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B.TECH. (Engineering Physics) 2009-2013: Delhi Technological University

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B.TECH. (Engineering Physics) 2009-2013

Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester Semester I Examination II Examination III Examination IV Examination V Examination VI Examination VII Examination VIII Examination November, May, November, May, November, May, November, May, 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013

Summary of Revised Scheme of Examination Total Credits for B.TECH. Degree: 240 Semester wise: I-30, II-30, III-30, IV-30, V-30, VI-30, VII-30, VIII-30 Classification of Subjects: Subjects I II III IV V VI VII VIII Total Credits 240 Percentage Contents of H, A, C H 19 14 03 00 00 00 00 00 36 15% A 11 16 04 04 06 14 07 00 64 25.83% C 00 00 23 26 24 16 23 30 142 59.16%

H A C Note:

Humanities, Social Studies and Basic Sciences Allied Engineering Core (include major project and practical training also)

Industrial training of 10 weeks durations during summer vacations after 6th semester and 4 weeks after 7th semester.


S.No. Course No. TH1 TH2 TH3 TH4 TH5 TH6 PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4


LTP 310 210 400 310 310 210 002 002 002 002 30 hrs

MA 101 Mathematics-1 HU 102 Communication skills EP 103 Applied Physics-I

Evaluation Sessional End 30 70 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000

Credit Type 4H 3H 4H 4H 4A 3A 2H 2H 2A 2A 30

CH 104 Applied Chemistry EE 105 Electrical sciences IT 106 EP 107 Fundamentals of Information Technology Applied Physics Lab

CH 108 Applied Chemistry Lab EE 109 Electrical Sciences Lab IT 110


Information Lab


SUGGESTED SCHEME FOR B.TECH. SECOND SEMESTER (ENGINEERING PHYSICS) S.No. Course No. TH1 TH2 TH3 TH4 TH5 TH6 PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4 MA 111 EN 112 EP 113 AS 114 ME 115 Subject Mathematics-II Environmental Sciences Applied Physics-II Engineering Materials LTP 310 200 400 400 400 200 003 003 002 002 30 hrs Evaluation Sessional End 30 70 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 Credit Type 4H 2H 4H 4H 4A 2A 3A 3A 2A 3A 30

Basic Mechanical Engineering COE 116 Programming Fundamentals ME 117 ME 118 COE 119 PE 120

Engineering Graphics Mechanical workshop Programming Lab Applied Physics Lab


Course No.
EP 201 EP 202 EP 203 EP 204 EP 205 EP 206 EP207 EP 208 EP 209 EP 210 Total

Introduction to computing Mathematical Physics Thermal Physics Digital Electronics Engineering Mechanics Basic Engineering Economics Thermal Physics Lab Digital Electronics Lab Computing Lab Self study

310 310 310 310 310 300 002 002 002 010 30 hrs

Evaluation Sessional End

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

Total Marks
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000

Credit Type
4C 4C 4C 4C 4A 3H 2C 2C 2C 1C 30


S.No. TH1 TH2 TH3 TH4 TH5 TH6 PR1 PR2 PR3 VS2 Course No. EP 211 EP 212 EP 213 EP 214 EP 215 EP 216 EP 217 EP 218 EP 219 EP 220 Total Subject Classical & Quantum Mechanics Optics Signals and systems Microprocessor & Interfacing Computational Methods Condensed Matter Physics Optics Lab Solid State Physics Lab Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab Self study LTP 310 310 310 300 310 310 002 002 002 010 30 hrs Evaluation Sessional End 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Total Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1000 Credit Type 4C 4C 4A 3C 4C 3C 2C 2C 2C 1C 30


S.NO Course S.NO Course No No TH1 TH1 TH2 TH2 TH3 TH3 TH4 TH4 TH5 TH5 PR1 PR1 PR2 PR2 PR3 PR3 PR4 PR4
EP 401 EP 301 EP 402 EP 302 EP 403 EP 303 EP 404 EP 304 EP 405 EP 305 EP 406 EP 306 EP 407 EP 307 EP 408 EP 308 EP 409 EP 309 Total Total

Subject Subject Computer Networking Atomic and Molecular Physics Alternate Energy Storage and Communication systems conversion devices Mobile and theory, Satellite Electromagnetic Antennas Communication and Propagation Elective I Devices Semiconductor
Open Elective Biophysics

LTP LTP 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 310 300 310 002 002 002 002 008 002 004 30 Hrs 30 Hrs

Energy Storage and conversion Advanced Physics Lab lab Mobile and Satellite Electromagnetic theory, Antenna Communication Lab and Propagation Lab Major Project (Part-I) Communication Systems Lab
Industrial Training Minor Project-I

Evaluation Evaluation Sessional End Sessional End 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70 50 150 30 70 100 50 150

Total Credit Total Credit type type

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 100 200 1000 1000

4A 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 3C 4A 2C 2C 2C 2C 4C 2A 4C 4C 30 30



Course No EP 311 EP 312 EP 313 EP314 EP 315 EP316 EP 317 EP 318 EP 319 Total



Evaluation Sessional End 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 150 100


Credit type 4A 4C 4C 4A 4C 2C 2A 4C 2C 30


Instrumentation and Control Fiber optics and optical communication Quantum Information and Computing Microwave Engineering Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures Fiber optics and optical communication lab Microwave Engineering Lab
Minor Project-II Industrial Training

310 310 310 310 310 002 002 006 30 Hrs 5

30 30 30 30 30 30 30 50

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 100 1000



Course No
EP 411 EP 412 EP 413 EP 414 EP 415 EP 416 EP 417





End 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 400 1000

Credit type 4C 4C 4C 3C 3C 2C 10C 30


VLSI and FPGA Design Synthesis

Elective II Open Elective

310 310 310 003 003 002 0 0 10 30 hrs

30 30 30 30 30

Elective Lab FPGA Design Lab Seminar Major project (Part II)




List of Electives
MINORS: A. Nano Science and Technology B. Photonics C. Robotics and Intelligent Systems D. Nuclear Engineering


A1. Nano Science and Technology A2. Introduction to Spintronics A3. Selected topics in Nano Science and Technology

AP3.Materials Growth and Characterization Lab (B) PHOTONICS B1. Photonics B2.Integrated Optics B3. Selected topics in photonics BP3. Photonics Lab (C) ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS C1. Introduction to Automation and Motion Control C2. Robotic Engineering C3. Selected topics in robotics and intelligent systems CP3. Robotics Lab (D) NUCLEAR ENGINEERING D1. Principles of Nuclear Engineering D2. Nuclear Materials for Engineering Applications D3. Selected topics in nuclear engineering DP3. Nuclear Applications Lab

The course structure is designed to award the degree as B.Tech. (Engg. Physics) with majors in Electronics and Communication Technology and minors in any one of the following:
Nano Science and Technology Photonics Robotics and Intelligent Systems Nuclear Engineering

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, I Semester Examination Theory Paper I (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ME/PE/MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 MA-101 Mathematics I UNIT I: Infinite series: Tests for convergence of series (comparison, ratio, root, integral, Raabes,
logarithmic), Alternating series, Absolute convergence, Conditional convergence. (5L)

UNIT II: Calculus of single variable: Taylors & Maclaurins expansion, Radius of curvature,
applications of definite integral to area, arc length, surface area and volume (in Cartesian, parametric and polar co-ordinates). (8L)

UNIT III: Calculus of several variables: Partial differentiation, Eulers theorem, total differential,
Taylors theorem, Maxima-Minima, Lagranges method of multipliers, Application in estimation of error and approximation. (7L)

UNIT IV: Multiple Integrals: Double integral (Cartesian and polar co-ordinates), change of order of
integration, triple integrals (Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates), Gamma and Beta functions. Applications of multiple integration in area, volume, centre of mass, and moment of inertia. (8L)

UNIT V: Vector Calculus: Continuity and differentiability of vector functions, Scalar and vector point
function, Gradient, Directional Derivative, divergence, curl and their applications. Line integral, surface integral and volume integral, applications to work done by the force . Applications of Greens, Stokes and Gauss divergence theorems. (8L)

UNIT VI: Function of Complex Variable: Definition of complex function. Circular, Hyperbolic, and Logarithmic functions. Inverse of Circular, and Hyperbolic functions. (4L) Text Books/Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Alan Jeffery ; Academic Press Calculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas/Finney; Narosa. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig; Wiley. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Taneja ; I K international Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Jain/Iyenger; Narosa.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, I Semester Examination Theory Paper II (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ME/PE/MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT L T P Credit 2 1 0 3 HU-102 Communication Skills UNIT I: Functional English:
(A) Parts of speech; Tense and concord; Conditional clauses; Question tags & short responses; Punctuation; Common errors. (B) Vocabulary and Usage: Synonyms & Antonyms; One word substitutions; Words often confused; Idioms / Idiomatic expressions.

UNIT II: Basics of Writing:

(A) Presentation of Technical Information: Technical description of simple objects, tools, appliances; Processes and operations; Scientific Principles; Definitions ; Interpretation of Visual Data (graph, charts etc) (B) Writing of: Paragraph; Summary and Abstract; Taking and Making Notes. (C) Comprehension of Unseen Passages based on reading exercises like Skimming, Scanning and Inference making.

UNIT III: Oral Communication:

Phonetics: Speech Sounds and their articulation; Phonemes, syllable, Stress, Transcription of Words and Simple Sentences; Presentation and Seminar; Language Lab Practice for Oral Communication.

UNIT IV: Texts for Appreciation and Analysis:

(A) (B) (C) (D) Wings of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid by C.K. Prahalad. The Branded (Uchalya) by Laxman Gaikwad Geetanjali by Ravindranath Tagore.

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Day, Robert A. Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists and Other Professionals . UP. Maison Margaret , Examine Your English, New Delhi: Orient Longman. Tikoo M.L., A.E. Subramaniam and P.R. Subramaniam. Intermediate Grammar Usage and Composition. Delhi: Orient Longman. Weiss, Edmond H. Writing Remedies: Practical Exercises for Technical Writing . University Press. Lesikar and Flatley. Business Communications. New Delhi, Biztantra Press. OConnor, Better English Pronunciation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gaikwad, Laxman, The Branded, Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. Kalam, APJ Abdul, Wings of Fire, Delhi: University Press. C.K. Prahalad, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, Wharton School Publishing. Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali, Filiquarian Publishing, LLC.


Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I- Semester Examination Theory Paper III (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ME/PE/MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 EP 103 UNIT I: Relativity:
Review of concepts of frames of reference and Galilean transformation equation, Michelson Morley experiment and its implications, Einsteins special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation equations, Law of addition of velocities, Mass variation with velocity, Concept of energy and momentum, Mass energy relation.

Applied Physics

UNIT II: Oscillations, waves:

Damped and forced oscillations, Resonance (amplitude and power), Q factor, Sharpness of resonance. Equations of longitudinal and transverse waves and their solutions, Impudence, Reflection and transmission of waves at a boundary, Impedance matching between two medium.

UNIT III: Physical optics:

Interference by division of wave front and amplitude, Multiple beam interference and Fabry-Perot interferometer, Fresnel diffraction through a straight edge, Fraunhoffer diffraction, Zone plate, single slit and N-slit / grating, Resolving power of telescope, prism and grating. Polarization by reflection and by transmission, Brewsters law, Double refraction, elliptically and circularly polarized light, Nichol prism, Quarter and half wave plates.

UNIT IV: Optical Instruments:

Cardinal points of co-axial lens systems, spherical and chromatic aberrations and their removal, Huygens and Ramsdens eyepiece.

UNIT V: Laser optics:

Coherence and coherent properties of laser beams, Brief working principal of lasers, Spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einsteins co-efficient, Ruby laser, He-Ne laser.

UNIT VI: Optical Fiber:

Classification of optical fibers, Refractive index profile, Core cladding refractive index difference, Numerical aperture of optical fiber, Pulse dispersion in optical fiber (ray theory).

