Chod Tsog 12
Chod Tsog 12
Chod Tsog 12
A Touch Illuminating the Darkness Zab lam gcod kyi rnal byor dang brel bai tsogs mchod bul tsul nag gros su bkod pa
Composed by Kyabje Dorjechang Zong Rinpoche (1905-1984 C.E.) This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received the Initiation from a qualified Lama.
Table of Contents
Visualizing The Refuge-Field ............................................................................................................ 1 Going for refuge ................................................................................................................................ 2 Generating bodhicitta ....................................................................................................................... 2 Guru yoga practice ............................................................................................................................ 2 The Seven Limbs With Mandala Offering To Accumulate Merits .................................................... 3 The Mandala Offering ....................................................................................................................... 4 The stages of the White Distribution ................................................................................................. 9 Blessing environment and people (snod bcud) ............................................................................... 10 The Stages Of The Red Distribution ................................................................................................ 11 Outer / Inner Offerings .................................................................................................................. 13 The eight lines of praise to the Mother Vajrayogini ........................................................................ 14 Prayer To Behold The Beautiful Face Of Vajrayoini ........................................................................ 15 Requesting fulfillment of wishes ..................................................................................................... 16 Offering tsog to Vajra master .......................................................................................................... 16 Song of the Spring Queen ............................................................................................................... 16 Offering a remainder of tsog ........................................................................................................... 18 Requesting fulfillment of wishes ..................................................................................................... 19 Meditation on the non-existence of the truly-existent nature .......................................................... 19 Dedicating the accumulated merit to the unsurpassable, great Enlightenment .............................. 20 Colophon ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Gaden For The West Colophon ....................................................................................................... 20
A Manual of the Tsog Offering in Conjunction with the Yoga of the Profound Path of Chd A Touch Illuminating the Darkness
Visualizing The Refuge-Field In the space before me there is a high and wide throne supported by eight big lions. On the top of that is a thousand petalled variegated lotus with a moon seat. In its center is Machig Labkyi Dronma inseparable from the root guru. At her heart is Prajnaparamita1. Behind2 is Vajradhara. At her left3 are the deities of Vajrabhairava. At her right4 are the deities of Heruka. In front of her5 are the deities of Guhyasamaja. They are surrounded by direct and lineage gurus and yidams, buddhas, bodhisattvas, heroes, heroines, dharmapalas and srung mas.
In front of each one is a Buddhist text6 in the appearance of well-spoken dharmas. Outside of them are full of various manifestations. Behind us are all the sentient beings such as harmful ones. Reflecting upon a strong fear of the suffering of samsara and bad rebirth7, having unbearable compassion for all the father and mother sentient beings, such as demons, who are suffering from samsaric sufferings, and reflecting strongly on the belief that only refuge beings have the power to save them from those sufferings.
(With a damaru and bell)
Kel den thar par thri pei de pon chog tsa gy mei tsog la kyab su chi Ng drub dam pa ma l jung wei go Yi dam lha tsog nam la kyab su chi Pang tog thar chin ton pa la na me Yang dag zog sang rgye la kyab su chi Shi wei pel gyur d chag drel wei chog Lu me dam pei ch la kyab su chi Tag tu ge wei dren pa phun sum tsog Tsog chog gen dn nam la kyab su chi Phul jung shing gi dam pa kye nam la Jang chub nying po'i bar du kyab su chi G pe dag ni kye la leg bul na Gon po thug je nga' we she su so
3 4 5
To the supreme leader who leads the fortunate to liberation, the host of the root and lineage Lamas, I go for refuge. To the highest teachers who have perfected abandonments and realizations, perfect Buddhas, I go for refuge. To the source of all the excellent siddhis, The host of Yidam deities,I go for refuge. To the supreme peace, free from attachment, the undeceiving sacred Dharma, I go for refuge. To the supreme gathering, the Sangha who are always recollecting virtues, I go for refuge. To the lords of perfect lands, you, I go for refuge until we attain the essence of Enlightenment I totally offer myself to you. Protectors, please look after me with your compassion.
6 7
Dun ngel gyam tsor jing wei dro wa nam Drel chir jang chub chog tu sem kye ne Du sum de sheg sre kyi ch pa la Shum me sam pa thag pe lab par gyi
In order to liberate transmigrators who are drowning in the ocean of suffering, I will generate the sublime mind of enlightenment, And will practice sincerely and without discouragement the deeds of those thus-gone (Tathagatas) and their children (Bodhisattvas) of the three times.
On my crown is a lotus and a sun-disc. Upon this is Lab kyi Dron ma, inseparable from my sublime guru, in the aspect of Vajravarahi, red in color. Her right hand holds a curved knife and her left holds a blood-filled skull cup. Chen khung kha tam kha yi leg par 11 Her left arm is adorned with a khatvanga tucked under her shoulder. Wrathful, but smiling with bared fangs, gyen she is adorned with bone ornaments. Naked, her hair Thro zum che tsig r pei gyen gyi ze falling loose, she stands with right leg bent and left leg Cher mo tra drl ser bar wei u Ye kum yon kyang tab shug ne sum du outstretched, in the midst of blazing light.
Rang gi chi wor pema nyi kyil teng La ma chog dang yer me lab kyi dron Nam pa dor je phag mo kum dog mar Chag ye dri gug yon pe th thrag zin
Yi gi sum tshen HUM yig ser gyi Rang shin ne ne dor je nel jor mar Shi thr rab jam tsog kyi yong kor wa Thog me chen drang nyi su me par gyur Lar yang thug kei HUM le ser thro No je don geg rig drug sem chen kun Pemei tsho la ngan moi du g tar Wang du d te rang gi thar kor kh
Her three places are adorned with the three syllables. Rays of light from the HUM invoke without obstruction Vajrayogini from her natural abode, completely surrounded by hosts of peaceful and wrathful ones. They become inseparable (from Guru Vajravarahi). 13 Again, rays of light radiate from the HUM at her heart to collect with force evil-doers, demons, interferers and all sentient beings of the six realms. They settle around me, just as swans gather to decorate a lotus pond.
