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Timber Flooring -0- Version 1 - 2005

Timber Flooring – VERSION 1 – December 2005

© 2005 Forest & Wood Products Research & Development Corporation
All rights reserved.

The Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation (“FWPRDC”) makes
no warranties or assurances with respect to this publication including merchantability, fitness
for purpose or otherwise. FWPRDC and all persons associated with it exclude all liability
(including liability for negligence) in relation to any opinion, advice or information contained in
this publication or for any consequences arising from the use of such opinion, advice or

This work is copyright and protected under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). All material except
the FWPRDC logo may be reproduced in whole or in part, provided that it is not sold or used
for commercial benefit and its source (Forest and Wood Products Research and Development
Corporation) is acknowledged. Reproduction or copying for other purposes, which is strictly
reserved only for the owner or licensee of copyright under the Copyright Act, is prohibited
without the prior written consent of the Forest and Wood Products Research and
Development Corporation.

Prepared for the


Timber Queensland Ltd
ACN 092 686 756 ABN 50 092 686 756
David Hayward 500 Brunswick Street
Timber Queensland Ltd Fortitude Valley Q 4006
PO Box 2014
Fortitude Valley BC Q 4006
Ph 07 3254 1989 Fax 07 3254 1964

with the assistance of the

Timber Flooring and Finishing

Association of Queensland

Cover photo:- Courtesy of Northern Suburbs Timber Flooring

Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation

PO Box 69, World Trade Centre, Victoria 8005
Phone: 03 9614 7544 Fax: 03 9614 6822 Email: info@fwprdc.org.au
Web: www.fwprdc.org.au

Timber Flooring -1- Version 1 - 2005

Timber Flooring -2- Version 1 - 2005

Scope 1
The flooring process 1
The owner’s choice 1
Additional resources 2


Movement in timber floors 3
Timber species and characteristics 4
Flooring over different sub-floors 7
Floor finishes and their characteristics 8


Storage and handling procedures 10
Timber flooring standards and specifications 10
Evaluating site conditions and the installation environment 11
Considering the likely movement after installation 13
Installation moisture content and acclimatisation 14

Sub-floor ventilation 16
Installation of strip flooring over Joists 18
Installation of strip flooring over existing timber and sheet floors 21
Installation of strip flooring over concrete 23


Assessing the floor prior to sanding 26
Preparation for sanding 26
Sanding 27
Coating system application 30



APPENDIX 1 Moisture content and timber movement 36
APPENDIX 2 Measuring the moisture content of timber and sheet products 40
APPENDIX 3 Measuring the moisture content of concrete slabs 47
APPENDIX 4 Acoustic performance 49
APPENDIX 5 Installation checklist 51
APPENDIX 6 Trouble-shooting guide 53

Timber Flooring -3- Version 1 - 2005

Timber Flooring -4- Version 1 - 2005
This publication provides a reference guide for the installation of timber strip flooring over bearers and joists,
timber based sheet flooring products and concrete slabs. Generally floors of this type are of solid timber or a
laminated product made up from layers of timber, bonded together. Flooring fits together with a tongue and
groove joint and after the flooring is in place the floor is sanded and finished. There are a number of other
timber flooring products that are not of this type and are not covered by this guide. These include parquetry,
pre-finished floors and ‘floating’ timber floor systems. When installing a strip timber floor many aspects must
be considered and this includes assessing the house design, environment in which the floor is to be laid and
the desired appearance of the finished floor. Such aspects influence the choice of species, cover width, fixings
and finish to be applied. Information relating to product selection, assessing the installation environment, floor
installation, sanding and finishing are provided in the guide together with additional information of importance
to the floor installer, sander and finisher.


Strip timber flooring is available in a wide range of
species colours, from harder and softer timbers and a
variety of profiles and cover widths. However, prior to
the finished floor being handed over, there are a number
of processes that must be correctly undertaken to
achieve a floor with the performance and appearance
that is of professional standard. Each stage generally
involves different sectors of the industry, each having
specific skills. However each stage is of equal
importance with defined responsibilities and a lack of
attention at any particular stage that can adversely
affect the finished floor. The stages are as follows.
• Manufacture – Usually a sawmiller however dried Selective logging from sustainable managed forests
rough sawn boards may be machined into finished often starts the process.
floor boards undertaken by a separate operation.
• Distribution – Flooring is often sold to timber merchants who on-sell to the installer.
• Specification – Architects, designers and owners usually specify the product to be installed.
• Sub-floor – Builders provide the joists and bearers or slab over which a floor is laid.
• Installation – Specialist floor installers and carpenters install floors over the sub-floor
• Sanding and Finishing – Generally undertaken by professional floor sanders and finishers


Aspects relating to what customers desire is of paramount
importance and should not be taken lightly. They are relying on the
expertise of those in the six stages outlined above and each area
can influence the owner’s satisfaction of their floor. Each floor is
unique and is often seen by the owner as a focal point of the interior
design. Those selecting a timber floor will often choose on colour
with board width influencing how the natural colours are blended.
Timber hardness or matching to an existing floor can also be of
prime importance. In addition to this, aspects such as the origin of
the flooring in terms of country, forest type or recycled, can also be of
importance to the owner.
Owners are much more aware and have much more access to
information than ever before, however they are unlikely to have the Client wishes need accommodating but not at
the expense of floor performance.
same depth of knowledge as those dealing with timber flooring on a
day to day basis. It is important to accommodate customer preferences, however this should not be to the

Timber Flooring -1- Version 1 - 2005

detriment of the performance of the floor or its final appearance. Where customer preferences can not be
accommodated then this needs to be brought to their attention. Where their choices can be accommodated
but may affect the appearance of the floor, then this too needs to be brought to their attention and followed up
in writing. Colour variation between showroom samples and the product provided, provision of expansion
joints, high levels of sun exposure on an area of the floor etc are all areas which affect appearance and may
necessitate specific discussion with the owner.

Showrooms provide an excellent environment where clients not only see many types of floors and finishes but where valuable
information can be conveyed regarding floor systems, performance and care of timber floors.

To complement this resource a series of five datasheets has been
produced covering sections 1 to 5 of this publication. The datasheets
are comprehensive but do not necessarily contain all the information
included in each section of this publication.

From publications it is often difficult to either obtain a quick overview

of the whole flooring process or to determine the aspects of particular
importance. For this reason a CD/DVD has also been produced with
direct reference to the datasheets. For further details visit

Timber Flooring CD.

Timber Flooring -2- Version 1 - 2005

Prior to discussing timber flooring
products it is important to have an
understanding of the relationship
between timber, humidity in the air
surrounding it and the dimensional
changes that occur as the result of
changes in humidity. During weather
conditions of consistently high
humidity timber will absorb moisture
from the surrounding air causing it to
swell or increase in size. Conversely,
during drier times when humidities
are low, timber will shrink, reducing
in size. Unless T & G flooring is
placed in a permanently controlled
environment, it will always move in
response to changing environmental
conditions. Gaps between individual
Cover width variation with changing relative humidity.
T & G boards will occur as the floor
shrinks in dry weather. Similarly during either persistent wet weather or times of the year of naturally high
humidity floors will tend to be tighter showing fewer and smaller gaps.

Due to this, a ‘continuous mirror finish’ cannot be expected from floor finishes. Localised shrinkage may also
occur when areas of flooring are exposed to heat sources such as fireplaces or sunlight through large doors
or windows. The overall movement and rate of movement of timber varies depending on the timber species
and cutting pattern of individual boards. Small moisture content variations in boards at the time of installation
and differing conditions within the house (i.e. from sun exposure or fireplaces) will also cause variation in
board movement.

Consequently, gapping across a floor can be

expected and may be relatively even, depending
on individual circumstances, but actual gap size
between individual boards will vary. For the same
changes in moisture content wider boards will
move more than narrower boards. Therefore, gaps
in wide board floors are generally wider and more
noticeable. An uneven distribution of gaps can
detract from the appearance of the floor and may
occur if a number of boards are bonded together
by the finish penetrating into the joints. Floor
finishes will not prevent timber movement, but may
reduce the rate of response to climatic changes.
Applying a finish to the underside of a floor may
further assist to reduce the impact of sudden
changes in the weather.
Small gaps at board edges may occur particularly during dry

Timber Flooring -3- Version 1 - 2005

Species, Colour, Grade and Hardness
The species or species mix chosen will generally
determine the overall colour of the floor. It should also be
noted that species mixes may contain different species
from one producer to another and may therefore appear
different. As a guide, Table 1 indicates the range of
colours that may be expected. The sapwood of many
hardwoods can be much lighter than adjacent heartwood
and some boards may contain both light and dark colours.
Even within a single species and within individual trees
large colour variations can occur. The age of the tree can
have a significant influence on the colour with younger
timber often being lighter than more mature timber. The
Tasmanian Oak – Medium Feature Grade
product supplied may differ in colour to showroom samples
and this should be discussed with flooring suppliers and
owners. Due to this it is also preferable that flooring is
supplied from one manufacturing source and that the
packs are of a similar age.

Lyctid susceptible sapwood of some hardwood species

e.g. Spotted Gum is required by some state legislation,
including Queensland and New South Wales to be
preservative treated. Some treatments may impart a brown
or green-grey tinge to sapwood, while boron preservative
is non-colouring. LOSP treatment is also used. In this
instance an H3 treatment may be used in lieu of H2 Cypress - Grade 1
treatment to avoid the coloured dies often used with H2
LOSP treatments.

The character of the floor is influenced by the species

characteristics and therefore the grade. Grading is a
process that sorts boards according to the number and
size of features present (e.g. gum veins and knots). The
following table indicates the grades contained in relevant
Australian Standards, but it should be noted that
manufacturers often have their own grades. Often flooring
that contains more feature is more moderately priced,
however irrespective of the features present, there is no
difference between the grades in terms of machining Jarah - Select Grade
tolerances, permitted machining imperfections of moisture

Hardness indicates a species’ resistance to indentation

and abrasion. Damage to timber floors may occur due to
continual movement of furniture, heavy foot traffic and in
particular “stiletto-heel” type loading. The selection of a
hard timber species ensures improved resistance to
indentation and abrasion. Soft timber species, if used in
feature floors can be expected to indent. Floor finishes will
not significantly improve the hardness of timber flooring. In
some species younger growth material the hardness can
also be much lower than mature timber of the same Blackbutt - Select Grade

species, but this varies from species to species. Grade, colour and board width dictate the floor’s appearance.

Timber Flooring -4- Version 1 - 2005

Australian Hardwoods – to AS 2796 – Timber – Hardwood – Sawn and milled products
Select Grade, Medium Feature / Standard Grade and in some species High Feature Grade
Common cover
Species Colour Hardness
widths (mm)
Hardwood flooring species grown in Queensland and Northern NSW
(may also be supplied as a mix of similar colour)
Spotted Gum (Corymbia citriodora) Qld brown, dark brown, light very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
(Corymbia maculata) NSW sapwood
Blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis) Qld ,NSW golden yellow to pale brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
White Mahogany (Eucalyptus acmenioides) Qld, NSW pale yellow brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Grey Ironbark (Eucalyptus siderophloia) Qld dark brown or dark red brown, very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
(Eucalyptus paniculata) NSW light sapwood
Red Ironbark (Eucalyptus crebra & fibrosa) Qld dark brown or dark red brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
(Eucalyptus sideroxylon) NSW
Rose Gum (Eucalyptus grandis) Qld , NSW straw pink to light red-brown hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Brushbox (Lophostemon confertus) Qld , NSW mid red-brown even colour hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Tallowwood (Eucalyptus microcories) Qld , NSW greyish yellow, olive green hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Turpentine (Syncarpia glomulifera) Qld , NSW pale reddish brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Forest Red Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis) Qld dark brown or dark red brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Gympie Messmate (Eucalyptus cloeziana) Qld yellow brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
New England Blackbutt (E.andrewsii) NSW straw to pale brown very hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Sydney Blue Gum (Eucalyptus saligna) NSW straw pink to light red-brown hard 60, 80,130 19,12
Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) NSW pale straw pinks mod. hard 60, 80,130 19,12

Hardwood flooring species grown in Victoria, Southern NSW and Tasmania

Victorian Ash (Eucalyptus regnans, Vic pale pink to yellow brown mod. hard 63,80,85,108,133 19,12
Tasmanian Oak (Eucalyptus regnans, E. Tas pale straw to light brown mod. hard 60, 85, 108, 133 19
oblique, E.delegatensis) 85, 112 13
Messmate (Eucalyptus oblique) Tas pale straw to light brown mod. hard 60, 85, 108, 133 19
85, 112 13
Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) Vic, Tas pale straw to light brown mod. hard 60, 63,80, 85, 19
108, 112,133 12,13
Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) Vic, Tas pale straw to light brown mod. hard 60, 63,80, 85, 19
108, 112,133 12,13
Southern Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus) Vic, Tas pale brown with some pink very hard 60, 63,80, 85, 19
108, 112,133 12,13
River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulenis) Vic rich deep reds hard 63,80,85,108,133 19,12
Yellow Stringybark (E. muelleriana) Vic even, yellow brown hard 63,80,85,108,133 19,12
Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis) Vic pale straw pinks mod. hard 63,80,85,108,133 19,12
Shining Gum (Eucalyptus nitens) Vic pale brown some pinks mod. hard 63,80,85,108,133 19,12
Myrtle (Nothofagus cunninghamii) Tas straw and light pink, light mod. hard 60, 85, 108, 133 19
sapwood 85, 112 13
Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon) Tas light golden to deep brown mod. hard 60, 85, 108, 133 19
85, 112 13

Hardwood flooring species grown in Western Australia

Jarrah (Eucalyptus marignata) WA rich reddish-browns to soft hard 80, 125 19
salmon pinks
Karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor) WA rich reddish-browns to pale hard 80, 125 19

Timber Flooring -5- Version 1 - 2005

Cypress – to AS 1810 – Timber – Seasoned Cypress – Milled products
Grades No.1 and No. 2
Common cover
Species Colour Hardness
widths (mm)
Cypress (White) (Callitrus glaucophylla) Qld , NSW pale straw sapwood, dark brown mod. hard 62,85 20

Australian Softwoods – to AS 4785 – Timber – Softwood – Sawn and milled products except Araucaria
(hoop pine) for which industry grades apply
Standard Grade for AS 4785
Common cover
Species Colour Hardness
widths (mm)
Araucaria (Hoop) (Araucaria cunninghamii) Qld , NSW light straw soft 87,89,102,133, 19, 20,
152 21
Radiata (Pinus radiata) Vic, NSW, straw soft 104 19, 21

Imported Hardwoods – to AS 2796 – Timber – Hardwood – Sawn and milled products

Select Grade, Medium Feature / Standard Grade and in some species High Feature Grade
Common cover
Species Colour Hardness
widths (mm)
Kwila / Merbau (Instsia bijuga) S.E. Asia dark brown hard 80,130 19
Northern Box (Tristania obovata) S.E. Asia mid brown even colour hard 80,130 19
Maple (Rock or Sugar) (Acer saccharum) Nth. America light straw mod. hard 50, 57, 83 19

Cover Widths, Profiles, Spans and End-Matching

Typical cover widths and thicknesses for T & G strip flooring are as shown in the table above. Actual cover
widths may vary from those shown and should be checked with individual suppliers. Typical T & G profiles are
shown in the figure below. Some profiles are produced with grooves or rebates on the underside. Where the
underside of a floor forms a ceiling, the board edges may be arrised to form a ‘v’ joint profile. The secret nail
profile is used for both top nailing and secret fixing. When secret fixing, the cover width should be limited to a
maximum of 85 mm. The “standard profile” is used for face nailing and is the profile commonly found on wider
boards. Some wider board flooring has the secret nail profile which allows temporary secret fixing prior to top

If the species or species mix contains a significant variation in colours the appearance of the floor will differ
depending on the cover width. Narrower boards tend to blend the colour variations together. Gapping between
individual boards during drier times is also less with narrower boards than it is with wide boards. A maximum
board width of 100 mm is recommended to limit potential gap size and other movement effects such as
cupping (edges of the board higher or lower than the centre).

