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14 3 DP Optimal Binary Search Trees 4up

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Method of dynamic programming

Algorithms Theory 14 Dynamic Programming (3)

Optimal binary search trees
Prof. Dr. S. Albers

Recursive approach: Solve a problem by solving several smaller analogous subproblems of the same type. Then combine these solutions to generate a solution to the original problem. Drawback: Repeated computation of solutions Dynamic-programming method: Once a subproblem has been solved, store its solution in a table so that it can be retrieved later by simple table lookup.

Winter term 07/08

Winter term 07/08

Optimal substructure

Construction of optimal binary search trees

(-,k1) k1 (k1,k2) k2 (k2,k3) k3 (k3,k4) k4 (k4, ) 4 1 0 3 0 3 0 3 10

Dynamic programming is typically applied to optimization problems. An optimal solution to the original problem contains optimal solutions to smaller subproblems.
4 (-, k1) 1 k 1

3 k2

3 k 4

(k1, k2)

3 k 3


(k4, )

(k2, k3)

(k3, k4)

weighted path length: 3 1 +2 (1 + 3) + 3 3 + 2 (4 + 10)

Winter term 07/08 3 Winter term 07/08 4

Construction of optimal binary search trees

Given: set S of keys S = {k1,....kn} - = k0 < k1 < ... < kn< kn+1 = ai: (absolute) frequency of requests to key ki bj: (absolute) frequency of requests to x (kj , kj+1) Weighted path length P(T) of a binary search tree T for S:

Construction of optimal binary search trees

4 k2 2 k1 5 1

2 k1 4 k2

3 P(T1) = 21

5 P(T2) = 27

P(T ) = (depth(k i ) + 1)ai + depth((k j , k j +1 ))b j

i =1 j =0

Goal: Binary search tree with minimum weighted path length P for S .

Winter term 07/08

Winter term 07/08

Construction of optimal binary search trees

Construction of optimal binary search trees

T ak k


= P(Tl) + W(Tl) + P(Tr) + W(Tr) + aroot = P(Tl ) + P(Tr ) + W(T) mit

ai ki Tl Tr bj kj, kj + 1

W(T) := total weight of all nodes in T

An optimal binary search tree is a binary search tree with minimum weighted path length.

If T is a tree with minimum weighted path length for S, then subtrees Tl and Tr are trees with minimum weighted path length for subsets of S.
7 Winter term 07/08 8

Winter term 07/08

Construction of optimal binary search trees

Construction of optimal binary search trees

T(i, j) = kl

Let T(i, j): optimal binary search tree for (ki, ki+1) ki+1... kj (kj, kj+1), W(i, j): weight of T(i, j), i.e. W(i, j) = bi + ai+1 + ... + aj + bj , P(i, j): weighted path length of T(i, j).
T(i, l - 1)
( ki, ki + 1) ki + 1 ..... kl 1 (kl 1, kl)

T(l, j)
( kl, kl + 1) kl + 1 ..... kj (kj, kj + 1)









request frequency:

ai + 1

al 1

bl 1



al + 1



Winter term 07/08

Winter term 07/08


Construction of optimal binary search trees

W(i, i) = bi , for 0 i n W(i, j) = W(i, j 1) + aj + bj , for 0 i < j n P(i, i) = 0 , for 0 i n P(i, j) = W(i, j) + min { P(i, l 1 ) + P(l, j) }, for 0 i < j n

Construction of optimal binary search trees

Base cases Case 1: h = j i = 0 T(i, i) = (ki, ki +1) W(i, i) = bi P(i, i) = 0, r(i, i) not defined


r(i, j) = the index l for which the minimum is achieved in (*)

Winter term 07/08


Winter term 07/08


Construction of optimal binary search trees

Case 2: h = j i = 1 T(i, i+1)

Computating the minimum weighted path length using dynamic programming

Case 3: h = j - i > 1 for h = 2 to n do for i = 0 to (n h) do { j = i + h; determine (greatest) l, i < l j, s.t. P(i, l 1) + P(l, j) is minimal P(i, j) = P(i, l 1) + P(l, j) + W(i, j); r(i, j) = l; }

ki+1 ai+1 ki, ki+1 bi ki+1, ki+2 bi+1

W(i ,i +1) = bi + ai+1 + bi+1 = W(i, i) + ai+1 + W(i+1, i+1) P(i, i+1) = W(i, i + 1) r(i, i +1) = i + 1

Winter term 07/08


Winter term 07/08


Construction of optimal binary search trees


Construction of optimal binary search trees

Theorem An optimal binary search tree for n keys and n + 1 intervals with known request frequencies can be constructed in O(n3) time.

P(i, j ) := min. weighted path length for bi ai +1bi +1 K a j b j W (i, j ) := sum of


bi W (i, j ) = W (i, j 1) + a j + W ( j , j )

if i = j otherwise if i = j otherwise

0 P (i, j ) = W (i, j ) + min {P(i, l 1) + P (l , j )} i <l j

Computing the solution P(0,n) takes O(n3) time. and requires O(n2) space.
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