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Physics of Vibrations and Waves by H.J. Pain. Vibrations and Waves by A.P. French. Perspective of Modern Physics by Authors Beiser. Optics by A. Ghatak. Berkley Physics Course Vol 1.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I year, I- Semester Examination Theory Paper IV (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 CH-104 Applied Chemistry UNIT I: (a) Conventional Analysis: Volumetric Analysis, Types of titrations, Theory of indicators.
2L (b) Spectral Analysis: Electromagnetic radiation, Lambert-Beers Law, UV-VIS, IR, instrumentation & applications. 4L

UNIT II: Thermal Methods of Analysis: principle, working and applications of Thermogravimetry,
Differential thermal analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry. 4L

UNIT III: (a) Polymers: Monomer & polymer, functionality and Degree of Polymerization.
Mechanism of polymerization. Molecular weights of polymers. Methods of polymerization. Industrial production of PE and PF resins. Industrial applications of polymers. 6L (b) Bio-molecules: Classification, Structure, physical and chemical properties of Amino-acids, Peptides and Proteins, Carbohydrates, Cellulose and its derivatives, RNA, DNA. Introduction to Biodegradable Polymers. 6L

UNIT IV: Electrochemistry: Electrochemical cells: components, characteristics of batteries. Primary

and Secondary battery systems: Zinc-Carbon cells, Lead storage and lithium batteries. Fuel Cells, Electro-deposition: Electrical and chemical requirements. Electroplating bath and linings. Agitation, Circulation and filteration equipment. Plating of copper, gold and rhodium. 8L

UNIT V: Phase Equilibrium: Definitions of Phase, component and degree of freedom, Gibbs phase
rule. One component systems: Water and sulphur. Two component systems: Pb-Ag and Cu-Ni system. 6L Univ VI: Green Chemistry: Introduction, Goals & Significance of Green Chemistry. Reagents, solvents and catalysts for green synthesis. Principles of Green Chemistry, Evaluation of feedstocks, reaction types and methods. Future trends in Green Chemistry. 4L

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Thermal Analysis by T. Hatakeyama, F.X. Quinn; Wiley. Inorganic Quantitative Analysis by A.I. Vogel. Instrumental Method of Analysis by Skoog D.A.; HRW International. Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice by P.T. Anastas & JC Warner; Oxford Univ Press. Polymer Science and Technology by Billmeyer; John Wiley. Polymer Science and Technology by Fried; Prentice Hall.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I Semester Examination Theory Paper-V (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE LT P 3 1 0 EE 105 Electrical Sciences UNIT I: Introduction:

Credits 4

Role and importance of circuits in Engineering, concept of fields, charge, current, voltage, energy and there interrelationship. V-I characteristics of ideal voltage and ideal current sources, various types of controlled sources. Passive circuit components: V-I characteristics and ratings of different types of R, L, C elements.

UNIT II: DC Network:

Series circuits and parallel circuits, power and energy, Kirchoffs Laws. Delta-star conversion, Superposition Theorem, Thevenins Theorem, Nortons theorem, Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Tellgen Theorem.

UNIT III: Single Phase AC Circuits:

Single phase EMF generation, average and effective values of sinusoids, complex representation of impedance, series and parallel circuits, concept of phasor, phasor diagram, power factor, power in complex notation, real power, reactive power and apparent power. Resonance in series and parallel circuits, Q-factor, bandwidth and their relationship, half power points.

UNIT IV: Three-Phase AC Circuits:

Three phase EMF generation, delta and Y connection, line and phase quantities. Solution of three phase circuits: balanced supply voltage and balanced load, phasor diagram, measurement of power in three phase circuits.

UNIT V: Magnetic Circuits & Transformers:

Amperes circuital law, B-H curve, concept of reluctance, flux, MMF, analogies between electrical and magnetic quantities solution of magnetic circuits. Hysteresis and eddy current losses, application of magnetic force, mutual inductance and dot convention. Single phase Transformer construction, principle of working, auto transformer and their applications.

UNIT VI: Three Phase Induction Motor:

Construction, Principle of operation, types of motors applications.

UNIT VII: Equipment and Machine Power supply basics:

Electric wiring, power distribution and utilization: Neutral, grounding & phase definitions, colour coding, of cable, IS standards for domestic and industrial cable/wiring, conduct and cable wiring, MCB, ELCB, industrial and domestic sockets, plug, etc. Fuses, their types characteristics, introduction to energy efficient lighting and energy conservation.

UNIT VIII: Measuring Instruments:

Analog indicating instruments, devices, Damping devices, PMMC ammeters and voltmeters, shunt and multipliers, Moving iron ammeter and voltmeters, dynamometer type wattmeters, multimeters, AC watthour meters. Digital electronic voltmeters, digital electronic ammeters and wattmeters.

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. Basic electrical Engineering by C.L. Wadhwa, 4th Edition; New Age International. Basic Electrical Engineering by Fitzereld, Higgenbotham & Grabel; McGraw Hill International. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals by Vincent Deltoro; Prentice Hall International (EEI). Relevant Indian Electricity Supply rules & BIS codes.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I Semester Examination Theory Paper-VI (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P 2 1 0 IT 106 Introductions to Information Technology UNIT I : Fundamental Concepts of Information: Definition of information, Data Vs
Information, Introduction to Information representation in Digital Media, Text, image, graphics, Animation, Audio, Video etc., Need, Value and Quality of information

Credits 3

UNIT II : Concepts in Computer & Programming: Definition of Electronic Computer,

History, Generations, Characteristic and Application of Computers, Classification of Computers, Memory, different types of memory, Computer Hardware - CPU, Various I/O devices, Peripherals, Firmware and Humanware.

UNIT III : Programming Language Classification & Program Methodology: Computer

Languages, Generation of Languages, Translators, Interpreters, Compilers, Flow Charts, Dataflow Diagram, Assemblers, Introduction to 4GL and 5GL.

UNIT IV : Digital Devices and Basic Network Concepts: Digital Fundamentals: Various
codes, decimal, binary, hexa-decimal conversion, floating numbers gates, flip flops, adder, multiplexes, Introduction to Data Transmission.

UNIT V : Data Communication & Networks: Computer Networks- Introduction of LAN,

MAN and WAN. Network Topologies, Client-server Architecture.

UNIT VI : Internet and Web Technologies: Hypertext Markup Language, DHTML, WWW,
HTTP, Gopher, FTP, Telnet, Web Browsers, Net Surfing, Search Engines, Email, Safety of Business Transaction on web. Elementary Concepts of E-Learning and E-Commerce, Electronic Payment Systems, Digital Signatures, Firewall.

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications by William Sawyer & Hutchinson; Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill. Introduction to Computers by Peter Norton; Tata McGraw-Hill. Introduction to Computers by Rajaraman; EPI. Data Compression by Nelson; BPB. Internet, An introductionby CIS Tems; Tata McGraw Hill. Information Technology: Breaking News by Curtin; TMH. Fundamentals of Information Technology by Leon & Leon; Vikas. Internet 101 by Lehngart; Addison Wesley.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I Semester Examination Practical Paper I (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE EP-107 Physics Lab Based on course work corresponding EP-103 L T P Credits 0 0 2 02

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I Semester Examination Practical Paper II (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE CH-108 Chemistry Lab Based on course work corresponding CH-104 ` L T P 0 0 2 Credits 02

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I Semester Examination Practical Paper III (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE EE-109 Electrical Sciences Lab Based on course work corresponding EE-105 L T P Credits 0 0 2 02

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, I Semester Examination Practical Paper IV (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE IT-110 Fundamental of IT Lab Based on course work corresponding IT-106 L T P Credits 0 0 2 02

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, II Semester Examination Theory Paper-I (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P 2 1 0 MA- 111 Mathematics-II Matrices: Rank of a matrix, inverse of a matrix using elementary transformations, consistency of linear
system of equations; Eigen-values and eigenvectors of a matrix, Cayley Hamilton theorem, diagonalization of matrix. (8L)

Credits 3

Ordinary differential equations: Bernoullis equation, Second & higher order linear differential
equations with constant coefficients, General solution of homogenous and non- homogenous equations, method of variation of parameters, Euler-Cauchy equation, simultaneous linear equations, power series method, Frobenious method, Legendre equation, Legendre polynomials, Bessel equation. (16L)

Laplace Transforms: Basic properties, Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, Inverse Laplace
transform, Differentiation and Integration of Laplace transform, Convolution theorem, UNIT step function, Periodic function, Laplace transform solution of IVP and system of linear differential equations. (6L)

Fourier series and Transforms: Fourier series, Dirichlet conditions, Even and odd functions, half range
series, harmonic analysis, Fourier Transforms, Sine and Cosine Transforms, Transforms of derivatives and integrals, Applications to boundary value problem in ordinary differential equations (simple cases only). (10L)

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Greenberg; Pearson Education. 2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Kreyszig; Wiley. 3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Taneja; I K international. 4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Jain/Iyenger; Narosa.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, II Semester Examination Theory Paper-II (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P Credits 2 0 0 2 EN 112 Environmental Science UNIT I: Introduction to Environment: Origin & evolution of earth, segments of environment- lithosphere,
hydrosphere, atmosphere & biosphere, Biogeochemical cycles- geologic, hydrological, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon & phosphate cycles.

UNIT II: Ecosystems: Concept of ecosystem biotic & abiotic components, types of ecosystems, functional
components of ecosystem- biodiversity, productivity, food chains & food webs, material cycling and energy flow, different ecosystems- forest, grassland, desert, aquatic.

UNIT III: Water Pollution: Water quality, physical, chemical & biological characteristics of water & waste
water, ground water pollution, water borne diseases.

UNIT IV : Air & Noise Pollution: Primary & secondary air pollutants, sources, effects & control ofcarbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulphur dioxide & particulates, Air quality standards, global warming, acid rain, El Nino, ozone hole. Classification and measurement of noise, effects of noise pollution on human, control of noise pollution.

UNIT V: Energy & Solid Waste Management: Conventional energy resources- coal, thermal, petroleum,
hydroelectricity, nuclear power, wood, non conventional sources- solar, biogas, wind, ocean & tidal energy, geothermal energy. Hazardous and non hazardous solid waste management. Environmental laws and acts.

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. Environmental Studies by De Anil Kumar & De Arnab Kumar; New Age International (P) Ltd. Environmental Studies by Basak Anindita; Pearson Education South Asia. A Text Book of Environmental Science by Subramanian. V; Narosa Publishing House. Essentials of Ecology & Environment Science by Rana. S.V.S.; EPI Publications.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, II- Semester Examination Theory Paper- III, (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P Credits 4 0 0 4 EP 113 Applied Physics II UNIT I: Quantum Physics.
Failure of classical physics ,Compton effect , Pair production de-broglie relation, wave function, Probability density, Schrodinger wave equation operators, expection values and eigen value equation, particle in a box, simple harmonic oscillator problem, concept of degeneracy.

UNITII: Clasical Statistic.

Statistical physics : Microscopic macroscopic systems, concept of phase space basic postulates of statistical mechanics, MaxwellBoltzmann distribution law.

UNITIII: Quantum statistic.

Quantum Statistics: FermiDirac and Bose Einstein Distribution, Fermi- Dirac probability function, Fermi energy level.

UNITIV: Nuclear Physics.

Nuclear properties, constituent of the nucleus, binding energy, stable nuclei, radioactive decay law (alpha and beta spectrum), Q-value of nuclear reaction , nuclear models-liquid drop and shell model, nuclear fission and fusion, elementary ideas of nuclear reactors.

UNITV: Electrodynamics.
Maxwells equations, concept of displacement current, Derivation of wave equation for plane electromagnetic wave, Pointing vector. Pointing theorem, Energy density, wave equation in dielectric & conducting media.

