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Assignment Hmef5083 Rosazali

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PART A : According to Reiser and Dempsey (2002) online learning is any learning that uses the Internet to deliver some form of instruction to a learner or learners separated by time, distance or both. The strength of online learning lies in the fact that it enables independent as well as collaborative learning. Write an article in response to the above.



All educators, designers and scholars involved in instructional design process have taught of the boundaries of the field they are in for ages. There are important questions that professionals in the field should be able to answer or, because there is no generally accepted correct definition or answer, at least be able to discuss intelligently. This paper intended to provide readers with information to get answers these questions. This paper will examine and discuss how the definition of the instructional design (ID) field has changed over the years, and present accepted definitions in the instructional process as well as in industry and health education.

What is online learning? It is the new face of teacher training and development in the world. Online learning, also known as e-learning, is a learning experience delivered via a computer and the Internet. Online learning is a method of delivering educational information via the internet instead of in a physical classroom. There are many different applications for online learning, ranging in scope from simple downloadable content (like iTunes U) through to structured programmes that include assessment and award. Online learning has struggled to find acceptance in academic circles. The term of e-learning has been used in the world frequently since around 2000. Some people define e-learning as distance education using the Internet and/or other information technologies. It is difference from the norm of campusbased education has raised questions over the support offered to students and the merit of the award. For some people an online education isn't suitable. They might find it hard to motivate themselves or difficult to study at home. However, if you're looking to get ahead or even change your career path, or are looking for a formal qualification in an area of personal interest to you, an online education is a way of achieving this without sacrificing your lifestyle as much as a campus-based education would require you to. Do you want to improve your teaching skills but dont have time to do a training course in the evening or at the weekend? There arent any teacher training opportunities in

your home town, and then online learning is the answer for you. Your classroom can be wherever you're connected to the internet. With mobile internet it's perfectly possible to join in a class discussion while taking the bus to work or working on your tan on the beach.


Distance Learning

Distance learning is conventionally defined as... "any educational or learning process or system in which the teacher and instructor are separated geographically or in time from his or her students; or in which students are separated from other students or educational resources. Contemporary distance learning is affected through the implementation of computer and electronics technology to connect teacher and student in either real or delayed time or on an as-needed basis. Content delivery may be achieved through a variety of technologies, including satellites, computers, cable television, interactive video, electronic transmissions via telephone lines, and others. Distance learning does not preclude traditional learning processes; frequently it is used in conjunction with in-person classroom or professional training procedures and practices. It is also called distributed learning."

In a simple word, distance learning defines as an instructional delivery system that connects learners with educational resources. Distance learning provides educational access to learners not enrolled in educational institutions and can augment the learning opportunities of current students. The implementation of distance learning is a process that uses available resources and will evolve to incorporate emerging technologies.

Distance education or distance learning is a mode of delivering education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides "access to learning when the source of information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both." Distance education courses that require a physical on-site presence for any reason (including taking examinations) have been referred to as hybrid or blended courses of study. (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia)

There are two distance education delivery system categories - synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous instruction requires the simultaneous participation of all students and instructors. The advantage of synchronous instruction is that interaction is done in "real

time" and has immediacy. Examples include interactive telecourses, teleconferencing and web conferencing, and Internet chats. Asynchronous instruction does not require the simultaneous participation of all students and instructors. Students do not need to be gathered together in the same location at the same time. Rather, students may choose their own instructional time frame and interact with the learning materials and instructor according to their schedules. Asynchronous instruction is more flexible than synchronous instruction, but experience shows that time limits are necessary to maintain focus and participation. The selfpaced format accommodates multiple learning levels and schedules. Examples of asynchronous delivery include e-mail, listservs, audiocassette courses, videotaped courses, correspondence courses, and WWW-based courses.


Why Distance Learning?

Distance education increases access to learning opportunities. Well organized distance learning accommodates multiple learning styles. Distance learning serves learners who are not likely to attend traditional classroom instruction (effectiveness). In some cases it can serve as many or more learners per dollar spent (efficiency). Adult life for many is complex and demanding. Many adults are unable to or unwilling to attend traditional adult education schools and classrooms for many reasons including: having work and family obligations that make attending a regular class time difficult; learning more effectively from video, audio, and webbased media when moving at their own pace; experiencing the dearth of public transportation systems in many parts of the state, needing more practice of skills to achieve mastery; living in locations without convenient access to traditional classes, and/or lacking the full confidence to participate in a large classroom setting in front of other students. People who can't attend traditional classes because of these realities need alternatives. These adults are prime targets for distance learning. They are motivated to continue their education, but limited by circumstances as to how they participate in adult basic education. Flexible learning approaches that are not classroom cantered appeal to these potential learners. Distance learning provides students with access to education through a network of various technologies. Instructor and students interact at a distance without having to be physically present in the same location. Distance learning provides students greater flexibility in achieving their educational goals through audio, video, and computer technologies.


