Gear Clock Manual
Gear Clock Manual
Gear Clock Manual
Rev 1.0 February 2010 Copyright 2010 Alans Electronic Projects Inc.
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1. Introduction ................................................................................... 5
1.1 Concept of Operation................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Device Features......................................................................................................... 5
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Revision History
Date Feb 2, 2010 Revision 1.0 Author(s) Alan Parekh Description Document creation.
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1. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the Gear Clock kit. This document will walk you through the assembly and usage of the kit. If you have any questions please dont hesitate to send us an email at Additional information can be found at
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Mounting Hardware
Terminal Blocks
22pF Capacitors
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Capacitors (left to right) 35V 100uF, 10V 47uF, 50V 0.1uF
Tactile Buttons
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Resistors ready to install 330 ohms resistors
Trim leads
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2. Install the diodes. There are five diodes to install and they are polarity sensitive. These components are listed as D1, D2, D3, D4 and D5 on the board. The white bar on one end of the diode represents negative, this marking is also on the board for easy reference.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Trim leads Diode installation complete
3. Install the transistors. There are four transistors to install and they are polarity sensitive. These components are listed as Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 on the board. The image on the board has a curved section which represents the correct part orientation.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Solder all leads to PCB Trim leads
4. Install the 22pF capacitors. There are two 22pF capacitors to install, they are non-polarized, this means that they can be installed in either direction. These components are listed as C1 and C2 on the board.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Flare the leads to hold them in place Solder all leads to PCB
Trim leads
5. Install the crystal oscillator. The 20 MHz crystal oscillator gets installed in the position marked as OSC1 on the board. The oscillator is non-polarized, this means that it can be installed in either direction.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Flare the leads to hold them in place Solder all leads to PCB
Trim leads
6. Install the 0.1uF capacitor. The 0.1uF capacitor gets installed in the position marked as C5 on the board. This capacitor is non-polarized, this means that it can be installed in either direction.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Flare the leads to hold them in place Solder all leads to PCB and trim
7. Install the buttons. The two buttons get installed in the positions marked as S1 and S2 on the board.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide The leads will snap into position Solder all leads to PCB
8. Install the 47uF capacitor. There is one 47uF capacitor that needs to be installed in location C4 on the board. This component is polarity sensitive, the positive lead is marked on the board and the negative lead is represented by a black stripe on the capacitor.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Flare the leads to hold them in place Solder all leads to PCB and trim
9. Install the chip socket. The chip socket gets installed in the location marked as U1. U1 is actually the listing for the microcontroller however since the microcontroller gets plugged into the socket the location is the same. This part is polarity sensitive, there is a notch on the socket and a notch shown on the board. Align these notches when installing.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Note the notch on the board Insert socket into PCB
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 10. Install the 100uF capacitor. There is one 100uF capacitor that needs to be installed in location C3 on the board. This component is polarity sensitive, the positive lead is marked on the board and the negative lead is represented by a black stripe on the capacitor.
Trim leads
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 11. Install the terminal blocks. There are two terminal blocks that need to be installed. They are listed as TB1 and TB2 on the board. The terminal blocks need to be installed so that the wire openings are facing outward.
Solder pins
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 12. Install the voltage regulator. The voltage regulator needs to be installed in position U2 and is polarity sensitive. The heat sink side is indicated on the board with a white bar. The regulator lettering should be facing out when installed correctly.
