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Amides Summary c13319rs

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AmrIndex of Robust Summaries ACC FND Amides Chemical Category


Appendix A



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Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group Page 2.1 MELTING POINT 1. Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- (CAS RN 120-40-1). Kirk-Othmer. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. (4)2. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, U. S. ............................................................................. 1 Stearamide (CAS RN 124-26-5). Weast, R. C., (ed). 1979. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S............................................................. 2 Oleamide (CAS RN 301-02-0). Weast, R. C. and M. J. Astle, (eds). 1980. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S........................................ 3



2.2 BOILING POINT 4. Stearamide (CAS RN 124-26-5). Weast, R. C., (ed). 1979. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S............................................................. 4

2.6 WATER SOLUBILITY 5. Standamid LDO (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Ash, M. and I. Ash. Encyclopedia of Surfactants. Volume IV. p. 397. Chemical Publishing Co., New York, NY...................................................................... 5 Stearamide (CAS RN 124-26-5). Weast, R. C., (ed). 1979. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S............................................................. 6 Oleamide (CAS RN 301-02-0). Weast, R. C. and M. J. Astle, (eds). 1980. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S........................................ 7



3.5 BIODEGRADATION 8. Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- (CAS RN 120-40-1). Bishop, W. E. 1974. Ultimate Biodegradability Via CO2 Production with Cover Letter Dated 5/123/96. EPA document number 86960000530. Proctor and Gamble Co., Cincinnati, OH, U. S. ............................................................. 8

Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 9. Tallowamide (hydrogenated tallow-alkyl) (CAS RN 61790-31-6; Amides, tallow, hydrogenated). van Ginkel, C. G. and C. A. Stroo. 1993. Biodegradability of Armid HT Flakes in the Closed Bottle Test. Report number CRL F93008. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands. ............................................ 10 Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished Results, Test substance registration number 7811. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ........................................................................ 12 Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9). Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1996. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology. Report number R9501453. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished results; test substance registration number SAT 950975. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ........................................................................ 14 Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9). Mausner, M., J. H. Benedict, K. A. Booman, T. E. Brenner, R. A. Conway, J. R. Duthie, L. J. Garrison, C. D. Hendrix and J. E. Shewmaker. 1969. The Status of Biodegradability Testing of Nonionic Surfactants. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 46:432 - 440. ......................................................................................................... 16 Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9). Pence, W. H. 1986. The Evaluation of the Biodegradation Potential of Test Materials Using a Modified Closed Bottle Method. Report number 86-0836-11. Hill Top Research, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, U. S.............................................................. 18 Oleylamide (CAS RN 301-02-0; Oleamide). van Ginkel, C. G. and C. A. Stroo. 1993. Biodegradability of Armid O Pastilles in the Closed Bottle Test. Report number CRL F93009. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands. ............................................ 20 Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). van Ginkel, C. G. and C. A. Stroo. 1993. Biodegradability of Armid E in the Closed Bottle Test. Report number CRL F93035. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands....................................................................... 22 Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). Coenen, T. M. M. and H. Berkhout. 1991. Ready Biodegradability: Modified Sturm Test with UNISLIP ERUCAMIDE. Report number 052572. RCC NOTOX B. V., s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. .......................................... 24









Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 17. Sanitized report: chemical name not specified. (CAS RN 68910-93-0; Fatty acids, tall-oil, reaction products with polyethylenepolyamines). van Ginkel, C. G. 1990. Biodegradability of [CAS RN 68910-93-0]. Report number T 90-02-01.9. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands. ........................................................................................................... 26

18. SURFAM P-12B (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345. ................................................................................................. 28 19. ANFODAC LB alchil (C12) ammido propil betaina (CAS RN 4292-10-8; 1-Propanaminium, N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3[(1-oxododecyl)amino]-, inner salt). Biffi, E. 1996. Biodegradability Tests: Test Material: ANFODAC LB. Unpublished Report (Project number 96/200.A6). Biolab, Italy. ............................... 30 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N- (carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology. Report number 1988/2648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results. Test substance registration number Fi 7208. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany............................................. 32 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt (CAS RN 61789-40-0). Bazzon, M. and E. Thybaud. 1994. Test Report: Ready Biodegradability, CO2 Evolution Test (Modified Sturm Test), Evaluation, in an Aqueous Medium, of the Biodegradability of Substances: 1736-15A, 1736-15B, 1736-15C, 1736-15D, 1736-15E. Report number 16BA51. Institut National de LEnvironnement Industriel et des Risques, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France.......................................................................................... 34 Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Handley, J. W. and I. G. Sewell. 1991. Assessment of Ready Biodegradability (Closed Bottle Test) of Betadet HR. Project number 309/35. SafePharm Laboratories, Derby, U. K. ......................................................................... 36





Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 23. Dehyton K, 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derives., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0). Steber, J. and K. Richterich. 2000. Aerobic Biodegradation: Modified OECD Screening Test. Henkel KGaA, Germany........................................................ 39 Dehyton K, 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derives., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0). Steber, J. and K. Richterich. 2000. Aerobic Biodegradation: Zahn-Wellens-Test. Unpublished Results; Test Substance Registration number 6492, Test Run number 12. Henkel KGaA, Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology, Germany. ............................................................................................ 41 Dehyton K (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Werner and Berger. 1996. Dehyton K: Closed Bottle/EG-RILI. Final Report. Report number R 9501454. Henkel KGaA, Research Biology/Product Safety Ecology, Dsseldorf, Germany..................................................................................... 43 Dehyton Ke 3133 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Richterich, K. 1995. Dehyton Ke 3133: Anaerobic Biodegradability in the ECETOC Test. Report number R 9500675. Henkel KGaA, Research Biology Ecology, Dsseldorf, Germany....................................................................... 45 Hoe S 3267 (CAS RN 70851-07-9; Amides, coco, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl], alkylation products with chloroacetic acid, sodium salts). Voelskow, H. 1986. Report Developed from Archived Data from 1986. Study of the Biodegradability of Hoe S 2367. Hoechst AG, Germany. ...................... 47





4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH 28. Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished results; Test substance registration number 6648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany...................................................................................... 49 Amide, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9). Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Report number 1986/2497. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results; Test substance registration number Fi 6650. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany............................................. 51



Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 30. Oleamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)- (CAS RN 93-83-4). Goodrich, M., K. Kosteretz and J. Lech. 1992. Supplemental Information: Letter submitting Toxicity of [CAS number 93-83-4] in Fathead Minnows (Final Report) (Sanitized). U. S. EPA document number 89-920000188S. NIEHS Aquatic Biomedical Core Center. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, U. S. ................................................................................................... 53 Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). Marshall, S. J. and S. R. Harding. 1994. The Chronic Toxicity of UNISLIP 1753 to Brachydanio rerio Under Continuous Flow Conditions: 28 Day Growth Test. Report number CT/N25/01. Unilever Research, Port Sunlight Laboratory, Merseyside, UK. ......................................................................... 55 Sanitized report: chemical name not specified. (CAS RN 68910-93-0; Fatty acids, tall-oil, reaction products with polyethylenepolyamines). Mark, U. and E. E. Hantink-de Rooij. 1990. Acute Toxicity of [CAS RN 68910-93-0] to Fish. Report number T 90-2-1.9. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands. ............................................ 57



33. SURFAM P-12B (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345. ................................................................................................. 59 34. 1-Propanaminium, 3 amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., chlorides (CAS RN 61789-39-7; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N- (carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N- dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., chlorides, sodium salts). Sword, M. C. and K. R. Thompson. 1992. Static Acute Toxicity of Miramine TO-DT to Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Report number 40340. ABC Laboratories, Inc., Columbia, MO, U.S......................... 61 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished results; Test substance registration number Fi 6492. Henkel KgaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.............................................. 64


36. TEGO Betain L 7 F (CAS 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). 1995. Akute Fischtoxizitaet fuer TEGO Betain L 7 F. Report number bet7fi. Th. Goldschmidt AG..................................................................................................... 66

Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 37. Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Mayordomo, L. 1992. Acute Toxicity Test. Determination of LC50 in Fish. (Brachydanio rerio). Test Substance: Betadet HR. Report number CD-91/2689T. Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Aplicado, s.a.l., Barcelona, Spain. .................... 68 Fatty acid C12-18 amido-propyl betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Scholz, N. 1997. Ecotoxicology of Surfactants. Tenside Surf. Det. (34)4:229 -232. ............................................................................................................. 71


4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES 39. Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Registration number 6648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany........................................................................................................................ 73 Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9). Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Report number 1986/2497. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results; Test substance registration number Fi 6650. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany............................................. 75 Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9). Moore, S. B., R. A. Diehyl, J. M. Barnhardt and G. B. Avery. 1986. Acute and Chronic Aquatic Toxicities of Textile Surfactants. Book of Papers: 1986 International Conference & Exhibition, AATCC. October 28-31. pp. 290 - 293. Atlanta, GA, U. S.......................................................................................................... 77 Amidoamine (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine). Sewell, I. G. and D. Grant-Salmon. 1993. The Acute Toxicity of [CAS RN 71920-35-4] to Daphnia magna. SafePharm Laboratories, Derby, UK..................................................................................................................... 79 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-heptadecenyl-2-imidazoline (EH&S 686) (CAS RN 61791-39-7; 1H-Imidazole-1-ethanol, 4,5-dihydro-, 2-nortall-oil alkyl derivs). Ward, T. J., J. P. Magazu and R. L. Boeri. 1994. Static Acute Toxicity of EH&S 686 to the Daphnid, Daphnia magna. Report number 513-NA. T. R. Wilbury Laboratories, Inc., Marblehead, MA, U. S. ........................................... 81






Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 44. Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) hexadecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt (8CI) (CAS RN 693-33-4). Pantani, C, N. Spreti , A. A. Novelli, A. V. Ghirardini and P. F. Ghetti. 1995. Effect of Particulate Matter on Copper and Surfactants Acute Toxicity to Echinogammarus tibaldii (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Environ. Technol. 16:263 - 270. ................................................................................................................. 83 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt (CAS RN 61789-40-0). Wuethrich, V. 1991. 48-Hour Acute Toxicity of TEGO-BETAIN to Daphnia magna (OECD-Immobilization Test). Report number 283803. RCC Umweltchemie, Itingen/BL, Switzerland. ............................... 85 Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). .. Mayordomo, L. and J. Zapatero. 1992. Acute Immobilisation Test in Daphnia. Test Substance: Betadet HR. Report number CD-91/2690T. Centro de Ivestigacion y Desarrollo Aplicado, s.a.l., Barcelona, Spain.. ............................................................. 87 Dehyton K, 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0). Steber, J. and K. Richterich. 2000. Acute Toxicity: Daphnia. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished Data, File 407/3. Henkel KGaA, Germany............................................................................................... 89 Fatty acid C12-18 amido-propyl betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Scholz, N. 1997. Ecotoxicology of Surfactants. Tenside Surf. Det. (34)4:229 - 232...................................................................................................... 91





4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) 49. Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results; Test substance registration number 6648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany ................................................. 93 ANFODAC LB alchil (C12) ammido propil betaina (CAS RN 4292-10-8; 1-Propanaminium, N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxododecyl)amino]-, inner salt). Biffi E. 1996. Acute Toxicity in Algae: Test Material: ANFODAC LB. Unpublished Report (Project number 96/200.A7) Biolab, Italy. .................................. 95



Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 51. Cocamidopropyl Betaine F 3006 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Noack, U. 1993. Pruefung auf Hemmung der Algenzellvermehrung von Cocamidopropyl Betaine F 3006. Projekt-Nr. 931124GG. Laboratorium fuer Angewandte Biologie, Hildesheim, Germany. ............................................................. 97 52. 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salt (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). H. Guhl. 1992. Forschung Biologie/Oekologie. Report number 920184. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ........................................................................ 99

53. TEGO Betain L 7 F (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). 1995. Algeninhibitionstest mit TEGO Betain L 7 F. Report number bet7al. Th. Goldschmidt AG...................................................................................... 101 54. Fatty acid C12-18 amido propyl betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Scholz, N. 1997. Ecotoxicology of Surfactants. Tenside Surf. Det. (34)4:229 - 232.................................................................................................... 103

4.5.2 CHRONIC TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES 55. Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). Marshall, S. J. and S. R. Harding. 1996. The Chronic Toxicity of UNISLIP 1753 to Daphnia magna. Study number CT/N25/02. Unilever Research, Port Sunlight Laboratory, Merseyside, UK................................. 105

5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY 56. Carsamide SAL-7 (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Lewis, C. A. and A. L. Palanker. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1979. Report number 7936-10. Consumer Product Testing, Fairfield, NJ, U. S................. 107 Monamid 716 (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Palanker, A. L. Acute oral toxicity. 1976. Report number 7667- 8/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.................................. 109 Amides, C12-18, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68155-06-6). Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1999. Evaluation of Acute Oral Toxicity. Report number 710070. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. .............................. 111




Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 59. Armid HT (CAS RN 61790-31-6; Amides, tallow, hydrogenated). Kynoch, S. R. 1985. Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Armid HT. Report number 85268D/AKZ 190/AC. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK. .................................................................................................. 113

60. Armid 18 (CAS RN 124-26-5; Stearamide). Conine, D. L. Acute Oral Toxicity Screen in Rats of Armid 18. 1983. Report number 83-0488-21. Hill Top Research, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, U. S. .................................................................................................. 115 61. Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1972. Evaluation of Acute Oral Toxicity. Report number TBD 720033. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ..................... 117 Unamide CDX (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl)). Wallace, J. M. 1976. Toxicity Studies for Lonza Inc. Bio-Toxicology Laboratories, Inc., Moorestown, NJ, U. S. ................................................................. 119


63. 10% Monamid ACC (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl)). Wolven, A. M. and I. Levenstein. 1971. Determination of Oral LD50 in Rats. Report number 14861. Leberco Laboratories, Roselle Park, NJ, U. S. ........... 121 64. Monamid ACC Lot #1876 (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N(hydroxyethyl)). Palanker, A. L. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1976. Report number 7667-1/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S. ...................................................................................................... 123 Monamid 705 (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)). Lewis, C. A. and A.L. Palanker. 1977. Acute Oral Toxicity (rat). Report number 77325. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S. ...................................................................................................... 125 Carsamide SAC (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)). Palanker, A. L. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1977. Report number 7774-2. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S. ...................................................................................................... 127 Monamid 150-ADD (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)). Palanker, A. L. Acute oral toxicity (rat). 1976. Report number 7667-4/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S. ...................................................................................................... 129 Oleamide DEA (CAS RN 301-02-0; Oleamide). Acute Oral Toxicity (LD50) of Oleamide DEA to Rats. CTFA code number 2-32-118. CIR Safety Data Test Summary Response Form......................... 131






Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 69. Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). Reijnders, J. B. J. Acute Oral Toxicity of UNISLIP 1753 in Rats. 1988. Report number 0812/1044. RCC NOTOX B.V., s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. ......................................................................................................... 133 Sanitized report chemical name not specified. (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine). Cuthbert, J. A and K. J. DArcy-Burt. 1983. Toxicity Tests on Product [CAS RN 71820-35-4]. Inveresk Research International, Musselburgh, UK........................................................................................................ 135 Armid HT (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine). Kynoch, S. R. Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Armid HT. 1985. Report number 85268 AKZ190 AC. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK. .................................................................................................. 137 Carsosoft S-90 (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). U. S. EPA. 1978. Primary Dermal Irritation, Dermal Corrosion & Ocular Irritation Studies in Rabbits & Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Rats on Two Chemicals with Cover Letter Dated 081288. Document I. D. number 86-880000338. ............................................................................................... 139 Miranol J2M (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345. ............................................................................................... 141 1H-Imidazole-1-ethanamine,4,5-dihydro-,2-nortall-oil alkyl derivatives (CAS RN 68442-97-7). Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Sprague-Dawley Rats with a Fatty Acid Imidazoline with Cover Letters Dated 10/06/84 and 10/29/84 (Sanitized). 1984. EPA document number 8EHQ-1084-05315. ................................................... 143 Amphosol CA (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Reagan, E. L. and P. J. Becci. Acute Oral Toxicity in Rats. 1982. Study number 7330D. Food and Drug Research Laboratories, Inc., Waverly, NY, U. S...................................................................................................... 145







Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 76. Lonzaine Co. Lot #B-4232 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Wallace, J. M. 1977. Acute Oral LD50 Toxicity Study with Lonzaine CO, Lot #B-4232. Bio-Toxicology Laboratories, Inc., Moorestown, NJ, U. S................................................................................................. 147 77. Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Wallace, J. M. 1977. Acute Oral LD50 Toxicity Study for Cocamidopropyl Betaine 30% Solution. Bio-Toxicology Laboratories, Inc., Moorestown, NJ, U. S......................................................................................... 149 78. Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Gardner, J. R. 1987. Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Betadet HR. Report number 871209D/MLS 5/AC. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK. .................................................................................................. 151

5.1.2 ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY 79. Acrawax C (CAS RN 110-30-5; Octadecanamide, N,N-ethylenebis). Warheit, D. B., M. C. Caarakostats and M. A. Hartsky. 1990. Assessments of Lung Toxicity to Acrawax C Following Acute Inhalation Exposure. Drug Chem. Toxicol. 13(1):1-18. ............................................................................... 153 Alkanolamide #1 (CAS RN 68155-20-4; Amides, tall-oil fatty, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl)). Krystofiak, S. P. 1994. Evaluation of the Respiratory Effects from Components of a Metalworking Fluid in Mice. EPA Document number 88-950000037. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, U. S.................... 155


5.1.3 ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY 81. Monamid 716 (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Palanker, A. L. Dermal toxicity. 1976. Report number 7667- 8/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.................................. 157

82. Monamid ACC Lot #1876 (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl)). Palanker, A. L. Dermal Toxicity (Rabbit). 1976. Report number 7667-1/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S. .................................. 159


Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 83. Monamid 150-ADD (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)). Palanker, A. L. Acute Dermal Toxicity (Rabbit). 1976. Report number 7667-4/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S. ...................................................................................................................... 161 84. Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Gardner, J. R. 1987. Acute Dermal Toxicity to Rats of Betadet HR. Report number 871210D/MLS 6/AC. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK. .................................................................................................. 163 5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY 85. N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) lauramide (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Gaunt, I. F., M. Farmer, P. Grasso and S. D. Gangolli. 1967. Short-term Feeding Study of Lauric Diethanolamide in Rats. Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. (5)497 - 503................................................................................................................. 165 Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. Evaluation of Repeated Dose Oral Toxicity. 1983. Report number TBD 830034. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ............................................................................................... 168 Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). Molnar, N. M. 1960. Feeding Experiments: Approximate Lethal Dose (Oral). Report number 60118. Molnar Laboratories, Lodi, NJ, U. S. ............................................................................................................ 170 Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). Evaluation of Varisoft 475 (755) in a 13-Week Dietary Toxicity Study in Dogs (Volume I-II) with Attachments and Cover letter dated 052192.U. S. EPA Document number 86-920000941. Microfiche Number OTS0536282. ........... 172 Miranol J2M (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345. ............................................................................................... 176






Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 90. Tego Betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Zuehlke, U. 1991. 90 Day Oral (Gavage) Subchronic Toxicity Study in the Rat. Report number 954-348-155. Hazleton Laboratories Deutschland GmbH, Muenster, Germany................................................................... 179 91. Dehyton K (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Potokar, M., W. Sterzel and W. Pittermann. 1991. Dehyton K, 28-TageTest mit Wiederholter Oraler Verabreichung an Ratten. Report number TED 910119. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ................................. 182

92. Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Bailey, D. E. 1988. Dose Range-finding Toxicity Study in Rats. Report number 444-223. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc., Vienna, VA, U. S. ....................................................................................................... 184 5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO 93. Lauryl ethanolamide (CAS RN 142-78-9; Dodecanamide, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Zeiger, E., B. Anderson, S. Haworth, T. Lawlor, K. Mortelmans and W. Speck. 1987. Salmonella Mutagenicity Tests: III. Results From the Testing of 255 Chemicals. Journal of the Environmental Mutagen Society. 9(9):1 - 110......... 187 94. N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) lauramide (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-). Inoue, K. and T. Sunakawa. 1980. Studies of In vitro Cell Transformation and Mutagenicity by Surfactants and Other Compounds. Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. 18:289 - 296.................................................................................................. 189 Amides, C12-18, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68155-06-6). Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1979. Evaluation of Mutagenicity. Report number TBD 790040. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ..................... 191 Crodamide SR (Stearamide) (CAS RN 124-26-5). Jones, E., P., G. S. Cook, R. A. Gant and J. Kitching. 1990. Crodamide SR (Stearamide): Bacterial Mutation Assay. Report number CDA 58B/891762. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK. ..................... 193 Ethylenebisoctadecanamide (CAS RN 110-30-5; Octadecanamide, N,N'-ethylenebis). Shimizu, H., U. Suzuki, N. Takemura, S. Goto and H. Matsushita. 1985. The Results of Microbial Mutation Test for Forty-three Industrial Chemicals. Jpn. J. Ind. Health 27:400 - 419. ............................................................. 195





Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 98. Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1). Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1981. Evaluation of Mutagenicity. Report number TBD 810088. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ................................. 197 Crodamide OR (Oleamide) (CAS RN 301-02-0). Jones, E., P. G. S. Cook, R. A. Gant and J. Kitching. 1990. Crodamide OR (Oleamide): Bacterial Mutation Assay. Report number CDA 58C/891778. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK. ..................... 199


100. Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5). Jones, E., P. G. S. Cook, R. A. Gant and J. Kitching. 1990. Crodamide ER (Erucamide): Bacterial Mutation Assay. Report number CDA 58A/891761. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK. .......................................... 201 101. EH&S 751(CAS RN 68910-87-2; Fatty acids, tall-oil, reaction products with polyalkylenepolyamines, dodecylbenzenesulfonates). Wagner, V. O. and K. E. Burnett. Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay with an Independent Repeat Assay. 1996. Report number EHS-751. Microbiological Associates, Inc., Rockville, MD, U. S. ............................................ 203 102. 4-(1-oxooctadecenyl)-1-piperazine ethanamine (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine). Richold, M., E. Jones and L. A. Fenner. 1983. Ames Metabolic Activation Test to Assess the Potential Mutagenic Effect of [CAS RN 71820-35-4]. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK. .................................................................................................. 205 103. Sanitized report chemical name not stated.. (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine). Richold, M., E. Jones, and L. A. Fenner. 1985. Ames Metabolic Activation Test to Assess the Potential Mutagenic Effect of [CAS RN 71820-35-4]. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK................................................... 207 104. Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). Cifone, Maria A. 1989. Mutagenicity Test on Varisoft 475 (75%) in the Rat Primary Hepatocyte Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Assay. Study number 10554-1-447. Sherex Chemical Company, Inc. Dublin, OH, U. S.............. 209 105. Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). Sherex Chem. Co. 1989. Mutagenicity Test on Varisoft 475 (75%) in the Ames Salmonella/Microsome Reverse Mutation Assay with Cover Letter Dated 040689. EPA Document number 86-890000177. ........................................... 211


Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 106. Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). Sherex Chem. Co. 1989. Mutagenicity Test on Varisoft 475 (75%) in an In Vitro Cytogenetic Assay Measuring Chromosomal Aberration Frequencies in CHO Cells with Cover Letter Dated 933189. EPA Document number 86-890000165. ............................................................................................... 214 107. Dehyton K (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Banduhn, N. 1991. Dehyton K, Pruefung auf Mutagenitaet im Ames-Test. Report number 880078. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ............................................................................................... 217 108. Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Gentoxizitaet (Rueckmutationsversuch/Amestest) mit TEGO Betain L 7 F. 1995. Report number bet7ge. Th. Goldschmidt AG.......................... 219 109. Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt). Jagannath, D. R. 1988. Mutagenicity Test on Cocamidopropyl Betaine in the Ames Salmonella/Microsome Reverse Mutation Assay. Study number 10245-0-401. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc., Kensington, MD, U. S................................................................................................. 220 110. Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Thompson, P. W. 1996. Betadet HR: Reverse Mutation Assay Ames Test Using Salmonella typhimurium. Project number 140/473. Safepharm Laboratories Limited, Derby, UK. ................................................................................................... 222 5.6 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VIVO 111. Tego Betain L7, batch 9775 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt). Weill, N. 1987. Tego Betain L7, Batch 9775: Micronucleus Test (Schmid Method). Report number 703201. Hazleton-IFT, St Germain sur lArbresle, France. ...................................................................................................... 225 5.9 DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY/TERATOGENICITY 112. Comperlan KD (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)). Pittermann, W. 1994. Embryotoxicity Study (Including Teratogenicity) in the Rat (Segment II). Report number RT 920403. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. ............................................................................................... 228


Index of Robust Summaries for ACC FND Panel - Amides Task Group (continued) Page 113. Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). Neeper-Bradley, T. L. 1992. Developmental Toxicity Evaluation of Varisoft 475 (75%) Administered by Gavage to CD (Sprague-Dawley) Rats. Report number 91N0034. Bushy Run Research Center, Export, PA, U. S. .............. 231 114. Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate). Chun, J. S. and T. L. Neeper-Bradley. 1993. Developmental Toxicity Dose Range-Finding Study of Varisoft 475 (75%) Administered by Gavage to CD (Sprague-Dawley) Rats. EPA Document number 86-930000148. Bushy Run Research Center, Export, PA, U. S. ............................................................................ 234 115. 1-Hexadecanaminium (CAS RN 693-33-4; Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) hexadecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt). Hoberman, A. M. and M. S. Christian. 1984. Initial submission: Pilot Study for Percutaneous Teratology of 1-Hexadecanaminium & 5% Isopropanol in Rabbits with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 07/279/2. EPA document number 88-920004922. Argus Research Laboratories, Inc., Horsham, PA, U. S. ...................................................................... 237 116. 1-Hexadecanaminium (CAS RN 693-33-4; Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) hexadecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt). Arnold, K. S., J. L. Schardein and M. Blair. Oral Teratology Study of 1-Hexadecanaminium in Rats. 1985. International Research and Development Corporation, U. S.................................................................................. 240


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2.1 MELTING POINT Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Melting point: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)(CAS RN 120-40-1) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. 38.7 C Not determined Not determined

The melting point was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Kirk-Othmer. Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. (4)2. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

July 24, 2000 40

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2.1 MELTING POINT Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Melting point: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Stearamide (CAS RN 124-26-5) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. 109 C Not determined Not determined

The melting point was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Weast, R. C., (ed). 1979. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 51

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2.1 MELTING POINT Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Melting point: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Oleamide (CAS RN 301-02-0) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. 76 C Not determined Not determined

The melting point was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Weast, R. C. and M. J. Astle, (eds). 1980. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 74

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2.2 BOILING POINT Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Boiling point: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Stearamide (CAS RN 124-26-5) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. 250 251 C at 12 mmHg Not determined Not determined

The boiling point was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Weast, R. C., (ed). 1979. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 51

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2.6 WATER SOLUBILITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Water Solubility: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Standamid LDO (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,Nbis(2-hydroxyethyl)-) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. Insoluble in water. Not determined Not determined

Water solubility was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Ash, M. and I. Ash. Encyclopedia of Surfactants. Volume IV. p. 397. Chemical Publishing Co., New York, NY.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

July 2, 2001 41

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2.6 WATER SOLUBILITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Water Solubility: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Stearamide (CAS RN 124-26-5) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. Insoluble in water Not determined Not determined