End-matching is a process where a tongue and groove joint is provided at the ends of boards. This allows
joints to be placed between joists, resulting in less wastage than plain end flooring, which must have its ends
fixed over joists.

Timber Flooring -6- Version 1 - 2005

Floor lengths
Flooring is generally supplied in random length packs up to 6 m in lengths. The average length is often
between 2.1m and 3m. Packs of shorter overall length are also available from some suppliers to facilitate
floors in high rise buildings that require product to be taken to the appropriate floor by lift. The minimum length
for timber being fixed to joists is 900 mm, based on a 450 mm joist spacing. In some instances, if it is known
that the floor will be laid over a structural sub-floor, then lengths shorter that 900 mm may be provided.

Ordering Flooring
When ordering timber flooring, the following details should be provided to the timber supplier:-
• species (or species mix)
• grade
• profile and end-joint type
• cover width
• thickness
• quantity (in linear metres)

Flooring is generally supplied within the moisture content range from 9% to 14%. For larger jobs in specific
environments a different range may be specified.

To calculate the linear metres of flooring required, the following method is recommended.
Total length of flooring required = area of floor (m2) x 1000 + Wastage
cover width (mm)
Allowance for waste should be approximately 5% for end-matched flooring and 10% for plain end butt joined


Depending on the T&G sub-floor supporting system (e.g. joists, plywood on slab etc), timber floors will both
feel and sound differently when walked on. Generally T&G timber floors laid over joists or battens will have
more spring under foot and there is likely to be some vertical movement at board edges and end matched
joints when walked on. Some squeaks can therefore be expected from most timber floors of this type.
‘Squeaks’ can occur from movement of one board edge against another or from boards moving on nails.
Squeaks are often more prevalent during drier weather due to loosening at the joints. Floors that are laid over
plywood on a slab will have a firmer feel underfoot and some areas may sound drummy. Similarly when floors
are glued directly to concrete, the feel is firmer, and again some boards may sound ‘drummy’ when walked

In cooler climates slab heating may be present and due to the direct heating effect on the timber and
intermittent use of this type of heating system throughout the year, substantial seasonal movement can be
expected. Although strip flooring can be used, if care is taken with appropriate product selection and
installation practices, it may be preferable to use engineered timber flooring products where less dimensional
changes would be expected. Even with these products care is still necessary.

Timber Flooring -7- Version 1 - 2005

Timber Floor Finishes
Timber floor finishes can be grouped into the four broad categories. These are the oil-based finishes,
composite finishes (mixes of oil-based and solvent based polyurethane finishes), solvent based polyurethane
finishes and water based finishes. With time all finishes will change in colour and film build as the wears.
Therefore the ability to touch up becomes more difficult with time, however all coatings can be restored by
recoating. In the long term a re-sand and refinish may be necessary depending on the wear and age of the

Oil-Based Finishes
Oil-based finishes (alkyd/oleoresins) are the more traditional types of finish manufactured by reacting
a natural oil (e.g. linseed and tung) with another chemical. Varnishes and the traditional tung oils fall
within this category and are associated with the polished and waxed timber floors of the past. These
types of finishes are still available and require greater regular maintenance than the other finishes.
However, with the use of acrylic floor polishes, they have become easier to maintain. These finishes
will darken with time. They are unlikely to edge bond boards.

Composite Oil-Based/Solvent Borne Finishes

Finishes containing oil-based alkyds with the addition of
urethanes provide a finish with reasonably good abrasion
resistance. Oil modified urethanes, which are one of the
predominant floor finishes used in the USA and many of the
‘tung oil’ based finishes are of this type. The odour during
application is very strong but dissipates as the finish dries.
These finishes provide a subdued, satin to semi-gloss
appearance and are unlikely to edge bond boards. They darken
with time and require more frequent maintenance particularly in
high traffic areas. Acrylic floor polishes may be used to protect
the finish. Oil modified urethane.

Solvent Borne Polyurethane Finishes

Solvent based polyurethanes (one pack and two pack) provide
a harder finish, generally with limited flexibility but much
greater abrasion resistance. Consequently, this greatly
reduces the level of routine maintenance. They currently
provide some of the hardest finishes available today with gloss
levels from matt through to a very high gloss. These finishes,
as with the oil-based finishes, will generally darken with time.
The odour during application is very strong with these products
but dissipates as the finish dries. Due to their high strength
and generally limited flexibility, edge bonding of boards can

Water Borne Finishes

Some water based polyurethane/acrylic mixes of moderate
durability are available but straight one and two pack water
based polyurethanes with very good wear resistance are
gaining in popularity. These finishes are generally applied over
a sealer (either solvent or water based), that not only Single pack solvent based polyurethane.
enhances the colour of the timber but can significantly reduce
the risk of edge bonding. Rapid shrinkage in the floor and the associated stretching of the finish at
board joints has on occasions caused the appearance of light coloured lines at board joints. Matt
through to gloss finishes are available and these finishes generally darken little with time. During

Timber Flooring -8- Version 1 - 2005

application there is low odour associated with water based finishes. A curing additive (catalyst) may or
may not be recommended by the manufacturer.

The following table outlines the types of finish available and lists various characteristics of each.


Timber Floor Finishes

Oil based Alkyds Composite Solvent based Water based

Tung Linseed Oil modified Urethane 2 pack Single pack Polyurethane/ Polyurethane
oil oil based Urethanes oil/alkyd Polyurethane Polyurethane Acrylic (Single and two
varnishes (OMU) ‘Tung oil’ (moisture cured) pack)
Less wear resistant finish requiring more frequent High wear resistant finish Moderate to high wear resistant
maintenance May edge bond boards # . There is a finishes
Unlikely to edge bond boards # reduced risk of edge bonding when Unlikely to edge bond boards # when
applied over an appropriate sealer. applied over an appropriate sealer

6-24 hour drying by solvent evaporation 1-4 hour drying by chemical reaction 2-4 hour drying by evaporation and
Some tolerance to waxes Not tolerant to waxes reaction
Moderate to strong odour on application Strong odour on application Not tolerant to waxes
Avoid inhalation and contact Avoid inhalation and contact Minimal odour on application
Avoid inhaling cross-linkers and
Matt to gloss levels Matt to very high gloss levels Matt to gloss levels
Darkens with age Darkens with age Less darkening with age

Generally ready for use 2-5 days from completion* Generally ready for use 2-3 days from Generally ready for use 2 days from
completion* completion*
*Varies with weather conditions and product. Full curing may take a longer time.
# Edge bonding relates to the finish acting as an adhesive and bonding board edges together. When board shrinkage occurs, this can
result in wide irregularly spaced gaps at board edges or splitting of boards.

Timber Flooring -9- Version 1 - 2005

Flooring should be delivered by the supplier with plastic wrapping (to top, sides and ends) in good condition in
order to maintain the flooring at the appropriate moisture content. It is the floor installers’ responsibility to
check that the timber is at the appropriate moisture content at the time of installation and therefore flooring
products must be protected from weather exposure and other sources of dampness.

Ideally, flooring should not be delivered to site until it can be immediately stored under permanent cover. If this
is not achievable, other precautions that are equally effective to prevent moisture uptake and excessive sun
exposure, will be needed.

Plastic wrapping is easily damaged and should not be relied upon to keep the flooring dry. If moisture
penetrates the plastic or timber is stored over a moist surface, subsequent moisture uptake can result in
significant swelling of some boards. Flooring should not be laid in this condition, as wide gaps at board edges
may result as boards re-dry. Wrapped packs should also be protected from excessive sun exposure as this
too can have a detrimental effect.


When timber flooring is received on site it should generally meet the following:-
• Grade - flooring to be supplied to the specified grade, which may be a manufacturer’s grade. Note
that if a manufacturer has given a specific name to a grade, the product may be similar to one of the
grades contained within an Australian Standard but it is likely to differ in some respects. This may or
may not be important to customers and should be resolved prior to supply.
• Moisture content - should be in the range of 9% to 14% (10 to 15 % for Cypress) with the average
moisture content for all pieces approximately 11% (12% for Cypress).
• Timber moisture contents should be checked. (Resistance moisture meter readings must be
corrected for species and temperature, and may be affected by other factors. Corrected readings are
approximate only. If in doubt confirm results by oven-dry tests.) Water marks or a significant variation in
cover width within a board may be indicative that the timber has been moisture affected.
• Cover width - not more than 1 mm difference between one board and another. Cover widths should
generally be within ± 0.5 mm of the nominal cover width. (This reflects changes to board dimensions
that can occur after milling and prior to installation and therefore outside the limits of Australian
• Boards should not be visibly cupped although Australian standards allows for 1 mm in 100 mm.
• Tongue and groove tolerance - not to be less than 0.3 mm nor greater than 0.6 mm. Boards should
slot together to form a ‘snug’ fit. The fit should not be loose and sloppy or overly tight.

Grading rules for solid T&G strip flooring are contained in the following Australian Standards:-
AS 2796 – Timber – Hardwood – Sawn and milled products
AS 1810 – Timber – Seasoned Cypress pine - Milled products
AS 4785 – Timber Softwood – Sawn and milled products

If the material supplied does not meet all the above criteria, installation should not proceed until any
problem is verified and rectified.

Timber Flooring - 10 - Version 1 - 2005

Evaluating Site Conditions
Every site requires assessment prior to the installation of Relative Humidity
a timber floor. It is important to know the climate in the 100 Tropical, Temperate and Dry Climates
area where a floor is being laid. Relative humidity is the
major influence determining whether timber flooring will 90
absorb moisture from the air and swell, or whether it will
lose moisture to air and shrink. If the moisture content of 80
the timber flooring is close to the average in-service

Relative Humidity (%)

moisture content then subsequent seasonal changes in 70
humidity will only result in small changes in moisture
content. The climate can be assessed from 9 am relative 60
humidity data available from the Australian Bureau of
Meteorology website at www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages. 50

The adjacent figure shows annual relative humidity

charts associated with a tropical climate, temperate
climate and a dry inland climate. Approximate average Innisfail - Ave Ext EMC 16%
external equilibrium moisture contents (EMC) are also Brisbane - Ave Ext EMC 12%
provided on the graph for each climate. Equilibrium 20
Mt Isa - Ave Ext EMC 8%

moisture content can be thought of as the moisture Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
content that timber will approach under set conditions of
relative humidity and temperature. It is evident from Climatic effects on timber floors - These must be considered
these graphs that the climate may result in moisture when laying a floor.
contents that can be either higher or lower than the
average moisture content of the flooring that has been

Relative humidity graphs for the major capitals throughout Australia are provided in figures below. Seasonal
variation about the average can be seen to be greater in some locations than others. For example the
seasonal variation in Sydney is much lower than Melbourne. Where there are greater seasonal variations,
greater seasonal movement (shrinkage and swelling) can also be expected.

Relative Humidity - Major Centres Relative Humidity - Major Centres

100 100

90 90

80 80
Relative Humidity (%)

Relative Humidity (%)

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40 Darwin - Ave Ext EMC 14%

Brisbane - Ave Ext EMC 12%
Sydney - Ave Ext EMC 12% Hobart - Ave Ext EMC 13%
30 30 Adelaide - Ave Ext EMC 12%
Canberra - Ave Ext EMC 14%
Melbourne - Ave Ext EMC 14% Perth - Ave Ext EMC 12%
20 20
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Month Month

Major centre climates and external EMC’s.

Timber Flooring - 11 - Version 1 - 2005

Timber flooring is generally manufactured to suit Relationship between Equilibrium
temperate climates with average external EMCs of Moisture Content, Temperature and
12% to 14%. To provide assistance in assessing Relative Humidity
climatic influences the following figure outlines the 16.5

general relationship between temperature, relative 16.0 15°C 20°C 25°C

Equilibrium Moisture Content (%)

humidity and moisture content. Average internal EMCs 15.0

are generally lower than external by 1% to 2% without 14.5

heating or cooling systems operating and can be 4% to 13.5

5% lower for the periods when such systems are 13.0

operating. Therefore, in climates that have cold 12.0

winters, heating systems often lower the humidity 11.5

within the dwelling and reduce the effect of high 10.5

external humidity on the floor. Similarly in tropical 10.0

locations air-conditioning operated during hot humid 9.0

times can also reduce the effect of high external 8.5

humidity on the floor. Installation and finishing 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

practices need to consider accommodating both the Relative Humidity (%)

adjustment to climatic conditions associated with a Relationship between Temperature, RH and EMC.
locality and the seasonal movement that will occur in
that climate.

In areas of higher elevation than coastal areas,

average moisture contents are often higher due to the
associated local weather patterns. Similarly, houses
built in ‘bushy’ surroundings or gullies may experience
higher average moisture contents. Moister conditions
are also often experienced with houses on farmland or
in rural type settings, particularly in coastal and
hinterland areas experiencing higher or more
consistent rainfall. Therefore, in these localities greater
allowance for floor expansion is required at the time of

Floors in Moist Environments Higher levels of expansion are experienced in moist

In areas of higher elevation than coastal areas, average localities and must be accommodated.
moisture contents are often higher due to the
associated local weather patterns. Similarly, houses
built in ‘bushy’ surroundings or gullies may experience
higher average moisture contents. Moister conditions
are also often experienced with houses on farmland or
in rural type settings particularly in coastal and
hinterland areas experiencing higher or more
consistent rainfall. Therefore, greater allowance for
floor expansion is required at the time of installation.

Building and Installation Considerations

Closed in Sub-floor Space
Many dwellings are ‘bricked’ in underneath and a lack
of sufficient ventilation can result in high humidities in
the sub-floor space. This may result in expansion and
cupping of floorboards. Quoted figures for sub-floor A dry sub-floor space and adequate ventilation is essential
ventilation are based on sub-floor spaces that are not for floor performance.
subjected to seepage or where ventilation through the
sub-floor space is inhibited. Where humidity remains constantly high beneath a floor, coatings to the

Timber Flooring - 12 - Version 1 - 2005

underside of the boards will not reduce the moisture uptake into the flooring. ‘Bushy’ surroundings and dense
gardens may also cause higher moisture contents and reduced airflow through the sub-floor space.

Houses with Open Sub-floors

Special precautions must be taken when timber floors are laid on joists in a house that is open underneath,
particularly when built on steeply sloping land or escarpments. In such locations, very dry winds or wind-blown
rain or fog can directly affect the moisture condition of the lower surface of the floor. This can result in either
extreme shrinkage or extreme swelling. In the latter case the floor may lift off the joists and structural damage
to the building may occur. Also where there is little restriction to the prevailing wind, floors can react more
rapidly to dry winds. The species used in the floor and board cover width affect the rate of movement and
shrinkage that occurs. Depending on the severity of the exposure, options to protect the floor include
providing an oil-based sealer to the underside of the floor, which may provide short duration protection to
changes in weather, and installing a vapour resistant lining to the underside of the joists or building-in the
underfloor space.

Internal Environment
Within a dwelling a number of differing climates can
develop, causing areas of flooring to respond differently
within the same dwelling. These include large expanses
of glass, fireplaces, refrigerators, air-conditioners,
appliances that vent warm air, the aspect of the house
and two-storey construction, all of which can have an
effect on the dimensional movement of floorboards.
When floors are exposed to the sun through large
glassed areas, protection should be considered before,
during and after construction. Evaporative coolers add
moisture to the air and raise the relative humidity,
resulting in moisture contents in the flooring that are
higher than under ambient conditions.
Greater localized shrinkage and possibly some cupping
can be expected with high sun exposure.
Araucaria (Hoop Pine) Flooring and Araucaria Floor Framing
Where Araucaria floors and floor framing are not fully enclosed it is necessary to seal the framing members
and lower surface of the floor boards to prevent attack from the Queensland Pine Beetle. Attack is specific to
the Araucaria species (including Bunya) and generally restricted to the area from Bundaberg to Murwillumbah
and east of the Great Dividing Range. In this region exposed framing and floors (including ventilated sub-floor
spaces) require sealing to meet the requirements of the QFS Technical Pamphlet No.1 and thereby the BCA.
The sealer provided needs to be a film-forming finish and this may also reduce the effects from rapid weather


As discussed, timber is a natural product that responds to
changes in weather conditions with seasonal humidity and
temperature changes in the air causing boards to shrink
and swell at different times throughout the year.

