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Research Method

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This assignment is a part of the required subjects to be taken during the Bachelor of Education
for research method subject. This is done during the semester before advancing into the industrial
training program where it helps everyone to develop knowledge and skills. With this, students can
learn problem-solving skills and learn to do a complete formatted report which is vital to their future
career. The purpose of this assignment was to develop the knowledge of the barriers that are facing by
e-learner regarding engagement with e-learning content in online education. This project provides
beneficial information where it helps to identify whether the lack of community involvement in online
education prevents the engagement between the online learners and e-Learning content. Also, it helps
to determine whether e-learning challenging material influences the barriers. Moreover, the project
also focuses on how the lack of awareness of the benefits among the people and what makes personal
cognition became the barriers of the engagement between the online learners and e-Learning content.


In this 21st Century, we are more advanced in using modern ways in every sector of our works.
The rapid of the advancement of technology are greater than before in our education. Most educators and
students are involved in online learning when we are facing the pandemic of Covid19. Technology and
internet are working together to make things more handy. In addition, Amaoge and Igwebuike (2016)
believe that the internet has increasingly become an invariable asset in education in terms of learning,
teaching and research. It is convenient for students or even educators to engage with their learning and
teaching. Also, internet is able to link million of people from different places to share the ideas and
knowledge regarding the same issues. By sharing the knowledge, they are able to be more knowledge to
have lot of information.

E-learning stands for Electronic learning. We are having the learning through the assist of internet
and an electronic device, for example, the laptop, handphone and, tablet. It makes the learning become
easier among the students. As mentioned by Howlett et al, “Electronic (e) or online learning can be
defined as the use of electronic technology and media to deliver, support and enhance both learning and
teaching and involves communication between learners and teachers utilising online content”. They are
likely more to online learning in helping the students. It works well when the teachers and students can
keep communication in and out of the school area. It also helps the students to keep engage with the
things that they have learned. Teachers can easily monitor their progression and their parents also can
give a hand to help their children improve. It will make the students learn according to their paces.

Online learning is one of the great ways to be implemented. The benefits that come from online
learning help the students to adapt to their time of schedules. They are flexible to learn at any setting of
places, times and whenever they have their free time. It is not required to be at the same places as
educators like the traditional ways. They can access their learning whenever they are free to do so. The
learning process still can be ongoing without any stumbling block. Besides, online education established
more educational means than traditional education (Kumar, 2017). Online learning can bring us to the
next level in expanding our methods of learning. Also, online learning is student-centred learning. They
are focusing more on the students. It magnifies the students' outcomes and can be a measure of the quality
of the education. Furthermore, it can be an opportunity for the students to learn according to their paces.
There will be no more excuses for any of them to be left behind. They can access the materials and learn
it by themselves.

However, some barriers will occur for online learners to engage in online education. As described
by Asma Zaineb (2016), “Change is always difficult to accept and e-Learning is no exception.” The lack
of community involvement in e-Learning. They are not interested to change into new methods of learning
and teaching. It requires them to learn something new regarding how to handle the technology and it
could be bothersome for certain people. They will feel good to stay in their comfort zone by using
traditional methods. It is better to change to encourage the learning to become more efficient for online

In conclusion, online learning is one of the great ways in learning. It gives lot of benefits for the
online learners. However, it also have the barriers that that inhibit the online learners engagement with e-
Learning content in online education. Both of the pros and cons will help us to distinguish the problems
that we have.

Understanding e-Learning is simple. e-Learning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to

access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course,
program or degree delivered completely online.There are many terms used to describe learning that is
delivered online, via the internet, ranging from Distance Education, to computerized electronic
learning, online learning, internet learning and many others. We define e -Learning as courses that are
specifically delivered via the internet to somewhere other than the classroom where the professor is
teaching. Sometimes it is delivered live, where you can “electronically” raise your hand and interact in
real time and sometimes it is a lecture that has been prerecorded. There is always a teacher or professor
interacting or communicating with you and grading your participation, your assignments and your tests.
e-Learning has been proven to be a successful method of training and education is becoming a way of

There are some characteristic of e-learning that is provides reflection opportunities. Learner-centered
e-learning provides opportunities for learner to relate content to their role or personal situation through
thought-provoking self-reflective learning checks. Second characteristic of e-learning is friendly and easy
to use. It is because enable learner to take control and find what they need quickly. Besides that, learner
should be able to navigate the course intuitively through course design that implement sound user
experience principles. Next character of e-learning is personalized learning. In learner-centered e-
learning, the content speaks directly to the learner as an individual rather than addressing the learning
audience as a group. This will helps create the feeling of a personalized learning experience and generates
emotional connection with the content.

