1time Sheet or 1statement of Fact - Shipping Agency - Koneksea
1time Sheet or 1statement of Fact - Shipping Agency - Koneksea
1time Sheet or 1statement of Fact - Shipping Agency - Koneksea
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Don't think that ship activities at the port are just loading and unloading, Mates. From the
time the ship arrives at the port, until it leaves the outside threshold, of course it is
necessary to make several records that identify the hours and days when the ship is
So, all ship movements are recorded in document reports called Time Sheets and
Statements of Fact. The importance of this document is also one that is required and
reported to the ship owner by the General or Local Agent who is responsible for agency for
the ship.
This document states the time of every movement of the ship in the port so that any
recorded information becomes the documentation of the ship owner, especially Shippers
and Charterers who have several agreements related to ship despatch and demurrage.
Basically, the Time Sheet and Statement of Fact have almost the same function, for more
details, let's find out the difference!
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11/16/22, 3:30 PM Time Sheet or Statement of Fact? - Shipping Agency - Koneksea
A. Time Sheet
What is written in the picture above is an example of a time sheet that occurs on an Oil
Tanker type ship and has the following meanings:
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11/16/22, 3:30 PM Time Sheet or Statement of Fact? - Shipping Agency - Koneksea
5. Pilot on Board/POB : Rise of the Pilot Officer on board the ship to show the route to
the Wharf.
6. First Line Ashore : The first mooring rope tied to the Bolder at the Pier.
7. All Made Fast : The condition of the ship has been bound in every corner of the
ship's length at the Pier Bolder (Mooring).
8. Gangway Down : Lowered the ship's ladder to the Pier
9. Port Authority / Agent on Board : The rise of the Port Authority together with the
Local Agency which has been appointed by the Ship Owner / General Agent.
10. Free Pratique : Quarantine party informing that the condition of the ship is feasible
in terms of cleanliness and free from infectious diseases so that it is permitted to carry
out activities at the port
11. Surveyor on board : Independent Surveyor party determined by the Shipper and
Charterer to board the ship to check the ship's tanks.
12. Safety Meeting : A meeting of independent surveyors, shippers and shippers to
discuss matters related to loading in order to avoid dangerous risks.
13. Tanks Inspection : Inspection of the tank to avoid unloading, which is due to the
condition of the tank is still dirty. The purpose of this Tanks Inspection is to anticipate
the occurrence of contamination of cargo entering the tank, by previously checking it by
an independent surveyor, shipper representatives at the wharf, and the ship's party.
They will inspect every tank that is already in the Stowage Plan, in which the tank will be
a place for loading goods/oil which will be channeled from the shipper's onshore tank
via pipes and hoses.
14. Notice of Readiness Accepted / NOR Accepted : Notification that the ship accepts
loading activities to be carried out.
15. Cargo Hose Connected : Connection of a hose from a land pipe that has been
connected from the factory to the loading channel on the ship.
16. Commenced Loading : Indicates the start of loading.
17. Completed Loading : Indicates the completion of loading.
18. Cargo Hose Disconnected : Removing the land hose that was previously connected
to the ship.
19. Ullage and Calculation : Activities to count and calculate the amount of cargo in
Land Tanks and Ship Tanks to ensure that the amounts are correct or still need to be
20. Completed Documents : Indicates that Export Documents, Customs and Clearance
out/Permit to leave the ship have been completed.
21. Documents on Board : All documents taken by the Local Agent have previously
been returned to the Captain on board.
22. Pilot on Board : The Pilot Officer goes on board the ship to direct the ship out to the
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23. Unberthing : Arresting the release of the ship's rope from the wharf.
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24. ETA Next Port : The date and time the ship will likely arrive at the next port.
*For the record, this Time Sheet is received by the Local Agency which reports the course of
every ship activity process at the port to the General Agent/Ship Owner who previously
B. Statement of Fact
The Statement of Fact in the picture above is the SOF received from the ship, which already
has its own format according to the owner's request. So the ship/Crew has adjusted the
format determined by the company that manages the MV Ship. Star Eagle.
You can see, mates, the Time Sheet is a direct report provided by the Local Agent, the
Report in the form of a Time Sheet will be received and agreed upon by the ship which will
prepare a Statement of Fact, as a report to the Ship Owner/Ship Owner.
It's not just the Statement of Fact that's included in the Loading Documents Mates! there are
Letters of Protest, Ullage and Calculation Documents, and many more. Don't worry Mates,
we will definitely discuss one by one here. So keep on supporting the Carry On movement!
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Thanks for the info, Having a timesheet really helps the HR team in
carrying out their duties
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