The overall movement occurring in individual boards and

rate of movement will depend on the timber species and
cutting pattern. Small differences in moisture content
between boards at the time of manufacture (a 5% range is
normally allowed by applicable standards) and variable
conditions within the house (e.g. westerly facing room Edge bonding can result in wide irregularly spaced gap
and split boards.

Timber Flooring - 13 - Version 1 - 2005

compared to southerly facing) will also cause further variation in board width. Consequently, it can be
expected that small gaps will occur at the edges of most boards, particularly during the drier months, and that
the actual gap sizes may differ across a floor. In cases where shrinkage occurs after installation, wider boards
(e.g. 130 mm) will result in larger gap sizes at board edges than if narrower boards are used. Air-conditioning
installed after a floor has been laid, may increase the size of shrinkage gaps at board edges.

Some movement usually occurs in timber floors after laying as the floor adjusts to the climate and although
floor finishes may retard moisture content changes, they will not prevent this movement. In applications where
greater movement is expected after finishing (e.g. from seasonal changes, use of wide boards, air-
conditioning installed after floor installation), particular care is necessary to ensure that the finish does not act
as an adhesive and bond a number of adjacent boards together. With subsequent shrinkage, wide gaps
between groups of four or five boards may occur or boards may split.

The way different timber species respond in a floor depends not only on their moisture content but also on the
rate at which they take up and lose moisture, the associated movement and also their density. High density
species are extremely strong and those that take up or lose moisture more quickly (such as Blackbutt) will
also follow seasonal moisture changes more closely than slower responding species (such as Spotted Gum).
Particular care is necessary to be able to accommodate expansion of the higher density species and in moist
localities this may necessitate providing small expansion gaps every 6 to 10 boards during installation, in
addition to normal expansion allowances in order to accommodate this movement. Lower density hardwoods
(e.g. Tasmanian Oak, Victorian Ash) and softwoods will, to some extent, compress at their edges when a floor
expands. With these timbers, normal expansion allowance is generally able to accommodate the expansion in
moist climates.


The moisture content of timber is the percentage weight of water present in the timber compared to the weight
of timber with all water removed. Moisture content varies with changes in the humidity and temperature in the
surrounding air. To minimise the movement of a floor (swelling on moisture uptake, shrinkage on moisture
loss) due to changes in moisture content it is important to lay and fix timber floors close to the average
moisture content of timber in the environment where it is to be laid. Along coastal areas where higher
humidities can be expected, moisture contents of flooring may vary from 9% to 14%. Timber flooring is usually
supplied at an average moisture content between 10% and 12.5% and most boards can be expected to be
within a few percent of the average. Where conditions are drier, such as inland areas or in air-conditioned
buildings, average moisture contents of flooring may vary from 7% to 12%. In these situations flooring may
need to be acclimatised on-site.

Where the average supplied moisture content of the flooring is near the expected average in-service moisture
content, acclimatisation is not necessary.

In areas where higher average moisture conditions

persist and where floors are expected to have higher
moisture contents, additional allowance should be
made for subsequent expansion. Such areas include
tropical North Queensland and northern New South
Wales, areas of dense bushland and rainforest,
particularly at higher elevations and mountain areas.

Installation methods need to be considered to

accommodate the difference between the average
moisture content on delivery and the average expected
in-service moisture content include either providing
additional intermediate expansion joints or acclimatising
the flooring.
Acclimatisation can be effective if product MCs and in-
service conditions are known. It is not compulsory.

Timber Flooring - 14 - Version 1 - 2005

Acclimatising is the process of allowing partial equalisation of the moisture content of the timber as supplied to
the moisture content of the surroundings in which the timber is to be installed. Increasing the average
moisture content of the flooring supplied will only be effective if the humidity in the air is sufficient to cause
moisture uptake. Care must also be exercised as the rate of moisture uptake differs from species to species.
Some higher density species are very slow to take up moisture from the air (e.g. Spotted Gum) while others
react more quickly (e.g. Blackbutt and Brush Box). If flooring is to be laid in a dry environment such as
western Queensland or a consistently air-conditioned building, then acclimatising can be effective in reducing
the average moisture content of the flooring prior to laying and thereby reducing gap sizes at board edges
from board shrinkage. In such climates, future expansion of the floor must be allowed for to accommodate
periods of wet weather.

Acclimatising relies on each board being exposed to the in-service atmosphere and therefore packs must at
least be opened up and restacked in a way that allows airflow between each board. Acclimatising can only be
effective in an air-conditioned building if the air-conditioning is operating at the time or in dry localities during
drier periods. The species and period for which it is acclimatised will also influence effectiveness. For some
higher density species that are slow to lose or take up moisture, acclimatising may have little effect.
Acclimatising in dry climates does not negate the need to provide for floor expansion during periods of wet
weather and will not overcome poor drying practices.

A simple guide to pre-installation considerations is provided in the figure below which should be referred to in
conjunction with the preceding text.

Pre-installation considerations
Allow for future expansion
Laid in a MOIST IN-SERVICE Expected
average mc - additional expansion allowance
Flooring normally ENVIRONMENT 12.5% to 15%
- acclimatisation
supplied at an
average moisture NORMAL Expected No special LAY
Laid in a IN-SERVICE average mc
content of consideration FLOORING
ENVIRONMENT 10% to 12.5%
10% to 12.5%
Allow for future shrinkage
Laid in a DRY IN-SERVICE Expected
average mc - acclimatisation

Timber Flooring - 15 - Version 1 - 2005

This data sheet outlines the recommended practices for laying timber strip floors over timber and engineered
timber joists (it does not include steel joists), structural sub-floors such as plywood, particleboard and
concrete. When laying a timber strip floors over joists, either directly on the joists or on sheet flooring fixed to
joists, adequate sub-floor ventilation is essential for the satisfactory performance of the floor. Sub-floor
ventilation recommendations are therefore included in this data sheet. Minimum fixing recommendations are
provided. Note that top nailing is a more robust fixing method than floors secretly fixed with adhesives. Top
nailed floors can therefore accommodate greater movement. Increasing the amount of adhesive used will also
provide a more robust fixing. Where greater floor expansion is expected after installation the method of fixing
chosen and associated spacing of fixings or amount of adhesive used requires consideration.

When the lower surface of timber floors or structural
sub-floors (over which a timber floor is laid) are
exposed to the ground and the space is enclosed (by
brickwork etc), the sub-floor space must be adequately
ventilated with permanent vents installed in the
masonry during construction. The humidity in an
enclosed sub-floor space can have a profound effect on
the performance of a floor. If conditions are very moist,
the lower surface of the boards may take up moisture,
causing substantial swelling. Differential movement
between the upper and lower surfaces of floor boards
may also cause boards to cup. Similarly, caution needs
to be exercised with timber floors laid in areas where
the microclimate is often moist. In such locations the Adequate sub-floor ventilation and a dry sub-floor space
floor may reach higher moisture contents than in other are a must for timber floor performance.
nearby areas and additional allowance for expansion of
the floor may be required (Refer Section 2 - Pre-installation Requirements). Timber floors should not be laid
over moist sub-floor spaces, and structural sub-floors (e.g. plywood) cannot be relied upon to prevent
moisture uptake in the T & G flooring if humidities in the sub-floor space remain high for extended periods.

Ventilation requirements
T & G floors should be provided with sub-floor ventilation that exceeds minimum BCA requirements. The
levels outlined in the BCA (currently limited to 6000 mm² per metre length of floor for higher humidity areas)
are primarily to limit the moisture content of sub-floor framing timbers, which can generally tolerate greater
fluctuations in moisture content, than timber floors. The recommended minimum ventilation for T&G timber
floors is 7500 mm2 per metre length of wall, with vents evenly spaced to ensure that cross ventilation is
provided to all sub-floor areas (refer to the following figure).

Timber Flooring - 16 - Version 1 - 2005

In some localities, to meet constraints associated with energy efficiency, it may be decided to reduce
ventilation levels to the values provided in the BCA. The BCA also outlines that a moisture barrier over the soil
beneath the building reduces ventilation requirements and this approach is equally applicable to timber floors.
If ventilation below the recommended level is used, due consideration should be given to alternative
measures as outlined above and particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the sub-floor space
remains dry throughout all seasons. The type of vent may also need to be considered with buildings in
bushfire areas which limits the mesh size used in vents. Some commercially available vents of various types,
their dimensions, net ventilation area and required spacing is provided below for coastal Zone 3. BCA relative
humidity zones and associated BCA ventilation requirements are also provided below. It should be noted that
the maximum vent spacing irrespective of net ventilation area is 2000 mm and that any screens that may be
necessary in bushfire areas or for vermin proofing may restrict airflow and this may need to be compensated

Source: BCA 2005 Vol 2

Timber Flooring - 17 - Version 1 - 2005

Ventilation efficiency and site drainage
The sub-floor space must be free from all building debris and vegetation. Obstacles that prevent air-flow to
and from vents will reduce the efficiency of the sub-floor ventilation system. Landscaping should not limit air-
flow around the external perimeter of the sub-floor space, and structural elements should not limit air-flow.
Vents should be installed in the masonry course below floor bearers, and should not be obscured by engaged
piers or piers/stumps/columns which support the floor structure, or by any services present. Where external
structures (fences etc.) or landscape may reduce airflow, consideration should be given to the use of more
than the minimum number of vents.

Where verandahs or decks are constructed outside the dwelling perimeter, care should be taken to ensure
that the amount of ventilation provided around the verandah or deck perimeter is equivalent to or greater than
the amount required for the adjacent external wall. Where ventilation is obstructed by patios etc., additional
ventilation should be provided to ensure that the overall level of ventilation is maintained and cross flow is

If adequate natural ventilation cannot be provided to sub-floor spaces, a mechanical ventilation system should
be installed which replaces all of the air in this space on a regular basis, and prevents the formation of ‘dead-
air’ pockets.

If there are doubts over the sub-floor humidity (areas of high water table, reduced airflow due to minimum
clearances between the sub-floor framing and ground, external structures etc.) again a polyethylene
membrane laid over the soil should be considered (taped at joints and fixed to stumps and walls). As
discussed above, this can significantly reduce moisture uptake by the sub-floor air. Increased levels of
ventilation should also be considered in such instances. With dwellings on sloping blocks that have enclosed
sub-floor spaces, the possibility of seepage should be taken into consideration and appropriate control
measures taken prior to the installation of the floor.

The drainage system provided to the dwelling site, should ensure that run-off water will drain away from the
building perimeter (not towards it) and that run-off water is prevented from entering the sub-floor space. The
ground beneath a suspended floor should also be graded so that no ponding is possible. Where springs or
aquifers are present (e.g. exposed by earthworks on sloping sites) and cause water to enter the sub-floor
space, a closed drainage system should be installed under the dwelling to remove this water. The ventilation
system will not cope with this level of moisture in the sub-floor space.


Construction Method
Where the timber floor is to be sanded and polished (i.e. feature floor) then fitted floor construction needs to
be used. With this method, the timber flooring is installed after the roof cladding and external wall cladding are
in place and the house is weather tight. This prevents initial degrade due to water and sunlight exposure and
reduces damage from trades during construction.

Sub-floor Framing - Bearer size, floor joist size and flooring spans
The size of timber members used to support the flooring boards
can be determined from AS 1684 - Residential timber-framed
construction. For end-matched flooring profiles, joists with a
minimum thickness of 35 mm may be used. Where plain end
flooring is butt joined at floor joists, 45 mm or 50 mm thick joists
are recommended to reduce splitting problems at butt ends.

If installing a secretly nailed floor over joists, seasoned timber or

Cypress need to be used as secret nailing cannot be re-punched.
If the joists shrink away from the floor, movement of boards on
the fixings is likely to cause excessive squeaking.

Top (face) nailed floors may be fixed into either seasoned or Timber floors are successfully laid over a range of
solid timber and engineered joist systems.

Timber Flooring - 18 - Version 1 - 2005

unseasoned joists. If fixed into unseasoned joists they need to be of a species not exhibiting high rates of
shrinkage and be in single or similar species. Species exhibiting high tangential shrinkage rates or prone to
collapse or distortion should not be used unless seasoned. The potential effects of floor frame shrinkage
require assessment prior to specifying or ordering unseasoned floor framing, and due allowance made in the
building design and detailing. Similarly, after installation, the effects of both shrinkage and possible nail
popping need consideration.

The allowable span of timber flooring is dependent on the timber species, density, grade, thickness and
whether or not the flooring is end matched. The following table gives the acceptable joist spacing and
maximum spans for various flooring products when fixed to timber joists. Maximum board span (the distance
between where the timber is supported) needs to be considered in installations where flooring is at an angle to
the joists, as this increases the board spans.
Allowable Joist Spacing and Maximum Span of Floorboards

The moisture content, size and profile of the flooring should be checked (Section 2 – Pre-installation
assessment) prior to laying. If it is identified that the moisture content is not correct or the boards do not fit
together properly, or are otherwise considered to not meet the specified grade, the installer should contact the
supplier to resolve these issues before commencing laying. Similarly, any board found during laying that is
considered outside the grade specification should not be laid.

In most instances boards are to be supported on at least

three joists, however, there will be instances where some
boards may not be (i.e. floor edges or the occasional shorter
board within the floor), but this should be kept to a minimum.
Flooring should be laid in straight and parallel lines. Butt
joined boards must be cut to join over floor joists and joints
in adjacent boards should be staggered. End-matched joints
in adjacent boards should not occur within the same span
between joists. It is essential that boards are in contact with
the joists at the time of nailing, particularly when machine
nailing is used, as this type of nailing cannot be relied on to
pull the board down to the joist.

It is generally recommended that not more than 800 mm of

Cramping should be sufficient to just bring the edges
flooring is cramped at any one time, however, this may be of adjoining boards together.
varied by the installer depending on the flooring used and
conditions in which the floor is laid. The pressure used to cramp the boards together will differ from one floor
to another, depending on the moisture content of the flooring at installation, the air humidity and the average
moisture content conditions for the location. As a general rule, cramping should be sufficient to just bring the
edges of adjoining boards together while maintaining a straight line.

Timber Flooring - 19 - Version 1 - 2005

Allowance for expansion in floors
Fitted floors require a minimum 10 mm expansion gap between the floor boards and any internal or external
wall structures. However, where board ends abut doorways the gap may be reduced to a neat fit but with a
small gap (approximately 1 mm) to prevent rubbing. Floors up to 6 m (measured at right angles to the run of
boards) should not require intermediate expansion joints provided that normal atmospheric conditions exist.
For floor widths over 6 m or where extra allowance for expansion is required (e.g. moist locations) cramping
pressure needs to be considered along with providing an intermediate expansion joint, or a series of smaller
expansion gaps every 800 mm to 1000 mm to provide equivalent spacing. If cork expansion joints are used,
the cork should be 2 mm or so proud of the floor surface when installed. This will be removed during the
sanding process. However, cork to the perimeter should be installed level with the timber surface.

Cork intermediate expansion joints blend in well with timber Particularly for wide floors or in moist climates small regular gaps at
floors. provide the additional expansion allowance needed. These often
close during humid periods.
Fixing of floors
Boards with cover widths of 65 mm or less should be top (face) nailed with one or two nails at each joist.
Boards with cover widths over 65 mm should be top (face) nailed with two nails at each joist. Secret fixing with
a single nail or staple per joist is suitable with secret nail profile end-matched boards having nominal cover
widths not greater than 85 mm. The recommended minimum fixing sizes are shown in the following table.

Timber Flooring - 20 - Version 1 - 2005

When fixing it should be checked that boards are tight Secret fixing is not recommended for boards over 85 mm in cover wide.
on the joists.

Minimum Fixing of T&G Flooring to Joists

Recommended minimum edge
distance for nailing at butt joints or
board ends is 12 mm. All nails,
including machine nails, should be
punched a minimum of 3 mm
below the top surface.

During fixing, the joint between

floor boards and the top surface of
floor joists should be checked to
ensure that gaps are not present. If
gaps are present, nails should be
punched to draw boards tightly
onto joists.

