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Bearing Component Motions and Speeds: SS 2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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Symbol a b dm D f h n nm nR Q r r0 R v x y a b b0 g g0 uf v vm vR

Bearing Component Motions and Speeds

LIST OF SYMBOLS Description Semimajor axis of projected contact ellipse Semiminor axis of projected contact ellipse Pitch diameter Ball or roller diameter r/D Center of sliding Rotational speed Ball or roller orbital speed, cage speed Ball or roller speed about its own axis Rolling elementraceway contact normal load Raceway groove curvature radius Rolling radius Radius of curvature of deformed surface Surface velocity Distance in direction of major axis of contact Distance in direction of minor axis of contact Contact angle Ball pitch angle Ball yaw angle D cos a/dm D/dm Flange angle Rotational speed Orbital speed of ball or roller Speed of ball or roller about its own axis Subscripts f i m o Roller guide flange Inner raceway Orbital motion Outer raceway mm mm mm mm Units (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.)

mm (in.) rpm rpm rpm N (lb) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm (in.) mm/sec (in./sec) mm (in.) mm (in.) 8, rad 8, rad 8, rad

8, rad rad/sec rad/sec rad/sec


2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Advanced Concepts of Bearing Technology

r roll R RE s sl x z

Radial direction Rolling motion Rolling element Roller end Spinning motion Sliding motion between flange and roller end x Direction z Direction

In Chapter 10 of the first volume of this handbook, equations were developed to calculate rolling element orbital speed and speed of the rolling element about its own axis. These equations were constructed using kinematical relationships based on simple rolling motion. Also, as discussed in Chapter 6 of the first volume of this handbook, when a load occurs between a rolling element and raceway, a contact surface is formed. When the rolling element rotates relative to the deformed surface, the simple rolling motion does not occur; rather, a combination of rolling and sliding motions occur. Hence, a system of complex equations needs to be developed to calculate the rolling element speeds. Also, for angular-contact bearings, if the rolling motion does not occur on a line exactly parallel to the raceway, a parasitic motion called spinning occurs. Such a motion is pure sliding contributing significantly to bearing friction power loss. Finally, motions between roller ends and ring flanges in roller bearings are also pure sliding and can result in substantial power loss. In this chapter, these rolling/sliding relationships will be discussed together with the associated speeds.


The only conditions that can sustain pure rolling between two contacting surfaces are: 1. Mathematical line contact under zero load 2. Line contact in which the contacting bodies are identical in length 3. Mathematical point contact under zero load Even when these conditions are achieved, it is possible to have sliding. Sliding is then a condition of overall relative movement of the rolling body over the contact area. The motion of a rolling element with respect to the raceway consists of a rotation about the generatrix of motion. If the contact surface is a straight line in one of the principal directions, the generatrix of motion may intersect the contact surface at one point only, as in Figure 2.1. The of angular velocity v, which acts in the plane of the contact surface, produces rolling motion. As indicated in Figure 2.2, the component vs of angular velocity v that acts normal to the surface

Generatrix O

FIGURE 2.1 Rollerraceway contact; generatrix of motion pierces contact surface.

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Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


w ws

O Generatrix


FIGURE 2.2 Resolution of angular velocities into rolling and spinning motions.

causes a spinning motion about a point of pure rolling O. The instantaneous direction of sliding in the contact zone is shown in Figure 2.3. In ball bearings with nonzero contact angles between balls and raceways, during operation at any shaft or outer-ring speed, a gyroscopic moment occurs on each loaded ball, tending to cause a sliding motion. In most applications, because of relatively slow input speeds or heavy loading, such gyroscopic moments and hence motions can be neglected. In high-speed applications with oil-film lubrication between balls and raceways, such motions will occur. The sliding velocity due to gyroscopic motion is given by (see Figure 2.4) vg 1 2 vg D 2: 1

The sliding velocities caused by gyroscopic motion and spinning of the balls are vectorially additive such that at some distance h and O they cancel each other. Thus, vg vs h and h D vg 2 vs 2: 3 2: 2

