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Organizational Commitment: Schultz, 1

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Schultz, 1

Organizational Commitment
Schultz, 2

Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment has an important place in the study of organizational

behavior. This is in part due to the vast number of works that have found relationships between

organizational commitment and attitudes and behaviors in the workplace (Porter et al., 1974,

1976; Koch and Steers, 1978; Angle and Perry, 1981). Furthermore, Batemen and Strasser

(1984) state that the reasons for studying organizational commitment are related to “(a)

employee behaviors and performance effectiveness, (b) attitudinal, affective, and cognitive

constructs such as job satisfaction, (c) characteristics of the employee’s job and role, such as

responsibility and (d) personal characteristics of the employee such as age, job tenure” (p. 95-


Organizational commitment has been studied in the public, private, and non-profit sector,

and more recently internationally. Early research focused on defining the concept and current

research continues to examine organizational commitment through two popular approaches,

commitment-related attitudes and commitment-related behaviors. A variety of antecedents and

outcomes have been identified in the past thirty years (Angle and Perry, 1981; Mowday et al

(1979; Hall, 1977).

Definition of Commitment

Multiple definitions of organizational commitment are found in the literature. Bateman

and Strasser state that organizational commitment has been operationally defined as

“multidimensional in nature, involving an employee’s loyalty to the organization, willingness to

exert effort on behalf of the organization, degree of goal and value congruency with the

organization, and desire to maintain membership” (p.95). Mowday, Steers, and Porter (1979)

identified commitment-related attitudes and commitment-related behaviors. Porter et al. (1974)

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discuss three major components of organizational commitment as being “a strong belief in and

acceptance of the organization’s goals, a willingness to exert considerable effort on behalf of the

organization, and a definite desire to maintain organizational membership”. Sheldon (1971)

defines commitments as being a positive evaluation of the organization and the organizations

goals. According to Buchanan (1974) most scholars define commitment as being a bond

between an individual (the employee) and the organization (the employer), though his own

definition of commitment

Meyer and Allen (1991) and Dunham et al (1994) identified three types of commitment;

affective commitment, continuance commitment, and normative commitment. Normative

commitment is a relatively new aspect of organizational commitment having been defined by

Bolon in 1993. Affective commitment is defined as the emotional attachment, identification, and

involvement that an employee has with its organization and goals (Mowday et al, 1997, Meyer&

Allen, 1993; O’Reily & Chatman). Porter et al (1974) further characterize affective commitment

by three factors (1) “belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values, (2) a

willingness to focus effort on helping the organization achieve its goal’s, and (3) a desire to

maintain organizational membership”. Mowday et al (1979) further state that affective

communication is “when the employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals in

order to maintain membership to facilitate the goal” (p.225). Meyer and Allen (1997) continue

to say that employees retain membership out of choice and this is their commitment to the


Continuance commitment is the willingness to remain in an organization because of the

investment that the employee has with “nontransferable” investments. Nontransferable

investments include things such as retirement, relationships with other employees, or things that
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are special to the organization (Reichers, 1985). Continuance commitment also includes factors

such as years of employment or benefits that the employee may receive that are unique to the

organization (Reichers, 1985). Meyer and Allen (1997) further explain that employees who

share continuance commitment with their employer often make it very difficult for an employee

to leave the organization.

Normative commitment (Bolon, 1993) is the commitment that a person believes that they

have to the organization or their feeling of obligation to their workplace. In 1982, Weiner

discusses normative commitment as being a “generalized value of loyalty and duty”. Meyer and

Allen (1991) supported this type of commitment prior to Bolon’s definition, with their definition

of normative commitment being “a feeling of obligation”. It is argues that normative

commitment is only natural due to the way we are raised in society. Normative commitment can

be explained by other commitments such as marriage, family, religion, etc. therefore when it

comes to one’s commitment to their place of employment they often feel like they have a moral

obligation to the organization (Wiener, 1982).

Meyer, Allen, & Smith (1993) say that the three types of commitment are a psychological

state “that either characterizes the employee’s relationship with the organization or has the

implications to affect whether the employee will continue with the organization”. Meyer et al

(1993) continue to say that generally the research shows that those employee’s with a strong

affective commitment will remain with an organization because they want to, those with a strong

continuance commitment remain because they have to, and those with a normative commitment

remain because they fell that they have to. Meyer & Allen (1997) define a committed employee

as being one “stays with an organization, attends work regularly, puts in a full day and more,
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protects corporate assets, and believes in the organizational goals”. This employee positively

contributes to the organization because of its commitment to the organization.


The literature shows that there are two significant variables that are studied in terms of

commitment-related attitudes and commitment-related behaviors, the variables being antecedents

and outcomes. There are numerous studies on both the antecedents and the outcomes of

organizational commitment and both of these variables offer highly desired information to

managers, and others studying organizational behavior. Often research examines one or two

types of commitment. Affective and communicative commitment has been studied much more

then normative commitment. All three types of commitment have been studied in both the

public, private, and nonprofit sector, though there is much more research completed on

employees in the private and public sector.

The literature shows that affective commitment antecedents are studied in the form of

personal characteristics or what the employee contributes to the workplace. There have been

mixed findings regarding what characteristics influence greater commitment. DeCotis and

Summers, 1987, argued that a commitment profile does not exist therefore there can be no

connection between one’s personal characteristics and their commitment to an organization.

However though, Mowday et al (1992), Steers (1977), all investigated the role of personal

characteristics and found that the characteristics and experiences that a person brings to an

organization can predict their commitment to the organization.

