Job Satisfaction Among Nurses of Private Hospitals
Job Satisfaction Among Nurses of Private Hospitals
Job Satisfaction Among Nurses of Private Hospitals
ABSTRACT In the time of socio-economic stigma and reproachful protest; it is studied to understand the level of satisfaction among nurses of private hospitals in Kerala. The study has operationalised through the collection of data by using questionnaire of 81 questions from 200 samples and analysis of data by applying Mean, Standard Deviation and Chi-square test. Key words: Job satisfaction, Nurses, Private hospitals INTRODUCTION Job satisfaction is the function of perceived relationship between what one wants from ones job and what he/she gets there from (Locke, E. A., 1969). It is a positive feeling about ones job resulting from evaluation of its characteristics (Robbins, S. P. et al., 2012). Job satisfaction is an essential part of ensuring high-quality care. Dissatisfied not only give poor quality, less efficient care (Grol, R. et al., 1995). Nurses who were not satisfied at work were also found to distance themselves from their patients and their nursing chores (Demerouti, E. et. al., 2000). Nowadays nurses are facing a socio-economic stigma in their job and working conditions especially in private sector. They are raising voice and that echoes all over the state and various parts of the country. In this context, job satisfaction among nurses of private hospitals in Kerala is studied with an objective to understand the level of satisfaction.
International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013) METHODOLOGY Research on job satisfaction has tried to use Factor Analysis. Different factor analytical studies combine different factors with job satisfaction. Fung-Kam, L. (1998) considered salary and benefit, professionalism and autonomy. Patient care, environment, workload, co-workers, salary and benefits, professionalism, cultural background and career stage were considered by McNeese-Smith, D. K. (1999). Moyle, W. et al., (2003) used workplace flexibility, residents, working in a team, dedication to service, training, role expectations, laborious tasks, staffing levels and overtime for the study. Chu, C. I. et al (2003) combined co-workers, role expectations, activity, supervisor, routinization and resources. Work load, co-workers, supervisor, routinization and management were considered by Seo, Y. Ko, J. & Price, J. L. (2004). Major dependent variables of this study are job, management, personal adjustment and social relations. The measurement has operationalised with a questionnaire of 81 questions prepared in the light of SatisfactionDissatisfaction inventory developed by Pestonjee D. M. (1973). The sample size has been decided as 200 nurses and Simple random sampling has used to select them from the nurses of private hospitals in Kerala. The major independent variables of the study are age, sex and experience. The hypotheses set for the study are: H01: There is no significant relationship between job satisfaction and age H02: There is no significant relationship between job satisfaction and sex H03: There is no significant relationship between job satisfaction and experience For the analysis of the study, Mean, Standard Deviation, Chi-square test etc are used. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Among 200 respondents, 150 (75%) fall in the age limit of below 25, 44 (22%) in 26 to 35 and 6 (3%) in 36 to 45 age limit. Table 1 Age distribution of respondents Age Below 25 26- 35 36- 45 46- 55 56 and above Total F 150 44 6 0 0 200 % 75 22 3 0 0 100
Among the respondents, 66 (33%) are male and the rest, 134 (67%) are female.
International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013) Table 2 Sex distribution of respondents Sex Male Female Total F 66 134 200 % 33 67 100
While taking experience, 172 (86%) are falling in the limit of below 5 years, 16 (8%) in 6 to 10 limit, 10 (5%) in 11 to 15, 2 (1%) in 16 to 20 years limit. Table 3 Experience of respondents Experience Below 5 years 6- 10 11- 15 16- 20 21 and above Total F 172 16 10 2 0 200 % 86 8 5 1 0 100
Table 4 shows the overall level of job satisfaction of the respondents. 30 (15%) are highly satisfied on their job, 144 (72%) are moderately satisfied and 26 (13%) shows low level of satisfaction. Table 4 Overall level of job satisfaction Level of job satisfaction High Moderate Low Total F 30 144 26 200 % 15 72 13 100
Chi square test has used to test hypotheses. Table 5 shows results of testing of hypotheses. Table 5 Result of test of hypotheses Relationship Job satisfaction and age Job satisfaction and sex Job satisfaction and experience 2 Value 16.54 12.15 39.86 P Value 0.0353 0.0023 0.0001 at 5% level of significance
While analysing, the hypotheses set for the study are rejected. That is, age, sex and experience are significantly related with job satisfaction.
International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 6510(Online), Volume 4, Issue 2, March- April (2013) CONCLUSION It is found from the study, the majority of the nurses working in private hospitals are moderately satisfied in their jobs and the independent variables, age, sex and experience have significant relationship with job satisfaction. Being job satisfaction of nurses has direct relation with quality of health care, it become imperative to identify and address those factors which are stumbling blocks to job satisfaction by the policy makers, administrators and managers. REFERENCES 1. Chu, C. I., Hus, H. M. Price, J. L. & Lee, J. Y. (2003). Job satisfaction of hospital nurses: An empirical test of a causal model in Taiwan. International Nursing Review, 50, 176182. 2. Demerouti, E., Bekker, A., Nachreiner, F., Schaufeli, W. (2000), A model of burnout and life satisfaction amongst nurses, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32 (2), pp. 454-464. 3. Fung-kam, L. (1998). Job satisfaction and autonomy of Hong Kong registered nurses, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27 (2). 4. Grol, R., Lawrence, M. (1995), Quality Improvement by Peer Review, Oxford University Press, London. 5. Locke, E. A. (1969), Job satisfaction and job performance: a theoretical analysis, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 4, pp. 309-336. 6. McNeese-Smith, D. K. (1999). A content analysis of staff nurse descriptions of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29 (6). 7. Moyle, W, Skinner, J, Rowe, G. & Gork, C. (2003). Views of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction in Australian long-term care. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 12 (2). 8. Pestonjee D. M. (1973). Organisational Structure and Job Attitudes, Minerva Associates, Calcutta. 9. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., Vohra, N. (2012), Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education, New Delhi. 10. Seo, Y, Ko, J. & Price, J. L. (2004). The determinants of job satisfaction among hospital nurses: A model estimation in Korea. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41 (4), 437-447. 11. Karthikeyan and Dr.Dinesh.K.Srivastava, The Relationship between Core Self Evaluations, Individual Level Job Performance and Its Components, International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012, pp. 319-334, ISSN Print: 09766502, ISSN Online: 0976-6510. 12. Dr. C. Swarnalatha and Mr. G. SureshKrishna, Job Satisfaction and Work Locus of Control: An Empirical Study among Employees of Automotive Industries in India, International Journal of Management (IJM), Volume 3, Issue 3 2012, pp. 92-99, ISSN Print: 0976-6502, ISSN Online: 0976-6510.