Astm F-1307
Astm F-1307
Astm F-1307
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 1307
carrier gas stream may give rise to unwanted electrical outputs be small enough to allow for rapid gas exchange, but not so
and error factors. Interfering substances include free chlorine small that an unsupported film which happens to sag or bulge
and some strong oxidizing agents. Exposure to carbon dioxide will contact the top or bottom of the cell. Means shall be
should also be minimized to avoid damage to the sensor provided for the measurement of cell temperature.
through reaction with the potassium hydroxide electrolyte. O-Ring—An appropriately sized groove, machined
into the oxygen (or test gas) side of the diffusion cell, retains a
7. Apparatus neoprene O-ring. The test area is considered to be the area
7.1 Oxygen Gas Transmission Apparatus, 5 as diagrammed established by the inside contact diameter of the compressed
in Fig. 1 with the following: O-ring when the diffusion cell is clamped shut against the test
7.1.1 Package Test Stations, providing a means for the specimen. The area, A, can be obtained by measuring the inside
introduction and exhaust of the nitrogen carrier gas stream diameter of the imprint left by the O-ring on the specimen after
without significant loss or leakage. it has been removed from the diffusion cell. Experience has shown that arrangements using mul- The nitrogen (or carrier gas) side of the diffusion cell
tiple package test stations are a practical way to increase the shall have a flat raised rim. Since this rim is the sealing surface
number of measurements that can be obtained from a coulo- against which the test specimen is pressed, it must be smooth
metric sensor. A valving manifold connects the carrier gas side and flat, without scratches which may promote leakage.
of each individual test station to the sensor in a predetermined Diffusion Cell Pneumatic Fittings—Each half of the
pattern. Carrier gas is continually purging the carrier gas sides diffusion cell shall incorporate suitable fittings for the intro-
of those packages that are not connected to the sensor. Either duction and exhaust of gas without significant loss or leakage.
test gas (100 % oxygen) or normal room air (20.8 % oxygen), It is desirable to thermostatically control the diffu-
whichever is appropriate, contacts the outside of the package. sion cell. A simple resistive heater, attached to the carrier gas
7.1.2 Diffusion Cell, consisting of two metal halves which, side of the cell in such a manner as to ensure good thermal
when closed upon the film used for system calibration, will contact, is adequate for this purpose. A thermistor sensor and
accurately define a circular area of that film. Typical diffusion an appropriate control circuit will serve to regulate the cell
cell areas are 100 cm2 and 30 cm2. The volumes inside the cell temperature unless measurements are being made close to
above and below the enclosed film are not critical; they should ambient temperature. In this case, it is desirable to provide
cooling coils to remove some of the heat.
7.1.3 Catalyst Bed, a small metal tube with fittings for
attachment to the inlet of the nitrogen gas pneumatic fitting
The sole source of supply of the suitable apparatus, such as that embodied in
several OXTRAN models, known to the committee at this time is available from containing 3 to 5 g of 0.5 % platinum or palladium catalyst on
Mocon Inc., 7500 Boone Ave. North, Minneapolis, MN 55428. If you are aware of alumina6 to provide an essentially oxygen-free carrier gas to
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International the diffusion cell and to each package test station.
Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee1, which you may attend.
7.1.4 Flowmeter, a flowmeter having an operating range of
5 to 100 mL/min is required to monitor the flow rate of
nitrogen carrier gas through each test station.
7.1.5 Flow Switching Valves—Two or more valves for the
switching of the nitrogen and test gas flow streams.
7.1.6 Oxygen-Sensitive Coulometric Sensor, operating at an
essentially constant efficiency is employed to monitor the
quantity of oxygen transmitted.
7.1.7 Load Resistor—The current generated by the coulo-
metric cell shall pass through a resistive load across which the
output voltage is measured. Typical values for load resistors are
5.3 ohm and 53 ohm. These values yield a convenient
relationship between the output voltage and the oxygen trans-
mission rate as expressed in terms of cm3(STP)/pkg·d.
7.1.8 Voltage Recorder—The voltage across the load resis-
tor is measured and recorded using a strip-chart potentiometer,
data-logger or other suitable device. The instrument or system
should be able to measure a full-scale voltage of 50 mV. It
should be able to measure voltages as low as 0.10 mV with a
resolution of at least 10 µV. An input impedance of 5000 ohm
The sole source of supply of a suitable catalyst known to the committee at this
time can be obtained from Englehard Industries Division, Chemical Dept., 429
Delancey Street, Newark, NJ 07105. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will
FIG. 1 Arrangement of Components when Reference Film is Used receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee1,
to Calibrate System for Package Testing which you may attend.