Text Books/Reference Books:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nuclear Physics by Erwin Kaplan. Concept of Nuclear Physics by Cohen. Electrodynamics by Griffith. Electricity & magnetism by Rangawala & Mahajan. Perspective of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, II- Semester Examination Theory Paper- IV, (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P Credits 4 0 0 4 AS- 114 Engineering Materials SECTION A (Physics) Crystal Structure: Bravis lattices; Miller indices, simple crystal structures, Different kind of bending. Metallic Conduction: Energy distribution of electrons in a metal, Fermi level, Conduction process. Semi Conductors: Band theory of solids , P and N type of semiconductors , Statistics of holes and
electrons , Hall effect , Effect of temperature on conductivity , Life time and recombination ,draft and diffusion in PN junction . Dielectric and Optical properties of Materials: Dielectric polarization and dielectric constant, optical absorption process. Magnetism and Superconducting Materials: Dia-para , Ferro-magnetism , Antiferro , Ferromagnetism ferrites, Superconducting materials , Properties , Type of superconducting materials , Meissner effect , High- Tc superconductor , application.

SECTION B (CHEMISTRY) Water treatment: Impurities in water, hardness of water, determination and removal of hardness,
boiler feed water, boiler troubles and prevention, numerical based on hardness removal. Composite materials: Introduction, limitations of conventional engineering materials, role of matrix in composites, classification, matrix materials, reinforcements, metal-matrix composites, polymermatrix composites, fiber-reinforced composites, environmental effects on composites, applications of composites. Speciality Polymers: Conducting polymers-Introduction, conduction mechanism, polyacetylene, polyparaphenylene and polypyrole, applications of conducting polymers, Ion-exchange resins and their applications. Ceramic & Refractory: Introduction, classification, properties, raw materials, manufacturing and applications. NOTE: Two hrs per week load for Applied Physics Department. Two hrs per week load for Applied Chemistry Department.

Text Books/Reference Books (PHYSICS):

1. Solid State Physics, 7th edition by Kittel; J. W .& Sons Publication. 2. Solid State Physics by Wahab M.A.; Narosa Publishing House. 3. Solid State Physics by Ali OmerM; Pearson Education (Singapore) pvt. Ltd. India branch, New delhi. 4. Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection, 7th edition by Kenneth G. Budinski, Budinshi; Pearson Singapor (Prentice Hall). 5. Solid State Physics by Pillai S.O.; New Age International Publication.

Text Books/Reference Books (CHEMISTRY)

1. Essentials of Material Science and Engineering by Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule; Thomson. 2. Speciality Polymers by R.W.Dyson,; USA: Chapman and Hall, New York. 3. Polymer Composites by A.P.Gupta, M.C.Gupta; New Age publication. 4. Engineering Chemistry by R.N.Goyal, H.Goel; Ane Books India. 5. Engineering Chemistry by S.S.Dara; S.Chand. 6. Engineering Chemistry by Raghupati Mukhopadhyay, Sriparna Datta; New Age International. 7. Engineering Chemistry by P.C.Jain, Monica Jain; Dhanpat Rai.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, II- Semester Examination Theory Paper- V, (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE ME 115 Basic Mechanical Engineering L T P Credits 4 0 0 4

(PART A) UNIT I: Introduction to Thermodynamics, Concepts of systems, control volume, state, properties, equilibrium, quasi-static process, reversible & irreversible process, cyclic process. Zeroeth Law and Temperature, Ideal Gas. Heat and Work.

UNIT II: First Law of Thermodynamics for closed & open systems. Non Flow Energy Equation.
Steady State, Steady Flow Energy Equation. Second Law of Thermodynamics Kelvin and Planks Statements, Clausius inequality, Definition of Head Engines, Heat pumps, Refrigerators. Concept of Energy and availability. Carnot Cycle; Carnot efficiency, Otto, Diedel, Dual cycle and their efficiencies.

UNIT III: Properties & Classification of Fluids, Ideal & real fluids, Newtons law of viscosity,
Pressure at a point, Pascals law, Pressurevariation in a static fluid, Introduction to Bio-fluid Mechanics General description of fluid motion, stream lines, continuity equation, Bernoullis equation, Steady and unsteady flow.Turbines and pumps.

(PART-B) UNIT IV: Introduction to engineering materials for mechanical construction. Composition, mechanical
and fabricating characteristics and applications of various types of cast irons, plain carbon and alloy steels, copper, aluminum and their alloys like duralumin, brasses and bronzes cutting tool materials, super alloys thermoplastics, thermosets and composite materials.

UNIT V: Introduction to Manufacturing processes for various machine elements. Introduction to

Casting & Welding processes. Fabrication of large & small components and assemblies- example Nuts and Bolts, Water turbine rotors, Large Electric Generators, introduction to turning milling, shaping, drilling & boring processes.

UNIT VI: Introduction to quality measurement for manufacturing processes; standards of

measurements, line standards and, end standards, precision measuring instruments and gauges: vernier calipers, height gauges, micrometers, comparators, dial indicators, and limit gauges.

Text Books/Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Engineering Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag. Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics by G. J. Van Wyle and R. E. Santag. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines by S. K. Som and G. Biswas. Fluid Mechanics by V. L. Streeter and E. B. Wylie. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. K. Bansal. Manufacturing Processes by Kalpakjian. Fluid Mechanics by Modi and Seth. Workshop Practics by A. K. Hazara Chowdhary. Workshop Technology by W. A. J. Chapman. Production Engineering by P.C. Sharma. Production Engineering by R. K. Jain.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, II- Semester Examination Theory Paper- VI, (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P Credits 2 0 0 2 COE 116 Programming Fundamentals
UNIT I: Introduction: Concepts of algorithm, flow chart, Introduction to different Programming Languages like C, C++, Java etc. Elementary Programming: Data types, assignment statements, conditional statements and input/output statements. Iterative programs using loops.Concept of subprograms. Coding style: choice of names, indentation, documentation, etc. [8 hrs] UNIT II: Arrays: Array representation, Operations on array elements, using arrays, multidimensional arrays. Structures& Unions: Declaration and usage of structures and Unions. Pointers: Pointer and address arithmetic, pointer operations and declarations, using pointers as function argument, File: Declaration of files, different types of files. File input/output and usage. [8 hrs] UNIT III: Object Oriented Programming: Functional and data decomposition, Characteristics of ObjectOriented Languages: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Information hiding, abstract data types, Classes and Objects: Concept of Object & classes, attributes, methods, C++ class declaration, private and public memberships, Constructors and destructors, instantiation of objects. Introduction to Class inheritance and operator overloading. [10 hrs] UNIT IV: Files: Streams and files, error handling, over view of Standard Template Library. [2 hrs]

Text Books/Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Problem Solving and Program Design in C by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman; Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2006. A Structured Programming Approach Using C by Behrouz A.Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg; Thomson Computer Science- Third Edition [India Edition], 2007. C++: The Complete Reference by Schildt Herbert; Wiley DreamTech, 2005. Object Oriented Programming using C++ E. Balagurusamy, TMH. R. Lafore; BPB Publications, 2004. Object Oriented Programming with C++ by D . Parasons; BPB Publication, 1999. The Art of Programming Computer Science with C++ Steven C. Lawlor; Vikas Publication, 2002.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH. I- Year, II- Semester Examination Practical Paper- I, (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE L T P Credits 0 0 3 03 ME 117 General:
Importance, Significance and scope of engineering drawing Lettering, Dimensioning, Scales, Sense of Proportioning, Different types of Projections, B.I.S. Specification, line symbols, rules of printing.

Engineering Graphics

Projections of Points and Lines:

Introduction of planes of projection, Reference and auxiliary planes, projections of points and lines in different quadrants, traces, inclinations, and true lengths of the lines, projections on auxiliary planes, shortest distance, intersecting and non-intersecting lines.

Planes Other than the Reference Planes:

Introduction of other planes (perpendicular and oblique), their traces, inclinations etc., projections of points lines in the planes, conversion of oblique plane into auxiliary plane and solution of related problems.

Projections of Plane Figures:

Different cases of plane figure (of different shapes) making different angles with one or both reference planes and lines lying in the plane figures making different given angles (with one or both reference planes). Obtaining true shape of the plane figure by projection.

Projection of Solids:
Simple cases when solid is placed in different positions, Axis, faces and lines lying in the faces of the solid making given angles. Isometric and Orthographic: First and Third angle of system of projection sketching of Orthographic views from pictorial views and vice versa principles and type of sectioning.

Development of Surface Suggested Readings:

Engineering Graphics by Narayana, K.L. and Kannaiah, P.; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2. Elementary Engineering Drawing by Bhatt N.D.; Charotar Book Stall, Anand 3. Engineering Graphics by Lakshminarayaan, V. and Vaish Wanar, R.S.; Jain Brothers, New Delhi 4. Engineering Graphics by Chandra, A.M. and Chandra Satish; Narosa 1.

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, II Semester Examination Practical Paper II (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE COE 118 Programming Lab Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding COE-116 L T P Credits 0 02 02

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, II Semester Examination Practical Paper III (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE EP 119 Applied Physics Lab Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding EP-119 L T P Credits 0 02 02

Course Curriculum
B.TECH.I year, II Semester Examination Practical Paper IV (Common to all Branches) EE/COE/EC/IC/ MPA/CE/ENE/PT/IT/BT ME/PE PE 120 Mechanical Workshop L T P Credits 0 03 03
Fitting shops: Introduction to various fitting tools- fabrication methods & job work assigned by workshop superintendent. Welding shops: Introduction to welding shop-welding principles & classifications, arc welding processes & related tools/equipments. Foundry Shops: Introduction to molding sands, molding tools-pattern making, miscellaneous work.

Course Curriculum B.TECH. (EP) II-Year, III-Semester Theory Paper I EP201 Introduction to computing
L T P 3 1 0
UNIT I Introduction to Matlab: Advantages and disadvantages, Matlab environment: Command window, Figure window, Edit window, Variables and Arrays: Initializing variables in Matlab, Multidimensional arrays, Subarrays. UNIT II Special values, Displaying output data, Data file, Scalar and array operations, Hierarchy of operations, Built-in-Matlab functions, Introduction to plotting: 2D and 3D plotting. Branching Statement and Program design: Introduction to topDown design Technique, Use of pseudo code, Relational and logical operators, Branches, additional plotting features of Matlab UNIT III Loops: The while loop, for loop, details of loops operations, break and continue statement, nesting loops, Logical arrays and vectorization, User Defined Functions: Introduction to Matlab functions. UNIT IV Variable passing in Matlab, Optional arguments, Sharing data using global memory, preserving data between calls to a function, function functions, Subfunction and private function. UNIT V Complex Data and Character Data: Complex data, String functions, Multidimensional arrays, Additional 2D plots, three dimensional plots. Input/Output Function: Textread function, load and save commands. UNIT VI An introduction to Matlab file processing, file opening and closing, Binary I/O functions, Formatted I/O functions, comparing binary and formatted functions, file positioning and Status functions, Numerical methods and developing the skills of writing the program. Text Books/Reference Books 1. 2. 3. Stephen J. Chapman, MATLAB Programming for Engineers, CL-Engineering; 4 edition (November 8, 2007) Rudra Pratap, Getting Started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press, USA (November 16, 2009) Duane C. Hanselman, Mastering MATLAB 7, Prentice Hall; 1 edition (November 1, 2004) Heinemann; 1 edition (February 16, 2009) 5. Amos Gilat, MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications, Wiley; 3 edition (January 2, 2008

Credits 04

4. Stormy Attaway, Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, Butterworth-

Theory Paper II EP202 Mathematical Physics

L T P 3 1 0
UNIT I: Review of Vector Analysis: Scalar and vector fields, Differentiations, divergence and curl, Integrations, Applications of Greens, Gausss and stokes theorem, Equation of continuity and its applications. UNIT II: Tensors: Definition- Contravariant and Covariant tensors-Dummy suffix notation-Addition, substraction, Contraction, inner product, outer product, Quotient law, symmetric and anti-symmetric tensors-application of tensor theory to strain, thermal expansion, piezo-electricity and converse piezo-electric effect UNIT III: Complex Variables: Introduction, Functions of complex variables, limit, continuity, Analytic function, Cauchy-Reimann equations, Harmonic function, Singular points and classification, Cauchy theorem, Cauchys integral formula, Taylors and Laurents series, Residues, Calculations of residues, Residue theorem-evaluation of definite integrals. UNIT IV: Partial Differentiatial Equations: Laplace equation Method of separation of variables- Solution of Laplace Equation in two dimensions- Application of Laplace equation to two dimensional steady state of heat flow in a thin rectangular plate- Dalemberts solution of vibrating string-application to the vibration of a rectangular membrane. UNIT V: Numerical analysis: Introduction to Numerical analysis, Forward and backward differences, Relation between the operators, Concept of Interpolation and Extrapolation UNIT VI: Numerical analysis: Newton-Gregory formula for forward and backward interpolation, Solution of ordinary differential equations of first order using Runge-Kutta Method Text Books/Reference Books 1. M. R. Spiegel, Vector Analysis, Schaums outline series Tata McGraw Hill 2. Harry Lass, Vector and Tensor analysis, International Student edition, McGraw-Hill 3. I.S. Sokolnikof, Tensor Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4. Physical properties of crystals, J.F. Nye, Schaums outline series, Oxford University Press 5. M. J. Ablowitz, A.S. Fokas, Complex variables, Cambridge University Press, First South Asian paperback edition. 6. J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill, Complex variable and applications, 6 th ed., McGraw Hill International 7. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, New Age International (p) Limited.