Some important of e-learning is online learning accommodates everyone’s needs. The online method
of learning is best suited for everyone. This digital revolution has led to remarkable changes in how the
content is accessed, consumed, discussed, and shared. Online educational courses can be taken up by
office goers and housewives too, at the time that suits them. Depending on their availability and comfort,
many people choose to learn at weekends or evenings. Second point is lectures can be taken any number
of times. Unlike classroom teaching, with online learning you can access the content an unlimited number
of times. This is especially required at the time of revision when preparing for an exam. In traditional
form of learning, if you can not attend the lecture, then you have to prepare for that topic on your own; in
e-Learning, you can attend the lectures whenever you want with ease. The third important of e-learning is
reduced costs. e-Learning is cost effective as compared to traditional forms of learning. The reason for
this price reduction is because learning through this mode happens quickly and easily. A lot of training
time is reduced with respect to trainers, travel, course materials, and accommodation. This cost
effectiveness also helps in enhancing the profitability of an organization. Also, when you are studying at
your own place, you are relieved from paying for travel expenses when training happens in another
city/state and/or external learning materials.

A study done by Sylvie (2016), he found that there is limited research done on barriers of e-learning
on the content that is problem in management. It is probably impossible to find a perfect management
education program and it is also probably impossible to find the best formula for efficient and effective
management. Management effectiveness and quality of management education is a process of continuous
improvement as quality is a journey and not a destination. In Malaysia, among the key issues and problem
in the management education has been the ever-increasing number of institutes and schools offering
undergraduate and postgraduate courses in management education. This has raised one common question
pertaining to quality of education. This has resulted in some private institutions offering programs with a
degree awarded by bogus universities or collaborator universities whose credentials are not known. The
most popular programs are Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of Business
Administration (MBA). Thus the students take a certain amount of risk when joining these programs and
of course, there is no guarantee that employers will recognize these programs; moreover the qualities of
these programs are also questionable.

The problem of HE (Higher Education), to a considerable degree, do have an undue influence over
the university inputs, operations, functions, processes, and outcomes. For this reason, identifying the main
issues and challenges in HE has attracted the attention of the scholars and practitioners of social science
and education. In other words, numerous studies have focused on probing HE challenges as well as
proposing recommendations to shatter these impeding factors in the 21st century. For example, the
changes in university organizations and the changing nature of academic work (Ramsden 2008), the
intensification of institutional accountability to legislative and governing authorities (Harbour, 2003), the
environmental challenges for universities (Malm, 2008), the managerial reforms due to neoliberalism
(Shin, 2015), the expansion of networks and external relations (Shin and Harmen, 2009; Van Damme
2001), and the issue of consumerist turn in HE (Naidoo, Shankar and Veer, 2011) have been scrutinized.
Other main identified challenges include academic leadership challenges, sustainability challenges in HE,
university mergers and transnational virtual delivery of HE, challenges pertinent to embedding a quality
culture in universities, gender issues in HE, and the challenges of merging divergent campus cultures to
form coherent educational communities.

As conclusion, education is seen as a key vehicle to increase the wealth of individuals and the
economic well being of society. Even though employment for college graduates is often difficult, the
assumption is that a high school certificate will no longer be sufficient for gainful employment. The
result is that a great deal is occurring in the country with regard to the nature, focus, control, and size
of Malaysian higher education. In this light, Malaysia is a dynamic example for trying to understand
the changes that are taking place worldwide within and across segments of the higher education

1.4.1 General Objective
The objective of this researched was to investigate the eLearning barriers that inhibit online learners
engagement with eLearning content in online education.

