTRANS=25 ) above the ocean surface. The transmitter has a Gaussian-type lbeamn I)attern ( ISOURCEO ) with a v-ertical beamiwidthi of 2.5 degrees (BMWIDTH=2 .5) and( is steered horizont ally (BMELEV=0). There are 10 receivers (i.e.. targets) equispacedl at 0.3-meter intervals starting at 1 meter (ZR=1 .0) -10. ,. 5). Thle maximumiii I)iysical altitude inl the calculation is 309.3 meters (HMAX=309 .5). Output wvill consist of (11 values of path loss (ILOSS=1) starting at the originl (RFIRST=O). sp~aced at 0.23 kml (RNGINC= .25) incremients (or the closest actual PE step) out to a maximumiii range of 50 kml ( RLASTh5O ). -No 1 lot-filte will bc prioduced ( IPLOT=O ). The refractivity p~rofile is inpu~it in scaled modified refract ivity format (IPTYPE=3). with a reference mlodified refractiv-ity value of 309.3 NI-units (MZERO=309 .5). The p~rofile consists of 23 heighit/refractivity pairs. with the v-ertical uits being meters. The following lines show the inlj)ut file corresp)onding to this test case. 'Note that the nainelist identifier strings &RPE anid &SECTOR MUST start inl columnl 2. &RPE TITLE= 'TEST case 1: IPLOT= 0, ISOURCE= 0, ILOSS= 1, IDEBUG=1, MEGAHZ= 400.0, ZTRANS= 25.0, ZR= 1.0, -10.0, .5, BMWIDTH= 2.5, BMELEV= 0.0, RFIRST= 0., RNGINC= 0.25, RLAST= 50.0, HMAX = 309.5, &END &SECTOR PROFILEIPTYPE= 3, MZERO= 339.0, 0.2, -12.83, 1.259, -18.46, 7.943, -23.38, 0.316, -14.24, 1.995, -19.81, 12.589, -24.24, 0.501, -15.67, 3.162, -21.1, 19.953, -24.76, 28m Evap Duct',
Test case 1 is a range-indepenldent.
Op)t Iois
50.119, -23.91,
63.096, -23.01,
8.2 Test Case 2: Guadalupe Island Test case 2 is an example of a range-dependent run over water. The environmental data correspond to the Gaudalupe Island experiment conducted off the coast of Southern California in 194S. The experiment consisted of a beacoli-equipped airplane flying a "'saw tooth" profile away froil receivers mounted on a bluff overlooking the ocean. Using reciprocitv. the received field patterns may be computed by reversing the position of the receiver and source. The transmitter properties are thuis: (1) frequency of 200 MHz: (2) Gaussian-type antenna pattern having a 2 degree vertical beanwidth and steere(d tip 2 degrees: (3) elevation of 150 meters. The range units are nautical miles, with path loss PL output every 2 nmi. Ten equispaced receiver altitudes are specified. spaced 20 leters apart starting at 10 meters. Five refractivity profiles are inlut. spac,d from 0 to 200 nmil from the transmitter. The profile altitude units are in feet. with refractivity in N-uilts being specified. The first profile has 28 points. starting at the sea surface and extending to 3500 feet. Range interpolation is defined between the first profile at range = 0nni and the second profile at range = 80nmi by the specification of 7 vertex connection pairs that determine the quadrilateral bivariate surface interpolation regions. The tessellation is defined as: (1) between (2) between (3) between (4) between (3) between (6) between (7) between z = z z z= = z = = 0 on profile I and z 0 on profile 2 500 on profile 1 and z = 500 on profile 2 500 on profile 1 and z = 700 on profile 2 800 on profile 1 and z = 1050 oil profile 2 1500 on profile 1 and = 1500 on profile 2 1600 on profile 1 and z 1600 on profile 2 3500 on profile 1 and z 3500 on profile 2