Water solubility was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Weast, R. C., (ed). 1979. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 1, 2000 51

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2.6 WATER SOLUBILITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: GLP: Year: Remarks: Results Water Solubility: Decomposition: Sublimation: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Oleamide (CAS RN 301-02-0) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated Standard reference book information; no experimental details provided. Insoluble in water Not determined Not determined

Water solubility was provided in a reliable resource book. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; secondary literature source. Weast, R. C. and M. J. Astle, (eds). 1980. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 60th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 1, 2000 74

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)(CAS RN 120-40-1) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks:

Method based on the CO2 production test described by Sturm, R. N. 1973. Biodegradability of Nonionic Surfactants: Screening Test for Prediction Rate and Ultimate Biodegradation. J. Am. Oil Chemists Soc. 50(5):159 - 167. Aerobic ultimate biodegradability No 1974 40 days Acclimated raw sewage microorganisms Preceding the test, microorganisms contained in raw sewage are acclimated for 14 days to the specific test substance. At the end of the acclimation period, the acclimated sewage seed was used to inoculate the test carboys. Concentrations of the test substance, a reference material and blanks (carboys without test substance or reference material) were prepared in a mineral nutrient solution and inoculated with a volume of the acclimated sewage seed. The carboys were aerated with CO2-free air and the effluent air passes through a series of Ba(OH)2 traps, which collect any evolved CO2. Periodically, the trap closest to the carboy was removed and titrated with HCl to determine the amount of CO2 collected in the trap. This continued for 40 days. The percent biodegradation was calculated as the amount of CO2 collected in the traps divided by the amount of CO2 that could possibly be evolved based on the chemical formula of the test substance. The test substance was degraded 79.7% in the 40-day test. Biodegradation achieved 79.7% by the end of the test. Not stated Not stated

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

FND Amides Robust Summaries Appendix A November 21, 2001 Page 9 of 242

Conclusions Remarks:

The test material was inherently biodegradable The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Bishop, W. E. 1974. Ultimate Biodegradability Via CO2 Production with Cover Letter Dated 5/123/96. EPA document number 86960000530. Proctor and Gamble Co., Cincinnati, OH, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 43

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Tallowamide (hydrogenated tallow-alkyl) (CAS RN 61790-31-6; Amides, tallow, hydrogenated) 97.0%

Methods conformed to OECD 301D and EEC Method C.6. Aerobic ready biodegradability Yes 1993 28 days Secondary activated sludge The study assessed the aerobic biodegradation of the test substance in a closed bottle system. Activated sludge was preconditioned in the laboratory by aeration for a period of one week to reduce endogenous respiration. Ten replicate BOD bottles were prepared for each of three treatment groups. Treatment groups included a blank control (nutrient medium with inoculum), test substance at 2.0 mg/l, and reference substance (sodium acetate) at 6.7 mg/l). All test solutions were made in nutrient medium and contained activated sludge inoculum at 2 mg dry weight/l. After the BOD bottles were prepared, they were incubated in the dark at 20 to 22 C. On days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28, two BOD bottles from each group were destructively sampled for dissolved oxygen concentrations. The pH of the medium was 7.0 at the start and 6.7 at day 28. Temperature ranged from 20 to 22 C. Percent biodegradation was calculated as the quotient of the measured biological oxygen demand to the theoretical oxygen demand. The theoretical oxygen demand of the test substance was the mg O2/mg test substance based on the molecular formula that could be used in bacterial respiration. A substance is considered to be readily biodegradable if the percent biodegradation is 60%. The test substance was biodegraded 73% at day 28 The amount of biodegradation indicated that the test substance was readily biodegradable under the conditions of the test. Not stated Not stated

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products:

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The validity of the test was demonstrated by biodegradation of the reference substance, an endogenous respiration of 0.9 mg/l at day 28, difference between replicate values in the control group at day 28 was < 20%, and oxygen concentrations > 0.5 mg/l in all bottles during the test period. The test substance was readily biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. van Ginkel, C. G. and C. A. Stroo. 1993. Biodegradability of Armid HT Flakes in the Closed Bottle Test. Report number CRL F93008. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability: Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 158

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

Methods conformed to Coupled Units Test (Model Sewage Treatment Plant); corresponding to OECD Guideline 303A Aerobic ready biodegradability Not stated 1998 Not stated Activated sludge Two OECD confirmatory test units were operated in parallel whereby the parallelism was enhanced and assured by a transinoculation procedure. The test material (10 20 mg dissolved organic carbon (DOC)/l) was added to the influent of one unit while the other was fed synthetic sewage. The DOC concentrations were measured in both effluents. At a test concentration of 10 mg carbon/l and a hydraulic retention time of 3 hours, the carbon elimination rate (DOC removal) was 92 6% The data demonstrated that the test substance could be regarded as easily biodegradable under the condition of the biological sewage treatment plant (author of the report). Not stated Not stated

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished Results, Test substance registration number 7811. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 113

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9) Not stated

OECD Guideline 301D (also EEC-Directive 92/69/EEC Annex V, Part C, EEC C.4. and C.4 - E) Closed bottle test Not stated 1996 28 days Effluent The solution of the test substance in mineral medium, usually at 2 5 mg/l, is inoculated with a relatively small number of micro-organisms from the effluent of a municipal sewage treatment plant and kept in completely filled, closed bottles in the dark at constant temperature (20C). Degradation is followed by analysis of dissolved oxygen over a 28-day period. The BOD, i.e. the amount of oxygen consumed by the microbial population during biodegradation of the test substance, corrected for oxygen uptake by the blank inoculum run in parallel, is expressed as a percentage of ThOD or COD. 84% degradation in 28 days at 2 mg/l active matter and 71% degradation in 28 days at 5 mg/l active matter. Based on the data received the test substance meets the OECD criteria for ready biodegradability (> 60% BOD/COD or BOD/ThOD within a 14 day time window). Not stated Not stated

Results Degradation: Results:

Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The test material was readily biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

FND Amides Robust Summaries Appendix A November 21, 2001 Page 15 of 242

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2B Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1996. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology. Report number R9501453. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished results; test substance registration number SAT 950975. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 1, 2000 131

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9) Not stated

Non-specific shakeflask test, semicontinuous activated sludge, and river die-away test methods Aerobic ready biodegradability No 1969 14 days Activated sludge Non-traditional degradation assessments were based on foam loss (%), increase in surface tension, and colorimetric spectrophotometry (CTAS - MBAS loss, %). Degradation ranged from 61 to 93% depending on the endpoint assessment method used. Biodegradation achieved > 80% within two days. Not stated Not stated Using each of the endpoint assessment methods (foam loss, CTAS - MBAS, and surface tension), some biodegradation was shown. The tests were not run with contemporary methodologies in use today. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable well documented publication/study report which meets basic scientific principles.

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Mausner, M., J. H. Benedict, K. A. Booman, T. E. Brenner, R. A. Conway, J. R. Duthie, L. J. Garrison, C. D. Hendrix and J. E. Shewmaker. 1969. The Status of Biodegradability Testing of Nonionic Surfactants. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 46:432 - 440.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 132

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9) 100%


Methods conformed to Modified Closed Bottle Method, U. S. EPA TSCA 40 CFR 796, Guideline 796.3200 Aerobic ready biodegradability No, but the report incorporated many GLP requirements 1986 28 days Composite of settled activated sludge and garden soil. Two liters of activated sludge were allowed to settle for 45 minutes, and supernatant was collected for use. One hundred grams of garden soil was added to 1 l of deionized water, mixed and allowed to settle for 30 minutes, and supernatant was collected for use. One hundred milliliters of each fraction was combined and aerated until use. The study assessed the aerobic biodegradation of the test substance in a closed bottle system. Duplicate BOD bottles were used for each experimental group. Treatment groups consisted of a blank control, the test substance at 3 mg active/l and a reference compound (sodium benzoate) at 3 mg active/l. Test solutions were made with nutrient mineral solution. After filling the BOD bottles, they were placed in a BOD incubator at 201 C. After 5, 15, 21 and 28 days, the dissolved oxygen concentration in each bottle was measured using a dissolved oxygen probe. Liquid lost during measuring was replaced with oxygen-free water. Percent biodegradation was calculated as the quotient of the measured biological oxygen demand to the theoretical oxygen demand. The theoretical oxygen demand of the test substance was the mg O2/mg test substance based on the molecular formula that could be used in bacterial respiration. The test substance was considered to be readily biodegradable if the percent biodegradation was 60%. The average percent biodegradation of the test substance was 51.8% in 28 days. The results indicate that the test substance was not readily biodegradable under the conditions of the test.

Results Degradation: Results:

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Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

Not stated Not stated The validity of the test was confirmed by a percent biodegradation of 60% in the reference compound, sodium benzoate. The test material was inherently biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Pence, W. H. 1986. The Evaluation of the Biodegradation Potential of Test Materials Using a Modified Closed Bottle Method. Report number 86-0836-11. Hill Top Research, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, U. S.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Oleylamide (CAS RN 301-02-0; Oleamide) 97%

OECD Guideline 301D, EEC Method C.6. and ISO/TC 147/SC 5WG 4N152 Aerobic ready biodegradability Yes 1993 28 days Activated sludge The test substance was measured for ready biodegradability in a closed bottle system. BOD bottles (250 - 300 ml) were prepared to contain a mineral nutrient solution together with the following treatments: inoculum only, test substance with inoculum, and sodium acetate (used as a reference substance) with inoculum. The concentrations of the test substance and sodium acetate were 2.0 and 6.7 mg/l, which represented theoretical oxygen demands of 2.9 mg/mg and 0.8 mg/mg, respectively. Ten replicate bottles were prepared for each experimental group and incubated at 211 C. At 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, two bottles from each treatment were measured for dissolved oxygen concentrations. The pH of the medium was 7.1 at the start of the test and 6.6 6.7 at day 28. Temperature ranged from 20 to 22 C. 80% degradation in 28 days The results indicate that the test substance was readily biodegradable under the conditions of the test. Not stated Not stated The validity of the test was demonstrated by an endogenous respiration of 0.9 mg/l at day 28, differences of the replicate values of the control at day 28 were less than 20%, the reference material was degraded to 85% by day 14, and oxygen consumption in all bottles was > 0.5 mg/l during the test period.

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The test material was readily biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. van Ginkel, C. G. and C. A. Stroo. 1993. Biodegradability of Armid O Pastilles in the Closed Bottle Test. Report number CRL F93009. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 75

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) 97.5%

Methods conformed to OECD Guideline 301D and EEC Method C.6 Aerobic ready biodegradability Yes 1993 140 days Secondary activated sludge The study assessed the aerobic biodegradation of the test substance in a closed bottle system. Activated sludge was preconditioned in the laboratory by aeration for a period of one week to reduce endogenous respiration. Ten replicate BOD bottles were prepared for each of three treatment groups. Treatment groups included a blank control, test substance at 2.0 mg/l, and reference substance (sodium acetate) at 6.7 mg/l). All test solutions were made in nutrient medium and contained activated sludge inoculum at 2 mg dry weight/l. After the BOD bottles were prepared, they were incubated in the dark at 20 to 22 C. On days 0, 7, 14, and 21, two BOD bottles from each group were destructively sampled for dissolved oxygen concentrations. Oxygen measurements made on day 28 used a device that replaced the test solutions. The test was extended and additional dissolved oxygen measurements were made on days 42, 56, 84, 112 and 140. Percent biodegradation was calculated as the quotient of the measured biological oxygen demand to the theoretical oxygen demand. The theoretical oxygen demand of the test substance was the mg O2/mg test substance based on the molecular formula that could be used in bacterial respiration. A substance is considered to be readily biodegradable if the percent biodegradation is 60% at 28 days. Biodegradation of the test substance was 15% at day 28 and 43% at day 140 The results indicate that the test substance was not readily biodegradable under the conditions of the test Not stated Not stated

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products:

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The validity of the test was demonstrated by biodegradation of the reference substance, an endogenous respiration of 0.9 mg/l at day 28, and difference between replicate values of < 20%. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. van Ginkel, C. G. and C. A. Stroo. 1993. Biodegradability of Armid E in the Closed Bottle Test. Report number CRL F93035. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) > 97% total amide content

Methods conformed to OECD Guideline 301B and EEC Method C.5 Aerobic ready biodegradability Yes 1991 28 days Activated sludge Freshly-collected activated sludge was aerated for 4 hours, then left to settle for hour. The supernatant was decanted to provide sufficient volume to prepare a 1% inoculum for each test flask. Test vessels were 3-l brown glass bottles. Initially, 30 ml of inoculum was added to an amount of mineral nutrient solution in each of four test vessels. The solutions were aerated with CO2-free air for 24 hours. After the aeration period, three CO2-absorber bottles filled with 80 ml 0.025N Ba(OH)2 were connected to the exit line of each bottle. The test substance was added to two bottles, a reference material (sodium acetate) was added to a third bottle, while the fourth bottle contained only inoculum and nutrient solution. All vessels were brought to a volume of 3 l with purified water (Milli-Q). Final concentrations of the test substance were 10 and 20 mg/l. The concentration of sodium acetate was 20 mg/l. Because the solubility of the test substance in water was low, it was quantitatively added to the test media and continuously stirred during the test. The CO2 produced by the degradation of the test substance by the inoculum was subsequently trapped in the Ba(OH)2 solution. The amount of CO2 produced was determined by titrating the Ba(OH)2 with HCl. Biodegradation was calculated as the amount of CO2 produced divided by the amount of CO2 that could theoretically have been produced based on the amount of carbon (as test substance) added to the test vessels. The target temperature for the test was 18 - 22 C. During the test, the temperature of the test room varied between 18 and 21.5 C with one incidental extreme of 23 C.

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Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

The results indicate that the test substance was not readily biodegradable under the conditions of the test Biodegradation achieved 28 and 15% in the 10 and 20 mg/l test substance concentrations, respectively. Not stated Not stated The test was considered acceptable based upon biodegradation of the reference substance of 60% within 20 days and 71% by the end of 28 days. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Coenen, T. M. M. and H. Berkhout. 1991. Ready Biodegradability: Modified Sturm Test with UNISLIP ERUCAMIDE. Report number 052572. RCC NOTOX B. V., s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 33

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Sanitized report: chemical name not specified. (CAS RN 68910-93-0; Fatty acids, tall-oil, reaction products with polyethylenepolyamines) Monoalkylamide 80% Dialkylamide 20% Free DEP 1.3% Water 0.5% In addition to the CAS number, the following was given as the chemical name: Reaction product of tall oil fatty acid and aminoethylpiperazine. OECD Guideline 301D and EEC Methods 4.1 and 4.2 Aerobic ready biodegradability Yes 1990 126 days Secondary activated sludge The test substance was measured for ready biodegradability in a closed bottle test system. BOD bottles (280 ml) were prepared to contain a mineral nutrient solution together with the following treatments: mineral solution without inoculum, mineral solution with inoculum, mineral solution with test substance and inoculum, and mineral solution with sodium acetate (used as a reference substance) with inoculum. The concentrations of the test substance and sodium acetate were 2.0 and 6.7 mg/l, which represented theoretical oxygen demands of 2.9 g O2/g test substance and 0.8 g O2/g reference substance, respectively. The amount of biodegradation was calculated as the ratio of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) to the theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD). Vessels containing the test substance were measured periodically for dissolved oxygen concentrations. Partly degraded (30 40%) in the test The results indicate that the test substance was not readily biodegradable under the conditions of the test Not stated Not stated


Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks:

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products:

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There was no significant degradation after day 15. The partial biodegradation indicates the formation of a recalcitrant intermediate, although the test substance or the intermediate may not be recalcitrant in nature. The lack of biodegradation was not due to toxicity of the test compound because endogenous respiration was not inhibited. The validity of the test was demonstrated by an endogenous respiration of 0.4 mg/l at day 28, the reference material was degraded to 90% by day 28, and the pH of the medium was 7.5 on day 28. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. van Ginkel, C. G. 1990. Biodegradability of [CAS RN 68910-93-0]. Report number T 90-02-01.9. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: SURFAM P-12B (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) Not stated

Not stated Biochemical oxygen demand Not stated 1988 20 days Secondary effluent from both the Michigan Divisions 437 Wastewater Treatment Plant and the City of Midland Wastewater Treatment Plant. Two different bacterial seed sources were used at a concentration of 45 ml of effluent per liter of seed solution. The seed activity was checked by running a 5-day BOD test on a standard solution of glucose-glutamic acid.

Results Degradation: Day 5 10 20 Results: Municipal Seed BOD (p/p) BOD/TOD (%) 0.04 5 0.04 5 0.05 5 Industrial Seed BOD (p/p) BOD/TOD (%) 0.03 4 0.03 4 0.03 4

Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

The test substance consumed little oxygen in the BOD test. The fact that the BOD is the same after 5, 10 and 20 days of incubation indicates that a minor component of the sample (probably acrylic acid) is degraded in the first five days while the Surfam component itself does not degrade. None stated None stated The test substance would not be expected to significantly degrade in a conventional biological wastewater treatment plant.

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; limited details available. U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 166b

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: ANFODAC LB alchil (C12) ammido propil betaina (CAS RN 4292-10-8; 1-Propanaminium, N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxododecyl)amino]-, inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks:

Miti test modified, according to the provisions of CEE Directive 92/69. Aerobic Not stated 1996 28 days From a purifying plant for home and industrial effluents, from an industrial effluent purifying plant and surface water and river surface soil. A one liter sample each was drawn from the mud recycling line in a liquid urban effluent treatment plant, mud recycling line in a liquid industrial effluent treatment plant, surface water from a river, and surface soil from the bank of a river. The samples of the drawn muds were mixed in a single container and the mixture was left to rest. The foreign and floating substances were taken away and the overfloating substance was filtered through filter paper. The filtered substance was aerated. The test material was used at a concentration of 100 mg/l. All samples were tested in duplicate. The reference substance was sodium benzoate. The percent degradation on the basis of the oxygen consumption was evaluated. Percentage degradation = [(BOD - B)/COD] x 100, where BOD = biological oxygen demand; B = oxygen consumption of the culture soil added to the inoculation; and COD = chemical oxygen demand . The oxygen biochemical requirement was measured through a respirator-meter equipment. The test is considered valid when the degradation percentage of the sodium benzoate exceeds 40% after 7 days and 65% after 14 days. The test substance is considered readily biodegradable when the degradation percentage obtained is equal to or higher than 60%.

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Results Degradation:

Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The percent biodegradability was 82% after 28 days, using the ThOD value (0.70 mg O2/mg). The percentage of biodegradability was 95% after 28 days, using the COD value (60 mg/l). Based on the degradation rate, the test substance was readily biodegradable. Not stated Not stated

The test substance was readily biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1C Reliable without restriction: test procedure according to national standards. Biffi, E. 1996. Biodegradability Tests: Test Material: ANFODAC LB. Unpublished Report (Project number 96/200.A6). Biolab, Italy.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N- (carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks:

OECD Guideline 303A, Coupled Units Test (Model Sewage Treatment Plant) Aerobic ready biodegradability Not stated 1999 Not stated Activated sludge Two OECD Confirmatory Test units were used in the test. One received test material (10 20 mg DOC/l) and synthetic sewage in the influent while the second unit was fed only synthetic sewage. The DOC concentrations were measured in both effluents. The DOC difference of the effluent values was due to non or partially degraded test material. At a test concentration of 10 mg C/l, and a hydraulic retention time of 3 hours, the carbon elimination (DOC removal) was 97 4% Based on the data, the test substance was regarded as biodegradable and accessible to elimination under the conditions of the test. Not stated Not stated

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2B Reliable with restrictions: basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology. Report number 1988/2648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results. Test substance registration number Fi 7208. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 1, 2000 82

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt (CAS RN 61789-40-0) Not stated

Methods conformed to OECD Guideline 301B Aerobic ready biodegradability Not stated 1994 35 days Activated sludge Three liters of mineral nutrient solution were added to each of five, 5-l carboys. To two carboys were added test substance (equivalent concentrations to achieve 10 and 20 mg organic carbon/l), two carboys were maintained as blank test flasks, and one carboy was added reference substance (aniline) at 20 mg organic carbon/l. Inoculum was added to all carboys (30 ml containing 108 cells/ml), and the carboys were aerated with CO2-free air (30 50 ml/minute) with the effluent air passing through a series of CO2 traps containing Ba(OH)2. The CO2 produced by the degradation of the test substance by the inoculum was subsequently trapped in the Ba(OH)2 solution. The amount of CO2 produced was determined by titrating the Ba(OH)2 with HCl. Biodegradation was determined in two manners. First, biodegradation was calculated as the amount of CO2 collected in the trapping solution divided by the amount of CO2 that could theoretically have been produced based on the amount of carbon (as test substance) added to the test vessels. Second, biodegradation was measured as the amount of dissolved organic carbon removed from the test vessels. The target temperature for the test was 21 1 C. Evidence of ready biodegradability was demonstrated in this test; pass levels for this test were 60% evolution of the theoretical CO2 and 70% removal of the dissolve organic carbon Evolution of CO2 in the 10 mg organic carbon/l carboy was 71 and 71% at days 29 and 35, respectively. Evolution of CO2 in the 20 mg organic carbon/l treatment was 57 and

Results Degradation:


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Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

58% at days 29 and 35, respectively. Percent removal of dissolved organic carbon in the 10 mg organic carbon/l carboy was 88.5 and 93% at 29 days and 35 days, respectively. Percent removal of dissolved organic carbon in the 20 mg organic carbon/l carboy was 81 and 90%, respectively. Not stated Not stated

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2C Reliable with restrictions; comparable to guideline study with acceptable restrictions. Bazzon, M. and E. Thybaud. 1994. Test Report: Ready Biodegradability, CO2 Evolution Test (Modified Sturm Test), Evaluation, in an Aqueous Medium, of the Biodegradability of Substances: 1736-15A, 1736-15B, 1736-15C, 1736-15D, 1736-15E. Report number 16BA51. Institut National de LEnvironnement Industriel et des Risques, Verneuil-en-Halatte, France.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 83

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 31% active ingredient, 35% dry matter

OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals (1981) No. 301D referenced as Method C.6 of Commission Directive 84/449/EEC Closed bottle Yes 1991 28 days Activated sludge bacteria from the aeration stage of the Severn Trent Plc sewage treatment plant at Belper, Derbyshire The test assessed the ready biodegradability of the test substance in the Closed Bottle Test. 250 - 300 ml BOD bottles (darkened glass) with ground glass stoppers were filled with standard culture medium and the following test concentrations: a. Non-inoculated culture medium; b. 1 drop/l inoculum; c. 2 mg ai/l test material and 1 drop/l inoculum; and d. 3 mg/l sodium benzoate and 1 drop/l inoculum. The bottles were stoppered firmly. Sufficient bottles were prepared to allow a single oxygen determination per bottle to be made at 0, 5, 15 and 28 days for each test medium (duplicate bottles at each sampling time). Dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured by means of a Yellow Springs BOD Probe (Model 54). Chemical Oxygen Demand was determined using a semi-micro sample digestion (Hach) technique. Reaction vials containing premeasured amounts of sulphuric acid, potassium dichromate, silver catalyst plus 2 ml water sample were heated at 150 C for 2 hours and the COD values read from a Hach DR/2000 Direct Reading Spectrophotometer.

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Results Degradation: Mean Oxygen Depletion and Percentage Biodegradation Values Day Culture medium, no inoculum Culture medium plus inoculum 2 mg ai/l test material plus inoculum 3 mg/l sodium benzoate plus standard material and inoculum Results: Test Series O2 depletion (mg O2/l) % degradation O2 depletion (mg O2/l) % degradation O2 depletion (mg O2/l) % degradation (% of COD) O2 depletion (mg O2/l) % degradation (% of ThOD) % degradation (% of COD) 5 0.100 0.125 1.525 44 3.600 72 73 15 0.175 0.275 2.850 82 4.600 92 93 28 0.200 0.300 3.250 93 4.675 93 95

Sodium benzoate attained 95% degradation within 28 days. Oxygen depletions in the inoculated and non-inoculated control series were within the prescribed limits: Non-inoculated control: < 0.3 mg O2/l after 5 days < 0.4 mg O2/l after 28 days Inoculated control: < 0.5 mg O2/l after 5 days < 0.6 mg O2/l after 28 days None stated None stated

Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

Betadet HR attained 93% degradation (% of COD) within 28 days and therefore, can be considered ready biodegradable under the strict terms and conditions of OECD Guideline No. 301 D (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Handley, J. W. and I. G. Sewell. 1991. Assessment of Ready Biodegradability (Closed Bottle Test) of Betadet HR. Project number 309/35. SafePharm Laboratories, Derby, U. K. Sponsored by Kao Corporation S.A.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: October 29, 2001 157b

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Dehyton K, 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derives., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks:

EEC-Directive 92/69/EEC Annex V, Part C: Methods for the Determination of Ecotoxicity. C.4. Biodegradation: Determination of the Ready Biodegradability C.4-B. This test corresponds to OECD test method 301 E. Aerobic ready biodegradation: Modified OECD Screening Test No 1984 28 days Effluent from a municipal sewage treatment plant Flasks containing mineral medium and a known concentration of the test substance (10 mg DOC/l) as the sole source of organic carbon, were shaken and inoculated with effluent of a municipal sewage treatment plant (0.5 ml/l). They were shaken again in the dark or diffuse light at 22 2 C. Degradation was followed by DOC analysis of test samples at frequent intervals during the 28-day period. The degree of biodegradation was calculated by expressing the concentration of DOC removed (corrected for DOC in the blank inoculum control) as a percentage of the concentration initially present.

Results Degradation: Test Concentration 5 mg C/l 10 mg C/l Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: % DOC Removal After x Days 7 14 21 28 58 98 92 100 58 90 85 100

Based on the data received Dehyton K met the OECD criteria for ready biodegradability (> 70% DOC removal within a 10 day time window). Not stated Not stated

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Conclusions Remarks:

The test substance is readily biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; data are reliable but article lacks details. Steber, J. and K. Richterich. 2000. Aerobic Biodegradation: Modified OECD Screening Test. Henkel KGaA, Germany, Report No. R 0001215.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: October 29, 2001 157n

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Dehyton K, 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derives., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks:

87/302/EEC Commission Directive of 18. November 1987 (part C: Zahn-Wellens-Test). This test corresponds to OECD test method 302 B. Aerobic biodegradation No 1984 28 days Activated sludge Activated sludge, mineral nutrients and test substance in aqueous medium at 50 400 mg dissolved organic carbon (DOC)/l were contained in a 1 5 liter glass vessel, equipped with a magnetic stirrer and an aerator. The mixture was stirred and aerated at 20 25 C in the dark or in diffuse light for up to 28 days. Blank controls, containing activated sludge and mineral nutrients but no test substance, are run in parallel. The biodegradation process was monitored by determination of DOC values in filtered samples taken at daily or other time intervals. The ratio of eliminated DOC, corrected for the blank, after each time interval to the initial DOC value was expressed as the percentage biodegradation at the sampling time.