12 (Blow the kangling 3x)
Lhun drub tr dang drel wei ch kyi ying De chen long ch zog pei rol pa le Na tsog du mar trul wei da ki ma Chom den dor je phag mo la chag tsel De tong lhen chig kye pa nam khei long Sag me de wa kye pei ch pei trin Phun tsog nam gyur tong gi nam rl chen gye pa kye chir bul lo tse we she Ch kun rang shin kha' tar nam dag kyang Thog me ma rig thrul pei bag chag kyi Mi lam shin du nong wei tsog chi pa J drel rang shin dag pei ying su sheg Mra sam j le de pa dam pei don Ge dang mi gei tshen ma mi nga' yang Kun zob da shel tar kar ten del la Dag chag sam pa dag pe yi rang ngo Den pe tong yang drag chei dra nyen shin Dag sog dr la kun tu sang po'i lam Dom chir ji sri pha tha' mi don pei Drang ye kel pei war du shug su sol De tar nang tong tsog pei rol pa le Ong pei s nam phung po ji nye pa Den me dro wa ma l drel wei chir Sung jug dor je chang gi gyu ru ngo
From the spontaneous state of Dharmadhatu free from any elaboration, from the sphere of complete enjoyment of great bliss, 15 Manifested as various appearances, the chief of all the dakinis, Bhagavati Vajravarahi, to you I prostrate. 16 Expanse of the heavens from which bliss and emptiness are simultaneously-born, clouds of offerings which produce uncontaminated bliss, 17 The play of thousands of perfect manifestations-I offer these in order to produce joy. Please accept it in your compassion. 18 All the phenomena are pure in nature just as space, but by the habits of confused ignorance from beginingless time 19 Phenomena appear like dreams. I invite you to the indescribable sphere, pure in nature. 20 The true meaning which is unspeakable, inconceivable, inexpressible does not have a sign of virtue or nonvirtue. 21 However, conventionally they are dependently-arisen, as white as the moon appearing on a mirror. We rejoice with pure thought. 22 They are empty in truth, and exist just as an echo in a cave. In order to exhort the path of Samantabhadra for beings like me, 23 Please stay for countless kalpas
Thus, whatever heaps of merits I have accumulated do not exist in truth. 25 In order to liberate all the beings, I dedicate [my merit] to the cause of the Union of Vajradhara
Pag pa wang chen ser gyi sa shi'i teng Thrag shag du tshi'i chu yi chag chag tab Gyu ma chag ri yen lag ling shii Gel tshig rin chen dl tseg lhung por gyur
Ye yon mig nyi nin da na wa nyi Dug dang gyel tshen nying ni yi shing nor Chi sha nang sha yong su gyur wa le Lha mi d yon pen jor phun sum tsog D gui gyam tsho mandala sang po di La ma yi dam sang gye jang sem dang
Thu den ten srung gyam tshor leg bl na Thug je she ne jin lab ngo drub tsol
ChdTsog The Flowing Of Nectar From The Letter AH To Purify Negativities And Obscurations Requesting the lineage gurus of the Distant Lineage PHAT
(With "dam dam chom den de")
Ying sag me ch ku'i shel ye su Yum chen she rab phar chin la sol wa deb Gy dag zing thri ba ch pa dang Jam nying je jang sem jong pa dang Lam zung jug chag gya chen po yi Chog nyur du thob par jing gyi lob Ne ja g phung po'i ri wo na Dren chog shakyei gyel po la sol wa deb Pel yu lo k pei shing kham su Je tsun phag ma drl ma la sol wa deb Shing gan den yi ga' ch zin du Gyel tshab jam pa gon po la sol wa deb Shing rab jam chog chu'i jig ten na Khyen rab phag pa jam pel la sol wa deb Ne ja' khyil pei shel ye su Khan gro sukha-siddhi la sol wa deb Ne gya nag ri wo jo kang du Lob pn phag pa thog me la sol wa deb Ne gya gar kyi na lendrar Kun khyen nyi pa yig nyen la sol wa deb Ne gya gar jag mei chil pu na Lob p arya-deva la sol wa deb Ne la t ding ri'i ling kor du Drub chen dam pa sang gye la sol wa deb Ne ra sa pang lung gon pa ru Kyo ton s nam la ma la sol wa deb Ne en pa sang ri khar mar du Ma chig khan dr'i wang chug la sol wa deb Ne nye mo khu yi gon pa ru Je tsun khum go ch seng la sol wa deb Ne lung me chang ra gon pa na Je tsun dol wa sang thel la sol wa deb Ne chu wo ri yi ne chog tu Drub chen gya nag cher bu la sol wa deb Ne ra drong se wei ling gon na Je tsun sang gye rab ton la sol wa deb Ne sel mo drag gi tha' tsa ru Ne ten sang gye ge long la sol wa deb Ne kha rag mun khang shel ye na Je tsun sum pa re pa la sol wa deb Ne ri gong pel gyi gon pa ru Dro gon sang gye ton pa la sol wa deb
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
In the celestial palace of the uncontaminated sphere, Dharmakaya, Great Mother Prajnaparamita, to you I beseech. Please bless me to eradicate my mind's selfgrasping, to train in love, compassion and bodhicitta, And to quickly attain the supreme Mahamudra, the Path of Union. In the place of the mountain peak of Rajigrih, Supreme leader, Sakyamuni, I beseech. In the holy palace decorated with turquoise, Venerable Arya Tara, I beseech. At the place of happy Dharma holder in Ganden, Gyel-tshab Maitreya, I beseech. At the excellent field in the worlds of ten directions Kyen-rab Arya Manjusri, I beseech. At the celestial palace embraced by rainbow light, Dakini Sukhasiddhi, I beseech. At Bird's Foot mountain in China, Teacher Arya Asanga, I beseech. At Nalanda in the center of India, The second omniscient Vasubandhu, I beseech. At a small grass hut in India, Teacher Aryadeva, I beseech. At the surrounded region of Lato Dingri, Mahasiddha Padampa Sangye, I beseech. At the temple in Rasa Phanglung, Kyoton Sonam Lama, I beseech. At the retreat of Sangri Kharmar, Machig the Lord of Dakinis, I beseech. At the temple of Nyemokhu, Venerable Khumgo Choseng, I beseech. At the temple of Lungme Changra, Venerable Dolwa Sangthel, I beseech. At the supreme place of Chuwo mountain Mahasiddha Gyanag Cherbu, I beseech. At the temple in the region of Radrong Sewa Venerable Sanggye Rabton, I beseech. At the root border of Selmo Cave, Neten Sanggye Gelong, I beseech. At the celestial palace of kharag Munkhang, Venerable Sump Repa, I beseech. At the holy temple of Rigong Drogon Sanggye Tonpa, I beseech.
