D.G Ov .Au: 5.0 Emergency Response
D.G Ov .Au: 5.0 Emergency Response
D.G Ov .Au: 5.0 Emergency Response
0 Emergency response
Most emergencies afloat can be avoided by good seamanship. However accidents can happen, so be prepared to handle them. Marine safety regulations provide safety equipment requirements and advice designed to keep boats safe and prepared to handle emergency situations. Below are a number of basic steps to employ in an emergency situation: do not panic, remain as calm as possible consider the weather conditions and how they may affect the capabilities of the boat have safety equipment ready and lifejackets on attract attention from any passing ship or persons on land, if close by, either by waving or by using a flare if the situation becomes desperate check to make sure there is no danger of fire or explosion if hull is holed, block entry with any suitable material that will slow down the entry of water if you have V-sheet, place it on top of the boat and secure properly if you have VHF radio, use it to call for help. Unless there is an uncontrollable fire, dont leave your boat. Most boats involved in accidents dont sink and can be seen better than a person in the water. A partially submerged boat can also be used for support. Restrain any impulse to swim ashore. Distances over water usually appear shorter than they actually are. It is always safer to stay with the boat unless you are sure that land is within swimming distance. Huddle together to reduce heat loss. Avoid excessive physical activity, such as swimming, that will increase body heat loss.
Even the best-maintained engine can fail, so it is important to learn the basics of engine repairpractise troubleshooting problems and carrying out emergency repairs. Always carry essential tools.
Learn to distinguish the sound of an engine not running normally. It is good practice to carry an auxiliary motor maintained in good operational order and ready for immediate use if required.
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Before attempting to carry out any running repairs while on the water use an anchor to check drift and face the bow into the sea to help to keep water off the engine. Work under a waterproof cover large enough to keep spray off the engine as a wet ignition can often frustrate attempts to restart an engine.
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5.3 Fire
Good housekeeping includes:
Fire prevention can be achieved through good housekeeping. It is essential to know how to fight a fire and have the correct equipment on board but never having to fight fire is a far better course of action.
have the correct fire extinguishers on your boat, know how to use them, maintain them and locate them in accessible areasnot near the source of a potential fire keep the bilge and engine room clean and free of rags, newspapers and other combustible materials regularly check that engine rooms are properly ventilated use only appliances such as stoves and heaters that are approved for marine use never use cigarette lighters or matches while searching in lockers, use a battery powered torch check fuel systems at regular intervals for leaks and spillage any spare petrol should be carried in approved containers check the electrical system regularly for faults and keep all components as clean as possible. Common causes of fires among smaller boats include: engine backfiring in air laden with combustible vapour hot exhaust pipe igniting adjacent combustible materials on inboard powered boats, fuel lines can leak or rupture and spray fuel over hot exhausts spontaneous combustion of oil rags in badly ventilated compartments a spark caused by static electricity during refuelling fuel vapours collecting in the bilge due to spillage while refuelling leaking LPG which is heavier than air and will find the lowest point in the boat, usually the bilge
BoatSafe Workbook
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
short-circuiting and overloading of the electrical system smoking in bed. Remember, to avoid potential fire hazardsall fuel systems, electrical systems and LPG systems should be correctly designed, installed and maintained by qualified persons.
Emergency response
When refuelling your boat: turn off all engines, motors, fans, heating devices, electrical equipment and LPG appliances dont smoke or allow naked flames on or in the vicinity of your boat fuel spilled, either accidentally or from overflowing the fuel tanks, produces vapours which can enter the bilge and may be ignited by a sparkoften from the boats electrical system have a fire extinguisher handy wipe up all spills leave room in tanks for fuel expansion check bilges for leakage and fuel odoursventilate until fuel odour is gone, before starting engines never refill portable fuel tanks in the boattake them ashore for filling and wipe off any spillage before replacing them aboard. Fuel related fires could also start when a boat is cruising. These fires generally result when some component of the fuel system starts to leak and vapours trapped in the ships bilge are ignited. Regularly inspect and maintain fuel systems and avoid using temporary or stop gap solutions to fix leaks.