1.4.2 Specific objective

i. To identify whether the lack of community involvement in online education
prevent the engagement between the online learners and eLearning content.
ii. To determine whether the too many e-learning challenging material influence the
barriers of engagement between the online learners and eLearning content.
iii. To examine whether the lack of awareness of the benefits of online education
influence the engagement between the online learners and eLearning content.
iv. To identify whether the personal cognition allowing them from facing the barriers
of the engagement between the online learners and eLearning content.


i. Why the lack of community involvement in online education prevent the
engagement between the online learners and e-learning content?
ii. Why there are too many e-learning challenging material influence the barriers of
engagement between the online learners and e-learning content?
iii. Why the lack of awareness of the benefits of online education influence the
engagement between the online learners and e-learning content?
iv. What the personal cognition allowing them from facing the barriers of the
engagement between the online learners and e-learning content?
i. Past Experience
Not everybody has great past experiences with e-Learning. This is the reasons why we
conduct this research. We cannot erase the past, but we can get them excited about their
current e-Learning program. Stress the benefits in advance and let them know what's in
store. Online learners who had bad experiences don't need any more surprises, and
especially negative ones. So, be clear about why they should take the e-Learning and how
it will improve their lives in this modern world. Additionally, carry out polls and
questionnaires to identify problem areas help to enhance their skills and ability.

ii. Improve motivations

We probably already knew that motivation was going to show up near the top of the list. It
is undeniable that some of the learners feel uncomfortable when it comes to e-Learning. It
can contribute to lack of motivation. But there is a way to get our online learners involved
and actively engaged in the process such as through exciting learning method. For
example, the use of gamification can attract learners’ attention. Badges, certificates, points,
and leaderboards keep the learners motivated as they need to achieve the desired


The coverage of this study is e-Learning barriers that inhibit online learner’s
engagement with e-Learning content in online education. The type of the research that we
used is quantitative researched. Quantitative research is defined as a systematic
investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical
techniques. For this type of researched, the questionnaire will be developed in order to get
the data or respond from the population. The population will be among the students,
lectures, and staffs that are having the experiences or in online education in Kuching,
Sarawak and who have the ability to answer all problems related. As we know, the word is
fighting with covid-19 pandemic and all students are using e-Learning system to keep their
learning on going. Then, through this researched we are able to identify the barriers that
student are facing in their online education. The coverage of this study is used to make
study better and more feasible and not just for the interest of the researcher. It also
identifies the constraints or weaknesses of your study which are not within the control of
the researcher.

This chapter attempts to review the relevant literature and research related to the eLearning
barriers that inhibit online learners engagement with eLearning content in online education. The
first discusses is the underpinning theory of the benefits of technology such as online learning for
the students in the school. The second discusses is about literature review of the impact of online
learning to the students community. The third also includes with dependent variables and
independent variables of the research. Lastly, this chapter also focus on theoretical frameworks
and hypothesis development of the research about eLearning barriers that inhibit online learners
engagement with eLearning content in online education.
Technology has make things work more effectively for our benefits in many ways. It has been a
great enforcement in education that assist educators and students to keep engage in their learning. Carol
Larson Jones (2020), online education is a flexible instructional delivery system that encompasses any
kind of learning that takes place via the Internet. It can help students to be more interested with the
lesson. They also can freely communicate and learn according to their pace and time. The educators can
access their students progression through the virtual methods. Internet makes things better for students to
ask the teachers at any settings of their time. Furthermore, online learning is any form of learning
conducted partly or wholly over the Internet ( Tony Bates, 2016 ). Absolutely, all the study materials or
classes will need the connection of the internet to make it works. It can be very advantageous for the
students as the learning session can be adjusted according to their personal learning style. Also, internet
makes the learning become handy to aid the students gain more information about the lesson that they
have learned on that day. They can refer to the internet and ask the teacher if the information is accurate
or not. The flexibility of online learning makes students and teachers become more effective in managing
their schedule in order to be productive in their teaching and learning section.

Next, eLearning is ubiquitous in workplace learning and higher education mentioned by Will
Thalheimer (2017). Online learning makes people more easy to learn at anywhere they are at. Learning
become more comfortable for certain people and help them to enjoy their time in learning. According to
the 2017 Distance Education Enrollment report released by the Babson Survey Research Group,
enrollment in online courses has increased for the fourteenth straight year. The report shows that 6.3
million students in the U.S. took at least one online course, which is a 5.6% increase from the previous
year. This increased for online learning showed that more students choose online learning for their
studies. It is not only happen in our country but in other country as well. Learning become handy and help
students to learn more effectively according to their own time. It can aid them to gain a better education
ahead of them. It is also depend on their choices in adapting the learning that they are pleasant to have.

