K To 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide
K To 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide
K To 12 Mathematics Curriculum Guide
K to 12
Students attitudes determine to a great extent their performance in mathematics. Since students attitudes towards mathematics are often the result of their classroom experiences, mathematics teachers should take great effort in promoting a fun and exciting classroom environment. Activities should be provided to build students confidence in and appreciation of mathematics. Assessment is inherent in all the components of the framework. Assessment is not independent of the learning process; rather, it is interdependent with teaching and learning. To assess all facets of mathematics learning, teachers should use balanced assessment, which combines traditional pen-andpaper tests and authentic forms such as performance and portfolio assessment.
Overall Goal: Functionally Literate and Holistically Developed Filipino II. Desired Outcomes: A learner who: 1. Possesses a healthy mind and body. 2. Has solid moral and spiritual grounding. 3. Has essential knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to continuously develop himself/herself to the fullest. 4. Engages in critical thinking and creative problem solving. 5. Contributes to the development of a progressive, just, and humane society. 6. Is proud to be a Filipino. 7. Appreciates the beauty of the world around him/her and cares for the environment. III. Key Stage Outcomes:
At the end of Grade 3, the Filipino learner is able to.. Communication and literacies 1. understand the value of and enjoy the learning and uses of language and literacy in discovering knowledge through the languages of the home and the school 1. demonstrate curiosity and logical thinking in understanding the self and the immediate environment
Grade 6 ... 1. develop language and literacy competencies necessary to understand, process, and evaluate varied types of texts and be able to express ideas and feelings effectively 1. understand causal relationships and able to pose questions about the environment and investigate the environment
... Grade 10 ... 1. employ suitable language and literacy abilities in making sense of varied inputs and processes to efficiently and creatively carry out different real-life tasks and functions 1. able to grasp issues and make logical inferences to deepen understanding of the environment
... Grade 12 ... 1. use correct, appropriate, and elegant language to accomplish a wide range of meaningful communication purposes
1. apply abstraction and logical reasoning in proposing solutions to problems in various contexts 5
1. know the importance of and appreciate the learning of the arts and humanities
1. use his/her imagination, knowledge and skills in arts and humanities in expressing his/her ideas and experiences
1. combine technological and artistic skills, and knowledge in generating new ideas and creating original products
1. recognize and analyze problems in daily life, and work with others to invent or refine tangible products to solve them
1. define age-appropriate ethical, moral and spiritual values and concepts and civic virtues 2. exhibit open-mindedness in analyzing situations in his/her immediate environment
1. analyze thoroughly ethical, moral and spiritual values/ concepts and civic virtues 2. use reasoning and evaluation skills in resolving age-appropriate ethical, moral and spiritual issues/problems/ predicaments and local/national community concerns 3. develop and employ rational criteria for evaluating moral integrity and trustworthiness
1. use with discipline and relative ease highly developed analytic, reasoning, argument and evaluation skills in resolving age-appropriate ethical, moral and spiritual issues/problems/predicame nts and local/national community concerns 2. develop and employ rational criteria when ascertaining someones moral integrity and trustworthiness 3. evaluate ones own reasoning in ethical, moral , spiritual or civic matters; state possible objections to ones own arguments, and make a rebuttal to fully justify ones position 4. tell from experience with distinct clarity the importance of being in possession of shared
1. use with ease highly developed analytic, reasoning, and argument evaluation skills in resolving age-appropriate ethical, moral and spiritual issues/problems/predicame nts and local/national community concerns 2. give critical evaluation of the ethical, moral , spiritual and civic situation in the Philippines 3. employ rational criteria when ascertaining someones moral status or integrity and trustworthiness 4. offer viable solutions to real and difficult ethical, moral , spiritual and civic problems 5. participate in moral or civic discourse at the regional or national level 6. know right from wrong
ethical, moral and spiritual values and civic virtues of Filipinos Life and career competencies 1. recognize the contribution of persons to communities 2. value ones own rules in the home or community 1. recognize and appreciate the value of work and exhibit appropriate behavior when working in a team 1. demonstrate appropriate work habits and behavior (e.g. sustainable use of resources, productivity & accountability, flexibility & adaptability) 1. know and explore occupational possibilities 2. demonstrate with confidence prerequisite skills for their chosen career path 3. demonstrate life skill such as: (a) communication and interpersonal skills; (b) decision-making and critical thinking skills; (c) coping and self-management skills 1. strive for personal excellence 2. work with others to preserve Filipino culture 3. exercise civic responsibilities 4. able to use lessons from the past to make informed decisions as responsible citizens 1. appreciate his/her role as a global citizen; think systematically about personal, national, and global decisions, 7
1. appreciate personal identity and values and ones abilities 2. appreciate local culture (visual and performing arts) 3. know his/her rights and duties as a child 4. understand personal history and simple historical events 1. know, appreciate and demonstrate pride in ones identity as an individual and as a member of his/her family, community,
1. able to use ones abilities to think and express oneself 2. appreciate what it is to be a Filipino. 3. have care and concern for others 4. develop narrative understanding of history.
1. use abilities to help the community and other people 2. take pride in his/her Filipino heritage 3. have a sound sense of social responsibility 4. understand the complexity of the past
1. recognize, appreciate and respect differences in Philippine society and the world at large, such as age, gender, religion,
1. analyze cultural complexities; understand factors contributing to societal and global conflicts and articulate a
and the Filipino people, while being aware of basic human differences
social class, language, ethnicity, ability, sexual orientation; know and respect human rights as reflected in his/her fair relationships with people.
interactions and consequences, guided by pride in ones Filipino identity and respect for diversity and human rights
IV. Core Learning Area Standard: (for the entire K to 12) The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and principles of mathematics as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life.
V. Key Stage Standards: (Standard for the Core Learning Area for K-3, 4-6, 7-10, and 11-12) K3 At the end of Grade 3, the learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to ten thousand, fractions, measurement, simple geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts and data representation and analysis as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life. 46 At the end of Grade 6, the learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving rational numbers, measurement, geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts, simple probability and data analysis as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life. 7 10 At the end of grade 10, the learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving number sense, measurement, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics, and trigonometry as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life. 11 12 At the end of grade 12, the learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving personal financial management, linear programming, logic, probability and statistics, analytic geometry and calculus, as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, communicating, reasoning, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life.
VI. Grade Level Standards: Grade Level Grade Level Standards The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to 10, space and measurement, simple geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts and data collection as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decision in real life.
Grade 1
The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to 100, fractions, measurement, simple geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts, data collection and representation as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decision in real life.
