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CS436Winter2013 ReliableDataTransfer:rdt3.0 DueDate:Friday,March15th2013,atmidnight(11:59PM) Workonthisassignmentistobecompletedindividually

1 AssignmentObjective
Thegoalofthisassignmentistoimplementtherdt3.0protocol,whichcouldbeusedtotransferatext file from one host to another across an unreliable network. The protocol should be able to handle networkerrorssuchaspacketlossandduplicatepackets.Forsimplicity,yourprotocolisunidirectional, i.e.,datawillflowinonedirection(fromthesendertothereceiver)andtheacknowledgements(ACKs) in the opposite direction. To implement this protocol, you will write two programs: a sender and a receiver, with the specifications given below. You will test your implementation using an emulated networklink(whichwillbeprovidedtoyou)asshowninthediagrambelow: Sender(sender) Receiver(receiver)

NetworkEmulator(nEmulator) F IGURE 1 Whenthesenderneedstosendpacketstothereceiver,itsendsthemtothenetworkemulatorinstead ofsendingthemdirectlytothereceiver.Thenetworkemulatorthenforwardsthereceivedpacketsto the receiver. However, it may randomly discard and/or delay received packets. The same scenario happenswhenthereceiversendsACKstothesender. Note: Theassignmentdescription(datastructureandprogramnames)assumesanimplementationin Java.

2 PacketFormat
All packets exchanged between the sender and the receiver should have the following structure (consultpacket.javaprovidedwiththeassignment):
public class packet { private int type; private int seqnum; private int length; private String data; } // // // // 0: ACK, 1: Data, 2: EOT 0, 1 Length of the String variable data String with Max Length 500

Thetypefieldindicatesthetypeofthepacket.Itissetto0ifitisanACK,1ifitisadatapacket,2ifitis an endoftransmission (EOT) packet (see the definition and use of an endoftransmission packet below). For data packets, seqnum is the modulo 2 sequence number of the packet. The sequence number of the first packet should be zero. For ACK packets, seqnum is the sequence number of the packet being acknowledged. The length field specifies the number of characters carried in the data field.Itshouldbeintherangeof0to500.ForACKpackets,lengthshouldbesettozero.

3 SenderProgram(sender)
Youshouldimplementasenderprogram,named sender,onaUNIXsystem.Itscommandlineinput includesthefollowing: <host address of the network emulator>, <UDP port number used by the emulator to receive data from the sender>,<UDP port number used by the sender to receive ACKs from the emulator>,and <name of the file to be transferred>inthegiven order. Upon execution, the sender program should be able to read data from the specified file and send it usingtherdt3.0protocoltothereceiverviathenetworkemulator.Afterallcontentsofthefilehave beentransmittedsuccessfullytothereceiver(andcorrespondingACKshavebeenreceived),thesender should send an EOT packet to the receiver. The EOT packet is in the same format as a regular data packet, except that its type field is set to 2 and its length is set to zero. The sender can close its connectionandexitonlyafterithasreceivedACKsforalldatapacketsithassentandanEOTfromthe receiver. To keep the project simple, you can assume that the endoftransmission EOT packet never getslostinthenetwork. Inordertoensurereliabletransmission,yourprogramshouldimplementtherdt3.0protocolas describedinslides3841ofModule3LectureNotes.

3.1 Output
Forbothtestingandgradingpurposes,your senderprogramshouldbeableto generatetwologfiles, named as seqnum.log and ack.log. Whenever a packet is sent, its sequence number should be recordedin seqnum.log.Thefile ack.logshouldrecordthesequencenumbersofalltheACKpackets thatthesenderreceivesduringtheentireperiodoftransmission. Theformatforthesetwologfilesis onenumberperline.Youmustfollowthisformattoavoidlosingmarks.

