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CodeGuru - C# 4.0 Cheat Sheet

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C# 4.

0 Cheat Sheet
Basic (~ = bit complement) Increment/decrement Comparison Logical (^ = xor, ! = not) Assignment Conditional AND & OR Shifting Type testing Conditional ?: Null coalescing ?? (nullable type testing) Lambda + - * / %~ ++x x++ --x x-== != > >= < <= &|^! = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= && || >> >>= << <<= is as x == 5 ? true : false int? x = 5; int y = x + 1 ?? -1 =>

Dynamic and Object C# type aliases

C# alias bool byte char decimal double float int long object sbyte short string uint ulong ushort .NET class System.Boolean System.Byte System.Char System.Decimal System.Double System.Single System.Int32 System.Int64 System.Object System.SByte System.Int16 System.String System.UInt32 System.UInt64 System.UInt16

In C# 4.0, the dynamic keyword allows you work with objects whose type is only known at run-time. In certain cases, it works differently than the general object type. Operation Definitions 1: Types at runtime Working with types Definitions 2: Example dynamic d = 123; object o = 123; MessageBox.Show(d.GetType().FullName); MessageBox.Show(o.GetType().FullName); int i = d + 10; int i = (int)o + 10; private void Test(int param) { MessageBox.Show(param.ToString()); } Test(d); Test((int)o); d.MyMethod(); o.MyMethod(); d.MyMethod(); o.MyMethod(); must cast to an int compiles fails at compile-time runtime exception n/a Notes assignment to a type returns System.Int32 returns System.Int32 must cast to an int

Passing as parameters Calling methods, compiletime behaviour Calling methods, run-time behaviour

Data types (all value types unless specified)

Signed integral types sbyte (8 bits, -128..127) short (16 bits) int (32 bits) long (64 bits) byte (8 bits, 0..255) ushort (16 bits) uint (32 bits, nonCLS) ulong (64 bits) float (32 bits) double (64 bits) decimal (128 bits) float f = 123.45f; double d = 123.45d; decimal m = 123.45m; z = checked(x+y); z = unchecked(x+y); bool char string struct enum class, interface, delegate, object, string

Regular Expressions
Class used Result Culture: en-US $123.45 $123.00 (not valid for floats) 00000123 1.234500e+002 1.230000e+002 123.5 123.0 123.45 123 123.45 123.00 (not valid for floats) 7b 7B Common character classes System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex (in System.dll) string input = "ABC123"; string pattern = "[A-Z]{3}\d{3}"; Regex.IsMatch(input, pattern); // match string input = " 329A 83"; string invalid = "[^0-9]"; string safe = Regex.Replace( input, invalid, ""); // safe becomes "32983" \t Tab (\u0009) \r Carriage return (\u000D) \n New line (\u000A) \x4F ASCII character code in hex \u0020 Unicode character code in hex [aeiou] vowels [^aeiou] non-vowels [a-z] character range . period, matches any character \d decimal digits \w word characters \W non-word characters + * ? {n} {n,} {n,m} one or more occurrences zero or more occurrences zero or one occurrence exactly n occurrences at least n occurrences n to m occurrences

Formatting strings
Format string Definitions for numeric values: c or C (currency) d or D (decimal; optional precision can be given as in "d8") Example double d = 123.45; int i = 123; string.Format("{0:c}", d); string.Format("{0:c}", i)); string.Format("{0:d8}", d); string.Format("{0:d8}", i));

Test if input string matches Replace unwanted characters

Unsigned integral types

Floating-point types (IEEE) High-precision Real value literals (default = double; lowercase or uppercase OK) Overflow checking (default is on) Boolean Character and strings Structure Enumeration Reference types

e or E (scientific [exponential]) string.Format("{0:e}", d); string.Format("{0:e}", i)); f or F (fixed-point; optional precision can be given as in "f1") string.Format("{0:f1}", d); string.Format("{0:f1}", i));

Common character escapes

g or G (general; optional preci- string.Format("{0:g}", d); sion can be given as in "g5") string.Format("{0:g}", i)); n or N (number) x or X (hexadecimal; x = lowercase, X = uppercase) string.Format("{0:n}", d); string.Format("{0:n}", i)); "string.Format("{0:x}", d); string.Format("{0:x}", i)); string.Format({0:X}, i));