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Results Degradation: Test Concentration 250 mg/l 500 mg/l Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: % DOC Removal After x Days 7 14 21 28 65 71 71 100 70 100 99 97

Based on these data, Dehyton K can be regarded as readily biodegradable. None stated None stated

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; data are reliable but article lacks details. Steber, J. and K. Richterich. 2000. Aerobic Biodegradation: Zahn-Wellens-Test. Unpublished Results; Test Substance Registration number 6492, Test Run number 12. Henkel KGaA, Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology, Germany, Report No. R 0001216.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 157o

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Dehyton K (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 29 - 32% active ingredient (AI) in water Impurities: ca. 5% NaCl; 0.3% Amidoamine OECD Guideline 301D (Ready Biodegradability: Closed Bottle Test) Aerobic ready biodegradability Yes 1996 28 days Sewage treatment plant effluent (predominantly domestic) The test substance was measured for ready biodegradability in a closed bottle system. Aliquots of stock solution at concentrations of 2 and 5 mg/l were transferred to a mineral nutrient solution, inoculated with purification plant effluent and poured, without air bubbles, into bottles of known volume. The closed bottles were incubated at a constant 20 1 C in the dark or in diffused light and the biochemical oxygen demand of the test substance was measured using the Winkler Titration Method. Biodegradability was calculated as %BOD/ThOD or %BOD/COD. As a reference substance, an inoculated nutrient solution containing inoculant consumption control (IZK) and sodium benzoate was tested as well. 86% degradation in 28 days
Biodegradability in the Closed Bottle Test % BOD/COD or ThOD after x Days Test concentration In relation (mg/l) to 7 21 28 2 2 5 substance AI AI 75 40 54 93 80 75* 96 86 75*

Results Degradation: Results:

Test substance Sodium benzoate Dehyton K

* Insufficient residual oxygen in test system. Kinetic: Breakdown products: None stated None stated

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A trial was deemed as valid when the degradation values of the replicates of the test substance did not deviate more than 20% at the end of the test or at the end of the 14-day window, and when the percent degradation of the reference substance reached the plateau for ready biodegradability (60% BOD/ThOD or BOD/COD) within 14 days. Test substances can be graded as readily biodegradable when the plateau for ready biodegradability is reached within 14 days after that time period when the biodegradability exceeds 10% for the first time (14-day window). The total test time for this may not exceed 28 days. The test substance was considered readily biodegradable. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Werner and Berger. 1996. Dehyton K: Closed Bottle/EGRILI. Final Report. Report number R 9501454. Henkel KGaA, Research Biology/Product Safety Ecology, Dsseldorf, Germany.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: October 29, 2001 157s

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Dehyton Ke 3133 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 29 32% active ingredient in water

Guideline for screening of chemicals for anaerobic biodegradability (Annex 1) of the ECETOC-Technical Report number 28 Anaerobic biodegradability Yes 1995 56 days Anaerobic organisms of the purification plant Hilden The calculation of the anaerobic biodegradability of Dehyton Ke 3133 was carried out in the ECETOCScreening test inoculated with anaerobic organisms of the Hilden purification plant. The digester sludge was coarsely sifted and 1.5 liters of sludge were washed and diluted with a mineral nutrient medium to 20 liters total volume. The dry weight determination of the inoculated nutrient medium revealed a dry weight content of 0.39%. Test and control concentrations were tested in 5 parallels. At the beginning of the test, the pH of the test suspension was 7.05. The end pH value in all test assays was 6.7 6.9. Incubation temperature was 35 2 C. Test concentrations were 50 or 100 mg AS/l. Gas pressure measurements were taken at the beginning and end , as well as once per week. At the end of the trial, the dissolved inorganic carbon was determined in an aliquot of suspension supernatant using a C-analyzer. In the course of the 56-day anaerobic incubation of the test substance (test concentration 50 or 100 mg AS/l) at 35 C, the digester gas was tracked by pressure measurements and at the end of the trial the total biodegradability was calculated from the digester gas and dissolved inorganic carbon measurements.

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Results Degradation: Biodegradation (% of Organic Carbon in the Test Substance) Test Gas DIC Total Substance Concentration Development Production Biodegradation Dehyton 50 mg/l 38.0 59.6 97.6 18.6 Ke 3133 100 mg/l 32.7 23.6 56.3 17.0 Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks: The test substance was considered biodegradable. None stated None stated While pressure measurements independent of the test concentrations produced comparable results (38.0% or 32.7% of the theoretical digester gas development), the DIC measurements at the end of the test produced considerable differences (59.6% or 23.6% of the theoretical digester gas development). The calculated total biodegradation was, therefore, considerably higher for the 50 mg/l test concentration than for the 100 mg/l concentration. Comparison of the theoretical CH4/CO2 ratio using the Buswell equation (approx. 70% CH4/30% CO2) with the CO2 experimental value for the 50 mg/l test substance, indicated the experimental value was too high. Therefore, the results for the 100 mg/l test sample were used. Dehyton Ke 3133 is at least partially anaerobically biodegradable (author of report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Richterich, K. 1995. Dehyton Ke 3133: Anaerobic Biodegradability in the ECETOC Test. Report number R 9500675. Henkel KGaA, Research Biology Ecology, Dsseldorf, Germany.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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3.5 BIODEGRADATION Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Contact time: Inoculum: Remarks: Hoe S 3267 (CAS RN 70851-07-9; Amides, coco, N-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl], alkylation products with chloroacetic acid, sodium salts) Approximately 30%

DIN 38 412 Part 25, 88/302/EWG (Part C), 302 B in the OECD Guidelines, and DIN 38 409 Part 3. Aerobic ready biodegradability Not stated 1986 34 days Centrifuged wet sludge The test substance was measured for ready biodegradability in a closed bottle system. DOC determination (dissolved organic carbon content) of the stock solution was 2316 mg/l; COD of the stock solution was 4229 mg/l (O2); DOC per 1 gram of test material was 232 mg/g (in the original solution); and COD per 1 gram of test material was 423 mg/g (O2) (in the original solution). 12 g/l of centrifuged wet sludge were used as inoculum, corresponding to approximately 1000 mg/l dry weight. 86.5 ml/l of stock solution was used in the test assay, corresponding to 200 mg/l dissolved organic carbon content. Incubation temperature was 21 1 C. The composition of the reaction medium followed the requirements of the cited DIN Guideline. The activity of the inoculum was checked by the use of a reference assay, and a control without test substance was used. Test vessels were 2-liter beakers covered with large watchglasses. Air was blown in over large Pasteur pipettes, and the sludge was kept in suspension with a magnetic stirrer. > 70% in 11 days > 90% in 13 days The test substance was readily biodegradable. None stated None stated Seven days after adaptation, the biodegradation reached 45%. The adaptation phase (time until the beginning of significant degradation) was 1 day.

Results Degradation: Results: Kinetic: Breakdown products: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

Hoe S 2367 is readily biodegradable in the Zahn-WellensTest (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Voelskow, H. 1986. Report Developed from Archived Data from 1986. Study of the Biodegradability of Hoe S 2367. Hoechst AG, Germany.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 171

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

EU Commission Directive 92/69/EEC, Annex, Part C.1, method corresponds to OECD Guideline 203 Static-renewal Not stated 1998 Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) Not stated 96 hours Not stated Ten fish per test concentration were exposed to the test substance for 96 hours. Test solutions were renewed daily. Mortalities were recorded at least at 24-hour intervals. Not stated Not stated mg active matter/l LC50 Not stated LC50 = 31 mg active matter/l. In addition to the LC50, the following endpoints were determined: LC0 = 11 mg active matter/l LC100 = 90 mg active matter/l. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given comparable to guidelines/standards.

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished results; Test substance registration number 6648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 115

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Amide, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9) Not stated

Methods conformed to EU Commission Directive 92/69/EEC, Method C.1, method corresponds to OECD Guideline 203 Static-renewal Not stated 1999 Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) Not stated 96 hours Not stated The experiment measured the 96-hour acute toxicity of the test substance to Zebra fish in a static-renewal test system. Test solutions were renewed fresh every 24 hours. Ten fish were exposed to each treatment level. Mortalities were recorded at least every 24 hours. The following values were calculated: LC0 = Highest concentration showing no mortality LC50 = Concentration showing 50% mortality LC100 = Lowest concentration in which all animals died. Not stated Not stated mg active matter/l 96-hour LC50 96-hour LC50 = 6.7 mg active matter/l Additional results calculated were: LC0 = 5.6 mg active matter/l LC100 = 8.0 mg active matter/l

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Report number 1986/2497. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results; Test substance registration number Fi 6650. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 137

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Oleamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)(CAS RN 93-83-4) 100%

Not stated Static No 1992 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)/laboratory culture No 96 hours LC50 values were calculated using either the Trimmed Spearman-Karber Method or the log-probit transformation The experiment measured the acute toxicity of the test substance to Fathead minnows during a 96-hour exposure period. Treatment levels consisted of a dilution water control and 0.625, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00, and 10.0 mg/l of test substance. Twenty fish were exposed to each test level. Dilution water was dechlorinated Milwaukee tap water. Test vessels were glass aquaria holding 15 liters of test solution. Fish were fed twice daily prior to testing, but were not fed during the test. The photoperiod was 12 hours light/dark during fish acclimation and testing. After test initiation, fish were observed every 24 hours for mortalities. Dead fish were removed and weighed when observed. Surviving fish were weighed at the end of the test. Temperature and dissolved oxygen was measured in each test vessel every 24 hours. Water pH, total alkalinity and hardness were measured at the beginning and end of the test in each test solution. The following values represented conditions during the test: Mean fish weight = 0.183 g Mean temperature = 20.3 C Mean dissolved oxygen = 8.74 mg/l Average pH = 8.4 Mean alkalinity = 115.8 mg CaCO3/l Mean hardness = 164.4 mg CaCO3/l.

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Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks:

0 (control), 0.625, 1.25, 2.50, 5.00, 10.0 Not stated mg/l 96-hour LC50 96-hour LC50 = 2.6 mg/l (95% confidence interval = 2.10 3.22 mg/l) Additional LC50 values were determined to be: 24-hour LC50 = 7.1 mg/l (no confidence interval) 48-hour LC50 = 3.0 mg/l (2.29 3.94 mg/l) 72-hour LC50 = 2.6 mg/l (2.10 3.22 mg/l) The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guideline standards. Goodrich, M., K. Kosteretz and J. Lech. 1992. Supplemental Information: Letter submitting Toxicity of [CAS number 93-83-4] in Fathead Minnows (Final Report) (Sanitized). U. S. EPA document number 89-920000188S. NIEHS Aquatic Biomedical Core Center. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, U. S.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 2

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) 100% commercial product (99% total amide) Complete characterization provided in report ISO/DIS 10229-1 and Crossland, N. O., 1986, Chemosphere, 14:1855 Flow-through Yes 1994 Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) Yes, GC/FID 28 days Analysis of Variance and Dunnetts Test (if required) The experiment measured the growth and growth rate of juvenile fish after 14 and 28 days of exposure to the test and control substances. No significant mortalities occurred in the group of cultured fish the week prior to test initiation. The following four experimental groups were used in a flow-through exposure system: control (dilution water), solvent control (0.02 ml methanol/L), 32 g/l, and 105 g/l (nominal concentrations). Flow rates of the test solutions were a nominal 67 mL/minute giving approximately 10 volume replacements/day. Treatments were contained in single 12-liter glass vessels containing 10 liters of solution. Replicate test vessels were not used. Fish were fasted for 24 hours prior to test initiation at which time 16 fish were randomly transferred to the test vessels and the vessels were randomly placed in the test area. Test vessels were aerated during the test. Light intensity was not measured, but ambient laboratory lighting was provided with a photoperiod of 16 hours light/8 hours dark. Water pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature were measured in each test vessel daily except weekends. Total hardness (as CaCO3) was measured in the control vessel daily except weekends. Means and ranges for temperature, pH, DO and total hardness were 23.1 C (22.5 23.5 C), 7.5 (7.1 7.8), 8.5 mg/l (7.7 10.2) and 100 mg/l (86 108 mg/l), respectively. The pH, DO, temperature and total hardness remained within acceptable limits during the test. Concentrations of the test substance in the exposure solutions were measured on test days - 1, 0, 3, 4, 11, 13, 18,

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20, 25 and 27. Effect concentrations were based on mean measured concentrations. Results Nominal concentrations (g/l): Measured concentrations (g/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks: 0 (control), 0 (solvent control), 32 and 105 < 1.0, < 1.0, 31.8 and 105.3 g/l 28-day NOEC = > 105.3 g/l The NOEC was not defined as no inhibitory effects of the test substance were measured at the highest test concentration. The NOEC was > 105.3 g/l. A diluter malfunction occurred on test day 3 resulting in blockage of the dilution water flow into the 105 g/l treatment and causing a rise in the concentration to 218 g/l. Concurrently, the control vessel became contaminated with test substance to a concentration of 78 g/l. By test day 4, concentrations in the control tank had fallen to 0.1 g/l. The short exposure of the control fish to the test substance was not thought to have affected the test results. Concentrations of test solutions averaged 96 and 105% in the two treatment levels (range 56 160%). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Marshall, S. J. and S. R. Harding. 1994. The Chronic Toxicity of UNISLIP 1753 to Brachydanio rerio Under Continuous Flow Conditions: 28 Day Growth Test. Report number CT/N25/01. Unilever Research, Port Sunlight Laboratory, Merseyside, UK.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 34

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Sanitized report: chemical name not specified. (CAS RN 68910-93-0; Fatty acids, tall-oil, reaction products with polyethylenepolyamines) Monoalkylamide 80% Dialkylamide 20% Free DEP 1.3% Water 0.5% In addition to the CAS number, the following was given as the chemical name: Reaction product of tall oil fatty acid and aminoethylpiperazine. EEC Method C.1 and OECD Guideline 203 Static-renewal Yes 1990 Brachydanio rerio (Zebra fish) No 96 hours LC50 calculated using an LC50 program of Griffioen (RIZA) based on a model of Kooyman (1981) The experiment measured the acute toxicity of the test substance to fish over a 96-hour exposure period. Fresh test solutions were made at 48 hours. Five concentrations of the test substance and a control group were used in the test: 0 (control), 0.18, 0.32, 0.56, 1.0, and 1.8 mg/l. Seven fish were exposed to each treatment and control group. No replicates were used. Test vessels were 5-liter glass aquaria containing 3 liters of test medium. Vessels were covered with a glass plate during the test. Dilution water used in the test was synthetic water (Dutch Standard Water) having a pH of approximately 8.2 and a hardness of 13dH. The biomass loading during the test was approximately 0.7 g of biomass/l. The test medium was not aerated and the fish were not fed during the test. Test vessels were placed in a temperature controlled area between 21 and 25 C. A photoperiod of 12 hours light/12 hours dark was provided by fluorescent lights. Measurements of pH and dissolved oxygen were made daily, and temperature was continuously measured in one test vessel. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 5.9 to 8.9 mg/l, pH ranged from 7.5 to 8.1 and temperature ranged from 21 to 23 C.


Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks:

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Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks:

0 (control), 0.18, 0.32, 0.56, 1.0, and 1.8 mg/l No mg/l 96-hour LC50 96-hour LC50 = 0.43 mg/l (95% confidence limits: 0.35 and 0.53 mg/l) The highest concentration causing no mortality (no observed effect concentration) after 96 hours was 0.32 mg/l. 100% mortality occurred in the 0.56, 1.0 and 1.8 mg/l treatment groups. In addition, at concentrations of 0.56 and 1.0 mg/l, fish showed reduced activity from 4 hours after initiation until they died. The following LC50 values at earlier exposure times were calculated: 26-hour LC50 = 0.55 mg/l (0.47 0.64 mg/l) 48-hour LC50 = 0.49 mg/l (0.41 0.58 mg/l) 72-hour LC50 = 0.49 mg/l (0.41 0.58 mg/l) The quality of the batch of fish used in the test was checked by means of a test with a reference substance (potassium dichromate). Results were in accordance with expected criteria. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Mark, U. and E. E. Hantink-de Rooij. 1990. Acute Toxicity of [CAS RN 68910-93-0] to Fish. Report number T 90-2-1.9. Akzo Research Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 150

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Nominal concentrations: Measured concentrations: Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks: SURFAM P-12B (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2nortallow alkyl-1-(2-tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) Not stated

Not stated Not stated Not stated 1988 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas Rafinesque) Not stated 96 hours Not stated Fathead minnows were exposed to the test chemical for 96 hours in 12 C dechlorinated Lake Huron water. Not stated Not stated mg/l NOEC and LC50 96-hour NOEC = 32 mg/l 96-hour LC50 = 59 mg/l (95% confidence interval of 45 - 72 mg/l). The test material had no adverse effect at 32 mg/l. The partial kill level was 56 mg/l, and the 100% kill level was 100 mg/l. Surfam is moderately toxic to fathead minnows. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2D Reliable with restrictions; limited data available. U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 166b

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: 1-Propanaminium, 3 amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., chlorides (CAS RN 61789-39-7; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N- dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., chlorides, sodium salts) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods:


Methods conformed to U. S. EPA TSCA, 40 CFR 797, Guideline 797.1400 Static Yes 1992 Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas)/laboratory culture No 96 hours LC50 value was calculated using computer program (Stephan, C. E., K. A. Busch, R. Smith, J. Burke and R. W. 1978. A computer program for calculating an LC50. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, MN.) using probit, moving average, or nonlinear interpolation estimates. The study measured the acute toxicity of the test substance to Fathead minnows during a 96-hour exposure period. The toxicity test was conducted in 5-gallon glass vessels holding 15 liters of test solution. Dilution water was a blend of naturally hard well water and well water that had been demineralized by reverse osmosis. The blended water was prepared to contain a total hardness of 130 160 mg CaCO3/l. Test concentrations were prepared by transferring aliquots of an aqueous stock solution of the test substance directly to 15 liters of dilution water. Concentrations were prepared on a total compound basis. Five test concentrations and a dilution water control were used in the test. Treatment groups were replicated twice, with each test vessel holding 10 fish (20 per treatment group). Fish were added to the exposure solutions within 30 minutes after preparing the exposure solutions. Test fish were reared at the test laboratory in well water and fed a diet of commercial fish food and brine shrimp. They were approximately 17 weeks old at the time of testing. A sublot of the fish was segregated 48 hours prior to test initiation

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and acclimated during that time to the blended dilution water. Fish were not fed during acclimation or testing. Fish used in testing had a mean wet weight of 0.25 g and a mean standard length of 26 mm. The test chamber biomass was 0.17 g/l for the test. Test chambers were housed in a water bath at 22 1 C. A 16-hour light/8-hour dark photoperiod was maintained and light intensity over the test chambers ranged from 720 880 lux during the test. Measurements of temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were made at 0, 48 and 96 hours. Temperature ranged from 22 23 C, dissolved oxygen ranged from 5.7 8.0 mg/l in vessels with surviving fish, and pH ranged from 7.3 8.0. Test fish were observed every 24 hours for mortality and sublethal effects. Endpoint results were based on nominal test concentrations. Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks: 0 (control), 0.056, 0.10, 0.18, 0.32, and 0.56 Not stated mg/l 96-hour LC50 96-hour LC50 = 0.23 mg/l (95% confidence limits: 0.18 and 0.32 mg/l) Additional calculated endpoints were: 24-hour LC50 = 0.23 mg/l (0.18 0.32 mg/l) 48-hour LC50 = 0.23 mg/l (0.18 0.32 mg/l) 72-hour LC50 = 0.23 mg/l (0.18 0.32 mg/l) NOEC = 0.10 mg/l Complete mortality in the 0.32 and 0.56 mg/l test levels had occurred within the first 24 hours. One fish (5%) in the 0.18 mg/l level died; all remaining fish in that level appeared normal. No mortalities occurred in any other treatment group or control. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Sword, M. C. and K. R. Thompson. 1992. Static Acute Toxicity of Miramine TO-DT to Fathead Minnow (Pimephales promelas). Report number 40340. ABC Laboratories, Inc., Columbia, MO, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 78

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks:

Methods conformed to EU Commission Directive 92/69/EEC, Method C.1, method corresponds to OECD Guideline 203 Static-renewal Not stated 2000 Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) Not stated 96 hours Not stated The experiment measured the 96-hour acute toxicity of the test substance to Zebra fish in a static-renewal test system. Test solutions were renewed fresh every 24 hours. Ten fish were exposed to each treatment level. Mortalities were recorded at least every 24 hours. The following values were calculated: LC0 = Highest concentration showing no mortality LC50 = Concentration showing 50% mortality LC100 = Lowest concentration in which all animals died. Not stated Not stated mg of product/l 96-hour LC50 96-hour LC50 = 6.7 mg of product/l (= 2.0 mg active matter/l) Additional results calculated were: LC0 = 5.6 mg of product/l (= 1.7 mg active matter/l) LC100 = 8.0 mg of product/l (= 2.4 mg active matter/l.

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results; Test substance registration number Fi 6492. Henkel KgaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 84

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks: TEGO Betain L 7 F (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

OECD Guideline 203, bzw. Anhang zur Richtlinie 92/69 EWG Teil C.1 Static Not stated 1995 Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) Not stated 96 hours Not stated

Not stated Not stated mg/l product and mg/l active substance 96-hour LC50 96-hour LC50 = 6.7 mg/l product = 2.0 mg/l active substance Additional endpoints included: 96-hour LC0 = 5.6 mg/l product = 1.7 mg/l active substance 96-hour LC100 = 8.0 mg/l product = 2.4 mg/l active substance The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. 1995. Akute Fischtoxizitaet fuer TEGO Betain L 7 F. Report number bet7fi. Th. Goldschmidt AG.

July 24, 2000 86b

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 28.5-30.5 % active ingredient


Protocol number 203 of 4th April 1984, from the OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals Static Yes 1992 Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio)/Not stated/Meridiana Aquarium No 96 hours As the mortality data obtained in the study are inadequate for the use of standard methods of calculating the LC50, the highest concentration causing no mortality and the lowest concentration producing 100 percent mortality were used as an approximation for the LC50 (this was considered as the geometric mean of these two concentrations). The study assessed the acute toxicity of the test substance to Brachydanio rerio over a 96-hour period. A total of 74 male zebra fish were used in the study. They were acclimatized in a 300 liter tank for 12 days before treatment. At the onset of treatment, the fish were between 2.4 and 3.0 cm long. For the main study, two groups were used, each containing 10 animals. Ten Control fish were also included. Animals were placed in 84-liter glass tanks containing 50 liters of dechlorinated drinking water with an initial hardness of between 196.9 and 214.8 mg/l. The pH value was between 8.4 and 8.5 and temperature was between 19 and 22 C. The dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained at between 70 and 95%. Feeding was stopped 24 hours before the test began. No food was offered during the period of exposure to the test substance. The test substance was administered in a single dose, dissolved in the water. There was no renewal of the test solution during the study period. After test initiation, fish were observed once daily for a total of 96 hours. Any dead animals found at the different observation times were removed and their death was recorded. Animals showing

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no perceptible breathing movements and that did not react when the caudal fin was touched were considered dead. pH value dissolved oxygen level and temperature were recorded daily. Animals surviving to the end of the trial were sacrificed by asphyxia. Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks: 0 (control), 5.66 and 8 Not stated mg/l LC50 = 6.73 mg/l The 10 fish exposed to the 8.0 mg/l concentration died during the first 24 hours after treatment. Before death, they showed a decrease in mobility and breathing difficulties. Two of the animals remained on the surface of the aquarium and the others at the bottom. The 5.66 mg/l concentration did not cause the death of any of the treated animals. Only a slight decrease in mobility was noted between 3 and 24 hours after treatment. None of the fish in the Control group died. Values for pH ranged between 8.40 8.53, temperature ranged between 20.7 21.9 C and dissolved oxygen values ranged between 70 and 94%. During the course of the study, the following deviations from the study protocol occurred: the pH value was sometimes up to 0.4 points higher and temperature 4 and 2 degrees lower than the ranges stated in the test protocol (pH 6.0 8.5 and temperature 21 25 C). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Mayordomo, L. 1992. Acute Toxicity Test. Determination of LC50 in Fish. (Brachydanio rerio). Test Substance: Betadet HR. Report number CD-91/2689T. Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo Aplicado, s.a.l., Barcelona, Spain. Sponsored by Kao Corporation S.A.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: October 29, 2001 157c

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4.1 ACUTE/PROLONGED TOXICITY TO FISH Test Substance Identity: Fatty acid C12-18 amido-propyl betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Analytical monitoring: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Nominal concentrations (/l): Measured concentrations: (/l) Unit: Element value: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

OECD 204 Long Term Fish Test Not stated Yes 1997 (date article was published) Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Yes 28 days Not stated

Not stated Not stated mg/l NOEC and LOEC 28-day NOEC = 0.16 mg/l 28-day LOEC = 0.5 mg/l Manuscript indicates biological data are backed by appropriate analytical determinations. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; guideline study summarized in a well-documented publication.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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References Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

Scholz, N. 1997. Ecotoxicology of Surfactants. Tenside Surf. Det. (34)4:229 -232.

October 29, 2001 157r

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks:

German Standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; bioassays (group L); determination of the effect of substances in water on microcrustaceans (Daphnia-Shorttime-Test)(L11); Corresponds to OECD Guideline 202, Part 1 Not stated Not stated 1998 Not stated Daphnia magna Static Not stated Approximately 20 daphnids per concentration were exposed to a range of concentrations of the test substance in water for 24 hours. Immobilities (loss of ability to swim) were recorded. The following endpoints were determined: EC0 = highest test concentration having no immobility EC50 = concentration showing 50% immobility EC100 = lowest test concentration having 100% immobility. Not stated Not stated mg active matter/l 38 mg active matter/l In addition to the EC50, the following endpoints were determined: EC0 = 11 mg active matter/l EC100 = 64 mg active matter/l Results were given in a one-page summary report.