Shut off fuel lines and gas lines as soon as possible as flexible fuel lines may collapse and add to the fire. Try to extinguish the fire with fire fighting appliances and remember to direct the extinguisher into the heart of the fire, not the flames. Maintain a watch on the area once the fire has been extinguished to monitor any reflashes. If the boat needs to be abandoned, do not motor alongside another boat. Do not leave the boat on the leeward (downwind side) as the boat may drift onto you or any fuel may spread in the water.
Electrical installation
Fires and explosions aboard small boats are frequently caused by short circuits or overloading. To ensure protection from these hazards, have all electrical installation and maintenance carried out by a qualified marine electrician.
Raise the alarm (to others onboard and to rescue organisations). Manoeuvre the boat to operate with the least wind effect (generally down wind). If within an enclosed or confined space, close all the hatches, vents and ports to reduce oxygen. If a burning object can be safely moved, get it over the side quickly.
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BoatSafe Workbook
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
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Theory of fire
The elements are: 1. 2. 3. 4. fuel heat air (oxygen) chemical reaction. Removing these elements will extinguish the fire: 1. removal of fuelstarving 2. removal of heatcooling 3. removal of airsmothering.
There are four elements of fire. If these elements are bought together in sufficient quantities, then a fire will occur.
LPG is the most dangerous substance on boats if not handled correctly. Leakages cause suffocation and explosions. LPG is stored in cylinders under pressure as a liquid. When the cylinder valve is opened, some of the liquid boils off as a gas vapour. When ignited, LPG can be used to fuel a number of appliances including stoves, refrigerators and water heaters. In the event of an accidental gas leak, stop all motors, close all cylinder valves, turn off all appliances and ventilate the boat. Do not operate any electrical switches until the air is clear. In the event of fire, LPG cylinders should be removed from the heat source. If this is not possible, keep the cylinder cool by spraying water on it. If flames are threatening to engulf a gas cylinder, the boat should be evacuated. Safe gas practice includes: Turn off all appliances and close the cylinder valve before you leave the boat. Display no smoking and turn off the gas signs below.
Be extremely cautious approaching boats on fire and keep to the windward side. Most fires on small boats originate from fuel, heating appliances, stoves, leaking gas or fat. Fuel and gas fires spread very quickly. Even a minor spill can create a rapid spread of flames.
Most boating fatalities happen when people fall overboard, even in calm waters close to shore. When people fall overboard, the worst thing to do is jump in after them. The potential drownings immediately double.
5.4 Capsize
Capsize is a major contributor to boating fatalities, so make sure your boat is appropriate for the conditions and has built-in flotation (positive flotation). A boat will capsize from either one or a combination of the following:
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5.6 Grounding
Overloading slows the boat down and reduces the amount of freeboard (area above the waterline). A low freeboard increases the possibility of swamping the boat or taking on water, slowing the boat even more. Improper weight distribution can make the boat even more unstable. You must locate persons and equipment in order to balance the boat and keep water out. Waves can be a major factor in capsizing, especially if they are unexpected. Anticipate all waves and aim the bow into them. Always check the weather before and during boating. Should your boat capsize, take a head count to make sure everyone is there, check for injuries and stay with the boat. If you can, turn the boat upright and bail it out. Once most of the water is out, climb back in. Or, if close to shore, just climb in the boat and paddle. It will be exhausting but at least you will be safely ashore. Never swim away from a capsized boat.