Ne nyang t sam ling gon pa na Je tsun khe drub ch je la sol wa deb Ne la t phu kar gon pa na Je tsun tog den gyel la sol wa deb Ne drag kar ch lung gon pa na Je tsun tra shi gyel tshen la sol wa deb Ne lha bu gyel gyi gon pa ru Je tsun kun ga' ye she la sol wa deb Ne en pa ri thro chog me du Je tsun sam ten dor je la sol wa deb Ne gyel chen pel gyi gon pa ru Nyam me gyel tshen pel sang la sol wa deb Ne g khung pel gyi gon pa na Je tsun she rab drub pa la sol wa deb Ne tra shi lhun po'i gon pa ru Khe chog lung rig gyam tsho la sol wa deb Ne ri wo ge phel gon pa ru Kyab chog thub ten nam gyel la sol wa deb
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61
At the temple of Nyangto Samling, Venerable Khedrub Choje, I beseech. At the temple of Lato Phukar, Venerable Togden Ogyel, I beseech. At the temple of Dragkar Cholung, Venerable Tashi Gyeltsen, I beseech. At the victorious temple of Lhabu, Venerable Kunga Yeshe, I beseech. At the unbiased isolated retreat place, Venerable Samten Dorje, I beseech. At the holy temple of Gyelchen, Nymme Gyeltsen Pelsang, I beseech. At the holy temple of Gokhung, Venerable Sherab Drubpa, I beseech. At the temple of Tashilhunpo Khechog Lungrig Gyatso, I beseech. At the temple of Riwo Gephel, Kybchog Thubten Namgyel, I beseech.
Ne g min ch kyi pho drang du Kyab dag dor je chang chen la sol wa deb Gy dan zin jong par jin kyi lob Jam nying je jong par jin kyi lob Lam sung jug thob par jin kyi lob Chog nyur du thob par jin kyi lob Ne de chen ch ku'i shel ye su Chom den dor je phag mo la sol wa deb Ne gya nag ri wo tse nga ru Khyen pei ter chen jam pel la sol wa deb Pel nyam me ri wo gen den du Gyel wa lob sang drag pa la sol wa deb Yul mel dro pang sei gon pa ru Tog den jam pel gyam tso la sol wa deb Ne ba so lhun drub de chen du Ba so ch kyi gyel tshen la sol wa deb Ne pema kyi shel ye su Drub chen ch kyi dor je la sol wa deb Ne en sa ch kyi pho drang du Gyel wa lob sang don drub la sol wa deb Ku sum gyi pho drang nyam ga' war Khe drub sang gye ye she la sol wa deb Je drub thob gong mei den sa ru Je tsun lob sang ch gyen la sol wa deb Ne tra shi lhun po'i gon pa ru Drub chog lob sang dam ch la sol wa deb Ne gyel tshen thon po'i pho drang du Je tsun lob sang ye she la sol wa deb Ne nge me en pei ri thr du Je tsun thrin le ch phel la sol wa deb Yul kyi drong gen den phug po cher Drub chog lob sang nam gyel la sol wa deb Ne tshe chog ling gi gon pa ru Yong zing ye she gyel tshen la sol wa deb Ne en pa nyen sa ri thr du Drub wang lob sang cho jor la sol wa deb Ne tshe chog la mei den sa ru Dul zin ye she ten zin la sol wa deb Ch shi de nyung ne lha khang du Je tsun thub ten gyam tsho la sol wa deb Ne dag po she drub dra tshang du She nyen ye she don drub la sol wa deb
62 63 64
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In the palace of Ogmin Dharmakaya, Kyabdag Great Vajradhara, I beseech. Bless me to purify the mind's self-grasping. Bless me to train in love and compassion. Bless me to attain the Union of the Path. Bless me to quickly attain the Supreme [Enlightenment]. In the celestial palace of Dharmakaya, Great Bliss, Bhagavati Vajravarahi, I beseech. On the Five Peaks in China,Great Revealer of Knowledge, Manjusri, I beseech. At the mountain peak of Genden Gyelwa Lobsang Dragpa, I beseech. At Pangse temple in Meldro, Togden Jampel Gyatso, I beseech. At Lhundrub Dechen in Baso, Baso Chokyi Gyeltsen, I beseech. At the celestial palace of Pemao, Drubchen Chokyi Dorje, I beseech. At the solitude of Dharma palace, Gyelwa Lobsang Dondrub, I beseech. At the joyful palace of Three Bodies, Khedrub Sanggye Yeshe, I beseech. At the holy seat of siddhas of the past, Jetsun Lobsang Chogyen, I beseech. At the temple of Tashilhunpo, Drubchog Lobsang Damcho, I beseech. At the palace with high victory banners, Jetsun Lobsang Yeshe, I beseech. At the solitude of the homeless, Jetsun Thrinle Chophel, I beseech. At the great cave of Ganden in Kyirong, Drubchog Lobsang Namgyel, I beseech. At the temple of Tshechogling, Yongzing Yeshe Gyeltsen, I beseech. At the retreat of isolated place, Drubwang Lobsang Chojor, I beseech. At the seat of Tsechog Lama, Duldzin Yeshe Tenzin, I beseech. At the shrine of Nyungne of the four classes of Dharma, Jetsun Thubten Gyatso, I beseech. At the school of Dagpo Shedrub, Shenyen Yeshe Dondrub, I beseech.