Assessing the Existing Floor
Timber T & G flooring may be laid over existing T & G or sheet floors (plywood or particleboard). Where the
existing floor is structurally sound, either overlay flooring (generally 11 mm to 14 mm thick) or structural
flooring (generally 19 mm to 21 mm thick) can be laid. Floors may be fixed into the joists or with shorter fixings
at reduced centres into the existing floor only. In instances where there is doubt over the structural adequacy
of the existing floor, defective boards or sheets should be replaced to make the existing floor structurally
sound, or structural flooring fixed through to the joists can be used. To provide a level surface, top (face) nails
in existing flooring should be re-punched and the existing floor rough sanded. Adhesives require a clean,
structurally sound floor that is free from moisture, loose particles and contaminants. It is also particularly
important that if a new floor is laid at 90° to an existing floor, the existing floor must be structurally sound and
level. In some instances sheet sub-floors (substrates) can sag between joists and if not leveled the sagging
will show through to the new floor.

It is also necessary to check that the existing floor moisture content is appropriate to accept the new floor. The
cause of any excess moisture (wetting during construction, leaks, inadequate sub-floor ventilation, etc) needs
to be addressed prior to installation. Moisture meters are unpredictable in sheet flooring and this may
necessitate oven dry testing. Prior to laying, the existing floor should be of similar moisture content (within a
few per cent) to the new floor.

Squeaking present in an existing T & G floor may be reduced by providing a bead of polyurethane flooring
adhesive to fill any gaps between the underside of flooring and tops of joists (caused by cupping, shrinkage
etc). Further reductions may be achieved by fixing a seasoned batten (approximate dimensions 35 x 45 mm),

Timber Flooring - 21 - Version 1 - 2005

to the underside of flooring (mid-span between joists) fixed with a full length bead of polyurethane flooring
adhesive and screwed at approximately 300 mm centres.

Installation of flooring should not be done until other construction activities (particularly wet trades) are
complete and after the building is roofed and enclosed, with the temperature and humidity as close as
possible to the expected in-service conditions. Expansion gaps of 10 mm should be provided at all walls and
other fixed obstructions, which are parallel to the run of floor boards. Intermediate expansion joints should
also be provided in larger floors (width at right angles to boards exceeding 6 metres), to give an equivalent
gap of 10 mm every 6 metres (approx. 1.5 mm every 800 mm).
Fixing flooring through sheet floors and into the floor joists will provide a more robust fixing and is particularly
appropriate where greater expansion in the floor is expected after installation. Alternatively, if expansion after
installation is expected to be small then mechanical and adhesive fixing into the sub-floor (substrate) may be

For secret fixing of structural flooring boards, secret nail profile boards should be used (maximum cover width
of 85 mm) with one fixing per board at the appropriate spacing. For (top) face nailing, standard profile or
secret nail profile boards may be used. Boards exceeding 65 mm cover width, which are top (face) nailed,
require two nails per board at each fixing.

Secret Fixing into Sub-floor (Substrate) Only

When relying on the sub-floor or substrate for fixing, boards should be secretly fixed with the first and last few
boards that do not allow secret fixing, top (face) nailed and adhesively fixed with polyurethane flooring
adhesive. When laying over an existing T&G sub-floor the new flooring may be laid either parallel to it (with
boards offset half a board width) or with boards at 90° to the existing floor, providing the sub-floor (substrate)
is level. If edge bonding is present in an existing T&G floor over which the new floor is being laid, it is
recommended that the bonding is relieved by a series of saw cuts down the length of the existing boards and
that the new floor is laid at 90°. Fixings should be the maximum possible length as indicated in the table.

Minimum Secret Fixings of T& G Flooring to Sheet Sub-floor (Substrate) over Joists

When staple or nail fixing at close centres is being used, provide a cushion of polyurethane flooring adhesive
between the two floors to minimise possible squeaks. This is achieved by using a continuous bead of
adhesive at 90° to board length, midway between fixing points. Where polyurethane flooring adhesive is used
to provide much of the fixing, staples may be spaced up to 450 mm apart. Note that flooring cleats (as used
with Powernailer) of a similar length may be used in lieu of staples.

Top (Face) Nailing into Joists through the Sub-floor (Substrate)

If the sub-floor is an existing T&G floor, boards should be run in the same direction as the sub-floor with
boards offset by half a board width from those in the existing floor. This assists in offsetting the nails in the
new and old floors. When structural 19 mm flooring is used, the floor should be top (face) nailed with 65 x 2.5
mm machine nails or 65 mm x 2.8 mm hand nails through the existing floor and into the joists. For thinner
overlay flooring, 50 mm x 2.5 mm machine nails or 50 mm x 2.8 hand nails should be used. In all cases,
continuous beads of polyurethane flooring adhesive should be provided at the joists and midway between

Timber Flooring - 22 - Version 1 - 2005

them to provide a cushioning effect between the two floors. Board ends adjacent to walls should be fixed with
polyurethane flooring adhesive and nailed to the sub-floor.


Assessing the Concrete Slab
Timber floors may be laid on battens or plywood over a concrete slab, or by direct fix. Direct fix to the slab is a
specialist field and appropriate professionals in this field should be consulted if considering this method. The
following covers installation of T & G flooring on plywood over concrete or battens over concrete. Prior to
installation it is necessary to ensure that the concrete is sufficiently level to accept the system. Where the slab
is greater than ± 3 mm out of level over any 1500 mm length, a concrete topping (leveling compound),
grinding or packing should be used. Slabs on ground should be constructed with a continuous under slab
vapour barrier (e.g. 0.2 mm thick polyethylene). Timber floors should not be installed until the concrete slab
has a moisture content less than 5½% (generally achieved after slabs have cured for approximately 4-6
months). In old slabs, moisture contents should be below this level and if not, care should be exercised.
Methods available to test the moisture content of concrete include resistance meters, capacitance meters and
hygrometers (see Appendix 3).

Methods to lay timber floors over concrete slabs include battens, direct adhesive fix and over plywood. Direct adhesive fix should be
undertaken by professional floor installers.

When floors are to be fixed over a plywood sub-floor, overlay or structural flooring may be used. For fixing to
battens, structural flooring (19 mm or thicker) should be used. The plywood sub-floor or battens need to be at
a moisture content within a few per cent of the flooring at the time of installation.

Installation of flooring should not occur

until other construction activities,
particularly wet trades, are complete.
The building should be roofed and
enclosed with the temperature and
humidity as close as possible to the
expected in-service conditions
including the use of air-conditioning if
applicable. For secret fixing, secret nail
profile boards should be used
(maximum cover width of 85 mm) with
one nail per board at each fixing. For
top (face) nailing, standard profile or
secret nail profile boards may be used. Secret fixing to a plywood sub-floor. A polyethylene moisture barrier has been
Boards exceeding 65 mm cover width placed over the slab and both the plywood and flooring are clear of the wall.
require two nails per board at each
fixing. Expansion gaps of 10 mm should
be provided at all walls and other fixed

Timber Flooring - 23 - Version 1 - 2005

obstructions, which are parallel to the run of floor boards. Intermediate expansion joints should also be
provided in larger floors (width at right angles to boards exceeding 6 metres), to give an equivalent gap of 10
mm every 6 metres (approx. 1.5 mm every metre 800 mm) or the use of loose cramping.

As an added protection against moisture from the slab (from slab edge effects, beam thickening etc) or minor
building leaks, a 0.2 mm thick polyethylene or poured chemical membrane over the slab is recommended.
The polyethylene should be lapped by 200 mm, taped at the joints and brought up the walls (or fixed columns
etc) above the top of the flooring. The polyethylene is then covered by the skirting. Note that fixings of
plywood sub-floors or battens through the polyethylene is not considered to reduce the overall effectiveness of
the membrane.

Fixing recommendations - plywood sub-floors to concrete slabs and flooring to plywood

Plywood sub-floors should be structural grade, a minimum 15 mm thick and with a type A bond. Sheets may
be installed in a ‘brick’ pattern or 45° to the direction of the strip flooring with a 6 mm gap between sheets and
a 10 mm gap to internal and external walls. Various methods of fixing are used including adhesives and
mechanical fixing. The option detailed below is for hand-driven spikes which provide solid fixing to the slab:-

• Slabs should be level to ± 3 mm in 1.5 m. If not, the

effect needs to be assessed and as appropriate the use
of a topping compound prescribed for the purpose or
other measures to provide a satisfactory floor
installation should be undertaken.
• Install 0.2 mm polyethylene vapour barrier
• Fix plywood sheets to the slab with hand driven 50 mm
long by 6.5 mm spikes (‘Powers SPIKE’ or equivalent).
A minimum of 20 spikes to be used per 2400 mm x
1200 mm sheet, equally spaced and with the outer
spikes 75 mm to 100 mm from the sheet edge. If a brick
pattern is used, it is preferable that sheets be staggered
by 900 mm so that fixings do not line up from sheet to
Fixing of the plywood sub-floor through the polyethylene
membrane and into the slab

The table below outlines the minimum spacing and fixing details of the flooring to the plywood sub-floor. When
staple fixing at close centres is being used, provide a cushion of polyurethane flooring adhesive between the
two floors to minimise possible squeaks. This is achieved by using continuous bead of adhesive at 90° to
board length, midway between fixing points. Where polyurethane flooring adhesive is used to provide much of
the fixing, staples may be spaced up to 450 mm apart. Note that flooring cleats (as used with Powernailer) of
a similar length may be used in lieu of staples.

Minimum Secret Fixings of T& G Flooring to Plywood Sub-floor (Substrate) over a Slab

Timber Flooring - 24 - Version 1 - 2005

Fixing recommendations - battens to concrete slabs and flooring to battens
Battens are to be seasoned and may be either hardwood or softwood. Battens may be fixed to the slab using
75 mm gun nails at 600 mm maximum spacing, 6.5 mm dia. ‘Powers Spike Fasteners’ with a minimum
embedment of 32 mm or equivalent at 900 maximum spacing or M6 masonry anchors at 900 mm maximum
spacing. The following table and figure outline the minimum batten size and fixing requirements for structural
flooring to battens. Batten spacing is dependent on the species and grade of timber used. It shall be the same
as for flooring over joists provided above in the section on installing floors over joists.

Minimum Fixing T&G Flooring to Battens over a Slab

Timber Flooring - 25 - Version 1 - 2005

The sanding and finishing process is particularly important to the overall performance and appearance of the
timber floor and is an area that offers a wide array of methodologies and coating systems. The practices
outlined are those employed broadly throughout the industry, however variations on sandpaper grades and
procedures are common. The aim in all cases is to provide a smooth surface with the desired surface coating
suitably applied to give an even level of sheen across the body of the floor.


Prior to sanding the condition of the floor should be assessed
to ensure that it is in a condition suitable for sanding. This
may include assessing vertical movement at board or end-
matched joints, an appraisal of the overall condition of the
floor (e.g. degree of cupping in boards, gapping at board
edges, signs of moisture) and if there are signs of abnormal
moisture content, it should also include taking and recording
moisture contents of the installed floor. This ensures a
complete history of the floor, should issues arise in the future.
Any issues should be provided in writing to the applicable
person (e.g. principal contractor, owner) and an appropriate
course of action taken. It is good practice to let the floor
"settle" for a period, which may be 3 to 14 days before the
sanding process takes place. This period is also beneficial for
curing of adhesives where utilised. Prior to sanding, the floor should be assessed to
ensure that it is in a condition suitable for sanding.


Punching Nails and filling nail holes
Before the sanding process can begin, ensure that all nails
are punched a minimum of 3 mm below the surface of the
boards. Any nail that is not suitably punched will potentially
damage the sanding equipment and affect the sanding
process. It is important to note that secret nailed floors may
have been top nailed adjacent to a wall or other areas where
access is limited.
The punched nail holes can then be filled with either oil or
non-oil based filler. Oil based fillers may bleed oil into the
timber and affect the colour of the wood surrounding the nail
hole or may not be compatible with various coating products.
The colour of the filler should be carefully selected in order to
minimise any visual impact of the filler. Many of these
products are sold in colours pre-matched to specific species.
In mixed species floors or where significant colour variations
are present, it is usual to mix or select a neutral colour that is Nails to be punched and holes filled.
slightly darker than mid range between the extremes of
colour. Generally all fillers are slightly darker and this allows for the boards to deepen in colour following
finishing and UV exposure.
Filling can be done at this stage or after the first coat of finish is applied. By filling after the first coat any
potential for the filler to impact on the surrounding timber through bleed or moisture is minimized. In all cases
the filler must completely fill the hole so as not to impact on the finish quality.

Timber Flooring - 26 - Version 1 - 2005

The floor requires thorough cleaning to make it free from dirt, grit and debris. These particles, if not removed,
can cause deep, uneven scratching in the timber surface requiring substantial additional sanding to remove.
The floor should initially be swept followed by vacuuming, paying particular attention to areas which are not
effectively cleaned by sweeping, such as gaps underneath the skirting, corners, window sills and the like. The
vacuum should have sufficient capacity in terms of both suction and filtration to satisfactorily clean the floor.

It is important to remove any materials that may potentially impact on either the sanding or coating process.
Additional care should be taken with silicone based sealants that may have been dropped onto the floor.
These products can potentially be widely spread through the sanding process impacting on the bond
between the coating and the timber.

During the sanding and finishing process it is imperative that access to the area of the work be restricted. Any
trades working in or around the area can potentially generate dust, wet the floor, introduce silicone based
mastics and sealants, walk over the area or generally contaminate it. Clear instructions should also be given
to the owner or occupants regarding access, opening windows which may blow dust over the area and time
required for coating systems to adequately cure.

The sanding operation will vary based on the
condition of the floor and the hardness of the flooring
species. Where the floor is being sanded for the first
time, the sanding process is made up of a number of
separate sanding stages, which generally start with a
course paper and progress to a relatively fine grade of
paper. It should be noted that the sanding process is
effectively scratching off the surface of the boards,
and the reduction in grades of paper means that you
start with a severe scratching action and finish with a
more subtle scratching action. During the sanding process progressively finer papers are used.

Level / Basic Sanding

The level/basic sand, as the name suggests, is to cut
the boards level, taking out any ridges or high points in
the floor. It typically comprises of three passes with the
sanding machine. The level or basic sanding is to
provide a level, completely sanded floor - each of the
sanding procedures that follow this step are designed
to remove the sanding scratches generated by this
initial step.

Pass 1 is done from a small angle or up to a 45 degree

angle to the direction of the grain (diagonally). This
angle is dependent upon the layout and size of the
area to be sanded. A coarser grade of paper is used
depending upon the species and the condition of the
boards. A lower grade of paper may be used to
enhance the effectiveness of the sanding process in a
floor that is very uneven or with hard species such as
Turpentine or Ironbark.

Each room is sanded starting at a point, which will

allow the longest path of travel at approximately 45
First and second pass of sanding at 45° to board direction.

Timber Flooring - 27 - Version 1 - 2005

degrees (or as is deemed appropriate given the room parameters) to the grain direction (run of boards). The
machine is started ensuring that the drum is not touching the boards and walking slowly forward, the drum is
eased onto the boards. A slow walking pace and consistent pressure is maintained. At the end of the pass
the drum is raised smoothly off the floor and then by walking backwards, pulling the machine, it is eased back
onto the floor for the return pass. The power lead, controlled by the operator, must be kept well clear of the

When the original starting point is reached the drum is again gradually raised off the floor. The machine is
then moved to the right or left hand side of the first path ensuring an overlap to the first cut path. Sanding
continues in that direction, sanding strips and maintaining a similar overlap in each forward and backward
pass. When the limit of accessibility has been reached in the corner of the room, the machine is brought back
to the starting point and the remainder of the floor is sanded in the same direction and manner but to the
opposing side of the first cut. That is, if sanded to the left of the first cut, sanding then takes place to the right
of that first cut, ensuring that there is an overlap of around 200mm between the two sides of the floor.

The second pass is carried out on the opposite diagonal to Pass 1 using a similar grade paper.

