Astm D494
Astm D494
Astm D494
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 494 04
7. Conditioning
7.1 Condition the test specimens at 23 6 2C [73.4 6
3.6F] and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 h
prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of Practice D 618
for those tests where conditioning is required. In cases of
FIG. 1 Extraction Apparatus disagreement, the tolerances shall be 1C [1.8F] and 62 %
relative humidity.
6.2 If it is impracticable to obtain samples by drilling, the 7.2 Test ConditionsConduct tests in the standard labora-
parts may be broken up with a lathe, planer, milling machine, tory atmosphere of 23 6 2C [73.4 6 3.6F] and 50 6 5 %
or a suitable grinder. A mortar and pestle or a pebble mill is relative humidity, unless otherwise specified in the test meth-
considered suitable as a grinder, provided no perceptible ods or in this test method. In cases of disagreements, the
heating occurs during the grinding procedure. A sharp file or tolerances shall be 1C [1.8F] and 62 % relative humidity.
rasp may be used for procuring the sample where the size or
shape of the part is such that no other method is suitable. 8. Procedure
6.3 In any case, the particles of the sample shall be of the 8.1 PrecautionsSince the method could otherwise expose
smallest size practicable, so that they will pass through the No. the user to potentially unhealthy fumes of volatile organic
40 sieve with the minimum of reworking or grinding. It is chemicals, notably acetone, it is recommended that such
important in preparing the sample that the smallest possible exposure be kept within strict conformity of applicable estab-
volume shall be obtained for a unit weight of the material. lished OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) and Time
6.4 The sample shall be sieved through a No. 40 sieve and Weighted Average (TWA) rules and other available guidance
that part which will not pass through shall be reground and protocols for any of the organic solvents used. Exposure
blended with the original material passing the sieve. After guidelines should be available in the Material Safety Data
assembling the Nos. 40 and 140 sieves and the receiving pan, Sheet, Section 8, Exposure Control / Personal Protection.
the sample shall be placed in the top sieve, the cover placed on, Typical safety measures include the use of engineering con-
and the entire sample shall be resieved either by a mechanical trols, fully operating and properly adjusted ventilation and
sieve shaker or hand sieving. If the hand-sieving method is personal protective equipment, such as hand, eye and breathing
used, the sieve shall be rotated with slight tapping, the period protection, along with reliable monitoring and confirmation of
of rotation being 5 min. compliance with designated OSHA and other applicable expo-
6.5 After sieving, the sample (that portion which has passed sure limits.
through the No. 40 sieve and has been retained on the No. 140 8.2 ExtractionThe extraction procedure shall be carried
sieve) shall be placed immediately in an airtight container to out in triplicate. Accurately weigh a 3.000-g portion of the
prevent absorption of moisture by the powder and the conse- powdered sample into a tared, acid-hardened open-texture
quent error in results. quantitative filter paper, 12.5 to 15 cm in diameter, or into a
D 494 04
standard, single-thickness extraction thimble, 80 by 22 mm, where:
trimmed if necessary. After folding over the thimble or filter W = weight of the dish and extract, g,
paper containing the sample so that none of the powder can D = weight of the dish, g, and
float out, place it in a desiccator until ready to insert in the S = weight of original sample, g.
8.3 Press the filter paper or thimble containing the weighed 10. Report
sample into the siphon in such a way that the outlet of the 10.1 Report the following information:
bottom is not plugged. Place the condenser and the siphon in 10.1.1 Percentage of acetone-extractable matter for each
the extraction tube and add 50 mL of cp acetone. Start the sample, and
water through the condenser and adjust the heat (Note 1) so 10.1.2 Average percentage of acetone-extractable matter for
that the siphon fills and empties between 15 and 20 times/h. the three samples.
This rate shall be carefully maintained, and the sample shall be
11. Precision and Bias 3
extracted for 4 h. After the siphon empties, remove the flask
and pour the contents into an individually weighed dish. Wash 11.1 Table 1 is based on an interlaboratory study in 1989 in
the flask three times with the smallest possible quantity of accordance with Practice E 691, involving six materials tested
acetone, using a wash bottle, and add the washings to the by six laboratories.
extracted liquid in the dish. 11.2 Since no absolute method is available for comparison,
no statement of bias can be presented for this test method.
NOTE 1If an oil or water bath is used for heating, the height of the
liquid in the bath should not come above 2.5 cm [1 in.] below the highest 12. Keywords
level of the acetone in the siphon before the siphon starts to discharge.
12.1 acetone extraction; cure; laminated plastic; molded
8.4 DryingPlace the dish in a well-ventilated drying plastic; phenolic resin; plasticizers
chamber, maintained at 50 6 2C and dry the sample to
constant weight. Between dryings, all dishes containing the 3
Supporting data are available from ASTM International Headquarters. Request
residue shall be kept in a desiccator to prevent the absorption RR:D20-1169.
of moisture.
8.5 It is very important that the specified temperature shall TABLE 1 Precision Statistics
be maintained, otherwise consistent results cannot be obtained Values in the Units of Extracted %
between different laboratories. WarningAn electrically Material Average srA sRB rC RD
heated oven should not be used unless it is exceedingly well
A .3916 .08725 .2244 .24 .63
ventilated, as the acetone fumes are likely to come in contact B .5044 .0951 .2220 .27 .62
with the heated coils and cause an explosion. C .5406 .1590 .2223 .45 .62
D .5922 .2059 .2361 .58 .66
E 4.7628 .2142 1.2449 .60 3.49
9. Calculation F 4.6022 .2678 1.1051 .75 3.09
9.1 Calculate the percentage of acetone-extractable matter A
sr is the within-laboratory standard deviation of the average.
in the specimen as follows: sR is the between-laboratories standard deviation of the average.
r = 2.8 sr.
Acetone2extractable matter, % 5 [~W 2 D!/S] 3 100 (1) D
R = 2.8 sR.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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