The distance h defines the center of sliding about which a rotation of angular velocity vs occurs. This center of sliding (spinning) may occur within or outside of the contact surface. Figure 2.5 shows the pattern of sliding lines in the contact area for simultaneous rolling, spinning, and gyroscopic motion in a ball bearing operating under a heavy load and at moderate speed. Figure 2.6, which corresponds to low-load and high-speed conditions (however, not considering skidding*), indicates that the center of sliding is outside of the
Opure rolling

FIGURE 2.3 Contact ellipse showing sliding lines and point of pure rolling.
*Skidding is a very gross sliding condition occurring generally in oil-film lubricated ball and roller bearings operating under relatively light load at very high speed or rapid accelerations and decelerations. When skidding occurs, cage speed will be less than predicted by Equation 8.9 for bearings with inner ring rotation.

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Total velocity of sliding at point A v1 = ws ra vg Lateral sliding due to gyroscopic motion vg ra

Sliding velocity due to spinning motion ra

vs =w

Center of rolling ws O



FIGURE 2.4 Velocities of sliding at arbitrary point A in contact area.

contact surface and sliding occurs over the entire contact surface. The distance h between the centers of contact and sliding is a function of the magnitude of the gyroscopic moment that can be compensated by contact surface friction forces.




Even when the generatrix of motion apparently lies in the plane of the contact surface, as for radial cylindrical roller bearings, sliding on the contact surface can occur when a roller is under load. In accordance with the Hertzian radius of the contact surface in the direction transverse to motion, the contact surface has a harmonic mean profile radius, which means that the contact surface is not plane, but generally curved as shown in Figure 2.7 for a radial bearing.* The generatrix of motion, parallel to the tangent plane of the center of the contact


FIGURE 2.5 Sliding lines in contact area for simultaneous rolling, spinning, and gyroscopic motions low-speed operation of a ball bearing.

*The illustration pertains to a spherical roller under relatively light load, that is, the contact ellipse major axis does not exceed the roller length.

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Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


h O'

FIGURE 2.6 Sliding lines in contact area for simultaneous rolling, spinning, and gyroscopic motions high-speed operation of a ball bearing (not considering skidding).

surface, therefore, pierces the contact surface at two points at which rolling occurs. Because the rigid rolling element rotates with a singular angular velocity about its axis, surface points at different radii from the axis have different surface velocities; only two of them that are symmetrically disposed about the roller geometrical center can exhibit pure rolling motion. In Figure 2.7 points within area AA slide backward with regard to the direction of rolling and points outside of AA slide forward with respect to the direction of rolling. Figure 2.8 shows the pattern of sliding lines in the elliptical contact area. If the generatrix of motion is angled with respect to the tangent plane at the center of the contact surface, the center of rolling is positioned asymmetrically in the contact ellipse and, depending on the angle of the generatrix to the contact surface, one point or two points of intersection may occur at which rolling obtains. Figure 2.9 shows the sliding lines for this condition. For a ball bearing in which rolling, spinning, and gyroscopic motions occur simultaneously, the pattern of sliding lines in the elliptical contact area is as shown in Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11. More detailed information on sliding in the elliptical contact area may be found in the work by Lundberg [1].


FIGURE 2.7 Rollerraceway contact showing harmonic mean radius and points of rolling AA.

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FIGURE 2.8 Sliding lines in contact area of Figure 2.7.

FIGURE 2.9 Sliding lines for rolling elementraceway contact area when load is applied; generatrix of motion pierces contact area.

FIGURE 2.10 Sliding lines for ballraceway contact area for simultaneous rolling, spinning, and gyroscopic motionshigh-load and low-speed operation of an angular-contact ball bearing.

Figure 2.12 illustrates the speed vector for a single ball in a bearing. The bearing is associated with the coordinate system x, y, z with the bearing axis collinear with the x axis. In Figure 2.12, the ball center O0 is displaced angular distance c from the xz plane, and the x0 axis passing through O0 is distance 1 2 dm from, and parallel to, the x axis. The bearing is seen to rotate at speed v about the x axis while the ball rotates at speed vR about an axis displaced at pitch and yaw angles b and b0 , respectively, from the x0 axis. Hence, the ball orbits the bearing axis at speed vm. If the balls are completely constrained by a cage, then vm is the cage speed.

