Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Standards: o 2.RL.1- Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in the text. o 2.RL.5- Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. o 2.RL.6- Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud. o 2.RL.7 Use information gained from illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting or plot. Objective: o Student(s) will be able to understand the shift between dialogue of characters and how it switches back and forth to the narrator speaking.
Materials: o The Fantastic Washing Machine by Joy Cowley Procedure o I will start this lesson by first introducing the students the cover of the book The Fantastic Washing Machine written by Joy Cowley and illustrated by Nick Price. o I will then give the students a brief overview of what they can come to expect as they are reading this book. They are reading a book with the main character Mr. Smiles who owns a motel and has a lot of laundry to do everyday. One day a man comes with a new washer that might make washing easier for Mr. Smiles, but this new machine isnt as amazing as the salesperson made it seem.
o I will start off with the children who are in this particular reading group and ask them to flip to page 2 and ask them if they know what the marks around the word washing again! mean. o After the students have answered I will either agree that they are quotation marks or introduce them to the concept of quotation marks, which signals to the reader that the characters are speaking in dialogue. o I will ask the students to keep in mind while they are reading to notice when the book switches from a narrator speaking and when a character is speaking. o After this introduction I will ask the students to begin reading independently for around ten to fifteen minutes. o As the students begin their reading I will sit with each of them for about a page or two of reading and ask them to read aloud to me. o As they are reading aloud I will try not to speak as long as I feel the student is understanding the text and isnt overwhelmed. Assessment o For the assessment of this guided reading book, I will be looking for fluency as the children are reading aloud to me. I will be checking to see if they change their voice or pause when the book switches from a narrator speaking to a character, and vice versa.
Management/Transitions: Since I will be working with a small group I will just have them gather in a small area or table so I may be able to introduce the book to all of them at once. Once the book is introduced I will have the students separate if possible so as they are reading aloud to me they wont feel watched or pressured by students that are close enough to hear them read. Differentiation: There really shouldnt be any differentiation with this guided reading lesson. If the student grasps the concept that I have previously pointed out and has successfully read other books on the same reading level, I will bump them up to the next reading level group.