Characterization of A PiezoMUMPs Microsensor For Contactless Measurements of DC Electrical Current
Characterization of A PiezoMUMPs Microsensor For Contactless Measurements of DC Electrical Current
Characterization of A PiezoMUMPs Microsensor For Contactless Measurements of DC Electrical Current
Abstract— This paper presents an integrated sensor able to resistance (AMR) solutions, as in [10], where coreless mag-
perform contactless measurements of dc electrical current. The netoresistive current sensors are discussed. The integrated
microsensor conceived is based on the PiezoMUMPs technology solution is also insensitive to external fields with a sensitivity
which embeds a layer of piezoelectric material thus offering a
mechanoelectric transduction of the measurand: the dc elec- of about 1 mV/A. A sensor bridge is required to convert
trical current flowing into a wire external to the microsensor the resistive output of the sensor. Giant magneto resistance
is here converted into a voltage signal without the need of (GMR) can be also used for sensing electrical quantities [11];
auxiliary polarization signals or integrated inductors/coils as in in particular, in [12], a current sensor is proposed that shows
the case electrostatic and electromagnetic devices, respectively. a resolution of about 0.6 A. It is noteworthy to mention
A prototype of the MEMS device has been designed, modeled,
numerically simulated, and then fabricated. A measurement that several more recent solutions have been presented in the
campaign allowed validating the sensor and to characterize its literature, such as Wu [13] presents a linear current sensor
performances. based on a piezoelectric material. In particular, the sensor
Index Terms— Contactless measurements, dc sensing, conceived in [13] is composed of a magnetic core made
microsensor, PiezoMUMPs, self-generating MEMS. by a piezoelectric layer sandwiched between two magnetic
layers. It senses the current flowing into a wire located inside
I. I NTRODUCTION the magnetic ring with sensitivity and resolution of about
1.52 mVpp /Arms and 1.6 Arms , respectively. The advantage
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concern its reduced dimension and the fabrication process moving particle, and this behavior is modeled by the following
that does not include active materials to convert the measured equation:
current into an output voltage. −
However, a postprocessing procedure has to be accounted to FL = q · ( E + v × B)
deposit a magnetic layer to implement the coupling between where q is the charge of the particle, E is the electric field, v
the MEMS device and the external current. Sensitivity and is the velocity of the particle, and B is the magnetic induction.
resolution have been estimated to about 2 μm/A and about Here, we assume that E is absent and an electrical current I
0.5 A at 50 Hz, respectively. In [17], an integrated U-shaped is driven into an electrical wire. Taking also into account that
has been presented that detects constant electrical currents with current I can be described as
an optical readout. The sensor is able to measure current-flux
density produced by using the Lorentz force principle; in I = λ
v (2)
particular, a measurement range of about 2.2 mA·T has been
in which λ is a free charge having velocity v, in a section dl,
achieved by reading the peak light intensity. In order to convert
the total charge dq can be expressed as
the output of the sensor into a voltage signal, an external
active conditioning circuit is required. In [18], a U-shaped dq = λdl (3)
magnetic field sensor based on the CMOS technology has
been presented. The device can be also used to measure cur- and hence the expression of the Lorentz force becomes
rents, and it uses a resistive readout (integrated strain gages), d F = dq v × B = λdl v × B.
as consequence an integrated conditioning circuit has been also
developed by the authors in order to convert the mechanical The net force can be found by integrating (4)
displacement into a voltage signal.
In this paper, we propose a novel integrated piezoelectric F = dl I × B = I L B (5)
microsensor based on the PiezoMUMPs technology [19],
designed and fabricated with applications to the field of where L is the length in which I and B are perpendicular.
resonant sensors for contactless measurements of electrical In detail, this sensor is based on the interaction between
currents. It should be noted that few studies have been found an unknown electrical current I that produces the magnetic
in the literature to deal with the development of microma- induction B and a known current Icant driven through a silicon
chined sensors based on the PiezoMUMPs technology. In this cantilever beam. The Lorentz force acting on the cantilever can
specific case, this paper builds up and extends the results be, therefore, written as follows:
presented in [20], where some preliminary results, concerning μ
FL = ( Icant × B) · L = Icant × 0
a microsensor for the contactless measurement of currents, · ·L
2π r
have been presented. This paper reports the current stage of
an activity that has been developed in several years. The = · Icant · I · L · sin θ. (6)
major contribution to the community of instrumentation and 2πr
measurements consists in the demonstration, from a theoretical The wire with the unknown current is placed at a distance
and experimental point of view, of the possibility to use an r from the cantilever. The cantilever considered in this paper
integrated fabrication process to realize a microscale measure- consists in a U-shaped beam. The Lorentz force in (6) deforms
ment system able to detect dc current with several intriguing the microelectromechanical structure, and the resulting dis-
advantages, such as: tunable range; a simple readout (without placement of the cantilever tip will be a function of the current
the need of additional conditioning circuit); a mechanically to be measured.