FIGURE 2.11 Sliding lines for ballraceway contact area for simultaneous rolling, spinning, and gyroscopic motionslow-load and high-speed operation of an angular-contact ball bearing (not considering skidding).

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Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


z wR b b

Pitch circle y

x z O y dm

w x

FIGURE 2.12 Ball speed vector in a nonzero ballraceway contact.

In the same bearing, Figure 2.13 shows a ball contacting the outer raceway such that the normal force Q between the ball and the raceway is distributed over an elliptical surface defined by the projected major and minor axes 2ao and 2bo, respectively. The radius of curvature of the deformed pressure surface as defined by Hertz is Ro 2ro D 2r o D 2: 4

where ro is the outer raceway groove curvature radius. In terms of curvature fo, Ro 2f o D 2f o 1 2: 5

Assume for the present purpose that the ball center is fixed in space and that the outer raceway rotates with angular speed vo. (The vector of vo is perpendicular to the plane of rotation and therefore collinear with the x axis.) Moreover, it can be seen from Figure 2.12 that ball rotational speed vR has components vx0 and vz0 lying in the plane of the paper when c 0. Because of the deformation at the pressure surface defined by ao and bo, the radius from the ball center to the raceway contact point varies in length as the contact ellipse is traversed from ao to ao. Therefore, because of symmetry about the minor axis of the contact ellipse, pure rolling motion of the ball over the raceway occurs at most at two points. The radius at which pure rolling occurs is defined as r0 o and must be determined by methods of contact deformation analysis. It can be seen from Figure 2.13 that the outer raceway has a component vo cos ao of the angular velocity vector in a direction parallel to the major axis of the contact ellipse. Therefore, a point (xo, yo) on the outer raceway has a linear velocity v1o in the direction of rolling as defined below: 8 "  #1=2 9 2 < = dm vo D 2 1=2 2 1=2 R 2 v cos ao R2 a2 o xo o ao o : ; o 2 2


2: 6

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Advanced Concepts of Bearing Technology


) , yo (x o

X bo Outer raceway ao

w z sin ao


w z


co sa
D 2

w x



sin w x ao

dm 2



D 2



Bearing axis of rotation

sin wo ao

w o



FIGURE 2.13 Outer raceway contact.

Similarly, the ball has angular velocity components, vx0 cos ao and vz0 sin ao, of the angular velocity vector vR lying in the plane of the paper and parallel to the major axis of the contact ellipse. Thus, a point (xo, yo) on the ball has a linear velocity v2o in the direction of rolling defined as follows: 8 "  #1=2 9 2 < = D 2 1=2 2 2 1=2 2 2:7 v2o vx0 cos ao vz0 sin ao R2 x R a a o o o o : o ; 2 Slip or sliding of the outer raceway over the ball in the direction of rolling is determined by the difference between the linear velocities of raceway and ball. Hence, vyo v1o v2o or dm vo vx0 cos ao vz0 sin ao vo cos ao vyo o 8 2 "  #1=2 9 2 < = D 2 1=2 2 1=2 R2 R2 a2 o xo o ao o : ; 2 2:8


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Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


Additionally, the ball angular velocity vector vR has a component vy0 in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the paper. This component causes a slip vxo in the direction transverse to the rolling, that is, in the direction of the major axis of the contact ellipse. This slip velocity is given by "  #1=2 9 2 = D 2 1=2 2 2 1=2 2 vy0 R2 x R a a o o o o : o ; 2 8 <

v xo


From Figure 2.13, it can be observed that both the ball angular velocity vectors vx0 and vz0 , and the raceway angular velocity vector vo have components normal to the contact area. Hence, there is a rotation about a normal to the contact area; in other words, a spinning of the outer raceway relative to the ball, the net magnitude of which is given by vso vo sin ao vx0 sin ao vz0 cos ao From Figure 2.12, it can be determined that vx0 vR cos b cos b0 vy0 vR cos b sin b0 vz0 vR sin b 2:12 2:13 2:14 2:11