The third pass continues in the direction of the

boards using a similar grade paper to remove the
sanding lines from the action of pass 1 & 2.
Typically the operator should start at a point that is
a few meters off the side wall. The process of
walking speed and easing the drum onto the floor
is as previously described.

Once a forward and reverse path is sanded, the

machine is moved ensuring an overlap to the
previous cut and sanding recommences in the
same manner. This process is carried out across
the room. When the full width of the room is
sanded, the operator should turn 180 degrees and Third pass of sanding in the board direction.
sand the unsanded band of floor.

At the completion of the level or basic sanding the boards should be generally smooth and free from cupping
and mismatching of surface levels between adjacent boards. If this has not been achieved the floor will
require additional passes to achieve this state.

The sanding drum should never contact the floor unless moving forward or backward. Doing so will cut a
groove into the floor (drum mark), which may not be recoverable. Specialist equipment and manufacturers
recommendations, and user instructions should be followed.

The sanding machine will not be able to sand the
boards along the edges of the room, in corners or
areas of reduced access such as wardrobes etc. In
these areas the boards need to be sanded level and
generally blended into the body of the floor. For
these areas an edge sander is used. The machine
used may vary from either a disc, orbital or belt
sander. In all cases, care is necessary to ensure the
operation does not dig grooves into the boards and
the finished edge is level with the body of the

The most commonly used machine for the edging

Edge sanding require a smooth action to blend into the floor.

Timber Flooring - 28 - Version 1 - 2005

process is the disc sander. When using this machine the operator should move the machine in a smooth
even pattern at board ends and across the grain. The pattern of sanding should overlap and blend into the
body of the sanded floor. It is important that the machine is held level as the boards are easily grooved with
any uneven pressure. On each movement, the machine should sand approximately 50 mm section of
unsanded floor. Along walls parallel with the boards, the edge sanding machine should be smoothly moved,
back and forth in the direction of the grain overlapping some 100 mm into the body of the sanded floor.

On new and old floors, in good clean condition, finer grit papers are usually sufficient for the purpose of

It may be necessary in areas of very limited access or at the corners of the room, to hand scrape the floor.
The scraping action should always be in the direction of the grain with the surface being hand sanded or
machine sanded with a smaller machine i.e. orbital sander. With orbital sanders too much pressure or use an
overly aggressive grade of paper can result in deep swirl marks, which will show up in the finish. Once again,
care needs to be taken to blend in these hand scraped areas with the body of the floor.

This process is repeated following the second sanding process of the body of the floor.

Finish Sanding
The finish sanding operation involves two separate stages of operation.

Stage 1 - Initial Cuts

The initial cuts utilise a finer grade of paper to that used
in the level or basic sanding operation. Typically an
F60 - 100 grade paper is used and the floor is sanded
in the direction of the grain (board run). The purpose of
the initial cuts is to smooth off the coarse sanding
marks left by the level or basic sanding. Once a
suitable level of smoothness is achieved, the final
stage of sanding may be carried out.

Stage 2 - Final Sand

The final sand utilises an even finer grade of paper -
once again reducing the depth of scratching and
preparing the floor for the coating system. The floor
must once again be fully cleaned of dust, grit and
debris. Any matter left on the floor will invariably impact
upon the quality of the finish.

Typically, the final sand is carried out using a rotary

sander, plate orbital sander or similar machine with a
100 - 150 grade paper or screenback. The sanding
should be carried out in the direction of the grain
ensuring a smooth action, and applying a balanced
control of the machine. If a water based coating system
is specified the final sand may need to be carried out
using a new or worn 150 mesh screenback dependant
on the waterborne system being used (See
manufacturers recommendations). The floor is then
vacuumed thoroughly and if required tack rag cleaned. The initial cut and final sand.
Special attention should be paid to any potential dust
traps in the floor (dig out any dirt or dust and vacuum away). These can contaminate the floor coating system
if not cleaned adequately, as the applicator will most certainly pull the dirt onto the body of the floor. It should
also be noted that heavy sanding equipment may have the potential to create wheel marks on low density
floor boards. Additional care should be taken in these applications.

Timber Flooring - 29 - Version 1 - 2005

The following information is a typical application methodology, which might be utilised for the various finish
types with minor product specific variations.

The floor finish will be easily contaminated with any dirt, dust or other extraneous matter left on the floor. It is
essential that the area be thoroughly cleaned / vacuumed, paying particular attention to any areas which may
have caught dust during the sanding process such as window sills, picture rails, skirtings, power and light
switches, light fittings, handrails, etc. The floor needs to be well lit with adequate ventilation. It is important
not to have draughts blowing across the floor during the process as they may well introduce contaminates
from outside of the actual working area.

Mixing the Coating

The coating material should be well and thoroughly mixed so that all the solids are blended through the body
of the liquid. Care should be taken not to stir too quickly or roughly as this may introduce air bubbles to the
material impacting on the coating quality. If there are any additives to be used, ensure they are mixed
thoroughly into the coating liquid. In all cases follow the manufacturers’ instructions.

Cutting In
Using a clean, good quality brush, cut in the finish around
the perimeter walls and any other obstructions or areas
which may not be accessible to the main applicator. The
cutting in should extend out approximately 150 mm into the
body of the floor so that the applicator is not required to
venture too close to the skirtings and other limited access
areas. If any bristles fall out of the brush into the finish,
remove immediately.

Cutting in the finish around perimeter walls.

Applying Coating
The initial coat applied to the raw sanded timber may be either a recognised sealer coat as prescribed by the
coating manufacturer or the same material to be used as a finish, except when outside the manufactures’
recommendations. Sealers are available in both water based and solvent based products. The use of a
sealer can enhance the development of colour in the timber floor and can reduce the risk of "edge bonding”.
Penetrating and low rupture sealers are available. In all cases it is imperative to closely follow manufacturers’

There are many approaches and methods used in the

application of floor finishes and coating systems. The
following approach is one such application method, which
has generally been accepted by the industry.

The applicator as specified by the coating system

manufacturer (often a 6 mm Mohair roller or equivalent) is
immersed in the coating contained in a large painter’s tray
or applicator bucket. These allow the applicator to be lightly
squeezed on the shallow portion of the tray to avoid drips.
Applying the product to the boards should be carried out in
a smooth action starting at one end of the boards and
working the product in line with the grain of the timber
boards. The finish should be feathered off at the outer edge Application of the initial coat.
to minimise any build up of coating at that point. This

Timber Flooring - 30 - Version 1 - 2005

process should leave a "wet edge” so that each successive section of application blends into the previous
section without any ridging, which can occur if the material skins or dries off before the next application strip.
The application process should continue in the same manner working from one end of the area to
completion. An even, wet look should result without any dry patches.

It is recommended when coating parquetry floors, that filler be trowel applied following the first coat. This aids
in reducing the phenomena known as "quilting" where the finish does not flow across joints at board or
parquetry edges. Filling of parquet floors may be carried out prior to or following the application of the initial
sealer or first coat and is at the discretion of the floor sander. It is not a recommended practice to fill tongue
and groove timber floors.

Any nail holes not previously filled and any cracks or other open faults should now be filled with a suitable
filling compound that is compatible with the finish type. (Note: insure the coating system is dry) Generally, a
non-oil based filler is best which is suitably colour matched to the timber.

The filler should be installed with a clean bladed applicator. Ensure the filler slightly overfills the hole and has
been fully pushed into the void. If the material is not completely filling the void, it may potentially come loose
in service. Clean off any filler that is spread over the floor surrounding the hole. Any excess will be sanded
away in the light sanding between coats.

Sanding Between Coats

The floor will typically have a slightly rough feel to it after the first coat of finish depending on the system used
and the degree of grain raise of the timber created. It is normal for more open grain timbers to exhibit a
higher degree of initial grain raise than denser close grain species. The floor requires a light sand after the
first coat to remove this roughness and to also key the surface for the next coat of finish. A 150 or finer grit
paper or screenback is used at this stage with a rotary sander or similar. It is imperative that the sanding
does not expose the timber as this will create further raised grain. The sanding process is required to smooth
off the roughness in the coating, not the timber. Edges must be hand or orbital sanded to a similar

Cleaning between coats

All dust should again be thoroughly removed from the floor along with any potential dust traps as previously
described. Ensure that there are no draughts blowing through the area that could contaminate the final
coat(s). In addition it may be prudent to use a tack rag over the floor to remove any dust missed by the
vacuum. This will ensure that the floor is as clean as possible for the final coat(s).

Second Coat
The floor should again be edged with a clean brush coming
out some 150 mm or more into the body of the floor. The
application process is as per the first coat with the
applicator being worked along the full lengths of the boards
and lightly feathered at the outer edge of each strip of

Additional Coats
Any additional coats shall follow the same process of light
sand of the previous coat, thorough cleaning and
application of the coating. Typically a three coat system is
utilised, however all manufacturers’ recommendations
should be followed in regards to number of coats and sand
paper grades, in addition to any requirements of the Application of the second coat.
specifier. Various water and oil based coating systems
require a finer grit of paper between coats as compared to
the solvent based products.

Timber Flooring - 31 - Version 1 - 2005

There are no standards that outline what an acceptable appearance of timber floor
should be. There are standards that relate to the manufacture of timber flooring and
when recommended sanding and finishing practices are undertaken, there is a
general level of acceptance of the finished product in the marketplace. Floors of the
same species can differ markedly in their appearance depending on timber source,
age of the tree, board cover width, the finish system used and the lighting in which
the floor is viewed. Timber is a natural product that will shrink and swell in response
to changes in atmospheric humidity, no building environment is the same as
another, the sanding and finishing is not undertaken in a dust free factory
environment and finishes may darken with time. Even with these variables a high
standard in the finished floor is achievable.

ACCEPTABLE APPEARANCE A high standard of appearance

is achievable.
Even timber surface
The following outlines some problems that affect the surface of the boards and these should not generally
occur in timber floors. However, specific heat sources from appliances or sun exposure through large
uncovered windows may induce some cupping of boards in the affected area. Similarly, wide boards or
thinner overlay boards may also show some slight cupping in certain house environments. It should also be
recognised that the actions or inaction of owners can contribute or even cause these to occur.
• Cupping - boards with their edges either higher or lower
that the centre of the board. Heat in a specific location or
a very dry environment above the floor may result in
cupping. Moist sub-floor spaces can also cause boards to
cup. Cupping is more likely to occur in overlay flooring
and standard thickness boards that are wider than 100
mm. To some degree a small amount of cupping may
occur in some locations within a dwelling (e.g. sun
exposed floor) where these types of flooring are used.
• Tenting - two adjacent boards, where the adjoining edge Cupping: board edges higher than the centre of the board
has lifted above the level of the adjacent flooring. This is
often associated with high moisture beneath the floor and can be from many causes.
• Buckling - a section of flooring containing a number of boards that is raised above an adjacent section of
• Crowning - floor boards that are flat on their lower surfaces but where the upper surface has its edges
lower than the centre of the board. This may occur if a floor is cupped (board edges up) at the time of
sanding. Crowning does not become apparent until some months after finishing.
Note: Floors exposed to heat sources after occupancy (e.g. no curtains, fireplaces, vents from appliances, houses closed up for extended
periods) may cause boards to cup. Cupping and shrinkage from such sources may be the owner’s responsibility.)

Timber Flooring - 32 - Version 1 - 2005

Relatively even gapping between boards in areas not exposed to specific heat sources
During drier times of the year, gapping between boards may average 0.75 mm. Some gaps may be larger
than this and others smaller, however the appearance generally indicates gapping between most boards.

An appearance can be expected that is free from split boards and wide gaps between boards that may be
irregularly spaced across the floor. Irregularly spaced wide gapping may occur from either the edges of
boards being bonded together or from a proportion of boards being high in moisture content at the time of

Limited vertical movement at T & G joints

Flooring is manufactured with the board tongue narrower than the groove. This is necessary so that boards
will fit together during installation. When floor boards are laid over joists in particular, some differential vertical
movement may occur between adjacent boards, when a load is applied to an individual board. This is due to
the clearance between the tongue and the groove. The clearance should not exceed 0.6 mm.

Minimal Squeaking
A small amount of noise can be expected from most timber floors, when walked on. Noises can occur from
movement of one board edge against another or from boards moving on nails. A floor is often more noisy
during drier weather due to loosening at the joints.

Timber strip floors can be expected to show some indentations depending on the hardness of the species
used, volume of traffic and foot ware worn.

A Finish with Minimal Contamination and Sanding Marks

A finish similar to that of fine furniture should not be expected. Timber strip
floors are not finished in a factory environment and different pieces of
flooring will sand differently. The home environment is also not dust free.
However, the finished floor can be expected to have an even appearance
free from heavy sanding marks, blooming or frequent air bubbles in the
surface. A minimal level of contaminants, minor sanding marks and small
depressions of the finish at board edges and in nail holes etc. may be
visible. The perimeter and other hard to get at places are more likely to
contain these irregularities. Due to this a mirror finish is an unachievable
expectation. Some finishes will also yellow with time and if rugs are moved,
a contrast in the depth of colour can be expected.
Downlights highlight dust in the finish.
These specks often wear off quickly
When floors are inspected for imperfections, the floor is to be inspected with foot traffic.
during daylight hours with lighting on. The overall assessment of the floor is
from a standing position with the floor viewed from positions that are usually occupied by people. Internal and
external reflections in areas not usually covered by furniture should be assessed. Acceptability relies on
judgment that takes into consideration the effect of lighting on noticeable surface imperfections as well as
initial wear of the floor, which can cause some imperfections to significantly lessen or disappear. A floor is
subject to much heavier wear than furniture and although a good quality finish can be expected, the same
finish quality to furniture should not be expected.

Some imperfections that could be expected to some degree in a floor but which should also be assessed
include:- sanding quality; gloss variation; dust, insects and debris; bubbles and gel particles; coat leveling.

Timber Flooring - 33 - Version 1 - 2005

Timber floors are easy to maintain and greatly benefit from regular care. In doing so, the life of the floor finish
and floor are greatly enhanced. However at some stage the floor will need to be rejuvenated and this requires
buffing back and re-coating. Some of the softer floor finishes can also benefit from application of metalised
polish which provides an additional wear surface. It is important that maintenance aspects are passed on to
customers as it assists in ensuring ongoing customer satisfaction.


Although a floor may be walked on after initial curing,
some precautions are necessary with a newly finished
floor until the coating system has fully hardened and this
may take in the order of two weeks. It is recommended
that rugs are not laid until after the floor finish has fully
hardened. While light furniture can be replaced and used
during this period, it should be ensured that furniture
protection felt pads are attached to the feet of tables and
chairs etc and furniture such as chairs should be lifted.
Similarly, it should also be ensured that heavy items such
as fridges are moved carefully into position and at no time
should they be dragged over either newly finished or fully
cured floors. Consideration should also be given to chairs Timber floors are easy to maintain and greatly benefit from
regular care.
with castors. Again these should not be used until the
finish has hardened and barrel type castors are less likely to damage a floor than ball castors.


Ingress of Grit and Direct Sunlight
The are some things that are enemies to timber floor
finishes and one of these is sand or grit that that can be
brought into the house with footwear. These small particles
act like sandpaper resulting in scratches in the floor. Mats
placed both outside and inside external doors provide a
simple and effective means of significantly reducing grit
from entering the house. Similarly, in high wear areas,
runners and rugs can be effective and can also add to the
décor of the house. The kitchen floor generally
experiences high wear and therefore a floor rug in this
area can be particularly beneficial.

Another aspect that should be considered is the amount of Floor mats at doorways provide a simple means of limiting
the amount of grit from entering the home.
direct sunlight that is reaching the floors. Direct intense
sunlight can contribute to gapping and possible cupping of boards. It will also cause the colour of both boards
and finish to change with time. Some floor finishes are more prone to darken with age and direct sunlight
accelerates this process. Filtered sunlight through sheer curtains or blinds provides an effective means of
slowing the colour change processes and is also effective in controlling gap size and possible cupping. In
some instances it may be decided that window coverings will not be used, and if the sunlight has not been
controlled by patio roofs or awnings then floors rugs can be used.