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (24-hour): Remarks:


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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Registration number 6648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 21, 2000 116

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain/Supplier: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks:

German Standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; bioassays (group L); determination of the effect of substances in water on microcrustaceans (Daphnia-Shorttime-Test)(L11); Corresponds to OECD Guideline 202, Part 1. Static Not stated 1999 Not stated Daphnia magna Static Not stated Approximately 20 daphnids per concentration were exposed to a range of concentrations of the test substance in water for 24 hours. Immobilities (loss of ability to swim) were recorded. The following endpoints were determined: EC0 = highest test concentration having no immobility EC50 = concentration showing 50% immobility EC100 = lowest test concentration having 100% immobility. Not stated Not stated mg active matter/l 3.3 mg active matter/l In addition to the EC50, the following endpoints were determined: EC0 = 2.0 mg active matter/l EC100 = 5.6 mg active matter/l Results were given in a one-page summary report. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (24-hour): Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2B Reliable with restriction; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Report number 1986/2497. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. Steber, J. and H. Berger. 1999. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: unpublished results; Test substance registration number Fi 6650. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 138

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Amides, coco, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68603-42-9) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods:


Test methodology followed: Peltier, W. H. and C. W. Weber, EPA/600/4-85/013, 1985, U. S. EPA Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio Static No 1986 No Daphnia pulex Static LC50 values determined using the trimmed SpearmanKarber analysis of acute toxicity data (Hamilton, M. A., R. C. Russo and R. V. Thurston. 1977. Environ. Sci. Technol. 11:714-718) Dilution water hardness ranged from 35 40 mg/l as CaCO3. Final dissolved oxygen and pH measurements ranged from 3.7 7.5 mg/l and from 7 8, respectively, for the highest test concentration. Temperature was maintained at 20 21 C. Not stated Not stated mg/l Two tests were run, the results of each were: 2.15 mg/l 2.64 mg/l 48-hour LC50 = 2.15 and 2.64 mg/l. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: LC50 (48-hour): Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2C Reliable with restrictions; comparable to guideline study with acceptable restrictions. Moore, S. B., R. A. Diehyl, J. M. Barnhardt and G. B. Avery. 1986. Acute and Chronic Aquatic Toxicities of Textile Surfactants. Book of Papers: 1986 International Conference & Exhibition, AATCC. October 28 - 31. pp. 290 - 293. Atlanta, GA, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 141

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks: Amidoamine (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine) 100%

OECD Guideline 202 and EEC Method C.2 Static Yes 1993 Not stated Daphnia magna/I.R.CH.A. Static Thompson, W. R. 1947. The use of moving averages and interpolation to estimate median effective dose. Bact. Reviews. II, 115 - 145 The experiment measured the acute toxicity of the test substance to Daphnia magna in a 48-hour static exposure test. Daphnids were cultured at the laboratory in reconstituted water. They were fed daily with a suspension of mixed algae. Gravid adults were isolated 24 hours prior to initiation; young daphnids produced overnight were used for testing. Groups of daphnids were exposed to nine concentrations of the test substance and a dilution water control. The nominal test concentrations were 0 (control), 0.10, 0.18, 0.32, 0.56, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6 and 10 mg/l. Exposure solutions were prepared in reconstituted water. The test material was suspected to adsorb to glassware and so saturation of the adsorption sites was achieved by soaking the test vessels overnight prior to the start of the test with the test solutions. At 0-hours, the test vessels were emptied, rinsed with the solution to be tested and then refilled with the fresh test solution. Treatments were replicated twice with 10 daphnids per replicate (20 daphnids per experimental group). Test vessels were glass jars containing 200 ml of solution and covered to reduce evaporation. A 16-hour light/8-hour dark photoperiod was provided during testing. Dissolved oxygen (DO) and water pH were measured at the start and at test termination. Temperature was recorded daily. The target test temperature was 21 C. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 7.9 8.4 mg/l, pH ranged from 7.8 7.9, and temperature remained at 21 C during the test. Daphnids

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were considered immobilized if they were unable to swim for approximately 15 seconds after gentle agitation. Effect concentrations were based on nominal concentrations. Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (48-hour): NOEC (48-hour): Statistical results: Remarks: 0 (control), 0.10, 0.18, 0.32, 0.56, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6, and 10 No mg/l 0.30 mg/l (95% confidence limits, 0.26 0.34 mg/l) 0.18 mg/l Described above The 24-hour EC50 = 0.52 mg/l, with 95% confidence limits of 0.46 and 0.59 mg/l. The 24-hour NOEC = 0.32 mg/l. 100% immobilization occurred in the 0.56, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 5.6, and 10 mg/l treatments, 60% immobilization occurred in the 0.32 mg/l treatment. No immobilized daphnids were found at 0 (control), 0.10 and 0.18 mg/l. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Sewell, I. G. and D. Grant-Salmon. 1993. The Acute Toxicity of [CAS RN 71920-35-4] to Daphnia magna. SafePharm Laboratories, Derby, UK.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 151

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-heptadecenyl-2-imidazoline (EH&S 686) (CAS RN 61791-39-7; 1H-Imidazole-1-ethanol, 4,5dihydro-, 2-nortall-oil alkyl derivs) Not stated


U. S. EPA FIFRA 40 CFR 158, Guideline 158.490 Static Yes 1994 No Daphnia magna Static Computer-generated LC50 calculations (Stephan, C. E. 1983. Computer program for calculation of LC50 values. U. S. EPA. Duluth, MN, U. S. Personal communication.) using probit and moving average methods The experiment measured the survival of Daphnia magna over a 48-hour exposure to the test and control substances. Daphnids were cultured at the laboratory in dechlorinated tap water. Daphnids were healthy prior to the test. Daphnids less than 24-hours old were exposed to five concentrations of the test substance and a dilution water control. The nominal test concentrations were: 0 (control), 1.3, 2.2, 3.6, 6.0 and 10 mg/l. Treatments were replicated twice with 10 daphnids per replicate (20 daphnids per experimental group). Test vessels were 300-ml glass beakers containing 250 ml of solution. At test initiation, daphnids were indiscriminately distributed to the test vessels; the test vessels were loosely covered and randomly assigned to a location in the testing area. A 16-hour light/8-hour dark photoperiod was provided using coolwhite fluorescent lights at an intensity of 3 Ein/sec/m2. Dissolved oxygen (DO), water pH, conductivity and temperature were measured each day in each test chamber that contained live daphnids. Dilution water was dechlorinated tap water adjusted to a hardness of 180 mg/l. The target test temperature was 201 C. The number of surviving daphnids and the occurrence of sublethal effects (immobilization, loss of equilibrium, erratic swimming, loss of reflex, excitability, discoloration, or change in behavior) were determined visually and recorded initially

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and after 24 and 48 hours. Effect concentrations were based on nominal concentrations. Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (48-hour): LC50 (48-hour): NOEC (48-hour): Statistical results: Remarks: 0 (control), 1.3, 2.2, 3.6, 6.0 and 10 Not measured mg/l 1.5 mg/l (95% confidence limits: 1.2 1.8 mg/l) 1.7 mg/l (95% confidence limits: 1.3 2.0 mg/l) < 1.3 mg/l Described above No deaths or abnormal effects occurred in the control group of daphnids. The percent mortality at 48 hours in the 1.3, 2.2, 3.6, 6.0 and 10 mg/l treatment groups were 35, 60, 100, 100 and 100%, respectively. Surviving daphnids in the 1.3 mg/l treatment showed no abnormal effects, while four of eight surviving daphnids in the 2.2 mg/l treatment were immobilized. The 6.0 and 10 mg/l test solutions were slightly cloudy at the start of the toxicity test. No other insoluble material was noted during the exposure period. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Ward, T. J., J. P. Magazu and R. L. Boeri. 1994. Static Acute Toxicity of EH&S 686 to the Daphnid, Daphnia magna. Report number 513-NA. T. R. Wilbury Laboratories, Inc., Marblehead, MA, U. S.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 106

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks: Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) hexadecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt (8CI) (CAS RN 693-33-4) Not stated

Nonspecific method Static No 1995 No Echinogammarus tibaldii Static Probit analysis for EC50 concentrations Test organisms were field collected from a spring of the Vera River (Italy) and held in the laboratory in cool aerated water in a 20-l aquaria. Mature adult males were kept for about three days in reconstituted water receiving aeration and food consisting of dry poplar leaves. Twenty-four hours before the test the feeding was ceased. Testing was conducted in 1-l glass jars containing 250 ml of test solution. Dilution water was reconstituted water having a hardness of 240 mg CaCO3/l, an alkalinity of 55 mg CaCO3/l and pH of 7.9. The temperature of the water during testing was 8 0.5 C. Animals were not fed during the test. Not stated Not stated mg/l 2.5 mg/l (95% confidence interval: 2.4 2.6 mg/l)

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (96-hour): Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2C Reliable with restrictions; comparable to guideline study with acceptable restrictions. Pantani, C, N. Spreti , A. A. Novelli, A. V. Ghirardini and P. F. Ghetti. 1995. Effect of Particulate Matter on Copper and Surfactants Acute Toxicity to Echinogammarus tibaldii (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Environ. Technol. 16:263 - 270.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 59

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks: 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt (CAS RN 61789-40-0) 30% active ingredient; about 5% NaCl, about 65% water

Methods conformed to OECD Guideline 202 and EEC Method C.2 Static Yes 1991 Yes Daphnia magna Static Logit model described by Cox, D. R. 1977. Analysis of binary data. Methuen & Co., Ltd. The experiment measured the 48-hour acute toxicity of the test substance to Daphnia magna. The daphnids were exposed to the substance in 50-ml beakers containing 20 ml of test solution with 10 daphnids per beaker. Daphnids were laboratory bred and less than 24 hours old at test initiation. Test levels were 0 (control), 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 mg/l. Test levels were run in duplicate. Dilution water was reconstituted water prepared according to the EEC Directive. The pH of the water was adjusted to 8.1 and the dissolved oxygen was 8.1 mg/l. During the test, pH ranged from 8.2 8.4 and dissolved oxygen ranged from 7.9 8.3. The concentration of the test article at the beginning and at the end of the test was analyzed for the control and for the 6.25, 25, and 100 mg/l test solutions. In addition, stability analyses gave values 95.5 and 85.2% of nominal for a 100 mg/l solution at the beginning and end of the test.

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): 0 (control), 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 Measured concentrations (mg/l): 0-hour measurements: < 1.235 (control), 4.515 (6.25 mg/l), 20.10 (25 mg/l nominal), 87.85 (100 mg/l nominal) mg/l 48-hour measurements: < 1.234 (control), 5.557 (6.25 mg/l nominal), 21.08 (25 mg/l nominal), 105.8 (100 mg/l nominal) mg/l Unit: mg/l

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EC50 (48-hour): NOEC (48-hour): Statistical results: Remarks:

21.5 mg/l (95% confidence limits: 16.1 28.1 mg/l) EC0 = 5.3 mg/l Described above Additional endpoints calculated during the test were: 24-h EC0 = 12.5 mg/l 24-h EC50 = > 100 mg/l 24h EC100 = > 100 mg/l 48-h EC0 = 5.3 mg/l 48-h EC50 = 21.5 mg/l 48-h EC100 = 89.3 mg/l Concentration analyses showed test levels remained from 72.2 to 105.8% of the nominal concentrations over the 48hour test period. Daphnids in the control group showed no adverse effects during the exposure. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Wuethrich, V. 1991. 48-Hour Acute Toxicity of TEGO-BETAIN to Daphnia magna (OECDImmobilization Test). Report number 283803. RCC Umweltchemie, Itingen/BL, Switzerland.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 87

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks: Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) Not stated

Protocol number 202, part I, 24 h EC50 Acute Immobilization Test, of the 4th of April 1984, from the OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals Static Yes 1992 No Daphnia magna Static Litchfield and Wilcoxon Method The product was administered in a single dose per dose level, dissolved in the water held in the test tubes, which was similar to that used in the breeding period (50% dechlorinated water and 50% distilled water). The daphnia were then transferred to the vessels. The dilution water was aerated to saturation level prior to introduction of the test substance to ensure that the oxygen level did not fall below 60% of the saturation value. Before the Main Study, a Preliminary study was carried out to determine the range of toxic concentrations. The Daphnia were monitored one, 24 and 48 hours after the start of treatment. Observations included a determination of the number of immobilized animals, that is to say animals not able to swim within 15 seconds after gentle agitation of the test container. 0 (control), 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg/l Not determined mg/l 6.40 mg/l 48-hour EC50 = 6.40 mg/l (confidence limit 4.57 8.96). The product caused 0% immobilization at the 0.5 mg/l concentration. At concentrations of 1 mg/l and 2 mg/l, 2 and 3 daphnia, respectively, out of a total of 40, were found immobile. The 4 mg/l and 8 mg/l concentrations caused immobilization in 5 and 9 daphnia, respectively, out of a

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (48-hour): Remarks:

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total of 20. All the animals treated at the 16 mg/l concentration were found immobile. 1.7% immobilization was recorded in the Control group. The following deviations from the test protocol occurred during the course of the study: during breeding, the temperature of the water was up to 1 degree and occasionally 2 degrees higher than the ranges stated the test protocol (20 2 C). Values for pH ranged from 8.33 8.49, temperature ranged between 21.9 22.4 C and dissolved oxygen ranged between 67 100%. Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Mayordomo, L. and J. Zapatero. 1992. Acute Immobilisation Test in Daphnia. Test Substance: Betadet HR. Report number CD-91/2690T. Centro de Ivestigacion y Desarrollo Aplicado, s.a.l., Barcelona, Spain.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 157d

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4.2 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Dehyton K, 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salts (CAS RN 61789-40-0) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks:

German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; bioassays (group L); determination of the effect of substances in water on microcrustaceans (Daphnia-Shorttime-Test) DIN 38412, L11. This test corresponds to OECD Guideline 202, part 1 Static No 1980 Not stated Daphnia magna Static Not stated Organisms were exposed to the test substance added to water at a range of concentrations (approximately 20 animals per concentration) for a period of 24 hours. Immobilities (the loss of the ability to swim) were recorded and ultimately, the EC0 and the EC100 were determined. Based on these data the EC50 was calculated. Not stated Not measured mg/l 3.7 mg product/l (= 1.1 mg active matter/l) Not stated Corresponds to EC0 (see below) Not stated Also EC0 (24 hour) = 2.2 mg product/l (= 0.64 mg active matter/l); EC100(24 hour) = 6.4 mg product/l (= 1.9 mg active matter/l).

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (24-hour): LC50 (24-hour): NOEC (24-hour): Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; data are reliable but article lacks details. Steber, J. and K. Richterich. 2000. Acute Toxicity: Daphnia. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished Data, File 407/3. Henkel KGaA, Germany, Report No. R 0001217.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 157p

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4.2 Toxicity to Aquatic Invertebrates Test Substance Identity: Fatty acid C12-18 amido-propyl betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: EC50 (48-hour): LC50 (48-hour): NOEC (48-hour): Statistical results: Remarks:

OECD 202 Daphnia Reproduction Test Not stated Yes 1997 (date article published) Not stated Daphnia magna Not stated Not stated

Not stated Not stated mg/l Not stated Not stated NOEC (21-day) = 0.9 mg/l Not stated LOEC (21-day) = 3.6 mg/l; manuscript indicates biological data are backed by appropriate analytical determinations. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

2A Reliable with restrictions; guideline study summarized in a well-documented publication. Scholz, N. 1997. Ecotoxicology of Surfactants. Tenside Surf. Det. (34)4:229 - 232.

July 3, 2001 157r

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4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

Test type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Element basis: Exposure period: Analytical monitoring: Statistical methods: Remarks:

German Standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; bioassays (group L); determination of the inhibitory effect of water constituents on green algae (algae growth-inhibition test (L9); DIN 38412 part 9; methods correspond to OECD Guideline 201 Static Not stated 1998 Scenedesmus subspicatus Determined on cell biomass. 72 hours Not stated Not stated Algae exposed to a range of concentrations (three replicates/concentration) in a mineral nutrient solution for 72 hours. Cell counts were made daily and treatment levels were compared to the control group. Not stated Not stated mg active matter/l 72-hour EbC50 72-hour EbC50 = 1.1 mg active matter/l Unknown 72-hour EbC50 = 1.1 mg active matter/l Additional endpoints determined in the study included: 72-hour EbC0 = 0.3 mg active matter/l 72-hour EbC100 = 8.7 mg active matter/l Results were given in a one-page summary report. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Result: Satisfactory control response: Statistical results: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. H. Berger and Guhl. 1998. Biological Research and Product Safety/Ecology: Unpublished Results; Test Substance Registration number 6648. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. July 21, 2000 118

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) Test Substance Identity: ANFODAC LB alchil (C12) ammido propil betaina (CAS RN 4292-10-8; 1-Propanaminium, N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-[(1-oxododecyl)amino]-, inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Element basis: Exposure period: Analytical monitoring: Statistical methods:


EEC Directive 92/69 and OECD Guideline 201 Static Not stated 1996 Selenastrum capricornutum prinz/Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Culture Center of Algae and Protozoa, Cambridge, England 104 cells/ml 72 hours Not stated The percentage difference between the cellular concentration of the treated group and the control group was calculated. The growth curve for both groups was graphically determined and the regression line was calculated. The difference between the average rate of growth (m) of treated and control groups was calculated by the angular coefficient (b) of the regression lines. The percentage inhibition of growth rate for each concentration of test material (Imt) was calculated as: Imt = [(mc-mt)/mc] x 100 where; mc = rate of growth of control group and mt = rate of growth of treated group. A preliminary test to determine the acute toxicity of the test substance on an algal culture of Selenastrum capricornutum in growing phase, at an initial concentration of 104/ml was conducted. Algae were exposed to the test material at a concentration of 100 mg/l for 72 hours. The flasks containing the control and the treated organisms were stirred at a temperature of 23 2 C with continuous lighting for 72 hours. After 24, 48 and 72 hours, cell concentration was measured with a Burke chamber. The pH of the culture medium was 8.0 0.5.

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Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Result:

100 mg/l Not stated mg/l This was considered a limit test. In this experiment, no difference in algal growth was seen between treated and control groups. The difference between the biomass of the control and treated groups is less than 25%. The difference between the average growth of the treated group and control group was 0.56%. The NOEC was 100 mg/l. Yes Not stated The temperature during the test did not vary more than 1 C and the pH did not vary more than 0.2 units. The average cellular concentrations for each group were: Time (hours) 24 48 72 Treated (no. cells/ml) 2.7 x 104 5.3 x 104 8.7 x 104 Control (no. cells/ml) 2.5 x 104 5.5 x 104 8.5 x 104 Difference (%) -8.0 3.6 -2.3

Satisfactory control response: Statistical results: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Biffi E. 1996. Acute Toxicity in Algae: Test Material: ANFODAC LB. Unpublished Report (Project number 96/200.A7) Biolab, Italy. July 3, 2001 167

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Element basis: Exposure period: Analytical monitoring: Statistical methods: Remarks: Cocamidopropyl Betaine F 3006 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

OECD Guideline 201 Static No 1993 Scenedesmus subspicatus/CHODAT SAG 86.81/Not stated Biomass and growth rate 72 hours No Graphical determination of EC values The study measured the inhibition of the test substance on the growth of Scenedesmus subspicatus over a 72-hour exposure period. Four replicate test flasks were run at each treatment level. Tests were run under continuous lighting of 35 70 E/m2*s at a temperature of 23 2 C. Endpoints were determined for algal growth rate and algal cell density. The EC0, EC10, and EC50 were calculated for rate and cell density. 0 (control), 0.32, 1.0, 3.2, 10, 32, and 100 mg/l Not stated mg/l 72-hour EbC50 and 72-hour ErC50 72-hour EbC0 = 3.2 mg/l 72-hour EbC10 = 4.9 mg/l 72-hour EbC50 = 30 mg/l 72-hour ErC0 = 3.2 mg/l 72-hour ErC10 = 7.0 mg/l 72-hour ErC50 = 48 mg/l Yes See Results

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Result:

Satisfactory control response: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Noack, U. 1993. Pruefung auf Hemmung der Algenzellvermehrung von Cocamidopropyl Betaine F 3006. Projekt Nr. 931124GG. Laboratorium fur Angewandte Biologie, Hildesheim, Germany. July 24, 2000 91

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Element basis: Exposure period: Analytical monitoring: Statistical methods: Remarks: 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., hydroxides, inner salt (CAS RN 61789-40-0) 30% active substance

DIN 38412, Teil 9 Static Yes 1992 Scenedesmus subspicatus/SAG 8681/ Pflanzenphysiologisches Institut der Universitaet Goettingen 1 x 104 cells/ml 96 hours Not stated Probit analysis of growth rate data The experiment assessed the growth inhibition of the test substance on Scenedesmus subspicatus. Test concentrations were 0 (control), 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0 and 10 mg product/l. Each experimental group was replicated three times. Test vessels were 300-ml Erlenmeyer flasks holding 100 ml of test solution. At the beginning of the test, flasks were inoculated with 1.0 ml of algal cell inoculum to achieve a concentration in each flask of 1 104 cells/ml. Flasks were placed under continuous lighting of 2000 lux and continuously shaken at 120 rpm by means of an orbital shaker. At 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours, a sample from each flask was taken and the density of algal cells in the sample (cells/ml) was measured using an electronic particle counter (Coulter-Counter). Cell densities were converted to growth rates and growth rates were used in the calculation of EC values. 0 (control), 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 3.0 and 10 Not stated mg/l 96-hour EC50 96-hour EC50 = 1.84 mg product/l 96-hour EC50 = 0.55 mg active substance/l yes

Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Result: Satisfactory control response:

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Statistical results: Remarks:

96-hour EC50 = 1.84 mg product/l 96-hour EC50 = 0.55 mg active substance/l Additional endpoints determined in the study included: 96-hour EC0 = 0.30 mg product/l 96-hour EC0 = 0.09 mg active substance/l 96-hour EC10 = 0.46 mg product/l 96-hour EC10 = 0.14 mg active substance/l. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. H. Guhl. 1992. Forschung Biologie/Oekologie. Report number 920184. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. July 24, 2000 93

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Element basis: Exposure period: Analytical monitoring: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Result: Satisfactory control response: Statistical results: Remarks: TEGO-Betain L 7 F (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

OECD Guideline 201, bzw. Anhang zur Richtlinie 92/69 EWG Teil C.3 Growth inhibition test Not stated 1995 Scenedesmus subspicatus Determined on cell biomass. 72 hours Not stated Not stated

Not stated Not stated mg/l 72-hour EC50 72-hour EC50 = 1.81 mg product/l 72-hour EC50 = 0.55 mg active substance/l Unknown 72-hour EC50 = 1.81 mg product/l 72-hour EC50 = 0.55 mg active substance/l Additional endpoints determined in the study included: 72-hour EC0 = 0.30 mg product/l = 0.09 mg active substance/l 72-hour EC10 = 0.46 mg product/l = 0.14 mg active substance/l The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

2B Reliable with restrictions; basic information given; comparable to guidelines/standards. 1995. Algeninhibitionstest mit TEGO Betain L 7 F. Report number bet7al. Th. Goldschmidt AG. July 24, 2000 94b

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4.3 TOXICITY TO AQUATIC PLANTS (ALGAE) Test Substance Identity: Fatty acid C12-18 amido propyl betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) Not stated

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain/Supplier: Element basis: Exposure period: Analytical monitoring: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Nominal concentrations (mg/l): Measured concentrations (mg/l): Unit: Element value: Result: Satisfactory control response: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

EG 92/69 Algae Growth Inhibition Test Not stated Yes 1997 Scenedesmus subspicatus/Not stated/Not stated Not stated 72 hours Not stated Not stated

Not stated Not stated mg/l 72-hour NOEC NOEC (72-hour) = 0.96 mg/l Not stated Manuscript indicates biological data are backed by appropriate analytical determinations. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; guideline study summarized in a well-documented publication. Scholz, N. 1997. Ecotoxicology of Surfactants. Tenside Surf. Det. (34)4:229 - 232.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

July 3, 2001 157r

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4.5.2 CHRONIC TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Analytical procedures: Species/Strain: Test details: Statistical methods: Remarks: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) 100% commercial product (99% total amide) Complete characterization provided in report OECD Guideline 202 Static-renewal Yes 1996 Yes, GC/FID Daphnia magna/Clone 5 Static-renewal Analysis of Variance and Dunnetts Test, as appropriate The experiment measured the survival and reproduction of Daphnia magna over a 21-day exposure to the test and control substances. Daphnids were cultured in the laboratory using Elendt M7 medium and a daily feeding regiment of green algal cells (Chlorella vulgaris). Four experimental groups: control (Elendt M7 medium), solvent control (0.1 ml methanol/l), 33 g/l, and 100 g/l (nominal concentrations) were used in a static-renewal exposure system. All test solutions were prepared with Elendt M7 medium. Replicate test vessels consisted of 4 oz glass bottles containing 100 ml of test solution. There were 10 replicates per experimental group. On the day of test initiation, neonate daphnids were removed from cultures and placed in a crystallizing dish containing Elendt M7 medium. One daphnid was placed in each replicate test vessel, and each vessel was randomly placed in the testing area. Light intensity was not measured, but ambient laboratory lighting was provided with a photoperiod of 16 hours light/8 hours dark. Each day, test solutions were renewed, and the daphnids were fed 1.7 105 cells/ml of Chlorella vulgaris. Adult survival and reproduction was assessed each day and neonates were removed daily. The pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and total hardness (as mg/l CaCO3) were measured on test days 0, 1, every Tuesday and Friday and on day 21. Means and ranges for temperature, water pH, DO and total hardness were 19.7 C (14.5 25.0 C), 7.6 (7.2 8.1), 8.2 mg/l (4.5 9.3 mg/l) and 245 mg/l (234 256 mg/l) as CaCO3, respectively. Concentrations of the test substance in exposure solutions were measured on test days 0, 1, 5, 9, 12, 16 and 19 in both

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the old and the new solutions. Effect concentrations were based on mean measured concentrations. Results Nominal concentrations: Measured concentrations: Unit: NOEC: Remarks: 0 (control), 0 (solvent control), 33 and 100 g/l < 0.1, < 0.1, 23.2 and 79.7 g/l g/l NOEC = 80 g/l. No inhibitory effects of the test substance were measured at the highest test concentration. Thus, the NOEC was empirically estimated to be 80.0 g/l. Analyses of the test solutions indicated that concentrations of the test substance in the fresh solutions averaged 83.5% of nominal and old solutions averaged 65.2% of nominal. A malfunction in a temperature controller caused a deviation from the specified temperature range during the test. This was not considered to have had a significant impact on the outcome of the study. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Marshall, S. J. and S. R. Harding. 1996. The Chronic Toxicity of UNISLIP 1753 to Daphnia magna. Study number CT/N25/02. Unilever Research, Port Sunlight Laboratory, Merseyside, UK.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 20, 2000 35

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Carsamide SAL-7 (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-) 70% Composition included 25% water and 5% DEA

According to the procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25.) Type: LD50 limit test GLP: No Year: 1979 Species/Strain: Wistar albino rat Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Oral gavage Remarks: Five male and five female rats (182 220 g) were administered a single dose of the test substance in aqueous solution at a level of 5.0 g/kg body weight. The test substance was used as received. Animals were acclimated to standard laboratory conditions for a minimum of seven days and fasted overnight prior to dosing. Animals were observed for signs of pharmacologic activity and drug toxicity 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-dose and once daily thereafter for 14 days. Animals were subjected to a complete gross necropsy following the 14-day observation period. LD50 > 3.5 g /kg active ingredient. 3 (2 female, 1 male) One male and two females died by day 4. Slight depression was observed in eight of the ten animals tested through day 3, after which time the animals that survived the 14-day observation period appeared normal and gained body weight. Necropsy observations included pyloric and intestinal mucosa severely reddened in one female that died. No other gross changes were observed in any other animals. The LD50 of the original solution (70%) was 0.5 g/kg.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks: Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2C Reliable with restrictions; comparable to guideline study with acceptable restrictions. Lewis, C. A. and A. L. Palanker. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1979. Report number 7936-10. Consumer Product Testing, Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 14, 2000 45b

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Monamid 716 (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,Nbis(2-hydroxyethyl)-) Not stated

Testing guideline not reported (According to procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25.)) Type: LD50 limit test GLP: Not stated Year: 1976 Species/Strain: Rats/Wistar Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: Not stated Route of administration: Oral gavage Remarks: Five male and five female rats (188 - 284 g) were administered a single oral dose of the test substance at a level of 5.0 ml/kg body weight after being fasted overnight. Animals were observed for signs of pharmacologic activity and drug toxicity at 1, 3, 6 and 23 hours post-dose. Observations were made daily thereafter for a total of 14 days. A complete gross necropsy was performed at the end of the 14-day observation period. LD50 > 5 ml/kg 0 No deaths occurred and no clinical changes were observed in the male or female rats throughout the 14-day observation period. All rats gained weight. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication/study report which meets basic scientific principles. Palanker, A. L. Acute oral toxicity. 1976. Report number 7667- 8/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.


Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 46A

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Amides, C12-18, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68155-06-6) Not stated

Not stated LD50 limit test Not stated 1971 Wistar rat Male 10 Distilled water Oral gavage Ten male rats were administered a single dose of the test substance in distilled water at a level of 10.0 g/kg body weight. Animals were fasted prior to dosing. Animals were observed for 8 days. LD50 > 10.0 g/kg 1 One animal died 24 hours post-dose without specific symptoms of intoxication. All other animals survived the study. With respect to the determined LD50 value, it is assumed that the LD50 value for female rats also exceeds the limit dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight (author of report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; summary of German report.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1999. Evaluation of Acute Oral Toxicity. Report number 710070. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 27, 2000 143

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Armid HT (CAS RN 61790-31-6; Amides, tallow, hydrogenated) Not stated

OECD Guideline No. 401 Acute Oral Toxicity LD50 limit test No 1985 Sprague-Dawley rat Male and female 5 Methylcellulose Oral gavage A preliminary study was conducted using groups of two male and two female rats at dose levels of 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 g/kg. Based on the results of this preliminary study, a group of five male and five female rats (approximately 4 6 weeks in age, 100 117 g body weight) were administered a single dose of the test substance at a dose level of 5.0 g/kg body weight. The test substance was prepared as a 50% w/v suspension in 1% methylcellulose and administered at a volume not exceeding 10.0 ml/kg. Animals were acclimated to the experimental environment for at least five days prior to study initiation. They were fasted from food overnight prior to dosing and for four hours post-dose. Animals were observed soon after dosing, then at frequent intervals for the remainder of the day of dosing. Animals were observed at least twice daily thereafter for 14 days for mortality and toxicity. Animals were subjected to a complete gross necropsy following the 14-day observation period. LD50 > 5 g/kg body weight 0 All animals survived. Clinical signs including piloerection and hunched posture were observed in all animals until day 5. After this time all animals appeared normal and gained weight through day 14. Necropsy yielded no abnormal findings.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented study report which meets basic scientific principles. Kynoch, S. R. 1985. Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Armid HT. Report number 85268D/AKZ 190/AC. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 160a

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Armid 18 (CAS RN 124-26-5; Stearamide) Not stated

FHSA, 16 CFR 1500.3(c)(2)(i) LD50 limit test Yes 1983 Sprague-Dawley rat Male and female 5 Corn oil Oral gavage Five male rats (217 to 234 g) and five female rats (203 to 230 g) were administered the test material as a 50% w/v formulation in corn oil at a dosage of 10.0 g/kg body weight. All animals were fasted from feed for approximately 17 hours prior to treatment. Animals were observed for gross signs of toxicity and death at approximately 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 5 to 6 hours following treatment and once daily thereafter for 14 days. At the end of the 14-day observation period the rats were weighed, killed and a gross necropsy was performed. LD50 > 10 g/kg 0 No deaths occurred. No clinical changes were observed in the female rats. Transient diarrhea was observed in the male rats on the day of dosing. All rats gained weight. Gross necropsies at the end of the study revealed no gross alterations. The material is not classified as toxic by oral administration (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

1C Reliable without restriction; test procedure according to national standards. Conine, D. L. Acute Oral Toxicity Screen in Rats of Armid 18. 1983. Report number 83-0488-21. Hill Top Research, Inc., Cincinnati, OH, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 54

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

Not stated LD50 limit test Not stated 1972 Wistar rat Male 10 None Oral gavage Ten young adult male rats were administered a single dose of the test substance at a level of 5000 mg/kg body weight. Animals were fasted prior to dosing. Animals were observed for 8 days. LD50 > 5.0 g/kg 0 All animals survived the 8-day observation period and no adverse effects were observed. With respect to the determined LD50 value, it is assumed that the LD50 value for female rats also exceeds the limit dose of > 2000 mg/kg body weight (author of the report). This test substance is not toxic as defined in the guidelines (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; summary of German report.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1972. Evaluation of Acute Oral Toxicity. Report number TBD 720033. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 119

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Unamide CDX (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

Not stated LD50 No 1976 Rat/Strain not stated Male and female 5 None Oral gavage Six groups of male and female young adult albino rats (200 300 g) were administered a single dose of the test substance at levels of 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0 or 32.0 g/kg. The test substance was used as received. Animals were fasted for 24 hours prior to dosing and both sexes were equally distributed. Animals were observed daily for two weeks post-dose. No postmortem, or histopathology examinations were performed in this study. LD50 = 7.4 g/kg (95% Confidence Limits = 5.4 10.4 g/kg) 3/5 at 8.0 g/kg dose level 5/5 at 16.0 and 32.0 g/kg dose levels Animals in the 1.0 g/kg dose group showed no signs of toxicity from the test substance. Lacrimation was observed 24 to 36 hours post-dose in animals treated with 2.0 g/kg of the test substance. Observations of animals treated with 4.0 g/kg of the test substance included nasal hemorrhage and unkempt coats. Nasal hemorrhage, lacrimation, diarrhea, sluggish, impaired locomotion and weight loss were observed in animals treated with 8.0 and 16.0 g/kg of the test substance. Lethargy, lacrimation, nasal hemorrhage, moderate to severe diarrhea and dirty unkempt coats were observed in animals treated with 32.0 g/kg of the test substance. The test substance was equally toxic to males and females.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks: Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2C Reliable with restrictions; comparable to guideline study with acceptable restrictions. Wallace, J. M. 1976. Toxicity Studies for Lonza Inc. BioToxicology Laboratories, Inc., Moorestown, NJ, U. S.

July 25, 2000 120a

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: 10% Monamid ACC (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated Aqueous solution Not stated LD50 No 1971 CFE rat Male and female 1 and 5 None Oral gavage Two rats (approximately 140 g) were administered a single dose of the test substance at dose levels of 5.0, 20, 30, or 40 ml/kg body weight, and ten rats (approximately 140 g) administered a single dose of the test substance at a dose of 50 ml/kg body weight. The test substance was used as received. Animals were fasted from food for 18 hours prior to dosing. Animals were observed for 5 days post-dose for signs of toxicity. LD50 > 5 g/kg active ingredient 0 All animals survived and did not exhibit any visible toxic effects. The LD50 of the original solution (10%) was > 50 ml/kg. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Wolven, A. M. and I. Levenstein. 1971. Determination of Oral LD50 in Rats. Report number 14861. Leberco Laboratories, Roselle Park, NJ, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 120b

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Monamid ACC Lot #1876 (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

Acute toxicity procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25.) Type: LD50 limit test GLP: No Year: 1976 Species/Strain: Wistar rat Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Oral gavage Remarks: Five male and five female rats (172 - 290 g) were administered a single oral dose of the test substance at a level of 5.0 ml/kg body weight. The test substance was used as received. Animals were fasted from food overnight prior to dosing. Animals were observed 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-dose and once daily thereafter for 14 days for mortality, toxicity and pharmacological effects. Animals were subjected to a complete gross necropsy following the 14-day observation period. LD50 > 5 ml/kg 0 All animals survived. All animals appeared normal and gained weight through day 14. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented study report which meets basic scientific principles.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Palanker, A. L. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1976. Report number 7667-1/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 121a

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Monamid 705 (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

Not stated LD50 limit test Not stated 1977 Rats/Wistar Male and female 5 None Oral gavage Five male and five female rats (206 - 242 g) were administered a single oral dose of the test substance at a level of 5.0 g/kg body weight. The material was used as received. Animals were observed for 14 days. LD50 > 5 g/kg 0 No deaths occurred and no clinical changes were observed in the male or female rats throughout the 14-day observation period. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Lewis, C. A. and A. L. Palanker. 1977. Acute Oral Toxicity (rat). Report number 77325. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 144b

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Carsamide SAC (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)) 95% (this was handwritten on the article) Test substance also consisted of 5% DEA (this was handwritten on the article).

Procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25. Type: LD50 limit test GLP: No Year: 1977 Species/Strain: Albino rat Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Oral gavage Remarks: Five male and five female rats (150 300 g) were administered a single dose of the test substance at a level of 5.0 g/kg body weight. The test substance was used as received. Animals were acclimated to standard laboratory conditions for a minimum of seven days and fasted overnight prior to dosing. Animals were observed for signs of pharmacologic activity and drug toxicity 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-dose and once daily thereafter for 14 days. Animals were subjected to a complete gross necropsy following the 14-day observation period. LD50 > 5.0 g/kg 1 One male died by day 6. Slight depression was observed in all animals tested at 24 hours post-dose, after which time all animals appeared normal. All animals that survived the 14-day observation period gained body weight. No necropsy observations were reported.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The test substance may not be considered an orally toxic material to rats under the conditions of this test (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented study report which meets basic scientific principles. Palanker, A. L. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1977. Report number 7774-2. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 144c

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Monamid 150-ADD (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

Testing guideline not reported (According to procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25.) Type: LD50 limit test GLP: Not stated Year: 1976 Species/Strain: Wistar rat Sex: Male and Female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Oral gavage Remarks: Five male and five female rats (176 - 196 g) were administered a single dose of the test substance at a level of 5.0 ml/kg body weight. The material was used as received, diluted in solvent where appropriate. Animals were fasted overnight prior to dosing. Animals were observed for signs of pharmacologic activity and drug toxicity at 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours post-dose. Daily observations were made for 14 days thereafter. Animals were sacrificed and a complete gross necropsy was performed following the 14-day observations period. LD50 >5 ml/kg All animals survived. All animals appeared normal throughout the 14 day except for slight depression seen in all animals at the 24-hour postdose observation period.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication that meets basic scientific principles. Palanker, A. L. Acute Oral Toxicity (Rat). 1976. Report number 7667-4/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 145

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Oleamide DEA (CAS RN 301-02-0; Oleamide) Concentration = 100%

Not stated LD50 Not stated Not stated Sprague Dawley Rats Male and Female 5 None dosed undiluted Oral gavage Five male and five female rats per dose group were administered a singe oral dose of the test substance. Multiple dose levels were used to determine an LD50. Animals were fasted from feed 16 hours prior to dose administration and allowed only water. Rats were observed for general health and activity one hour after administration and daily for 14 days. LD50 = 12.4 ml/kg 95% confidence limits = 11.1 13.9 ml/kg Not stated LD calculated using the method of Weil. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions: basic data given, comparable to guidelines.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability: Remarks:

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Acute Oral Toxicity (LD50) of Oleamide DEA to Rats. CTFA Code number 2-32-118. CIR Safety Data Test Summary Response Form.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 77b

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) Approximately 99%

EEC Test method B.1 as described in the Annex of EEC Directive 84/449 Type: LD50 limit test GLP: Yes Year: 1988 Species/Strain: Wistar rat Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: Corn oil Route of administration: Oral gavage Remarks: Five male and five female young adult rats (9 weeks old at study start) were utilized for this study. Animals were fasted overnight prior to dosing until approximately three hours after administration of the test substance. The test substance was suspended in corn oil and administered twice within 24 hours. The dose level was 5000 mg/kg body weight (dosed twice at 2500 mg/kg) and each time the dose volume was 10 ml/kg body weight. Clinical observations were performed on the day of dosing approximately once every two hours and once daily thereafter for 14 days. Individual body weights were measured weekly. At the end of the study all animals were killed by CO2 inhalation and subjected to a necropsy. LD50 > 5000 mg/kg 0 No deaths occurred and no signs of systemic toxicity were observed during the 14-day observation period. All animals showed body weight gain. Macroscopic examination of animals at termination did not reveal any abnormalities that were considered to be treatment-related. Under the conditions of this study it is concluded that the test substance has no toxic effect when administered as two oral doses within 24 hours to the rat at a total dose level of 5000 mg/kg body weight (author of the report). The

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Reijnders, J. B. J. Acute Oral Toxicity of UNISLIP 1753 in Rats. 1988. Report number 0812/1044. RCC NOTOX B.V., s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 36a

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Sanitized report chemical name not specified. (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine) Not stated

Not stated LD50 Yes 1983 Sprague-Dawley rat Male and female 5 Distilled water Oral gavage A preliminary study was run with 1 male and 1 female per group was administered the test substance at 250, 500, 1000, 3000 or 5000 mg/kg. Based on the results of this dose range-finding test, dose levels of 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg/kg of the test substance were selected to determine the LD50 of the test substance. Five male and 5 female rats (145 231 g) per group were utilized for this study. Animals were fasted for 16 hours prior to dosing. The test substance was prepared in distilled water before administration and each group was does at a constant dose volume of 20 ml/kg. Animals were observed for 14 days post-dose. Individual body weights were measured weekly, or at death. At the end of the study all surviving animals were sacrificed and subjected to a necropsy. LD50 for males = 3610 mg/kg (95% Confidence Limits = 2919 4464 mg/kg) LD50 for females = 4260 mg/kg (95% Confidence Limits = 3975 4565 mg/kg) 3 males at 3000 mg/kg dose level 3 males and 3 females at 4000 mg/kg dose level 3 males and 4 females at 5000 mg/kg dose level All deaths occurred within 5 days post-dose. Clinical signs noted in each dose group included hunched appearance, hypokinesia, ataxia, prostration, sedation, piloerection, soiled coat, red-stained urine, diarrhea, epistaxis, excess

Results Value:

Number of deaths: Remarks:

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salivation, dyspnea, chromodacryorrhea and/or alopecia through day 14. All surviving animals gained weight by day 14. Macroscopic examination of animals at termination revealed pale/red lungs, spongy/congested lungs, gas-filled stomach/gut, autolysis, yellow or red contents/fluid in guts and/or white fluid in thorax. Due to the unusual mortality pattern for males, it was not possible to determine an LD50 value using probit analysis. Therefore, after consideration of the dose range-finding results and the female mortality pattern, the assumption was made that had a further group been dosed at a dose level of 1000 mg/kg no deaths would have occurred. An LD50 value was calculated base on this assumption. Conclusions Remarks: Under the conditions of this study it is concluded that the test substance may be considered to be slightly toxic to rats (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Cuthbert, J. A and K. J. DArcy-Burt. 1983. Toxicity Tests on Product [CAS RN 71820-35-4]. Inveresk Research International, Musselburgh, UK.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 152

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Armid HT (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine) Not stated

LD50 Yes 1985 Rats/Sprague-Dawley Male and female 2 Not stated Oral gavage Two male and two female rats (100 - 146 g, approximately four to six weeks of age) per group were administered a single oral dose of the test substance at a level of 25, 200, 2000 or 5000 mg/kg body weight. The test substance was administered as supplied at a volume of 0.21, 2.1 and 5.2 ml/kg for the 200, 2000 and 5000 mg/kg groups, respectively. The 25 mg/kg group were administered the test substance as a 25% w/v solution in distilled water (prepared on the day of dosing) and administered at a volume of 0.1 ml/kg. Animals were fasted overnight prior to dosing and approximately four hours after dosing. Animals were observed soon after dosing, at frequent intervals throughout the day of dosing and for 14 days subsequent to dosing. Body weights were obtained on Days 1 (day of dosing), 4, 8 and 15. A complete gross necropsy was performed on Day 15. LD50 > 5000 mg/kg 0 No deaths occurred at any dose level. Signs of reaction to treatment observed shortly after dosing in all rats were piloerection and abnormal body carriage. These signs were accompanied by abnormal gait in all rats a 200 mg/kg and above, diarrhea in all rats at 2000 and 5000 mg/kg, lethargy in all rats at 5000 mg/kg and abdominal distention in one female rat at 200 mg/kg. All animals recovered by days 4 or 8. Body weight loss on Day 4 and a low body weight

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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gain on Day 8 were recorded for one female rat at 200 mg/kg however, a normal weight gain was observed on day 15. All other animals gained weight throughout the 15 days of study. No gross lesions were observed at necropsy. Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Kynoch, S. R. Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Armid HT. 1985. Report number 85268 AKZ190 AC. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 153

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Carsosoft S-90 (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 90% active ingredient

Not stated LD50 limit test Not stated 1978 Albino rats/Not stated Male and female 5 Not stated Oral Groups of five male and five female rats (180 - 399 g) were administered a single oral dose of 5.0 g/kg test material and observed for 14 days. LD50 > 5 g/kg None Not a toxic material to rats under conditions of this test. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; data are reliable but article lacks details.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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U. S. EPA. 1978. Primary Dermal Irritation, Dermal Corrosion & Ocular Irritation Studies in Rabbits & Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Rats on Two Chemicals with Cover Letter Dated 081288. Document I. D. number 86-880000338.

Other available reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 164

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Miranol J2M (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) Not stated

Not stated Acute oral Not stated Not stated Rats/Not stated Male and female 5 None Gavage After overnight fasting the undiluted test substance was administered in one single dose by gavage. For each dose level five males and five females were treated. On the basis of preliminary observations, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.0 ml of the undiluted test substance were administered per kg of body weight. After treatment the rats received stock diet and tap water ad libidum. After an observation period of 14 days the survivors were killed and examined grossly. LD50 = 8.45 ml/kg body weight with 95% confidence limit of 8.79 - 8.13 ml/kg Dose (ml/kg) 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Number of Males 0/5 0/5 3/5 2/5 4/5 Number of Females 0/5 1/5 2/5 1/5 4/5 Percent Mortality 0 10 50 50 80

Results Value: Number of deaths:

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Two hours after treatment all rats showed diarrhea. The animals became sluggish, showed signs of paralysis and lost consciousness. Several died within 12 hours. The survivors looked quite healthy again after 12 hours. At the autopsy of the surviving rats at day 14, no microscopic changes were observed. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; limited details available U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other available reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 166b-2

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: 1H-Imidazole-1-ethanamine,4,5-dihydro-,2-nortall-oil alkyl derivatives (CAS RN 68442-97-7) Not stated

FDA 16 CFR 1500.3 Commercial Practices LD50 limit test Yes 1984 Sprague-Dawley Rats Male and female 5 None Oral gavage Five young male and five young female rats (209 - 298 g) were administered a single dose of the undiluted test substance at a level of 5.0 g/kg body weight. Animals were fasted from food overnight prior to dosing. Animals were weighed prior to dosing and at termination. They were observed frequently on the day of dosing and daily thereafter for a total of 15 days. All external signs of toxicity or pharmacological effects were noted. All animals that died during the study were subjected to a gross necropsy and abnormalities were recorded. Not stated 6 Sixty percent of the animals (4 of 5 males and 2 of 5 females) died during the study. No gross lesions were observed during the necropsy of these animals. Eighty to 100% of the animals exhibited decreased activity, ataxia, diarrhea and salivation. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

1C Reliable without restrictions; guideline study. Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Sprague-Dawley Rats with a Fatty Acid Imidazoline with Cover Letters Dated 10/06/84 and 10/29/84 (Sanitized). 1984. EPA document number 8EHQ-1084-05315.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 126

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Amphosol CA (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) 35.61% active

Not stated LD50 Yes 1982 Rats/Sprague-Dawley Male and female 5 None Oral gavage Five male and five female rats (220 - 294 g) were administered a single oral dose of the undiluted test substance. Animals were fasted overnight prior to dosing. All animals were weighed prior to dosing and at termination. Animals were observed frequently on the day of dosing and for 14 days subsequent to dosing. All animals that died during the study were subjected to a gross necropsy. LD50 > 1.8 g/kg for males (since all females died could not determine LD50 for females or determine a combined LD50) 5 of 10 All five females died by Day 2 (one day after dosing). All females exhibited salivation, diarrhea, ataxia, and/or decreased activity prior to death. The males exhibited similar clinical signs as the females on Days 1 (day of dosing) and 2; however, all animals recovered by Day 3. Necropsy data were not reported. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Reagan, E. L. and P. J. Becci. Acute Oral Toxicity in Rats. 1982. Study number 7330D. Food and Drug Research Laboratories, Inc., Waverly, NY, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 99a

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Lonzaine Co. Lot #B-4232 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) 30% Remaining composition is 70% water Acute toxicity procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25.) LD50 No 1977 Wistar rats Male and female 5 None Oral gavage Six groups of five young adult albino rats (males and females combined) weighing 200 300 g were administered a single dose of the test substance (30% aqueous solution) at levels of 4.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.5, 16.0 or 32.0 g/kg. The test substance was used as received. Animals were fasted for 24 hours prior to dosing and both sexes were equally distributed. Animals were observed daily for two weeks post-dose. No postmortem, or histopathology examinations were performed in this study. LD50 = 2.6 g active ingredient/kg (95% Confidence Limits = 1.8 3.6 g active ingredient/kg) 0/5 at 4.0 g/kg dose level (original solution) 2/5 at 8.0 g/kg dose level (original solution) 4/5 at 10.0 g/kg dose level (original solution) 5/5 at 12.5, 16.0 and 32.0 g/kg dose levels (original solution) Slight diarrhea and unkempt coats were observed in animals treated with 4.0 g/kg of the test substance as an aqueous mixture. Lethargy, diarrhea, nasal hemorrhage and unkempt coats, increasing in severity proportionately to the levels employed, were observed in all animals treated at dose levels of 8.0 g/kg (test substance as an aqueous mixture) and above.

Results Value: Number of deaths:


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The LD50 of the original solution (30% aqueous) was 8.55 g/kg. Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Wallace, J. M. 1977. Acute Oral LD50 Toxicity Study with Lonzaine CO, Lot #B-4232. Bio-Toxicology Laboratories, Inc., Moorestown, NJ, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 14, 2000 99c

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) 30% Remaining composition is 70% water Acute toxicity procedure suggested in: Hagan, E. C. 1959. Acute Toxicity; Appraisal of the safety of chemicals in foods, drugs and cosmetics. 17 25.) LD50 No 1977 Wistar rats Male and female 5 None Oral gavage Six groups of five young adult albino rats (males and females combined) weighing 200 300 g, were administered a single dose of the test substance (30 % aqueous solution) at levels of 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.3, 8.0 or 16.0 g/kg. The test substance was used as received. Animals were fasted for 24 hours prior to dosing and both sexes were equally distributed. Animals were observed daily for two weeks post-dose. No postmortem, or histopathology examinations were performed in this study. LD50 = 1.5 g active ingredient/kg (95% Confidence Limits = 1.1 2.0 g/kg) 0/5 at 2.0 g/kg dose level (original solution) 1/5 at 4.0 g/kg dose level (original solution) 2/5 at 5.0 g/kg dose level (original solution) 3/5 at 6.3 g/kg dose level (original solution) 5/5 at 8.0 and 16.0 g/kg dose levels (original solution) Sluggishness, nasal hemorrhage, diarrhea and wetness around the posterior, increasing in severity proportionately to the levels employed, were observed in animals at all dose levels. The LD50 of the original solution (30%) was 4.9 g/kg.

Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks:

Results Value: Number of deaths:


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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Wallace, J. M. 1977. Acute Oral LD50 Toxicity Study for Cocamidopropyl Betaine 30% Solution. Bio-Toxicology Laboratories, Inc., Moorestown, NJ, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: August 14, 2000 99d

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5.1.1 ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 31% active ingredient

Annex V of EEC directive 79/831/EEC, Part B Methods for Determination of Toxicity, Method B1 Acute Oral Toxicity and OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals Number 401. Type: LD50 limit test GLP: Not stated Year: 1987 Species/Strain: CD rats [Crl:COBS CD (SD) BR] Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: Not stated Route of administration: Oral Remarks: The study was performed on male and female CD rats whose body weights ranged between 110 and 150 g. The test substance was administered as provided at 5.0 g/kg body weight via syringe and plastic catheter. Animals were observed soon after dosing and at frequent intervals for the remainder of Day 1. On subsequent days, the animals were observed once in the morning and again at the end of the experimental day. Clinical signs were recorded at each observation. All animals were observed for 14 days after dosing. Individual body weights were recorded on days 1, 8 and 15. All animals were killed on Day 15 by cervical dislocation and were subjected to a macroscopic post mortem examination, which consisted of opening the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The macroscopic appearance of abnormal organs, when present, was recorded. LD50 > 1.5 g/kg active ingredient (> 5.0 g/kg as supplied 31% solution) None Signs of reaction to treatment observed in all rats shortly after dosing were: piloerection and increased salivation. Piloerection persisted throughout Day 1 and was

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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accompanied on Day 2 by abnormal body carriage (hunched posture) and diarrhea. Recovery, as judged by external appearance and behavior, was advanced by Day 3 (piloerection alone) and complete by Day 4. Slightly low body weight gains were recorded for four males and three females on Day 8. All rats achieved anticipated body weight gains during the second week of the study. Terminal autopsy findings were normal. The acute lethal oral dose to rats of Betadet HR was found to be greater than 5.0 g/kg body weight of the 31% solution (> 1.5 g/kg active ingredient). Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Gardner, J. R. 1987. Acute Oral Toxicity to Rats of Betadet HR. Report number 871209D/MLS 5/AC. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK, Sponsored by Kao Corporation S.A.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other available reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 157h

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5.1.2 ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Acrawax C (CAS RN 110-30-5; Octadecanamide, N,Nethylenebis) Not stated

Not stated Lung toxicity study Not stated 1990 CD rat Male Not stated None Inhalation This study was conducted to examine lung toxicity after an acute 6-hour, nose-only exposure to the test substance. An LC50 value was not determined. Groups of male rats (8 weeks old) were exposed to dust aerosols of the test substance at 112 mg/m3 for 6 hours. During exposure, samples of atmospheric test substance were taken from the animal breathing zone to determine the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and % of particles less than 10 m aerodynamic diameter. Fluids and cells from dust-exposed animals and age-matched sham controls were recovered using bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and evaluated for cellular and biochemical parameters at 0, 24 and 48 hours, and 8 days and one month post-exposure. Pulmonary macrophages were cultured and studied for in vitro and in vivo phagocytosis, as well as surface morphology. The lungs of animals exposed to the test substance were fixed for assessment by histopathology, and transmission electron microscopy. Not determined 0 The MMAD was determined to be 5.2 m with 72% of particles less than 10 m. The overall mean atmospheric concentration for AcrawaxC was 112 mg/m3 + 28. A mild and transient inflammatory response at 24 hours postexposure was observed. BAL levels of lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and protein were

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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slightly different from controls only at 8 days postexposure, and had returned to control values by one month of recovery. Test substance exposure had no adverse effects on either morphology or the phagocytic capacity of pulmonary macrophages recovered from exposed animals. There were no histopathologic findings of lung tissue from rats exposed to the test substance. Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication which meets basic scientific principles. Warheit, D. B., M. C. Caarakostats and M. A. Hartsky. 1990. Assessments of Lung Toxicity to Acrawax C Following Acute Inhalation Exposure. Drug Chem. Toxicol. 13(1):1-18.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other available reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 19

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5.1.2 ACUTE INHALATION TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Alkanolamide #1 (CAS RN 68155-20-4; Amides, tall-oil fatty, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

Not stated Sensory and pulmonary irritation Not stated 1994 Swiss-Webster mice Male 4 None Inhalation Four male mice (24 to 28 g) were used for each experiment. No control animals were used. Each animal was acclimated for 20 minutes to the exposure chamber followed by a 3-hour exposure period. The range of concentrations used was 86-219 mg/m3. Animals were visually checked for several days following exposure. Not stated 0 The test article produced sensory irritation later in the exposure at low concentrations. Pulmonary irritation also occurred later in these exposures. These also produced variable affects between animals. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication/study report which meets basic scientific principles.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Krystofiak, S. P. 1994. Evaluation of the Respiratory Effects from Components of a Metalworking Fluid in Mice. EPA Document number 88-950000037. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, U. S.