robust structure (U-shaped device); contactless working mode It is interesting to observe that the oriented indica-
(the measurements can be performed at few millimeter of dis- tion of the unknown current and of the electrical current
tance from the electrical wire where the current flows); ability into the MEMS device directs the Lorentz force, as illus-
to generate an electrical voltage via the adoption of an embed- trated in Fig. 1(a). Moreover, the U-shaped beam cantilever
ded aluminum nitride (AlN) piezoelectric layer without the exhibits a dynamic behavior which can be depicted using the
need of postprocessing deposition. Interesting performances well-known equivalent mass-spring system equation [21]:
have been obtained in terms of operative range (adjustable), in detail, this system can be modeled with the second-order
noise level (∼22.6 μV), and resolution (≈0.3 A). The design differential equation
concepts of the microsensor are presented here together with
m z̈ + d ż + V (t) + kz = FL (t). (7)
the validation of the working principle through the analytical
model and FEM simulations. Moreover, several experimental It is essential to highlight here that the electrical current to
results and characterization diagrams are reported that, when be evaluated is converted in a force, then into a displacement
compared with the theoretical model, show the suitability of z of the cantilever beam free end, and finally into a voltage
the proposed approach. through the use of a piezoelectric material composing the
MEMS device [22] and whose behavior can be described as
The current sensor presented in this paper exploits the
Lorentz force exerted by magnetic induction on a charged V (t) = ż − V (t)/RC . (8)
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and widths have been designed, and some of them have already
been characterized [19].
In this paper, we have focused our attention to the device
circled in Fig. 4, whose parameters are indicated in Fig. 1(b)
Fig. 4. Layout of device. and listed in Table II. By using the equivalent section method
[26], [27], the elastic constant k and afterward the natural
frequency f n have been calculated as k = 5.74 N/m and f n =
wafer is used as substrate with specific characteristics in 1.39 kHz, respectively. In addition, the theoretical resistance
terms of thickness. After having doped the top surface of beam, Rbeam of 0.87 , has been estimated taking account
the Si layer and grown a thermal oxide with a thickness into R = 0.055 /Sq.
of 200 nm, a piezoelectric layer in AlN of 0.5 μm is deposited.
At last, a metal stack composed of 20-nm chrome and
1000-nm aluminum is set down. The etching process is
performed with deep reactive ion etch (RIE) and described In this section, finite-element model simulations imple-
in Fig. 3. mented in Comsol Multiphysics environment (5.1 Version)
The AlN layer is used to generate an electric output: this and related to the U-shaped beam cantilever are presented in
aspect represents the most important advantage in this process, order to obtain a closer view of the device behaviors in terms
because an electric signal is directly available in the output of of the displacement and the stress. In Fig. 5(a), the device
the sensor. In this manner, the sensor output is not correlated geometry is illustrated where layers of thin silicon, AlN and
with the variation of resistance (resistive output) or capacitance aluminum for the suspend structure [shown in Fig. 5(b)], and
(capacitive output). thick silicon for the inertial mass are considered. In order to
The layout of the sensor has been realized by using proceed with the FEM analysis, an appropriate mesh has been
MEMSPro as the CAD design tool. The layout of the whole realized [see Fig. 6(a)] contemplating different dimensions of
die is shown in Fig. 4. Several devices having different lengths the layers and of the inertial mass, and especially it has been
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Fig. 7. Displacement as a function of the frequency. Fig. 9. (a) von Mises stress as a function of f 1 = 1.38 kHz. (b) Focus on
the most stressed points.
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Fig. 12. (a) Critical section in relation to the von Mises stress at f 3 = Fig. 15. Die and details on the U-shaped beam cantilever.
11.806 kHz. (b) Zoomed-in view of the critical points.
is observable long the arms too. This is because the oscil- V. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
lation mode is changed involving, in a curve, the central An appropriate experimental setup has been implemented
section of the arms (shown in Fig. 11). In relation to the in order to characterize the Lorentz force sensor. (The die
von Mises stress, it is appropriate to observe that the critical is shown in Fig. 15.) The die has dimensions 11.15 mm ×
points are changed due to the variation of the oscillation mode 11.15 mm; however, the active area, in which all devices have
and the overall value of the von Mises stress is increased. been realized, is equal to 9.65 mm × 9.65 mm. Furthermore,
Because of this, a focus about it has been considered necessary the PCB board, in which the die is packaged and bonded, has
and illustrated in Fig. 12(a) and (b). dimension 50 mm × 48 mm.