ZMAX=1500., IDEBUG=1, IPLOT=2, ILOSS= 1, NRANGE= 100, RNGINC= 2., IRUNIT = 1, RFIRST= 0., &END &SECTOR PROFID='Guadalupe Is Exp:
IPTYPE=1, IRUNIT=1, IZUNIT=1, NVP= 28, PROFILE= 0., 336., 200., 335., 300., 334., 550., 329., 600., 326., 650., 314., 850., 1400., 2200., 3200., 284., 276., 271., 266., 900., 1500., 2400., 3400., 282., 275., 269., 264., 1000., 279., 1600., 273., 2600., 267., 3500., 263.,
400., 334., 700., 302., 1200., 276., 1800., 272., 2800., 266.,
500., 332., 800., 285., 1300., 276., 2000., 272., 3000., 266.,
&END &SECTOR PROFID='Guadalupe Is Exp: profile #2', PROFILE= 0., 337., 200., 335., 400., 333., 800., 324., 900., 309., 950., 304., 1100., 291., 1200., 290., 1300., 287., 1550., 275., 1600., 273., 1700., 273., 2200., 271., 2400., 269., 2600., 267., 3200., 266., 3400., 264., 3500., 263., NPAIR=7, CONNECT= 0., 0., 500., 500., 500., 700., 800., 1050., 1500., 1500., 1600., 1600., 3500., 3500. &END &SECTOR
NVP=28, 700., 330., 1050., 293., 1500., 282., 2000., 272., 3000., 266.,
2800., 266.,
PROFID='Guadalupe Is Exp: PROFILE= 0., 334., 700., 330., 1250., 319., 1550., 284., 2100., 270., 3000., 265., NPAI=7, CONNECT= 0., 200., 800., 1300., 1600., 2200., 3300., 0., 334., 328., 312., 283., 269., 263.,
profile #3', 300., 1000., 1400., 1800., 2400., 3500., 333., 327., 295., 281., 269., 263.,
PRANGE=120., NVP=28, 400., 1100., 1450., 1900., 2600., 333., 327., 291., 276., 269., 600., 1200., 1500., 2000., 2800., 331., 326., 286., 271., 266.,
700., 700., 700., 1200., 1050., 1500., 1500., 1800., 2000., 2000., 3500., 3500. &END &SECTOR PRANGE=160., PROFILE= 0., 333., 800., 325., 1500., 297., 2000., 273., 2800., 267., NPAIR=6, CONNECT= &END &SECTOR PROFID='Guadalupe Is Exp: NVP=24, 50., 332., 1000., 324., 1600., 292., 2200., 267., 3000., 265., 0., 0., 300., 330., 1150., 323., 1650., 289., 2400., 271., 3300., 265., profile #4',
400., 329., 1200., 320., 1700., 287., 2500., 273., 3500., 261., 1150.,
1500., 1600.,
2000., 2000.,
PROFID='Guadalupe Is Exp: NVP=24, 200., 329., 1000., 320., 1750., 301., 2500., 273., 3100., 264., 0. 0.,
profile #5',
PRANGE=200., PROFILE= 0., 331., 800., 321., 1700., 299., 2400., 270., 2900., 261., NPAIR=8, CONNECT=
300., 327., 1200., 318., 1850., 290., 2600., 274., 3300., 263., 1000. 1000.,
400., 327., 1400., 315., 2000., 280., 2700., 278., 3500., 262., 1200. 1600.,
2000. &END
ZTRANS= 60.,
DRMAX = 500., DRMIN = 75.,
&SECTOR PROFID='16m Evap Duct: profile #1',
PRANGE=O., PROFILE= 0., 0., 1.0, -17.485, 8.0, -20.768, 18.0, -21.140, 100., 1000.0,
NVP= 22, 0.50, -16.161, 6.0, 16.0, 50., 200.0, -20.443, -21.155, -19.184, -3.206,
0.1, -12.995, 2.0, -18.746, 12., -21.08, 20.0, -21.101, 1500., 155.26
0.25, -14.839, 4.0, 14.0, 25.0, 150.0, -19.882, -21.138, -20.923, -8.88,
&SECTOR PROFID='Profile #2', PRANGE=100., PROFILE= C., 50., 100., 125., 150., 200., 250., 300., 350., 380., 500., 1500., NPAIR=3, CONNECT= 0., 0., 16., 150 1500., &END 1500. 376.0, 363.0, 339.0, 325.0, 315.0, 320., 321., 319., 318., 325., 339., 475., IPTYPE=2, MZERO=O., NVP= 12,
&SECTOR PROFID='Profile #3', PRANGE=140., IPTYPE=2, MZERO=O., NVP= 9, PROFILE= 0., 275.0, 150., 200., 250.,
350., 380.,
318., 325.,
0., 150., 1500., &END &GROUND 0, 0, 0 0., 98., 100., 101., 124.2 126.0, 129.8, 132.6, 136.6 138.2, 142.6, 157.4, 158.6, 159.4, 160.4, 161.8, 162.2, 177.4, 191.0, 197.0, 201., 202., 212.6, 250.6, &END
