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Stepper Motor

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Stepper Motor

Microstepping with PIC18C452

INTRODUCTION A stepper motor, as its name suggests, moves one step at a time, unlike those conventional motors, which spin continuously. If we command a stepper motor to move some specific number of steps, it rotates incrementally that many number of steps and stops. Because of this basic nature of a stepper motor, it is widely used in low cost, open loop position control systems. Open loop control means no feedback information about the position is needed. This eliminates the need for expensive sensing and feedback devices, such as optical encoders. Motor position is known simply by keeping track of the number of input step pulses.

STEPPER MOTOR BASICS Now lets take a closer look at a stepper motor. The first thing that we notice is that it has more than two wires leading into it. In fact, various versions have four, five, six, and sometimes more wires. Also, when we manually rotate the shaft, we get a notched feeling. The simplest way to think about a stepper motor is as a bar magnet that pivots about its center with four individual, but exactly identical electromagnets, as shown in Figure 1A. If we manually rotate the magnet without energizing any coils, we get the notched feeling whenever a relatively larger magnetic force is generated, because of the alignment of the permanent magnet with the core of the electromagnets, as in Figure 1A. This force is termed detent torque. Lets assume that the initial position of the magnetic rotor is as shown in Figure 1A. Now turn on coil A; i.e., flow current through it to create an electromagnet, as shown in Figure 1B. The motor does not rotate, but we cannot move it freely by hand (more torque has to be applied to move it now), because of a larger holding torque. This torque is generated by the attraction of the north and south poles of the rotor magnet and the electromagnet produced in the stator by the current.

To move the motor in a clockwise direction from its initial stop position, we need to generate torque in the clockwise direction. This is done by turning off coil A, and turning on coil B. The electromagnet in coil B pulls the magnetized rotor and the rotor aligns itself with coil B, as shown in Figure 2A. Turning off coil B and turning on coil C will move the rotor one step further, as shown in Figure 2B. Comparing Figure 1B and Figure 2B, we understand that the direction of current flow in coil C is exactly opposite to the direction of flow in coil A. This is required to generate an electromagnet of correct polarity, which will pull the rotor in the clockwise direction. By the same logic, the direction of current in coil D will be opposite to coil B when the rotor takes the next step (due to turning off coil C and turning on coil D). A 360 degree rotation of the rotor will be completed if you turn off coil D and turn on coil A. The coil operation sequence (B, C, D, A), described is responsible for the clockwise rotation of the motor. The rotor will move counter-clockwise from its initial position at Figure 1B if we follow the opposite sequence (D, C, B, A).


Two leads on each of the four coils of a stepper motor can be brought out in different ways. All eight leads can be taken out of the motor separately. Alternatively, connecting A and C together, and B and D together, as shown in Figure 3, can form two coils. Leads of these two windings can be brought out of the motor in three different ways, as shown in Figure 3, Figure 4, and Figure 5. If the coil ends are brought out as shown in Figure 3, then the motor is called a bipolar motor, and if the wires are brought out as shown in Figure 4 or Figure 5, with one or two center tap(s), it is called a unipolar motor.

AN ACTUAL PERMANENT MAGNET (PM) STEPPER MOTOR The simple stepper motor described, moves in very coarse steps of 90 degrees. How do actual motors achieve movements as low as 7.5 degrees? The stator (the stationary electromagnets) of a real motor has more segments on it. A typical stator arrangement with eight stators is shown in Figure 6.

The rotor is also different and a typical cylindrical rotor with 6 poles is shown in Figure 6. There are 45 degrees between each stator section and 60 degrees between each rotor pole. Using the principle of vernier mechanism, the actual movement of the rotor for each step is 60 minus 45 or 15 degrees. In this case, also, there are only two coils: one connects pole sections A, C, E and G, and the other connects B, D, F, H. Let us assume that current is flowing in a certain direction through the first coil only, and pole sections are wired in such a fashion that: A and C have S-polarity E and G have N-polarity The rotor will be lined up accordingly, as shown in Figure 6. Lets say that we want the rotor to move 15 degrees clockwise. We would remove the current applied to the first winding and energize the second winding. The pole sections B, D, F, H are wired together with the second winding in such a way that: B and D have S-polarity F and H have N-polarity