Grade 2
The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to 1 000, fractions, measurement and geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts, data collection, representation and analysis as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decision in real life.
Grade 3
The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to 10 000, fractions, measurement, geometric figures, pre-algebra concepts, data collection, representation and analysis as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decision in real life.
Grade 4
The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to 100 000, fractions, decimals including money, ratio, percent, angles, plane figures like square, rectangle, and triangle, measurement (perimeter, area of triangle and parallelogram, volume of cubes and rectangular prisms, pre-algebra concepts, data collection, representation and analysis as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life. The learner demonstrates understanding and appreciation of key concepts and skills involving whole numbers up to 10 000 000, fractions, decimals including money, ratio, percent, geometry (circles and five or more-sided polygons), measurement (circumference, area of trapezoid and circle, volume of cubes and rectangular prisms, temperature) , pre-algebra concepts, data collection, representation and analysis as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
Grade 5
Grade Level
Grade Level Standards The learner is expected to have mastered the concepts and operations on whole numbers; demonstrates understanding and appreciation of the key concepts and skills involving fractions, decimals including money, ratio and proportion, percent, integers, geometry (spatial figures), measurement (surface area, volume, meter reading), pre-algebra concepts, data collection, representation and analysis, analysis and probability, expressions and equations as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life. The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of number sense, measurement, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of algebra, geometry, probability and statistics as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
Grade 9
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of number sense, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics as applied, using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
Grade 11
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of number sense as applied in consumer mathematics, trigonometry, statistics, linear algebra and plane coordinate geometry using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
Grade 12
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of number sense as applied in consumer mathematics, trigonometry, statistics, linear algebra and plane coordinate geometry using appropriate technology, in problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations and decisions in real life.
Kindergarten Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving whole numbers, operations of whole numbers, fractions, measurement, probability and statistics, geometry and prealgebra through appropriate and accurate representations. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 1 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving whole numbers, operations of whole numbers, fractions, measurement, probability and statistics, geometry and prealgebra through appropriate and accurate representations.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of 1. Whole Numbers 2. Operations of Whole Numbers 3. Fractions 4. Measurement 5. Probability and Statistics 6. Geometry 7. Pre-Algebra The learner demonstrates understanding of the relationship between numbers and quantities up to 10.
Whole Numbers
The learner is expected to: 1. recognize sets of objects up to 10 using concrete objects; 2. compare two or more sets of objects up to 10; 3. recognize, represent, match, name, read, count, and write whole numbers up to 10; 4. compare and order whole numbers up to 10; and 5. apply these skills in solving problems.
1. Whole Numbers 2. Operations of Whole Numbers 3. Fractions 4. Measurement 5. Probability and Statistics 6. Geometry 7. Pre-Algebra The learner demonstrates understanding of number notation and place value, cardinal and ordinal numbers, and comparing and ordering numbers up to 100.
The learner is expected to: 1. Represent equivalent forms of the same number through the use of physical models, diagrams, and number expressions; 2. Count and group objects in ones and tens; 3. Count, read and write whole numbers up to 100; 4. Compare and order whole numbers up to 100 by using symbols; and 5. Identify ordinal numbers from 1st-10th. 11
Kindergarten Performance Standards The learner is expected to: 1. use manipulatives to explore the concepts of addition and subtraction with sums or differences through 10; 2. use the words put together, add to, and plus to understand the concept of addition through 10; 3. use the words take away and minus to understand the concept of subtraction; and 4. use concrete objects to determine answers to addition and subtraction problems. The learner is expected to divide a whole into two or four equal parts. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of simple addition and subtraction with sums or differences through 10.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of dividing wholes into equal parts.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the meaning of addition and its properties and subtraction of whole numbers up to 100.
The learner is expected to: 1. use addition and subtraction to solve problems using pictorial representation. 12
Grade 1 Performance Standards The learner is expected to: 1. show the relationship of multiplication to addition with quantities up to 40.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of multiplication of whole numbers using concrete materials and pictorial representations. The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of division.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts of halves and fourths and applies them in dividing a whole or set equally.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts of time, length, mass, and capacity using non-standard units of measure.
The learner is expected to: 1. observe sunrise and sunset to tell the time of the day (morning, noontime, evening); 2. tell the number of days in a week and the number of months in a year; and 3. measure and compare the length, mass, and
The learner extends his/her concept of time and measures and compares objects using direct comparison and nonstandard units of length, mass and capacity.
The learner is expected to: 1. show division as a grouping or partitioning process with quantity not greater than 20. The learner is expected to: 1. visualize halves and fourths; 2. identify and names a part (1/2, ); and 3. divide a whole or set in halves and fourths. The learner is expected to: 1. identify the days in a week and months in a year and hour and half hour; and 2. measure, compare and estimate length, mass and capacity using nonstandard units. 13
Kindergarten Performance Standards capacity of familiar objects using nonstandard units. The learner is expected to: 1. participate actively in gathering information about objects or events in their environment; 2. make a pictograph based on the information gathered; and 3. answer questions about the pictograph. The learner is expected to: 1. explore the environment to observe, identify, describe, and two- to three-dimensional objects; 2. compare shapes, sizes, and positions of two- to three-dimensional objects; and 3. use manipulative to create two- to threedimensional objects. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of organizing, representing and comparing data using pictographs.
The learner is expected to: 1. collect, organize, read, construct and interpret pictographs.
The learner demonstrates understanding of shapes, sizes, and positions of common two- to threedimensional objects in the environment.
The learner demonstrates understanding of 2-D and 3-D shapes through identifying, classifying and creating figures using cut-outs and concrete models.
The learner is expected to: 1. identify, name and describe square, rectangle, triangle and circle in 2-D and 3-D objects and classifies them by common attributes.
Kindergarten Performance Standards The learner is expected to: 1. extend patterns of shapes, colors, numbers; 2. sort and classify objects by attributes; and 3. identify objects that do not belong in a particular group. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of simple patterns.
Grade 1 Performance Standards The learner is expected to: 1. recognize simple patterns of objects and numbers.
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 2 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving whole numbers, operations of whole numbers, measurement, probability and statistics, fractions, geometry and prealgebra through appropriate and accurate representations. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 3 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving whole numbers, operations of whole numbers, measurement, probability and statistics, fractions, geometry and prealgebra through appropriate and accurate representations.
Whole Numbers
1. Whole Numbers 2. Operations of Whole Numbers 3. Measurement 4. Probability and Statistics 5. Fractions 6. Geometry 7. Pre-Algebra The learner demonstrates understanding of the relationships between numbers, and place value of whole numbers up to 1000.