The biggest advantage of an online course is that your virtual classroom will be available to you 24 hours, a day, and seven days a week. Online courses allow us the chance to spend more time on training and less time in traffic. Direct email access to other teachers and your trainer to share ideas and opinions. Learning via the Internet opens up a world of possibilities for your personal and professional life by improving your skills in using technology. Online learning allows you to revisit the course content, documents, and discussion forums as often as you like. A growing positive trend towards the use of distance learning in higher education more members of faculty now have greater accessibility to computers, e-mail, and the Internet. Also, distance learning allows for continual technological advancements such as Smart Boards and data projectors usage. The more technology that is being used in the classrooms the more able teachers are to incorporate and to engage there students into learning. Technology in the classroom has improved education from the instructor perspective, because it allows the instructor to be interactive with the students.


Is Distance Learning For Me?

Distance Learning is not for everyone. Distance learning in many cases provides students greater flexibility. This flexibility includes freeing students from the constraints of travel or relocation, affording them opportunities to take courses otherwise non-accessible due to scheduling or physical constraints. As a result, students have more control over their own learning; successful completion will depend on the individual student's self-discipline and commitment to the course or program. In general, a successful distance learner is someone who:

Gets organized and stays organized. Learns effectively outside of the traditional Face-to-Face classroom. Keeps participating in a course that does not require regular Face-to-Face or in class attendance.

Functions well with receiving input and feedback that is asynchronous. Is able to trouble-shoot technical difficulties. Communicates effectively, efficiently and politely in writing. Asks questions to clarify and answers questions of other students.

Students should have working knowledge of the computer and proficient online skills in order to be successful in a distance learning course. This includes the ability to perform

basic computer operations, Internet skills such as accessing the web and using search engines, and the ability to use online communication tools such as email, discussion forums and chat.


Types of Distance Learning

The types of distance learning can be organized along several descriptive dimensions. Low tech to high tech is useful in the adult basic education field. Remember, however, that these individual types can be mixed into hybrid forms. The following Table on outlines the most popular types of distance learning by their characteristics and notable features.
Type Characteristic Notable Features


Audio learning tool, very mobile and inexpensive when combined with print materials.

Useful in language learning and practice as well as literature. Linear format.

Videotape in VHS and DVD formats

Visual and audio tool; the checkout approach with print materials is very popular in California.

Multi-sensory tool with linear delivery format.

Laptop computer checkout

Versatile approach to providing a wide range of learning activities from skill and drill to simulations.

Hardware is expensive and being replaced by less expensive Internet delivery.

Mobile van / lab

Resources taken to the learners, useful for work site learning and reaching parents at elementary schools. Van learning.

Historically useful way to distribute videos, audiotapes, DVDs, and other learning tools, but it can be expensive to operate. It is less and less popular as distributed learning increases.

Radio course

Low cost way to reach ESL learners. Ideally it should be used by more learning providers.

The radio course must include ways for learners to interact with the instructor. Phone call in during or after air time could be integrated into the programming.


Delivery over television, usually a cable public access channel or school owned channel.

The telecourse must include ways for learners to interact with the instructor. Phone call in is popular. Print materials accompany on-air instruction.

Videoconference Two way interactive video

Electronic communications among people at separate locations. Can be audio, audio graphic, video or computer based.

Often uses proprietary software and consequently expensive. Internet models and broadband communications are making it more affordable and accessible.


Asynchronous text files and attachments.

Good tool to stimulate learning, writing, and communications skills.


Instructionally delivery over the Internet, either learning modules or entire courses.

Instructional learning systems permit teachers to create, manage, communicate with, and test students online. The interactivity and ability to hyperlink to worldwide learning resources are extremely attractive. Improved broadband communications are enabling the effective use of video and synchronous communications. Chat and asynchronous communications facilitate links between the teacher and learner and among the learners.