Finally, the fifth oscillation mode, having a frequency of The study of the U-shaped beam cantilever is focused on
f 5 = 43 kHz, has been considered and the following two the characterization as current sensor; therefore, an electrical
trends (see Figs. 13 and 14) in terms of the displacement wire, having a diameter of 0.15 mm, has been placed at the
and the von Mises stress have been determined. In detail, distance of r = 1 mm from the device, and the dc current to be
in Fig. 13, the displacement affects essentially the central measured is passed through it (Fig. 16) by using a controlled
section of the U-shaped beam cantilever and it presents a reference voltage source. A signal generator is used to drive
maximum value of 0.77 nm. Furthermore, the curve of arms the current through the MEMS sensor to obtain the Lorentz
is similar to the previous case (as illustrated in Fig. 14); force. The whole experimental setup is presented in Fig. 17,
however, the variation of the position in the inertial mass is where an Agilent 33220A function waveform is used to drive
neglectful because a lower displacement is impressed to arms. a sinusoidal current into the device and an Infiniium
As regards the fifth oscillation mode, the von Mises stress MSO9064A oscilloscope is needed to monitor the output
exhibits the same critical points in comparison with the third signal (Vout ). A dc current has to be measured; hence,
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Fig. 19. Experimental comparison between the first and the third oscillation
Fig. 16. Packaged and bonded die with the electrical wire located at the modes.
distance of 1 mm from the U-shaped beam cantilever.
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Mean Value = X n /10 (13)
where X n represent the measurements for each value of
The sensor current presented in this paper is a tunable
device: it is sufficient to change the amplitude of the sinusoidal
current driven into the U-shaped beam cantilever (fixed in this
Fig. 21. Output voltage of the microsensor with all ten measurements and paper case to 30 mAPP ) to modify the operative range; indeed,
their dispersion for each dc current. in according to (6), a variation of the current into the MEMS
introduces a shift of the operating region in order to keep
constant the Lorentz force, FL . This characteristic represents
one of the most remarkable advantages of this sensor, making
it opposite to other sensor topologies, for instance, the Hall
effect sensors, where the operative range is established and
intrinsic in the structure.
In order to conclude the results section, it can be appreciable
to note the following.
1) The natural frequency, f n , has been estimated in
three different environments verifying a match among
Fig. 22. Transduction diagram of the microsensor.
the modeling ( f n = 1.39 kHz), the numerical
( f n = 1.38 kHz), and the experimental ( f n ≈ 1.4 kHz).
where the output signal (Vout ), expressed in logarithm, is
2) The frequency of the third oscillation mode has been
shown as a function of the frequency of the bias current
determined numerically ( f 3 = 11.806 kHz) and con-
driven through the U-shaped beam cantilever. The amplitude
firmed experimentally ( f 3 = 10.3 kHz).
of the bias current is kept constant to 30 mAPP , whereas
3) The mechanical stiffness has been calculated in all
the external dc current in the electrical wire (I ) is fixed to
three approaches finding k = 5.74 N/m in the model,
4 A. Therefore, in order to characterize the working region
k = 5.60 N/m in the FEM analysis, and k = 5.766 N/m
of the device with the highest responsivity of the MEMS
in the experiment.
sensor, a sinusoidal current, with an amplitude of 30 mAPP
and a frequency of 10.3 kHz, is applied to the U-shaped beam
cantilever, while a dc current in [0–8 A] range is imposed in VII. C ONCLUSION
the electrical wire (I ). It is interesting to highlight that for each An integrated microsensor for measuring dc electrical cur-
dc current value, ten measurements are collected, and, later, rent based on the Lorentz force has been presented in this
the mean value is determined. In Fig. 21, the output voltage paper. The PiezoMUMPs technology has been used for the
of the microsensor is illustrated having a quasi-linear trend in fabrication of a U-shaped beam microcantilever. MEMSPro
all the range [0–8 A]. has been the CAD tool used for the device layout design.
The same graph is also shown including the uncer- The most interesting advantage is represented by the pos-
tainty band of 3σ shown in Fig. 22, where the σ value sibility, offered by the piezoelectric material embedded in
of 42.9 × 10−6 V has been estimated and a responsivity of the PiezoMUMPs technology, to convert the measurand in an
80.8 × 10−6 V/A has been evaluated. In accordance with electric signal straight available in the output of the sensor. For
the regulation UNI CEI ENV 13005, the type-A uncertainty this reason, since the output voltage in a piezoelectric material
has been estimated experimentally, and a maximum value of is correlated with the frequency, an FEM analysis has been
8.3 × 10−6 V has been evaluated. carried out in order to analyze the first three odd oscillation
In order to characterize the device in terms of resolution a modes: the first and the third modes have produced promising
noise level, specified in standard deviation and expressed in results because a tradeoff with the displacement is invaluable,
volt has been estimated experimentally and a value of 22.6 μV whereas the fifth mode has been rejected seeing as how the
has been carried out. Therefore, it has been possible to deter- displacement comparable with a noise level. Initially, a com-
mine the resolution in ampere considering the ratio between parison between the two frequencies evaluated experimentally
the noise level [V] and the responsivity [V/A] and obtaining and estimated at f 1 = 1.4 kHz and f 3 = 10.3 kHz in terms of
a resolution value of 0.28 A. sensor response allowed selecting the third oscillation mode
A good matching between the model and the experimental in order to obtain the best performance.