F 1307
or higher is acceptable. of 95 to 98 % it is almost an absolute “yardstick” that does not
require calibration. Experience has shown, however, that under
8. Reagents and Materials some circumstances the sensor may become depleted or
8.1 Nitrogen Carrier Gas, consisting of a nitrogen and damaged to the extent that efficiency and response are im-
hydrogen mixture in which the percentage of hydrogen shall paired. For this reason, the method incorporates means for
fall between 0.5 and 3.0 volume percent. The carrier gas shall periodic system calibration. This calibration is derived from
be dry and contain not more than 100 ppm of oxygen. A measurements of a known-value “Reference Package.”7
commercially available mixture known as “forming gas” is 12.2 The reference package is essentially the lower-half of a
suitable. diffusion cell (Fig. 1) in which a sheet of reference film of
8.2 Sealing Grease—A high-viscosity silicone stopcock known O2GTR has been sealed and clamped. This creates a
grease or a high-vacuum grease is required for sealing the “package” into which oxygen will diffuse at a known rate.
calibration film in the diffusion cell. 12.3 Assembling the Reference Package—Ensure the sensor
8.3 Oxygen Test Gas—The test gas shall be dry and contain is bypassed to avoid swamping it with air, that is, no flow to the
not less than 99.5 % oxygen (except as provided for in 14.8). sensor. Unclamp the diffusion cell and open it. Apply a thin
layer of sealing grease (see 8.2) around the raised rim of the
9. Technical Precautions lower half of the diffusion cell. Insert the reference film in the
9.1 Extended use of the test unit with no moisture in the gas diffusion cell and place it upon the greased surface, taking care
stream may result in a noticeable decrease in output and to avoid wrinkles or creases. Lower the upper half of the
response time from the sensor (equivalent to an increase in the diffusion cell into place and clamp both halves tightly together.
calibration factor, Q). This condition is due to drying out of the 12.4 Purging the System—Start the nitrogen carrier gas flow
sensor. and purge air from the upper and lower diffusion cell chambers
9.2 Temperature is a critical parameter affecting the mea- using a flow rate of 50 to 60 cm3/min (as indicated by the
surement of O2GTR. Careful temperature control can help to flowmeter). After 3 or 4 min, reduce the flow rate to the desired
minimize variations due to temperature fluctuations. During value between 5 and 15 cm3/min. Maintain this configuration
testing, monitor and record the temperature, periodically, to the for 30 min.
nearest 0.5°C. Report the average temperature and the range of 12.5 Establishing Zero Level of Reference Film—After the
temperatures found during a test. system has been flushed with nitrogen for 30 min, with the
9.3 The sensor will require a relatively long time to stabilize sensor bypassed, divert the nitrogen carrier gas flow to the
at a low reading characteristic of a good barrier after it has been sensor. At this time the sensor output, as displayed on the
used to test a barrier such as low-density polyethylene. For this voltage recorder, will usually increase abruptly, indicating that
reason, materials of comparable gas transmission qualities oxygen is entering the sensor with the carrier gas. The most
should be tested together. likely sources of this oxygen are (1) outgassing of the sample,
9.4 Back diffusion of air into the unit is undesirable. Take (2) leaks in the system, or (3) a combination of (1) and (2). The
care, therefore, to ensure that there is a flow of nitrogen operator shall observe the recorder trace until the sensor output
through the system at all times. This flow can be low when the current stabilizes at a constant low value with no significant
instrument is not being used. trend in either direction. Note the observed deflection of the
9.5 The gas-permeability characteristics of some barrier strip chart recorder at this time and label it E0.
materials are altered by exposure to water vapor. If a package 12.6 Once the zero level (E0) has been established, switch to
is to be exposed and tested in normal laboratory air (20.8 % a flow of oxygen on the test gas side of the diffusion cell.
O2), the ambient relative humidity should be monitored to the Nitrogen will continue to flow on the downstream side of the
nearest 3 %. This may be accomplished using a sling psy- cell.
chrometer or other method of comparable accuracy. Report the 12.7 Establishing a Steady-State O2GTR—The sensor out-
average and range of relative humidities measured during the put, as displayed by the strip-chart recorder, should increase
test. and gradually level off, approaching a constant value (Ee).
Record the observed final steady-state value of Ee.
10. Sampling 12.8 Temperature of the Reference Film—It is desirable that
10.1 The sampling units used for the determination of system calibration should be conducted at the temperature for
O2GTR shall be representative of the quantity of product for which the reference film’s O2GTR is cited. Apply an appro-
which the data are required, in accordance with Practice priate correction to the rate that the temperature differs from
D 1898. that value. Temperature shall be obtained by monitoring
thermometers or thermocouples placed in the thermometer
11. Test Specimens wells on both sides of the reference film. The film temperature
11.1 Test packages shall be representative of the population
and shall be free of non-typical defects.