4 ReceiverProgram(receiver)
Youshouldimplementthereceiverprogram,namedasreceiver,onaUNIXsystem.Itscommandline inputincludesthefollowing:<hostname for the network emulator>,<UDP port number used by the link emulator to receive ACKs from the receiver>, <UDP port number used by the receiver to receive data from the emulator>, and <name of the file into which the received data is written>inthegivenorder. Whenreceivingpacketssentbythesenderviathenetworkemulator,itshouldexecutethefollowing: checkthesequencenumberofthepacket; if the sequence number is the one that it is expecting, it should send an ACK packet back to the 2

senderwiththesequencenumberequaltothesequencenumberofthereceivedpacket; in all other cases, it should discard the received packet and resends an ACK packet for the most recentlyreceivedinorderpacket; After the receiver has received all data packets and an EOT from the sender, it should send an EOT packetthenexit.

4.1 Output
The receiver program is also required to generate a log file, named as arrival.log. The file arrival.log shouldrecordthesequencenumbersofallthedatapacketsthatthereceiverreceivesduringtheentire periodoftransmission.Theformatforthelogfileisonenumberperline.Youmustfollowtheformatto avoidlosingmarks.

5 NetworkEmulator(nEmulator)
You will be given the executable code for the network emulator. To run it, you need to supply the followingcommandlineparametersinthegivenorder: <emulator's receiving UDP port number in the forward (sender) direction>, <receivers network address>, <receivers receiving UDP port number>, <emulator's receiving UDP port number in the backward (receiver) direction>, <senders network address>, <senders receiving UDP port number>, <maximum delay of the link in units of millisecond>, <packet discard probability>, <verbose-mode>(Boolean:Setto1,thenetworkemulatorwilloutputitsinternalprocessing). When the link emulator receives a packet from the sender, it will discard it with the specified probability.Otherwise,itstoresthepacketinitsbuffer,andlaterforwardsthepackettothereceiver witharandomamountofdelay(lessthanthespecifiedmaximumdelay).

6 Hints
Use the packet class given in packet.java containing necessary declarations, definitions, and helpermethods Allthepacketsmustbesentandreceivedas bytearraysinsteadofasJava packetobjects.Since thenetworkemulatoriswritteninC/C++,itcannotreadJavaobjects.Necessarycodetoconvert thepacketclassintobytearrayandviceversaisprovidedinthepacket.javafile. YoumustruntheprogramsintheCSUndergradEnvironmentinordertoallownEmulatortowork. Experimentwithnetworkdelayvaluesandsendertimeouttounderstandtheperformanceofthe protocol. Run nEmulator, receiver, and sender on three different machines in this order to obtain meaningfulresults.

6.1 ExampleExecution
1. 2. 3.

Onthehosthost1:nEmulator 9991 host2 9994 9993 host3 9992 1 0.2 0 Onthehosthost2:java receiver host1 9993 9994 <output File> Onthehosthost3:java sender host1 9991 9992 <input file>

7 Procedures
7.1 DueDate
TheassignmentisdueonThursday,March15th2013,atmidnight(11:59PM). Latesubmissionpolicy:10%penaltyeverylateday,upto3latedays.Submissionsnotacceptedbeyond 3latedays.

7.2 HandinInstructions
Submitallyourfilesinasinglecompressedfile(.zip,.taretc.)usingLEARN. Youmusthandinthefollowingfiles/documents: Sourcecodefiles. Makefile:yourcodemustcompileandlinkcleanlybytypingmakeorgmake. READMEfile:thisfile mustcontaininstructionsonhowtorunyourprogram,whichundergrad machinesyourprogramwasbuiltandtestedon,andwhatversionof make andcompilersyou areusing. Yourimplementationwillbetestedonthemachinesavailableintheundergradenvironment.

7.3 Documentation
Since there is no external documentation required for this assignment, you are expected to have a reasonableamountofinternalcodedocumentation(tohelpthemarkersreadyourcode). Youwilllosemarksifyourcodeisunreadable,sloppy,inefficient,ornotmodular.

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