Table 1 : Outlines of the most popular types of distance learning by their characteristics and notable features



Online Class

Online class has seen as a major surge in popularity in the past few years. This means good news for those hoping to take course online or pursue and online degree program, as many online collages are offering a wider array of majors and certifications and degrees are becoming more highly respected by potential employers. There are an ever growing number of online classes and degrees out there that you can pursue through online education. These cover popular fields like business administration, education, health care, information technology, law and vocational training.

An online class has the same requirements as a regular class with the same instructor. Online students must have determination and be self-motivated. Because you do not attend on campus, you have to be self-disciplined to go to your online class and do the work and study as needed/required. An online class takes the same time and effort as a regular campus class does. Remember, for every hour a student is in a class, he/she should spend two additional hours studying, reading, doing homework, etc. This means a five-credit class requires at least 15 hours of class and study time per week whether you are enrolled in an online class or a regular class. In addition to the requirements, knowledge and skill, of a regular class, an online student must have the additional knowledge and skills to be successful online.


PART B : Using ACTIONS Model by Bates (i995) as guideline, review a technology tool used in your school/ institution/organization (e.g. computers, learning management system, online forums, courseware such as CDs, etc.) Write an essay discussing the issues and challenges involved in adopting this technology tool in your

school/institution/ organization.



Institutions and organizations need a guideline for selecting e-technology. Simply purchasing the cheapest item off the rack or doing whats fast is not going to help them sustain, or progress into a successful future. The selection and use of technologies for teaching and learning is driven as much by context and values and beliefs as by hard scientific evidence or rigorous theory. Without some guiding principles, and given the fast escalating range of technologies, educators are open to technological determinism or the total rejection of technology for teaching without some models to guide the selection and use of media.

If we consider a teacher facing a group of students and a curriculum to teach, or a learner seeking to develop their own learning, what advice can we give them when they ask whether or not to use one technology or another? Lastly, there are the great unanswered questions still to be asked: what is best done face-to-face and what online, and in what contexts? What is the role of the human teacher, and can/should/will he/she be replaced by technology? These are fundamental questions for education and these posts will attempt (with your help, I hope) to provide some models or frameworks that will enable such questions to be answered, and choices and uses to be made effectively and pragmatically so that the learning experience is optimized.

There are deep philosophical, technical and pragmatic challenges in trying to provide a model or set of models flexible but practical enough to handle the huge range of factors involved. The theories and beliefs about education will influence strongly the choice and use of different technologies. On the technical side, it is becoming increasingly difficult to classify or categorize technologies, not just because they are changing so fast, but also because technologies have many different qualities and affordances that change according to the contexts in which they are used. On the pragmatic side, the focus is not solely on the

educational characteristics of technologies but there are social, organizational, cost and accessibility issues also to be considered.

There are many models can be uses in selecting the technologies tools in educational. Huddlestone & Pikes (2008) using seven (7) Key decision Factors for Selecting E -Learning and Lambert & Williams (1999) with their three (3) Steps for choosing educational technologies. One of the frameworks for selecting technology most familiar is Tony Bates' (1995) ACTIONS model. Tony Bates who is the Director of Distance Education and Technology and Continuing Studies at the University of British Columbia and also the author of five books, including 'Technology, Open Learning and Distance Education', published by Routledge in June, 1995, which won a NUCEA award for the best book on distance education in 1995 spelled out, the acronym ACTIONS refers to: Accessibility, Cost, Teaching and learning, Interactivity and user-friendliness, Organizational issues, Novelty, and Speed. Using a model like ACTIONS can offer businesses direction and history when figuring out where they have been and where they need to go for the future.



The ACTIONS model has been welcomed by decision-makers as an organising principle for selecting technologies. They will find it useful to have the model updated for the newer technologies of the web. As a member of SK Parit Keroma, Muar I do have my concern to get some information about decision make on selecting the technologies tools in this government school. Did the headmaster or headmistress using the ACTIONS model or not in making the decision to select the technologies tools (web video conferencing)?

Probably the greatest challenge that universities and colleges or even school face today is the need to maintain and even improve the quality of teaching and learning, given the changing circumstances in which they find themselves. Can technology help? Hiltz suggested the importance of encouraging student participation, making material relevant and the role of instructors in weaving student communication. This suggestion is well-supported by theories of learning that highlight the importance of social interactions in the construction of knowledge (Bruner, 2001; Dewey, 1929; Kafai & Resnick, 1996). Besides this important point, the following questions also highlight other points that you should consider when assessing the use of technology in teaching and learning:

(a) (b) (c)

Did using instructional technology help students use resources more efficiently? What skills/knowledge have students gained as a result of the instructional activity? How have students benefited from the skills/knowledge gained from the instructional activity?