Fast action and constant observation is the priority. Whoever first sees or hears someone go overboard must alert the master and not lose sight of the person until alongside. Turn the bow of the boat quickly toward the side the person went overboard and stop the boat. Turning toward the person will push the stern and propeller away. Immediately throw a life-saving device toward the person to give assistance with keeping afloat. At night, turn on and throw over a floating torch near the victim. Use another available light to illuminate the area. Quickly establish your position either by reference to shore marks or by a GPS position. An accurate position will be essential if the search requires outside assistance. Victims may be hurt, cold and exhausted. If they cannot help themselves, it is difficult to get them back into the boat and you may need some sort of apparatus (for example a rope ladder or a loop of rope) to assist. Do not go into the water to assist the person unless absolutely necessary. If the victim is unable to board or needs further assistance and someone must go into the water, make sure that person has on a PFD and is attached to the boat with a line.
Small dinghy-type boats have sufficient flotation to keep afloat if upturned. To right an upturned boat, grab the keel and roll the boat toward you. As the boat starts to turn, grab hold of the gunwale and continue to roll the boat until it is right side up. You then have an opportunity to bail the ship out.
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Grounding can cause material damage to the boat (hull and propellers), environmental damage to the sea floor and injury to occupants through sudden jarring. To avoid running aground: Know how to read the beacons marking the channel. If in doubt slow down until you are sure of the channel ahead.
BoatSafe Workbook
Wetpaper Publications
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
Emergency response
Check that appliance cocks are closed before opening the cylinder valve. Develop a routine of turning off the gas at the cylinder before turning off at the appliance when finished. This lets the appliance burn out and reduces pressure in the pipeline. Keep areas around appliances clean (especially of grease or fat) and free of flammable materials. Know the smell of LPG. Make a periodic check of appliances, lines, connections and joins using soapy water applied with a paintbrush bubbles indicate leaks. Never use a match to check for leaks. Install a gas detector.
When reboarding a boat at any time, board over the stern where the freeboard is lower and the ship is most stable. Never board or attempt to board over the side. If the boat sinks refer to the abandoning the boat section on p.63.
Emergency response
Familiarise yourself with the area at low tide. This will give you a better perspective of where navigable water is. Talk to more experienced boat owners about what to look for that means shallow water. For example: ripples on the surface, surface formations changing suddenly, different water colour. Wear polarised sunglasses which highlight shallow areas. Use a chart and an echo sounder to read depths. Dont guess the depth of water, test it at slow speed. If you go aground in a displacement hull boat or a yacht, there is a risk of the boat falling over if the boat goes high and dry with the outgoing tide. In most cases, the boat will rise and float again on the high tide. However, if the boats freeboard is low, water can enter the boat and sink it as the tide rises. Hardwood planks can be propped under the gunwales to hold the boat upright in the event of being beached high and dry, especially yachts which will not balance on their keel.
small boats, and more than 80% of drowning victims were not wearing a PFD. Everyone on board small boats should wear an approved PFD that fits properly suitable for the type of boating. There are three types of PFDs listed in the safety equipment section (p. 22).
Boaters have a greater exposure to the elements than most and boating in the cooler weather means a higher risk of developing hypothermia from wind-chill, capsize and damp and wet clothes. Hypothermia or exposure is the effect of severe heat loss from the body, particularly from the core organs. Immersion in cold water causes the body to lose heat up to 25 times faster than normal and the shock of sudden immersion in cold water can be a serious threat to people who are older, unfit or under stress from falling overboard or abandoning ship. Cold winds on wet clothing and exposure to the elements for long periods can also result in hypothermia.
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Various techniques can maximise survival time in the water. The main ones are:
BoatSafe Workbook
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
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5.8 First aid
First aid training
If first aid is required at sea, make sure the boat is under proper control.
HELP (Heat Escape Lessening Posture) minimises the main areas of heat lossthe head, sides of the chest and the groin. If wearing a PFD Type 1, taking the HELP position will cause you to roll over face down unless you tilt your head back and rest it on the lifejackets collar. Treading water is a well-known technique requiring continuous movement of the arms and legs. If not wearing a life jacket, try to hold on to a buoyant object to maintain the head above water. Huddle is where persons in the water, by huddling closely together so that chests and arms are protected, can increase survival time by up to 50% by reducing the rate at which the body loses heat.