Substitution of Equation 2.12 and Equation 2.14 into Equation 2.9 through Equation 2.11 yields 8 "  #1=2 9 2 = dm v o < 2 D 1 = 2 1 = 2 2 R o x2 vy o R2 a2 o o ao o : ; 2 2   vR vR cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao cos ao vo vo vo 8 "  #1=2 9   2 < = D vR 2 1=2 2 2 1=2 2 vo R2 x R a a cos b sin b0 o o o o o : ; 2 vo   vR vR 0 cos b cos b sin ao sin b cos ao sin ao vo vso vo vo


v xo



Note that at the radius of rolling r0o on the ball, the translation velocity of the ball is identical to that of the outer raceway. From Figure 2.13, therefore,   dm 0 ro vo cos ao r0o vx0 cos ao vz0 sin ao 2cos ao 2:18

Substituting Equation 2.12 and Equation 2.13 into Equation 2.18, and rearranging the terms yields vR dm =2 r0o cos ao 0 vo ro cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao 2:19

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A similar analysis may be applied to the inner raceway contact as illustrated in Figure 2.14. The following equations can be determined: 8 "  #1=2 9 2 = dm vi < 2 D 1=2 2 2 1=2 2 R i x2 vyi R a a i i i i : ; 2 2   vR vR cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai cos ai vi vi vi 8 "  #1=2 9   2 < = D vR 2 1=2 2 2 1=2 2 vi x R a a v xi R 2 cos b sin b0 i i i i i : ; 2 vi   vR vR 0 cos b cos b sin ai sin b cos ai sin ai vi vsi vi vi dm =2 r0i cos ai vR 0 vi ri cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai



2:22 2:23

If instead of the ball center fixed in space, the outer raceway is fixed, then the ball center must orbit about the center 0 of the fixed coordinate system with an angular speed vm vo.


FIGURE 2.14 Inner raceway contact.

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2 i




D 2
i r

D 2

Inner raceway

dm 2


Bearing axis of rotation


co s






sin ai

bi Y ) , yi (x i ai




sin ai

Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


Therefore, the inner raceway must rotate with absolute angular speed v vi vm. By using these relationships, the relative angular speeds vi and vo can be described in terms of the absolute angular speed of the inner raceway as follows: vi v r0o dm =2 r0i cos ai cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao 1 0 ri dm =2 r0o cos ao cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai v r0i dm =2 r0o cos ao cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai 1 0 ro dm =2 r0i cos ai cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao 2:24



Further, vR v r0o cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao r0i cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai dm =2 r0o cos ao dm =2 r0i cos ai 2:26

Similarly, if the outer raceway rotates with absolute angular speed v and the inner raceway is stationary, vm vi and v vm vo. Therefore, vo v r0i dm =2 r0o cos ao cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai 1 0 ro dm =2 r0i cos ai cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao v r0o dm =2 r0i cos ai cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao 1 0 ri dm =2 r0o cos ao cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai 2:27




v r0o cos b cos b0 cos ao sin b sin ao r0i cos b cos b0 cos ai sin b sin ai dm =2 r0o cos ao dm =2 r0i cos ai


Inspection of the final equations relating to the relative motions of the balls and raceways reveals the following unknown quantities: r0o, r0i, b, b0 , ai, and ao. It is apparent that an analysis of the forces and moments acting on each ball will be required to evaluate the unknown quantities. As a practical matter, however, it is sometimes possible to avoid this lengthy procedure requiring digital computation by using the simplifying assumption that a ball will roll on one raceway without spinning and spin and roll simultaneously on the other raceway. The raceway on which only rolling occurs is called the controlling raceway. Moreover, it is also possible to assume that gyroscopic pivotal motion is negligible; some criteria for this will be discussed.