Ne ri wo ha ding yang gon na Gyel sre kel sang ten zin la sol wa deb Ne en pa ri wo ha ding su Drub wang ten zin khe drub la sol wa deb ne en pa phar tshang ri thr du kyab je jam pel lun drub la sol wa deb Shing dag pa tra shi ch ling du Kyab gon de chen nying po la sol wa deb Ne mor chog de chen gon pa ru Je tsun ye she jam pa la sol wa deb Ne gan den cho kyi gar chen du Je tsun lob sang tson dr la sol wa deb ne tag ten en pei ri thr du je tsun jam pel nam drl la sol wa deb Ne drel me chi wor pen dei teng La ma chom den de ma la sol wa deb Ne rang nang dag pei shel ye su La ma yi dam chog sum la sol wa deb Yul nyi shu tsab shi'i ne chog tu Ne sum pa' wo khan dro la sol wa deb Ne dur thr chen po gye dag na Thu den ch kyong srung ma la sol wa deb Ne en pa nyen sa ri thr du Che drog dor je'i pun tsog la sol wa deb Gy dag zin jong par jin gyi lob Jam nying jug jong par jin gyi lob Lam sung jug thob par jin gyi lob Chog nyur du thob par jin gyi lob
83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
At the temple of Mountain Lhadring (?), Gyelsre Kelsang Tenzin, I beseech. At the isolated mountain Lhading Drubwang Tenzin khedrub, I beseech. At the mountain retreat of isolated Phartshang, Kyabje Jampel Lhundrub, I beseech. At Tashi Choling in Pure Land, Khyabgon Dechen Nyingpo, I beseech. At Dechen temple in Morchog, Jetsun Yeshe Jampa, I beseech. At Garchen of Dharma at Ganden, Jetsun Lobsang Tsondru, I beseech At the isolated retreat place in Tagten, Jetsun Jampel Namdrol, I beseech. On a lotus moon seat at the crown inseparable, Guru Bhagavati, I beseech. In the celestial palace of pure self-shining, Guru, Yidam, Three Supremes, I beseech. At the twenty-four holy places,Heroes and Dakinis of the three places, I beseech. At pure eight great cemeteries, Powerful Dharmapalas and Guardians, I beseech. At the isolated mountain retreat place, Chedrog Dorje Puntsog, I beseech. Bless me to purify my self-grasping mind. Bless me to train in love and compassion. Bless me to attain the Path of the Union. Bless me to quickly attain the Supreme Enlightenment.
She nyen tshul shin ten par jin gyi lob Den jor nye ka' she par jin gyi lob Don chen nying po len par jin gyi lob Nam chi nge me dren par jin gyi lob Long me gy la kye war jin gyi lob Tshe di lo yi thong war jin gyi lob
Bless me to take the essence of great meaning. Bless me to remember untimely death. 98 Bless me to engage in guru-yoga correctly. Bless me to understand this precious human rebirth. 99 Bless me to generate the awareness of no pure enjoyment in samsara in my mind. Bless me to give up the worldly mind of this life. Ch la yi che nye war jin gyi lob 100 Bless me to gain the belief in Dharma. Bless me to engage in renunciation. Sri le ngen jung ten par jin gyi lob Nyen sa ri thr sin par jin gyi lob 101 Bless me to practice in mountain retreat, Bless me to take bad causes into the path. Kyen ngen lam du long par jin gyi lob Mi thun drog su char bar jin gyi lob 102 Bless me to transform unfavorable things Bless me to see illness as a profit. Na tsho bog su thon par jin gyi lob Jam dang nying je jong bar jin gyi lob 103 Bless me to train in love and compassion. Bless me to be able to love others more than myself. Dag pe shen che n par jin gyi lob Phung po sen du kyur bar jin gyi lob 104 Bless me to change my body into food. Bless me to convert demons into Dharma. Lhan dre ch la khul war jin gyi lob
Jang chub sem chog jong bar jin gyi lob Then drel tong nyi tog par jin gyi lob Gom la jing mug me par jin gyi lob Dan zin tse ne ch par jin gyi lob
Bless me to cultivate bodhicitta. Bless me to realise dependent-arising and emptiness. 106 Bless me to engage in meditation without sinking or obscuration. Bless me to cut self-grasping from the root. Ch yul tha' ru chin par jin gyi lob 107 Bless me to complete the practice of Chod. Bless me to attain the two goals of self and others Rang shen don nyi drub par jin gyi lob Ng drub nam nyi thob par jin gyi lob 108 Bless me to attain the two kinds of siddhis. Bless me to do so without an arrogant mind. De la lom sem me par jin gyi lob D shi rang sar shi war jin gyi lob 109 Bless me to pacify the four demons in their own places.Bless me to actualize the Three Bodies. Ku sum ngon du gyur war jin gyi lob Nang sri wang du du war jin gyi lob 110 Bless me to control worldly appearance. Bless me to make my life (drel tshe) meaningful. Drel tshe don dang den par jin gyi lo
De tar dung shug drag po yi Sol wa tse chig tab pei thu la ma lha yi thug ka ne d tsi ser pag me bab L tr ne don dig drib dang Khye par dan zin chen jin jang L gang tshe s yon ten dang Khye par jang chub sem nyi kye
Through the power of having one-pointedly requested in this way, From the heart of Gurudeva, The nectar light flows down. The body is washed, and the local spirits, sins and obscuration, especially self-grasping, attachment are purified. The body is filled, life is rejuvenated, qualities are purified, and Bodhicitta is generated.
(21x, Nectar is coming from the letter AH, and it purifies you.)
