Magdalena Cruz Gómez LM-1002
Magdalena Cruz Gómez LM-1002
Magdalena Cruz Gómez LM-1002
These days the hours seem me endless and the minutes are a crucifixion, I am desespared, how if I am wait for something that never going to happen, it's something that I have trapped in my throat, how I to want screaming. I need peace of my internal demons! Always that I am sad, I want run towards my house, its a beautiful place located in the field, surrounded for a green layer of sheets that seem cradle of quiet babies that upload until to sky. God! The life seemed simpler when I was a child, I remember the houses that I built with sticks and mud, were very pretty, its funny but I always have believed that those houses had odors, I recall smelled cinnamon, vanilla, chocolate, coconut, peanuts; in those then, the life seemed sweet. Also I can remember the Sundays when my mom cooked always something elaborate but very delicious, all at the house woke up very early to turn on the television and we cleaned until to leave shiny the house, we had that did it if we wanted to eat or if not we eat knocks with the belt. I am sad, I wanted to be like Peter Pan and never grow up, I am sure that all lost something special when we grow up like the capacity of make friends with just a smile or the capacity to comfort a person when what need, this little details that to do more sweet the life.
But as said Tupac Shakur this is the life, just we have to live, but well live. So, sometimes I think that I wait little things of the life, because I feel well with I see my cat runs, and thinking, "at least, it has towards to escape of the cows of neighborhood". In that moments, I give to "Thanks" to God of that my house be a farm. My cat, its very rare, so, its cant jump and climb, this because it has short paws, but it is very successful, so it learned to run faster and jump like rabbit, also, it is smart, this thing do it unique. I suppose that I have envy of my cat, so, it should know some secret to not stop it, I say this because Ive seen so people that believed the life is enrage with them. But the life is of this way, its difficult, sometimes seem impossible, so, this is the charm of the life. Sometimes I wish be like an animal, live for instinct without think the things, without fear to fail, without look that I have or not. I will like be free like a bird, as the birds that get to the trees of the garden of my house, they are like a broken rainbow in little pieces of lights, it don't mean that I wish have wings, if not have the power to look beyond the apparent, like in the THUNDERCATS. "Sword of the omens I want to see beyond the obvious." In conclusion, I desire a simple life without problems, it that be like the mountains that surround my home, be like sweets with music of creek and that when the will fall afternoon will be slowly and lovely without fears ang with hope for a new dawn.