Credits 04

Theory Paper III EP 203 Thermal Physics

L T P 3 1 0 Credits 04

UNIT I Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law and concepts of temperature. First law and its consequences, reversible, irreversible and quasi-static processes. Path Dependence and Heat capacities, UNIT II Calculations of Work and heat; Isothermal, adiabatic, Isobaric, Isochoric, Enthalpy. Second law: heat engines, basic inequality, Extension to Non-Isolated systems, Carnots cycle, concept of entropy and its statistical interpretation, thermodynamic potentials, Maxwell's relations. UNIT III Gibbs free energy, Helmholtz free energy.Chemical equilibrium, stability, elements of chemical thermodynamics. Thermodynamic functions, Clausius-Clapeyron equation.. UNIT IV Maxwell-Boltzmanns molecular speed distribution and heat capacities, Canonical ensemble: Boltzmanns factor, partition function UNIT V Phase transition: Joule Kelvin effect, first order and continuous transitions, critical exponents, applications to magnetism, super fluidity and superconductivity UNIT VI Chemical potentials; grand canonical ensembles; gas-liquid phase transition, photon gas: Black body radiation. Text Books/Reference Books 1. M.W. Zemansky and R. H. Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics (7th ed.), McGraw Hill 2. H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics (2nd ed.), John Wiley 3. ter Haar and H. Wergeland, Elements of Thermodynamics, Addison- Wesley 4. H. E. Stanley, Phase Transition and Critical Phenomenon, Cambridge University Press

Theory Paper IV EP-204: Digital Electronics

L T P 3 1 0
UNIT I Minimization Techniques: Boolean postulates and laws De-Morgans Theorem-Principle of Duality - Boolean expression - Minimization of Boolean expressions Minterm Maxterm - Sum of Products (SOP) Product of Sums (POS) Karnaugh map Minimization Dont care conditions, Implementation of Logic Functions using gates, NANDNAND and NOR-NOR implementations. BCD and XS3 Addition, Gray Codes, 1s complement and 2s complement subtraction. UNIT II Introduction to the circuits for Arithmetic UNIT: Design procedure Half adder Full Adder Half subtractor Full subtractor - Parallel binary Adder/Subtractor Serial Adder/Subtractor - BCD adder 2s complement adder/subtractor, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer, Decoder, Encoder, Latches, Flip-flops - SR, JK, D, T, and Master-Slave Characteristic table and equation Edge triggering Level Triggering Realization of one flip flop using other flip flops. Registers shift registers - Bidirectional shift registers, serial and parallel configurations. UNIT III Shift register counters Ring counter, Johnson counter, Asynchronous Ripple or serial counter Asynchronous Up/Down counter - Synchronous counters Synchronous Up/Down counters Programmable counters UNIT IV Design of Synchronous counters: state diagram- State table State minimization State assignment - Excitation table and Circuit implementation - Modulon counter, NonSequential Counter Design using JK, D and T-design. Introduction to VHDL-Behavioural Modeling, Dataflow Modeling, Structural Modeling, Application in Digital System Designs. UNIT V Digital to analog converter: Binary Weighted Resistors, Analog to digital converter-Successive Approximation Method, Logic gates, DTL, TTL, ECL, I2L, CMOS Gates and their parameters and comparisons. UNIT VI Classification of memories ROM - ROM organization - PROM EPROM EEPROM EAPROM, RAM RAM organization Write operation Read operation, memory expansion Static RAM Cell-Bipolar RAM cell MOSFET RAM cell Dynamic RAM cell Text Books/Reference Books 1. Thomas L. Floyd , Digital Fundamentals, Pearson Education Asia (1994) 2. Digital Integrated Electronics by H.Taub & D. Schilling(TMH). 3. Digital Principles and Application by Malvino & Leach (TMH). 4. Digital Electronics And Logic Design by M.Mano (EPI) 5. Switching And Finite Automata Theory by Z. Kohavi (TMH). 6. Modern Digital Electronics by R. P. Jain (TMH).

Credits 04

Theory Paper V

EP 205 : Engineering Mechanics

L T P 3 1 0 UNIT I Rigid body static: Equivalent force system. Equations of equilibrium, Free body diagram, Reaction, Static indeterminacy and partial constraints, Two and three force systems. UNIT II Structures: 2D truss, Method of joints, Method of section. Frame, Beam, types of loading and supports, Shear Force and Bending Moment diagram, relation among load-shear force-bending moment. UNIT III Friction: Dry friction (static and kinematics), wedge friction, disk friction (thrust bearing), belt friction, square threaded screw, journal bearings (Axle friction), Wheel friction, Rolling resistance. UNIT IV Center of Gravity and Moment of Inertia: First and second moment of area and mass, radius of gyration, parallel axis theorem, product of inertia, rotation of axes and principal M. I., Thin plates, M.I. by direct method (integration), composite bodies.Virtual work and Energy method: Virtual Displacement, principle of virtual work, mechanical efficiency, work of a force/couple (springs etc.), Potential Energy and equilibrium, stability. UNIT V Kinematics of Particles: Rectilinear motion, curvilinear motion rectangular, normal tangential, polar, cylindrical, spherical (coordinates), relative and constrained motion, space curvilinear motion. UNIT VI Kinetics of Rigid Bodies: Translation, fixed axis rotation, general planner motion, workenergy, power, potential energy, impulse-momentum and associated conservation principles, euler equations of motion and its application. Text Books/Reference Books 1. I. H. Shames, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and dynamics, 4th Ed, EPI, 2002. 2. P. Beer and E. R. Johnston, Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Vol I - Statics, Vol II 3. Dynamics, 3rd Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000. 4. R. C. Hibbler, Engineering Mechanics, Vol I and II, Pearson Press, 2002. 5. Andy ruina and Rudra Pratap, Introduction to Statics and Dynamics Credits 04

Theory Paper VI EP 206 : Basic Engineering Economics

L T P 3 0 0 Credits 03

Syllabus shall be provided by Humanities Department

B.TECH. (EP) II-Year, III-Semester Practical Papers EP 207: Thermal Physics Lab LTP 0 0 2
Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in introduction to thermal physics course

EP 208: Digital Electronics Lab LTP 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in digital electronics course

EP 209: Computing Lab L T P 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in introduction to computing course

EP 210 Self Study/cum Seminar LTP 0 1 0

Course Curriculum

B.TECH. (EP) II-Year, IV-Semester Theory Paper I EP 211 Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics
L T P Credits 3 1 0 4

Classical Mechanics
UNIT I Basic Principles of classical dynamics: Central forces: Definition and properties, The equations of motion, the equivalent one dimensional problem and classification of orbits. UNIT II Constraints of motion : Generalised coordinates : Hamiltons variational principle: DAlmbert Principle : The Lagrangian function,Lagranges equations of motion: derivation and applications , Conservation theorems UNIT III The Hamiltonian (H), Hamiltons Canonical equations of motion, Physical Significance of H, Cyclic coordinates Derivation of Hamiltons equations from a variational principle, Applications of Hamiltons equations of motion

Quantum Mechanics
UNIT IV Review of Schrdinger equation. Simple potential problems- peneteration of a potential barrier, Bra and ket notations, Angular momentum algebra UNIT V Approximation techniques in quantum mechanics : Variational Method, Applications of variation method (i) Ground state of hydrogen atom and (ii) helium atom. UNIT VI Wentzel Kramers Brillouin (WKB) approximation, Principle of WKB approximation, connection formulae for penetration of barrier. Application of WKB Approximation method (i) Transmission through a barrier (ii) Theory of alpha decay. Time dependent perturbation theory, perturbation theory for non degenerate case, stark effect of the plane rotator Text Books/Reference Books 1. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley, 2nd ed. 2. S. Gasiorowicz, Quantum Physics, John Wiley , Asia 3. P.W. Mathews and K. Venkatesan, A textbook of Quantum Mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill 4. Schwabl, Quantum Mechanics, Narosa 5. L.I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill 6. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics,John Wiley , Asia 7. B.H. bransden and C. J. joachain,Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Longman

Theory Paper II

EP 212 Optics
L T P 3 1 0 UNIT I Wave nature of light, Coherence: Spatial and temporal coherence, spectral resolution of a finite wave train, Optical Beats, Coherence time and line width via fourier analysis, Fourier transform spectroscopy. UNIT II Theory of interference and interferometers: Interference of two monochromatic waves, two beam interference, multiple beam interference, fabry perot interferometer, chromatic resolving power, Channeled spectra UNIT III Theory of diffraction: Introduction, The Huygens Fresnel principle, Kirchhoffs diffraction theory, the integral theorem of Kirchhoff, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. UNIT IV Spatial frequency filtering, resolving power of prism and grating, diffraction patterns with sound and microwaves. UNIT V Optics of crystals: the dielectric tensor of an anisotropic medium, the structure of a monochromatic plane wave in an anisotropic medium, Optical properties of uniaxial and biaxial crystals. UNIT VI Measurements in crystal optics, Stress birefringence and form birefringence, Absorbing crystals, Introduction to Lasers Text Books/Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. G. B. Fowles, Introduction to Modern Optics, Holt Reinhart and Winston A.Ghatak, Introduction to Optics, Tata McGraw Hill. M. Born and E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, McMillan S. C. Lipson and H. Lipson, Optical Physics, Cambridge University Press Credits 04

Theory Paper III EP 213 Signals and Systems

L T P 3 1 0 UNIT I
Basic signal in continuous and discrete form, linearity, causality, stability, linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, convolution integral for continuous-time systems, convolution sum for discrete time systems, properties of linear time-invariant systems, system described by differential and difference equations.

Credits 04

Fourier series representation of periodic signals: Representation of periodic signals by trigonometric and exponential series, properties of continuous time Fourier series, discrete time Fourier series and its properties, continuous and discrete time filtering.

Continuous time Fourier transform: Definition of Fourier transform and its inverse, properties of the transform, common transform pairs, convolution and multiplication theorems. Discrete time Fourier transform: Definition and properties, Convolution theorem, frequency response corresponding to difference equations.

Laplace Transform: Definition, region of convergence, properties, analysis of LTI systems, solution of differential equations, system functions, poles and zeros, stability.

Z Transform: definition, region of convergence, inversion, basic properties, solution of difference equations, system functions, poles and zeros and stability.

Discrete Fourier transform: Properties of discrete Fourier transform, relation between discrete Fourier transform, Z and Laplace transform. Convolution of sequences, circular convolution theorem, overlap add and overlap save methods of convolution. Sampling: Uniform sampling, sampling theorem, aliasing, decimation, interpolation.