0., 0., 0., 1., 1.5, 2.0, 60., 100., 200., 160., 100., 100., 200., 300., 400., 150., 325., 400., 400., 500., 600., 500., 600., 600.,
70., 70., 70., 70., 70., 24., 10., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3., 3.,
50. 50. 50. 50. 50. 32. .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02
/ / /
1.6 /
/ / / / /
/ .02 /
/ .02 /
1. F.J. Ryan. "RPE: A parabolic equation radio assessment model." in OperationalDecision Aids for Exploiting or Mitigating Electromagnetic PropagationEffects (presented at NATO AGARD Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Panel Symposium. San Diego. CA, 15-19 May 1989). 2. J.E. Freehafer. W.T. Fishback, W.H. Furry. and D.E. Kerr. "Theory of propagation in a horizontally stratified atmosphere." in Propagationof Short Radio Wave,,. edited by D. E. Kerr, (McGraw-Hill, 1951). pp. 27--41.
3. Frank J. Ryan. -Analysis of electronmagnetic )rop)agation over varia)le terrain using
the parabolic wave equation.'* NOSC TR-1453. Naval Ocean Systems Center. San Diego. CA (1991). 4. Julius Adams Stratton. Electromagnetic Theory. (McGraw-Hill. New York. 1941). 5. J. D. Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. (John Wiley. 1973). 2nd e(l.. 6. L. D. Landau. E. M. Lifshitz. and L.P. Pitaevskii. Electrodyaamics of Continuo'us, Media. (Pergamon Press. Oxford. 1984). Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics. Vol. 8. 2nd ed.. Chap. IX-X. pp. 257-330. 7. Philip M. Morse and Herman Feshbach. Methods of Theoretical Physics. Part L (McGraw Hill. New York. 1953). 8. NI. H. L. Pryce. "The diffraction of radio waves by the curvature of the earth." Adv. Phys. 2. 6795 (1933). 9. A. "ommerfeld. Partial Differential Equations in Physics. (Academic Press. New York. 1949). Chap. V 28. pp. 188-200. 10. V. A. Fock. Electromagnetic Diffraction and PropagationProblems. (Pergamon Press. Oxford. 1965). Chap. 11-14. 11. Charles Herach Papas. Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation.(Dover Publications. New York. 1988). Chap. 4, pp. 81-97. 12. D. J. Thompson and N. R. Chapman. "A wide-angle split-step algorithm for the parabolic equation." J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 74. 1848- 1834 (1983). 13. Wilheln Magnus. "'On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator.- Comm. Pure and Appl. Math. 7, 649 673 (1954). 14. NI. Reed and B. Simon. Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics. Vol. 1: Functional Analysis. (Academic Press. New York. 1980). Revised ed.. Chap. VIII. 15. E. V. Jull. Aperture Antennas and Diffraction. Theory. (Peter Peregrinus. London. 1981). IEE Electromagnetic Series Vol. 10. Chap. 3. pp. 18-30. 16. J. NV. Cooley. P. A. W. Lewis, and P. D. XVelsh. "'The fast Fourier transform algorithm: programming considerations in the calculation of sine, cosine and Laplace transforms." J. Sound Vib. 12. 315 337 (1970). 17. Glenn D. Bergland. '-A radix-8 fast Fourier transform subroutine for real-valued series." IEEE Trans. Audio Elec-Acoust AU-17, 138 144 (1969). 18. E. Oran Brigham. The Fast Fourier Transform and its Application,,. (Prentice-Hall. Inc.. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. 1988), Chap. 9. pp. 167 203. 50