Rang l su u ma da' nyug tsam Nying ang sem thig le phur la khye Du ti'i lam ne la ma lhag pei lhei Thug kar phang pe de tong ch kur gyur
At the center of my body is the central channel, the width of a bamboo arrow.Inside my heart is a drop that is my mind. 116 Through the path of avadhuti, it shoots up to the heart of the supreme Guru-Deity and becomes Dharmakaya, bliss-void.
Lar yang sug ku la ma lhag pei lha G po sha la ding shin dri gug gi Sug phung tub ne sha thrag r pa nam Lung me kye pu la ne ka pa lar Lug ne dri gug ye kor len sum trug Men tshe ye she d tsi'i gyam tshor gyur
Again my body becomes the holy Gurudeva.[It comes down] just as vultures float down to meat. 118 The body is chopped up with a curved knife, then meats, blood, bones are cast into a kapala on the top of human skulls. 119 They are stirred three times counter-clockwise with a curved knife. They become an ocean of medicinal, long life, wisdom nectar.
(3x - Bless)
("dam dam")
Ye she rol pa che Shing kham tham che dor jei shing Ne nam dor jei pho drang che Kun sang ch trin gyam tsho bar Long ch d gyui pel dang den Chu nam pa' wo pa' mo ngo Ma dag thrul pei ming yang me Dag pa rab jam ba' shig go
Within the grand play of the pristine awareness. All places are vajra fields, structures, vajra palaces, Oceans of clouds billow forth, Samantabhadra offerings. 121 All objects are imbued with the glories of all wishes All beings are actual great Viras and Virinis, Without even words impure, all is infinitely pure.
(dam dam)
Tro kun nyer shi ch ku'i ngan Lung me yo shing bar wei teng Mi go'i gye pu sum gyi khar AH tshen den th pa ka pa lar OM ze nam so sor bar wa gyur De dag teng ne OM AH HUM Kha dog si ji so sor bar Lung y me bar ze nam shu Khol wei lang pa cher yo pe Yi gi sum le ser tsog Chog chur thr pe dor je sum D tshi che nam chen drang ne So sor ye gi sum thim pe D tsir shu ne chu dang dre Jang tog bar je EMAHO Do gyI pel bar gyam tshor gyur
From a state of Dharmakaya, stilled of mental conception, Upon a turbulent wind and a powerful blazing fire, Resting on the crown of a tripod of three human heads, AH in a human skull cup, OM the ingredients appear. Above them are OM AH HUM sparkling with brilliant colour, the wind blows, the fire flares and the ingredients melt, from these boiling substances copious vapors tumble forth. Then from the three syllables light in profusion radiates out in the ten directions, drawing forth the three Vajras with nectar which then dissolves into the three syllables, These melt into nectar and blend with the ingredients. Purifying, transforming and increasing EH MA HO Thus an ocean of splendor of all that could be wished for.
(3x) 10
O Host of Root and Lineage Gurus, Yidams, Assemblies of Deities, The Three Supreme Jewels of Refuge Viras, Dakinis, Dharmapalas, I request you by your compassion come forth to this place of offering. Chi nang sang wei ch trin gyam tshoi 127 Place your radiant feet firmly upon this elegant throne Rin chen le drub ze pei den thri la formed of jewels, Shab sen chag ten par shug ne kyang Amidst a vast ocean of clouds of outer, inner and Drub chog dag la d gui ng drub tsel secret offerings. Grant us striving for realizations, powerful attainments we wish for.
Thugs jei dag nyi tsa gy la ma dang Yi dam lha tsog kyab ne kon chog sum Pa' wo khan dro ch kyong srung mei tsog Chen dren ch pei ne dir sheg su sol
Offering The Tsog HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab pei 128 This ocean of offering Tsog of undefiled nectar Zab me d tsi tsog ch gyam tso di Blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra, Tsa gyu la mei tsog nam mye chir bul We offer in order to please you Host of Root and Lineage Gurus. OM AH HUM
Contented by your sport with all these splendors that could be wished for, E MA HO Please let fall a great rain of blessings.
HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab pei 129 This ocean of offering Tsog of undefiled nectar Zab me d tsi tsog ch gyam tso di Blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra, Nen jor wang moi lha tsog nye chir bul We offer in order to please you divine assembly of powerful dakinis. OM AH HUM
Contented by your sport with all these splendors that could be wished for, E MA HO Please let fall a great rain dakini attainments.
ChdTsog HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab pei 130 Blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra, Zab me d tsi tsog ch gyam tso di We offer in order to please you Hosts of Yidams with Yidam lha tsog khor the la nye chir bul your entourage OM AH HUM
(3x with the dhamaru -- "ma dang khan dro")
Contented by your sport with all these splendors that could be wished for, E MA HO Please let fall a rain of powerful attainments.
HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab pei 131 This ocean of offering Tsog of undefiled nectar Zab me d tsi tsog ch gyam tso di Blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra, kn chog rin chen tsog nam nye chir bul We offer in order to please you Hosts of Precious Jewels of Refuge, OM AH HUM
Contented by your sport with all these splendors that could be wished for, E MA HO Please let fall a great rain of sacred Dharma.
HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab pei 132 This ocean of offering Tsog of undefiled nectar Zab me d tsi tsog ch gyam tso di Blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra, khan dro ch kyong tsog nam nye chir We offer in order to please you Hosts of Dakinis and bul Dharmapalas OM AH HUM
Contented by your sport with all these splendors that could be wished for, E MA HO Please let fall a great rain of virtuous conduct.
HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab pei 133 This ocean of offering Tsog of undefiled nectar Zab me d tsi tsog ch gyam tso di Blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra, ma gyur sem chen tsog nam nye chir bul We offer in order to please you hosts of beings who were once our mothers, OM AH HUM
D gui pel la rl pe tshim ze ne thrul nang dun ngel shi gyur chig
Contented by your sport with all these splendors that could be wished for, E MA HO Please still the sufferings from distorted views. (
ChdTsog Outer / Inner Offerings OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA ARGHAM AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA PADYAM AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA PUSHPE AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA DHUPE AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA ALOKE AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA GANDHE AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA NAIVINDYA AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA SHABDA AH HUM OM GURU BUDDHA BODHISATTVA DHARMAPALA SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM The Eight Lines Of Praise To The Father Heruka OM chom den pa' woi wang chug la 134 OM I prostrate to the Bhagavan, chag tshel The powerful Lord of the Heroes HUM HUM PHAT OM kel wa chen poi me dang nyam pei 135 OM To you who are as bright as the fire that ends a great aeon HUM HUM PHAT OM rel pei ch pen mi se wa dang 136 OM To you who have an impressive crown of knotted deng hair HUM HUM PHAT OM che wa nam par tsig pa jig pei shel 137 OM To you with a terrifying face who grins showing fangs HUM HUM PHAT OM tong thrag chag ni bar wei ser 138 OM To you who have a thousand arms as a blazing chen light HUM HUM PHAT OM dra ta shag deng dung dang kha 139 OM To you who hold an axe, noose, trident and tvam zin khatvanga HUM HUM PHAT OM tag gi pag pei nam sa' jin pa chen 140 OM To you who wear a tiger-skin as loincloth HUM HUM PHAT OM ku chen d ka geg thar ze la d 141 OM I bow to your great smoke-colored body that destroys all obstructions HUM HUM PHAT
October 2006 Ver. 1.2 The eight lines of praise to the Mother Vajrayogini OM chom den de ma dor je phag mo la 142 OM I prostrate to Bhagavati (The Blessed Mother) chag tsel Vajravarahi HUM HUM PHAT OM pag mo rig mei wang chug kham 143 OM To the Superior and powerful Knowledge Lady sum gyi mi tub unconquered by the three realms HUM HUM PHAT OM jung poi jig pa dam che dor je chen 144 OM To you who destroy all fears of evil spirits with po jom your great vajra HUM HUM PHAT OM dor je den shug shen gyi mi tub 145 OM To you with controlling eyes who remain as the wang je chen vajra seat unconquered by others HUM HUM PHAT OM turn mo tro moi sug kyi tsang pa 146 OM To you whose wrathful fierce form desiccates ken par ze Brahma HUM HUM PHAT OM d nam trag ching kem pe shen 147 OM To you who terrify and dry up demons conquering those in other directions gyi chog gyel HUM HUM PHAT OM mug je reng je mong je kun le nam 148 OM To you who conquer all these who make us dull, par gyel rigid, and confused HUM HUM PHAT OM dor je pag mo jor je d wang ma la 149 OM I bow to Vajravarahi, the Great Mother, the Dakini du consort who fulfills all desire HUM HUM PHAT
ChdTsog Prayer To Behold The Beautiful Face Of Vajrayoini Tha' ye gyel wei de tong d gar ni 150 Bliss and emptiness of infinite Conquerors who, as Sri shi mig thrul chir yang char ba le if in a dream, appear as many different visions in samsara and nirvana; Deng dir kha ch wang mo yi ong From among these you are now the beautiful, ma kha' powerful Lady of Dakini Land, Nying ne dren no khy pei tse ge I remember you from my heart. Please care for me kyong with your playful embrace. Og min shing na lhen kye gyel yum 151 You are the spontaneously-born Mother of the Conquerors in the land of Akanishta, ma You are the field-born Dakinis in the Twenty-four Places, Nyer shi yul na shing kye da ki ma You are the action-mudras covering the whole Nor zin khyab pei karma mudra ma earth,Venerable Lady, Nen jor dag gi kyab chog je tsun ma You are the supreme refuge of myself, the Yogin. Khy ni sem nyi tong pei rang tsel te 152 You who are the manifestation of the emptiness of Dor jei drong na E ying BAM gyi the mind itself ng Are the actual BAM, the sphere of EH, in the city of Gyu mei ling na jig rung srin mo the vajra. dang In the land of illusion you show yourself as a Zum kar yo wei lang tsho sar pa ton fearsome cannibal, And as a smiling, vibrant, fair young maiden. Dag gi ji tar tsel yang phag ma khy 153 But no matter how much I searched, 0 Noble Lady, I could find no certainty of your being truly existent. Den par drub pei nge pa ma nye ne Then the youth of my mind exhausted by its Tr pe dub pei sem kyi shop nu de elaboration, Jo drel nag kyi khang bur ngel so ten Came to rest in the forest hut which is beyond expression. E ma da ni da ki ying ne sheng 154 How wonderful! Please arise from the sphere of the Dharmakaya He ru ka pel gy kyi gyel po le And care for me by the truth of what it says Dor je tsun moi nye wei Hying po In the Glorious Heruka, King of Tantras, chog That attainments come from reciting the supreme Lag pe drub the sung wei den pe secondary essence mantra of the Vajra Queen. kyong O di bi she we thei nag dr du 155 In the isolated forest of Odivisha You cared for Vajra Ghantapa, the powerful Siddha, Drub pei wang chug dor je dril bu With the bliss of your kiss and embrace and he came pa to enjoy the supreme embrace; Kh dang tsum bhei de we je kyang 0, please care for me in the same way. te Kha jor chog gi rol shin dag kyang kyong Gangei ling na je tsun ku sa li 156 Just as the Venerable Kusali was led directly From an island in the Ganges to the sphere of space, Ngon sum nam khei ying su thri pa And just as you cared for the glorious Naropa, dang Please lead me also the city of the Joyful Dakini. Pel den na ro to pa je sung tar Dag kyang kha' ch ga' moi drong du thri
Tsa gy la ma chog gi thug ji dang Gy chen sang thei nyur lam sab khye dang Nen jor dag gi Ihag sam dag pei th Kha' ch ga' moi zum shel nyur thong shog
Requesting fulfillment of wishes Je tsun dor je nen jor me Dag dang sem chen tham che Dag pa kha' ch du thri par ze du sol Jig ten dang jig ten le de pei ng drub Ma l pa tsel du sol Offering tsog to Vajra master
Through the force of the compassion of my supreme root and lineage Gurus, the especially profound and quick path of the ultimate, secret, great Tantra, And the pure superior intention of myself, the yogin, May I soon behold your smiling face, O Joyful Dakini Lady. Venerable Vajrayogini, please lead me and all sentient beings to the Pure Land of the Dakinis. Please bestow on us every single mundane and supramundane attainment.