Text Books/Reference Books

1. Signals & Systems by Oppenheim, Willsky and Nawab. 2. Signal & systems by Simon Haykins; PHI 3. Fundamentals of Signal & Systems using the Web and Matlab, By Kamen : Pearson

4. Digital Signal Processing, by Proakis : Pearson.

Theory Paper IV EP-214- Microprocessors and Interfacing

L T P Credit 3 0 0 03

UNIT I : Basic Concepts of Microprocessors, Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor, its internal architecture, Concept of address, data and control buses, 8086 hardware specifications: pin-outs and the pin-functions, Real Mode Memory Addressing, Introduction to protected mode memory addressing, Memory Address Space Organization, Minimum and Maximum mode. UNIT II : Programming model of 8086-general purpose registers, special purpose registers and segment registers. Physical address generation, data addressing modes, program memory addressing modes, stack memory addressing modes, data transfer instructions, arithmetic and logic instructions, flag control instructions, program control instructions, Input/Output instructions, Bus Cycle Timing Diagrams. UNIT III : Types of Interrupts, interrupt instructions, hardware interrupt interface, software interrupts, NMI interrupt. UNIT IV Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259, Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) - 8255, Programmable Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller - 8237/8257, Programmable Interval Timer - 8253. UNIT V : Introduction to PIC Microcontrollers, PIC microcontroller overview and features, PIC 16F877: ALU, CPU registers, pin diagram, PIC reset actions, PIC oscillator connections, PIC memory organization, PIC 16F877 instructions, Addressing modes, I/O ports. UNIT VI Interfacing applications of Microcontroller-interfacing of 7 segment display, LCD interfacing, ADC and DAC interfacing. Texts/References : 1. Y. Liu and G. A. Gibson, Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family, 2nd Ed., Prentice Hall of India. 2. Douglas Hall, Microprocessors Interfacing, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Barry B. Brey, The Intel Microprocessors, 7th Ed., Prentice Hall of India. 4. Walter A. Treibel and Avtar Singh, The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors, Prentice Hall of India. 5. Rafiquzzaman, Microprocessors, Prentice Hall of India. 6. A.K.Ray, K.M.Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals (Second edition), TMH. 7. Microcontroller and Embedded systems- M.A.Mazadi, J.G.Mazadi & R.D.McKinlay - Pearson PHI. 8. Embedded Design with Microcontrollers by Martin Bate

Theory Paper V

EP 215 Computational Methods

L T P 3 1 0
UNIT I Errors in numerical calculations: Introduction, Number and their accuracy, Errors and their analysis, Absolute, Relative, Percentage and Maximum probable error, Physical significance of errors, General error formula, Error in series approximation, Interpolation: Introduction, Errors in polynomial Interpolation, Finite differences, Detection of errors by use of difference tables, Differences of a polynomial, Newtons formulae for interpolation, Central difference interpolation formulae, Practical interpolation, Divided differences and their property, Inverse interpolation, Double Interpolation. UNIT II Solution of numerical algebraic and transcendental equation : Roots of equations, Direct method and iteration method, Bisection method, Regula Falsi Method or Method of False position, Secant or Chord method, Newton-Raphson method, Solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equation: Gauss-elimination method, Gauss-Jordon elimination method, Power method, Jacobi method for finding eigen values, Rotation Matrix, Method of triangularization, Relaxation Method UNIT III Curve fitting: Introduction, Least square curve fitting procedures, fitting a straight line, nonlinear curve fitting, curve fitting by a sum of exponentials, Data fitting with cubic splines, governing equations and end condition, errors in the cubic Spline derivatives, error analysis of the cubic Spline, Approximation of function, Chebyshev polynomials, Economization of power series UNIT IV Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Cubic Spline method, maximum and minimum values of a tabulated data, Numerical integration, trapezoidal method, Simpsons 1/3-rule, Simpsons 3/8-rule, Booles and Weddles Rule, Romberg integration, Newton-cotes integration formulae, Euler-Maclaurin formula, Gaussian integration, Numerical double integration UNIT V Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Introduction, solution by Taylors series, Picards method of successive approximation methods, Eulers method, modified Eulers method, Runge-Kutta method, predictor-corrector method, Cubic Spline method, Boundary value problem. UNIT VI Numerical solution of partial differential equation : Introduction, Finite difference approximations to derivatives, Laplaces equation, Jacobis method, Iterative method for solution of equation.

Credits 04

Text Books/Reference Books

1. Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw New York 2. T.R. McCalla, Introduction to Numerical Methods and Fortran Programming, John Wiley, N.Y. 3. William Press et al, Numerical Recipes in Fortran/C, Cambridge University Press 4. Tao Pang, An Introduction to Computational Physics, Cambridge University Press 5. S.E. Koonin, Computational Physics, Benjamin

Theory Paper VI

EP 216 Condensed Matter Physics

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I Introduction to crystal physics, Symmetry operations; Bravais lattices; Point and Space groups; Miller indices and reciprocal lattice; Brillouin zones; Defects in crystals; Point and line defects. Interplanar spacing, Ionic bonding, Bond dissociation energy, Calculation of lattice energy of ionic crystals, Madelung constant of ionic crystals, Covalent, Metallic and Intermolecular bonds; X-ray diffraction; UNIT II Lattice vibration and thermal properties: Einstein and Debye models; continuous solid; linear lattice; acoustic and optical modes; dispersion relation; attenuation; density of states; phonons and quantization; thermal conductivity of metals and insulators. UNIT III Free electron theory of metals; Electronic motion in a one and three dimensional potential well; Fermi energy, total energy, Density of states, Wave equation in a periodic potential and Bloch theorem; Kronig-Penny model; band theory; Distinction between metal, semiconductor and insulators; band gap. UNIT IV Dielectrics: Polarization mechanism and types, dielectric constant, Polarizability, Clausius Mossoti equation, Behaviour of polarization under impulse, Dielectric loss, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, application of dielectric materials. UNIT V agnetism: concept of magnetism, classification of dia-, para-, ferro-, antiferro magnetism and ferrimagnetism (Ferrites), Hysteresis, Hard and Soft magnetic materials, magnetic storage and surfaces, Application of magnetic materials, GMR. UNIT VI Superconductivity: Introduction and historical developments; Meissner effect and its contradiction to the Maxwells equation; Critical parameters; Thermal properties, energy gap, Isotope effect, London equations, Penetration depth, Coherence length; BCS theory; Cooper pair, ground state, Josephson effect and tunnelling, Applications of superconductors. Text Books/Reference Books 1. H. P. Myers, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Viva books (1998). 2. M. A. Omar, Elementary Solid State Physics, Addison-Wesley (1975). 3. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley (1996). 4. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Macmillan (1986). 5. N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin, Solid State Physics, HBC Publ. (1976). 6. S. O. Pillai, Soild State Physics, New Age International publication.

B.TECH. (EP) II-Year, IV-Semester Practical Papers

EP 217 Optics Lab LTP 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in optics course

EP 218 Microprocessor & Interfacing Lab LTP 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in microprocessor course

EP 219 Solid State Physics Lab LTP 0 0 1

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in optics course

EP 220 Self Study/cum Seminar LTP 0 1 0

Course Curriculum

B.TECH. (EP) III-Year, V-Semester Theory Paper I EP301 Atomic and Molecular Physics
L T P 3 1 0
UNIT I Bohr-Sommerfeld theory of Hydrogen Atom, Quantum mechanics of Hydrogen atom: Angular momentum & parity, Magnetic dipole moments, Electron spin and vector atom model, Spin orbit Interaction: Hydrogen fine structure, identical particles & Paulis principle. UNIT II Helium Atom & its spectrum, Multielectron atoms; Hartrees field: Atomic ground states & periodic table, Spectroscopic terms: L-S & j-j couplings, spectra of alkali elements, spectra of alkaline earth elements, The Zeeman effect, The stark effect, Hyperfine structure of spectral lines, The Breadth of Spectral lines, X-ray spectra. UNIT III Rotational spectroscopy:Rigid rotor, Rotational spectra of diatomic Molecules, Rotation levels of polyatomic molecules: spherical, symmetric, and asymmetric tops. Angular momentum couplings Hunds cases UNIT IV Vibrational spectroscopy: Vibration of diatomic molecules. Harmonic and anharmonic oscillator, Vibrationalrotational couplings,Vibration of polyatomic molecules, Solvent effects on vibration spectra. UNIT V Electronic spectroscopy of molecules: Electronic absorption specta of diatomic molecules. Molecular orbital and term, symbols, Dissociation and pre-dissociation in the spectra of diatomics. UNIT VI Electronic absorption spectra of polyatomic molecules, fluorescence. Raman spectroscopy. Solvent effects. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure by G. Herzberg 2. B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Physics of Atoms and Molecules, Pearson Education 3. H. Haken and H. C. Wolf, The Physics of Atoms and Quanta, Springer 4. E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley, The Theory of Atomic Spectra, Cambridge 5. J. M. Blatt and V. F. Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, John Wiley 6. H. E. White, Introduction to Atomic Spectra, McGraw-Hill

Credits 04

Theory Paper II EP 302 Communication Systems

L T P Credits

I 3 1 0
UNIT I Introduction: Block diagram of an electronic communication system, electromagnetic spectrum-band designations and applications, need for modulation. Concept of Noise: External noise, internal noise, signal to noise ratio, noise factor, noise temperature, Friss formula. UNIT II Amplitude modulation: modulation index, frequency spectrum, generation of AM (balanced modulator), Amplitude Demodulation (diode detector), Other forms of AM: Double side band suppressed carrier, DSBSC generation (balanced modulator), Single side band suppressed carrier, SSBSC generation (filter method), SSB detection, Introduction to other forms of AM (Pilot Carrier Modulation, Vestigial Side Band modulation). UNIT III Angle modulation: Frequency and Phase modulation, modulation index and frequency spectrum, equivalence between FM and PM, Generation of FM (direct methods), FM detector (slope detector, PLL). . UNIT IV Pulse Analog Modulation: Sampling theorem, Errors in Sampling. Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM). Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) and Pulse Position Modulation (PPM). Generation and detection of PAM, PWM, PPM. UNIT V Pulse Code Modulation: Need for digital transmission, Quantizing, Uniform and Non-uniform Quantization, Quantization Noise, Companding, Coding, Decoding, Regeneration, Transmission noise and Bit Error Rate. Differential Pulse Code Modulation, Delta Modulation, Adaptive Delta Modulation. UNIT VI Digital Carrier Modulation Techniques: Information capacity, Bit Rate, Baud Rate and M-ary coding. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK), Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) and Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK). QPSK, Amplitude modulation, bandwidth efficiency, carrier recovery squaring loop, Costas loop, DPSK. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Electronic Communications: Modulation and Transmission by Robert J. Schoenbeck, Prentice Hall of India 2. Electronic Communications by D.Roddy and J.Coolen, Pearson Education 3. Electronic Communications by Kennedy, Pearson Education 4. Digital and Analog Communication Systems by L.W.Couch, Pearson Education 5. Communication Systems by Haykins, Prentice Hall of India


Theory Paper III EP 303: Electromagnetic theory, Antennas and Propagation

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04

UNIT I Transmission lines: transmission line equation in time and frequency domain, losses and dispersion, reflection from an unknown load; quarter wavelength, single stub and double stub matching; Smith Chart and its applications. distortion distortion less transmission line The telephone cable Inductance loading of telephone cables.Input impedance of lossless lines reflection on a line not terminated by Zo - Transfer impedance reflection factor and reflection loss. UNIT II Maxwells equations, constitutive relations, wave equation, plane wave functions, rectangular waveguide, circular waveguide, dielectric slab waveguide, surface guided waves. Characteristics of TM and TE Modes, Impossibility of TEM waves in waveguides, Wave impedances, characteristic impedance, Excitation of modes, Cutoff wavelength and phase velocity. UNIT III: Introduction to Antennas, Antenna parameters: Radiation intensity. Directive gain. Directivity. Power gain. Beam Width. Band Width. Gain and radiation resistance of current element, radiation from simple dipole and aperture, horn antenna, microstrip antenna, parabolic disc antenna. UNIT IV Concept of antenna arrays, end fire and broadside arrays, Expression for electric field from two and three element arrays. Uniform linear array. Method of pattern multiplication. Binomial array. Use of method of images for antennas above ground. UNIT V Basic types of propagation; ground wave, space wave and sky wave propagation. Sky wave propagation: Structure of the ionosphere. Effective dielectric constant of ionized region. Mechanism of refraction. Refractive index. Critical frequency. Skip distance. Maximum usable frequency. Fading and Diversity reception. UNIT VI Space wave propagation: Reflection from ground for vertically and horizontally polarized waves. Reflection characteristics of earth. Resultant of direct and reflected ray at the receiver. Duct propagation. Ground wave propagation: Attenuation characteristics for ground wave propagation. Calculation of field strength at a distance. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Advanced Engineering and Electromagnetics By C.A.Balanis. 2. Antennas and Wave Propagation by J.D.Kraus, R.J.Marhefka and A.S.Khan 3. Electromagnetics for Engineers by S.E.Schwarz 4. Introduction to Electrodynamics by David J.Griffiths 5. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems by E.C. Jordan & K.G. Balmain