Coping with accidents and emergencies at sea needs a cool head and clear thinking. Expert assistance will probably not be at hand so skippers and crew of small boats need to have the basic first aid skills required to respond with knowledge and confidence. Red Cross, St John Ambulance, Queensland Ambulance and other providers conduct regular courses in first aidthe skills they teach could save a life. Keep an appropriate first aid kit on board, with equipment to provide initial treatment for common injuries. You can make up your own in a suitable, strong waterproof container, or buy one ready-packed from Red Cross or St John Ambulance.
Immersion in cold water can quickly affect the brain creating a dangerous situation as the person may not realise they are in danger. Hypothermia can be difficult to recognise because it is often mistaken for drowsiness. However, the following signs and symptoms will help you make an assessment: quiet and lacking an appetite intense shivering cold to touch slurred speech confusion pulse slow, weak or imperceptible breathing slow and shallow dilated pupils.
Aim to reduce any further heat loss and try to commence rewarming slowly by: Putting the patient in shelter, protected from wind and rain. Minimising movement and disturbance. Preventing further heat loss by removing wet clothing and warming the person gradually by wrapping in an aluminium space blanket, layers of dry clothes, blankets, newspaper or a sleeping bag. Never put the person close to a fire or in a hot bath. Using your own body heat to warm the patient. Huddle together or share a sleeping bag. Pass warm breaths across patients mouth and nose. Warming the area of high heat loss, that is, head and neck, sides of chest, armpits, and groin. Do not warm, rub or massage limbs. Giving warm drinks (never alcohol) if conscious. Commence artificial respiration if necessary and organise transportation of the victim to medical aid without delay. Their survival could depend on it.
Heat exhaustion
The danger signs of heat exhaustion include faintness, giddiness, headache, nausea and cramps. The patient may appear pale and clammy, with excessive sweating, rapid breathing and pulse. With further dehydration, the skin becomes hot and dry.
Put the patient in the shade. Remove unnecessary clothing and sponge torso with cool water. If possible, wrap in a wet, cold sheet and improvise a fan. Apply ice packs to the armpits and groin. Give frequent drinks of water.
Shake the victim; be firm but not rough and try to get a response to a loud call. If there is no response, check the ABC: Airwaymake sure the nose and mouth are clear. Breathingloosen upper clothing and observe chest movement. Feel and listen for breath from the nose and mouth. Circulationcheck the colour of face and lips. Listen for a heartbeat on the left side of the patients chest. Feel for the pulse in the neck. If there is a pulse but no breathing, begin mouth-to-mouth immediately: Turn the victim on the side and clear the airway. Turn onto back, tilt head back and lift the jaw forward. Pinch the nose closed. Seal your mouth over the patients mouth. Give five fast full breaths within 10 seconds, watching the chest rise after each breath.
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Poisonous stings
In tropical waters, box jellyfish can give dangerous, even fatal stings. Flood the area with household vinegar; and observe the casualtys breathing and pulse. Be ready to give mouth-to-mouth or CPR and seek urgent medical assistance. The blue-ringed octopus has a potentially fatal bite, affecting the persons breathing within a few minutes. If bitten on a limb, use a wide bandage to apply firm pressure over the whole limb, then immobilise it with a splint. If necessary, give mouth-to-mouth or CPR and seek medical assistance. The blue-ringed octopuss bite can cause paralysisa victim may be fully conscious but unable to breathe. Resuscitation is important and should be continued until medical assistance is available.
BoatSafe Workbook
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
Emergency response
If the chest doesnt rise, ensure the head is tilted and the nose sealed, or recheck the airway. Continue with slower breathsone every four seconds. With small children, cover the nose and mouth with your mouth. Blow gentlyjust enough to see the chest rise. When the patient can breathe alone, turn on the side. Vomiting and choking may occur if lying on the back. Continue resuscitation until recovery occurs or medical aid arrives.