Other available reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 125

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5.1.3 ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Monamid 716 (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,Nbis(2-hydroxyethyl)-) Not stated

A modification of the techniques described in Appraisal of the Safety of Chemicals in Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics, compiled by the staff of the Division of Pharmacology, Food and Drug Administration. Type: LD50 limit test GLP: None stated Year: 1976 Species/Strain: Albino Rabbit Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 3 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Dermal Remarks: The weight range for the six rabbits used in this study was 2.1 to 2.5 kg. The skin of three rabbits (2 male and 1 females) was abraded. A single dermal application of 2 g/kg was used. The trunk of each animal was then encased in a sleeve of plasticized material to ensure contact of the test material for a 24-hour period. Following the 24-hour exposure period, the sleeve was removed and the animals were observed for mortality, skin response and general behavior for 14 days. LD50 > 2 g/kg Abraded skin: 0/3 Intact skin: 0/3 No deaths were seen in this study. All animals appeared normal throughout the 14-day post-exposure observation period. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2A Reliable with restrictions: acceptable, well-documented publication that meets basic scientific principles. Palanker, A. L. Dermal toxicity. 1976. Report number 7667- 8/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 24, 2000 46A

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5.1.3 ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Monamid ACC Lot #1876 (CAS RN 68140-00-1; Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

A modification of the techniques described in Appraisal of the Safety of Chemicals in Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics, Division of Pharmacology, Food and Drug Administration Type: LD50 limit test GLP: No Year: 1976 Species/Strain: Albino rabbit Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 3 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Dermal Remarks: Three male and three female rabbits (1.9 - 2.7 kg) were administered a single dose of the test substance at a level of 2.0 g/kg body weight. The test substance was used as received. Prior to dosing the trunk of each animal was clipped free of hair. Three of the animals (two male, one female) were further prepared by introducing epidermal abrasions over the clipped skin surface to enhance penetrability of the test substance through the stratum corneum. After test substance application the trunk of each animal was encased in a sleeve of plasticized material for 24 hours. Following the 24-hour exposure period the sleeve was removed and the skin sites gently cleansed. All animals were observed daily thereafter for 14 days for mortality, skin response and general behavior. LD50 > 2 g/kg 0 All animals survived. All animals appeared normal through day 14. Two females that had abraded skin lost weight (0.01 and 0.25 kg) over the 14-day post-exposure period. All remaining rabbits gained weight through day 14.

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented study report which meets basic scientific principles. Palanker, A. L. Dermal Toxicity (Rabbit). 1976. Report number 7667-1/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 121a

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5.1.3 ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Monamid 150-ADD (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)) Not stated

A modification of the techniques described in Appraisal of the Safety of Chemicals in Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics, compiled by the staff of the Division of Pharmacology, Food and Drug Administration. Type: LD50 limit test GLP: None stated Year: 1976 Species/Strain: Albino Rabbit Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 3 Vehicle: None Route of administration: Dermal Remarks: The weight range for the six rabbits used in this study was 1.9 to 2.7 kg. The skin of three rabbits (2 male and 1 females) was abraded. A single dermal application of 2 g/kg was used. The trunk of each animal was then encased in a sleeve of plasticized material to ensure contact of the test material for a 24-hour period. Animals were observed immediately after dosing, and at 1, 6 and 24 hours post-dosing. Following the 24-hour exposure period, the sleeve was removed and the animals were observed for mortality, skin response and general behavior for 14 days. LD50 > 2 g/kg Abraded skin: 0/3 Intact skin: 0/3 No deaths were seen in this study. All animals appeared normal throughout the 24-hour exposure period and the 14-day post-exposure observation period. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2A Reliable with restrictions: acceptable, well-documented publication that meets basic scientific principles. Palanker, A. L. Acute Dermal Toxicity (Rabbit). 1976. Report number 7667-4/8. Consumer Product Testing Company, Inc., Fairfield, NJ, U. S.

Other Available Reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 25, 2000 145

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5.1.3 ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 31% active ingredient

Annex V of EEC directive 79/831/EEC, Part B methods for Determination of Toxicity Method B3 Acute Dermal Toxicity and the OECD Guideline for Testing of Chemicals Number 402. Type: LD50 limit test GLP: Not stated Year: 1987 Species/Strain: CD rats [Crl:COBS CD (SD) BR] Sex: Male and female No. of animals per sex per dose: 5 Vehicle: Not stated Route of administration: Dermal Remarks: The study was designed to assess the toxicity following a single dermal dose of the test substance. The animals were in a weight range of 200 to 232 g prior to dosing. The rats were treated at 2.0 g/kg bodyweight. One day prior to treatment, hair was removed from the dorsolumbar region of each rat with electric clippers exposing an area equivalent to 10% of the total body surface. No shaving or chemical depilation was used. The test substance was applied by spreading it evenly over the prepared skin. The treated area was then promptly covered with gauze, which was held in place with an impermeable dressing encircled firmly around the trunk. At the end of the 24-hour exposure period, the dressings were carefully removed and the treated area of skin decontaminated by washing in warm (30 - 40 C) water and blotting dry with absorbent paper. The treated areas of skin were examined daily for 14 days for signs of dermal irritation and assessed according to an arbitrary scoring system. Individual body weights of rats in the study were recorded on Days 1, 8 and 15. All animals were killed on Day 15 by cervical dislocation and were subjected to a macroscopic post mortem examination, which consisted of opening the abdominal and thoracic cavities. The macroscopic appearance of abnormal organs when present was recorded.

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Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

> 2 g/kg None The acute lethal dermal dose to rats of Betadet HR was found to be greater than 2.0 g/kg body weight. There were no deaths following a single dermal dose of Betadet HR at 2.0 g/kg body weight. There were no clinical signs of systemic reaction t to treatment. Sites of application of the test substance showed slight or well-defined erythema on Day 2. Well-defined erythema persisted in three male and all female rats on Day 3. There were no more intense reactions to treatment, and resolution of erythema was completed by Day 6. Slough or hyperkeratinization affected the treated skin of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 rats on Days 4 and 5 only. Terminal autopsy findings were normal. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Gardner, J. R. 1987. Acute Dermal Toxicity to Rats of Betadet HR. Report number 871210D/MLS 6/AC. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK, Sponsored by Kao Corporation S.A. July 3, 2001 157i

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) lauramide (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)-) 92.36%

Method Method/guideline followed: Not stated Test type: Oral GLP: Not stated Year: 1967 Species: Rat Strain: SPF Route of administration: Oral (feed) Duration of test: 90 days Doses/concentration levels: 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% Sex: Male and female Exposure period: 90 days Frequency of treatment: 24 hours/day, 7 days/week Control group and treatment: Yes (concurrent) Postexposure observation period: None Statistical methods: Not stated Remarks: Groups of 15 male and 15 female weanling rats with mean body weights between 106 and 123 grams were fed diets containing 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 and 0.0% of the test substance for 90 days ad libitum. Examinations conducted at termination included: hematology, urinalysis, liver and kidney function tests, gross necropsy (including smear of femoral marrow) and histology. Additionally, a palatability test was conducted in which pairs of male rats were allowed access to stock diet and to diet containing either one of the four dietary test levels of the test substance. The consumption of both diets was recorded for a period of eight days. Results NOAEL (NOEL) LOAEL (LOEL) Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Statistical results: Remarks: NOEL = 0.1% which corresponds to 50 mg/kg/day Not stated Not stated Described below Not stated No rats died as a result of being treated with the test substance. Two males treated with diet containing 1.0%

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test substance were euthanized on Days 23 and 58 because of weight loss and respiratory distress. Extensive lung abscess formation was seen at autopsy and bronchopneumonia was confirmed histologically. Growth was inhibited significantly in males and females at and above the 0.5% dietary concentration. Food intake was reduced at all dietary levels except 0.1%, and was attributed to an effect of the test substance on palatability of the diet. The rats in the palatability study showed exclusive preference to the control feed than the treated feed, virtually no test diet was consumed at any dietary levels incorporated. Hematological examination revealed statistically significant reductions in hemoglobin levels and red cell counts in females at the 2.0 and 1.0% dietary concentration and in hemoglobin levels in males at the 2.0% level. Examination of the femoral bone marrow smears showed not deviation from normality. Serum chemistry revealed significantly high serum levels of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase in females at the 0.5% level and higher, but only at the 0.5% level in males. Urinalysis was comparable across all groups for males and females. Gross examinations were unremarkable. Statistically significant increases in relative kidney weight in all test groups except at 0.1% in females and at 2.0 and 1.0% in males; and increases in relative liver weight in females at 2.0 and 1.0% were seen. These were attributed to the decreases in body weight. Types and incidence of pathological lesions seen histologically were comparable in control and test groups. Gonads were examined histologically, thus this study meets SIDS requirements for a reproductive screen. Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication which meets basic scientific principles.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Gaunt, I. F., M. Farmer, P. Grasso and S. D. Gangolli. 1967. Short-term Feeding Study of Lauric Diethanolamide in Rats. Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. (5)497 - 503. July 24, 2000 47

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Test type: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Route of administration: Duration of test: Doses/concentration levels: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

OECD Method No. 407 Oral Not stated 1983 Rat Wistar Oral gavage 28 days 750 (increased to 1500 after 14 days of treatment), 250 and 70 mg/kg body weight Sex: Male and female Exposure period: 5 days/week for 28 days Frequency of treatment: One daily dose Control group and treatment: Yes (concurrent, treated with olive oil) Postexposure observation period: Not stated Statistical methods: Not stated Remarks: Ten male and 10 female rats were used on study. The test substance was administered in the vehicle, olive oil, at doses of 750, 250 and 70 mg/kg body weight per day for 14 days. After 14 days the dose in the 750 mg/kg body weight test group was increased to 1500 mg/kg body weight per day. Recovery groups consisting of five males and five females per dose level were used to determine the reversibility of possible compound related findings. The compatibility of the test substance was evaluated after 28 days of treatment. NOAEL > 750 mg/kg/day body weight Not stated Approximately 750 (increased to 1500 after 14 days of treatment), 250 and 70 mg/kg body weight Described below Not stated None of the rats died. Body weight gain and total increase in body weight did not differ from control values and no significant compound-related gross pathology or tissue

Results NOAEL (NOEL) LOAEL (LOEL) Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

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damage was noted. Biochemical parameters did not show any signs of irregulations. Slight alterations of phosphate in the highest group were noted and regarded as dose/compound -related but not as a critical effect. Gonads were examined histologically, thus this study meets the SIDS requirements for a reproductive screen. Conclusions Remarks: At the highest feasible dose, 750 mg/kg, daily for 28 days, no lethal dose was attained (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. Evaluation of Repeated Dose Oral Toxicity. 1983. Report number TBD 830034. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. July 25, 2000 122

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) Not stated

Method Method/guideline followed: Not stated Test type: Oral GLP: Not stated Year: 1960 Species: Rat Strain: Wistar Route of administration: Oral gavage (stomach tube) Duration of test: Other Doses/concentration levels: 7500 mg/kg of body weight Sex: Not stated Exposure period: 5 days Frequency of treatment: Ten doses per day of 1 ml each Control group and treatment: Yes (concurrent, treated with distilled water) Postexposure observation period: 23 Days Statistical methods: Not stated Remarks: Ten rats weighed approximately 330 grams were used on study. A gel was prepared of the test substance in peanut oil at a concentration to contain 25 grams per 100 ml. Thus each ml contained 250 mg of the test substance. Ten daily doses, approximately 1 ml each, were administered by stomach tube; therefore, the daily intake was approximately 7500 mg/kg body weight. Animals were retained for 23 days following cessation of dosing to observe appetite and appearance. Gross necropsy was performed on the 24th day. Results NOAEL (NOEL) LOAEL (LOEL) Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Statistical results: Remarks: NOEL = 7500 mg/kg LOEL = 7500 mg/kg approximately 7500 mg/kg Described below Not stated None of the rats died. All rats exhibited normal appetite and appearance throughout the study period. No weight loss was observed and no gross pathology or tissue damage was noted. No histopathology was performed and therefore this study is not adequate to fulfill SIDS requirements for reproductive screening.

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Molnar, N. M. 1960. Feeding Experiments: Approximate Lethal Dose (Oral). Report number 60118. Molnar Laboratories, Lodi, NJ, U. S. July 26, 2000 37

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 76.6% in isopropyl alcohol

U. S. EPA Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision F, Hazard Evaluation: Human and Domestic Animals (Guideline 82-2) Test type: Oral GLP: Yes Year: 1992 Species: Dog Strain: Beagle Route of administration: In food Duration of test: 13 weeks Doses/concentration levels: 4000, 12000 and 40000 ppm (142, 366 and 1322 mg/kg/day for males; 144, 632 and 1948 mg/kg/day for females Sex: Male and female Exposure period: 91 to 93 days Frequency of treatment: Daily Control group and treatment: Yes, control diet Postexposure observation period: None Statistical methods: Analysis of variance, Bartletts Test for Homogeneity of Variance, T-statistic as described by Steel and Torrie, Ostle and Dunnetts Tables with a Bonferroni correction Remarks: The study evaluated the subchronic oral toxicity of Varisoft 475 (75%) in a 13-week study in dogs. Four male and four female beagle dogs were offered the test substance in the diet at concentrations of 0, 4000, 12000 and 4000 ppm active ingredient for 13 weeks. Diet and water were available ad libitum, except prior to clinical pathology testing and necropsy, when diet and/or water were withheld overnight. Male animals weighed between 9.1 to 11.6 kg and females weighed 6.5 to 8.8 kg. Observations were conducted at least twice daily for mortality and overt toxicity. Detailed observations, body weights and food consumption were recorded weekly. Ophthalmological examinations were performed on all animals prior to study initiation and at study termination. Physical examinations, as well as hematological clinical chemistry and urological

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evaluations were conducted on all animals prior to study initiation and at monthly intervals during the study. At study termination, a thorough post-mortem examination was conducted on all dogs. A complete set of all major tissues and organs was harvested and selected organs were weight. The saved tissues were processed histologically and microscopic examination was conducted. Results NOAEL (NOEL) LOAEL (LOEL) Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Statistical results: Remarks: NOEL = 4,000 ppm (143 mg/kg/day) 12,000 ppm (366 and 632 mg/kg/day for males and females, respectively) 142, 366 and 1322 mg/kg/day for males; 144, 632 and 1948 mg/kg/day for females Described below Described below During the 13-week treatment period, one male and one female dog administered diets containing 40,000 ppm test substance lost 1.4 and 1.1 kg of body weight, respectively. The body weight gains of all other male and female dogs administered test substance in their diet were considered to be comparable to the body weight gains of the respective control animals in this study. During the first week of the study, there was a clear reduction in food consumption, indicating an aversion to the treated diets, in both the male and female dogs administered diets containing 40,000 ppm test substance. Thereafter, there continued to be evidence of aversion to the treated diets. In males, this was evidenced by a slight reduction in food consumption in all treatment groups. In females, the aversion was evidenced by an apparent increase in food spillage, which was considered to at least partially account for the difference in actual received dosages between males and females. All dogs survived to study termination. No changes noted in physical condition or appearance were considered to be related to treatment with the test substance. At termination, body weights appeared to be reduced for males and females receiving 40,000 ppm of the test substance in the diet. However, the reduction was due to the body weight loss of the one male and one female dog noted above. Small reductions in mean values for erythrocyte, hemoglobin and hematocrit were observed in both male and female dogs in the 40,000 ppm treatment group relative to the corresponding mean control values at one or more intervals of analysis. The differences were slight, a slight difference was also observed in the pre-study measurements, and the

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values were within historical control range. Therefore, the toxicological significance of the changes in hematology measurements was unclear. At all analysis intervals during the treatment period, mean cholesterol values for male and female dogs in the 40,000 ppm treatment group were reduced relative to the corresponding control group. The mean cholesterol values for the male dogs in the 12,000 ppm treatment group were also reduced relative to the corresponding controls. No treatment-related changes in urinalysis measurements were observed. No treatmentrelated ophthalmologic changes or clinical observations, organ weight changes, or gross necropsy observations were seen at termination. A small number of macroscopic lesions were seen in both male and female animals across dietary concentrations. These lesions were considered to be spontaneous and not related to the administration of the test article. The ratio of the weight of the pituitary gland to the body weight of males at the 12,000 ppm dietary concentration was significantly decreased relative to the control group. The ratio of the weight of the pituitary gland to the body weight of females in the 4,000 ppm dietary concentration also was significantly decreased compared to the control group. The ratio of the weight of the right adrenal gland to the brain weight of the females was significantly increased at the 4,000 ppm dietary concentration compared to the control group. These findings were not consistent, could not be correlated with microscopic findings and were considered to be either spurious or due to biological variation, and not related to the administration of the test article. A small number of non-neoplastic findings were evident in this study. Many of them occurred in single animals. Some of the more common lesions included interstitial pneumonia, parathyroid cysts, pituitary cysts, thymic atrophy, c-cell hyperplasia of the thyroid gland and mineralization of the kidneys. Multifocal mineralization of the renal medulla of the kidneys was present in both male (16/16) and female (15/16) dogs of all dietary concentrations. The above lesions are considered to be common spontaneous findings in a 13-week beagle dog study, and none of the microscopic findings were considered to be related to the administration of the test article. Reproductive organs were examined meeting the requirements for SIDS/HPV reproductive screening.

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Evaluation of Varisoft 475 (755) in a 13-Week Dietary Toxicity Study in Dogs (Volume I-II) with Attachments and Cover letter dated 052192. U. S. EPA Document number 86-920000941. Microfiche Number OTS0536282. July 3, 2001 166e

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Sex: No. of animals per sex per dose: Vehicle: Route of administration: Remarks: Miranol J2M (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 37% minimum active ingredient

Not stated Dietary feeding study Not stated 1963 Not stated Male and female 10 Ground Purina Laboratory Chow In feed Groups of male and female rats (ten of each sex per group) were maintained for 91 days on diets containing the following test substance concentrations: 0.0, 3.0, 1.0, 0.3 or 0.03 percent (approximately 0, 2200, 730, 220 and 22 mg/kg/day). The animals were weaned twice weekly for the first 28 days and once a week thereafter. They were observed frequently for gross changes in appearance or behavior. In addition, records were kept of mortality, and food consumption was recorded for the first month. Terminal hematological values were obtained from five female rats at the 0.0, 3.0 and 1.0 percent levels. At necropsy, the animals were fasted overnight, weighed and killed by decapitation. The lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and testes were removed and weighed. Portions of each organ, as well as adrenal, pancreas, thyroid, brain, stomach, small intestine and large intestine were preserved. Samples of blood serum were obtained for the determination of urea nitrogen content and alkaline phosphatase activity. The tissues were examined microscopically. The Fisher t test was used in comparing the mean values obtained from the experimental groups with those of the controls; in general, probability values (p) of less than 0.05 were interpreted as indicating a significant difference.

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Results Value: Number of deaths: Remarks:

NOAEL > 2200 mg/kg/day Groups of male and female rats that received the test substance in their diets in concentrations as high as 3.0 percent for a period of 91 days showed no evidence of adverse effect that can be attributed to the inclusion of the test material. Judgment was based on general appearance and behavior, growth, mortality, food consumption, terminal hematological values, serum urea nitrogen and alkaline phosphatase determinations, final average body and organ weights, and gross and microscopic examination of the tissues. Statistically significant increases were found in the final average liver/body weight ratios of the male rats that received 3.0 percent of the test substance in their diets and the females on all the levels except 0.1 percent. The final average weights of the kidneys of the female rats on the 3.0 and 1.0 percent levels were also significantly increased. However, the average weights of the livers of both sexes of controls and the kidneys of the female controls used for comparison were lower than those usually found for untreated rats in these body weight ranges, resulting in statistical variations in the test groups of no practical importance. The statistically significant increases in the final average organ/body weight ratio of the spleens of the females that received 1.0, 0.3 or 0.03 percent Miranol J2M concentrate are not believed to be due to the inclusion of the test material in feed, since there was no increase on the top level, and noncellular changes were observed upon microscopic examination. The test substance is judged to be extremely low in repeated oral toxicity when fed as apart of the diet to male and female rats for a period of 91 days. Dietary levels of 3.0 percent and below were tolerated without evidence of adverse effects. The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented study report that meets basic scientific principles. U. S. EPA. 1988. Twenty One Reports on Four Different Chemicals with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 081788 (Sanitized). Document number 86-880000345.

Other available reports Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks: July 3, 2001 166b-1

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Tego Betain (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

Method Method/guideline followed: OECD Method No. 408 Test type: Oral GLP: Yes Year: 1991 Species: Rat Strain: Crl:CF(SD)BR Sprague Dawley Route of administration: Oral gavage Duration of test: 92 days Doses/concentration levels: 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day Sex: Male and female Exposure period: 92 days Frequency of treatment: One daily dose Control group and treatment: Yes (concurrent, treated with distilled water) Postexposure observation period: None Statistical methods: For body weight and food consumption data, the Levenes test for homogeneity of variances was performed followed by one-way ANOVA. If the ANOVA was significant, the Dunnetts test for multiple group comparisons was performed. For organ weights, the ANOVA was performed with one factor, treatment, followed by the StudentNewman-Keuls test. For clinical chemistry, hematology and organ/body eight ratio data, the ANOVA was performed with one factor, treatment based on taking the ranks of the variables followed by the Student-NewmanKeuls test. Statistical evaluation was performed with the software package SAS (Statistical Analysis System). Remarks: Ten male (115 to 174 g) and 10 female rats (97 to 174 g), five to six weeks of age, were used on study. The test substance was administered in the vehicle, distilled water, at concentrations of 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight per day for 92 days. The dose volume was 10 ml/kg/day. Clinical signs were recorded at least daily. Body weight and food consumption were recorded once weekly. Ophthalmic examinations were recorded on the control and 1000 mg/kg/day animals prior to dosing and on all animals in all groups during the final week of treatment. Blood and

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urine samples were collected from all animals during the final week of treatment for hematological and biochemical investigations. Blood was collected from orbital sinus and urine was collected by placing animals in metabolism cages. Complete necropsy was performed on all surviving animals following 92 days of treatment. The following organs were weighed: adrenals, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, ovaries, pituitary, spleen, testes and thyroids (with parathyroids). Histopathology was performed on select tissues from all animals in the control group and the 1000 mg/kg/day group. Due to treatment-related histopathological changes seen in the 1000 mg/kg/day animals, stomach tissue of the 500 and 250 mg/kg/day groups were also examined microscopically. Results NOAEL (NOEL) LOAEL (LOEL) Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Statistical results: NOEL = 250 mg/kg/day Not stated 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day Described below A few statistically significant differences were observed in clinical chemistry parameters between the tested groups; however, none were treatment-related. No other statistical results were stated. There were no compound-related deaths. One control group male, one male and one female in the 500 mg/kg group and 3 females in the 1000 mg/kg group died accidentally throughout the experimental period. Throughout the experimental period there were no treatment-related effects for either sex in the following parameters: clinical observations, body weight gain, food consumption, ophthalmic observations, hematologic evaluations, blood chemistry, urinalysis and organ weights. The macroscopic necropsy findings revealed some stomach ulcer at fundus and cardiac region in one high dose male and one high dose female. There were no other treatmentrelated macroscopic findings. Microscopic post-mortem findings revealed forestomach gastritis in six male and three female rats in the 1000 mg/kg/day group, and in two male and two females in the 500 mg/kg/day dose group. Forestomach gastritis was not present in the stomachs of the animals in the 250 mg/kg/day group. There was no evidence of any systemic toxicity due to the test substance administration in any of the other organs examined.


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Reproductive organs were examined histologically, thus this study meets the SIDS requirements for a reproductive screen. Conclusions Remarks: On the basis of the results obtained from this study, Tego Betain was very well tolerated at a dose level of 250 mg/kg/day, relatively well tolerated at a dose level of 500 and moderately tolerated at a dose level of 1000 mg/kg/day when administered daily by oral gavage to rats for a minimum of 90 days. The only signs of intolerance at the 500 and 1000 mg/kg/day dose level were a dose-related incidence of forestomach gastritis (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Zuehlke, U. 1991. 90 Day Oral (Gavage) Subchronic Toxicity Study in the Rat. Report number 954-348-155. Hazleton Laboratories Deutschland GmbH, Muenster, Germany. July 25, 2000 101

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Dehyton K (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

Method Method/guideline followed: Guideline 87/302/EWG Part B Test type: Oral gavage GLP: Yes Year: 1991 Species: Rat Strain: Sprague-Dawley Route of administration: Oral gavage Duration of test: 28 days Doses/concentration levels: 250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight Sex: Male and female Exposure period: 5 consecutive days per week Frequency of treatment: Once per day Control group and treatment: Yes (concurrent, received distilled water) Postexposure observation period: 28 days Statistical methods: T-test and Steel-Test (a multiple comparison rank sum test) Remarks: An additional 5 male and 5 female rats were included in the control and 1000 mg/kg levels to be used as a recovery group. Doses were adjusted to animals body weight. Results NOAEL (NOEL) LOAEL (LOEL) Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Statistical results: Remarks: 500 mg/kg/day 1000 mg/kg/day Not stated Described below Not stated All doses applied were tolerated without substance-related lethality. Symptoms of local irritation of the gastrointestinal tract (head protrusion at the beginning of week 3, salivation at the beginning of week 4) were observed in the 1000 mg/kg group to the end of the study. No compound-related decreases in food consumption or water consumption were noted throughout the study. The hematological evaluations, clinical chemistry, ophthalmic examinations, and absolute and relative organ weighted showed no compound-related affects. The macroscopic examination indicated compound-related edema of the

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mucosa of the forestomach in the 1000 mg/kg group. This finding of forestomach irritation disappeared in the male and female rats of the recovery group, 28 days after termination of treatment. Microscopic examination of the forestomach of the male and female rats of group 4 showed effects indicating local irritation like acanthosis of the mucosa, inflammatory edema of the submucosa and multiple ulcerations. The acanthosis and the papillomatous hyperplasia were the dominant findings and were higher graded in the females than in the males. These were considered to be the result of the irritating property of the test substance and not to be symptoms of a systemic toxicity. The 1000 mg/kg recovery animals showed complete and regular regeneration of the forestomach mucosa. Microscopic examination revealed no lesions in the reproductive organs of the high-dose group male and female rats. Conclusions Remarks: According to the described study, a daily administration of Dehyton K up to 1000 mg/kg body weight does not cause cumulative systemic toxicity to rats (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; German article only summary in English. Potokar, M., W. Sterzel and W. Pittermann. 1991. Dehyton K, 28-Tage-Test mit Wiederholter Oraler Verabreichung an Ratten. Report number TED 910119. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. July 25, 2000 102a

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.4 REPEATED DOSE TOXICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Cocamidopropyl betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) 100%

Method Method/guideline followed: Other Test type: Oral range-finding GLP: Yes Year: 1988 Species: Rat Strain: Sprague-Dawley Route of administration: Oral gavage Duration of test: 7 days Doses/concentration levels: 300, 650, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg/kg/day Sex: Male and female Exposure period: 7 days Frequency of treatment: One daily dose Control group and treatment: None Postexposure observation period: None Statistical methods: None Remarks: Two rats/sex/group were administered the undiluted test substance at doses of 300, 650, 1000, 1500 or 3000 mg/kg/day by oral gavage for seven days. Males (225 - 255.9 g) and females (241.5 - 266.9 g) approximately 8 and 12 weeks of age, respectively, were used on study. Animals were acclimated to the testing facility for approximately one week prior to test administration. Mortality/morbundity checks were performed twice daily. Observations for signs of toxic and pharmacologic effects were performed 1 to 2 hours post-dose for 7 days. Body weights were recorded immediately prior to initiation of dosing, at day 7, and at death or terminal sacrifice. Necropsies were performed on all animals. The study was designed as a range-finding study to determine dose levels for a 28-day study. Results NOAEL (NOEL): LOAEL (LOEL): Actual dose received: Toxic response/effects: Not stated 300 mg/kg/day 300, 650, 1000, 1500 and 3000 mg/kg/day Described below

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Statistical results: Remarks:

None All animals treated with the test substance at a dose level of 3000 mg/kg died by Day 4. One female in the 1500 mg/kg dose level died by Day 7 and the other female in this group showed dramatic weight loss. All animals in the 1000 and 300 mg/kg dose groups survived until study termination. One male in the 650 mg/kg dose group died; however, since no other animals died in this dose level nor at 1000 mg/kg, it was considered incidental. Clinical signs observed in females in the 300 mg/kg dose group included compound-colored urine, soft feces and nasal discharge. Males in this group appeared normal throughout the study. Compound-colored urine was observed in animals in all other dose groups. All animals treated with 3000 mg/kg showed signs of soft feces and depression prior to death. Marked body weight depression was seen in one 300 mg/kg group female, both 650 mg/kg group females, both 1000 mg/kg males and one 1500 mg/kg female. The remainder of animals that survived to termination gained weight. Pathological observations noted in animals that were found dead that appeared to be treatment related included dark liver, thin walls in the stomach and intestines, compound-like material in the stomach and intestines and distended intestines. All other observations were considered incidental in nature. Based on the results of this range-finding study, a dose level of 1000 mg/kg/day is considered the highest recommended dose level acceptable for a 28-day study (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Bailey, D. E. 1988. Dose Range-finding Toxicity Study in Rats. Report number 444-223. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc., Vienna, VA, U. S.