results has been obtained; in fact, the simulated output voltage The current sensor presented here is able to adapt the opera-
values have been overlapped to the transduction diagram tive range of the dc electrical current to be measured changing
shown in Fig. 22, thus verifying the validation of the model. the amplitude of the sinusoidal current driven into the micro-
Mean value represents the average value of the ten measure- mechanical structure. Considering an amplitude of 30 mAPP
ments collected for each dc current values and expressed as related to the current into the U-shaped beam cantilever an
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operative range [0–8 A] has been identified. Furthermore, [19] C. Trigona, A. Algozino, F. Maiorca, B. Andò, and S. Baglio, “Design
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pursuing efforts to optimize the device design in order to Jan. 2014.
improve the performances. Further research efforts are ongoing [20] C. Trigona, V. Sinatra, G. Crea, R. Nania, B. Andò, and S. Baglio,
“PiezoMUMPs microsensor for contactless measurements of DC-
in order to develop an optimized MEMS current sensor with electrical current,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Instrum. Meas. Technol. Conf.
the piezoelectric transduction mechanism for measuring both (I2MTC), May 2018, pp. 1–5.
ac and dc current flows. [21] J.-S. Wu and D.-W. Chen, “Dynamic analysis of a uniform cantilever
beam carrying a number of elastically mounted point masses with
dampers,” J. Sound Vib., vol. 229, no. 3, pp. 549–578, Jan. 2000.
[22] F. Cottone, H. Vocca, and L. Gammaitoni, “Nonlinear energy harvest-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ing,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 102, Feb. 2009, Art. no. 080601.
[23] B. Andò, S. Baglio, C. Trigona, N. Dumas, L. Latorre, and
The authors would like to thank A. Russo, who collaborates P. Nouet, “Nonlinear mechanism in MEMS devices for energy harvesting
with the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), Catania, applications,” J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 20, no. 12, Nov. 2010,
Art. no. 125020.
Italy, in setting up the finite-element analysis. [24] B. Andó, S. Baglio, F. Maiorca, and C. Trigona, “Analysis of two dimen-
sional, wide-band, bistable vibration energy harvester,” Sens. Actuators
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Giuseppa Crea was born in Messina, Italy, in 1990. Salvatore Baglio (F’13) received the Laurea degree
She received the B.S. in electronic engineering from in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in
the University of Messina, Messina, in 2015. She electrical engineering from the University of Cata-
is currently pursuing the master’s degree with the nia, Catania, Italy, in 1900 and 1994, respectively.
University of Catania, Catania, Italy, with a focus He is currently a Full Professor of instrumentation
on experimental thesis in the design and characteri- and measurements with the Dipartimento di Ingegne-
zation of microsensors. ria Elettrica Elettronica e Informatica (DIEEI), Uni-
versity of Catania. He teaches courses in electronic
measurements systems and micro- and nanosensors.
He is a Principal Investigator in several scientific
research projects dealing with the development of
innovative sensor systems, granted by private companies and by different
national and international institutions. He is also a member of the Board
of Ph.D. course in electronic and automation engineering with the University
Bruno Andò (SM’13) received the M.S. degree of Catania. He has authored more than 350 scientific publications including
in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in international journals, books, conferences, and patents. His current research
electrical engineering from the Università di Catania, interests include the development of measurement methodologies and systems
Catania, Italy, in 1994 and 1999, respectively. based on nonlinear dynamics, development of micro- and nanosensors and
From 1999 to 2001, he was a Researcher with transducers, exploitation of material properties toward integrated transducers,
the Electrical and Electronic Measurement Group, and nonlinear methodologies and integrated devices for energy harvesting.
Dipartimento Elettrico Elettronico e Sistemistico, Dr. Baglio is a member of the I&M Society AdCom where he served for VP
University of Catania, where he became an Assis- Education from 2016 to 2017 and as an Executive for VP in 2018. He is an
tant Professor in 2002. He has coauthored several Editor-in-Chief of the I&M Video Tutorials and an Associate Editor in Chief
scientific papers presented in international confer- of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NSTRUMENTATION AND M EASUREMENTs.
ences and published in international journals and
books. His current research interests include sensor design and optimiza-
tion, advanced multisensor architecture for ambient-assisted living, sensor
networks, characterization of new materials for sensors, nonlinear techniques
for signal processing with particular interest in stochastic resonance, dithering
applications, and distributed measurement systems.
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