Maintenance Plan
Establishing a regular cleaning program will greatly assist in keeping floors in pristine condition. There are
many aspects that affect how often the floor requires cleaning and these include the degree of grit present
(particularly from children and pets), the level of traffic and general conditions of the area outside the house.
Spills should be mopped up when they occur and any leaks must be attended to immediately. Failure to

Timber Flooring - 34 - Version 1 - 2005

attend to leaking pipe work can result in severe problems with a floor particularly when laid over sheet flooring
or directly adhered to a slab. Scuff marks or stubborn stains may be removed with light rubbing using a wood
floor cleaner.

For regular cleaning of domestic floors an antistatic mop provides an effective means of collection dust and
grit. Continual walking on a dirty floor will quickly damage the finish. If a vacuum cleaner is used then the
condition of the brushes should be regularly checked. If they have worn thin, contact of the metal head on the
floor can result in scratching.

On a monthly basis floors can also benefit from damp mopping. Providing the mop is only damp and the finish
is in good condition, mopping carried out correctly will not affect either the finish or the timber. Damp mopping
provides an effective deep clean and should be undertaken with a neutral pH wood floor cleaner or product
recommended by the finish manufacturer. Harsh detergents or abrasive cleaners are to be avoided. After
wetting the mop it should be wrung out until it is moist and the floor can be mopped in this condition. Using
clean water, a final mopping with a mop wrung out till it is ‘dry’ may be used to further remove excess
moisture on the boards. Periodically the protective pads on furniture legs should also be check to ensure that
they are clean or in need of replacement.

Timber floors are subject to different wear patterns and it is in areas of higher wear that there will initially be
signs that the floor requires re-coating. It is important to ensure that excessive wear has not occurred if a total
re-sand and re-finish is to be avoided. The finish should be inspected in the high wear areas and if a few
drops of water bead on the surface then the finish is still intact and may require cleaning rather than re-
coating. If however, after a few minutes the water begins to soak in and the timber colour darkens, then the
finish is partially worn and re-coating should be undertaken. It is important that the details of the original
coating system can be made available to the sander and finisher to ensure compatibility between coats.

Timber Flooring - 35 - Version 1 - 2005

In all common applications, timber contains moisture. Even timber that has been in service for 100 years will
contain similar amounts of moisture to seasoned timber that has just been put into service. The reason for this
is that the moisture in the air (humidity) maintains a certain level of moisture in the wood. The moisture
present in freshly sawn (i.e. green) timber, straight from the log, is much higher and as a consequence of this,
the air absorbs moisture from green timber until a balance is achieved.

Moisture Content
For timber products such as flooring the amount of moisture present or its moisture content is defined as the
mass of water present in the timber divided by the mass of the timber with all water removed, expressed as a
percentage. The mass (measured in grams or kilograms) of water present can be determined from the
difference in the mass of the timber with water (initial mass) to the mass of timber with the water removed
(oven dry mass). Hence the following equation is used to determine the moisture content of timber:-

% mc = “mass of water present “ x 100%

“oven dry mass”

= “initial mass” - “oven dry mass” x 100%

“oven dry mass”

The structure of the cells in timber can be likened to a number of drinking straws
glued together. If the straws were full of water it could be expected that the mass of
water contained in the straws would be greater than the mass of the drinking straws
alone. In such a case the moisture content as calculated above would exceed 100%.
In a tree the moisture content may be as low as 40% but can be as high as 180%.
Green off saw timber could therefore have moisture contents of 180%, which means
the timber contains 1.8 kg of water for every 1.0 kg of dry timber that was present. In
softwoods such as radiata pine and Araucaria the average moisture contents of 180
% or more often occur. In many of our common hardwoods the moisture content may
be no greater than 70%. Cypress, a softwood that grows in drier areas, may only
have average moisture contents of 45%. There can also be sizeable variations in
moisture content between the outer sapwood of a tree to the inner heartwood.


Seasoning or drying is the process by which moisture is removed from timber and green (i.e. freshly cut
boards) may be either air dried or kiln dried or a combination of both. The drying process for flooring often
includes more than one stage. Timber is initially stacked to allow air movement between each layer of timber
and in this state it can be either air dried by leaving it out in the open for some months or placed in a low
temperature pre-dryer to gently reduce its moisture content under controlled conditions, prior to drying being
completed at higher temperatures in a kiln. Some hardwoods are however kiln dried from green but many
operations use initial air drying or a pre-dryer followed by kiln drying. Softwoods are generally air-dried or kiln
dried from green.

When we refer to seasoned timber, we are usually referring to timber that has moisture contents in the range
from 9% to 14%. This range has been chosen because timber in coastal Australia will usually remain within
this moisture content range, when used internally. Whether timber is dried by the air or in a kiln there is
always a small variation in the moisture contents of individual boards (usually about 5%). Due to these
variations, some boards will take up moisture from the air after being put into service, while others may lose
moisture. When timber takes up moisture it expands and when it loses moisture it shrinks. The small moisture
variations present at the time of flooring manufacture therefore translate into small differences in board widths
as board moisture contents adjust to be in balance with the humidity in the air.

Timber Flooring - 36 - Version 1 - 2005

The cell structure of wood has been likened to
a number of drinking straws that are glued
together. With regard to this, water in wood
resides both within the “straws” (called free
water) and in the walls of the “straws” (bound
water). As indicated above, the moisture
content in living trees will vary greatly
depending on the species, age of the tree and
location in which it is grown. However, no
matter what the initial moisture content is of
the wood in the trees, shrinkage in timber is
minimal until the moisture content reaches
approximately 25%. At this level much of the
free water has been removed and it is from
this point (called the fibre saturation point) that there becomes a significant reduction in the bound water tied
up in the cell walls. Associated with this, the cell walls begin to shrink and we observe shrinkage in timber.
This relationship is shown diagrammatically in the graph.

Within the sawmilling industry, boards are refereed to as

being either backsawn or quartersawn and the Backsawn
movement characteristics of each is quite different. In a
backsawn board the angle of the growth rings on the
end section to the widest face is less than 45 degrees.
In quarter sawn boards this angle is greater than 45
degrees. Backsawn boards are often valued for the
“figure” that appears on the surface of the timber flooring
and with backsawing the amount of usable timber Quartersawn
recovered from the tree is also usually greater.
However, backsawn boards can be expected to shrink in
width more than a quarter sawn board and due to the
angle of the growth rings, backsawn boards will have an
Backsawn and quartersawn floor boards.
inherent tendency to cup when they dry.

The amount of shrinkage that occurs radially (i.e. in a direction that radiates out from the center of the log)
differs from that occurring tangentially (at right angles to the radial direction). Therefore, in a backsawn

Timber Flooring - 37 - Version 1 - 2005

floorboard the cover width will vary as a result of tangential movement and in a quartersawn floorboard the
cover width will vary from radial movement. Flooring manufactured from species grown in Tasmania and
Victoria are often quartersawn whereas species from Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia
are predominantly backsawn.

A useful measure of movement is what is termed the “unit tangential movement” (U.T.M.). This is the
percentage dimensional change for each 1% change in moisture content between 3% and the fibre saturation
point for the particular species. For example Brush box has a U.T.M. of 0.38. Therefore a 3% increase in
moisture content could on average be expected, to cause an 80 mm wide backsawn floor board to increase in
size by:
0.38 x 3% x 80/100 = 0.9 mm.
When dealing with seasoned timber, the U.T.M. can be used to estimate anticipated movement however
actual movement is often less than the estimate, due to the presence of quartersawn material and with regard
to applications such as flooring, some compression of the timber often occurs. Therefore care is necessary
when applying these figures. Tables of U.T.M. are available from state timber organisations.

Flooring response to changes in humidity Relationship between Equilibrium

Moisture Content, Temperature and
A relationship exists between the air temperature, relative
Relative Humidity
humidity of the air and the moisture content that timber will try 17.0
to attain. This relationship is shown in the following chart and it 16.0
15°C 20°C 25°C
can be seen from this that humidity has the predominant
Equilibrium Moisture Content (%)
influence over moisture content. As an example, if timber is in 14.5

a room at 25°C and the relative humidity is 65% then the 14.0
timber will in time try to reach approximately 12%moisture 13.0

content. 12.5
Obviously, humidity and temperature will change on a daily 10.5

basis as well as on a seasonal basis. Because of timbers 10.0

relatively slow response rate, we are usually more concerned 9.0

with seasonal changes. The effects of seasonal changes may 8.5

be observed in a polished timber floor by the opening and 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80

closing of gaps between adjoining boards at different times of Relative Humidity (%)

the year. Temperature, RH and EMC.

Weather data provides information on the changes in relative Relative Humidity

humidity that can be expected in a particular locality and this 100 Tropical, Temperate and Dry Climates
is particularly important if installing a floor in a location that
differs from the one that you are used to. There can be 90
significant changes over short distances. For example
between a coastal city and hilly rural environment, a half 80

hours drive away. Examples of different climates, seasonal

Relative Humidity (%)

humidity fluctuations and average moisture contents are
given in the adjacent graphs. 60

Although these graphs link timber moisture content to 50

surrounding environmental conditions they do not show the
response rate of different species to these changing 40
conditions. The response rate of softwoods such as Hoop
pine or Radiata pine is more rapid than that of the denser 30 Innisfail - Ave Ext EMC 16%
Brisbane - Ave Ext EMC 12%
hardwoods such as Spotted Gum. However, even within the Mt Isa - Ave Ext EMC 8%
hardwood or softwood groups, response rates can also vary 20
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
quite markedly. Indicative response curves from one trial for Month
Spotted Gum when placed in a very humid environment Climatic effects on timber floors.

Timber Flooring - 38 - Version 1 - 2005

(18% EMC) followed by a dry environment (8% EMC) is
Spotted Gum (MC)
shown in the adjacent graphs. The first graph shows 15.0

moisture content changes and the second graph the 14.0

change in cover width. Clearly this illustrates the variability

Moisture Content (%)


that can be present. Blackbutt, although a dense hardwood, 12.0

takes up and looses moisture quite rapidly. 11.0

10.0 Spotted Gum - Qld - Mature

The species that more quickly take up or loose moisture will 9.0
Spotted Gum - Qld - Young
Spotted Gum Mature NSW

generally follow seasonal changes more closely. The 8.0

Spotted Gum Young NSW

graphs also indicate that the rate of moisture uptake, which 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

may result from a relatively quick and sustained change in
weather conditions, can initially be quite rapid but the rate
of increase then slows over time. This aspect is also
reflected in timber floors. Floor installers sometimes
comment that a floor may have shrunk a lot in the first week
or so after laying but that it hadn’t moved much since then.

As a guide, provided below is a table that outlines the

density of the species, whether the flooring is
predominantly backsawn or quartersawn and an indicative
measure of the species response rate to moisture uptake
and loss. In locations where floors are likely to expand after
installation particular care is necessary to adequately Results from the FWPRDC Research on Timber Flooring
accommodate the expansion that will occur (i.e. undertaken by Timber Queensland Ltd. The graphs show
intermediate expansion joints, loose lay & acclimatisation). averages of ten pieces of Spotted Gum flooring from
This is particularly so with higher density timbers and different sources placed in a conditioning chamber at
18% EMC for 21 days followed by 8% EMC for 21 days.
particularly those higher density timbers that respond
quickly to seasonal humidity changes.

Species Density Movement in response to

Cutting pattern
classification classification humidity changes
Radiata Pine Low Backsawn Low
Tasmanian Oak Medium Quartersawn Medium to high
Victorian Ash Medium Quartersawn Medium to high
White Cypress Medium Backsawn Low
Jarrah Medium to high Backsawn Medium to high
Rosegum Medium to high Backsawn Medium
Blackbutt High Backsawn High
Spotted Gum Very High Backsawn Low to medium
Grey Ironbark Very high Backsawn Medium

Timber Flooring - 39 - Version 1 - 2005

Checking the moisture content of timber flooring prior to installation is important to provide a check on the
product supplied, evaluate the need for additional expansion allowance and to ensure that subsequent
movement (shrinkage and swelling) remains within accepted bounds. This appendix outlines the various
methods used to test the moisture content of timber. Also included in the appendix is a method to evaluate the
moisture content compliance of packs of flooring.


Moisture content
Moisture content is simply the mass of moisture present in
wood divided by the mass of the wood with no moisture in it,
expressed as a percentage. What’s important about the
moisture content in timber is that the board width will increase
with increasing moisture content and will decrease with
decreasing moisture content. At the time of machining cover
width variations are usually minimal and subsequent
variations that occur in board widths are usually due to
changes in moisture content. Note that it is often the current
and future variations in board width that is of primary
importance and one important purpose of moisture content
testing is to indicate what future movement can be expected.

By simply looking at the end of a pack of flooring, that may be Initial mass 32.63 gm
a month or so old, it is often possible to obtain information Oven dry mass 29.49 gm
about the moisture content of the timber within the pack even MC = 32.63 – 29.49 x 100% = 10.65%
without using a moisture meter. 29.49
For example in a three month old pack of flooring, some moisture changes are likely to have occurred and if
the nominal cover width of was 80 mm and:-
- board widths measure between say 79.6 mm and 80.4 mm then the material is likely to have been dried
to within narrow moisture content bounds and should perform well in service.
- board widths range from say 78 mm to 81 mm and some boards are cupped, then the material is likely to
have been dried to quite wide moisture content bounds and the floor is likely to show some wide gaps at
board edges along the length of the board and near end matched joints.
- board widths range from say 80 mm to 84 mm then some of the material may have become wet after

It is therefore important when considering moisture content to also take the board widths into consideration.
Australian standards that cover the moisture content of flooring vary in their limits as this depends on the
species. The table below provides some information on species types, the number of the applicable standard
and the moisture content ranges applicable to flooring.
Species Group Moisture Content Bounds Number of the
(moisture content anywhere within a board) applicable standard
Hardwood 9% to 14% AS 2796
Softwood 9% to 14% AS 4785
Cypress 10% to 15% AS 1810

Timber Flooring - 40 - Version 1 - 2005

How moisture content is measured
Moisture content is generally measured by either a meter or through oven dry testing. The two common types
of meters in use are the resistance meter and the capacitance meter. Meters use changes in electrical
properties caused by the wood and water within it to provide an estimate of the moisture content. Oven dry
testing requires a set of scales and an oven from which the moisture content is determined from the change of
mass as the sample dries.

Capacitance moisture meter - Measures average Resistance moisture meter - Measures moisture content
moisture content – Need to set species density. between the pins – Need to correct reading for
temperature and species.
Measurements by different methods
In any piece of flooring the moisture content is likely to vary to some
extent down the length of the piece and from the outer surfaces (case)
to the center (core). With regard to case to core differences some
methods of measurement are able to measure this while others can
only measure the average moisture content of the board. This can be
an important consideration when choosing a measuring method as
case to core variations or the difference between upper and lower case
may need to be determined. At other times it may be important to gain
many measurements quickly in order to gain an appreciation of the
average moisture content. In cases of dispute, accuracy may be of
prime importance.

Resistance meters measure the highest moisture across the exposed

ends of the pins where as capacitance meters measure an average
through the piece. Oven dry testing measures the average moisture
content of the sample placed in the oven but by cutting the sample up
into applicable smaller pieces, case and core moisture contents can
also be determined.

The three common methods of measurement, including their

Oven dry testing – Provides the most
application, benefits, limitations and accuracy are outlined below. accurate moisture content test.


• When is it used
- Oven dry testing is often carried out where variations in moisture content in the final product can
have a significant affect on the performance of the product.

Timber Flooring - 41 - Version 1 - 2005

- It is used where accurate results are required or meter readings are known to be inaccurate which
can include some timber species but also particleboard and plywood sub-floors.
- In case of disputes Australian standards generally refer to this method as it provides measurements
that are more accurate and reliable.
- Manufacturers of board products often undertake oven dry testing in the manufacture of their
- Some timber organisations also have the appropriate testing equipment and contract out these
• Testing equipment and facilities
- The equipment required is an accurate balance or set of scales and a laboratory oven that is able to
maintain a temperature of 103°C ± 2°C.
• Sampling from a pack
- The samples need to be representative of the timber in the pack being tested and capture the
variation present. This may therefore include some outside boards as well as some from within the
- If cupping is present or there is variation in the cover width by more than 1 mm, samples should be
provided which include 2 boards that are cupped, 2 with wider cover widths and 2 with narrower
cover widths. (Packing pieces are not to be provided as samples)
- If boards are not cupped and there is little variation in cover width throughout the pack, 5 boards
should be chosen. (Packing pieces are not to be provided as samples)
- The samples from which test pieces will be cut should be taken not less than 400 mm from the end
of a board and should be approximately 300 mm long.

