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Assignment Writing Format

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Assignment Format

Assignment Writing Format

Basic Structure
Preliminaries The Text Reference Materials Appendices

Gwee Sai Ling

Assignment Format
Aspect of Writing Format Layout of Content Referencing Styles Language Usage Reference List others

Basic Structure: Preliminaries

Title Page Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Tables/Figures

Basic Structure: Preliminaries

The Title Page (Please refer to sample) Title of assignment
Full name of candidate and student ID e.g. GWEE, Sai Ling SUP00000 This Assignment is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Staffordshire University for the module of _______________. Total Word Count. E.g. 1490 words The date, month and year of submission 5 No number on this page

Basic Structure: Preliminaries

Statement of appreciation to - Supervisors/lecturers/tutors/module leader - Assistance obtained during the course of completing your assignment - Others directly/indirectly related assistance Number this page ii

Basic Structure: Preliminaries

Table of Contents (Please refer to sample) Titles of
Parts (full caps) Sections/Chapter (full caps) Subdivisions (caps on 1st alphabet) Sub-heading (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc) Sub-subheadings (1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc)

Basic Structure: The Text

Background & highlights Issue in focus Structure of report Not more than a page

Basic Structure: The Text

The main body
a) background reading around the subject through citation of references b) relevant research carried out in connection the problem(s) or issue(s) defined in the Introduction section

Basic Structure: References

New Page Title REFERENCE, centered & upper case Single spacing within entry Double spacing between entries 5 spaces indentation for entry longer than single line Harvard style (Please refer to sample provided)


Basic Structure: Appendices

Materials referred to in the text Illustrative materials, original data & quotations, questionnaires, supporting documents, etc. Title APPENDICES, centered in capital letters Do not number this page Must be listed in Table of Contents

Assignment Format: Typographical design

Typing format
- type on one side - Times New Roman - font size 12 for text and 11 for table

- double spacing for text - single spacing for * table, quotations, footnotes, bibliograpic/reference entries



Typographical design
* top edge: 20 mm * bottom edge: 20 mm * right edge: 20 mm * left edge: 24 mm Below Margin * do not type anything except to complete footnote * 15 mm from bottom for page numbering Text Alignment/Typesetting * full justification

Typographical design
New paragraph
* must have at least two lines before entering a new page Paragraphs & indentation * indent first line of every paragraph of 5-7 spaces or inch * remaining lines follow left margin * exceptions: - the abstract - block quotation - centered - table title & notes - figure captions * indent one space after comma * indent two spaces after full stop 14 Start each section with a fresh page

Typographical design
* page number without punctuation * 15 mm from bottom center * abstract, acknowledgement, content table, etc. in roman numerals (e.g. i, ii, iii,) * all text and references in Arabic numeral (e.g. 1,2,3,) * Appendix label: Appendix A, B, etc. or I,II, etc. * all pages must have a number except title page and appendices

Typographical design
* 1.1, 1.2, * 1.1.1, 1.1.2, * 1.1.1 - a, - b Letters * Capitals for main chapter/section e.g. 1. INTRODUCTION * Caps on 1st alphabet for sub heading e.g. 1.1. Penang Industrial Area
15 16

Typographical design
Tables - Font size 11 and single spacing
- Centered within margin - numbered in relation to chapter/section e.g. Table 1.2, Table 3.3 - placed near related discussion in text - heading above table - long tables: heading Table 1.2 continued and repeat column & row headings

Typographical design
Figures - illustrations, photos, graphs - drawing with aid of computer - use of colour in graph discouraged - heading below the figure - placed near related discussion in text


Writing Format
Citing References
Harvard Referencing Style

Word limit - compulsory to state the total word counts
1-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31%+ excess excess excess excess no penalty 10% reduction in the mark 20% reduction in the mark the work will be capped at a a pass i.e. 40% or grade point 4.

Language Usage British English Reference List

Harvard Referencing Style


Late submission/No submission
Zero marks will be awarded unless Extenuating Circumstances (EC) upheld. EC claim must be submitted BEFORE the assignment due date. Plagiarism/Cheating Please refer to Student Handbook

Assignment submission Assignment cover Binding Acknowledgement Assignment feedback
Thank you

Staffordshire University DISTED (2012). B.A.(Hons) Student Handbook. pp. 33-39. Staffordshire University. Information Services. Harvard References Examples. [Online]. Available from: http://www.staffs.ac.uk/assets/harvard_referencing_ examples_tcm44-39847.pdf [Accessed: 1 March 2009]


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