The sole source of supply of a suitable reference film known to the committee
12. Calibration at this time is available from Modern Controls, Inc., 7500 Boone Avenue North,
Suite 111, Minneapolis, MN 55428. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please
12.1 General Approach—The oxygen sensor used in this provide this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will
method is a coulometric device that yields a linear output as receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee1,
predicted by Faraday’s Law. Since this sensor has an efficiency which you may attend.
F 1307
may be assumed to be midway between the two values.
12.9 Standby Procedure—At the conclusion of system cali-
bration, but when it is expected that package tests will be
performed soon, the instrument should be placed in a standby
condition by taking the following steps: (1) stop the flow of O2
test gas to the sensor, and switch to nitrogen carrier gas on the
test gas side of the diffusion cell, (2) turn off the oxygen supply,
and (3) reduce the nitrogen flow rate to less than 5 mL/min. It
is desirable to maintain a slow flow of nitrogen through the
instrument when it is not being used in order to reduce the back
diffusion of air into the system.
12.10 Establish System Calibration Constant—Determine
the exposed area, A, of the calibrating reference film (see Using the permeance value furnished with the refer-
ence film, determine the O2GTR through a film of that area (A).
Use this value to determine the calibration constant, Q:
Q5 (1)
~ Ee 2 E o !
F 1307
13.2 The detector output is governed by Faraday’s Law, and doubt exists as to whether this is a true steady-state condition, perform a
the calibration does not vary with temperature. It should be check as follows: (1) stop the flow of gas to the sensor (sensor bypassed),
noted, however, that the oxygen transmission rate of most (2) allow the package to stabilize for an additional period of time
(minimum of 6 h), and (3) restart the flow of gas to the sensor. Observe
plastic materials will vary 3 to 9 %/°C. Since the package test the voltage as displayed by the recorder. If the value rises to the same level
attachment does not provide means for control of package as before, this is indicative that steady-state (equilibrium) has been
temperature, it will prove advantageous from the standpoint of achieved. If the value is substantially different from that previously
data reproducibility to locate the instrument in a draft-free, observed, the operator should repeat (1), (2), and (3) until satisfied that a
constant-temperature environment. steady-state condition has been achieved.
14. Package Test Procedure 14.5 Establish Package Zero Level (Eo)—After steady-state
conditions have been achieved and the value Ee has been
14.1 Preparation of Apparatus—If preceding tests have recorded, put the sensor in bypass once again. Remove the
exposed the apparatus to high moisture levels, it will be package from the package fittings and install a stainless steel
necessary to outgas the system to desorb residual moisture. “perfect package” loop between the carrier gas fittings. After
Water must be removed from nitrogen and test-gas bubblers. 10 to 15 min, divert the flow of carrier gas to the sensor.
The system can then be dried by slowly purging overnight Maintain this configuration for 30 min, or until the sensor
using dry carrier gas (sensor bypassed). output current has descended to a constant low value. Note this
14.2 Attachment of the Package—Ensure that the sensor is value and record as E0(package).
bypassed to avoid swamping it with air. Each package test 14.6 Standby and Shutoff Procedures—At the conclusion of
station consists of three fittings in a triangular array, or two a test, but at a time when it is expected that other tests will be
adaptor fittings in a lower cell half. The package shall be performed soon, place the instrument in a standby condition by
attached to the two carrier gas fittings with brass or nylon taking the following steps: (1) stop the flow of gas to the sensor
ferrules. Ferrules should only be used once. When the test and switch to nitrogen carrier gas, (2) turn off the oxygen
gradient is to be established by immersing the package in supply, and (3) reduce the nitrogen flow rate to less than 5
normal room air (20.8 % O2), the third (oxygen supply) fitting mL/min. These steps will economize on carrier and test gases
should be capped. In making the copper tube connections to the and will minimize the danger of ruining the sensor because of
fittings it is important that a good seal be achieved. a film or package failure while the instrument is not being used
14.3 Purging the System—Start the nitrogen gas flow and for testing. It is desirable to maintain a slow flow of nitrogen
purge air from the package using a flow rate of 50 to 60 through the instrument when it is not being used in order to
mL/min (as indicated by a flow meter). Maintain this rate for a reduce the back diffusion of air into the system. When it is
period determined by the volume of the package: expected that the instrument will stand idle for a long period of
Volume less than 100 mL 5 30 min (3) time, the electrical power may be turned off.