There are several ways to prevent or minimise seasickness: Avoid alcohol and heavy, rich foods before and during the trip. Focus on the horizon, not on the water. Stay in the fresh air on deck, away from fumes. Keep occupied. Nibble on a dry biscuit, chew barley sugar or dried fruit. Ginger is also considered a good anti-seasickness remedy. Use medication before the trip (but be aware that some seasickness treatments can make you drowsy or have other unpleasant side effects). If all else fails, the only cure for seasickness is to sit under a tree.
Gently and quickly cool the burned skin immediately with plenty of cold water (sea water is excellent), or cover it with a cloth soaked in cool water. Never burst blisters or cut away burned tissue or clothing unless the burn is from a chemical that might continue to eat into the cloth and skin beneath. Cover the area lightly with a clean, dry, sterile burns dressing or clean cloth and keep the patient calm and quiet. Do not apply any kind of antiseptic spray or ointment. If possible, keep the affected area above the victims heart. Seek medical assistance as soon as possible.
Emergency response
Sun exposure
A small cut can be treated easily by washing with a disinfectant solution and closing with a suitable dressing. Pressure applied directly to the wound is the most effective way to stop bleeding. Elevation of the injured part will also help to control bleeding.
Occasionally, more serious injuries can occur, particularly those associated with propeller injuries involving the limbs where massive bleeding can result. This can only be controlled by the use of an arterial tourniquet, which is used only as a last resort in such serious cases. The arterial tourniquet should be applied to the upper leg or arm, keeping well clear of the knee and arm joint. Use a broad (5.07.5 cm) soft roller bandage, strip of material or wide belt and encircle the limb a number of times. The arterial pulse should disappear completely below the bandage. If bleeding appears to increase rather than decrease, the tourniquet has been applied incorrectly and should be released and reapplied.
Once correctly applied, the time of application must be clearly recorded on the patient. Clothing or other material must not cover the arterial tourniquet. It is essential to get the patient to hospital as soon as possible. An arterial tourniquet is used only as a last resort for the control of massive, uncontrollable bleeding. In all other cases, the use of direct pressure on a bleeding point with fingers or a pad should be the first method used to try to stop bleeding.
Treating burns should be done in such a manner as to relieve pain, prevent infection and prevent or treat for shock.
BoatSafe Workbook
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
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Broken bones
Untreated, shock can cause death from a collapse of the cardiovascular system carrying oxygen to the bodys vital organs. The signs of shock may include cold, clammy skin, profuse sweatinga pale colour, bluish lips, rapid pulse, and laboured or rapid breathing. To treat shock, lie the victim on his/her back and cover with blankets or clothing to keep warm. Elevate the feet about 30 cm higher than the head. Do not give the victim anything to eat or drink. Keep the victim comfortable until help arrives.
A broken bone injury should be immobilised to prevent further injury. Stop bleeding, if there is any, treat for shock and seek medical attention.
To treat sunburn, apply a cool, moist compress to the affected area but do not break any blisters. Give the patient plenty of fluids and seek medical attention quickly.
Section 5 activities
Activity 1
Prepare emergency response checklists applicable to your own boat for each of the following situationsmake sure you include steps that are applicable only to your own boat. Example:
Activity 2
A person on board your boat has fallen into the cold water and, when retrieved, you believe the person is suffering from hypothermia. What are the main principles in administering first aid to the victim?
Fire on board
Disabled boat
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Person overboard
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Activity 3
1 2 3 4 5 6
List some of the signs a person might show if suffering from heat exhaustion.
Activity 4
What first aid steps would you take for heat exhaustion?
Activity 5
A person on board your boat has fallen unconscious. What do you do?
BoatSafe Workbook
The BoatSafe Workbook presented on this site is copyright (c) of the State of Queensland. All enquiries should be made to Maritime Safety Queensland.
Emergency response