In the event that gyroscopic rotation is minimal, the angle b0 approaches 08 (see Figure 2.12). Therefore, the angular rotation vy is zero and further

vx0 vR cos b


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vz0 vR sin b A second consequence of b0 0 is that vR dm =12 r0o cos ao 0 vo ro cos ao cos b sin b sin ao and dm =2 r0i cos ai vR 0 vi ri cos b cos ai sin b sin ai





Assuming for this calculation that ri, ro, and 1 2 D are essentially equal, the ball rolling speed relative to the outer raceway is vroll vo dm vo 0 D g 2:34

From Equation 2.17 for negligible gyroscopic moment (b0 0), vso vR cos b sin ao vR sin b cos ao vo sin ao or vso vR sinao b vo sin ao Dividing by vroll according to Equation 2.34 yields  vs vroll 



g 0

vR sinao b g 0 sin ao vo


According to Equation 2.32, replacing 2r 0o/dm by g 0 : vR 1 g 0 cos ao 0 vo g cos b cos ao sin b sin ao or vR 1 g 0 cos ao 0 vo g cosao b Therefore, substitution of Equation 2.39 into Equation 2.37 yields   vs 1 g 0 cos ao tanao b g 0 sin ao vroll o 2:40 2:39 2:38

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Similarly, for an inner raceway contact,   vs 1 g 0 cos ai tanai b g 0 sin ai vroll i 2:41






Even assuming that gyroscopic speed vy0 is zero, the use of Equation 2.40 and Equation 2.41 depends on the knowledge of the ballraceway contact angles ai and ao, and ball speed vector pitch angle b. In Chapter 3, means to calculate bi and bo in high-speed, angularcontact ball bearings will be demonstrated. Those equations assume that ball orbital speed vm and ball speed about its own axis, vR, are known. Unfortunately, unless the ball speed vector pitch angle b is known, the solution of the set of simultaneous equations involving contact deformations, contact angles, and ball speeds cannot be achieved. To determine these parameters in the most elegant manner, ballraceway friction forces as functions of ball and raceway speeds need to be introduced. This situation will also be investigated later in this text. In the absence of using a complete set of normal and friction forces and moment balances to solve for speeds, Jones [2] made the simplifying assumption that a ball contacting both inner and outer raceways rolls and spins on one of these raceways and simply rolls on the opposing raceway. He based this assumption on his interpretation of experimental data obtained from gas turbine engine main-shaft ball bearings. The raceway on which pure rolling was assumed to occur was called the controlling raceway; the phenomenon was called raceway control. Assuming the condition that outer raceway control occurs, spinning speed vso 0, and substitution of Equation 2.32 into Equation 2.17 yields
1 dm sin ao tan b 1 2 0 2dm cos ao ro 0 0 As ro %1 2 D and D/dm g , Equation 2.42 becomes


tan b

sin ao cos aog0


Having defined ball speed vector pitch angle b, it is possible to solve the remaining speed equations. For high-speed operations of very lightly loaded, oil-lubricated, angular-contact ball bearings, Figure 2.15 taken from Ref. [3] indicates that ballouter raceway spinning speed vso tends toward zero, approximating the outer raceway control condition. As the applied thrust load increases to normal operating magnitudes, vso though less than vsi is substantial. This allows one to infer that outer raceway control is a condition that occurs only in a very limited manner for oil-lubricated ball bearings. Harris [4] also investigated the performance of thrust-loaded, solid-film lubricated, angular-contact ball bearings of the same dimensions assuming a constant coefficient of friction. Figure 2.16 from that analysis demonstrates that outer raceway control does not tend to occur in that application either. Notwithstanding the above observations, it is of interest to carry the Jones analysis [2] to completion since it has been used for several decades with apparently little negative impact on bearing design.

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500 0.5

N 1000



Inner raceway


Spin-to-roll ratio


Outer raceway



0 0 100 200 300 Thrust load (lb) 400

FIGURE 2.15 Spin-to-roll ratio vs. thrust load for an oil-lubricated, angular-contact ball bearing.

From Equation 2.24 and Equation 2.25, setting b0 equal to 0 and substituting for Equation 2.43, the ratio between ball and raceway angular velocities is determined: vR 1   cos ao tan b sin ao cos ai tan b sin ai 0 v g cos b 1 g 0 cos ao 1 g0 cos ai
0.4 Inner 0.3 Outer Spin-to-roll ratio 0.2



0.1 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

Shaft speed (rpm)

FIGURE 2.16 Spin-to-roll ratio vs. shaft speed for a thrust-loaded, angular-contact ball bearing operating with a solid-film lubricant having a constant coefficient of friction.

