Underground Water Prospecting in Rural Settings: E. C. Mabunda, Beng, MSC
Underground Water Prospecting in Rural Settings: E. C. Mabunda, Beng, MSC
Underground Water Prospecting in Rural Settings: E. C. Mabunda, Beng, MSC
This paper presentsthe design of a portable water table detector. The device can be used to identify where the water table is likely to be found. The heart of the design is on the microcontroller. The ground probes require high voltage and this is generated from a 12 volt battery using a 555 timer arranged as an a-stable multivibrator. The use of a battery is to make the device usable even at remote places where electrical power is not available. A suggested code in assemble language for the microcontroller is given as guide. However a high level language can also be implemented, to achieve the same results. The use of the microcontroller (processor) makes it feasible to produce a device that is cost effective for both urban and rural dwellers. The main activity of this design is centred on the development of the code (software program), design of a special power supply and the interfacing external hardware for the detector.
Key Words: Water table detector, electrode interface, PIC microcontroller, Geological strata, resistivity
measurement, Analogue to Digital conversion.
1. Introduction
There are various types of water detectors available in the market, but most of these have been designed for countries thatare very developed, hence they tend to be costly and more sophisticated for an ordinary user. This design results in a product that is cost effective in that it uses an inbuilt power supply based on the battery and virtually no moving parts that may require constant maintenance. The system constitutes a software program, control circuits and probe electrodes, as well as the power supply that is incorporated into the system. The device should be able to measure the depth from ground surface to the underground water, and should be easy to operate.The main focus of this paper is to generate motivation and interest in the design and production of devices that are simple to use and suitable for developing technologies.
2. System Overview
Figs 1 and fig 2 shows the setup of the water table detector. The system incorporates four electrodes, two of which are used to pass current through the ground and the other two are used to measure voltage across the specimen ground. Also there is need for signal conditioning to enable proper electrode interface to the microcontroller. Fig 1 illustrates the concept while fig 2 shows how the detector can be used.
PIC 16F877A Microcontroller Current measurement Voltage measurement Power supply system
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K = ([AB]/2) -([MN]/2)2. 2 [MN]/2 Where AB = distance between current electrodes MN = distance between potential electrodes The changes in the resistivity of geological strata may be measured by a method known as vertical electrical sounding. In the field, a series of resistivity measurements are made at various electrode spacing entered at a common point. Sampling depth is increased by increasing electrode spacing.The M and N electrode array is held fixed while the A and B current electrodes are moved outwardly by constant length. This movement is relative to the increase in depth of measurement as the current electrodes are moved further apart. The depth measured is AB/2. When the current electrodes are moved further apart, the potential recorded from the M and N electrodes will change as the current passes through different subsurface structures.The relationship V = IR (Ohms law) holds for simple circuits as well as earth materials. However, resistance is not a material constant; instead, resistivity is an intrinsic property of the medium describing the resistance of the flow of current in that medium. In general resistivity is defined as a unit change in resistance scaled by the ratio of a unit cross sectional area and a unit length of the material through which the current is passing. Earths resistivity can range over nine orders of magnitude from 1 to 108 ohm/m. Table 1 shows the common resistivity of different ground earth types. Table.1 Material value Resistivity range Igneous and Metamorphic rocks 102 108 Sedimentary 10 108 Ground Water 1 10 Pure water Common soilresistivity
= Taking to be 22/7
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To obtain
at the input of the system two resistors in parallel are used as shown in fig 3. This procedure will
3.2. Measuring resistivity at a depth of 40meters The procedure for measuring resistivity at the depth of 40 meters is the same as for 20 save for the current electrode spacing which is now 80m but the voltage electrode spacing remains at 4m. In this case AB = 80m.Resistivity becomes 1254V/I and the condition for presence of water remains the same i.e. between 1 and 10 /m. The resulting inequality 1/m < 1254V/I < 10 need to be scaled down to fit into the original range of I < 155V < 10I by switching in resistances at the input. Fig. 3 show the implementation circuit diagram of the detector.