Furthermore, Allen & Meyer, 1993,: Buchanan, 1974, and Hall et al. (1977) have found

there to be a positive relationship to between an employee’s age and time with the organization

and their level of commitment. Studies have also found that employee traits such as leadership
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and communication styles have an affect on organizational commitment (Decottis & Summers,


Continuance commitment studies two antecedents: investments and alternatives. These

studies often look at investments such as time, money, or effort. Florkowsi and Schuster, 1992,

found a positive relationship between profit sharing and job satisfaction and commitment.

Meyer and Allen (1997) recognize that in order for there to be continuance commitment between

the employee and organization, the employee must be able identify alternatives.

Studies examining different types of work sectors have found that government employees

have higher levels of continuance commitment then other sectors (Perry, 1997; Meyer & Allen,

1997). This is due to the antecedents of public service motivation. Because public sector

employees in the past have high levels of commitment to the organization and its goals because it

is argued hat they are a different type of employee, with strong ethics as well as job security

(Perry, 1997). Lio (1995) states “facing today’s difficult times, many public employees

appreciate the relatively secure job situation associated with public employment and consider it a

major reason for their organizational commitment” (p.241).

Normative commitment because it is the more recently defined type of commitment does

not have a lot of research identified. Meyer & Allen (1997) began to examine normative

commitment in their most recent research. They look to understand the development of the

psychological contract between the employee and the organization. Psychological contracts are

the beliefs that a person has about what will be exchanged between them, the employee and the

organization, therefore influencing their obligation to the organization ( Meyer & Allen, 1997).

Schultz, 7

Research on commitment outcomes examines whether the different components of

commitment have certain consequences. Employee retention, attendance, organizational

citizenship, and job performance are commitment outcomes that are widely studied. Reichers

(1985) says that “though the literature is fairly clear with respect to the outcomes of

commitment, the antecedents of commitment seem to be much more varied and

inconsistent…due to the several different ways in which commitment has been defined and

operationalzed” (p. 467). Various research studies take place examining the outcomes of

employee commitment.

Employee attendance is the most positively related outcome to affective commitment.

Steers (1997) found that employee commitment was highly related to the attendance of workers.

Gellatlly (1995) found that continuance commitment was related with the how often an

employee was absent. In a study examining a group of nurses Somers (1995) found those nurses

with lower levels of commitment had higher levels of absences. Blau and Boal (1987) studied a

group of insurance workers and found also found that those employees who had higher levels of

commitment had lower levels of absenteeism and turnover.

Retention of employee appears to be one of the most studied outcomes of organizational

commitment. This is due to the numerous studies which have found a correlation between

turnover and commitment (Porter et al, 1974; Meyer & Allen, 1997). Porter et al (1974) found

that employees with lower levels of commitment were more likely to leave then their

counterparts. Meyer and Allen (1997) argue that the different components of commitment relate

to different types of outcomes, therefore continuance commitment may or may not relate to

employee performance.
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In regards to employee performance, the research is mixed on finding relationships

between employee performance and their levels of commitment. Meyer et. Al (1993) and Baugh

& Roberts, (1994) both find that committed employees had high expectations of their

performance and therefore performed better. However, Meyer & Allen (1997), continue to

describe reasons why performance and commitment may not be related. Some of the factors

include the seriousness with which supervisors value the appraisal process, the value of job

performance by an organization and the amount of employee control over outcomes. Research

has also found that those employees who are committed to their profession also have higher

levels of commitment to the organization. Baugh and Roberts (1994) found that those

employees who were committed to both their organization and their profession had high levels of

job performance.

Citizen behavior, or extra-role behavior, has also been studied in regards to

organizational commitment. Once again the research is inconclusive about the relationship

between citizen behavior and organizational commitment due to the contradicting findings. For

example, Meyer et al (1993) found a positive relationship between commitment and extra role

behavior, while Van Dyne & Ang, (1998) found no significance between the relationships.

Other studies have found that there was a negative relationship between commitment and citizen

behavior (Shore and Wayne, 1993).

Roles of Managers

Throughout the workplace employees must be given numerous opportunities to feel

committed to the organization. Meyer & Allen, (1997), found that employees that have a good

relationship with their immediate work group have higher levels of commitment. They discuss

they idea that if employees are directly committed to their group, their commitment to the overall
Schultz, 9

organization will be higher. Lio (1995) concluded that “workers’ organizational commitment is

significantly correlated to their perceived job security” (p.241).

Management styles can influence the commitment level of employees. Koopman (1991)

studied how leadership styles affected employees and found those employees who favored their

manager’s style also favored the organization more. Though there was no direct connect

between commitment, it could be argued that this would then affect their levels of commitment

to the organization. Nierhoff et al (1990) found that the “overall management culture and style

driven by the top management actions are strongly related to the degree of employee

commitment” (p. 344). These correlations bring to light the importance of having strong

managers and their roles in the overall organization.

Eisenberger et al (1990) discuss that those employee’s who feel that they are cared for by

their organization and managers also have not only higher levels of commitment, but that they

are more conscious about their responsibilities, have greater involvement in the organization, and

are more innovative. Managers and organizations must reward and support their employees for

the work that they do because this perceived support allows for more trust in the organization.

Further Research

Overall, there have been numerous studies of organizational commitment. From the early

stages of definition to now, identifying antecedents and outcomes. This topic does not lack in

the amount of literature, but it does lack in the subtopics, meaning there is not enough variation.

With the professionalizing of the nonprofit sector, it would be interest to examine organizational

commitment in this sector. Nonprofit employees may have different motivations and outcomes

as well as commitment and this would be interesting to see what the research would find.
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Furthermore, I feel that there needs to be some kind of consensus in the literature about

the definition of organizational behavior and the antecedents and outcomes by which to study it.

Not every research study examining organizational commitment used the same variables which

often lead to contradicting or inconclusive support for previous studies. Organizational

commitment though should continue to be studied in all sectors, public, private, and non-profit

both domestically and internationally.

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