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Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


The upper sign pertains to outer raceway rotation and the lower sign to inner raceway rotation. Again, using the condition of outer raceway control as established in Equation 2.43, it is possible to determine the ratio of ball orbital angular velocity to raceway speed. For a rotating inner raceway vm vo; therefore, from Equation 2.25 for b0 equal to 0, vm v 1 1 g 0 cos ao cos ai tan b sin ai 1 1 g0 cos ai cos ao tan b sin ao 2:45

Equation 2.45 is based on the valid assumption that r0 % ri % D/2. Similarly, for a rotating outer raceway and by Equation 2.28, vm v 1 1 g0 cos ai cos ao tan b sin ao 1 1 g 0 cos ao cos ai tan b sin ai 2:46

Substitution of Equation 2.43 describing the condition of outer raceway control into Equation 2.45 and Equation 2.46 establishes the equations of the required ratio vm/v. Hence, for a bearing with rotating inner raceway, vm 1 g0 cos ai v 1 cosai ao For a bearing with a rotating outer raceway, vm cosai ao 0 cos ai v 1 cosai ao 2:48 2:47

As indicated above, Equation 2.43, Equation 2.44, Equation 2.47, and Equation 2.48 are valid only when ball gyroscopic pivotal motion is negligible, that is, b0 0.


Palmgren [5] inferred that in an oil-lubricated, angular-contact ball bearing, gyroscopic motions of the balls can be prevented. He stated that the coefficient of sliding friction may be as low as 0.02 and that gyroscopic motion will not occur if the following relationship is satisfied: Mg > 0:02QD 2:49

where Q is the ballraceway normal load. Jones [2] mentioned that a coefficient of friction from 0.06 to 0.07 suffices for most ball bearing applications to prevent sliding. Both of these statements are inaccurate. It has been shown that a ball in an angular-contact ball bearing is capable of experiencing both orbital speed vm about the bearing axis and speed vR about its own axis that is canted at pitch angle b to the x0 axis. The latter axis is parallel to the bearing axis (see Figure 2.12). It has been further demonstrated that sliding motion in the direction of rolling motion occurs in the ballraceway contacts. Additionally, owing to the nonzero contact angle, spinning motion occurs. Given the presence of these sliding motions, it is most probable that motion initiated

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by a gyroscopic moment will not be prevented. In other words, additional sliding in an orthogonal direction (gyroscopic motion) will occur simultaneously. Subsequent analysis employing complete force and moment balances for each ball shows the speed of ball 0 gyroscopic motion vy0 to be very small compared with principal ball speed component vx and relatively small compared to vz0 .

Roller bearings react with axial roller loads through concentrated contacts between roller ends and flange. Tapered roller bearings and spherical roller bearings (with asymmetrical rollers) require such contact to react with the component of the racewayroller contact load that acts in the roller axial direction. Some cylindrical roller bearing designs require roller endflange contacts to react with skewing-induced or externally applied roller axial loads. As these contacts experience sliding motions between roller ends and flange, their contribution to overall bearing frictional heat generation becomes substantial. Furthermore, there are bearing failure modes associated with roller endflange contact such as wear and smearing of the contacting surfaces. These failure modes are related to the ability of the roller endflange contact to support the roller axial load under the prevailing speed and lubrication conditions within the contact. Both the frictional characteristics and load-carrying capability of roller endflange contacts are highly dependent on the geometry of the contacting members.


Numerous roller end and flange geometries have been used successfully in roller bearing designs. Typically, performance requirements as well as manufacturing considerations dictate the geometry incorporated into a bearing design. Most designs use either a flat (with corner radii) or sphere end roller contacting an angled flange. The angled flange surface can be described as a portion of a cone at an angle uf with respect to a radial plane perpendicular to the ring axis. This angle, known as the flange angle or flange layback angle, can be zero, indicating that the flange surface lies in the radial plane. Examples of cylindrical roller bearing roller endflange geometries are shown in Figure 2.17. The flat end roller in Figure 2.17a under zero skewing conditions contacts the flange at a single point (in the vicinity of the intersection between the roller end flat and roller corner radius). As the roller skews, the point of contact travels along this intersection on the roller toward the tip of the flange, as shown in Figure 2.18b. If properly designed, a sphere end roller will contact the flange on the roller end sphere surface. For no skewing, the contact will be centrally positioned on the roller, as shown

Roller axis Roller

Roller axis

Roller qf

qf (b)


FIGURE 2.17 Cylindrical roller bearing, roller endflange contact geometry. (a) Flat end roller. (b) Sphere end roller.