- (Note: If the sample is from a board on the top, bottom or edge of the pack, it should be marked as
being an outside board.)
- The samples should be individually wrapped in “glad wrap” or similar to reduce moisture content
changes during transport.
- The samples should be stored in a cool place and delivered to the testing facility within 24 hours.

• Testing Procedure
- From the 300 mm long pack samples, test pieces are cut with a length between 15 mm and 30mm
so that the required mass is achieved to suit the accuracy of the mass measuring equipment. If the
equipment measures to 0.1g then a test sample of at least 50gm is required. The sample may be
less than 50g if the equipment measures to 0.01g.
- The initial masses of the test pieces (and usually the cover widths) are recorded. The test pieces
are placed in the oven for at least 24 hours and then reassessed at four hour intervals until there is
minimal change in mass. For longer samples in denser species times of 48 hours or so may be
required. The mass after drying in the oven (i.e. oven dry weight) is recorded.
- The moisture content is then calculated for each test piece by applying the following equation.
- Moisture content (%) = ((Initial mass – oven dry mass)/ oven dry mass) x 100 %
- For example if the initial mass is 57.6 g and the oven dry mass is 43.3 g then the moisture content
is:- Moisture content (%) = (( 57.6 g – 49.3 g)/ 49.3 g) x 100 % = 16.8%
- This method provides the average moisture content for the test pieces. Case and core
measurements can be obtained by cutting the appropriate sections out of larger test pieces prior to
• Interpreting results
- The sampling method outlined above aims to capture the variation present in a pack of timber and
from this it can be assumed that most of the timber within the pack will fall within the upper and
lower moisture content measurements.

Timber Flooring - 42 - Version 1 - 2005

- In applications where cover width is important, both the cover width and the moisture content should
be considered. Often boards of lower cover width are also those of higher moisture content and
further shrinkage of this material can be expected.
• Benefits and limitations
- The main advantage of this method is its accuracy.
- The method is time consuming, not portable and more expensive.
- The most common error results from insufficient drying, which underestimates the moisture content.
If sample masses are small then measuring errors can significantly affect the moisture content
- Microwave ovens can produce good results and speed up testing, however there are no formal
procedures and there is the risk of evaporating volatile compounds in addition to the water which
affects accuracy.

• Principal of operation
- The electrical resistance of timber reduces as the moisture in timber increases. These meters
measure the flow of electricity between two pins where the timber acts as an electrical resistor
between the pins. The scale on the moisture meter is graduated to read moisture content. Wood
temperature affects the readings and for this reason wood temperature above or below 20°C,
requires correction to the reading. Temperature correction if not already taken care of by the meter
is applied before species correction. Species correction is necessary as two different timber species
at the same moisture content may not have the same electrical resistance. Meters are generally set
up relative to one species and that is Douglas Fir (Oregon) and species corrections are then applied
for other species. There comes a point where the water in timber is so low that the resistance is
difficult to measure accurately or on the other hand sufficiently high that the resistance does not
change greatly and is prone to greater errors. These meters generally provide reliable results
between 6% and 25 % moisture content.
• Types of meters
- A wide variety of meters are available. All have two pins that are used to penetrate the timber but
the pins may vary in length from approximately 6 mm in length up to 50 mm. The longer pins are
often insulated up to the pointed ends to prevent surface moisture effects from interfering with core
measurements. Those with longer pins are also usually of the ‘sliding hammer’ type, which provides
a means of driving the pins into the timber. The sophistication of the meters varies greatly in terms
of features such as inbuilt temperature correction, preprogrammed species calibration and depth
indication. Many of the meters now come with a calibration block.
• Using resistance meters
- The calibration of the meter should be checked prior to use and this is usually done with a test block
that contains electrical resistors that correspond to the moisture contents specified on the test block.
- Measurements are then taken in clear timber at least 400 mm from the ends of boards.
- Some meters require measurements to be taken with the pins running down the length of the board
while with others the pins are to run across the width of the board (check with the manufacturer’s
- The pins are driven to the desired depth to which the moisture content reading is required. As case
and core measurements can be significantly different, use of meters with short pins may require
boards to be cut and the pins inserted in the end grain to provide a better estimate. In high density
timbers holes may need to be drilled for the pins.
- The pins need to be in firm contact with the timber, otherwise low readings may occur.
- Readings should be recorded to the nearest 0.5% and read shortly after penetration.
- Each reading is to be corrected for wood temperature first (provided this is not done automatically)
and then for species (providing the species has not been set on the meter).
- Refer to Table 1 for temperature correction factors and species correction factors for some common
commercial species. Additional temperature and species correction factors are available in AS

Timber Flooring - 43 - Version 1 - 2005

• Limitations, accuracy and precautions when using resistance moisture meters
When using meters a common sense approach is necessary and each reading should be evaluated and
if not as expected, then the reasons for this should be investigated. The meters generally provide a
reasonable estimate of the moisture content to ± 2% in the measuring range from 8% to 25% and as
stated above readings should be recorded to the nearest 0.5%. There are a number of factors that are
known to affect meter readings and these are:-
- Measurement necessitates damaging the surface of the timber
- The method is conducive to only taking a relatively small number of sample readings
- Readings near the board surface can be significantly different from the core
- Low battery can cause low readings in high moisture content material
- Uncertainty over species they are being used in can make species corrections difficult
- Species such as Brush Box have very high species correction factors and are prone to greater error
- Use for extended periods in high humidity environments can raise meter readings
- Meters only read wettest part that the exposed surfaces of the pins are in contact with
- Surface moisture can provide artificially high readings not reflecting wood moisture content
- Salt water or any preservative treatment salts can affect meter readings and will usually raise them
- Electrical wiring in walls can affect the readings
If meter readings are not in line with what is expected, then this may necessitate oven dry testing to more
accurately estimate the moisture content.

• Principal of operation
- These meters measure an electrical property called the ‘dielectric constant’ and in so doing an
electric field produced by the meter and the presence of the timber on which the meter is positioned,
form a ‘capacitor’ type of arrangement. The electric field can penetrate deep into the timber but
meter readings are biased toward moisture in the surface layers. Both the moisture content and the
density of the timber affect this electrical property. The effective range of capacitance meters is from
approximately 0% to 30% moisture content. The more sophisticated meters can be adjusted for
timbers of different densities. Less expensive meters do not have density compensation and for
these meters corrections to meter readings must be applied based on the density of the species
being tested. Such meters are usually preset to be more suited to softwoods and lower density
hardwoods and this can cause limitations with higher density species (i.e. large correction factors
are necessary).
• Types of meters
- Meters are imported from overseas and range from those with few features to those with a wider
range. Features may include settings for timber density (or specific gravity) and timber thickness as
well as the ability to store readings and apply some statistics to the results. It is necessary to ensure
that the meter is going to meet your specific needs and if being used with higher density hardwoods
then timber density (or specific gravity) adjustment must be seriously considered.
• Using capacitance meters
- The appropriate meter settings for density and board thickness etc should be applied and the meter
checked for calibration.
- The density (specific gravity) is often calculated differently for different reasons (i.e. green density,
density at 12% moisture content or basic density). Specific gravity is the density of a material
divided by the density of water (approximately 1000kg/m3). It is necessary to obtain from the meter
supplier the relevant figures applicable to the meter being used. Table 2 provides densities at 12 %
moisture content.
- Measurements are then taken in clear timber away from knots etc.
- Some meters require measurements to be taken with the meter in a particular orientation on the
board (check with the manufacturer’s manual).
- The plate of the meter must be in firm contact with the board before a reading is taken.
- Readings should be recorded to the nearest 0.5%. If no density (specific gravity) settings are
available then these meter reading needs correcting.

Timber Flooring - 44 - Version 1 - 2005

• Limitations, accuracy and precautions when using capacitance moisture meters
Similar to resistance meters common sense must prevail when using these meters with readings
evaluated and investigated if not as expected. Providing the density is accurately assessed then these
meters also provide a reasonable estimate of the average moisture content in a board up to
approximately 25% moisture content. Again there are a number of aspects that need to be considered
when using these meters:-
- Readings can be taken very quickly both within a board or in a number of boards.
- The meters do not damage the surface of the timber that is being measured.
- Within species density variations can be quite high, particularly between mature and young growth
- Estimating the correct density adjustment can be difficult, particularly if the meter is being used on a
wide range of different timbers.
- Density (specific gravity) information for Australian species relating to specific meters is not well
- Difficulties with setting density (specific gravity) adjustment often reduces field measurement
- If no timber thickness adjustment is provided then thicker pieces at the same moisture content are
likely to read high.
- Any gap between the meter and the board (e.g. a cupped surface) will cause a lower readings
- Framing raises meter readings where exposed timbers cross (e.g. softwood floor over hardwood
- The presence of salts (either from salt water or preservation treatment) will cause readings to be
- Readings also considered to be less reliable with Brush Box
Again, if meter readings are not in line with what is expected, then this may necessitate oven dry testing
to more accurately estimate the moisture content.

Assessing timber moisture content for conformity

Australian Standard 1080.1 – Timber – Methods of Test – Method 1: Moisture content outlines a procedure for
moisture content acceptance testing of timber using a resistance moisture meter. For full details the standard
should be referred to. Provided below is a summary of the procedure:-
- Sample at least 1 pack out of every 10 or 1 pack out of every 5 for higher value products (e.g.
- For each pack assessed (of up to 200 boards per pack) 15 boards are randomly selected and
- The pack is deemed to comply if not more than one test result (after applying temperature and
species correction factors) is outside the allowable range. This is providing the result outside
allowable limits is not too different from other results.
- This sampling procedure is based on at least 90% of the samples occurring within the allowable

Measuring the moisture content of plywood and particleboard

Meters do not provide an accurate and reliable measure of moisture content in these materials. To determine
the moisture content of these materials, the oven dry method should be used.

Timber Flooring - 45 - Version 1 - 2005

Table 1 - Temperature correction factors for resistance moisture meters. (Note: This is wood temperature not air
8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24%
Meter reading %
Temperature correction to be added to or subtracted from
Wood Temperature meter reading before applying the species correction factor
15 °C Nil Nil +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 - -
20 °C Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil -
25 °C -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -
30 °C -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
Table 2 - Species correction factors for resistance moisture meters.
(Note that this only contains some common species – refer to AS 1080.1 and FWPRDC report PN01.1306 for a more complete list. The
tabled figure are based on the Deltron Moisture Meter. Figures may differ for other meters - refer FWPRDC report PN01.1306 ).
8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% Density
Meter reading %
Resistance meters are generally calibrated to Oregon (Douglas Fir). Apply the At
Species following species corrections after temperature correction. 12% MC
Oregon (Douglas Fir) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 550
Australian Hardwoods
Yellow Stringybark (NSW) +4 +4 +3 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1 0 900
Red Ironbark Broad Leaved & Red (NSW) +4 +3 +3 +3 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 1100
Grey Ironbark (Qld) +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 1105
Forest Red Gum - Blue Gum (Qld) +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 0 1000
White Mahogany – Honey Mahog. (Qld) +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 1000
River Red Gum (Vic regrowth) +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 No data No data 900
Rose Gum - Flooded Gum (Qld & NSW) +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 750
Sydney Blue Gum (NSW) +2 +2 +1 +1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 850
Blackbutt (Qld & NSW) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 900
Turpentine (Qld & NSW) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 950
Blackbutt (NSW regrowth) +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 No data 900
Grey Ironbark (NSW) +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 1100
Red Ironbark Narrow Leaved (Qld) +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1090
Blackwood (Tas) +1 +1 0 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 640
Myrtle (Tas) +1 +1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 700
Spotted Gum (Qld Citridora) +1 0 -1 -1 -2 -3 -3 -4 -5 1100
Shining Gum (Vic) +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 700
Jarrah (WA regrowth) 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 No data 780
Grey Gum (Qld & NSW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1050
Tallowwood (Qld & NSW) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
Alpine Ash (Vic & Tas regrowth) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 No data 650
Mountain Ash (Vic & Tas regrowth) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 No data 650
Messmate (Vic & Tas regrowth) 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 750
Southern Blue Gum (SA plantation) 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 700
Spotted Gum (NSW Regrowth Maculata) 0 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 -6 1100
Brush Box (Qld & NSW) 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -8 -9 900
Manna Gum - Satin Ash (NSW) -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 800
Imported Hardwoods
European Beech +3 +3 +3 No data No data No data No data No data No data 690
Kwila / Merbau (Malaysia) +2 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 850
Sugar Maple (Nth America) -1 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 No data 740
Araucaria - Hoop Pine (Qld & NSW) +3 +2 +2 +2 +1 +1 +1 0 0 550
Radiata Pine (Vic) +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 550
Cypress (Qld & NSW) +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 700
Note:- No correction factors are published for Gympie Messmate, New England Blackbutt or Northern Box.
Oven dry testing is the preferred method for Brush Box.

Timber Flooring - 46 - Version 1 - 2005

Similar to timber, concrete is a porous material that is able to hold water within its structure. As such the
moisture within it can be transferred to adjoining materials and in a similar manner to timber, the rate of
transfer to the atmosphere relates to the relative humidity of the surrounding air. Also similar to timber, water
occurs as free water, bound water and water vapour held in the air within the pores. However the bound water
remains in the structure and is not accounted for. The free water in concrete migrates by capillary action to the
surface where it evaporates off relatively rapidly. Following this, vapour diffusion occurs through the pores and
capillaries within the concrete and this is a much slower process. The water vapour naturally migrates to the
exposed face of the slab where it evaporates until such time that equilibrium is achieved.


Whenever a timber floor is laid over a concrete slab it is important that the slab is sufficiently dry irrespective
of the method of installation of the timber floor. As an added precaution a polyethylene vapour barrier or slab
sealer specific for use with timber flooring can be used. Note that not all sealers used on concrete are
recommended for use with timber floors. Appropriate measures must also be taken when there are
construction joints or where a new slab is added to an existing slab. It is also important to ensure that slabs
have moisture barriers beneath them. The natural drying of the slab can take four to six months depending on
its thickness, presence of beams within the slab and weather conditions. Regardless of the age of the slab its
moisture content should be tested prior to laying a timber floor.


There are various methods of measuring the moisture content of slabs and similar to timber, these include
both electronic moisture meters. However, there are also other means that measure the vapour emission from
the slab. These tests include a simple polyethylene film test, use of a hygrometer to measure the humidity
above or within a slab and use of various chemicals.

Preferences of test method vary considerable and each has its limitations. Meters or use of a hygrometer are
often preferred as they are relative quick and easy to use and results may be recorded. However, as with any
electrical instrument the accuracy of the instrument needs to be taken into consideration and periodic
calibration checks are necessary. Test methods relating to the polyethylene film test, moisture meters and
hygrometer are outlined below.

Polyethylene Film Test

A reasonable check of slab moisture can be obtained by taping down pieces of clear polyethylene film over a
slab and observing what happens. This method is considered to be adequate when used in conjunction with
an appropriate slab sealer or vapour barrier over the slab, prior to installing the floor. The procedure is as
outlined below:-
• Cut squares of clear polyethylene plastic film to approximately 600 mm x 600 mm.
• Place on various areas of the slab where the concrete colour is lighter and even.
• Secure around the edges with duct tape forming an air seal around all four edges.
• Observe after 24 hours and if condensation forms between the plastic and the slab or the slab beneath
the polyethylene has darkened in colour then it is still too wet to install a timber floor and it should be
allowed to cure longer.
• If the slab is of an age that you would expect to be dry and the test indicates that it is not, then moisture
issues relating to drainage etc require investigation.
As an alternative to polyethylene a 300 mm square piece of glass can be used sealed at its edges with a non
water based compound such as plastercine.
Moisture Meters
Both resistance moisture meters and surface meters that use electromagnetic waves are available and the
general methods for using each are outlined below. It is important that those using meters are fully aware of
their accuracy and limitations are able to interpret the results obtained. Manufacturers’ instructions must also

Timber Flooring - 47 - Version 1 - 2005

be followed. It is generally accepted that concrete needs to be below a moisture content of 5.5%, however
with old slabs you would expect readings a few percent below this.