(d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

Did the instructional activity/approach help to attain learning objectives? What were the outcomes of the instructional activity/ approach? Did the instructional activity/approach meet established instructional expectations? Did the technology help students master a concept that is hard to learn? Did students develop new kinds of skills or knowledge by using technology?

Table 2: The ACTIONS model for selecting educational technologies (from Bates, 1995: 1-2)





The web video conferencing is accessibility for the learner but it is dependent on the capability of the internet and it is helpful for longer distance learner. The web video conferencing is very flexibility in which the target group can use it provides a multiple forms of interaction for the group students. In this SK Parit Keroma the internet can be access anywhere around the school especially in the class which is the places that the most students attend.



The infrastructure of the WWW is strong web around the world. The cost for the uses of internet is expensive. However, SK Parit Keroma as a government school are provided with the free internet surfing that already covered by the YES company. The school are provided with 4 zoom with already been put at 4 different spot area for the teacher access it easily. The web video conferencing is not very expansive.


Teaching and Learning

The web video conferencing can provide multiple instructional approaches. We can use audio visual and two ways of communications. Thats mean is smellier to the traditional way in face to face. About the content it can be adapted in the web video conferencing provides audio and visual media. There are many of programs and services in the internet support to distance learning like e-mail, face book, twitter and many more. Teach English in this SK Parit Keroma, by using the web video conference will help students improve their English language because they will try to conferencing with the students at the other side to exchange their knowledge and information and also will help teacher access their students in doing their homework after school. Mason and Rennie (2008) write "Experience has long been considered the best teacher of knowledge. Since we cannot experience everything, other people's experiences, and hence other people, become the surrogate for knowledge".




Interactivity and User-friendliness

The web video conferencing is an interactive platform in which the interaction is a key success in it. Web video conferencing includes audio and video instruments which make interactions possible between the teacher and the learner, where the learner can receive immediate and personalized feedback about his or her performance or between learners themselves, where they can learn from their peers either inside or outside classes. It allows also interaction between the users and the content using Whiteboard in which users can view, write and edit information from any Windows-based application onto the whiteboard. This web video conferencing is incredibly user-friendly, as the audio and video will turn on automatically when a connection has been established. Moreover, it contains simple and distinct interface design. Therefore the whiteboard provides an ideal platform for the negotiation of meaning in task completion as well as constructive learning.


Organizational Issues

It requires human support, technical support, production teams and administrator. The requirement of the web video conferencing is similar to academic institutions. The barriers of the web video conferencing are fewer. However, organization should check the internet connection speed system. It should also check the accessibility tools and issues. In addition, it should check the transferability issues like the media and hardware compatibility. In addition, it should specify a technical group to make these checks, make on going updating if required, and solve any technical problem. Using a dial-up connection, the sound and video quality can be inconsistent and unstable at peak Internet times. Users may face some problems with a firewall, which often blocks the video for security reasons Organization should meet all the hardware requirements like adequate microphones and speakers, Adequate bandwidth capacity at least 4GB, network card, Internet or Intranet connection (TCP/IP), pc computers or mobile phone, technical support, and Windows 95/98, Me, NT, 2000, XP and also Windows 7. Irani and Teig (2002) declare that "skills alone are not enough ... in many instances instructors must change their teaching style" as they learn how to operate or at least understand the operations of the technology they are using (Conceptual and Theoretical Framework).





It is interesting to note here, that at one time, Twitter (2008), the free short social mass text messaging service was novel. Skype (2008), the free Voice over Internet Protocol application was also considered novel. Blogs were novel. Wikis were novel. Novelty should be least important, but it is also difficult to determine today, and "novel" social software can co-exist quietly with Web Tycho without the need for demanding the most funding dollars. The web video conferencing allow users to use many features at the same times like sending messages to others during audio-video conferencing. It contains whiteboard which enable instructor or students to draw, cut, past or write information on it. It enables real time interaction using audio-video conferencing tools.