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FIGURE 2.18 Cylindrical roller bearing, roller endflange contact location for flat and sphere end rollers. (a) Flat end roller, zero skew angle. (b) Flat end roller, nonzero skew angle. (c) Sphere end roller, zero skew angle. (d) Sphere end roller, nonzero skew angle.

in Figure 2.18c. As the skewing angle is increased, the contact point moves off center and toward the flange tip, as shown in Figure 2.18d for a flanged inner ring. For typical designs, the sphere end roller contact location is less sensitive to skewing than a flat end roller contact. The location of the roller endflange contact has been determined analytically [6] for sphere end rollers contacting an angled flange. Consider the cylindrical roller bearing arrangement shown in Figure 2.19. The flanged ring coordinate system XI, YI, ZI and roller coordinate system Xi, Yi, Zi are indicated. The flange contact surface is modeled as a portion of a cone with an apex at point C as shown in Figure 2.20. The equation of this cone, expressed as a function of the x and y ring coordinates is z x C 2 ctn2 uf y2 1=2 f x, y 2:50

For a point of flange surface Px, Py, Pz, the equation of the surface normal at P can be expressed as x Px y Py z Pz @f @f @ x x Px ,y Py @ y x Px ,y Py


The location of the origin of the roller end sphere radius is defined as point T with coordinates (Tx, Ty, Tz) expressed in the flanged ring coordinate system. As the resultant roller endflange elastic contact force is normal to the end sphere surface, its line of action must pass through the sphere origin (Tx, Ty, Tz). Evaluating Equation 2.50 and Equation 2.51 at T yields the following three equations: Tx Px Tz Pz Px C ctn2 uf
1=2 Px C 2 ctn2 uf P2 y


Ty Py

Tz Pz Py
1=2 Px C 2 ctn2 uf P2 y


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FIGURE 2.19 Cross-section through a cylindrical roller bearing that has a flanged inner ring.
1=2 Pz Px C 2 ctn2 uf P2 y


Equation 2.52 through Equation 2.54 contain three unknowns (Px, Py, Pz) and are sufficient to determine the theoretical point of contact between the roller end and flange. By introducing a fourth equation and unknown, however, namely the length of the line from points (Tx, Ty, Tz) to (Px, Py, Pz), the added benefit of a closed-form solution is obtained. The length of a line normal to the flange surface at the point (Px, Py, Pz), which joins this point with the sphere origin (Tx, Ty, Tz), is given by D Tx Px 2 Ty Py 2 Tz Pz 2 1=2
Right circular cone z = f(x, y)


Z1 {T }1

C qf


Contact point P(Px, Py, Pz) {T }1 T(Tx, Ty, Tz) rs Zi Xi Roller end sphere


FIGURE 2.20 Coordinate system for calculation of roller endflange contact location.

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After algebraic reduction, D is obtained from the positive root of the quadratic equation: D S S2 4<T 1=2 2< where values for S, <, and T are < tan2 uf 1 S 2 sin2 uf 2 2 1=2 Tx C tan uf Ty Tz cos uf
2 2 1=2 Tz T Tx C tan uf Ty


The coordinates P(Px, Py, Pz) are given by the following closed-form function of D: Tz Px Ty tan uf 1 Ty " Py Ty 1 " Pz Tz 1 "  2 #1=2 " 1 D
2 T 2 1=2 T y z #