Theory Paper IV EP 304 Semiconductor Devices

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04

Introduction to the Quantum theory of solids: Allowed and forbidden Energy bands, Electrical conduction in solids, density of state function, Semiconductor in Equilibrium: Equilibrium carrier concentration, Intrinsic semiconductor, Extrinsic semiconductor, Position of Fermi energy level. UNIT II Carrier transport phenomenon: Random motion, Drift and diffusion, Graded Impurity distribution, Excess carriers: Injection level, Lifetime, Direct and indirect semiconductors, P-N Junction: Device structure and fabrication, Equilibrium picture, DC forward and reverse characteristics, Small-signal equivalent circuit, Generation Recombination currents, Junction Breakdown, Tunnel diode UNIT III Bipolar Junction Transistor: History, Device structures and fabrication, Transistor action and amplification, low frequency, common- base current gain, Small-signal Equivalent circuit. UNIT IV Ebers-Moll model MOS Junction: C-V characteristics, threshold voltage, body effect Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor: History, Device structures and fabrication, Common source DC characteristics UNIT V Small-signal equivalent circuit, Differences between a MOSFET and a BJT Junction FET and MESFET: Basic pn JEFT & MESFET operation, Device characteristics. UNIT VI Recent Developments: Hetero-junction FET, Hetro-junction bipolar transistor Optical Devices: Solar Cells, Photodectectors, LEDs

Text Books/Reference Books 1. Physics of Semiconductor Devices by Ben G. Streetman 2. Physics of Semiconductor Devices by M.Shur 3. Semiconductor Devices by Kittel 4. Integrated Electronics by Millman and Helkias

Theory Paper V EP 305 Biophysics

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04

UNIT I Background of membrane biophysics, Basic structure and composition of membrane, Donnan equilibrium, GHK, Ion transport system overview. UNIT II Whole cell behavior: cardiac, Integration: from channels to whole cell, Whole cell behavior: currents, gating, kinetics, control, Measurement approaches, Automaticity and pacemakers, Excitation-contraction coupling (cardiac and neuro), Cardiac EC coupling, structure and function, NMJ UNIT III Ion channel structure and gating function, Common elements organized to make specific function, Protein structure, pore formation, charge field, Control of channel function, voltage activation, ligand activation, signaling, gating kinetics. UNIT IV Ion selectivity, Ion channel types and characterization, Channel types, structure, function, Same channels in different cell types, Molecular biology in ion channels, Sample channelopathies UNIT V Modeling and simulation of channels, Stochastic processes, State transition mechanics and modeling, Examples of disease modeling, Whole cell behavior: neuron, Integration, Propagation, saltatory conduction, Neuron synapse, synaptic plasticity, Structure of the synapse, Electrochemical transduction, Postsynaptic integration and information processing. UNIT VI Modeling and simulation of whole cell EP, Review of HH formalism; modern extensions, Mathematical formulation, numerical implementation, examples of software, Strengths and limitations of simulation, Cardiac cell-to-cell communication, Gap junction structure, function Text Books/Reference Books 1. Biophysics: An Introduction by Roland Glaser 2. Molecular and Cellular Biophysics by Meyer B. Jackson 3. Introductory Biophysics: Perspectives on the Living State by J.R. Claycomb and Jonathan Quoc P. Tran 4. Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems: An Introduction to Biophysics by Thomas M. Nordlund

B.TECH. (EP) III-Year, V-Semester Practical Papers EP 306 Advanced Physics Lab

LTP 0 0 2
Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in theory courses 1 and 4.

EP 307 Electromagnetic theory, Antenna and Propagation Lab

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in Electromagnetic Antennas and
Propagation course

LTP 0 0 2

EP 308 Communication Systems Lab LTP 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in communication systems course

EP 309 Minor Project -I LTP 0 0 4

Course Curriculum B.TECH. (EP) III-Year, VI-Semester Theory Paper I EP 311 Instrumentation and Control
L T P 3 1 0

Credits 04

Instrumentation: Transducers, classification & selection of transducers, strain gauges, inductive & capacitive transducers, piezoelectric and Hall-effect transducers, thermisters, thermocouples, photo-diodes & photo-transistors, encoder type digital transducers, signal conditioning and telemetry, basic concepts of smart sensors and application. UNIT II Control System:Linear, Non Linear, Time Varying and Linear Time Invariant System, Servomechanism, Historical Development of Automatic Control and Introduction to Digital Computer Control, Mathematical Models of Physical Systems, Differential Equations of Physical Systems, Transfer Functions, Block Diagram Algebra and Signal Flow Graphs. UNIT III Feedback and Non-feedback Systems Reduction of Parameter Variations By Use of Feedback Control Over System Dynamics By Use of Feedback Control of Effects of Disturbance Single By Use of Feedback and Regenerative Feedback. UNIT IV Time and frequency response Analysis: Standard test signals, Time response of First order Systems, Time Response of Second-Order Systems, Steady-State Error and Error Constants, Effect of Adding a Zero to a System, P, PI and PID Control Action and Their Effect. UNIT V Design Specifications of Second-Order Systems and Performance Indices.Correlation Between Time and Frequency Response, Polar Plots, Bode Plots, and All Pass and Minimum-Phase Systems. UNIT V The Concept of Stability, Necessary Conditions for Stability, Hurwitz Stability Criterion, Routh Stability Criterion and relative Stability Analysis. The Root Locus Concept, Construction of Root Loci, Root Contours. UNIT VI Systems with Transportation Lag, Sensitivity of the Roots of the Characteristic equation, Mathematical Preliminaries, Nyquist Stability Criterion, Definition of Gain Margin and Phase Margin, Assessment of Relative Stability Using Nyquist Criterion and Closed-Loop Frequency Response. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by Helfrick and Cooper; Prentice- Hall of India, Reprint1988. 2. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments by Golding, E.W., 3rd Edition; Sir Issac Pitman and Sons, 1960. 3. Control Systems Engineering by Nagrath & Gopal; New Age International. Publishers 4. Instrumentation Measurement and Feedback by Jones, B.TECH.; Tata McGraw-Hill, 1986. 5. Modern Control Engineering by Ogata 6. Linear Control Systems by Scheultz & Melsa.

Theory Paper II EP 312 Fiber optics and optical communication

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04

UNIT I Introduction to vector nature of light, propagation of light, propagation of light in a cylindrical dielectric rod, Ray model, wave model. Different types of optical fibers, Modal analysis of a step index fiber.. UNIT II Signal degradation on optical fiber due to dispersion and attenuation, Pulse dispersion in graded index optical fibers, Material dispersion. UNIT III Propagation characteristics of step index fiber, Propagation characteristics of graded index fibers, Waveguide dispersion and design considerations UNIT IV Fabrication of fibers and measurement techniques like OTDR. Optical sources - LEDs and Lasers, Photodetectors - pin-detectors, detector responsivity, noise, optical receivers. UNIT V Optical link design - Power and Rise time Budget, BER calculation, quantum limit, power penalties. Optical switches - coupled mode analysis of directional couplers, electro-optic switches. UNIT VI Optical fiber amplifiers EDFA: Gain spectrum and gain band width, EDFAs for WDM transmission. Measurement methods in optical fibers

Text Books/Reference Books

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fibre Optic communication, 2nd Edition, 1992 by J.Keiser; McGraw-Hill. Optical communication systems by J.Gowar; Prentice Hall India, 1987. Integrated optics by T. Tamir, (Topics in Applied Physics Vol.7); Springer-Verlag, 1975. Optical fibers for transmission by J.E. Midwinter; John Wiley, 1979. Optical fibres telecommunications by S.E. Miller and A.G. Chynoweth, eds.; Academic Press, 1979. Nonlinear fibre optics by G.Agrawal; Academic Press, 2nd Ed. 1994. Fiber optic Communication Systems by G. Agrawal; John Wiley and sons, New York, 1992 Fiber Optics Handbook for engineers and scientists by F.C. Allard; McGraw Hill, New York

Theory Paper III EP 313 Quantum Information And Computing

L T P 3 1 0

Credits 04

Introduction to Turing machines-classical probabilistic and deterministic Turing machines, Quantum Turing machines; introduction to computability, complexity, classical complexity and quantum complexity classesQuantum Physics and Computers. UNIT II Review of Quantum Mechanics- state vectors, superpositions, UNITary operators, hermitian operators, Schrdinger equation, Hamiltonian evolution, the concept of quantum measurement, the concept of qubits, quantum registers and quantum gates UNIT III Quantum Algorithms. Introduction to quantum algorithms, Deutschs algorithm, Shors algorithm and Grovers search Algorithm, Physical implementation of simple quantum gates. UNIT IV Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Teleportation, real physical Heisenberg uncertainty principle. UNIT V Polarization states of photons, quantum cryptography using polarized photons, entanglements.Introduction to the EPR paradox, BELLs theorem, Bell basis, teleportation of a single qubit. UNIT VI Review of some current experiments and candidate physical systems, technological feasibility of a quantum computer and the limitations imposed by noise. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Introduction to Quantum Computation and Spiller, Sandu Popescu (World Scientific 1998). Information By Hoi-Kwong Lo, Tim systems and technological feasibility


The Quantum Computer by Jacob West (April 28, 2000)


L T P 3 1 0 UNIT I Introduction and review of transmission lines, Applications of Microwaves. Waveguide components and applications- Coupling Mechanisms Probe, Loop, Aperture types. Waveguide Discontinuities Waveguide irises, Tuning Screws and Posts, Matched Loads. Waveguide Attenuators Resistive Card, Rotary Vane types; Waveguide Phase Shifters Dielectric, Rotary Vane types. Waveguide Multiport Junctions E plane and H plane Tees, Magic Tee, Hybrid Ring; Directional Couplers 2 Hole, Bethe Hole types. Credits 04

UNIT II Ferrites Composition and Characteristics, Faraday Rotation; Ferrite Components Gyrator, Isolator, Circulator. Scattering Matrix Significance, Formulation and Properties. S Matrix Calculations for 2 port Junction, E plane and H plane Tees, Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Circulator and Isolator. UNIT III MICROWAVE SOLID STATE DEVICES: Introduction, Classification, Applications. TEDs Introduction, Gunn Diode Principle, RWH Theory, Characteristics, Basic Modes of Operation, Oscillation Modes. Avalanche Transit Time Devices Introduction, IMPATT and TRAPATT Diodes. UNIT IV MICROWAVE TUBES I: Limitations and Losses of conventional tubes at microwave frequencies. Microwave tubes O type and M type classifications. O-type tubes : 2 Cavity Klystrons Structure, Reentrant Cavities, Velocity Modulation Process and Applegate Diagram, Bunching Process and Small Signal Theory Expressions for o/p Power and Efficiency. Reflex Klystrons Structure, Applegate Diagram and Principle of working, Mathematical Theory of Bunching. UNIT V HELIX TWTS: Significance, Types and Characteristics of Slow Wave Structures; Structure of TWT and Amplification Process (qualitative treatment), Suppression of Oscillations, Nature of the four Propagation Constants, Gain Considerations. UNIT VI M-type Tubes- Introduction, Cross-field effects, Magnetrons Different Types, 8-Cavity Cylindrical Travelling Wave Magnetron Hull Cut-off and Hartree Conditions, Modes of Resonance and PI-Mode Operation.
Text Books/Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Microwave Devices and Circuits Samuel Y. Liao, PHI, 3rd Edition,1994. Microwave Principles Herbert J. Reich, J.G. Skalnik, P.F. Ordung and H.L. Krauss, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2004. Foundations for Microwave Engineering R.E. Collin, IEEE Press, John Wiley, 2nd Edition, 2002. Microwave Circuits and Passive Devices M.L. Sisodia and G.S.Raghuvanshi, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Age International Publishers Ltd., 1995. Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits Peter A. Rizzi, PHI, 1999. Electronic and Radio Engineering F.E. Terman, McGraw-Hill, 4th ed., 1955.