Resistance meters
The resistance meter works in a similar manner to a timber moisture meter, however in order to get the
electrodes into the concrete, two holes need to be drilled and these are generally about 6 mm in diameter, 25
mm deep and 150 mm apart. To provide a conductive path an electrically conductive gel must fill the holes
prior to insertion of the electrodes. Prior to filling the holes it is important that the dust is removed from the
holes and that the holes are filled without air pockets. The meter readings provide the average moisture
content of the concrete between the electrodes. This method is convenient in that it provides a reading at the
press of a button and the meters do not usually require frequent recalibration. However, the method does rely
on knowing the mix and type of concrete used and this is not always known.

When using this method the following should be taken into consideration:-
• The method is only suitable where there is no risk of the drilling impinging on plumbing pipes, electrical
cables or heating elements.
• Readings should be taken after the electrodes have been in the gel for about half a minute.
• Readings should be taken along external walls at 3 m intervals and within 1 m of corners.
• Where columns or slab thickenings are present, further readings should be taken.
• Three tests should be taken in rooms of approximately 15 m2 and an additional test for each 10 m2 to 20
m2 in addition to this.
• If readings are too high the floor requires a further period of drying.

Surface meters
These meters generally have plates on the base of the meter and use electromagnetic waves to determine an
electrical property that relates to the moisture content of the slab. They benefit from being totally non
destructive and provide instantaneous readings. Generally they can provide moisture content readings to a
depth of between 12 mm and 19 mm depending on the make.

When using this method the following should be taken into consideration:-
• Meter readings should be taken in the same localities as for resistance meters. More frequent readings
can be undertaken if desired due to ease of use.
• A clean concrete surface and firm contact with the concrete is necessary to obtain a correct reading.
• Some meters indicate that readings should be used as a guide for further testing.

Relative Humidity Method

The relative humidity of a sealed off air space above a slab can be used to indicate the amount of free water
remaining in the slab. The method involves sealing an airtight box to the slab with a hygrometer (humidity
measuring device) placed inside it. The box traps the water vapour evaporating from the surface of the slab
causing the relative humidity in the airspace to rise. As the humidity increases the evaporation rate from the
slab decreases and a point is reached at a particular relative humidity where no further evaporation occurs.
The point where this equilibrium is reached is dependent on the moisture present in the slab. This method
only provides accurate results with slabs that are allowed to dry ‘normally’. The slab is of acceptable low
moisture content for laying timber floors if the relative humidity reading is less that 70%. It should be noted
that many relative humidity measuring devices are only accurate to ± 5%, however some instruments provide
greater accuracy. Hygrometers depending on their type can be relatively sensitive pieces of equipment and
recalibration checks at least annually should be undertaken.

When using this method the following should be taken into consideration:-
• The boxes need to be out of direct sunlight.
• The boxes must be sealed to the slab with a non water based sealant (e.g. plastercine).
• Measurements should be recorded at the time of installation and after approximately 16 hours.
• For areas up to 25 m2 two readings should be taken, three readings to 100 m2 and six readings to 500 m2.
• If readings are too high the floor requires a further period of drying.

Timber Flooring - 48 - Version 1 - 2005

Timber floors are used in many multi-storey apartments, both in new construction and renovation work. With
new projects, building regulations often apply restrictions to sound transmission between units and in
renovation work the noise associated with any replacement floor can often be no greater than the original
floor. With regard to sound transmission, timber flooring is similar to other hard flooring surfaces and in
particular it will freely transfer impact sounds. For this reason it is necessary to ensure correct detailing and
installation measures in order to provide a floor system with the required sound performance.


Whenever the acoustic performance of a material
is being tested great care is taken to ensure the
material is isolated so that only the sound
transmission through that material is being tested.
When materials are not isolated as occurs in
building, that is floors connected to walls and
walls being common to upper and lower storey
units, additional non-direct sound transmission
paths or ‘flanking’ paths are introduced. Sound
from a floor above can then radiate from the wall
surfaces in the unit beneath and this can
contribute considerably to sound transmission
between units.

This indicates that great care is necessary in

building design and detailing to provide effective
solutions and the system needs to consider
Acoustic underlay and floor isolation significantly reduces direct and
providing isolation, absorptive materials and flanking noise transmission.
increased mass (i.e. slab thickness). Each of
these is important in order to reduce sound
transmission. Timber floors, as with other hard
floor surfaces are particularly affected by impact
noise resulting from foot traffic.


Timber floors on battens
Timber floors over concrete slabs are often fixed to battens which are in turn directly fixed to the concrete
slab. To provide a degree of isolation between the slab and the batten resilient pads may be used between
the batten and the slab. Fixing of the batten to the slab is still necessary and this will result in some sound
transmission. Generally, thicker battens require less frequent fixing and thereby reduce the frequency of direct
fixing. With battens at 450 mm centers, 19 mm strip flooring may be used for domestic loading. The flooring
may be secretly fixed to 19 mm thick hardwood batten or top nailed. If top nailing is used the hardwood
battens needs to be at least 35 mm thick. For more specific details of floor fixing refer to Section 3 of this

Timber floors over sheet floors

This system utilizes a complete sheet of acoustic underlay over an existing timber floor or slab. A plywood
sub-floor is then laid over the acoustic underlay and fixed to the slab or timber floor beneath. Again the fixing
of the sub-floor will result in some sound transmission. Both 19 mm thick and overlay flooring may be used in
this instance as the boards are fully supported. Secret fixing with the addition of a polyurethane flooring
adhesive is generally used to fix the boards. More specific floor fixing details are provided in Section 3 of this

Timber Flooring - 49 - Version 1 - 2005

Selecting the underlay and isolation pads
The purpose of the underlay or pads is to provide isolation of the timber floor from the building elements
beneath. Many products are available and each should have test data relating to performance. The products
need to be:-
• Pads need to be sufficiently thick to ensure separation is maintained when the floor is being walked on.
• Rigid to prevent compression when the floor is walked on.
• Provide long term performance without flattening, particularly under heavy appliances and furniture.

Isolation at floor edges

It was outlined above that isolation is a key aspect to prevent flanking sound transmission. Gaps need to be
maintained between the flooring and all walls, steps, window joinery etc. and a small gap is also necessary
between the skirting and the floor boards.

Further improvements
Improvements in sounds transmission from a floor to a unit below can also be achieved at the design stage by
ensuring that the slab is of adequate thickness. An extra 25 mm in slab thickness can make a significant
difference to sound transmission. In addition to this, ceiling systems can also be used which isolate the sound
source (i.e. timber floor) from the unit beneath. These systems generally consist of a grid of isolation mounts with
furring channels attached. Insulation and plasterboard complete the system. With multi-residential timber framed
construction (MRTFC) two layers of fire rated plasterboard are used. Such systems are effective and are
considered to be relatively economical. Finally, rugs, hall runners and mats used in conjunction with timber
flooring can not only complement the timber floor but with their sound absorbing properties, can also reduce noise
levels both within and between units.

Timber Flooring - 50 - Version 1 - 2005

Flooring Manufacturer: ......................................................…....

Pack Nos. .................…........ ..................…........ ..................…........ ..................…........

Species/Species mix: ................................. Cover width …………………….. Grade: .................…….........

Wrapping is in good condition and there are no signs of the product getting wet. Yes ‰ No ‰

Boards should be checked for:-

ƒ Cupping (Use a steel rule or similar)
ƒ Cover width (Should not vary by more than
1mm between boards)
ƒ Tongue and groove tolerance
(Snug fit to slightly loose)

Note:- Cover width variation exceeding 1mm, sloppy T&G fit, signs of moisture or cupping may indicate possible problems.
Widest Moisture Cover Cupping Narrowest Moisture Cover Cupping
Boards Content Width Boards Content Width
1 1
2 2
3 3
Note:- Ensure that the appropriate moisture meter corrections have been applied. Moisture contents should be between 9% and 14%
(average between 10% and 12% is common).


Site location ……………………………….. Average 9am RH ……………….. Average ext EMC ………………..
Note: If the external EMC is greater than 2% higher or 1% lower than the estimated average moisture content then additional provision for
future expansion or shrinkage needs to be considered (refer Section 2).

If applicable, are sub-floor conditions dry, ground levels beneath dwelling not lower than external ground and
graded to prevent ponding, ventilation to recommendations and ground sloping away from dwelling?
Yes ‰ No ‰
Note: If ‘no’ then these issues may need to be attended to or other measures taken prior to installing the floor.

If the floor is laid on joists ensure the joists are sufficiently level.

If the floor is over a concrete slab or sheet sub-floor, are the sub-floors adequately level, dry and in good

Slab moisture contents or checks undertaken with the following results: ……………….. ………………..
Slab level checked and within ± ……………… mm in 1.5 m throughout (plywood or batten system).
Note: Maximum is ± 3 mm

If sheet sub-floors have become wet prior to or during construction and may not have sufficiently dried then
moisture contents need to be checked. Moisture contents are as follows:
……………….. ……………….. ………………..
Note: Plywood and particleboard moisture contents need to be determined with oven dry testing. Sheet sub-floors should be within 2% of
the timber flooring moisture content being laid over it. Slab moisture contents need to be below 5.5% in new slabs and can be expected to
be lower in old slabs (refer Appendices A2 and A3).

Timber Flooring - 51 - Version 1 - 2005

If the floor is over a concrete slab then check it for construction joints and determine whether it has a moisture
barrier beneath the slab.
Note: If construction or similar joints are present in slabs then possible moisture penetration from capillary action needs to be considered.
Older slabs may not have moisture barriers beneath the slab and are more prone to seasonal moisture fluctuations that can affect timber

The following slab moisture barrier as applicable has been applied to or over the slab.
If wide board flooring is being used greater shrinkage can be expected during dry times.

In moist localities high levels of expansion can be expected (Ensure adequate additional expansion allowance).

Is the building design such that the floor will experience high levels of sunlight or has heating/air-conditioning
systems? (Drier in-service conditions can be expected at certain times of the year - shrinkage gaps more likely) Is the underside of
the floor is exposed to dry winds or mist? (Sealing or protection to the underside of the floor needs to be considered to assist in
controlling both expansion and shrinkage). Is the floor an upper storey floor (drier in-service conditions can be expected - shrinkage
gaps more likely) or below grade in shady conditions? (Moister in-service conditions can be expected - ensure adequate
expansion allowance - refer Section 2).


Based on the expected in-service movement the following pre-installation procedures have been undertaken.
Note: Acclimatisation (flooring stripped out or loose layed) or provision of additional expansion allowance etc should be recorded.
This floor is being laid by the following method.
Based on the movement expected and condition of the floor at the time of sanding and finishing some floor
finishes are more appropriate than others. (Possible issues such as wear, grain raise, edge-bonding and white lines need to be
The finish system used on this floor is …………………………………

(Note: The above is provided as a guide only. Additional testing may be necessary or there may be the need for
other considerations).

Timber Flooring - 52 - Version 1 - 2005

In most instances timber floors perform well in a wide range of localities and with a wide range of installation
practices depending on the sub-floor type. There can however be instances where the performance or
appearance of the floor can be affected and the major contributing factors are as follows:-
• The manufacture of the product does not meet Australian Standards
• Recognized installation and finishing procedures are not followed
• Moisture ingress directly (e.g. leaks) or indirectly (e.g. seepage into sub-floor space)
• Aspects where the owner has not paid adequate attention to the floor
The table below outlines some of the performance issues with timber floors, common causes and how they
appear in the floor.
Common causes Appearance in the floor
Cupping • Moisture from beneath the floor. • Boards cup throughout the floor and the floor is
• Dry conditions above the floor. • Boards cup throughout but gaps are present at
board joints.
• High moisture contents in boards at time of • Some boards in the floor will cup in the floor
manufacture. but not others.
Crowning • Moisture uptake and the floor sanded and • During dry periods the floor gaps at board
finished in this condition. edges and develops a washboard look.
Peaking • High pressure on the upper shoulder of the • The joints at board edges are raised. This can
board often resulting from atmospheric have the appearance of cupping.
moisture uptake. Board tolerances and MC
differences between supply and in-service also
Tenting • High expansion. May be directly related to high • Adjacent boards in the floor rise at the joint
humidity or other moisture issues. May relate above the level of the floor.
to inadequate expansion allowance, poor
ventilation or inadequate fixing.
Buckling • High expansion. May be directly related to high • A group of adjacent boards lift off the sub-floor.
humidity or other moisture issues. May relate
to inadequate expansion allowance, poor
ventilation or inadequate fixing.
Wide or • The finish gluing adjacent boards and the floor • Loud cracking noises, irregularly spaced wide
irregular shrinking. gaps and splits through boards
gapping • High moisture contents in boards at time of • Gaps at board edges associated with narrow
manufacture. cover width boards.
• Boards inappropriately stored and have taken • Frequent gapping and the measurement over
up moisture prior to laying. sections of the floor is inconsistent.
• Wide boards and dry conditions. • Regular wide gaps.

Tenting resulting from atmospheric moisture uptake. Wide gaps due to high moisture contents at the time
of machining.

Timber Flooring - 53 - Version 1 - 2005

A high standard of sanding and finishing can be expected when the floor is sanded and finished, however some
sanding and finishing imperfections can be expected. The degree to which imperfections are apparent depends
on many factors including timber colour and use of down lights both of which can highlight such things as sanding
marks and dust in the finish. Consequently it is difficult to provide objective measures of finishing imperfections.
Even so it is known that a high standard of workmanship also provides an equally high standard of customer
acceptance and satisfaction. When the appearance of a floor is being assessed, the assessment should be
carried out in daylight hours with lights on and curtains or
blinds in their usual position. Imperfections should be
viewed from a standing position a few meters away and
from various directions. If the imperfection is difficult to
discern then the appearance is generally satisfactory. It
should be noted that viewing any imperfection directly
toward light sources such as toward uncovered sliding
external doors will always exaggerate imperfections and this
needs to be considered when evaluating the floors
appearance. In addition to this, aspects to be considered
should include whether the imperfection is in excess of what
would generally occur, whether it is likely to covered by
furniture or floor rugs and whether the imperfection will Rejection and contamination in the finish.
decrease in time with foot traffic. The table below outlines
some of the sanding and finishing imperfections with timber
floors, common causes and how they appear in the floor.
Common causes Appearance in the floor
Rejection • Contaminants leaching out of the flooring • Ranges from a change in a localized gloss
affecting the curing of the finish. level to an ‘orange peel’ appearance.
Delamination • Movement of the timber at board joints or at • The finish peels at board joints or board end.
the end of the board. Inappropriate sealers.
Quilting • Surface coatings flow into the joints between • A lack of consistency of the coating over board
boards joints highlighting the joints and giving a bed
quilt appearance
Contaminants • Cleanliness of the floor • Small specks or insects in the finish which is
• Windy external conditions often worse near poorly sealing external doors
• Dust in gapped boards or under skirting
Pimples • Fine air bubbles occurring during coating • Popped bubbles in the finish
White lining • The rapid stretching of waterborne finishes • White lines appearing along board joints
when boards gap.
Edge bonding • Finish flowing into gaps at board edges and • Wide irregular spaced gapping at board edges
gluing boards together. • Splits in boards
• Thinned finish used as a sealer and
penetrating fine joints between boards
Gloss variation • Weather conditions • Shiny and dull patches in the finish
• Surface evenness of the boards
Swirl marks • Rotary sanding particularly at the edges of • Circular swirling scratch marks
Chatter marks • Vibration in the floor • Undulations running across several boards
• Sanding technique

Timber Flooring - 54 - Version 1 - 2005

Timber Flooring - 55 - Version 1 - 2005

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