Common quantifiers

Verbatim strings with the @ character string path = "C:\\Path\\File.txt""; string path = @"C:\Path\File.txt";

Operator Precedence
C# operators have equal precedence within a group. Operator group Primary Operator examples x.y // member access x(y) // method access x++ // post increment typeof(x) // type retrieval new X() // object creation +x -x !x ~x ++x x*y x/y x%y x+y x-y x<<y x>>y x<y x>y x is y x as y x==y x!=y x&y x^y x|y x && y x || y x ?? y x?y:z x=y x += y x *= y x => y // lambda Contextual keywords

C# 4.0 Cheat Sheet version 1.0 by Jani Jrvinen <janij@dystopia.fi> Copyright Internet.com 2010.

Character Sets and Conversions

Available encoding classes in the System.Text namespace Code pages ASCIIEncoding UTF7Encoding UTF8Encoding UnicodeEncoding UTF32Encoding UTF-7 = code page 65000 UTF-8 = 65001 Unicode, little endian = 1200 Unicode, big endian = 1201 UTF-32, little endian = 65005 UTF-32, big endian = 65006 using System.Text; Encoding.ASCII Encoding.UTF7 Encoding.UTF8 Encoding.Unicode Encoding.UTF32 string s = "Some data: -"; byte[] bytes1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s); byte[] bytes2 = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(s); byte[] bytes = ...; string s = Encoding.UTF7.GetString( bytes); byte[] bom1 = Encoding. UTF8.GetPreamble(); byte[] bom2 = Encoding. UTF32.GetPreamble();

Language Keywords
The following keywords have been defined for the C# language. An identifier can have the name of a keyword if it is prefixed with the @ sign: @readonly. Group Keywords Words abstract as base bool break byte case catch char checked class const continue decimal default delegate do double else enum event explicit extern false finally fixed float for foreach goto if implicit in int interface internal is lock long namespace new null object operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sbyte sealed short sizeof stackalloc static string struct switch this throw true try typeof uint ulong unchecked unsafe ushort using virtual void volatile while get set var

Unary Multiplicative Additive Shift Relational and type testing Equality Logical AND Logical XOR Logical OR Conditional AND Conditional OR Null coalescing Conditional Assignment or anonymous function

Accessing Encoding class instances

Explicit Conversions requiring Type Cast

From sbyte byte short ushort int uint long ulong char float double decimal Enumeration type sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, or decimal Object (class instance) or dynamic Class T1 Class T1 To byte, ushort, uint, ulong, or char sbyte and char sbyte, byte, ushort, uint, ulong, or char sbyte, byte, short, or char sbyte, byte, short, ushort, uint, ulong, or char sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, or char sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, ulong, or char sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or char sbyte, byte, or short sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, or decimal sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, or decimal sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, or double sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, or decimal Any enumeration type Convert a byte array to a string based on a certain encoding Get BOM (Byte Order Mark) or preamble for a given encoding Getting the bytes from a string in selected encoding

Pre-processing Directives
Declaration directives Conditional compilation directives #define symbol #undef symbol #if #else #elif #endif #line number filename #line default #line hidden #warning #error #region #endregion #pragma warning #pragma warning no(s) #pragma warning disable #pragma warning restore

Strings and Readers

Convert string to a TextReader by using a StringReader (StringReader descends from the TextReader abstract class) using System.IO; ... string s = ABCD...; StringReader reader = new StringReader(s); // example use: using System.Xml.XPath; ... XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(reader); using System.IO; string filename = @C:\Path\File.dat; string data = File.ReadAllText(filename);

Source code line directives Diagnostic directives Region directives Pragma directives

Any reference type Class T2, if T2 descends from T1 Interface I2, if T1 is not sealed and T1 does not implement I2

LINQ to Entities Inner Join

Inner Join Query var innerJoinQuery = from category in categories join prod in products on category.ID equals prod.CategoryID select new { ProductName = prod.Name, Category = category.Name };

Read contents of a file into a string

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