Forty Years in The Wilderness
Forty Years in The Wilderness
Forty Years in The Wilderness
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got about God. The Israelites
learned that they should never
complain or rebel against God.
One day, Moses' brother Aaron
and his sister Miriam complained
about Moses. They thought that
they should be in charge, too.
"God has not worked only
through Moses," they said. "We
should also lead and direct the peo-
ple of Israel."
God heard what Aaron and
Miriam were saying and became
very angry. He spoke to Moses,
Aaron and Miriam and told them
all to meet at the Tabernacle. God
had something to say to Aaron and
When they arrived at the Taber-
nacle, God appeared before them
in a pillar of a cloud. God then
called for Aaron and Miriam to
step forward.
"Listen carefully!" God angrily
told them. "I am the One who
chooses the leader of the people. I
have chosen Moses to be my ser-
vant. And I speak to him. Why
were you not afraid to speak
against Moses?"
After God had finished speak-
ing' the pillar of a cloud quickly
lifted from the Tabernacle. Then
Miriam saw that something had
happened to her skin. It was white
as snow. Aaron quickly turned to
see that Miriam had become a
Aaron and Miriam knew they
had sinned and angered God. They
cried to Moses for help.
"Help us, Moses," Aaron
pleaded. "Do not hold this foolish
sin against us. Ask God to heal our
sister Miriam."
Moses prayed to God to heal
Miriam. "Be merciful and heal her
of this disease," Moses prayed.
God answered Moses' prayer
and said that He would heal
Miriam. But she would have to
spend seven days outside the camp.
After that time she would be
Miriam did stay outside the camp
for sevendays. During that time, she
and her brother Aaron thought
about their sin against God. They
knew that by saying wrong things
about God's servant, they had re-
belled against God. It is the same as
saying wrong things about God.
Aaron and Miriam learned their
lesson, and at the end of the week
Miriam was healed.
After Miriam had returned to
camp, God led the Israelites to a
Youlh Bible Lesson
Level 3 / Lesson 11
place near the land of Canaan.
Now God was ready to give His
people the land He had promised
God next told Moses to send 12
men to scout the land of Canaan.
"You are to go into Canaan as
scouts," Moses told the men.
"Find out what kind of people
live there. If the land has good
crops, bring back some of the
food that grows in the land. Also,
see what kinds of buildings they
have in their cities. Be brave and
courageous, for God is with you!"
The scouts were very happy
when they reached the land of
Canaan. The land was beautifully
\========-=====-- green with plants, trees and many
different crops.
As the scouts walked through
some of the cities, they looked to
see how many people lived there.
When they came into the city of
Hebron they were surprised to
find men almost twice their size!
As they returned from Canaan,
the scouts cut a large cluster of
r----L.- grapes to take back to show
, r ~ ; : : : ; : ' ; ( l ( Moses and the people. The grapes
were so big that they were hung
on a thick pole and carried by
two men! They also brought back
pomegranates, figs and many
other fruits from the land.
After scouting for 40 days, they
returned to the camp to tell every-
one about the Promised Land.
Joshua and Caleb, as leaders of
the group, spoke first. They told
Moses that it was a good land and
that God had blessed it. They
showed him some of the grapes and
figs they had gathered. Moses was
very happy.
When Joshua and Caleb finished
speaking, the other scouts gave
their reports. "The land is good as
Joshua and Caleb have told you,"
said one of the scouts. "But the
people who live there are strong.
The cities are large and have very
high walls. We also saw giants in
the land. We should not go there or
we will be killed!"
Then Caleb spoke up, and said,
"We should leave at once and take
the land. We can do it with God's
"We cannot go into the land.
They are much stronger!" the
scouts replied.
"If only we had died in Egypt,"
the Israelites began to complain.
"Why did God bring us to this land
to be killed? It would be better to
return to Egypt."
The Israelites forgot the lesson
God had taught them through
Aaron and Miriam. They wanted a
new leader who would take them
back to Egypt. They did not want
Moses-the one God chose as their
Moses and Aaron quickly fell
face down and prayed to God.
Then Joshua and Caleb again
talked to the people.
"If God is pleased with us, He
will give us the land!" they shouted
to the people. "Do not rebel
against God, and do not be afraid
of the people in the land. God will
drive them out!"
But the Israelites would not lis-
ten. Some of them wanted to throw
stones at Moses and Aaron. This
made God very angry.
Suddenly, there was a bright
flash of light from the Tabernacle.
"How long will these people
anger me?" God's voice boomed.
"How long will they refuse to be-
lieve me, after all the miracles I
have shown them?"
Then God told Moses He would
destroy the nation of Israel. In-
stead, He would make a great na-
tion from Moses and his family.
Moses asked God not to destroy
the Israelites. "I know that your
mercy is great," Moses said to
God. "Please forgive the people of
their sins."
God was merciful and heard
Moses' prayer to save the Is-
raelites. But they would still have
to be punished. God told Moses
Youth Bible Lesson
that even though they were near
the Promised Land, they could not
enter. They would now have to
wander in the wilderness for many
more years.
By the time the Israelites would
reach the Promised Land, it would
be 40 years since they left Egypt.
Only after this time in the
wilderness would God give the land
to His people.
But some of the Israelites did
not listen to God's words. They
tried to go into the Promised Land.
When they did, they were attacked
by the Amalekites and many of the
Israelites were killed or wounded.
Do You Remember?
1. What did God want Moses to
do before leaving Mount
Sinai? _
2. The Israelites complained be-
cause they had no to
3. God sent into the
camp of Israel.