The learner is expected to: 1. compare and order whole numbers up to 1000; and 2. read and write money in compound units using decimal notation.
1. Whole Numbers 2. Operations of Whole Numbers 3. Measurement 4. Probability and Statistics 5. Fractions 6. Geometry 7. Pre-Algebra The learner demonstrates understanding of the concepts of whole numbers, place value up to 10 000 and Roman numerals up to M, and odd and even numbers.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of the four operations of whole numbers and the identity and
The learner is expected to: 1. add and subtract numbers up to 1000; 2. multiply and divide
The learner demonstrates understanding of the four operations of whole numbers and of the concept of identity, commutative, associative and
The learner is expected to: 1. read and write whole numbers up to 10000 and identifies the place value for each digit; 2. compare, order and round whole numbers up to 10000; 3. round off tens and hundreds; 4. identify and express Roman numerals in Hindu-Arabic; and 5. develop and apply odd and even numbers. The learner is expected to: 1. add 4-digit numbers with or without regrouping (sum up to 19 998); 16
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard zero properties of multiplication.
Grade 2 Performance Standards numbers within the multiplications tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10; 3. show the relationship between multiplication and division; 4. model and solve simple problems involving multiplication and division; and 5. apply identity and zero properties of multiplication. Content Standards distributive properties of addition and multiplication.
Grade 3 Performance Standards 2. subtract 3 to 4-digit numbers from 4-digit numbers with or without regrouping; 3. add and subtract mentally; 4. multiply and divide numbers within the multiplications tables up to 10 by 10; 5. multiply and divide 2 to 3-digit by 1-digit numbers; 10, 100; 6. apply commutative, associative and distributive properties of multiplication; and 7. estimate, calculate and solve word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers up to 10000. The learner is expected to: 1. recognize and use common conversion of units; hour to minute, m to cm, kg to g, L to ml; 2. solve the area of squares and rectangles; 3. measure capacity using the standard units of measure; and 17
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept and application of time and using standard units in measuring length, mass, area and capacity
The learner is expected to: 1. measure time in minutes including a.m. and p.m. and length, mass and capacity using standard units; 2. measure time in minute and length, mass and capacity using standard
The learner extends his/her understanding of the concept and application of time (in minutes), length, mass, area and capacity.
Grade 2 Performance Standards units; 3. find the duration of time in hours; 4. find the area of squares and rectangles using square units; and 5. solve word problems involving time, length, mass, area and capacity. The learner is expected to: 1. collect, read, organize and interpret pictograph 2. make pictographs using a scale representation. The learner is expected to: 1. visualize, model, identify, read and write unit fractions, other fractions less than one, and similar fractions (denominator less than 10) 2. compare unit fractions and similar fractions The learner is expected to: 1. identify, classify, describe and draw semicircle and quarter circle; 2. construct squares, Content Standards
Grade 3 Performance Standards 4. solve word problems involving time, area and capacity.
The learner is expected to: 1. read, organize, interpret and construct tables and bar graphs. The learner is expected to: 1. identify, read, write, compare and order proper, improper, and mixed numbers; and 2. understand and use the concept of equivalent fractions.
The learner demonstrates understanding of unit fractions and proper and similar fractions.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic kinds of fractions and knows how to simplify, order and relate them to whole numbers and objects in the environment.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic properties of geometric shapes, simple tessellation and symmetry.
The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic elements of angles, lines and rays.
The learner is expected to: 1. visualize and identify point, line, line segment, ray, perpendicular, parallel, and intersecting 18
Grade 2 Performance Standards rectangles, triangles and circles using cut-outs and square grids; 3. identify tessellation and symmetry; and 4. identify straight lines and curves, flat and curved surfaces of a 3-D object. The learner is expected to: 1. create, identify, describe, and find patterns on numbers and geometric objects. Content Standards
The demonstrates understanding of patterns of numbers, operations, geometric objects and relationships.
The learner is expected to: 1. create, describe, explain patterns on numbers, operations, geometric objects and relationships.
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 4 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving whole numbers, operations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion and percent, probability and statistics, measurement, geometry through appropriate and accurate representations. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 5 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving whole numbers, operations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion and percent, probability and statistics, measurement, geometry through appropriate and accurate representations.
Whole Number
1. Whole Numbers 2. Operations of Whole Numbers 3. Fractions 4. Decimals 5. Ratio, Proportion and Percent 6. Probability and Statistics 7. Measurement 8. Geometry The learner demonstrates understanding of number notation and place value of numbers up to 100000, and of factors and multiples up to 100.
The learner is expected to: 1. read, write, compare, order numbers up to 100000 and recognize the place value; 2. round off number to the nearest ten thousand; 3. identify factors, GCF and multiple of a number up to 100;
1. Whole Numbers 2. Operations of Whole Numbers 3. Fractions 4. Decimals 5. Ratio, Proportion and Percent 6. Probability and Statistics 7. Measurement 8. Geometry The learner demonstrates understanding of number notation and place value of numbers up to 10 million and of some number theory concepts.
The learner is expected to: 1. read and write numbers up to 10 million; 2. differentiate prime from composite numbers; 3. express composite numbers as products of prime factors; 4. find GCF and LCM of two numbers; and 5. apply appropriate number theory concepts (primes, factors, multiples and divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11) to various reallife situations. 20
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Operations of Whole Numbers Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of a fraction as part of a set of objects, as a number, as division, and of the different kinds of fractions.
The learner is expected to: 1. add and subtract up to 4digit numbers; 2. multiply numbers up to 3 digits by a 2-digit number; 3. perform series of operations applying MDAS; and 4. solve up to 3-step word problems involving whole numbers. The learner is expected to: 1. recognize and name fractions as part of a set of objects; 2. represent a fraction on a number line; 3. use models to illustrate a fraction as a division operation; 4. recognize proper, improper and mixed forms; 5. compare and order fractions: similar and dissimilar; and 6. change improper fraction
The learner demonstrates mastery of concepts and operations/series of operations (PMDAS) of whole numbers.
The learner is expected to: 1. perform series of operations on whole numbers (PMDAS); 2. use the idea that every natural number can be written as a product of prime numbers; and 3. solve 1-2-3 steps word problems.
The learner demonstrates the ability to perform the four fundamental operations on similar and dissimilar fractions.
The learner is expected to: 1. perform the four fundamental operations on fractions; and 2. solve word problems involving fractions.
Grade 4 Performance Standards to mixed forms and vice versa. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept decimals, addition and subtraction of decimals up to hundredths.
