Eye Hold eyelids apart and flush continuously with water. Continue until advised to stop by the Poisons Information
Centre, a doctor, or for at least 15 minutes. Keep patient calm.
Inhalation Leave area of exposure immediately. If other than minor symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention. If
assisting a victim avoid becoming a casualty, wear a Type A (Organic vapour) respirator. If victim is not breathing
apply artificial respiration.
Skin Remove contaminated clothing and gently flush affected areas with water. Seek medical attention if irritation
develops. Launder clothing before reuse.
Ingestion For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 (Australia Wide) or a doctor. If swallowed, do not
induce vomiting.
Copyright © 2006 RMT. The data contained herein is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced for any reason.
Flammability Non flammable. May evolve toxic gases (carbon/ nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, amines, ammonia) when heated to
Fire and Non flammable. Evacuate area and contact emergency services. Toxic gases (carbon/ nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons,
Explosion ammonia, amines) may be evolved when heated. Remain upwind and notify those downwind of hazard. Wear full
protective equipment (see spill above) including Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) when combating fire.
Use waterfog to cool intact containers and nearby storage areas.
Extinguishing Non flammable. Prevent contamination of drains or waterways, absorb runoff with sand or similar.
Spillage If spilt (bulk), contact emergency services where appropriate. Wear splash-proof goggles, PVC/rubber gloves, a Type
A (Organic vapour) respirator (where an inhalation risk exists), coveralls, PVC apron and rubber boots. Ventilate and
clear area of all unprotected personnel. Absorb spill with sand or similar, collect and place in sealable containers for
Handling Before use carefully read the product label. Use of safe work practices are recommended to avoid eye or skin contact
and inhalation. Observe good personal hygiene, including washing hands before eating. Prohibit eating, drinking and
smoking in contaminated areas (eg. if container is damaged).
Storage Store in cool, dry, well ventilated area, removed from oxidising agents, acids, nitrites - nitrosating agents and
foodstuffs. Ensure containers are adequately labelled, protected from physical damage and sealed when not in use.
Ventilation Do not inhale vapours. Use in well ventilated areas. In poorly ventilated areas, mechanical extraction ventilation is
recommended. Maintain vapour levels below the recommended exposure standard.
PPE Wear coveralls, splash-proof goggles and PVC or rubber gloves. Where an inhalation risk exists, wear a Type A
(Organic vapour) Respirator or an Air-line respirator. If spraying, wear a Type A-Class P1 (Organic vapour and
Particulate) Respirator.
Copyright © 2006 RMT. The data contained herein is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced for any reason.
Reactivity May react with oxidising agents (eg. hypochlorites, peroxides), acids (eg. nitric acid) and nitrites (possibly forming
carcinogenic nitrosamines).
Decomposition May evolve toxic gases (carbon/ nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, amines, ammonia) when heated to decomposition.
Health Hazard Use safe work practices to avoid eye-skin contact or vapour inhalation. Due to the low vapour pressure of this product
Summary an inhalation hazard is not anticipated unless used in poorly ventilated areas, heated or sprayed. Chronic over
exposure may result in skin and respiratory sensitisation, kidney, liver and blood damage. Dilution with water prior to
use greatly reduces the potential for adverse health effects.
Eye May result in pain, redness, corneal burns and ulceration with possible permanent damage with prolonged contact.
Inhalation Over exposure may result in mucous membrane and upper respiratory tract irritation. May cause sensitisation with
asthma-like symptoms. At high levels; breathing difficulties, ulceration of respiratory tract, pulmonary oedema and
Skin Contact may result in itching, pain, redness, rash and dermatitis. Prolonged contact may result in burns and possible
Ingestion Ingestion may result in nausea, vomiting, severe gastrointestinal irritation, slight ulceration, dizziness and diarrhoea.
Large doses may result in kidney/ liver damage and unconsciousness.
Copyright © 2006 RMT. The data contained herein is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced for any reason.
Environment Limited ecotoxicity data was available for this product at the time this report was prepared. Ensure appropriate
measures are taken to prevent this product from entering the environment.
Waste For small amounts, absorb with sand, vermiculite or similar and dispose of to an approved landfill site. For larger
Disposal amounts, contact the manufacturer for additional information. Prevent contamination of drains or waterways as
aquatic life may be threatened and environmental damage may result.
Transport Not classified as a Dangerous Good according to the Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road
and Rail.
AICS All chemicals listed on the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS).
Poison A poison schedule number has not been allocated to this product using the criteria in the Standard for the Uniform
Schedule Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP).
Additional EXPOSURE STANDARDS - TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGES: Exposure standards are established on the premise of
Information an 8 hour work period of normal intensity, under normal climatic conditions and where a 16 hour break between shifts
exists to enable the body to eliminate absorbed contaminants. In the following circumstances, exposure standards
must be reduced: strenuous work conditions; hot, humid climates; high altitude conditions; extended shifts (which
increase the exposure period and shorten the period of recuperation).
AGENTS to this product due to the potential for NITROSAMINE formation. Nitrosamines are potent carcinogens and
some have been shown to cause severe acute (heart, brain, blood, liver - kidney) damage as well as chronic effects
(reproductive effects, liver - lung and kidney tumors).
Copyright © 2006 RMT. The data contained herein is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced for any reason.
mg/m3 - Milligrams per cubic metre
ppm - Parts Per Million
TWA/ES - Time Weighted Average or Exposure Standard.
CNS - Central Nervous System
NOS - Not Otherwise Specified
pH - relates to hydrogen ion concentration - this value will relate to a scale of 0 - 14, where 0 is highly acidic and 14 is
highly alkaline.
CAS# - Chemical Abstract Service number - used to uniquely identify chemical compounds.
M - moles per litre, a unit of concentration.
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer.
The recommendation for protective equipment contained within this Chem Alert report is provided as a guide only.
Factors such as method of application, working environment, quantity used, product concentration and the availability
of engineering controls should be considered before final selection of personal protective equipment is made.
Copyright © 2006 RMT. The data contained herein is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced for any reason.