Tsog kyi khor lo che D sum de shed sheg shul te Ng drub ma l jung wei ne De tar she ne pa wo che Nam par tog pei sem bor ne Tsog kyi khor lor gyun du rol
EH MA HO 159 Here is a great circle of Tsog O You who have followed in the footsteps of All the Buddhas of the three times. Realizing that you are the source of 160 All powerful attainments, O Great Teacher You who have freed yourself from all superstitions, We invite you continually to enjoy this circle of Tsog.
Receivers say:
AH LA LA HO OM dor je sum yer me pei dag 161 OM I visualize myself as a Guru Yidam Rang nyi la ma lhar sel ne With a nature inseparable from the three Vajras. AH sag me ye she d tshi di AH -This nectar of uncontaminated pristine awareness. HUM -Without moving from the state of Bodhicitta HUM jang chub sem le yo me par I play with, to satisfy the deities within my form. J ne lha nam tsim chir rol AH HO MAHA SUKHA Song of the Spring Queen
(dam dam chom den de)
HUM De shin sheg pa tham che dang 162 We make our requests to you Pa wo dang ni nen jor ma Tathagatas gone beyond, Khan dr dang ni khan dr ma Great Viras and Yoginis, Kun la dag ni sol wa deb All Dakas and Dakinis. De wa chela la gye pei he ru ka 163 Heruka delights in supreme bliss thereby becomes intoxicated De we rang ny ma la nyen che ne By this blissful intoxication brings satisfaction to the Chog ga shin du long ch pa yi ni Consort. Lhen kye de wei jor wa la shug so To accord with precepts of practice entering the union on innate bliss. AH LA LA, LA LA HO AH I AH AH RA LI HO Dri me khan dri tsog nam kyi 164 You vast multitudes of Immaculate Dakinis Tse we zig la le kun z Look upon us all with love, bestow powerful attainments.
De shin sheg pa tham che dang Pa wo dang ni nen jor ma Khan dr dang ni khan dr ma Kun la dag ni sol wa deb De wa chen p yi ni rab ky pe L ni kun tu yo wei gar gyi ni Chag gyei pemar rol pei de wa che Nen jor tsog nam la ch par zo
HUM We make our requests to you Tathagatas gone beyond, Great Viras and Yoginis, All Dakas and Dakinis. 166 Through inspiring the mind of great bliss And the moving dance of their bodies, There arises the play of great bliss Within the lotus of the Consort. This bliss we offer to you Multitudes of powerful Yoginis. AH LA LA, LA LA HO AH I AH AH RA LI HO Dri me khan dri tsog nam kyi 167 You vast multitudes of Immaculate Dakinis Tse we zig la le kun z Look upon us all with love, bestow powerful attainments.
HUM De shin sheg pa tham che dang 168 We make our requests to you Pa wo dang ni nen jor ma Tathagatas gone beyond, Khan dr dang ni khan dr ma Great Viras and Yoginis, Kun la dag ni sol wa deb All Dakas and Dakinis. Yi ong shi wei nyam kyi gar ze pa 169 Yoginis who dance so sensually With enchanting and graceful movements. Rab gye gon po khy dang khan droi The Protector so fully to please tsog And the multitudes of Dakinis Dag gi dun du shug te jin lob la Come before us and inspire us all Lhen kye de chen dag la tsel du sol Bestow upon us innate great bliss. AH LA LA, LA LA HO AH I AH AH RA LI HO Dri me khan dri tsog nam kyi 170 You vast multitudes of Immaculate Dakinis Tse we zig la le kun z Look upon us all with love, bestow powerful attainments. HUM We make our requests to you Tathagatas gone beyond, Great Viras and Yoginis, All Dakas and Dakinis.
De shin sheg pa tham che dang Pa wo dang ni nen jor ma Khan dr dang ni khan dr ma Kun la dag ni sol wa deb De chen thar pei tshen nyi den pa khy De chen pang pei ka thub du ma yi Tse chig drl war mi she de chen kyang Chu kye chog gi u na ne pa yin
Great bliss which is endowed With countless liberating qualities Without which freedom cannot be gained Though one endures great austerity. That sublime bliss so abides within The center of the supreme lotus. AH LA LA, LA LA HO AH I AH AH RA LI HO Dri me khan dri tsog nam kyi 173 You vast multitudes of Immaculate Dakinis Tse we zig la le kun z Look upon us all with love, bestow powerful attainments.
De shin sheg pa tham che dang Pa wo dang ni nen jor ma Khan dr dang ni khan dr ma Kun la dag ni sol wa deb Dam gyi u su kye pei pema shin Chag le kye kyang chag pei kyon g Nen jor ma chog pemei de wa yi Si pei ching wa nyur du drol war z
HUM We make our requests to you Tathagatas gone beyond, Great Viras and Yoginis, All Dakas and Dakinis. 175 Just as a lotus born out of mud Great bliss though evolving from desire Is unsullied by it's defilements, Arising immaculately pure. May samsara's bonds be swiftly loosed By your lotus bliss, great Yoginis AH LA LA, LA LA HO AH I AH AH RA LI HO Dri me khan dri tsog nam kyi 176 You vast multitudes of Immaculate Dakinis Tse we zig la le kun z Look upon us all with love, bestow powerful attainments.