19. R. C. Hansen. -A one-parameter circular aperture distribution with narrow beamwidth and low sidelobes,*" IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. AP-24. 477 (1976). 20. F. J. Ryan and C. D. Rees. -Optimal absorber potentials in PE modeling."' J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Suppl. 1 86. S53 (1989). 21. J. R. Apel, Principles of Ocean Physics. (Academic Press. 1987). Chap. 8. pp. 409 417. 22. Lawrence A. Klein and Calvin T. Swift. "An improved model for the dielectric constant of sea water at microwave frequencies." IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. AP-25. 104-111 (1977). 23. Martti T. Hallikainen. Fawwaz T. Ulaby. Myron C. Dobson. Mohamed A. El-Rayes and Lin-Kun Wu. "'Microwave dielectric behavior of wet soil--Part I: Empirical models and experimental observations." IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing GE-23. 23-34 (1985).
o 70 08
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October 1991
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0602435N OMAF
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Arlington, VA 22217-5000
Kelley AFB
San Antonio, TX 78243
This report is a user's guide to the VTRPE (variable terrain radio parabolic equation) computer model. It is designed to provide the reader with a summary of the physics and numerical methods used in the VTRPE model, along with detailed instructions on the model's use and operation. The VTRPE computer program is a range-dependent, tropospheric microwave propagation model that is based upon the split-step Fourier parabolic wave equation algorithm. The nominal applicable frequency range of the model is VHF to K-band. The VTRPE program is able to make predictions for microwave propagation over both land and water. The VTRPE code is a full-wave propagation model that solves the electromagnetic wave equations for the complex electric and magnetic radiation fields. The model accounts for the effects of nonuniform atmospheric refractivity fields, variable surface terrain, and varying surface dielectric properties on microwave propagation. The code is written in ANSI-77 FORTRAN with MILSPEC-1753 FORTRAN language extensions. The VTRPE program is currently configured to run under the UNIX operating system on SUN minicomputers and CONVEX supercomputers, and under MS-DOS on 80386/80486-based PC's.
microwave propagation
numerical wave propagation
NSN 7540-G1 -280-550Q
Standard form 298
Frank J. Ryan
(619) 553-3099
Code 541
NSN 7540-01-280-5500
INITIAL DISTRIBUTION Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code Code 0012 0144 444 54 541 541 541 541 543 543 543 952B 961 964B Patent Counsel R. November R. Yturralde J. Richter V. Dannon D. Rees H. Bucker F. Ryan R. Paulus H. Hitney K. Anderson J. Puleo Archive/Stock Library (1) (1) (1) (20) (1) (1) (1) (20) (1) (1) (1) (1) (6) (3)
Defense Technical Information Center Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 NCCOSC Washington Liaison Office Washington, DC 20363-5100 Center for Naval Analyses Alexandria, VA 22302-0268 Navy Acquisition, Research & Development Information Center (NARDIC) Alexandria, VA 22333 Navy Acquisition, Research & Development Information Center (NARDIC) Pasadena, CA 91106-3955 Joint Electronic Warfare Center San Antonio, TX 78243-5000 Aeronautical Systems Division Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6503 Tovon Research Corporation Goleta, CA 93117