'Imagining Creation': Pentecost Praise
'Imagining Creation': Pentecost Praise
'Imagining Creation': Pentecost Praise
A Creative Prayer Encounter Saturday 15th June 9.30am - 2pm The Hall Trinity Centre Paints, Pastels, Prayer and Much More! Come and explore God's gift of Creation through your own creativity. Families very much welcome. Please sign up children with age. Bring a packed lunch (and a painting-apron!). Tea & Coffee available. Please sign-up at the Table, or contact Donna.
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson will@springfieldchurch.org.uk 020 8404 6064 (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby donna@springfieldchurch.org.uk 020 8763 4222 (day off Friday) Pioneer Minister: Sue Bosley sue@springfieldchurch.org.uk 020 8773 4787 Church Office admin@springfieldchurch.org.uk 020 8647 3410 Pastoral Care ann@springfieldchurch.org.uk 07871 768 070 Safeguarding safeguarding@springfieldchurch.org.uk
A very warm welcome to cafe church, especially if you are here for the first time We are delighted that you have joined us this morning. Refreshments are available throughout the service- please do help yourself
Pentecost Praise
We're celebrating Pentecost this evening with a Pentecost Praise service, designed and led by our Emerge group. We're starting at the slightly later time of 7.30pm at St Paul's, Roundshaw Do join us as we come together to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit
Today, after service Welcome Lunch This evening @ 7.30 pm Pentecost Praise St Pauls, Roundshaw May 20th 10.30 - 12.00 caf connect Shotfield Library Caf May 20th - 22nd Staff time away June 4th @ 8.00 pm Ministry meeting June 7th @ 7.00 pm The MiX @ the Phoenix June 10th @ 8.00 pm Cell leaders meeting Trinity Centre June 15th @ 3.00 pm Creative Prayer Trinity Centre June 21st @ 3.00 pm Summer Fun Foresters School July 6th 10.00 -4.15 pm Church Quiet Day ST Bartholomews, Otford
Welcome Lunch
If you are new to Springfield or thinking about joining then please dont forget to come to the welcome lunch today at Will & Angies house after the morning service.
Please pray for: All those at Springfield who are not well with serious illnesses at the moment: pray for their ongoing treatments to be successful and for them to know Gods presence and peace The staff team, away at the Oasts for three days, to be in tune with Gods heart and to see with His eyes Rosanna Connolly, whose white blood count has dropped so she will need a bone marrow investigation
For prayer chain requests, please contact :
Family List
Please check your entry in the red book and make any amendments you would like Fill in a card if you would like to be included in the latest edition: on the table today, or email the church office
Contact Dates
Please note that the staff team will be away from Monday 20th May to Wednesday 22nd May inclusive. Emergency contact number for the staff will be 07906 941 560
Will starts his sabbatical on Monday 27th May and will return on Sunday 1st September
An opportunity to invite friends and neighbours to our shared lunch on 9th June at the Scout Hut (off the High Street). Bring some food and a friend! Drinks provided