The learner is expected to: 1. use models/pictures to illustrate the relationship of fractions and decimals; 2. read, write, round, compare and order decimals up to hundredths; 3. add and subtract decimals through hundredths; and 4. solve word problems involving decimals. The learner is expected to: 1. recognize and describe a ratio when comparing two quantities.
The learner is expected to: 1. understand decimal digits in the context of place value; 2. read, write, compare and order decimals; 3. perform the four fundamental operations on decimals; and 4. solve word problems involving decimals.
The learner is expected to: 1. review ratios when comparing quantities; 2. express one value as a fraction of another given their ratio and vice versa; 3. find how many times one value is as large as another given their ratio and vice versa; 4. recognize that two quantities are in direct proportion; and 5. solve word problems on 22
Grade 5 Performance Standards ratio and direct proportion. The learner is expected to: 1. create, read and interpret line graph and its associated table of data 2. calculate the average of a set of data
The learner demonstrates understanding of units of measure of area and perimeter of a square, a rectangle and their related figures, and volume of a cube and liquid.
The learner is expected to: 1. collect data and present the data in a table form; 2. read and interpret tables and bar graphs and construct bar graphs; and 3. solve problems using data presented in bar graphs and tables. The learner is expected to: 1. find the area and perimeter of a figure made up of squares and rectangles; 2. use formula in finding the volume of a rectangular prism and liquid in a rectangular container including conversions between liter, millilitre and cubic meter; and 3. solve word problems involving area and perimeter of squares and rectangles and volume of solids and liquids.
The learner records, arranges, presents, and interprets data using tables and line graphs.
The learner demonstrates understanding on measurement in metric units to approximate measure and compute circumference, area, volume and temperature.
The learner is expected to: 1. use and describe measures of circumference, area of a trapezoid/circle, volume of cube/rectangular prism, body and weather temperature; 2. estimate, make and use measurement to describe and compare phenomena including conversion of units of measure in the metric system; 3. select and use appropriate measurement units and tools for consistency and to the degree of 23
Grade 5 Performance Standards accuracy; and 4. solve word problems involving circumference, area, volume and temperature. The learner is expected to: 1. name and describe polygons up to 10 sides; 2. draw and describe similar and congruent polygons; and 3. describe and identify the parts of a circle.
The learner demonstrates understanding of parallel and perpendicular lines, measures of angles, symmetry, plane figures up to 4 sides, and 2-D representation of a 3-D solid.
The learner is expected to: 1. draw perpendicular and parallel lines using ruler and set squares; 2. estimate size of angles and measures angles in degrees using a protractor; 3. draw a given angle using a protractor including 90 , 180 and 270 ; 4. identify and visualize symmetry in the environment and in designs; 5. complete a symmetric figure with respect to a given line of symmetry; 6. name and describe various plane figures up to 4 sides; and 7. visualize and draw figures made by unit cubes.
The learner demonstrates understanding of polygons up to 10 sides, congruence and similarities of polygons, circle and its parts.
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Pre-Algebra Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the relationships among whole numbers
Grade 4 Performance Standards The learner is expected to: 1. solve the unknown in simple equations involving one or more operations of whole numbers. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the relationship among whole numbers and fractions.
Grade 5 Performance Standards The learner is expected to: 1. solve the unknown in simple equations involving one or more operations of whole numbers and fractions.
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 6 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving number sense, geometry, measurement, probability and statistics, algebra, through appropriate and accurate representations. The learner is expected to: 1. compare, order and estimate fractions and decimals; and 2. perform operations and solves problems involving fractions and decimals. The learner is expected to: 1. use ratios, proportions and percent in a variety of ways; and 2. develop, apply and explain methods for solving problems involving proportions (direct, partitive and inverse) and percents (percent 26
Number Sense
1. Number Sense 2. Geometry 3. Measurement 4. Probability and Statistics 5. Algebra The learner demonstrates mastery of the operations of fractions and decimals.
Grade 6 Performance Standards increase/decrease, discounts and mark-ups, commission, simple interest and sales tax). The learner demonstrates understanding of the concept of integers, exponents, base and scientific notation. The learner is expected to: 1. use real-life experiences, physical materials and technology to construct meaning for integers; 2. compare and order positive and negative integers; 3. use the notation and computation of positive whole number powers; 4. perform series of operations including grouping symbols and exponents (PEMDAS); and 5. write very big or very small numbers as scientific notation. The learner is expected to: 1. find the unknown angles in geometric figures using the properties of angles in a straight line, 27
The learner demonstrates understanding of angles in geometric figures using various properties, 2-D representation of a 3-D solid and identification
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard of nets of cube, prism and pyramid.
Grade 6 Performance Standards angles at a point, vertically opposite angles, and square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, and triangle; and 2. visualize a prism and a pyramid from drawings; 3. identify nets of a cube, a prism and a pyramid. The learner is expected to: 1. identify the parts of a circle and use the formula to find circumference and area of a circle, semicircle and quadrant including areas of composite figures; 2. find the area and perimeter of a figure related to these shapes: rectangle, square and triangle; 3. find the surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms; 4. find the volume of a solid made up of cubes and volume of liquid; and 28
The learner demonstrates understanding of area and circumference of a circle, area and perimeter of figures related to square, rectangle, triangle and circle, surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and capacity, and electric and water consumption.
Grade 6 Performance Standards 5. solve word problems involving area and perimeter of the plane figures, surface area and volume of rectangular prisms and volume of liquid, and electric and water consumption. The learner demonstrates understanding of 24-hour clock and duration of time and speed. The learner is expected to: 1. interpret 24-hour clock, including conversion between 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock; 2. find duration of time; 3. calculate time in different time zones. 4. calculate speed, distance and time; and 5. solve word problems involving average, rate and speed. The learner is expected to: 1. create, read and interpret circle graphs and its associated table of data; 2. solve 1-step problems using information presented in pie charts 29
The learner records, arranges, presents and interprets data using tables and circle graphs and understands the meaning of probability.
Grade 6 Performance Standards (exclude use of degrees for calculation); 3. generate and analyze data obtained from spinners and dice; and 4. make simple predictions based on experimental probability.
The learner demonstrates understanding of constants, variables and algebraic expressions in one variable.
The learner is expected to: 1. use a letter to represent an unknown number and write a simple algebraic expression in one variable for a given situation; 2. simplify algebraic expressions (exclude expressions involving brackets); 3. evaluate simple algebraic expressions by substitution; and 4. solve word problems involving algebraic expressions.