Theory Paper V EP 315 Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructures

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04
UNIT I X-ray Diffraction, Braggs law, Application in crystallography, Diffractogram, Paricle size determination using XRD. Probe techniques: Atomic force Microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). UNIT II Infrared Spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, Electronic spectroscopy for atoms and molecules, Spin Resonance Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (NMR)

UNIT III De ep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), Kelvin-probe measurements. Nanoscale current-voltage (I-V) investigations, Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) Relationships. NST- 203 Processing & Fabrication of Nanostructures (3-0-0): UNIT IV Fundamental concepts of Bottom-up and top down approaches, self assembly and self organization, formation of nanostructure by mechanical milling (ball milling). Synthesis of carbon nanotubes, growth mechanism, arc discharge, laser ablation, sputtering and growth from solutions and melts UNIT V Chemical vapor deposition, plasma enhanced CVD, thermal CVD, vapor phase growth, laser assisted thermal CVD, CoMoCat process, High pressure CO dispropornation process, flame synthesis, pulsed laser deposition (PLD) UNIT VI Fabrication of nanoparticles, synthesis of colloidal particles, synthesis of nanogold particles, synthesis of nanocomposites and nanostructures, fabrication of quantum dots, nanowires, nanorods, nanointermetallics, controlled colloidal synthesis, Synthesis of polymer supported clusters and polymeric nanofibers Nanolithography, electron beam and focused ion beam lithographies, other relevant current topics
Text Books/Reference Books 1. Nanotechnology by Gregory Timp 2. Introduction to Nanoscale Science & Technology by M Di Ventra et al 3. Nanophotonics by Paras N Prasad 4. Microlithography Sciences & Technology Sheats J R and Amith B W (Marcel Dekker Inc. New York) 5. Nanolithography: A borderland between STM, EB, IB and X-ray lithographies- M. Gentili et al (Springer) 6. Nanostructures & Nano Materials : Ghuzang Cao 7. Handbook of Nanophase & Nanomaterials (vol. I&II) : Zhong Lin Wang 8. Fabrication of fine pitch by holography, electron beam lithography and nano-imprint lithography (proceeding papers) Author(s): Darren Goodchild; Simon Wingar; Nak Kim. 9. Microfabrication and Nanomanufacturing- Mark James Jackson 10. Processing & properties of structural nanomaterials- Leon.L.Shaw(editor) 11. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy : C. N. Banwell, Tata McGraw

B.TECH. (EP) III-Year, VI-Semester Practical Papers EP 316 Fiber optics and optical communication lab LTP 0 0 2
Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in Fiber optics and
optical communication course.

EP 317Advanced Physics Lab 2 LTP 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in theory courses 1 and 2 .

EP 318 Minor Project-II LTP 0 0 6 EP 319 Industrial Training LTP ------

Course Curriculum B.TECH. (EP) IV-Year, VII-Semester Theory Paper 1 EP 401 Computer Networking L T P Credits
3 1 0 04
UNIT I OSI Reference Model and Network Architecture: Introduction to Computer Networks, Example networks ARPANET, Internet, Private Networks, Network Topologies: Bus-, Star-, Ring-, Hybrid -, Tree -,Complete -, Irregular Topology. UNIT II Types of Networks : Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area Networks; Layering architecture of networks, OSI model, Functions of each layer, Services and Protocols of each layer UNIT III TCP/IP: Introduction, History of TCP/IP, Layers of TCP/IP, Protocols, Internet Protocol, Transmission Control Protocol , User Datagram Protocol, IP Addressing, IP address classes, Subnet Addressing, Internet Control Protocols, ARP, RARP, ICMP, Application Layer, Domain Name System, Email SMTP, POP,IMAP; FTP, NNTP, HTTP, Overview of IP version 6. UNIT IV Local Area Networks: Introduction to LANs, Features of LANs, Components of LANs, Usage of LANs, LAN Standards, IEEE 802 standards, Channel Access Methods, Aloha, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Token Passing, Ethernet, Layer 2 & 3 switching, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet, Token Ring, LAN interconnecting devices: Hubs, Switches, Bridges, Routers, Gateways. UNIT V Wide Area Networks: Introduction of WANs, Routing, Congestion Control, WAN Technologies, Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB), Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH)/ Synchronous Optical Network (SONET). UNIT VI Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay, Wireless Links. Introduction to Network Management: Remote Monitoring Techniques: Polling, Traps, Security management, Firewalls, VLANs, Proxy Servers. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Computer Networks (3rd edition), Tanenbaum Andrew S., International edition, 1996. 2. Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems (4th edition), Halsall Fred, 2000, Addison Wesley, Low Price Edition. 3. Computer Networks A System Approach, Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S. Davie, 2nd Edition 4. Computer Networking ED Tittel , 2002, T.M.H .

Theory Paper II EP402 Alternative Energy Storage and conversion devices L T P Credits
3 1 0 04 UNIT I Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources, Solar Energy: Principles and scope, solar radiation, Energy collection and devices. UNIT II Principle of Wind Energy Conversion. Tidal and geothermal Energy. UNIT III Bio-Energy : Biomass and its uses, Classification of biomass, Biomass as a source of energy, Characteristics of biomass, Biomass conversion processes, Buiqueting of biomass, Gasification and combustion of biomass, Gasifiers. UNIT IV Conversion & storage energy devices: fuel cells, lithium Ion, Pb-acid, Ni-Metal hydride secondary batteries. UNIT V Hydel Energy : Types of Hydro Power Plants, Hydro Power Estimates Hydrological analysis, Flow & power duration curves, Effect of storage, load analysis & Pondage requirement, estimates of Primary and Secondary Power. UNIT VI Water Ways Fourbay, trashtacks, intake gates, air inlets, power canal, surges in power canal and penstocks. Types & working of surge tanks. Hydraulic Turbines Types of turbines, their parts and working, Governing and controls of turbines. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Hand book of Energy Audits by Albert Thuman, P.E.,C.E.M. 2. Energy management by PaulCallaghan

Theory Paper III EC 403- Mobile and Satellite Communication

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I Introduction to wireless communication: Evolution of mobile communications, mobile radio systemsExamples, trends in cellular radio and personal communications. Cellular Concept: Frequency reuse, channel assignment, hand off, Interference and system capacity, tracking and grade of service, Improving Coverage and capacity in Cellular systems, Free space propagation model, reflection, diffraction, scattering. UNIT II Modulation Techniques: Minimum Shift Keying, Gauss ion MSK, M-ary QAM, M-ary FSK, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Performance of Digital Modulation in Slow-Flat Fading Channels and Frequency Selective Mobile Channels. Coding: Vocoders, Linear Predictive Coders, Selection of Speech Coders for Mobile Communication, GSM Codec, RS codes for CDPD. UNIT III Multiple Access Techniques: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA, Synchronous & Statistical TDM, North American digital multiplexing hierarchy, European TDM, Spread spectrum: Frequency Hopping & Direct Sequence spread spectrum. Terminal handling & polling. UNIT IV Switched Communication Networks: Circuit, Message, Packet & Hybrid Switching, Softswitch Architecture with their comparative study, X.25, ISDN. Capacity of Cellular CDMA and SDMA. Second Generation and Third Generation Wireless Networks and Standards, WLL, Blue tooth. AMPS, GSM, IS-95 and DECT UNIT V Introduction to satellite communication, Satellite Systems, Orbits and constellations: GEO, MEO and LEO, Satellite space segment, Propagation and satellite links, Free-space loss, Attenuation, polarization, fading and scintillation, Link budget analysis. UNIT VI Satellite Communication Techniques, FEC and ARQ, Satellite Communications Systems and Applications- INTELSAT systems, VSAT networks, GPS, GEO, MEO and LEO mobile communications, INMARSAT systems, Iridium, Globalstar, Odyssey

Text Books/Reference Books

1. T.S.Rappaport, "Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, Pearson Education/ Prentice Hall of India, Third Indian Reprint 2003. 2. R. Blake, " Wireless Communication Technology", Thomson Delmar, 2003. 3. W.C.Y.Lee, "Mobile Communications Engineering: Theory and applications, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill International, 1998.

Theory Paper IV EP 404 Elective I

L T P Credits 3 1 0 4

Theory Paper V EP 405 Open Elective

L T P 3 1 0 Credits 4

B.TECH. (EP) IV-Year, VII-Semester Practical Papers EP 406 Energy storage and conversion lab LTP 0 0 2
Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in EP 402

EP 407 Mobile and Satellite Communication Lab LTP 0 0 2

Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in VLSI and FPGA Design
and Synthesis

EP 408 Major Project-I LTP

0 0 8 EP 409 Industrial Training LTP Course Curriculum B.TECH. (EP) IV-Year, VIII-Semester Theory Paper I EP-411: VLSI and FPGA Design Synthesis
L T P 3 1 0
UNIT 1 Enhancement mode & Depletion mode MOSFETs, Basic MOS inverter design, transfer characteristics, logic threshold, NAND \ NOR logic, transit time and inverter time delay, CMOS inverter, inverting and non-inverting type super buffers, noise margins. UNIT II MOS design rules. MOS layers, Stick diagrams, NMOS design layout diagrams, CMOS design, design rules and layout. Lamda based design rules. UNIT III Scaling of MOS Circuits. Functional limitations to scaling, reliability requirements for VLSI. Failure mechanism in VLSI, Fault finding in VLSI chips. Packaging of VLSI devices, packaging types. Packaging design consideration, VLSI assembly technology and fabrication technologies. UNIT IV Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs), SRAM Cell Structures, MOS SRAM Architecture, MOS SRAM Cell and Peripheral Circuit, Bipolar SRAM, SOl, Advanced SRAM Architectures, Application Specific SRAMs. UNIT V DRAMs, MOS DRAM Cell, Failures in DRAM, Advanced DRAM Design and Architecture, High Density ROMs, PROMs, Bipolar & CMOS PROM, EEPROMs, Floating Gate EPROM Cell, Nonvolatile SRAM, Flash Memories. General considerations associated with VLSI design. UNIT VI Introduction to ASICs and FPGAs, Fundamentals in digital IC design, FPGA & CPLD Architectures, FPGA Programming Technologies, FPGA Logic Cell Structures, FPGA Programmable Interconnect and I/O Ports, FPGA Implementation of Combinational Circuits, FPGA Sequential Circuits, Timing Issues in FPGA Synchronous Circuits and Arithmetic Circuits.
Text Books/Reference Books 1. Weste, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design (2nd edition)

Credits 04

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dougles A. Pucknell and kamran Eshraghian, Basic VLSI Systems and Circuits, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Wayne Wolf, Modern VLSI Design, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall. Ashok K.Sharma, " Semiconductor Memories Technology, Testing and Reliability ",Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 1997. Memories", Springer Publication. Wen C. Lin, "Handbook of Digital System Design", CRC Press.