HUM De shin sheg pa tham che dang 177 We make our requests to you Pa wo dang ni nen jor ma Tathagatas gone beyond, Khan dr dang ni khan dr ma Great Viras and Yoginis, Kun la dag ni sol wa deb All Dakas and Dakinis. Drang tsii jing ne nam kyi drang tsii cu 178 Just as swarming bees will so draw forth The purest nectar of fragrant flowers Bung wei tsog kyi kun ne thun wa tar May we too be full satisfied Tsen nyi drug den tsho kye gye pa yi By the captivating nectars of Chu ching pa yi ro yi tshim par z The lotus in full maturity Possessing six refined qualities. AH LA LA, LA LA HO AH I AH AH RA LI HO Dri me khan dri tsog nam kyi 179 You vast multitudes of Immaculate Dakinis Tse we zig la le kun z Look upon us all with love, bestow powerful attainments. Offering a remainder of tsog HUM ma dag thrul nang ying su dag AH ye she le drub du tsi che OM d gui gyam tso chen por gyur
HUM Impure deceptive appearances become purified in the sphere of voidness. AH This magnificent nectar created out of pristine awareness HUM Becomes a vast ocean of all desired things. OM AH HUM
HO Ting zing ngag dang chag gye jin lab 181 This ocean of remaining Tsog of undefiled nectar pei blessed by samadhi, mantra and mudra. Sag me du tshii tsog lhag gyam tsho di We offer in order to please you hosts of oath-bound Dam chen shin kyong tsog nam nye realm protectors. chir bul OM AH HUM
D gui pel la rl pe tsim ze ne Nan jor thrin le tsul shin drub Lhag mei drop nam khor che kyi Tsog lhag gyam tso di she la Ten pe rin chen gye pa dang Ten zin yon ch khor che dang
Requesting fulfillment of wishes Khye par nen jor dag chag la Ne me tshe dang wang chug dang Pel dang drag dang kel pa sang Long cho gya chen kun thob ching Shi dang gye la sog pa yi Le kyi ngo drub dag la tshl Dam tshig chen gyi dag la sung Ng drub kun kyi tong drog z D min chi dang ne nam dang Don dang geg nam shi wa dang Mi lam ngen dang tsen ma ngen Cha ye ngen nam me par z Jig ten de shing lo leg dang Dru nam phel shing ch phel dang De wa jing che tham leg dang Yi la d pa kun drub shog
Contented by your sport with all these splendors That could be wished for E MA HO 183 Please fulfill your pledged virtuous yogic conduct.
HO 184 By offering this ocean of remaining Tsog to the guests Who are left together with their entourage May the precious teachings proliferate May the upholders of the teachings, the offering patrons
Together with their entourage, and especially we yogis May we all gain freedom from sickness A long life, fame, good fortune and abundant wealth.
Bestow on us the powerful attainments of actions such as pacification and increase. Oh oath-bound protectors, protect us! Help us obtain all powerful attainments! 187 Make us meet no untimely death or sickness, pacify demons or interfering spirits. Make us have no bad dreams, ill omens or calamities. 188 May we have worldly happiness, good crops and harvests, May the Dharma flourish, all goodness and joy come about and May all the wishes within our minds be fulfilled!
Meditation on the non-existence of the truly-existent nature Jin pa gya cher gyur ba th 189 By force of this vast generosity Dro wei don du rang jung sang gye kyi May I become Buddha, self-made, for all beings Ngon tshe gyel un am kyi ma drol And may multitudes not freed by past Buddhas by wei this generosity be freed. Kye gui tsog nan jin pe drol gyur chig Jung po gang dag dir ni Ihag gyur te 190 May I always have love for those spirits who are still here and who dwell on the earth or in the sky Sa am ong te bar nang ko kyang rung As well as for all beings who take birth and die. Kye un am la tag tu jam je ching May they all enjoy the dharma, day and night. Nyi dang tsen du ch la ch par shog
De tar phul we zag me de we tsim Sem chen nam kyang drib drel ch ku thob Ch pe kor sum mra sam jo de kyi De tong nyi su me pei ng wor gyur
By having made offerings in this way, I am filled with uncontaminated bliss. Sentient beings also attain Dharmakaya free from contamination. 192 The three circles of offering are unspeakable, inconceivable, inexpressible, which becomes the nature of Bliss-Emptiness.
The three circles of offering are merely established conventionally by names and even a particle of them does not exist by itself ultimately. Drub pa me chir ten yoi ch nam kun 194 All phenomena do not exist, although they appear truly existing,they are empty like illusions. Den par nang yang gy ma shin du tong PHAT PHAT PHAT Nang wa tham che kyi nam par rang gi 195 All the appearance in the form of light gathers in Flying gar d pe mi mig pei tong nyam nam my heart. Kha' ta bu dang nge don rang shin me par I understand inconceivable voidness like space Zin pei zin tang dam tring nge ba nyi tsog and nothing is truly existent through two kinds of Kyi nyam shag nam kha' ta bui nen jor la ne accumulations. par gyur I reside in the space-like yoga of meditation.
Ch pei khor sum ming de phar shag tsam Ma tog yul gyi ng ne dl thren tsam
Dedicating the accumulated merit to the unsurpassable, great Enlightenment PHAT Ch nam rang shin dr dang drel gyur 196 Although the nature of phenomena is free of the truly-existing projection, kyang they appear in various aspects as mere labels. Tha nye na tsog rol pa chir yang char I dedicate whatever is the unification of EVAM EVAM thab she sung du jug pa gang method and wisdom dib del ch sug ku nyi thob chir ngo In order to attain the Rupakaya and Dharmakaya, which are free from obscuration. Colophon
Under the kind supervision of the Venerable 13th Zasep Tulku Rinpoche, this Gaden for the West (GFTW) version has been edited by Matthew Richards, Cristina Sanchez and Chuck Damov and formatted by Peter Lewis. Updated versions will be available on the Web. We dedicate any and all merit of this effort to the study and pure practice of the precious Vajrayana teachings.
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