Speed depends on several factors. If the software is to be hosted on the institution's networks it will require training the IT staff to install, administer, and maintain it. Then instructors must be trained to use it and work it into learning activities in their courses. It is not as simple as saying "go blog," or "do a wiki". After that the change is digital materials is not need a long time. Web video conference enable us to create high quality course in short time because its very easy to use and doesnt require any technical capability to use it. In addition, teacher can use many capabilities to support its lectures like whiteboard, text chatting, audio and video conferencing, application and file sharing. This course can distributed to students easily through file and application sharing and audio and video conferencing, so students can download teacher lecture from file sharing capability after seeing it lecture in video conferencing.



Institutions and organizations need a guideline for selecting e-technology. Simply purchasing the cheapest item off the rack or doing whats fast is not going to help them sustain, a progress into a successful future. Using a model like ACTIONS can offer businesses direction and history when figuring out where they have been and where they need to go for the future. It is intended as a set of questions to be asked by distance educators when making decisions about investment in technology, and when choosing specific media and


technology applications for a course, this model has been found to be equally practical and useful for campus-based teaching with technology.

PART C : Prepare a technology-enhanced lesson plan for a subject area or a course of study of your choice for a primary, secondary or tertiary class. Use Gagnes Instructional Design Theory in designing your lesson plan. The lesson plan should cover the three major elements of Gagnes Instructional Design Theory i.e. Taxonomy of learning outcomes, internal and external conditions and the Nine Events of Instruction. Your lesson plan should provide your students with at least TWO (2) web resources (Internet websites) which are related to the goals and objectives of the lesson. Ensure that the activities planned in the lesson promote higher order thinking skills among the students.

Lesson Plan

: Learning Vocabulary by Using Web Video Conference


: 1. Students will be able to listen to the correct pronunciations 2. Students will be able to pronouncing the vocabulary correctly


: Year 4

Event of Instruction

Lesson Example


1. Gaining Attention

Teacher tells learners how he Giving has used the Web Video information Conference in the classroom. validity.

background creates

Shows a few example videos The use of multimedia on projection screen/TV grabs attention. the audience's


Asks learners questions about Asking questions in the diagramming. beginning creates an

interactive atmosphere.



2. Informing the Learner Teacher says, Today I am Making learners aware of of the Objective going to show you how to use what to expect allows them Web Video Conference in the to internet. prepare to receive


3. Stimulating Recall of For this particular group of When learning something Prior Learning learners, they have learned new, accessing prior

previously about conferencing knowledge is a major factor with others in the internet. in the process of acquiring Teacher associates this new information.

knowledge with lesson at hand.

4. Presenting the Stimulus Teacher gives students step-by- The goal is information step tutorial on using Web acquisition, therefore, the Video Conference that can be stimulus use directly in the internet. written employed content and is the

actual software program.



Learner Teacher demonstrates how to Learners are allowed to try make a discussion on screen the tools demonstrated in with camera on it. Teacher partners shows students how to use Web computers. Video Conference by having Teacher uses "discovery on their


conferencing with others in the learning" because learners internet to learn the vocabulary. are adults and it gives them the freedom to explore. Teacher facilitates the

learning process by giving hints and cues when needed.



6. Eliciting Performance




to Requiring the learner to

demonstrate the Web Video produce based on what has Conference tools. been taught enables the learner to confirm their learning.

7. Giving Feedback

Teacher feedback

gives to

immediate Regular feedback enhances after learning.


eliciting responses.

8. Assessing Performance

Assign a practice activity - Independent practice forces Create a diagram that focuses students to use what they on animals in the sea. learned Assessing Teacher checks work. instructors testing and apply such a it. gives of





9. Enhancing Retention Teacher asks learners to create Applying learning in realand Transfer activities using Web Video life situations is a step Conference. towards Mastery Learning.

Teacher also charges learner with teaching another learner how to use Web Video





Bates, A.W., (1995). Technology, open learning and distance education. London: Routledge

Huddlestone, J., & Pike, J. (2008). Seven key decision factors for selecting e-learning. Cognition, Technology & Work.

Lambert, S. & Williams, R., (1999). A model for selecting educational technologies to improve student learning. HERDSA Annual International Conference, Melbourne, 12-15, July 1999.

Ekhlas Alsaadi, ACTIONS MODELS (Mobile Learning Technology),

Sultan Qaboos

University, College of Education, Department of Instructional & Learning Technologies.









ACTIONS Model For selecting distance education media and technology: TV broadcasting, http://www.slideshare.net/u083486/tv-and-actionmodel

ACTIONS Model : Mobile Learning, http://www.slideshare.net/u082934/action-model

Diana Laurillard,

A Review of Technology, Open Learning and Distance Education



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