In the next step, current through winding 2 is removed and reverse polarity current is applied in winding 1. This time A and C have N-polarity, and E and G have S-polarity; so the rotor will take a further 15 degree step in the clockwise direction. The principle of operation is the same as the basic stepper motor with a bar magnet as rotor and four individual electromagnets as stators, but in this construction, 15 degrees per step is achieved. Different step angles (i.e., angular displacement in degrees per step) can be obtained by varying the design with different numbers of stators and rotor poles. In an actual motor, both rotor and stators are cylindrical, as shown in Figure 7. This type of motor is called a permanent magnet (PM) stepper because the rotor is a permanent magnet. These are low cost motors with typical step angles of 7.5 degrees to 15 degrees.

VARIABLE RELUCTANCE (VR) STEPPER MOTOR There is a type of motor where the rotor is not cylindrical, but looks like bars with a number of teeth on it, as shown in Figure 8. The rotor teeth are made of soft iron. The electromagnet produced by activating stator coils in sequence, attracts the metal bar (rotor) towards the minimum reluctance path in the magnetic circuit. We dont get a notched feeling when we try to rotate it manually in the non-energized condition. In the non-energized condition, there is no magnetic flux in the air gap, as the stator is an electromagnet and the rotor is a piece of soft iron; hence, there is no detent torque. This type of stepper motor is called a variable reluctance stepper (VR). The motor shown in Figure 8 has four rotor teeth, 90 degrees apart and six stator poles, 60 degrees apart. So when the windings are energized in a reoccurring sequence of 2, 3, 1, and so on, the motor will rotate in a 30 degree step angle. These motors provide less holding torque at standstill compared to the PM type, but the dynamic torque characteristics are better. Variable reluctance motors are normally constructed with three or five stator windings, as opposed to the two windings in the PM motors.

HYBRID (HB) STEPPER MOTOR Construction of permanent magnet motors becomes very complex below 7.5 degrees step angles. Smaller step angles can be realized by combining the variable reluctance motor and the permanent magnet motor principles. Such motors are called hybrid motors (HB), which give much smaller step angles, as small as 0.9 degrees per step. A typical hybrid motor is shown in Figure 9. The stator construction is similar to the permanent magnet motor, and the rotor is cylindrical and magnetized like the PM motor with multiple teeth like a VR motor. The teeth on the rotor provide a better path for the flux to flow through the preferred locations in the air gap. This increases the detent, holding, and dynamic torque characteristics of the motor compared to the other two types of motors. Hybrid motors have a smaller step angle compared to the permanent magnet motor, but they are very expensive. In low cost applications, the step angle of a permanent magnet motor is divided into smaller angles using better control techniques. Permanent magnet motors and hybrid motors are more popular than the variable reluctance motor, and since the stator construction of these motors is very similar, a common control circuit can easily drive both types of motors.

HOW TO IDENTIFY THE PERMANENT MAGNET/HYBRID MOTOR LEADS The color code of the wires coming out of the motor are not standard; however, using a multimeter/ohmmeter, it is easy to identify the winding ends and center tap. If only four leads are coming out of the motor, then the motor is a bipolar motor. If the resistance measured across two terminals, say terminals 1 and 2 in Figure 3, is finite, then those are ends of a coil. If the multimeter shows an open circuit (i.e., if you are trying to measure across the terminals 1 and 3, or 1 and 4, or 2 and 3, or 2 and 4), then the terminals are of different windings. Change your lead to another terminal and check again to find a finite resistance. If there are five leads coming out of the motor, then the resistance across one terminal and all other terminals will be almost equal. This common terminal is the center tap and the other terminals are the ends of different windings. Figure 4 shows terminal 5 is the common terminal, while 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the ends of the windings. In the case of a motor with six leads as in Figure 5, resistance across terminals 1 and 2 should be approximately double the resistance measured across terminals 1 and 3, and 2 and 3. The same is applicable for the other winding (the remaining 3 wires). In all the above cases, once the terminals are identified, it is important to know the sequence in which the windings should be energized. This is done by energizing the terminals one after the other, by rated voltage. If the motor smoothly moves in a particular direction, say clockwise, when the windings are energized, then the energizing sequence is correct. If the motor hunts or moves in a jerky manner, then the sequence of winding segments has to be changed and checked again for smooth movement.