2.2.1 Lack of community involvement

Online students develop community, construct understanding, and question and clarify
content through discussion with other learners. Bowers and Kumar (2017), in their comparative
analysis of students' perceptions of teaching and social presence in face-to-face and online
learning environments, have noted the potential of online courses to develop a stronger sense of
“presence” than face-to-face courses. He found that students made use of a social communication
forum to pursue connections with one another and to share information and support. Based on the
researched, the community involvement is really important, Blackley & Sheffield, 2015; Boyles,
2011, the context of pre-service teacher education, the implementation of online assessment also
serves to enhance their knowledge and understanding of ways to use new technologies in their
future teaching practice. It means that each community plays a huge roles to help online education
effectively progress.

2.2.2 Too many e-learning challenging materials

Azhar, Kaukab (2019) explains why eLearning is not popular as we expected, because the
challenging of searching the materials during the learning gives impacts towards the online
education process. Teachers are facing difficulties in finding the right mix of technological
tools and traditional methodologies.

2.2.3 Lack of awareness of the benefits in online learning

Technology is important tools in applying and ensuring the successful of eLearning.Azhar,

Kaukab (2019) found that lack of infrastructure in term of connectivity, availability of the
Internet and awareness about of e-learning were the major challenges of e-learning in India.
Kumar.S (2018) also states the majority students 102(45.53%) the main source to know about
e-Learning was the Internet. Student’s awareness level of e-Learning was very good, and the
Internet was the major source to know about e-Learning. However, the awareness of the
benefits of online education still low. Kumar.S (2018), people has a knowledge that ICT or
technology is becoming an essential part of daily routine works like office work,
entertainment, and educational purposes, so awareness about ICT is very necessary for
everyone but majority indicated that majority of students had average knowledge about the
benefits of online education.

2.2.2 Personal cognition

Personal factors can also impact on student access and participation in the online learning
environment (Stoessel et al., 2015). Commitments such as caring for young children or being
called into work can affect the attendance and participation of students in regularly scheduled
tutorials/live sessions. In the same way that the external student pathway offers increased
access, flexibility and convenience in that students can more easily manage their commitments
while engaging in education, this increased flexibility can also cause additional issues through
distractions and an inability to fully participate in any live, scheduled contact hours per week.
Despite student acknowledgement of the benefits in supporting their learning through the
technology, a difficulty arises through the limits around the technical capability of the
software particularly in terms of its functionality.

According to Rüütmann (2017) efficacy of active learning is proved by results of

electro dermal, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and brain activity researches.
The results of those researches have shown improvement in remembering and learning
outcomes. According to a study about the future trends on the labor market Work and Skills
2025 (2016) relevant skills are the ability of virtual collaboration and programming thinking
(converting large data of abstract concepts), conceptualization, creativity and adaptability,
self-management. However, (Stoessel, Ihme, Barbarino, Fisseler, & Sturmer, 2015), the
preferences may be different for those with limited choice in delivery mode because of
additional work or the family commitments that may restrict their ability to engage in
alternative and perhaps preferred face-to-face or blended enrolment modes. It means That,
some personal issues became the challenges to students in their online education.


In this study, a set of multiple regression models was employed to explore significant predictors of

government employees’ individual and collective empowerment in e-learning environments. Using

existing literature on empowerment theories, a set of 16 questions was developed. A factor analysis was

conducted to condense 16 students variables into several large categories. Four factors were extracted

from the 16 questions. Factor 1 was composed of three questions and could be characterized as the

meaning factor. This meaning variable, representing a dimension of students empowerment, refers to an
awareness of an students limited potential to change the circumstance (Robins et al., 1998, p. 91).

Factor 2 constituted three questions and represented the competence factor; representing strong

inter correlations among the three variables. Factor 3 was composed of five questions and characterized

as the self-determination factor. Factor 4 consisted of five questions and was characterized as the

collective empowerment factor, representing strong inter correlations among the five variables. Therefore,

the original set of 16 questions was condensed into four factors, which individually stand for the

dimensions of both individual and collective empowerment. The former three factors correspond to

students empowerment and the last factor stands for collective empowerment. Each of the four factors’

coefficients was utilized as dependent variables for this study.