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 7 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving number sense, measurement, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics through appropriate and accurate representations. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 8 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics through appropriate and accurate representations.
Number Sense
1. Number Sense 2. Measurement 3. Algebra 4. Geometry 5. Probability and Statistics The learner demonstrates the knowledge and understanding of the real number system: natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, real numbers.
The learner is expected to: 1. describe and represent the real number by diagram; 2. relate the different subsets of real numbers; 3. visualize the absolute value of a number on a number line as distance from the origin; 4. solve simple absolute value equations using the number line; 5. perform fundamental operations on integers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division; 6. state and illustrate the different properties 31
Grade 7 Performance Standards (commutative, associative, distributive, identity, inverse); 7. visualize rational numbers and their order on a number line; 8. translate rational numbers (both terminating and repeating / nonterminating) from fraction form to decimal form and vice versa; 9. perform operations on rational numbers and illustrate the different properties; 10. represent real-life situations which involve square roots of a rational number; 11. identify square roots which are rational and which are not rational (irrational); 12. visualize irrational numbers (square roots) and their order on a number line; Content Standards
Grade 7 Performance Standards 13. estimate/approximate the square roots with and without technology; 14. arrange real numbers in increasing or decreasing order; 15. solve problems involving real numbers, precision/accuracy, rounding numbers, significant digits, estimation; and 16. write a very large or a very small number in scientific notation. The learner is expected to: 1. appreciate the development of measurement from the primitive to the present international system of units; 2. use instrument to measure length, weight/mass, volume, time, angle, temperature; 3. convert measurements from one unit to Content Standards
The learner demonstrates knowledge and understanding of measurement and the use of measuring devices and skill in applying this knowledge in solving real life situations.
Grade 7 Performance Standards another using proportional reasoning; 4. calculate to obtain measurements involving ratios and rates; and 5. solve real-life problems involving measurements (e.g. water meter reading, electric meter reading, speed, etc.). The learner is expected to: 1. identify constants, variables from a given algebraic expression; 2. translate verbal phrases to mathematical phrases and vice versa; 3. evaluate algebraic expression for given values of the variables involved, numerical expressions (including those with whole number exponents); 4. give examples of polynomials (monomial, Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding and skills 1. related to simplifying and performing operations on polynomials; and 2. in transforming and solving mathematical sentences with one variable.
The learner demonstrates understanding and skills 1. in multiplying and dividing polynomials;
The learner is expected to 1. give the meaning of a x where x is a positive integer; 2. multiply and divide polynomials using the laws of exponents; 3. use the shortcut methods to obtain products 3.1. product and difference of two squares 3.2. square of a binomial 3.3. cube of a binomial 34
Grade 7 Performance Standards binomial, trinomial, multinomial); identify the base, coefficient and exponent in a monomial; add and subtract polynomials; differentiate: 7.1 mathematical expressions from mathematical equations 7.2 equations from inequalities; translate verbal sentences, patterns and pictorial representations to equations and inequalities and vice versa; find the solution of an equation or inequality involving one variable (including absolute value equation / inequalities) 9.1. from a given Content Standards
Grade 8 Performance Standards 3.4. special case of multiplying a binomial and trinomial 3.5. product of two binomials; 4. identify polynomials which are special products 4.1. polynomials whose terms have a common monomial factor 4.2. trinomials which are products of two binomials 4.3. trinomials which are squares of a binomial 4.4. products of the sum and difference of two quantities
6. 7.
( x2 y 2 , x3 y 3 ,
x3 y 3 ) ;
5. factor completely a 35
Grade 7 Performance Standards replacement 9.2. intuitively by guess and check 9.3. by algebraic procedures (applying the properties of equality / inequalities) 9.4. by geometric procedures (using intervals or rays on a number line); and 10. apply knowledge and skills with equations and inequalities to solve problems. Content Standards
Grade 8 Performance Standards given polynomial using one or more of the following procedures 5.1. factoring polynomials whose terms have a common monomial factor 5.2. factoring a difference of two squares 5.3. factoring sum and difference of two cubes 5.4. factoring a perfect square trinomial 5.5. factoring by grouping 5.6. factoring general trinomials; 6. solve problems involving polynomials and their products and factors; 7. perform fundamental operations on rational expressions; 8. describe positions on a plane; 36
Grade 7 Performance Standards Content Standards 5. related to functions in general and linear functions in particular; and
Grade 8 Performance Standards 9. identify whether a given relation is a function given 9.1. table of ordered pairs 9.2. graphs 9.3. equations; 10. rewrite a linear equation Ax By C in the form y mx b and vice versa; 11. graph a linear function y mx b given 11.1. any two points 11.2. the intercepts 11.3. the slope and a given point; 12. characterize the graph of a linear function in the terms of 12.1. intercepts 12.2. slope; 13. obtain the equation of a line given 13.1. two points 13.2. slope and one point 13.3. slope and y37
Grade 8 Performance Standards intercept; 14. graph linear inequality in two variables; 15. solve problems involving linear relationship; 16. identify which given linear equations have graphs which are parallel, which intersect and which coincide; 17. solve systems of linear equations 17.1. by graphing 17.2. by substitution 17.3. by elimination; 18. solve problems involving systems of linear equations; and 19. solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing. The learner is expected to: 1. apply deductive reasoning skills to prove certain properties/relationships of geometric figures; 2. state and illustrate the 38
The learner demonstrates knowledge and understanding of certain concepts used to describe shapes of triangles and quadrilaterals.
The learner is expected to: 1. describe a point, line and plane; 2. define, identify and name the subsets of a line; 3. illustrate, name, identify
The learner demonstrates the ability 1. to prove deductively certain properties and relationships of geometric figures; 2. to analyze, verify and
Grade 7 Performance Standards and define different kinds of angles; 4. apply measurement and inductive reasoning to derive certain properties of geometric figures 4.1. supplementary angles 4.2. complementary angles 4.3. congruent angles 4.4. adjacent angles 4.5. linear pairs 4.6. perpendicular lines 4.7. parallel lines; 5. apply measurement and inductive reasoning to derive relationship 5.1. between vertical angles 5.2. among angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal; 6. illustrate name and identify different kinds of triangle, convex quadrilateral and their Content Standards prove triangle congruence; and
Grade 8 Performance Standards conditions on triangle congruence; 3. prove inductively and deductively the theorems on triangle congruence; 4. apply the theorems to 4.1. prove certain relationships related to triangle congruence 4.2. solve problems involving triangle congruence; and 5. use compass and straightedge to construct geometrical figures.
