UNIT 5 Leaving Port
UNIT 5 Leaving Port
UNIT 5 Leaving Port
The Marina is now ready to sail from the Raos Dock in the Port of Santander. The Pilot has come on board and is greeted by the Second Mate, who takes him up to the bridge to meet the Captain. Now listen to the conversation between the pilot and Captain James. Good afternoon, Captain. I dont think we have met before. Rodriguez. How do you do? Pleased to meet you. I am Andrew James. Welcome on board, Mr Rodriguez. Thank you. I understand you are ready to leave port. Yes, weve just about finished with the paper work and Port State Control. The cargo loading operations are completed. I think we are actually all set to start singling up. Rodriguez studies the wheelhouse poster, which contains information on the Marina. The interview continues. Is there any particular information you would like to give me? Any recent changes on board? No, not really I have the pilot card for you. Here you are. Ill be happy to fill you in with any manoeuvring data you need. Thanks, there are a few questions Id like to ask. Is the engine room manned? The engine room will be manned while leaving port, but is on bridge control. How long does it take to change engines from ahead to astern? It takes 25 seconds to change from ahead to astern. And to start engines from stopped? It takes, lets see, 15 seconds. Do you have a right-hand or left-hand propeller? We have a right-hand propeller. And you have a bow thruster? Yes, a bow thruster of 900 kw. And what is your maximum present draught? It is 8 metres. Ok, fine. One or two more things. Do you have a controllable or a fixed-pitch propeller? We have a fixed-pitch propeller. Im Alejandro
Is the turning effect of the propeller very strong? Yes, it is very strong. So how long does it take from hard-a-port to hard-a-starboard? It takes 20 seconds. And what is the speed at full ahead and dead slow ahead? Let me see, at full ahead it is 17 knots and at dead slow ahead 4 knots. I think that about covers it. Are you getting tug assistance? Yes, we will have one tug assisting us while casting off. Are you ready to get underway? Yes, indeed we are. All right then. Stand by engines.
The Marina is now ready to cast off. She is moored to the quay by a number of ropes. At the bow are the head lines. The stern is fastened by the stern lines. The lines are fastened to the bollards on the quay. There are also the breast lines fore and aft. An important line is called the spring. The boatmen on the quay cast off from the bollards. Marina Forward station, Marina Aft station, this is Marina Bridge, how do you read me? Marina Bridge, this is Marina Forward station. I read you with signal strength five. Marina Bridge, this is Marina Aft station. I read you with signal strength five. Marina Forward station. Single up forward to spring! Marina Bridge This is Marina Forward station. I will single up. Marina Aft Station. Single up aft to breast line! Make fast tug towing line on starboard quarter! Marina Bridge. This is Marina Aft station. I will single up and make fast tug. Marina Bridge. Singled up forward. Marina Bridge. Singled up aft. Marina. Let go forward! Let go aft! Is the propeller clear? Marina Bridge. Marina Aft Station. Yes, propeller is clear. All clear aft! Marina Bridge. Marina Forward Station. All clear forward! Marina. Finished with manoeuvering stations! Marina Bridge. Marina Forward Station. Understood. Finished with manoeuvring stations.
Marina Bridge. Marina Aft Station. Understood. Finished with manoeuvring stations.
While the tug is assisting the Marina, she is getting off from the quayside. The small but powerful harbour tug tows the big ship slowly but steadily. The Marina is now free of the quay and soon she is in the middle of the basin. Let go towing line!
The Marina is ready to manoeuvre on her own. The harbour tug is leaving her. Slow ahead, says the pilot. Slow ahead, repeats the helmsman. Starboard twenty! Starboard twenty. Midships! Midships. Steady as she goes. Steady as she goes.
Noting the heading the helmsman continues: She is steady at 182 degrees.
The Marina is now getting underway; she is passing through the Port of Santander area. On either side are different docks and wharves serving all the big specialised vessels. Soon the extraordinary landscape of the whole Bay of Santander surrounds the Marina with white sandy beaches both small and sheltered from the wind or open to the bay with more surf. Next to these beaches, a coastline of cliffs and beautiful natural areas looks out over the sea. The Marina is leaving the elegant city and the snow-topped mountains behind. She is passing ships of all sizes and nationalities on her way towards the main fairway and the open sea. Some vessels are going inward, to port, while other vessels are outbound, towards the sea; they are going outward. The Marina is keeping a steady course and speed, and is making a speed of 5 knots. Her ports of call during the voyage will be first Antwerp in Belgium, then Gdynia in Poland, after that Riga in Latvia and her final port of destination will be Kotka in Finland. The voyage is just starting. The weather is fairly good, the forecast has promised sunny spells but with occasional rain showers, and visibility about 1 mile;
there will be a north westerly wind of 8 m/s, with a moderate sea. In the distance she can see the famous Isla de Mouro Lighthouse off Santander. It is time to contact the Coordination Local Centre of Santander and report to VTS, Vessel Traffic Service CASTING OFF ORDERS Stand by for letting go! Single up head lines! Single up stern lines! Single up forward/aft breast line! Single up the forward/aft spring! Slack away / hold on / heave on the head line! breast line! forward/aft spring! Let go head line/stern line! Let go breast line! Let go forward/aft spring! Let go all forward! Let go all aft! Let go all ropes!