4. What happened after the Is-
raelites ate the quail? _
5. Miriam became a be-
cause she and Aaron com-
plained about _
Level 3 / Lesson 11
6. How long did Miriam have to
stay outside the camp?
7. How many scouts were sent
into the land of Canaan?
8. The scouts found a large clus-
ter of that had to be
carried on a by
___ men!
9. Which two scouts gave a good
report? and _
10. How many years would the Is-
raelites have to wander in the
wilderness? _
Later, as the Israelites wandered
in the wilderness, a man named
Korah started complaining about
Moses. He and others thought that
Moses and Aaron should not be the
leaders of Israel. Korah, Dathan
and Abiram and several other men
had also forgotten the lesson of
Aaron and Miriam. Now they
would have to learn that lesson.
Korah soon caused many of the
leading men to believe that Moses
and Aaron should not be leaders.
They wanted to be the leaders
themselves. So one morning they
all gathered in front of Moses'
"You are not better than we
are," Korah told Moses. "Why do
you put yourselves over the people
as leaders?"
Moses was saddened to hear this
from Korah. He told Korah and
the others to go to their tents. "To-
morrow morning God will show
who He has chosen as the leader of
His people," Moses added.
The next morning, Moses told
the people to stay away from the
tents of Korah, Dathan and Abi-
ram. The people obeyed and hur-
riedly ran for safety. Then the
earth began to tremble. A deep
hole opened in the ground next to
the tents of Korah, Dathan and
Abiram. Then the three men and
their families fell into the shaking
hole and the ground closed over
them. But God was merciful and
saved the children.
Then bolts of fire struck and
killed all those who followed Ko-
rah. Once again, God showed the
people that He had chosen Moses
to lead the Israelites.
After the death of Korah, the
Israelites continued to wander in
the wilderness. God continued to
protect the Israelites and keep
their clothes and shoes from wear-
ing out.
Many years passed, and the Is-
raelites finally returned to a place
near the land of Canaan. When the
Israelites camped there years ear-
lier, there was plenty of water. But
now the water was gone.
"What will we do?" the people
complained. "We will all die with-
out water!"
The people soon became angry
at Moses and gathered outside his
tent. Moses and Aaron knew that
they would need God's help. They
quickly went to the Tabernacle to
ask God what to do.
"Take your rod," God told
Moses. "Then you and Aaron
gather the people together, so
they may see you speak to the
rock. It will then pour out its
But Moses and Aaron had be-
come angry with the people. In-
stead of speaking to the rock,
Moses hit the rock twice with his
rod. When he did, God brought
water out of the rock.
Soon there was a stream of pure,
cool water rushing beside the
camp. But Moses and Aaron knew
they had disobeyed God.
"I told you to speak to the rock,"
God said to Moses. "But you dis-
obeyed. Instead, you struck the
rock with your rod.
"Since you have failed to give
honor to Me for the miracle," God
continued, "I will not allow you
Youth Bible Lesson
and your brother Aaron to enter
the Promised Land."
Moses and Aaron were very sad,
but they knew that God was right.
They had sinned.
A few months later, Aaron died.
Before his death, God told Moses
to go with Aaron and Aaron's son,
Eleazar, up to a nearby mountain
top. There God made Eleazar the
new High Priest.
The Israelites were almost fin-
ished with their journey. But they
were still making the same mis-
takes they were making when their
long journey began nearly 40 years
Level 3 / Lesson 11
As they traveled along, they
again began to complain. "Why
have you brought us out of Egypt
to die in the wilderness? There is
no bread or water! We do not want
this manna for food!"
God was angered by their com-
plaining and sent poisonous snakes
into the camp. The snakes went
into people's tents and throughout
the camp. Many Israelites died
from the bites of the snakes.
The people soon realized their
mistake and came running to
Moses for help. "We have sinned
by speaking against God and
against you, Moses," the people
said. "Ask God to take these
snakes away from us!"
Moses prayed and asked God to
take away the snakes. God then
told Moses to have a large, bronze
snake made and put on a pole in
the middle of camp. Anyone who
looked at the bronze snake would
be healed of the snake bites.
Moses knew that he would not
be able to go into the Promised
Land. Moses also knew that the
people would need a good leader,
one who would look to God for
God told Moses that He had
already found such a man. It was
Joshua-one of the two scouts who
had given a good report about the
Promised Land. Joshua had been
loyal to God and Moses for many
years. Moses knew Joshua would
be a good leader.
Now Moses had only to give the
Israelites final instructions from
God. Moses told the Israelites what
God wanted them to do once they
entered the Promised Land. He
also reminded the people to stay
close to God and to keep His
One day, God told Moses to go
to the top of a high mountain that
overlooked the Promised Land.
From there Moses could see where
the Israelites would soon be living.
"This is the land I promised to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," God
said to Moses. "I have let you see
it, but you will not go into the
Soon after this, Moses died.
Joshua now became God's chosen
leader over the Israelites. In our
next lesson, we will learn what
happened to Joshua and the Is-
raelites as they began to enter the
Promised Land.
Do You Remember?
1. started many Is-
raelites complaining about
2. God commanded Moses to
____ to the rock.
3. What did Moses do after God
told him to speak to the rock?
4. What came out of the rock?
5. God sent poisonous _
into the camp of Israel.
6. What did God tell Moses to
make so the people would be
healed of the snake bites? _
7. Who became the leader of the
Israelites after Moses' death?
Youth Bible Lesson
Level 3 / Lesson 11
Find words from this lesson in the Word Search puzzle below. There
are 12 in all. Words may be read forward, backward or at an angle.