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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July 27, 2000 102b

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Lauryl ethanolamide (CAS RN 142-78-9; Dodecanamide, N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-) Not stated

Not stated Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1987 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 98, TA 100, TA 1535, and TA 1537 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Arochlor 1254-induced male Sprague-Dawley rats and male Syrian hamsters 3.3, 10, 33, 100, 333, 1000, 3333 g per plate None performed The preincubation assay was used. Dimethyl sulfoxide was the solvent used and also was used as the negative control. The S-9 fractions of Aroclor 1245-induced, male SpragueDawley rat and male Syrian hamster livers were prepared at the testing facility. The S-9 mixes were prepared immediately before use and contained 10% S-9. The doses were tested in triplicate and an independent repeat was conducted 1 week after the initial test. The 3.3 g/plate dose was only tested with the TA1537 tester strain without activation. The 10 g/plate level was only tested with the TA100 and TA1537 tester strains without metabolic activation. Precipitate was present at 1000 and 3333 g/plate with all tester strains. Complete clearing of the background lawn was observed at 333 g/plate with the TA1537 tester strain without metabolic activation. Negative with and without activation None

Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Zeiger, E., B. Anderson, S. Haworth, T. Lawlor, K. Mortelmans and W. Speck. 1987. Salmonella Mutagenicity Tests: III. Results From the Testing of 255 Chemicals. Journal of the Environmental Mutagen Society. 9(9):1 - 110. August 14, 2000 58

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

Other Last changed: Order number for sorting: Remarks:

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl) lauramide (CAS RN 120-40-1; Dodecanamide, N,N-bis(2hydroxyethyl)-) 93.9%

Not stated Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Not stated 1980 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of rats pretreated with polychlorinated biphenyl 1000, 200, 100, 50 and 10 g per plate None performed

The test substance did not induce reverse mutations in the tested strains of Salmonella typhimurium in the presence or absence of S-9 activation. Not stated Negative None

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication which meets basic scientific principles.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Inoue, K. and T. Sunakawa. 1980. Studies of In vitro Cell Transformation and Mutagenicity by Surfactants and Other Compounds. Fd. Cosmet. Toxicol. 18:289 - 296. July 25, 2000 49a

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Amides, C12-18, N,N-bis(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68155-06-6) Compositionally equivalent to CAS RN 68603-42-9 Not stated

OECD Method No. 471 (May 1983) Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Test Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1979 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 100, TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538 and TA 98 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of male rats pretreated with Arochlor 1254 4, 20, 100, 500 and 2500 g per plate None performed Solutions of the test substance were freshly made up in acetone just before use. The test substance did not induce reverse mutations in the tested strains of Salmonella typhimurium in the presence or absence of S-9 activation. Not stated Negative with and without activation None

The test substance is considered not to be mutagenic in this bacterial mutagenicity test in vitro (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; report lacks detail.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1979. Evaluation of Mutagenicity. Report number TBD 790040. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. July 26, 2000 146

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Crodamide SR (Stearamide) (CAS RN 124-26-5) 97% minimum

OECD Method No. 471 Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Assay Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1989 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Sprague-Dawley derived, Aroclor 1254-induced rats; 0.5 ml of liver homogenate S-9 mix used 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 g/plate None A dose range-finding study was conducted at dose levels of 5, 50, 500 and 5000 g/plate prior to the bacterial mutation assay. Two independent mutation tests were performed. Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 with and without rat metabolic activation, were treated with the test substance at concentrations of 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 g of sample per plate. The test substance was prepared with the solvent, ethanol. Ethanol was also used as the negative control. The following four positive controls were included: 2-aminoanthracene for all tester strains in the presence of metabolic activation (at dose levels of 0.5 2.0 g/plate); and in the absence of metabolic activation N-ethyl-Nnitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (at 3 and 5 g/plate with TA 100 and TA 1535, respectively), 9-aminoacridine (at 80 g/plate with TA 1537) and 2-nitrofluorene (at 1.0 and 2.0 g/plate with TA 98 and TA 1538).

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The criteria for a positive response were: if treatment with the test substance produced an increase in revertant colony numbers of at least twice the concurrent solvent controls, with some evidence of a positive doserelationship, in two separate experiments, with any bacterial strain either in the presence or absence of S-9 mix, it was considered to show evidence of mutagenic activity. Results Result: No substantial increases in revertant colony numbers of any of the tester strains were observed following treatment at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of metabolic activation. No evidence of mutagenic activity was seen at any dose level of the test substance in either mutation test. Therefore, when tested at dose levels up to 5000 g/plate in ethanol, the test substance was not mutagenic in this bacterial test system. None with and without metabolic activation Negative with and without metabolic activation None A precipitate was observed in the first mutation assay at dose levels of 500 g/plate and above, and at 1500 g/plate and above in the repeat assay both with and without metabolic activation. It is concluded that, when tested at dose levels up to 5000 g/plate in ethanol, Stearamide was not mutagenic in this bacterial test system (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Jones, E., P., G. S. Cook, R. A. Gant and J. Kitching. 1990. Crodamide SR (Stearamide): Bacterial Mutation Assay. Report number CDA 58B/891762. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK. July 3, 2001 57a

Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Ethylenebisoctadecanamide (CAS RN 110-30-5; Octadecanamide, N,N'-ethylenebis) 99%

Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation:

Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks:

Techniques described in: Ames, B. N., J. McCann and E. Yamasaki. Methods for detecting carcinogens and mutagens with the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test. Mutat. Res. 31:347 - 64. Reverse mutation assay Bacterial not stated 1985 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100; Escherichia coli stain WP2uvrA With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Sprague-Dawley rats, pretreated with polychlorinated biphenyl. The S-9 mix contained 0.1 ml of S9/ml 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 g per plate None performed The mutagenicity was tested by the preincubation method with S9 mix, which was slightly modified from the Ames test. When E. coli instead of S. typhimurium was used, histidine and biotin in the top agar were replaced by tryptophan at the same concentration. All tests were performed in duplicate and 7 substances were used as positive controls. DMSO was used as the solvent. A contamination test was carried out in each experiment and the background bacterial lawn was checked routinely using a dissected microscope. No mutagenic activity was observed following treatment with the test substance at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of S-9 activation. None Negative with and without activation None

Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The test substance did not exhibit genetic activity in these assays and was not mutagenic under the test conditions according to the study criteria (author of the article). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication which meets basic scientific principles. Shimizu, H., U. Suzuki, N. Takemura, S. Goto and H. Matsushita. 1985. The Results of Microbial Mutation Test for Forty-three Industrial Chemicals. Jpn. J. Ind. Health 27:400 - 419. July 25, 2000 26

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) (CAS RN 68140-00-1) Not stated

OECD Method No. 471 (May 1983) Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Test Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Not stated 1981 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Arochlor 1254-induced rats. S-9 mix prepared inhouse. 2500, 500, 100, 20 and 4 g per plate None performed

The test substance did not induce reverse mutations in the tested strains of Salmonella typhimurium in the presence or absence of S-9 activation. Not stated Negative with and without activation None

When tested at dose levels up to 2500 g/plate, Amides, coco, N-(hydroxyethyl) was not mutagenic in this bacterial test system (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable without restriction; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/ standards.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Sterzel, W. and T. Broschard. 1981. Evaluation of Mutagenicity. Report number TBD 810088. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. August 7, 2000 124a

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Crodamide OR (Oleamide) (CAS RN 301-02-0) 97% minimum

OECD Method No. 471 Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Assay Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1989 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Sprague-Dawley derived, Aroclor 1254-induced rats 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 g/plate None A dose range-finding study was conducted at dose levels of 5, 50, 500 and 5000 g/plate prior to the bacterial mutation assay. Two independent mutation tests were performed. Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 with and without metabolic activation, were treated with the test substance at concentrations of 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 g of sample per plate. The test substance was prepared with the solvent, ethanol. Ethanol also was used as the negative control. The following four positive controls were included in each test: 2-aminoanthracene for all tester strains in the presence of metabolic activation (at dose levels of 0.5 2.0 g/plate); and in the absence of metabolic activation N-ethyl-Nnitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (at 3 and 5 g/plate with TA 100 and TA 1535, respectively), 9-aminoacridine (at 80 g/plate with TA 1537) and 2-nitrofluorene (at 1.0 and 2.0 g/plate with TA 98 and TA 1538). The mutagenic activity of the test substance was assessed by applying the following criteria: if treatment with the test substance produced an increase in revertant colony numbers of at least twice the concurrent solvent controls, with some evidence of a positive doserelationship, in two separate experiments, with any

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bacterial strain either in the presence or absence of S-9 mix, it was considered to show evidence of mutagenic activity. Results Result: No substantial increases in revertant colony numbers of any of the tester strains were observed following treatment at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of metabolic activation. No evidence of mutagenic activity was seen at any dose level of the test substance in either mutation test. Therefore, when tested at dose levels up to 5000 g/plate in ethanol, the test substance was not mutagenic in this bacterial test system. None with and without metabolic activation Negative with and without metabolic activation None A precipitate was observed in the mutation assay with and without metabolic activation at dose levels of 1500 and/or 5000 g/plate. It is concluded that, when tested at dose levels up to 5000 g/plate in ethanol, oleamide was not mutagenic in this bacterial test system (author of report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Jones, E., P. G. S. Cook, R. A. Gant and J. Kitching. 1990. Crodamide OR (Oleamide): Bacterial Mutation Assay. Report number CDA 58C/891778. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, UK. July 3, 2001 76

Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

Conclusions Remarks:

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Result: Erucamide (CAS RN 112-84-5) 97%

OECD Method No. 471, Salmonella typhimurium Reverse Mutation Test Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1989 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Arochlor 1254-induced rats. S-9 mix was prepared at the laboratory. 5000, 1500, 500, 150 and 50 g per plate None performed Test substance was diluted in tetrahydrofuran, which was also used as the negative control. No substantial increase in revertant colony numbers of any of the test strains were observed following treatment with Erucamide at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of S-9 mix. The test substance showed no evidence of mutagenic activity when tested in this bacterial system. Not stated Negative with and without metabolic activation None

Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study.

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Jones, E., P. G. S. Cook, R. A. Gant and J. Kitching. 1990. Crodamide ER (Erucamide): Bacterial Mutation Assay. Report number CDA 58A/891761. Huntingdon Research Centre Ltd., Cambridgeshire, UK. July 24, 2000 38

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: EH&S 751(CAS RN 68910-87-2; Fatty acids, tall-oil, reaction products with polyalkylenepolyamines, dodecylbenzenesulfonates) 100%

Statistical methods: Remarks:

OECD 471 and 472 Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1996 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 98, TA 100, TA 1535 and TA 1537 and E. coli strain WP2 uvrA With and without Aroclor-induced rat S-9 activation 3.3 to 3333 g per plate for all s. typh. strains without metabolic activation 10 to 3333 g per plate for all s. typh. strains with metabolic activation 10 to 5000 g per plate for the E. coli strain with and without metabolic activation. None used. The Aroclor 1254-induced rat liver S-9 was prepared at the laboratory facility and frozen. The S-9 mix was prepared immediately before use. Ethanol was used as the solvent. A preliminary toxicity assay was performed with and without S-9 activation with a maximum dose level of 5000 g/plate. In the mutagenicity assay, a minimum of five dose levels of the test article along with the appropriate vehicle and positive controls were plated both in the presence and absence of rat liver S-9 activation. All dose levels of test article, vehicle controls and positive controls were plated in triplicate using the plate incorporation assay. An independent repeat assay was performed. Preliminary Toxicity Assay: Toxicity was generally observed at 667 g/plate with Salmonella only. Mutagenicity Assay: Precipitate was observed at 333 to 1000 g/plate and toxicity was observed at 333 to 1000 g/plate with Salmonella. No positive responses were observed with any of the tester strains in the presence

Results Result:

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Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

and absence of S-9 activation in both the initial assay and the independent repeat assay. 333 g/plate of Salmonella > 5000 g/plate of E. Coli Negative with and without activation None

Under the conditions of this study, the test article, EH&S 751 was negative in the bacterial reverse mutation assay (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Wagner, V. O. and K. E. Burnett. Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assay with an Independent Repeat Assay. 1996. Report number EHS-751. Microbiological Associates, Inc., Rockville, MD, U. S. July 25, 2000 162

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: 4-(1-oxooctadecenyl)-1-piperazine ethanamine (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine) Not stated

Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks:

Techniques described in: Ames, B. N., J. McCann and E. Yamasaki. Methods for detecting carcinogens and mutagens with the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test. Mutat. Res. 31:347 - 364. Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1983 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Arochlor 1254-induced rats. S-9 mix prepared inhouse. 50, 15, 5, 1.5 and 0.5 g per plate None performed A dose-range finding test was performed with the dose levels of 5000, 500, 50 and 5 g per plate using methanol and dimethylsulphoxide solvents. The results of the range-finding tests indicated that dimethylsulphoxide was a more suitable solvent in the main mutation study. Also, the test substance was toxic towards the tester strains at the higher dose levels; therefore, 50 g per plate was chosen as the top dose. In the main study, no substantial increases in the revertant colony numbers of any of the five strains were observed following treatment with the test substance at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of S-9 activation. 500 g per plate Negative with and without activation None

Results Result:

Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

There was no clear evidence of mutagenic potential of this test substance in this bacterial test system at dose levels up to 50 g/plate (author of the article). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Richold, M., E. Jones and L. A. Fenner. 1983. Ames Metabolic Activation Test to Assess the Potential Mutagenic Effect of [CAS RN 71820-35-4]. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK. July 25, 2000 154

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Sanitized report chemical name not stated. (CAS RN 71820-35-4; Fatty acids, tall-oil, low boiling, reaction products with 1-piperzineethanamine) Not stated

Not stated Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1985 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Aroclor 1254-induced rats Dose range-finding test: 5000, 500, 50 and 5 g/plate Mutation test: 150, 50, 15, 5 and 1.5 g/plate None performed Dimethylsulphoxide was the solvent used in this study and was also used as the negative control. Test was conducted with and without metabolic activation with S-9 mix. Each dose level was run in triplicate with an independent repeat. Negative 500 g/plate Negative with and without activation None

Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

No evidence of mutagenic potential of the test substance was obtained in this bacterial test system at the dose levels used (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

2A Reliable with restrictions; acceptable, well-documented publication/study report which meets basic scientific principles. Richold, M., E. Jones, and L. A. Fenner. 1985. Ames Metabolic Activation Test to Assess the Potential Mutagenic Effect of [CAS RN 71820-35-4]. Huntingdon Research Centre, Cambridgeshire, UK. July 27, 2000 155


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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 75% in isopropyl alcohol

EPA FIFRA Good laboratory Practice Standards as set forth in Title 40 of the U. S. Code of federal Regulations Part 160 Unscheduled DNA synthesis Nonbacterial Yes 1989 Hepatocytes obtained from adult male Fischer 344 rats, purchased from Charles River Breeding Laboratories, Inc. (CDF(F344)/CrlBR) Not applicable See below Fishers Exact Test A solution of test substance in DMSO was serially diluted with DMSO and each stock was diluted 1:100 into medium (WMEI) to obtain the final desired concentrations of test material. Fresh preparations of test material in the vehicle were used for each trial. Treatments were initiated by replacing the medium on the cell cultures with WMEI containing the test material at the desired concentrations and 5 Ci/ml 3H-thymidine (20 Ci/mmole). In the two trials described in this report, twelve to sixteen doses were initiated and six concentrations from each trial were chosen for analysis of nuclear labeling, starting with the highest dose that resulted in a sufficient number of survivors with intact morphologies and proceeding to successively lower doses (Assay 1 = 0.25, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 and 4.00 g/ml; Assay 2 = 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00 and 5.00 g/ml). In the in vitro rat primary hepatocyte unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay, the test material, Varisoft 475 (75%), did not induce repeatable increases in UDS. Treatments from 5.0 g/ml to 0.25 g/ml covered a

Results Result:

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Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results:

range of toxicity (68.8% to 96.4% survival) and were selected for analysis of nuclear labeling. The test material was insoluble in media at concentrations above 15 g/ml. A borderline increase in the percentage of cells in UDS was observed in one trial, but the increase was not reproduced in a second trial. Varisoft 475 (75%) was therefore considered inactive in the Rat Primary hepatocyte UDS Assay. > 5 ug/ml Inactive in the Rat Primary Hepatocyte UDS Assay The test material did not induce consistent changes in the nuclear labeling of rat primary hepatocytes in two independent trials for an applied concentration range of 5.00 g/ml to 0.250 g/ml.

Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Cifone, Maria A. 1989. Mutagenicity Test on Varisoft 475 (75%) in the Rat Primary Hepatocyte Unscheduled DNA Synthesis Assay. Study number 10554-1-447. Sherex Chemical Company, Inc. Dublin, OH, U. S. July 3, 2001 163

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 75% in isopropyl alcohol

Based on the direct plate incorporation method published by Ames et al. (1975) Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1988 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA98 and TA100/obtained from Dr. Bruce Ames, University of California at Berkeley, CA With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of male Sprague-Dawley derived, Aroclor 1254induced rats 0.05, 0.10, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00, 4.00 and 8.00 l per plate None The test substance was prepared with the solvent, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). A dose range-finding test was conducted using TA100 bacterial strain and concentrations of 0.018 to 150 l/plate without activation. Based on the results of the dose range-finding test, Salmonella typhimurium strains TA1535, TA1537, TA1538, TA98 and TA100 were treated with the test substance at concentrations of 0.05 to 8.00 l of sample per plate with and without metabolic activation. The assays were conducted using three plates per dose level. An independent repeat assay was performed. Negative controls (solvent only) were assayed concurrently with the test substance, both in the presence and absence of metabolic activation. The following positive controls were included in each test: 2-anthramine (for all bacterial strains, 2.5 g/plate) in the presence of metabolic activation; and sodium azide (TA1535 and TA100, 10 g/plate), quinacrine mustard (TA1537, 5 g/plate) and 2-nitrofluorene (TA1538 and TA98, 10 g/plate) in the absence of metabolic activation.

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Criteria for a positive response were: Strains TA1535, TA1537 and TA1538: data sets were evaluated as positive if a dose response was observed over a minimum of three test concentrations and the increase in revertants was equal to or greater than three times the solvent control value at the peak of the dose response. The solvent control value should be within the normal range for evaluating the results. Strains TA98 and TA100: data sets were evaluated as positive if a dose response was observed over a minimum of three test concentrations and the increase in revertants achieved a doubling of the solvent control value at the peak of the dose response. The solvent control value should be within the normal range for evaluation the results. Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: The test substance did not exhibit genetic activity in these assays and was not mutagenic under the test conditions according to the assay criteria. The test substance exhibited varying degrees of toxicity with all the strains at 4.0 and 8.0 l/plate in the nonactivation and activation assays. The dose range-finding study showed decreased bacterial lawn at 2.34 l/plate and above and an absence of the background lawn at concentrations of 18.8 l/plate and higher. Negative with and without activation

Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

The test material, Varisoft 475 (75%), did not exhibit genetic activity in any of the assays conducted in this evaluation and was not mutagenic to the Salmonella typhimurium indicator organism under these test conditions according to the defined evaluation criteria (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Sherex Chem. Co. 1989. Mutagenicity Test on Varisoft 475 (75%) in the Ames Salmonella/Microsome Reverse Mutation Assay with Cover Letter Dated 040689. EPA Document number 86-890000177. July 3, 2001 165

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 75% in isopropyl alcohol

OECD guideline no. 473 Cytogenetic assay (chromosomal aberration) Nonbacterial Yes 1988 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-WBL); originally obtained from the laboratory of Dr. S. Wolff, University of California, San Francisco, CA With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of male Sprague-Dawley derived, Aroclor 1254induced rats 3.74 to 74.8 g/ml without activation 15.0 to 199 g/ml with activation Fishers Exact Test The test substance was suspended in deionized water at a stock concentration of 49.6 mg/ml. A 1:10 dilution of this stock solution and serial dilutions of this dilution were used in the range-finding assays for testing concentrations of 0.165 to 4960 g/ml in a half-log series. Range-finding and chromosomal aberration assays were tested with and without metabolic activation. Because no cell cycle delay was evident at the doses with viable metaphase cells in either range-finding assay, a ten-hour harvest was selected for the aberrations assays. Duplicate cultures of CHO cells were used for all test material concentrations. Single cultures were used for the negative control, solvent control and at each of two doses of the positive control. Solvent controls were cultures containing the solvent, deionized water, at the same concentration used in test cultures. The positive controls used in the assays were mitomycin C (0.25 and 0.50 g/ml for the range-finding assays and 0.5 and 1.0 g/ml for the chromosomal aberrations assays) for the nonactivation series and cyclophosphamid (12.5 and 20.0 g/ml for the range-finding assays and 25.0 and 50.0 g/ml for the chromosomal aberrations assays) in the

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metabolic activation series. Chromosomal aberrations were analyzed from the four highest doses from which results could be obtained and from only one of the positive control doses. The following factors were taken into account in the evaluation of the chromosomal aberrations data: The overall chromosomal aberration frequencies; The percentage of cells with any aberrations; The percentage of cells with more than one aberration; and Any evidence for increasing amounts of damage with increasing dose, i.e. a positive dose response; The estimated number of breaks involved in the production of the different types of aberrations that were observed, i.e. complex aberrations may have more significance than simple breaks. Deviations from OECD Guidelines: The highest dose used in this assay was one that allowed the collection of a suitable number of mitotic cells (maximum tolerated dose). The guideline suggests that the high dose used should suppress mitotic activity by about 50%. Because the laboratory collects purely mitotic cells, they do not carry out a mitotic index estimation as suggested in the guidelines. Suppression of mitotic activity is estimated from the test for cell cycle delay and from observations of cell monolayers before fixation. Results Result: No significant increase in chromosomally aberrant cells was observed at any of the concentrations analyzed. The test substance is considered negative for inducing chromosomal aberrations in CHO cells under both nonactivation and activation conditions of this assay. Complete cellular toxicity was observed at 165, 496, 1650 and 4960 g/ml in the nonactivation range-finding assay and at 496, 1650 and 4960 g/ml in the range-finding assay with metabolic activation. In the chromosomal aberrations assay without metabolic activation, signs of toxicity (unhealthy cell monolayer, reductions in the cell monolayer confluence and/or reductions in visible mitotic cells) were observed at 37.4 g/ml. In the chromosomal aberrations assay with metabolic activation, signs of toxicity (floating dead cells, floating debris, unhealthy cell monolayer, reductions in visible mitotic cells and/or reductions in the cell monolayer confluence) were observed at 49.9 g/ml and above.

Cytotoxic concentration:

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Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

Negative with and without metabolic activation Results of test substance groups not significantly different from solvent control group.