Grade 7 Performance Standards parts; 7. classify triangles according to their angles and according to their sides; 8. apply measurement and inductive reasoning skills to derive relationships among sides and angles of a triangle; 9. illustrate, name and identify the different kinds of quadrilaterals; 10. apply measurement and inductive reasoning skills to derive the relationship of angles of quadrilaterals; and 11. apply measurement and inductive reasoning skills to derive the relationship of angles (exterior/interior) of any convex polygon. The learner is expected to: 1. collect statistical data and average or organize in a table Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding and skills in the effective use of tables and graphs and averages in
The learner demonstrates knowledge and understanding 1. related to variability of given set data; and
The learner is expected to: 1. calculate the different measures of variability related to the given set 40
Grade 7 Performance Standards according to some systematic considerations; use appropriate graph to represent organized data 2.1. pictograph 2.2. bar graph 2.3. pie graph 2.4. line graph whichever is appropriate; analyze, interpret accurately and draw conclusions from graphic and tabular presentations of statistical data; find the mean, median and mode of ungrouped statistical data; and state some characteristics of the collection of data, given the mode, median or mean. Content Standards
Grade 8 Performance Standards of data; describe a given data using a measure of central tendency and a measure of variability; differentiate an experimental probability from theoretical probability; use simulation to model real world situations; and solve simple problems in probability.
Content: Domain/Strand Quarter 1 1. Number Sense 1.1. Basic Idea of Sets 1.2. Real Number System 1.2.1 Subsets of Real Numbers 1.2.2 Integers 1.2.3 Rational Numbers 1.2.4 Irrational Numbers 1.3. Estimation / Approximation 1.3.1 Square Roots 1.4. Scientific Notation 2. Measurement 2.1. Standard and Non Standard Units of Measure 2.2. SI and Customary 2.3. Metric System 2.4. Conversion of Units 2.5. Perimeter 2.6. Volume 2.7. Ratio, Rate and Speed Quarter 2 3. Algebra 3.1. Number Sequence and Pattern Finding 3.2. Algebraic Expressions 3.2.1 Constants and Variables 3.2.2 Mathematical Phrases 3.2.3 Evaluation of Algebraic Expressions 3.2.4 Polynomials 3.2.5 Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials 3.3. Linear Equations and Inequalities in One Variable 3.3.1 Linear Equations (including Absolute Value)
Content: Domain/Strand Quarter 1 1. Algebra 1.1. Multiplication of Polynomials 1.1.1 Laws of Exponents 1.1.2 Multiplication of Monomials 1.1.3 Multiplication of Monomial by Polynomial 1.1.4 Multiplication of Polynomials 1.2. Division of Polynomials 1.2.1 Division of Monomials 1.2.2 Division of Polynomial by Monomial 1.2.3 Division of Polynomials 1.3. Special Products 1.3.1 Product of Sum and Difference of Two Terms 1.3.2 Square of a Binomial 1.3.3 Cube of a Binomial 1.3.4 Special Case of Multiplying a Binomial and Trinomial 1.3.5 Product of Two Binomials 1.4. Factoring 1.4.1 Greatest Common Monomial Factor 1.4.2 Difference of Two Squares 1.4.3 Sum and Difference of Two Cubes 1.4.4 Perfect Square Trinomial 1.4.5 Factoring by Grouping 1.4.6 Factoring General Trinomials 1.5. Application of Special Products and Factoring
3.3.2 Applications of Linear Equations 3.3.3 Linear Inequalities (including Absolute Inequality) 3.3.4 Applications of Linear Inequalities Quarter 3 4. Geometry 4.1. Introduction to Geometry 4.1.1 Undefined Terms 4.1.2 Angles 4.1.3 Angle Pairs 4.1.4 Parallel 4.1.5 Transversal 4.2. Polygons 4.2.1 Kinds of Polygons 4.2.2 Triangles (including Triangle Inequality) 4.2.3 Quadrilaterals 4.2.4 Interior/Exterior Angles of Convex Polygons Quarter 4 5. Probability and Statistics 5.1. Introduction to Statistics 5.1.1 Definition of Terms 5.1.2 Uses and Importance of Statistics 5.1.3 Data Gathering / Collection 5.2. Data Representation 5.2.1 Frequency Table 5.3. Graphical Representation 5.3.1 Pictograph 5.3.2 Bar Graph 5.3.3 Pie Graph 5.3.4 Line Graph 5.4 Measures of Central Tendency Ungrouped Data
Quarter 2 1.6. Rational Expressions 1.6.1 Simplifying Rational Expressions 1.6.2 Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions 1.6.3 Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions 1.6.4 Complex Fractions 1.7. Linear Functions and Inequalities 1.7.1 Rectangular Coordinate System 1.7.2 Basic Ideas on Functions 1.7.3 Graphs of Linear Equations in Two Variables Using Table of Values Using Intercepts Using Slope-Intercept 1.7.4 Obtaining the Equation of a Line 1.7.5 Graphs of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables 1.7.6 Solve problems involving linear relationship Quarter 3 1.8 Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities 1.8.1 Kinds of Systems of Linear Equations 1.8.2 Solving Systems of Linear Equations By Graphical Method By Elimination Method By Substitution Method 1.8.3 Application of Systems of Linear Equations 1.8.4 Systems of Linear Inequalities 2. Probability and Statistics 2.1. Measures of Variability (Ungrouped Data) 43
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard 5.4.1 Mean 5.4.2 Median 5.4.3 Mode
2.1.1 Range 2.1.2 Average Deviation 2.1.3 Standard Deviation 2.2. Simple Probability 2.2.1 Sample Space 2.2.2 Probability of Events Quarter 4 3. Geometry 3.1. If-Then Statements 3.2. Writing Proofs 3.2.1 Prove deductively relationship derived inductively in Grade 7 3.3. Triangle Congruence 3.3.1 SAS 3.3.2 ASA 3.3.3 SSS 3.3.4 HyL 3.3.5 LL 3.3.6 HyA 3.4. Pythagorean Theorem 3.5. Geometrical Constructions 3.5.1 Using Compass and Straightedge 3.5.2 Bisecting Line Segments 3.5.3 Bisecting Angles
Grade Level Content: Domain/ Strand Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of 1. Algebra 2. Geometry 3. Trigonometry
Grade 9 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving algebra, geometry, and trigonometry through appropriate and accurate representations. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of
Grade 10 Performance Standards The learner creates, analyzes and solves mathematical situations involving algebra, geometry, probability and statistics through appropriate and accurate representations.