Independent variables were selected from e-learning class participation frequencies, attributes of an

e-learning class, objectives of taking an e-learning class, preference of an e-learning class to an offline

class, modalities of an e-learning class, and lecture types of an e-learning class. Participation

frequencies refer to the number of times that students has taken e-learning classes for the first half of

2012. The attributes of e-learning can be summarized as three. As, referring to its features of engaging

in e-learning anytime, anywhere, and in any classes.

The objectives of students taking an e-learning class can be summarized as improvement of

learning performance, self-knowledge and self motivation development. Based on the possibility of

interactive learning, the modalities of the e-learning activity in this study were categorized into

individualized self-paced e-learning and group-based e-learning. Interactive learning is limited in the

former setting whereas it is widely open in the latter setting. One dummy variable was used for this

variable. In addition, one dummy variable was utilized for lecture types of e-learning, as this variable can

be classified into delivery class and discussion class. In the delivery setting, the interaction between

students and lectures is limited whereas it is widely open in the discussion setting.

The theoretical framework is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. The
theoretical framework will introduces and describes the theory which is will explains about why the research
problem under study will be exists. A theoretical framework consists of concept together with their definitions and
existing theories that are used for researcher particular study. The theoretical framework must be demonstrate an
understanding of theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic of researcher paper and that will relate it to
broader fields of knowledge in the class researcher are taking. The theoretical framework was not something that is
should be found readily available in the literature. Researcher should review the course reading and pertinent
research literature for theories and analytic models that are relevant to the research problem or matter and
researcher need to investigating and find the solution of the problem.

2.5.1 The strengths of the theoretical framework by following right ways:

I. An explicit statement of theoretical assumptions permits the reader to evaluate them critically.

II. The theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing knowledge, and its will guide by a relevant
theory that researcher are given a basis for researcher hypotheses and choice of research method.

III. Articulating the theoretical assumptions of research study forces you to address question of why and how it
permits you to move from simply describing a phenomenon observed to generalizing about various aspect of
the phenomenon.

IV. Having a theory help researcher to identify the limits to those generalizations. A theoretical framework
specifics which key variable influence a phenomenon of interest. This will alert researcher to examine how
those key variables might differ and under what circumstances.

2.5.2 developing the framework

The strategies to develop of an effective theoretical framework:

i. Examine your thesis title and research problem. The research problem anchors researcher entire study and
forms the basis from which you construct your theoretical framework.

ii. Brainstorm on what you consider to be the key variable in your research. Answer the question, what factor
contribute to the presumed effect?

iii. Review related literature to find answers to your research question.

iv. List the construct and variable that might be relevant to your study. Group these variables into independents
and depend categories.
v. Review the key social science theories that are introduced to you in course reading and choose the theories
that can best explain the relationship between the key variables in your study.

vi. Discuss the assumptions or propositions of this theory and point out their relevance to your research.


Think of theories as the conceptual basis for understanding, analyzing, and designing ways to
investigate relationships within social systems. To that end, the following roles served by a
theory can help guide the development of your framework;

 Means by which new research data can be interpreted and coded for future use,
 Response to new problems that have no previously identified solutions strategy,
 Means for identifying and defining research problems,
 Means for prescribing or evaluating solutions to research problems,
 Ways of discerning certain facts among the accumulated knowledge that are important and
which facts are not,
 Means of giving old data new interpretations and new meaning,
 Means by which to identify important new issues and prescribe the most critical research
questions that need to be answered to maximize understanding of the issue,
 Means of providing members of a professional discipline with a common language and a
frame of reference for defining the boundaries of their profession, and
 Means to guide and inform research so that it can, in turn, guide research efforts and
improve professional practice.

2.7 Hypothesis development

A hypothesis can be defined as a logically conjectures relationship between two or more

variables expressed in the form of a testable statement. Relationship are conjectured on basis of
the network of associations established in the theoretical framework. A hypothesis must be expressed
in a way that is testable and falsifiable. A research hypothesis is a specific, clear, and testable
proposition or predictive statement about the possible outcome of a scientific research study based on
a particular property of a population, such as presumed differences between groups on a particular
variable or relationships between variables. Specifying the research hypotheses is one of the most
important steps in planning a scientific quantitative research study. A quantitative researcher usually
states an a priori expectation about the results of the study in one or more research hypotheses before
conducting the study, because the design of the research study and the planned research design often
is determined by the stated hypotheses.
2.7.1 Hypothesis statement IF-THEN hypothesis statements

An “If… then…because” statement in a hypothesis tells the readers what you believe will
happen in an investigation when something is changed, so you can see the effect of the change. IF…
tells the readers what will be changed. This is the manipulated (independent) variable in the
investigation. THEN… tells the reader what will happen because of the change (manipulated
variable) described in the If… statement. This is the responding (dependent) variable in the
investigation. Examples;

I. If 7th graders and 8th graders complete the same math problems, then the 8th graders will have more
answers correct, because they have studied math for one year longer than the 7th graders.