TORQUE AND SPEED The speed of a stepper motor depends on the rate at which you turn on and off the coils, and is termed the step-rate. The maximum step-rate, and hence, the maximum speed, depends upon the inductance of the stator coils. Figure 10 shows the equivalent circuit of a stator winding and the relation between current rise and winding inductance. It takes a longer time to build the rated current in a winding with greater inductance compared to a winding with lesser inductance. So, when using a motor with higher winding inductance, sufficient time needs to be given for current to build up before the next step command is issued. If the time between two step commands is less than the current build-up time, it results in a slip, i.e., the motor misses a step. Unfortunately, the inductance of the winding is not well documented in most of the stepper motor data sheets. In general, for smaller motors, the inductance of the coil is much less than its resistance, and the time constant is less. With a lower time constant, current rise in the coil will be faster, which enables a higher step-rate. Using a Resistance-Inductance (RL) drive can achieve a higher step rate in motors with higher inductance, which is discussed in the next section. The best way to decide the maximum speed is by studying the torque vs. step-rate (expressed in pulse per second or pps) characteristics of a

particular stepper motor (shown in Figure 11). Pull-in torque is the maximum load torque that the motor can start or stop instantaneously without mis-stepping. Pull-out torque is the torque available when the motor is continuously accelerated to the operating point. From the graph, we can conclude that for this particular motor, the maximum self-starting frequency is 200 pps. The term maximum self-starting frequency is the maximum step-rate at which the motor can start instantaneously at no-load without mis-stepping. While at no-load, this motor can be accelerated up to 275 pps.

DRIVE CIRCUITS The drive mechanism for 5-wire and 6-wire unipolar motors is fairly simple and is shown in Figure 12 (A and B). Only one coil is shown in this figure, but the other will be connected in the same way. By comparing Figure 12A and Figure 12B, we see the direction of current flow is opposite in sections A and C of the coil, as per our explanation earlier. But the current flow in a particular section of the coil is always unidirectional, hence the name unipolar motor. Bipolar stepper motors do not have the center tap. That makes the motor construction easier, but it needs a different

type of driver circuit, which reverses the current flow through the entire coil by alternating the polarity of the terminals, giving us the name bipolar. A bipolar motor is capable of higher torque since the entire coil is energized, not just half. Lets look at the mechanism for reversing the voltage across one of the coils, as shown in Figure 13. This circuit is called an H-bridge, because it resembles a letter H. The current can be reversed through the coil by closing the appropriate switches. If switches A and D are closed, then current flows in one direction, and if switches B and C are closed, then current flows in the opposite direction. As the rating of the motor increases, the winding inductance also increases. This higher inductance results in a sluggish current rise in the windings, which limits the step-rate, as explained in the previous section. We can reduce the time constant by externally adding a suitable resistor in series with the coil and applying more than the rated voltage. The resistor should be chosen in such a way that the voltage across the coil does not exceed the rated voltage, and the additional voltage is dropped across the resistor. This method is also useful if we have a fixed power supply with an output of more than the rated coil-voltage specified. This type of drive is called a resistanceinductive (RL) drive. Electronic circuitry can be added to vary this resistor value dynamically to get the best result. The main disadvantage of this drive is that, since they are used with motors with large torque ratings, current flowing through the series resistor is large, resulting in higher heat dissipation and, hence, the size of the drive becomes bulky. This resistor can be avoided by using PWM current control in the windings. In PWM control, current through the winding can be controlled by modulating the ON time and OFF time of the switches with PWM pulses, thus ensuring that only the required current flows through the coil, as shown in Figure 14.

STEPPER MOTOR CONTROL To control a stepper motor, we need a proper driver circuit as discussed earlier. Unipolar drive can be used with unipolar motors only. In this application note, a bipolar drive is discussed, as this can be used to control both bipolar and unipolar motors. Unipolar motors can be connected to a bipolar driver by simply ignoring the center taps (by doing this, the motor becomes bipolar). Next we need a sequencer to issue proper signals in a required sequence to the H-bridges. A controller is built around the PIC18C452. Two H-bridges are used to control two windings of the stepper motors. Functional block diagram is shown in Figure 15.

Written by: Peter Hajdu Mechatronics Engineer

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