The learner demonstrates knowledge and understanding 1. related to quadratic functions and equations;
The learner is expected to: 1. recognize a quadratic function and a quadratic equation in one variable; 2. graph quadratic function and determine from its graph the 2.1. intercepts 2.2. zeros 2.3. axis of symmetry 2.4. highest/lowest point 2.5. direction of concavity; 3. transform quadratic function
The learner demonstrates understanding and skills 1. related to sequences and series; and
y ax2 bx c to
y a x h k ;
2. related to polynomial
The learner is expected to 1. generalize and observe patterns; 2. give examples of arithmetic sequence and geometric sequence; 3. describe an arithmetic, geometric and other sequences by 3.1 giving few terms 3.2 giving the formula for the nth term 3.3 drawing the graph; 4. find the sum of a given arithmetic or geometric sequence; 5. solve problems involving sequences and series; 6. recognize polynomial 45
Grade 9 Performance Standards the graph of changes in a , h and k in a quadratic function; 5. formulate the quadratic function given 5.1 table of values 5.2 graph; 6. solve quadratic equations by 6.1 factoring 6.2 completing the square 6.3 quadratic formula; 7. determine the nature of the roots of quadratic equations; 8. formulate the quadratic equation given its roots or relationship of its roots; 9. relate zeros of quadratic functions and roots of quadratic equation; 10. solve problems involving quadratic function and quadratic equation; 11. solve problems Content Standards functions.
Grade 10 Performance Standards functions; 7. use synthetic division, remainder theorem and factor theorem to find the factors of the polynomials; 8. find the zeros of polynomial functions; and 9. solve problems involving polynomial functions.
2. related to rational
Grade 9 Performance Standards involving rational equations; 12. recognize relationships between two quantities in real life that obey 12.1. direct 12.2. inverse 12.3. joint 12.4. combined, variations; 13. translate statements that involve variation statement to a table of values, a mathematical equation or a graph and vice versa; 14. solve problems involving variation; 15. extend their knowledge on the laws of exponents (positive integral) to 15.1. zero to negative exponents 15.2. fractional exponents; 16. simplify expressions with rational exponents; 17. apply scientific notation Content Standards
Grade 9 Performance Standards in performing operations involving very small or very large numbers; 18. solve problems involving expressions with rational exponents; 19. recognize radical expressions; 20. relate expressions with fractional exponents to radical expressions; 21. simplify radical expressions; 22. perform fundamental operations on radical expressions; and 23. solve problems involving radical expressions. The learner is expected to: 1. state and illustrate the conditions on triangle similarity; 2. prove inductively and deductively the theorems on triangle similarity; 3. relate triangle similarity Content Standards
The learner demonstrates the ability 1. to analyze, verify and prove triangle similarity; and
The learner is expected to: 1. derive inductively and deductively the relations among arcs, central angles and inscribed angles 1.1. theorems related to circles; 2. solve problems related 48
Grade 9 Performance Standards to triangle congruence; apply the theorems to 4.1 prove certain relationship related to triangle similarity 4.2 solve problems involving triangle similarity; apply triangle similarity on 5.1 enlargement and reduction 5.2 scale drawings 5.3 similar figures; explain why certain shapes tessellate; identify the symmetry 7.1 with respect to a line 7.2 with respect to a point; and can draw the translations, reflections and rotations of an object. Content Standards
Grade 10 Performance Standards to circles; prove deductively when is a quadrilateral a parallelogram; solve problems involving cyclic quadrilaterals; derive the distance formula between two points on the plane 5.1 when one point is the origin 5.2 when neither point is the origin; apply the distance formula to derive/prove other geometric properties; find the equation of a line given 7.1 two points 7.2 slope and one point 7.3 slope and yintercept; derive/state the standard form of the equation of a circle with radius r and center at 49
6. 7.
3. understanding and skills in working with geometric figures in a coordinate plane; and
0, 0
4. knowledge and understanding related to transformation and symmetry.
or h, k ;
9. find the center and radius of the circle given its equation and vice versa; and 10. solve problems involving geometric figures in the coordinate plane.
The learner demonstrates understanding and skills related to sine, cosine and tangent related to triangles.
The learner is expected to: 1. state and illustrate the trigonometric ratios, sine law and cosine law; and 2. apply the trigonometric ratios, sine law and cosine law in solving problems including areas of triangles and bearing. The learner demonstrates the 1. understanding and skills related to measure of position (quantiles); The learner is expected to: 1. calculate specified percentiles of a setoff ungrouped data (e.g. deciles, quartiles, 50th percentile); 2. use percentile to infer 50
Grade 10 Performance Standards information from a set of ungrouped data; apply knowledge of percentile to solve problems; count the number of occurrences of events using grid table, tree diagram, systematic listing and the fundamental counting principle; count the number of arrangements (permutation) of r objects at a time from a set of n objects; count the number of ways objects can be selected out of a set of n objects (combinations); solve problems involving permutations and combinations; find the probability of compound events 8.1 P A or B 51
Grade 10 Performance Standards 8.2 P A and B ; and 9. solve problems involving compound events. Content: Domain/Strand Quarter 1 1. Algebra 1.1. Sequences and Series 1.1.1. Review on Finding Patterns 1.1.2. Arithmetic Sequence and Series 1.1.3. Geometric Sequence and Series 1.1.4. Other Sequences and Series Harmonic Sequence Fibonacci Sequence 1.2 Polynomial Functions 1.2.1 Polynomial Functions of Degree 1 and Degree 2 (Review) 1.2.2 Polynomial Functions of Degree Greater than 2
Content: Domain/Strand Quarter 1 1. Algebra 1.1. Quadratic Functions and Equations 1.1.1 Definition of a Quadratic Function 1.1.2 Graph of Quadratic Function 1.1.3 Quadratic Function in Different Forms y ax 2 bx c y a x h k