II. If dry bread and moist bread are left in bags for two weeks, then the moist bread will grow mold
more quickly than the dry bread, because mold is a living organism, and organisms need water to

III. If some students eat breakfast before school and others do not, then the ones who do eat breakfast
will have better grades in their morning classes, because their brains have more energy to think.

2.7.2 Directional / Non directional hypothesis statements

Directional hypothesis statement is when we state the relationship between two variables (or
comparing two group) as positive, negative, more than or less than. For example, the higher income
of married couple, the less children will they want to have, and second example is the more year a
person is employed at the same organization, the more she will be loyal to the organization. Non
directional hypothesis statement is the statements are those that do postulate a relationship or
different, but offer no indication of direction. Example, there is a difference in body weight between
salary level of employees.

2.7.3 Null and Alternate hypothesis statements.

The null statement is expressed as no (significant) relationship between two variable or no

(significant) difference between two group of people. For example, there is no relationship between
gender and average speed of driving a car. The alternate hypothesis, which is the opposite of the null
is a statement expressing a relationship between two variable or indicating differences between
group. For example, there is relationship between gender and average speed of driving a car.

2.7.4 Characteristic of a good hypotheses

There are three general characteristics of a good hypothesis. First, a good hypothesis must
be testable and falsifiable. We must be able to test the hypothesis using the methods of science and if
you’ll recall Popper’s falsifiability criterion, it must be possible to gather evidence that will
disconfirm the hypothesis if it is indeed false. Second, a good hypothesis must be logical. As
described above, hypotheses are more than just a random guess. Hypotheses should be informed by
previous theories or observations and logical reasoning. Typically, we begin with a broad and general
theory and use deductive reasoning to generate a more specific hypothesis to test based on that
theory. Occasionally, however, when there is no theory to inform our hypothesis, we use inductive
reasoning which involves using specific observations or research findings to form a more general
hypothesis. Finally, the hypothesis should be positive. That is, the hypothesis should make a positive
statement about the existence of a relationship or effect, rather than a statement that a relationship or
effect does not exist. As scientists, we don’t set out to show that relationships do not exist or that
effects do not occur so our hypotheses should not be worded in a way to suggest that an effect or
relationship does not exist. The nature of science is to assume that something does not exist and then
seek to find evidence to prove this wrong, to show that really it does exist. That may seem backward
to you but that is the nature of the scientific method. The underlying reason for this is beyond the
scope of this chapter but it has to do with statistical theory.


The purpose of the study is to develop the knowledge of the barriers that are facing by e-learner

regarding engagement with e-learning content in online education. To address this gap, a quantitative

survey approach will be used. The primary components of this chapter will include descriptions of the

research design and rationale, the research methodology, measurements instrument, sampling method,

data collection method and the data analysis that will be used in the study. Additionally, threats to validity

will be considered for the study, ethical procedures will be discussed, and a summary provided.


The study will examine the relationship between variables. Specifically, the barrier that inhibit in

online education (IV) of community involvement (DV), e-learning materials (DV), awareness of the

benefits (DV) and the personal cognition (DV). Participants will be selected from students active in

college-level courses in UNITAR University. This quantitative study will consider correlations between

the online education and community involvement, e-learning materials, awareness of the benefits and the

personal cognition. This methodology will be accomplished through a survey sample questionnaire,

completed by the college students in UNITAR.