The test article, Varisoft 475 (75%), is considered negative for inducing chromosomal aberrations in Chinese hamster ovary cells under both nonactivation and activation conditions of this assay (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Sherex Chem. Co. 1989. Mutagenicity Test on Varisoft 475 (75%) in an In Vitro Cytogenetic Assay Measuring Chromosomal Aberration Frequencies in CHO Cells with Cover Letter Dated 933189. EPA Document number 86-890000165. July 3, 2001 166

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Dehyton K (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

OECD Method No. 471 (May 26, 1983) Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1988 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Aroclor 1254-induced male rats 1, 4, 16, 64 and 256 g/plate (without S-9 activation) 4, 16, 64, 256 and 1024 g/plate (with S-9 activation) Not stated Three plates per dose level. S-9 was purchased from an outside source. S-9 Mix was prepared on the day of the experiment. Double deionized water was used as the solvent and negative control substance. The plate incorporation method was used. An initial assay was performed at doses of 8, 40, 200, 1000 and 5000 g/plate. Negative In the initial reverse mutation assays, the test substance without metabolic activation was cytotoxic to the tester strains TA 1535 and TA 1537 at 1000 g/plate and cytotoxic to tester strain TA 1538 at 200 g/plate. The test substance with metabolic activation was cytotoxic to the tester strains TA 1535 and TA 1538 at 5000 g/plate and tester strain TA 1537 at 1000 g/plate. Negative with and without activation None

Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration:

Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

Dehyton K did not induce reverse mutations in the presence and absence of S-9 mix in the tester strains TA 1535, TA 100, TA 1537, TA 1538 and TA 98 (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Banduhn, N. 1991. Dehyton K, Prfung auf Mutagenitt im Ames-Test. Report number 880078. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. August 14, 2000 104

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) Not stated

OECD Guideline No. 471 Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Not stated 1995 Salmonella typhimurium/Not stated With and without S-9 activation Not stated Not stated

Negative Not stated Negative with and without activation Not stated

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2D Reliable with restrictions; summary of German article. Gentoxizitaet (Rueckmutationsversuch/Amestest) mit TEGO Betain L 7 F. 1995. Report number bet7ge. Th. Goldschmidt AG. July 25, 2000 105a

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N, Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivs., inner salt) 30%

Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation:

Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks:

Techniques described in: Ames, B. N., J. McCann and E. Yamasaki. Methods for detecting carcinogens and mutagens with the Salmonella/mammalian microsome mutagenicity test. Mutat. Res. 31:347 - 364. Reverse mutation assay Bacterial Yes 1988 Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1537, TA 1538, TA 98 and TA 100 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Arochlor 1254-induced rats. S-9 mix was purchased commercially and was prepared fresh just prior to use in the assays. 0.001, 0.005, 0.00, 0.050, 0.100, 0.125, 0.150 and 0.300 l per plate None performed Three plates per dose level. The entire assay was performed once. Deionized water was used as the solvent in this test. The range finding study results indicated that the test substance was toxic towards the tester strains at 0.146 l and higher. In the main study, no substantial increases in the revertant colony numbers of any of the five strains tested were observed following treatment with the test substance at any dose level, either in the presence or absence of S-9 activation. 0.586 l per plate and above (based on range-finding study) 0.146 l per plate and above (based on range-finding study) Negative with and without activation in the main study None

Results Result:

Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

The test substance, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, did not exhibit genetic activity in these assays and was not mutagenic under the test conditions according to the study criteria (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2C Reliable with restrictions; comparable to guideline study with acceptable restrictions. Jagannath, D. R. 1988. Mutagenicity Test on Cocamidopropyl Betaine in the Ames Salmonella/Microsome Reverse Mutation Assay. Study number 10245-0-401. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc., Kensington, MD, U. S. July 26, 2000 105b

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.5 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VITRO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: Type: System of testing: GLP: Year: Species/Strain: Metabolic activation: Concentrations tested: Statistical methods: Remarks: Betadet HR (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1-Propanaminium, 3amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, inner salt) 28.5-30.5 % active ingredient

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Protocol Number 471 and also Method B14 in commission directive 92/69/EEC Ames Bacterial Yes 1996 Salmonella typhimurium TA1535, TA1537, TA1538 and TA98 With and without S-9 activation; S-9 mix obtained from the liver of Arochlor 1254-induced male Sprague-Dawley rats 0, 50, 150, 500, 1500 and 5000 g per plate UKEMS (5) and Dunnetts Method of Linear Regression In this assay, overnight sub-cultures of the appropriate coded stock cultures were prepared in nutrient broth and incubated at 37 C for approximately 10 hours. S9 was prepared in-house from the livers of male Sprague-Dawley rats. A known aliquot of S9-mix and 2 ml of molten, trace histidine supplemented media were overlaid onto a sterile Vogel-Bonner Minimal agar plate in order to assess the sterility of the S9-mix. This procedure was repeated, in triplicate, on the day of each experiment. A preliminary test was carried out to determine the toxicity of the test material to the tester organisms. Two main studies were run. In the first main study up to six concentrations of the test material (1.5, 5, 15, 50 150 and 500 g/plate) plus a control were assayed in triplicate against each tester strain, using the direct plate incorporation method in accordance with the standard methods for mutagenicity tests using bacteria. The second experiment was performed using methodology as described for experiment 1, using fresh bacterial cultures, with up to seven concentrations of test material (0.5, 1.5, 5, 15, 50, 150 and 500 g/plate) and control solutions in triplicate. Both tests were run with and without metabolic activation. The following positive controls were included in each test:

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N-ethyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (3 g/plate for TA100 and 5 g/plate for TA 1535); 9-aminoacridine (80 g/plate for TA1537); 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine (5 ug/plate for TA1538); 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (0.2 ug/plate for TA98). In addition, the material, 2-aminoanthracene, which is non-mutagenic in the absence of metabolizing enzymes was used in the activated series (1 ug/plate for TA100, 2 ug/plate for TA1535 and TA1537, and 0.5 ug/plate for TA1538 and TA98). All of the plates were incubated at 37 C for approximately 48 hours and the frequency of revertant colonies assessed using a Domino colony counter. The criteria for a substance to be considered positive in this test system were: a dose-related and statistically significant increase in mutation rate in one or more strains of bacteria in the presence and/or absence of the S9 microsomal enzymes in both experiments at subtoxic dose levels. To be considered negative, the number of induced revertants compared to spontaneous revertants was less than twofold at each dose level employed, up to the limits imposed by toxicity, solubility or up to the maximum recommended dose of 5000 g/plate. In this case the limiting factor was either toxicity or the maximum recommended dose depending upon bacterial strain type and presence or absence of S9-mix. Results Result: Cytotoxic concentration: Genotoxic effects: Statistical results: Remarks: Negative with and without activation. 150 ug/plate None See below The test material caused a visible reduction in the growth of the bacterial lawn to all of the strains tested. The first evidence of toxicity was observed at 150 g/plate. No significant increase in the frequency of revertant colonies of bacteria was recorded for any of the strains used, at any dose level with or without metabolic activation. All of the positive control chemicals used in the test produced marked increases in the frequency of revertant colonies and the activity of the S9 fraction was found to be satisfactory. The test material was found to be non-mutagenic under the conditions of this test. The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group).

Conclusions Remarks:

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Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Thompson, P. W. 1996. Betadet HR: Reverse Mutation Assay Ames Test Using Salmonella typhimurium. Project number 140/473. Safepharm Laboratories Limited, Derby, UK, Sponsored by Kao Corporation S.A. July 3, 2001 157j

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5.6 GENETIC TOXICITY IN VIVO Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/Guideline followed: Type: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Sex: Route of administration: Doses/concentration levels: Exposure period: Statistical methods: Remarks: Tego Betain L7, batch 9775 (CAS RN 61789-40-0; 1Propanaminium, 3-amino-N-(carboxymethyl)-N,Ndimethyl-, N-coco acyl derivatives, hydroxides inner salts) Not stated

Not stated Mouse Micronucleus Test (Schmid Method) Yes 1987 Mouse OF1 (I.O.P.S. Caw) Male and female Intraperitoneal injection 0.02 and 0.2 g/kg Two administrations at 24-hour intervals Students Test and Exact Bilateral Comparison Test The purpose of the study was to evaluate the mutagenic potential of the test article in an in-life test that enabled detection of chromosomal mutations. Groups of five male and five female mice were administered two doses of the test substance by intraperitoneal injection in sterile distilled water at 24-hour intervals. Concentrations were 0.02 and 0.2 g/kg at a constant volume of 10 g/kg. Two additional groups of mice (five males and five females per group) were used as the vehicle control (sterile distilled water) and the positive control (cyclophosphamide, 0.1 g/kg). Animals were killed by cervical dislocation 6 hours after the second administration. The bone marrow was extracted from the femurs using fetal calf serum centrifuged and re-suspended. For each animal, two smears were prepared, air-dried and stained with freshly filtered May Grunwald and Giemsa staining. For each animal the reading was carried out by observation of 1000 polychromatic erythrocytes.

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Results Mitotic index:

The results are expressed as the number of cells with micronuclei for each 1000 polychromatic erythrocytes observed. Male mice Mean Number of Dose group Micronucleated Erythrocytes Negative Control 1.4 Positive Control 67.8 0.02 g/kg 0.8 0.2 g/kg 1.2 Female Mice Mean Number of Micronucleated Erythrocytes 1.8 44.8 1.6 1.0

Dose group Negative Control Positive Control 0.02 g/kg 0.2 g/kg

Male and Female Mice Mean Number of Dose group Micronucleated Erythrocytes Negative Control 1.6 Positive Control 56.3 0.02 g/kg 1.2 0.2 g/kg 1.1 Genotoxic effects: NOAEL (NOEL): Statistical results: Remarks: Negative > 0.2 g/kg Described below No significant increase in the number of micronucleusbearing erythrocytes was observed following two intraperitoneal administrations of the test substance. The results for each treated group were comparable with those obtained for the negative control group. The results obtained with cyclophosphamide positive control (100 mg/kg) are significantly positive. Under these conditions, it can be concluded that the test article induced no mutagenic effect in the mouse at dose levels of 0.02 and 0.2 g/kg.

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Conclusions Remarks:

The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Weill, N. 1987. Tego Betain L7, Batch 9775: Micronucleus Test (Schmid Method). Report number 703201. Hazleton-IFT, St Germain sur lArbresle, France. July 3, 2001 157k

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.9 DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY/TERATOGENICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Route of administration: Doses/concentration levels: Sex: Exposure period: Frequency of treatment: Control group and treatment: Duration of test: Statistical methods: Comperlan KD (CAS RN 68603-42-9; Amides, coco, N, N-bis(hydroxyethyl)) 90 - 95% (Amides, coco, N,N-bis (hydroxyethyl))


OECD 414 Yes 1994 Rat Sprague-Dawley CD Oral gavage 0, 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day Female Days 6 - 15 of gestation 7 days/week Yes (concurrent, treated with arachis oil, DAB 9) Days 0 - 20 of gestation If normal distribution, Dunnett-Test comparing treated groups to control. The Steel-Test was applied when the data could not be assumed to follow normal distribution. Fishers Exact Test for 2 x 2 tables was applied if the variables could be dichotomized without loss of information (Bonferroni-Holm-corrected). Females were mated at the supplier and received at the testing facility on day 0 of gestation. Dose volume was 5 ml/kg body weight, adjusted for body weighed on day 6 of gestation. Animals were observed at least twice daily for signs of reaction to treatment and/or symptoms of illness. Body weights were recorded on day 0, 6, 16 and 20 of gestation. Females were sacrificed by on overdose of ether on day 20 of gestation. The uterus was weighed and the fetuses were removed by caesarean section. Corpora lutea were counted and the number and distribution of intrauterine implantations were classified as live or dead fetuses, late intrauterine deaths (resorptions), or early intrauterine deaths (resorption sites). Intrauterine deaths were classified on the basis of the presence (late) or absence (early) of fetal or decidual tissue in addition to placental tissue. Live fetuses were weighed individually including placenta and examined for external abnormalities. One half of the fetuses for each litter were fixed in Bouins solution to examine the viscera and brain

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by Wilsons slicing technique. After examination these tissues were discarded. The remaining fetuses were processed (alizarin red staining), examined for skeletal abnormalities and retained. Results Maternal toxicity NOAEL: 1000 mg/kg/day Developmental toxicity NOEAL: 1000 mg/kg/day Actual dose received: 0, 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day Maternal data: No deaths occurred in any dams in the control or treated groups. Compound-related symptoms were observed in all treatment groups as salivation (severe in the 1000 mg/kg/day group) and propulsion of the head. Body weight, body weight gains and corrected body weight gains were comparable across all groups. There were no significant macroscopic findings in any of the control or treated animals. Fetal data: Litter parameters: Post-implantation loss and total embryonic deaths were statistically significantly increased in all treated groups compared to the control group. These findings were considered incidental because in each group there was one single female with a high incidence of embryonic deaths and the incidence of post weight loss was not dosedependent. The sex ratio of the fetuses was not affected by the treatment with the test substance. Body weights: There were no significant differences in the body weights of live fetuses (on a litter or individual basis) between the treated and control groups External examinations: There were no external macroscopic findings noted in any fetus that were considered to be an effect of the treatment with the test article. Visceral examinations of the preserved fetuses did not reveal any treatment-related abnormalities. Skeletal examinations Statistically significant retardation in ossification was observed in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day groups compared to the controls. The incidence of two sternebrae unossified was significantly increased in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day groups compared to the control group. The incidence of incomplete ossification of the skull bones was also significantly increased in the 1000 mg/kg/day group compared to the control group but was essentially due to two dams, which had a total of 10 incomplete ossified skull

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bones of the 17 observed for this group. The skeletal retardation effects were considered to be incidental because the values were within the normal range of variation for this strain. Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Described above

The results of this study showed that repeated oral administration of COMPERLAN KD to pregnant rats on day 6 through 15 of gestation, caused no symptoms of cumulative toxicity up to a dose level of 1000 mg/kg/day. With the exception of salivation and propulsion of the head during the dose administration, there were no treatmentrelated effects. Also, COMPERLAN KD does not reveal any embryotoxic or teratogenic potential at dose levels up to 1000 mg/kg/day (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restrictions; guideline study. Pittermann, W. 1994. Embryotoxicity Study (Including Teratogenicity) in the Rat (Segment II). Report number RT 920403. Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany. July 26, 2000 147

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.9 DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY/TERATOGENICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Route of administration: Doses/concentration levels: Sex: Exposure period: Frequency of treatment: Control group and treatment: Duration of test: Statistical methods: Remarks: Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 76.6% in isopropyl alcohol

FIFRA 83-3 Yes 1992 Rat Sprague-Dawley Gavage 0, 100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day Female Days 6 - 15 of gestation Daily Yes (concurrent, dosed with Milli-Q water at a dose volume equivalent to that used in the high-dose group) Days 0 - 21 of gestation The unit of comparison was the pregnant dam or the litter. ANOVA, t-tests, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and Fishers Exact Test were used where appropriate. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of the test substance to produce developmental toxicity when administered by a gavage to pregnant CD rats during organogenesis. Maternal toxicity was also evaluated. Timed-pregnant rats were administered the test substance by gavage on gestation days (gd) 6 through 15. Twentyfive copulation plug-positive females per group were dosed with undiluted test substance at dose levels corresponding to 100, 300 and 1000 mg active ingredient/kg/day. An additional 25 females, assigned to the control group, received Milli-Q water at a dose volume equivalent to that used in the high dose group. Clinical observations were made daily (twice daily during dosing), and maternal body weights were measured on gd 0, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21. At scheduled sacrifice on gd 21, the dams were evaluated for liver and gravid uterine weights, number of corpora lutea and number and status of implantation sites (including early and late resorptions, dead fetuses and live fetuses). Approximately one-half of the live fetuses in each litter were examined for visceral and craniofacial malformations

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and variations. The remaining one-half of the fetuses were stained with alizarin red S and were examined for skeletal malformations and variations. Results Maternal toxicity NOEL: Developmental toxicity NOEL: Actual dose received: Maternal data: > 1000 mg/kg/day > 1000 mg/kg/day Not stated The pregnancy rate was equivalent across groups and ranged from 88 - 100%. No females aborted or delivered early. At scheduled sacrifice, three females in the control group, two females in the 100 mg/kg/day group and one female in the 300 mg/kg/day group were found to be nonpregnant. One female from the control group and one female from the 300 mg/kg/day group contained no viable fetuses at scheduled sacrifice. Twenty-one to 25 live litters were available for evaluation from each group. One female in the 300 mg/kg/day treatment group became moribund and was sacrificed on gd 10. Two to three dams in the 300 and 1000 mg/kg/day treatment groups exhibited audible respiration during or subsequent to the treatment period. None of these observations were considered to be test substance related. There were no treatment-related effects on food consumption, gestational body weight and body weight gain, corrected body weight, corrected body weight gain, and gravid uterine weight. No treatmentrelated differences in gestational parameters including total number of implantations, number of viable implants, and number of nonviable implants, were observed in any dose group. Fetal body weights per litter were not affected by treatment. No treatment-related malformations or variations were observed in this study. See above

Fetal data:

Statistical results: Remarks:

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Conclusions Remarks:

Administration of the test substance by gavage to pregnant rats during organogenesis resulted in no treatment-related maternal toxicity, embryotoxicity, teratogenicity, or developmental delay (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1A Reliable without restriction; guideline study. Neeper-Bradley, T. L. 1992. Developmental Toxicity Evaluation of Varisoft 475 (75%) Administered by Gavage to CD (Sprague-Dawley) Rats. Report number 91N0034. Bushy Run Research Center, Export, PA, U. S. July 3, 2001 166a

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.9 DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY/TERATOGENICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Route of administration: Doses/concentration levels: Sex: Exposure period: Frequency of treatment: Control group and treatment: Duration of test: Statistical methods: Remarks: Varisoft 475 (75%) (CAS RN 68122-86-1; Imidazolium compounds, 4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-2-nortallow alkyl-1-(2tallow amidoethyl) Me sulfate) 76.6% in isopropyl alcohol

Not applicable (Probe study) Yes 1993 Rat Sprague-Dawley Gavage 0, 200, 350, 610 and 1875 mg/kg/day Female Days 6 - 15 of gestation Yes (concurrent, dosed with Milli-Q water at a dose volume equivalent to that used in the high-dose group) Days 0 - 21 of gestation The unit of comparison was the pregnant dam or the litter. ANOVA, t-tests, Kruskal-Wallis Test, Mann-Whitney U Test and Fishers Exact Test were used where appropriate. The objective of this study was to obtain information from which to select dosage levels for a subsequent definitive rat developmental toxicity study. Timed-pregnant rats were administered the test substance by gavage on gestation days (gd) 6 through 15. Five copulation plug-positive females per group were dosed with undiluted test substance at dose levels of 200, 340, 610, 1075 and 1875 mg active ingredient/kg/day. Clinical observations were made daily (twice daily during dosing), and maternal body weights were measured on gd 0, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21. At scheduled sacrifice on gd 21, the dams were evaluated for liver and gravid uterine weights, number of corpora lutea and number and status of implantation sites (including early and late resorptions, dead fetuses and live fetuses). All live and dead fetuses were dissected from the uterus, weighed and examined for sex determinations and external malformations (including cleft palate) and variations. Fetuses were then euthanized by decapitation and discarded.

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Results Maternal toxicity NOEL: Developmental toxicity NOEL: Actual dose received: Maternal data:

Fetal data:

> 1875 mg/kg/day Not appropriate (probe study) As dosed There were no treatment-related effects on clinical signs of toxicity, food consumption, gestational body weight and body weight gain, corrected body weight, corrected body weight gain, and gravid uterine weight. No treatmentrelated differences in gestational parameters including total number of implantations or number of viable and nonviable implants were observed in any dose group. No females died prior to scheduled sacrifice. No females aborted, delivered early or were removed from the study. At scheduled sacrifice, one female in the 1075 mg/kg/day group was found to be nonpregnant and another from this group contained only non-viable fetuses. All other females were pregnant and bore at least one viable fetus. Fetal body weights per litter were not affected by treatment. No treatment-related external malformations or variations were observed in this study. See above

Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

Administration of the test substance during organogenesis resulted in no maternal toxicity, embryotoxicity, or developmental toxicity (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized. (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1D Reliable without restriction; probe study with no appropriate guideline

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks:

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Chun, J. S. and T. L. Neeper-Bradley. 1993. Developmental Toxicity Dose Range-Finding Study of Varisoft 475 (75%) Administered by Gavage to CD (Sprague-Dawley) Rats. EPA Document number 86-930000148. Bushy Run Research Center, Export, PA, U. S. July 3, 2001 166d

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5.9 DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY/TERATOGENICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Route of administration: Doses/concentration levels: Sex: Exposure period: Frequency of treatment: Control group and treatment: Duration of test: Statistical methods: Remarks: 1-Hexadecanaminium (CAS RN 693-33-4; Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) hexadecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt) Not stated

None pilot study Yes (FDA) 1984 Rabbits New Zealand White Dermal 0, 10, 20, 40, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day Female Days 6 - 18 of gestation, except in 100 and 200 mg/kg/day dosage groups Daily Yes (concurrent, dosed with 5% isopropanol at a volume of 2 ml/kg) Days 0 - 19 of gestation None The test substance, in the vehicle 5% isopropanol, was applied topically to five groups of artificially inseminated female rabbits (8 rabbits/group). The vehicle alone was applied topically to one group of 8 rabbits. Animals were treated at dose levels of 0, 10, 20, 40, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day at a dosage volume of 2 ml/kg. Animals were treated with the test substance or vehicle for four hours each day for 13 consecutive days on presumed day of gestation 6 through 18. Because of test substance-related mortality and severe topical effects, administration of the 100 and 200 mg/kg/day dosages were discontinued after the eighth and sixth daily dosages, respectively. As there was not a no effect level, two additional groups (8 rabbits/group) were treated with a second vehicle control and a new low dosage (2 ml/kg) of the test substance (2.0 mg/kg/day). These rabbits were not inseminated and were given the test substance or vehicle alone for 13 consecutive days. Test substance solutions were prepared on a weekly basis, or as needed. Animals were observed daily during the dosage and postdosage periods for signs of toxicity, skin irritation, abortion (inseminated rabbits), death, body weight and feed consumption. Rabbits that

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died during the test were examined for pregnancy, if appropriate, and cause of death. On gestation day 19, all surviving females were sacrificed and a complete gross necropsy was performed, including examination of the brain. The uterus was examined for pregnancy, number of implantations and corpora lutea, live and dead fetuses, and early and late resorptions. The noninseminated rabbits similarly were sacrificed and necropsied approximately 24 hours after the 13th daily dosage was administered. This study was conducted to determine dosages of the test substance to be administered topically to rabbits in a subsequent teratology study. Results Maternal toxicity NOEL: Developmental toxicity NOEL: Actual dose received: Maternal data: 50 mg/kg/day 150 mg/kg/day 0, 2, 10, 20, 40, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day Three of eight rabbits each in the 100 and 200 mg/kg/day dosages died or were moribund sacrificed. Because of test substance related mortality, administration of these dosages was discontinued after the eighth and sixth daily dosages, respectively. Clinical observations noted in animals dosed at 40, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day, and considered to be effects from the test substance, included uncoordinated movement, partial paralysis, red exudate of vaginal origin present in the cage pan, green matted fur, ataxia and and/or alopecia. All skin reactions, including erythema, desquamation, atonia, fissuring, eschar and/or exfoliation demonstrated dosage-dependent onset incidence and severity. All rabbits in each of the dosage groups had a minimum of Grade 1 erythema observed at least once. No rabbit in any dosage group exhibited edema and no vehicle control rabbit had any of these signs of skin reaction present. Average body weight gain was inhibited by administration of dosages of 2.0 through 200 mg/kg/day of the test substance, as compared with the control group. The body weight effect was dosage dependent and considered to be biologically significant at dosages of 10.0 through 200 mg/kg/day. The severity of the effect ranged from slight, for 2.0 and 10.0 mg/kg/day dosage group rabbits, to marked, for 100 and 200 mg/kg/day dosage group rabbits. Reduced average daily feed consumption was noted in the 2.0 through 200 mg/kg/day dosage groups in an apparent dose-related trend. It was considered biologically significant for rabbits in the 400 through 200 mg/kg/day dosage groups. Pregnancy occurred in 6 or 7 of the

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Fetal data:

Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks:

8 rabbits in each dosage group. Upon completion of Caesarean-sectioning, a complete gross necropsy was performed on the does. Litter parameters: An increase incidence of resorptions was observed in maternally toxic dosages of 40, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day. In the 100 and 200 mg/kg/day dosage groups, an associated decrease in average litter size (live fetuses) was observed. Fetal evaluations: All fetuses were alive at maternal Caesarean-sectioning. None

Dosages of 0.0, 2.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg/kg/day of the test substance were recommended for use in the definitive rabbit teratology study (author of the report). The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 2B Reliable with restrictions; basic data given, comparable to guidelines/standards. Hoberman, A. M. and M. S. Christian. 1984. Initial submission: Pilot Study for Percutaneous Teratology of 1-Hexadecanaminium & 5% Isopropanol in Rabbits with Attachments and Cover Letter Dated 07/279/2. EPA document number 88-920004922. Argus Research Laboratories, Inc., Horsham, PA, U. S. July 25, 2000 60

Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

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5.9 DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY/TERATOGENICITY Test Substance Identity: Purity: Remarks: Method Method/guideline followed: GLP: Year: Species: Strain: Route of administration: Doses/concentration levels: Sex: Exposure period: Frequency of treatment: Control group and treatment: Duration of test: Statistical methods: 1-Hexadecanaminium (CAS RN 693-33-4; Ammonium, (carboxymethyl) hexadecyldimethyl-, hydroxide, inner salt) 30.4%


Not stated Yes 1984 Rat COBS CD Oral gavage 0, 50, 150 and 250 mg/kg/day Female Days 6 - 15 of gestation 7 days/week Yes (concurrent, dosed with ethanol in deionized water at a volume of 5 ml/kg) Days 0 - 20 of gestation Fetal sex ratios and the proportions of liters with malformations were compared using the Chi-square test and/or Fishers Exact probability test. The proportions of resorbed and dead fetuses and postimplantation losses were compared by the Mann-Whitney U-test. The mean number of corpora lutea, total implantations, live fetuses and mean fetal body weights were compared by ANOVA (one-way) Bartletts test for homogeneity of Variances and the appropriate t-test. Dosage calculations were based on a 100% active component. Since the test substance was received with a 30.4% active moiety in 10% ethanol, a correction factor of 3.2895 was utilized to achieve the proper amount of active ingredient. The control group received ethanol in deionized water at a volume of 5 ml/kg. The amount of ethanol the control group received was equal to the amount given to the 250 mg/kg/day group. The stock solution was prepared daily. Dose volume was 5 ml/kg body weight, adjusted for body weight on days of gestation 6, 9 and 12. Animals were observed twice daily for signs of toxicity. Body weights were recorded on day 0, 6, 9, 12, 16 and 20 of gestation. Food consumption intervals were identical to the body weight intervals. On gestation day 20, all surviving females were sacrificed by carbon dioxide

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inhalation. The uterus was exposed and the lumber and location of viable and nonviable fetuses, early and late resorptions and the number of total implantations and corpora lutea were recorded. The uterus was then excised and the fetuses were removed. Live fetuses were individually weighed, sexed, tagged and examined for external malformations or developmental variations. Approximately one half of the fetuses for each litter were fixed in Bouins solution to examine the viscera and brain by Wilsons sectioning technique. The remaining one-half of the fetuses were processed (alizarin red staining) and examined for skeletal abnormalities. Results Maternal toxicity NOEL: Developmental toxicity NOEL: Actual dose received: Maternal data: Not stated Not stated 0, 50, 150 and 250 mg/kg/day No deaths occurred in any dams in the control or treated groups. Clinical observations noted in animals dosed at 250 mg/kg/day included stained and matted fur (noted primarily on the limbs, neck, ventral thorax and facial area), excessive salivation, respiratory rales, diarrhea, decreased activity, hypothermia, lacrimation, labored breathing and wheezing. Similar observations were evident at 150 mg/kg/day group, stained and mattered fur and respiratory rales were the predominant observations. A dose-related trend of maternal body weight inhibition was noted during both the overall gestation (days 0 - 20) and treatment (days 6 - 15) periods at all dose levels. Weight loss was observed during the first treatment interval (days 6 - 9) at 150 and 250 mg/kg/day. Reduced food intake was also noted among all treated groups during the treatment period in an apparent dose-related trend. In addition, consumption was inhibited at 250 mg/kg/day during the overall gestation interval but mean values of the 50 and 150 mg/kg/day groups were comparable to controls. Necropsy revealed no treatment-related differences among the groups. Litter parameters: No meaningful differences among the control and treated groups were evident with respect to the number of corpora lutea, total implantations, postimplantation loss, viable fetuses and fetal body weights. Fetal evaluations: The incidence of fetal malformation in the treated groups was neither statistically significant nor meaningfully

Fetal data:

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Statistical results: Remarks: Conclusions Remarks: Data Quality Reliability (Klimisch): Remarks: References

different from that of the controls. With respect to developmental variations, reduced or absent ossification of the skull, sternebrae #5 and/or #6 and other sternebrae occurred more frequently at the 250 mg/kg/day group. This reduced ossification of the sternebrae #5 and #6 was deemed biologically significant as it was commonly observed in conjunction with reduced maternal body weight. No further trends in developmental variations were noted. Described above

The endpoint has been adequately characterized (American Chemistry Council Fatty Nitrogen Derivatives Panel, Amides Task Group). 1B Reliable without restriction; comparable to guideline study. Arnold, K. S., J. L. Schardein and M. Blair. Oral Teratology Study of 1-Hexadecanaminium in Rats. 1985. International Research and Development Corporation, U. S. July 25, 2000 61

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