1.1.4 Effects on the graph of changes in a , h , k in a quadratic function 1.1.5 Zeros of a Quadratic Function 1.1.6 Roots of a Quadratic Equation and its relation to zeros of a function Solving Quadratic Equation by Factoring by Completing the Square by Quadratic Formula 1.1.7 Nature of Roots 1.1.8 Sum and Product of Roots 1.1.9 Applications of Quadratic Equations 1.2. Rational Equations 1.2.1. Rational Equations
Synthetic Division Remainder Theorem Factor Theorem Zeros of a Polynomial Functions Graphs of Polynomial Functions Applications of Polynomial Functions
Quarter 2 2.2 1.3. Variations 1.3.1. Direct 1.3.2. Inverse 1.3.3. Joint Quarter 3 1.3.4. Combined 2.3 Coordinate Geometry 1.4. Radicals 2.3.1 Distance Formula 1.4.1. Rational Exponents 2.3.2 Equation of a Line 1.4.2. Scientific Notations 2.3.3 Equation of a Circle 1.4.3. Transforming Expressions with Rational Exponent as Radicals and vice versa 3. Probability and Statistics 1.4.4. Simplifying Radicals 3.1. Measures of Position (Quantiles) 3.1.1. Quartiles 1.4.5. Operations on Radicals 3.1.2. Deciles 1.4.6. Radical Equations 3.1.3. Percentiles 1.4.7. Applications (include Surface Area and Volume) Quarter 3 2. Geometry 2.1. Triangle Similarity 2.1.1. SAS Similarity Theorem 2.1.2. SSS Similarity Theorem 2.1.3. AA Similarity Theorem 2.1.4. Right Triangle Similarity 2.2. Enlargement and Reduction 2.3. Scale Drawings 2.4. Areas of Similar Plane Figure and Volumes of Similar Solid Figures
2.1.2 Arcs and Angles 2.1.3 Tangent Lines and Tangent Circles 2.1.4 Power Theorems Quadrilaterals 2.2.1 Conditions which guarantee that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram 2.2.2 Cyclic quadrilaterals
Quarter 4 3.2. Fundamental Principle of Counting 3.3. Combination 3.4. Permutation 3.5. Probability
2.5. Transformations and Symmetry 2.5.1 Tessellations 2.5.2 Symmetry with respect to a line with respect to a point 2.5.3 Translations (slides/glides) 2.5.4 Reflections (flips) 2.5.5 Rotations Quarter 4 3. Trigonometry 3.1. Trigonometric Ratios 3.2. Sine Law and Cosine Law 3.3. Area of Triangles 3.4. Bearing
Proposed Tracking for Grades 11 and 12 (University-bound students) Track Track 1 Courses Science and engineering (1) General Math (2) Pre-Calculus Grade 11 Grade 12 (1) Calculus for Sciences and Engineering (2) Probability and Statistics (1) Calculus for Economics, Business and Life Sciences (2) Probability and Statistics Probability and Statistics
Track 2
General Math
Track 3
General Math
Suggested Content: Domain/Strand General Math 1. Functions 1.1. Exponential (graphs, equations) 1.2. Inverse 1.3. Logarithmic (graphs, equations) 1.4. Applications 2. Personal Financial Management 2.1. Compound interest 2.2. Future value 2.3. Instalment buying 2.4. Truth in lending 3. Linear Programming 3.1. Review of System of Linear Inequalities in Grade 8
Suggested Content: Domain/Strand Probability and Statistics 1. Random Variables 1.1. Definition 1.2. Expected value 1.3. Variance and standard deviation 1.4. Binomial random variable 2. Probability Distributions 2.1. Binomial distribution 2.2. Poisson distribution 2.2.1. As an approximation to the Binomial 2.3. Normal distribution 2.3.1. Table of normal curve areas 2.3.2. As an approximation to the Binomial 55
3.2. Introduction to Linear Programming 3.3. Solving Linear Programming Problems with and without Mathematical Software 4. Logic 4.1. Propositional logic 4.2. Propositional equivalences 4.3. Predicates and quantifiers 4.4. Rules of inference
3. Estimation 3.1. Estimating population proportion 3.2. Estimating population mean 3.3. Estimating population variance 3.4. Choosing a sample size 4. Testing 4.1. Basics of hypothesis testing 4.2. Testing a claim about a proportion 4.3. Testing a claim about a mean 4.4. Testing a claim about variance or standard deviation Calculus for Economics, Business, and Life Sciences 1. The Derivative I 1.1. Introduction to Limits 1.2. Infinite Limits and Limits at Infinity 1.3. Continuity 1.4. The Derivative 1.5. Basic Differentiation Rules 1.6. Product and Quotient Rules 1.7. The Chain Rule 1.8. Applications of Derivative 2. The Derivative II 2.1. Continuous Compound Interest 2.2. Derivatives of Logarithmic and Exponential Functions 2.3. Implicit Differentiation 2.4. Related Rates 3. The Derivative III 3.1. First Derivative and Graphs 3.2. Second Derivative and Graphs 3.3. Curve Sketching Techniques 56
Pre-Calculus 1. Analytic Geometry 1.1. Review on Rectangular Coordinate System, Lines, and Circles 1.2. Translation of Axes 1.3. The Parabola 1.4. The Ellipse 1.5. The Hyperbola 2. Functions and Their Graphs 2.1. Review on Functions 2.2. Operations on Functions 2.3. Functions as Mathematical Models 2.4. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs 2.5. Rational Functions and Their Graphs 3. Sequences and Mathematical Induction 3.1. Review of Sequences and Series in Grade 10 3.2. Sigma Notation 3.3. Mathematical Induction 3.4. The Binomial Theorem
Grade 11 Performance Standards Content Standards 3.4. Optimization 4. Trigonometry I 4.1. Review of Trigonometry in Grade 9 4.2. Circular Functions and Their Graphs 4.3. Identities 4.4. Sum and Difference Identities 4.5. Double and Half-Angle Identities 5. Trigonometry II 5.1. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 5.2. Trigonometric Equations 5.3. Polar Coordinate System 5.4. Graphs of Polar Equations 5.5. Intersection of Polar Graphs
4. Integration 4.1. Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals 4.2. Integration by Substitution 4.3. Differential Equations Growth and Decay 4.4. The Definite Integral 4.5. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 4.6. Area between Curves 4.7. Applications
Calculus for Sciences and Engineering 1. Limits 1.1. Introduction to Limits 1.2. Evaluating Limits 1.3. One-Sided Limits 1.4. Continuity 1.5. Limits at Infinity and Horizontal Asymptotes 1.6. Infinite Limits and Vertical Asymptotes 1.7. Special Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions 2. Differentiation I 2.1. Derivatives and Tangents 2.2. Rules of Differentiation (Product, Quotient, Chain Rules) 2.3. Derivatives of Polynomial and Trigonometric Functions 2.4. Implicit Differentiation and Higher Derivatives 2.5. Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 2.6. Applications: Rates of Change and Related Rates 57
3. Differentiation II 3.1. First Derivative and Graphs 3.2. Second Derivative and Graphs 3.3. Graph Sketching 3.4. Optimization Problems 4. Integration 4.1. Antiderivatives 4.2. Substitution Rule 4.3. Area and The Definite Integral 4.4. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 4.5. Area between Curves