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Lesson Plan Day 5

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Lesson Plan: Day 5

Name: Jessica Dietz Lesson Title: Improvisation for Jazz Grade level(s)/Course: Grades 9-12/Jazz Band 1 Content Standards: Nafme Music Education Standards: 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments. 5. Reading and notating music. 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. 7. Evaluating music and music performances. 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture. Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question: Freedom is the cornerstone of jazz. (EU) What is jazz? (EQ) Jazz musics character comes from the way in which one plays. (EU) How do musical techniques influence the feeling of the music? (EQ)

Instructional Objectives: The student will be able to transcribe a solo from a recording and live performance with at least 80% accuracy. Procedures 1. The hook (5 minutes): As students walk in, I will be transcribing a solo off of a recording, and then I will play my transcription back for them. 2. Instruction (30 minutes) a. Manuscript paper will be handed out b. One recording at a time will be played. In total, three recordings of solos will be played three times. c. After each recording, students will transcribe the solo 3. Review (10 minutes): Review the transcriptions and check for right answers.

Lesson Plan: Day 5

We will review anything that was not correct 4. Give assignment (5 minutes): Students will receive via email a recording of a rhythm section. Over the weekend, students will record an improvised solo over the recording applying everything learned up to this point. Differentiation Differentiation will occur mainly through review of the transcriptions. Students will take turns writing their transcription on the white board. We will review each transcription and explain what went wrong. Closure Closure to the lesson will be through reviewing the transcriptions and giving an assignment. This assignment encompasses everything learned over the course of the week. Materials and Resources Whiteboard with staff lines and markers Manuscript paper Instrument Recordings of solos Recordings of rhythm section

Classroom Management/Democratic Practices If a student has a tendency to blurt out an answer, I will address the class by saying not to answer until they are called upon. ASSESSMENT At the end of the lesson At the end of the lesson, I will ask students to write their transcriptions on the white board. We will go over them as a class to address any issues. I will know immediately if a student understood the transcription.

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