3.1.1 Sources of data

Primary data and secondary data will be used in this research. Primary data

It is data that gathered for research from the actual site of occurrence of events are called

primary data. For the purpose of this study, questionnaire used as the research instrument and

distributed to the students of UNITAR University. Secondary data

Secondary data is about the sources that have been evaluated or analyzed by others. It is the

research or current study such as industry analysis, publication, web publication, and it could be

the company record. The advantage of using this type of data is the fact that the data is accurate

and ready to be used. For this purpose, researcher gathered the secondary data from organisation

website, annual reports, and articles which are relevant with the topic and able to support the

literature review. However, the secondary data consists of both internal and external data

sources. For internal sources, the researcher gather the information from the websites, while the

external sources are taken from articles and journal.


To create the research in effectively and efficiently, the details of the procedures of obtaining

information is need in order to solve the problems. The quantitative research method which was

primarily used to get the data for the purpose of study. The questionnaire was divided into three

sections to study the barrier that inhibit in online education in identifying the relationship between the

communities, awareness of the benefits of online education, e-learning materials and personal


Section A of the questionnaire comprised of demographical background of the respondents. It consists

of gender, age, race, course, educational levels. Whereas section B is the questionnaire of independent

variables which are the communities, awareness of the benefits of online education, e-learning

challenging materials and personal cognition. Then, Section C is the questionnaires presents item of online

education (dependent variable).

Table 3.2.1 : Layout of the Questionnaire

Section A Item
Educational Level

Section B Item

 Community involvement 10

 Lack of awareness of the benefits of online education 10

 Personal cognition 10

 E-learning challenging materials 7

A total of 4 measures were selected from established sources and some of the measures are made by

researcher. These include measures of community involvement (Jeffrey Glanz and Corwin Press, 2006).
Table 3.2: Measurement Total No. Scales Sources

Items Variables of Items

Community involvement 10 Five Point Likert Jeffrey Glanz and

Scale (1-5) Corwin Press, 2006
Lack of awareness of the 10 Five Point Likert Jeffrey Glanz and
benefits of online education Scale (1-5) Corwin Press, 2006
Personal cognition 10 Five Point Likert Jeffrey Glanz and
Scale (1-5) Corwin Press, 2006
E-learning challenging 6 Five Point Likert Jeffrey Glanz and
materials Scale (1-5) Corwin Press, 2006

Community involvement – 10 measurements are developed by Jeffrey Glanz and Corwin

Press (2006) are used to measure the community involvement in online education.

example of use items are “I acknowledge my responsibility for participate in

organizing and implementing an effective online education-community relations

program” and “I need to do more to join and sustain an online education -community

relations program”.

Lack of awareness of the benefits of online education - the Likert scale by Jeffrey

Glanz and Corwin Press (2006) also being used to measure the 10 measurements on

the lack of awareness of the benefits of online education, the examples of the items

are “I think i don't have time studying online education.” and “I have no problem

using e-learning in my lessons.”

Personal Cognition - the five point Likert is very beneficial in measuring the scale for

personal cognition. Questions such as “I think the E-learning will be useful for the

development of future.” and “I am not interested in doing any exercise in online

education.” can help in finding out the results of other opinion about online learning

as a person.
E-learning challenging materials - the same five likert scale also being used to

measure this item. It assists in measuring the challenging of e-learning materials in

online education. These two questions “ Students have problems using technology in

online learning.” and “Sometimes, information on the internet has too much different

since it can be adjusted by anyone.” can lead to the knowledge of online learning.

The respondents were required to choose to what extent he/she agrees or disagrees with 1

being strongly disagreed and 5 being strongly agreed. The 5-point Likert scale with

multiple items was used to measure the independent and dependent variables. The

respondents were required to choose to what extent he/she agrees or disagrees with each

of the statement. The rating scale is shown in the table below:

Table 3.3 : Ratting scale

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5


The sampling method that have been used is the judgmental sampling. It is a non-

probability sampling which means the sampling technique where the researcher

selects units to be sampled based on their knowledge and professional judgement. The

target is focusing from students active in year college-level courses in UNITAR



In this study, data was collected using a structured questionnaire which consisted of 34

items. The permission from head of department was set before distributing the
questionnaires. The questions are written in English. The questionnaire was distributed to

the students in UNITAR University and the researcher explains to the participant their

roles in evaluating their experiences of online education through answering question in

the questionnaires. The respondents are given one day to answer and return the

questionnaire to the researcher by hand at the location on the day after.


From the questionnaires, a few procedures can be done such as checking the data for

accuracy. Besides that the questions were being coded to enable for analysis using

Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS).

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