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Fig.4. PIC 16F877A microcontroller pin out diagram 3.3 Analogue to Digital conversion The PIC microcontroller is capable of converting an analogue signal to a digital one. It performs this for one signal at a time. Before the analogue to digital conversion is done there are registers that need to be initialized. These are ADCON0 and ADCON1registers. 3.4 ADCON0 register The pins for ADCON0 are configured as shown below. This register controls the operation of the analogue to digital module. R/W-0 ADC1 R/W-0 ADCS0 R/W-0 CHS2 R/W-0 CHS1 R/W-0 CHS0 R/W-0 GO/DONE U/O --------R/W-0 ADON
Bit 7-6
ADCS1:ADCS0: A/D conversions Clock select bits 00 = FOSC/2 01 = FOSC/8 10 = FOSC/32 11 = FRC (Clock derived from internal A/D module) Bit 5-3 CHS2:CHS0: Analogue Select bits 000 = channel 0 (RA0/AN0 001 = channel 1 (RA1/AN1) 010 = channel 2 (RA2/AN2) 011 = channel 3 (RA3/AN3) 100 = channel 4 (RA4/AN4) 101 = channel 5 (RA5/AN5) 110 = channel 6 (RA6/AN6) 111 = channel 7 (RA7/AN7) Bit 2 GO/DONE: A/D Conversion status bit If ADON = 1 1 = A/D Conversion in progress (setting the bit starts the A/D conversion) 0 = A/D Conversion not in progress (this bit is automatically cleared by hardware when A/D conversion is complete. Bit 1 Unimplemented: read as 0 Bit 0 ADON: A/D on bit 1 = A/D converter module is operating 0 = A/D converter module is shut off and consume no operating current.
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ADFM: A/D Result Format Select bit 1 = Right justified. Six (6) most significant bits of ADRESH are read as 0 Left justified six (6) least significant bits of ADRESL are read as 0 Bit 6 ADCS2: A/D Conversion clock select bit
The steps followed when doing the analogue to digital conversion are as follows: Configure the A/D module - Configure pins / voltage reference and digital input output (ADCON1) - Select A/D input channel (ADCON0) - Select A/D conversion clock (ADCON0) - Turn on A/D module (ADCON0) Configure the A/D interrupt if desired Wait the required acquisition time Start the conversion by setting the GO/DONE bit Wait for the A/D conversion to complete by either polling the GO/DONE (low) bit or with interrupt enable you wait for the A/D interrupt. Read A/D result register pair (ADRESH: ADRESL). The next page show shows the flow chart of the processes the microcontroller go through to achieve the measurement of the resistivity at 20m depth.
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Convert the input values of voltage and current from analogue to digital
Add value of voltage to itself 155 times Compare this value with the value of current I Is this value greater than I
no Is this value < I
Compare this value with the value of V added to itself 155 times
Fig 5 Flow chart for measuring the resistivity at 20m depth
Light the green LED Light the red LED
||Issn||2250-3005|| (Online) ||March||2013|| ||www.ijceronline.com||
9Eh 0Ch
; reset to bank 0
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SelAN1 MOVLW b01001001 MOVWF ADCON0 return Curr MOVF MOVWF MOVWF MOVWF return ASRESL, W vic4 vic5 vic6
Banksel ADCON1 CLRF ADCON1 MOVLW b01000001 Banksel ADCON0 BCF INTCON, 7 return CALL CALL CALL MOVLW MOVWF MOVFW Cham Voltcon Currcon 0xFF DEC vic1 vic2, 0 DEC x vic3 b00111000 DEC1 vic3
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4 1k
8 3 Q12N2907 10K
6 C1 1nF 1 Q2 MPS6521
Fig.6 High voltage power supply With the timing components given the NE 555 timer generates a square wave at a frequency, 68 kHz. The output pin 3 of the timer is fed onto the transistors. A high output which is 2/3 of the supply voltage causes transistor Q2 to conduct while transistor Q1 is not conducting. This is because Q2 is active high transistor. A low at the base of Q1 ensures conduction of this transistor.The 68 kHz value was chosen to minimize the size of the transformer as well as conserving power consumption from the battery making the device truly portable.
6. Conclusion
The design of a water table detector as shown here provides for an alternative way of constructing and production of a cheap and effective underground water table detector that is affordable, portable and can be useful in rural settings. This has been achieved by use of compact components such as the microcontroller, the NE555 timer and a high efficient transformer. The design is centred on three major components i.e. the PIC microcontroller, NE 555 and the program code. Further refinements in terms of packaging can make this device truly portable. The design objective is to provide for a simple and portable underground water detector that can be used by less sophisticated persons and this paper has successfully presented a possible solution to this end. Improvements to this device could be in making high voltage power supply that is more robust, by use of specialized components. However in so doing care must be exercised to avoid over pricing of the end device.
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||Issn||2250-3005|| (Online) ||March||2013|| ||www.ijceronline.com||