100 to 200 mL 5 1 h 14.7 Tests at temperature other than laboratory ambient may
200 to 500 mL 5 2 h be performed by thermostatically controlling the ambient air
around the package within an environmental chamber, pro-
500 to 1000 mL 5 3 1 h
vided that the temperature of the carrier gas does not adversely
After the package has been purged for the appropriate period, affect the operation of the sensor.
reduce the rate to a value between 5 and 15 mL/min. Maintain 14.8 Testing Poor Barriers—The maximum oxygen trans-
this rate for the next 30 min (sensor bypassed). mission rate can be measured using the coulometric method is
14.4 Establish Package Ee—After the system has been on the order of 2 cm3(STP) per package per day. Depending
flushed with nitrogen for 30 min at the new rate, divert the flow upon wall thickness, some packages may have rates in excess
of nitrogen carrier gas to the sensor. At this time, the sensor of this when immersed in air. Typical examples include
output, as displayed by the voltage recorder, will usually packages fabricated from polyethylene, polycarbonate, and
increase abruptly, indicating that oxygen is entering the sensor polystyrene. High oxygen concentrations in the carrier gas, as
with the carrier gas. The most likely sources of this oxygen are: encountered when testing poor barriers, will tend to produce
(1) outgassing of the package, (2) system leaks, (3) initial detector saturation. One way to avoid this problem is to
permeation of oxygen into the package, or (4) a combination of immerse the package in a test-gas mixture that provides a lower
all three factors. The operator shall periodically observe the concentration of oxygen than is found in air. Any subsequent
recorder trace until the sensor output current stabilizes at a data conversions will require that the O2 partial pressure of
constant value with no significant trend in either direction. The such a test gas be known.
sensor output current, as indicated by the strip-chart recorder,
should increase gradually, ultimately stabilizing at a constant 15. Calculation
value. Packages may require several hours, or days, to reach a 15.1 Determine package oxygen transmission rate as fol-
steady value of diffusion equilibrium. During this time, the lows:
sensor should be bypassed except for brief intervals when the
~ Ee 2 E0 !
equilibrium level is being checked. When consecutive sensor O2GTR 5 3Q (4)
readings begin to yield the same value, the operator should
record this value and label it Ee(package).
NOTE 1—If, after attainment of an apparent steady-state condition, any
F 1307
Ee = steady-state voltage with oxygen gradient applied to 16.1.9 A description of the apparatus used including, if
test package (see 14.4), applicable, the manufacturer’s model number and serial num-
E0 = steady-state, zero-level voltage (see 14.5), ber,
Q = system calibration constant (see 12.10), and 16.1.10 A statement of the means used to obtain the
RL = value of load resistance (see 7.1.7). calibration factor, Q, and the value of calibration factor Q, and
15.2 Determine the permeance (PO28) of the specimen as 16.1.11 The time to reach steady-state equilibrium after
follows: introduction of the oxygen test gradient.
O2GTR 17. Precision and Bias
PO28 5 p (5)
17.1 Precision:
where : 17.1.1 The repeatability and reproducibility given in Table 1
p = partial pressure of oxygen in the test gas. The partial are in accordance with the definitions of these terms in Practice
pressure of O2 inside the package is considered to be E 691 using the E 691 Interlaboratory Data Analysis Software.
zero. These values have been calculated for test results obtained as
specified in this test method. The values are based on an
16. Report interlaboratory study involving six laboratories in which each
16.1 Report the following information: laboratory made two determinations of the package oxygen
16.1.1 A description of the test package and the location of transmission rate on each of three package types. For each
the specimen in the lot of material of which it is representative, package, the total number of required test specimens for all
16.1.2 The barometric pressure at the time of the test, laboratories together were taken from single lots and random-
16.1.3 The partial pressure of oxygen in the test gas and a ized before distribution to the laboratories.
statement as to how it was determined, 17.1.2 The precision, characterized by repeatability, Sr, r,
16.1.4 The rate of flow of the nitrogen carrier gas, and the reproducibility, by SR, R, has been determined for
16.1.5 A description of the pre-test conditioning procedure, following materials in Table 1:
16.1.6 The temperature of the package during the test (to the 17.2 Bias:
nearest 0.5°C) and the method used to measure the tempera- 17.2.1 The bias for this test method has not been determined
ture, because there is no known reference available.
16.1.7 The relative-humidity environment in which the
package was immersed (average and range), 18. Keywords
16.1.8 The calculated values of oxygen transmission rate 18.1 coulometric; oxygen transmission rate; packages; per-
and, if required, permeance and permeability coefficients, meability; permeation
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website