Theory Paper II EP 412 Elective III

L T P 3 1 0 Credits 04

Theory Paper III EP 413 Elective IV

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04

B.TECH. (EP) IV-Year, VIII-Semester Practical Papers EP 414 Elective III/IV Lab LTP 0 0 3
Laboratory experiments will be set in consonance with the material covered in elective III/IV course

EP-415 FPGA Design Lab LTP 0 0 3 EP 416 Seminar LTP 0 0 2 EP 417 Major Project-II

LTP 0 0 10

MINORS A. NANO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A1. Nano Science and Technology L T P Credits
3 1 0 Unit-I Concept of dimensionality of solids, 3D to 0D; Energy band structure in low dimensions, motion of electron in bands, Density of states, Unit-II Quantum wells and low dimensional systems, double quantum wells, wires, dots, rings size effects, Tunneling transport in low dimensional solids, Unit-III Behaviour of low dimension solids under electric and magnetic fields, Quantum mechanical treatment of low dimensional solids, Photon and phonon transport Unit-IV Optical absorption, interband absorption, optical properties, inter sub-band transitions, Two dimensional electron gas. Unit-V Current reservoirs and electron channels, conductance formula for nanostructures, quantized conductance, Ballistic transport, Unit-VI Manifestation of electron and photon confinement and its application in the design and development of nanoscale electronic and optical devices.
Text Books/Reference Books 1. Introduction to Nanoscale Science & Technology by M. Di Ventra et al 2. Introduction to Nanotechnology by C P Poole Jr and Franks J Owens


3. Quantum Electronics by A. Yariv 4. Nanophotonics by Paras N Prasad

A2. Introduction To Spintronics

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I: Introduction to Spintronics: GMR, CMR, TMR, Spin relaxation, Spin injection, Spin detection, Electron Spin in Solids: Pauli equation, Spin-Orbit coupling, Zeeman splitting UNIT II: Current density, Magnetization, Bloch states with SO coupling, Electronic structure of GaAs, Dresselhaus and Rashba spin splitting, Optical orientation and spin pumping, Stern-Gerlach experiments with electron spins, Detection of free electron spin. UNIT III: Spin Relaxation and Spin Dephasing: Bloch equations, T1 and T2 times, Elliot-Yafet mechanism with phonons, Dyakonov-Perel, Bir-Aronov-Pikus, hyperfine coupling mechanisms, UNIT IV: Concept of density matrix, pure and mixed states, spin kinetic equation, motional narrowing. UNIT V: Spin Injection: Spin-polarized transport, Electrochemical potential, Spin accumulation, Spin diffusion, FN junction, Rashba formalism of linear spin injection, Equivalent circuit model, SilsbeeJohnson spin-charge coupling. UNIT VI: Spintronic Devices: Datta-Das spin-FET, P-N junctions, Magnetic bipolar diode, Magnetic bipolar transistor, Magnetic tunneling devices

Text Books/Reference Books Igor Zutic, J. Fabian, and S. Das Sarma, Spintronics: Fundamentals and Applications, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 323 (2004). 2. D.D. Awschalom, N. Samarath, and D. Loss, Semiconductor Spintronics and Quantum Computation (Springer, Berlin, 2002).
1. 3.

S. Datta, Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995).

B. PHOTONICS B1. Photonics

L T P 3 1 0 UNIT I Propagation of EM waves in anisotropic Materials, Uniaxial and biaxial materials, Polarization Devices. Electro optic effects Kerr and Pockels effects, Amplitude and Phase UNIT II Modulators, Beam deflection and scanning devices. Magneto-optic effects Faraday, Cotton-Mouton and inverse Faraday effects, Optical diode and isolator. UNIT III Interaction of light with acoustic waves, Acousto-optic modulators and beam deflectors and their application to laser, display and printing technologies. Nonlinear interaction of light with Matter, Origin of optical nonlinearities, Second order optical processes (SFG, DFG, SHG and OPA), UNIT IV Frequency converters and their applications, Third order nonlinear optical processes (self action, self focusing, self phase modulation, optical bistability, degenerate four-wave-mixing and phase conjugation) UNIT V Electric and magnetic dipole transitions. Einstein's transition probabilities. Lifetime and collision broadening of atomic transitions. Doppler broadening. Master amplification. Rate equation for atomic transitions. Microwave solid state measures. UNIT VI Optical resonators and lens waveguides. Lasers and their general characteristics. Resonant cavities and laser modes. Different types of lasers. Sample applications (scientific and technological) Credits 04

Text Books/Reference Books 1. Baha E.A., Saleh and M.C. Teich, Fundamental of Photonics, John Wiley and Sons

I 2. Ralf Menzel, Photonics, Springer Verlag 3. R.W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics, Acad. Press. 4. A. Yariv, Optical Electronics, 4th ed. Holt Rinehart and Winston

B2. Integrated Optics

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I: Principles of optical Integrated circuits; Theory of optical waveguides: Planer, Rectangular core and Rib waveguide, homogeneous and inhomogeneous waveguide; UNIT II: Coupled mode, theory: optical, waveguide couplers, tapers, bends; UNIT III: Passive and active waveguides-polarizer, Optical amplifier, modulators and switches; Opto-electronic integrated circuits UNIT IV: Simulation Tools and CAD packages for optical integrated circuits; Technology: Materials and Device process, patterning and Lithography, Deposition and Diffusion techniques UNIT V: Lithium Niobate based integrated optics technology- Process and Characterization UNIT VI: Application: Integrated optic devices and circuits for High speed long distance telecommunication, Optical processing and Optical computing.

Text Books/Reference Books 1. Integrated optics by Reinhard Marz-Artech House publisher 2. Integrated optics by Robert G. Hunsperger-springer verlag 3. Optical integrated circuits by Hiroshi Nishihara-Mcgraw Hill professional 4. Glass integrated optics and optical fiber devices by S. Iraj Najafi-SPIE Publishing

C. ROBOTICS AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS C1. Introduction To Automation And Motion Control
L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I: Introduction: Automation and Robotics, Definition, Basic Structure of Robots, Classification of Robots based on co-ordinate system, Present trends and future trends in robotics, Overview of robot subsystems UNIT II Components of Robot system-Manipulator, Controller, Power conversion UNIT etc, Specifications of robot, End Effectors and Actuators: Different types of grippers, vacuum & other methods of gripping UNIT III Overview of actuators, Internal & External sensors, position, relocking and acceleration sensors, proximity sensors, force sensors, touch slip laser range tinder, camera. UNIT IV Motion Planning and Controllers: On-off trajectory, relocking and acceleration profile, Cartesian motion of manipulator, joint interpolated control, Jacobian in terms of D-H matrix, Obstacle avoidance, Basic control system, control loops of robotic system, Fuzzy controllers. UNIT V Robot Vision: Machine Vision system, description, sensing, Digitizing, Image Processing and Analysis and Application of Machine Vision System, Robotic assembly sensors & Intelligent Sensors. UNIT VI Object recognition. Robots for Industrial Automation: Need for Automation, Robotics for automation. Robot Intelligence and Task Planning, MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) Introduction and working principle, Nano-robots Text Books/Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control Robert J Schilling, PHI, NewDelhi 2. Robotic Engineering Klafter, Thomas, Negin, PHI, New Delhi 3. Robotics for Engineers Yoram Koren, McGraw Hill, New York

4. Fundamentals of Robotics T.C. Manjunath, Nandu Publishers, Mumbai 5. Robotics and Control- R. K. Mittal, I. J. Nagrath, TMH, New Delhi 6. MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacture- HSU, TMH, New Delhi

C2. Robotic Engineering

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04
UNIT I Robotic manipulation Automation and Robots Robot Classification Applications Robot Specifications Notation. Direct Kinematics: The ARM Equation Dot and Cross products Coordinate frames Rotations Homogeneous coordinates Link coordinates The arm equation A five-axis articulated robot (Rhino XR-3) A four-axis SCARA Robot (Adept One) A six-axis articulated Robot (Intelledex 660).

UNIT II: Inverse Kinematics: Solving the arm equation The inverse kinematics problem General properties of solutions Tool configuration Inverse kinematics of a five-axis articulated robot (Rhino XR-3) Inverse kinematics of a four-axis SCARA robot (Adept one) - Inverse kinematics of a six-axis articulated robot (Intelledex 660) - Inverse kinematics of a three-axis articulated robot A robotic work cell.

UNIT III Workspace analysis and trajectory planning: Workspace analysis Work envelop of a five-axis articulated robot Work envelope of a four-axis SCARA robot Workspace fixtures The pick-and-place operation Continuous-path motion Interpolated motion Straight-line motion. Differential motion and statics: The toolconfiguration Jacobian matrix Joint-space singularities Generalized Inverses Resolved-Motion rate control:n<=6

UNIT IV Rate control of redundant robots:n>6 rate control using {1}-inverses The manipulator Jacobian Induced joint torques and forces. Manipulator Dynamics: Lagranges equation Kinetic and Potential energy Generalized force Lagrange -Euler dynamic model Dynamic model of a two-axis planar articulated robot Dynamic model of a three-axis SCARA robot Direct and Inverse dynamics Recursive Newton-Euler formulation Dyamic model of a one-axis robot.

UNIT V Robot control: The control problem State equation Constant solutions Linear feedback systems - Singleaxis PID control PD-Gravity control Computed-Torque control Variable-Structure control Impedance control, Robot vision Image representation Template matching Polyhedral objects

UNIT VI: Shape analysis Segmentation Iterative processing Perspective Transformations Structured illumination Camera calibration. Task planning: Task-level programming Uncertainty Configuration space GrossMotion planning Grasp planning Fine-Motion planning Simulation of planar motion A task-planning problem. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Robert J.Schilling, Fundamentals of Robotics Analysis & Control, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2002. (Chapters 1 to 9 UNIT I, II, III, V) 2. Saeed B.Niku, Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Systems, Applications, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2003. (Chapters 6 & 7 UNIT IV)

D.NUCLEAR ENGINEERING D1. Principles of Nuclear Engineering

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I: Nuclear Physics- Nuclear model of the atom - Equivalence of mass and energy - Binding - Radio activity - Half life - Neutron interactions - Cross sections. UNIT II: Nuclear Reactions and Reactor Materials- Mechanism of nuclear fission and fusion - Radio activity - Chain reactions - Critical mass and composition - Nuclear fuel cycles and its characteristics - Uranium production and purification - Zirconium, thorium, beryllium. UNIT III: Reprocessing- Nuclear fuel cycles - spent fuel characteristics - Role of solvent extraction in reprocessing - Solvent extraction equipment. UNIT IV: Nuclear Reactions- Reactors - Types of fast breeding reactors - Design and construction of fast breeding reactors - heat transfer techniques in nuclear reactors - reactor shielding. UNIT V: Safety, Disposal and Proliferation- Nuclear plant safety- Safety systems - Changes and consequences of an accident - Criteria for safety

UNIT VI: Nuclear waste - Type of waste and its disposal - Radiation hazards and their prevention - Weapons proliferation. Text Books/Reference Books 1. Thomas J.Cannoly, " Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering ", John Wiley (1978). 2. Collier J.G., and G.F.Hewitt, " Introduction to Nuclear Power ", (1987), Hemisphere Publishing, New York. 3. Lamarsh U.R. " Introduction to Nuclear Engineering Second Edition ", (1983), Addison Wesley M.A. 4. Lipschutz R.D. " Radioactive Waste - Politics, Technology and Risk ", (1980), Ballingor, Cambridge. M.A

D2. Nuclear Materials For Engineering Applications

L T P Credits 3 1 0 04 UNIT I Overview of Nuclear Systems- Various types [LWR, PHWR, GCR, FBR, Fusion], Materials Selection, Nature of Materials, Crystal Structure UNIT II Imperfections, Diffusion in Solids, Radiation Damage, Binary Elastic Collisions, Displacements due to PKA. UNIT III Properties of Materials, Mechanical Properties, Fracture, Fatigue and Creep, SCC (& corrosion), Dislocation Theory, Types, Stress Fields and Strain Energy UNIT IV Forces on Dislocations, Dislocation Interactions, Dislocation Sources and Pile-ups, Hardening: Dislocation, Precipitation, Grain-boundary, Solution, Strain. UNIT V Radiation Effects, Microstructural Changes, Friction and Source Hardening, Fracture and DBTT, Embrittlement and Fracture UNIT VI Reactor Materials, LWR Core Materials Radiation Growth Zircaloys, Void Swelling (Stainless Steels), Radiation Induced vs Radiation Enhanced Creep, Pressure Boundary Materials, Fusion Materials

Text Books/Reference Books 1. D.R. Olander, Fundamental Aspects of Nuclear Reactor Elements, NTIS, ERDA (1975) 2. D.Hull and D.J. Bacon, Introduction to Dislocations, Pergamon Press (1965) 3. C.O. Smith, Nuclear Reactor Materials, Addison-Wesley (1967) 4. W.D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering, Wiley (1991) 5. G.S. Was, Fundamentals of Radiation Materials Science, Springer (2007)

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