# c 2:57

D sin uf
2 Ty

2 1=2 Tz

2:58 # 2:59

D sin uf
2 T 2 1=2 T y z

At a point of contact between the roller end and flange, D is equal to the roller end sphere radius. Therefore, knowing the roller and flanged ring geometry as well as the coordinate location (with respect to the flanged ring coordinate system) of the roller end sphere origin, it is possible to calculate directly the theoretical roller endflange contact location. The analysis, although shown for a cylindrical roller bearing, is general enough to apply to any roller bearing that has sphere end rollers that contact a conical flange. Tapered and spherical roller bearings of this type may be treated if the sphere radius origin is properly defined. These equations have several notable applications since flange contact location is of interest in bearing design and performance evaluation. It is desirable to maintain contact on the flange below the flange rim (including edge break) and above the undercut at the base of the flange. To do otherwise causes loading on the flange rim (or edge of undercut) and produces higher contact stresses and less than optimum lubrication of the contact. The preceding equations may be used to determine the maximum theoretical skewing angle for a cylindrical roller bearing if the roller axial play (between flanges) is known. Also, by calculating the location of the theoretical contact point, sliding velocities between roller ends and flange can be calculated and used in an estimate of roller endflange contact friction and heat generation.


The kinematics of a roller endflange contact causes sliding to occur between the contacting members. The magnitude of the sliding velocity between these surfaces substantially affects friction, heat generation, and load-carrying characteristics of a roller bearing design. The sliding velocity is represented by the difference between the two vectors defining the linear velocities of the flange and the roller end at the point of contact. A graphical representation of

2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


Advanced Concepts of Bearing Technology

wR rc C vf v RE v sl

Rc wo


FIGURE 2.21 Roller endflange contact velocities.

the roller velocity vroll and the flange velocity vF at their point of contact C is shown in Figure 2.21. The sliding velocity vector vsl is shown as the difference of vRE and vf. When considering roller skewing motions, vsl will have a component in the flanged ring axial direction, albeit small in comparison with the components in the bearing radial plane, if the roller is not subjected to the components in the bearing radial plane. If the roller is not subjected to skewing, the contact point will lie in the plane containing the roller and flanged ring axes. The roller endflange sliding velocity may be calculated as vs1 vf vRE vf Rc vo Rc vR rc 2:60

where clockwise rotations are considered positive. Varying the position of contact point C over the elastic contact area between roller end and flange allows the distribution of sliding velocity to be determined.

In this chapter, methods for calculations of rolling and cage speeds in ball and roller bearings were developed for conditions of rolling and spinning motions. It will be shown in Chapter 3 how the dynamic loading derived from ball and roller speeds can significantly affect ball bearing contact angles, diametral clearance, and subsequently rolling element load distribution. Moreover, spinning motions that occur in ball bearings tend to alter contact area stresses, and hence they affect bearing endurance. Other quantities affected by bearing internal speeds are friction torque and frictional heat generation. It is therefore clear that accurate determinations of bearing internal speeds are necessary for analysis of rolling bearing performance. It will be demonstrated subsequently that hydrodynamic action of the lubricant in the contact areas can transform what is presumed to be substantially rolling motions into combinations of rolling and translatory motions. In general, this combination of rotation and translation may be tolerated provided the lubricant films resulting from the rolling motions are sufficient to adequately separate the rolling elements and raceways.

2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Bearing Component Motions and Speeds


1. Lundberg, G., Motions in loaded rolling element bearings, SKF unpublished report, 1954. 2. Jones, A., Ball motion and sliding friction in ball bearings, ASME Trans. J. Basic Eng., 81, 1959. 3. Harris, T., An analytical method to predict skidding in thrust loaded, angular-contact ball bearings, ASME Trans. J. Lubrication Technol., 1724, January 1971. 4. Harris, T., Ball motion in thrust-loaded, angular-contact bearings with coulomb friction, ASME J. Lubrication Technol., 93, 1724, 1971. 5. Palmgren, A., Ball and Roller Bearing Engineering, 3rd ed., Burbank, Philadelphia, 1959, pp. 7072. 6. Kleckner, R. and Pirvics, J., High speed cylindrical roller bearing analysisSKF Computer Program CYBEAN, Vol. 1: Analysis, SKF Report AL78P022, NASA Contract NAS3-20068, July 1978.

2006 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

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