Solder pins
Trim leads
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 13. Install the microcontroller chip. The microcontroller chip gets installed in the location marked as U1. There should be a socket soldered into this location already. The pins may need to be bent inward slightly to allow it to plug into the socket easily. If this is the case gently press all of the pins on one side against a table to slightly tweak the pins, perform this action equally on the opposite side pins. This part is polarity sensitive, there is a notch on the microcontroller that needs to be aligned with the notch shown on the board and socket. Align these notches when installing. Microcontroller ready to install Note the notch on the left side of the chip
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 72 tooth hour gear 72 tooth minute gear
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 9 tooth motor gear 24 tooth gear
18 tooth gear
Motor spacer
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Washers, Qty 3 Gear screws (8 X 3/4), Qty 18
Stepper motor
Clock backplane
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Check to see how the clamp fits the wire, in this case it is too loose
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Run the power wire in the channel Leave about 4 inches past the second clamp
Keep the wire taught and connect the lower clamp the same way as the first
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Wire routing completed Front view of wire exit location
2. Install the clock control board and connect power. The clock control board needs to be installed onto the backplane. There are 4 pre-drilled holes surrounding the power cable. The control board gets mounted on top of 4 standoffs. The power wires also need to be connected to the control board. The control board is expecting a 12 volt DC supply to be connected to the first 2 locations of TB1. If you are unsure of the power supply polarity use a meter to determine which lead is positive and which lead is negative. Control board ready to install Place the 4 standoffs over the holes
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Place the control board and screws over the standoffs and adjust wire as shown
Connect the power leads as shown positive on the left and negative on the right Tuck any remaining wire under the board
3. Install the stepper motor. The stepper motor needs to be mounted to the backplane and wired to the control board. There is a gear that needs to first be press fit onto the stepper motor shaft. Then the motor is attached to the backplane using 2 screws, a motor spacer is used to achieve the correct final height.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Position motor shaft into the hole Gently press the gear straight onto the shaft
Place the motor onto the motor spacer ensure the wires are exiting to the rear
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Position mounting screws as shown Screw them in place till snug
Loop a cable tie around the wires and around the standoff
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Cut off excess motor wire Make sure you leave enough to work with
Attach the motor wires to the controller Stepper + = both red wires Coil 1 = brown wire Coil 2 = yellow wire Coil 3 = black wire Coil 4 = orange wire
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 4. Hour gear assembly. The hour gear consists of one 3 hole spacer, 2 five hole spacers, the large hour gear and 6 mounting screws. All of the pieces are attached together using screws starting with the 3 hole spacer which will eventually rest against a washer on the backplane. It is important to use the 2 1/2 inch bolt during this assembly process to ensure that the assembly remains properly centered.
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Tighten the screws until snug Set the hour gear above the assembly
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide 5. Minute gear assembly. The minute gear consists of one 3 hole spacer, a 24 tooth gear, 1 five hole spacers, the large minute gear and 6 mounting screws. All of the pieces are attached together using screws starting with the 3 hole spacer which will eventually rest against a washer on the backplane. It is important to use the 2 1/2 inch bolt during this assembly process to ensure that the assembly remains properly centered. Minute gear assembly ready to assemble Set the 24 tooth gear above a 3 hole spacer
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Insert the bolt in the center hole Tighten the screws until snug
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Side view of completed assembly
6. Lower 72 tooth gear assembly. The lower 72 tooth gear assembly consists of one 3 hole spacer, the large 72 tooth gear, 1 five hole spacers, an 18 tooth gear and 6 mounting screws. All of the pieces are attached together using screws starting with the 3 hole spacer which will eventually rest against a washer on the backplane. It is important to use the 2 1/2 inch bolt during this assembly process to ensure that the assembly remains properly centered. 72 tooth gear assembly ready to assemble Set the 72 tooth gear above a 3 hole spacer
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Set a 5 hole spacer above the assembly Insert the bolt in the center hole
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Side view of completed assembly Side view of completed assembly
7. Mount gear assemblies to backplane. All three large gear assemblies need to be bolted to the clock backplane. A washer will be inserted between the gear assembly and backplane to reduce friction. The center bolts are used as rotating shafts and should not be tightened all the way down. There should be about 1/16 of an inch play in the gear when properly mounted to allow it to rotate with little friction. The bolts will self tap threads into the MDF when they are inserted, it is important that they are inserted very straight so that the gears run true. Gear assemblies ready to install Place a washer over center gear location
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Place the tape where the wrench will contact the gear
Lower 72 tooth gear install complete Ensure the screw pattern remains vertical
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Gear in place, ready to secure Ensure the screw pattern remains vertical
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Gear Clock Assembly Instructions and User Guide Gear in place, ready to secure Ensure the screw pattern remains vertical
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4. Clock Operation
The clock was designed to be simple to read and operate. There are only two buttons used to set the clock and the clock numbers are large enough to easily be seen from across the room.
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120 grit sand paper can be used to remove the remaining bumps
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6. Clock Hanging
The final weight of the clock will be around 3KG (6.6 LBS). Because of this weight a standard picture hanger will not be strong enough. To support the weight it is recommended that a screw with a length of around 2 inches is used. It is preferable for this screw to be driven into a wall stud however a drywall anchor can also be used as shown below.
Due to the weight imbalance caused by the heavy stepper motor the notch right of center should be ideal
A few felt pads could be installed on the rear of the clock to prevent direct wall contact
7. Maintenance
Any dust accumulation on the Gear Clock Control circuit board should be blown off. Canned compressed air works well for this purpose and is available at any computer store. We recommend powering down the controller during cleaning.
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8. Appendix
8.1 Gear Clock Control Board Schematic
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