Revealing The Secrets of The Super Box: Azbox Me
Revealing The Secrets of The Super Box: Azbox Me
Revealing The Secrets of The Super Box: Azbox Me
firmware updates made easy thanks to OpenPLI support developers all over the world work on different firmware versions new kernel version opens up new possibilities the recovery switch of the AZBox is your safety net: whenever something turns out wrong you can always fall back on the initial firmware
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Firmware 03-04/2013 TELE-audiovision International
Part 4:
like the AZBox is turned on, the boot loader is launched at first. Its main jobs are checking and initialising the hardware so that the kernel can then be loaded. This so-called kernel is the actual centrepiece of the operating system and it features all vital functions that breathe life into the computer or as in our case the receiver. One thing the kernel does not provide, however, is a direct interface between user and machine. This is the job of the operating system. To complicate things further, the name Linux actually only refers to the kernel, even though the different Linux distributions sharing the same kernel are also called that way Lets try now to clear things up a little. The kernel is developed completely independently from the Linux distributions and from time to time new kernel versions are made available for Linux receivers. Yet, these are of no use to owners of those receivers until developers of new firmware distributions use the new kernel as the core of their firmware. Whats the reason for new kernels in the first place? The same as for any updated piece of software new functions and bug fixes. As far as the AZBox is concerned, how3. Never turn off the receiver during a flashing process. But you can relax the AZbox Me and MiniMe have a recovery function. If the flashing is interrupted (i.e. due to a power failure), you can just boot a recovery image! 4. Make sure to get the right file... 5. and this time, do not interrupt the process, otherwise you will not be able to use the remote controller.
1. The boot loader menu for firmware updates starts automatically when the receiver ist started with an inserted USB memory that contains a valid firmware update. 2. The firmware update normally contains a kernel and the operating system. It is possible to just update the kernel.
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functions here as well or has to fix a software bug. In the AZBox ME this front processor is called MICOM, and new firmware version 2.0 for this processor was released on 13 September 2012. This new version resolves an issue with automatic switchon, so that it is no longer required to press the power button on the remote control or on the receiver itself after using the mechanical power switch on the back panel of the box. In addition, it is now possible to also use the button on the receiver to change into and out of the standby mode. These two fixes may not sound like a big deal, but they nonetheless vastly enhance the AZBox user-experience. In a word, if you own an AZBox we strongly recommend going for this improved firmware version. There are several ways to initiate a firmware update for the AZBox ME and MiniMe. One is to switch on the receiver while keeping the VOL+ button on the remote control pressed. Next, you can key in the receivers IP address in the address line of your browser on the PC. Keep an eye on the display of the AZBox ME, which will show the receivers IP address (for the AZBox MiniMe you might have to look it up in the DHCP list of the router). Shortly after, the browser will show the website of the boot loader which allows you to select your preferred memory position. Next, you select the firmware file with the *.img extension and tell the receiver whether or not you want it to automatically re-boot after flashing. You can of course opt to install more than one parallel firmware versions, and in that case you should not select the automatic re-boot option so that you can return to the boot loader menu after flashing a firmware version in order to repeat the same procedure for the second (and/or third) firmware. Alternatively, you may want to use a USB memory for installing new firmware to the AZBox ME and MiniMe. Simply save the firmware files onto the USB memory, plug it into the USB interface of the receiver and re-start the box. The boot loader will automatically detect the memory with the new firmware files and provided the box runs on kernel version 3.3.1 or above a special flash menu will be launched which allows you to select your preferred memory position. In addition, it is also possible to update the MICOM front processor, and we did just that by installing the MICOM v2 firmware without further ado and without any troubles whatsoever. The only thing you have to make sure is that you select the MICOM version that is developed for your particular receiver. The MICOM v2 firmware for the AZBox ME will not work with the AZBox HD, for example. If your receiver has an older kernel version (below 3.3.1) installed, the flash menu will not pop up automatically. Instead, you have to observe the display on your receiver. Another point worth mentioning is that the file format of the firmware is different for USB updates than for browser updates. While an *.img file is required for browser updates, you need a USB-compatible format for USB updates, which consists of three individual files: Image0.jffs2 Update.ext Zbimage-linux-xload The files always have the same name, irrespective of the firmware version, but you have to be careful: The name of the first file (Image0.jffs2) must be adjusted to reflect the desired memory position. For example, if you want a specific firmware version to be saved at position 2, you have to change the name of the first file into Image2.jffs2. Not a big deal, but one of great importance! Remember: Right after switching on the AZBox ME or MiniMe or after resetting the receiver (by pressing the power button on the receiver for five seconds) it is possible to
6. The Canadian AZtrino version only includes satellites covering North-America! 7. Version v1.85 features a fully implemented blind scan, which is why this firmware is so popular. 8. After exchanging the satellites.xml file with one for European markets, the search will include satellites of this region. 9. The GUI presents itself plain and simple, yet no information is missing 10. Finally, with AZtrino v2.0RC2 the Stream Information screen is working as expected: the received signal is displayed over time ideal for long term signal monitoring. 11. How to exchange the satellites.xml file? This picture says it all.
ever, there is another piece of advice you must always heed: All firmware versions that are stored in the flash memory at the same time must share the same kernel, which in turn
means all three firmware distributions (two for the MiniMe) must have been developed for exactly the same kernel. If we look at an actual receiver now, we find that it comes
with a main processor and the required firmware stored in the flash memory, but also with an additional processorcontrolled circuit board that is called front processor. As the
name somewhat implies, its job is to receive and process infrared commands sent from the remote control as well as to control the receivers display and manage the standby mode of the box. In order to reduce power consumption, the front processor is capable of switching off the entire receiver and then monitors whether the power switch is pressed or a pre-programmed timer event takes place, which needs to be recorded, for example. In such a case the front processor will switch on the receiver again. The front processor comes with a flash memory of its own which also holds corresponding firmware. In general, this specific firmware hardly ever needs to be updated, even though there might be instances when the manufacturer wants to implement new
select the desired flash memory position with the firmware version you would like to run. It may feel a bit awkward at first to find the right moment for pressing 0, 1 or 2 (only 0 and 1 for the MiniMe) but after a couple of tries you get the knack of it: Simply wait a few seconds after switching on the receiver and then keep the appropriate button pressed until you can see some progress
12. About screen of OpenRSI notice the kernel version 3.3.1 13. Lots of Plugins can be installed directly from the receiver through the internet. 14. This Linux firmware is very complete and user friendly and even the default skin looks great. 15. An one annoying bug was fixed, too. Finally it is possible to call the videotext using the TXT-button on the remote control
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on the screen. The AZBox ME shows the selected memory position on the display as well and once your choice appears on it you may safely release the button on the remote. So which firmware version is worth giving a try? We recommend AZtrino v1.6 (Mini-Me) / v1.7 (ME). This is the official AZBox firmware. AZtrino is based on a user interface that is radically different from all other firmware versions. While you may be underwhelmed by its visual appearance at first, you will definitely begin to appreciate its benefits after a short period of familiarisation. It is very streamlined and straightforward and even feels more responsive than other firmware options. It goes without saying that it offers all relevant functions and features such as blind scan, media player and so on. For the AZBox ME you should choose version 1.7, while for the MiniMe version 1.6 is required. The Canadian distributor of the AZBox ME offers a firmware version for North America (versions 1.77, 1.82 and 1.85) which is slightly more advanced and hence also runs a tad more reliably. DXers, in particular, prefer that firmware thanks to its enhanced blind scan function. While users in other countries are of course free to install that firmware as well, they should make a point of saving a backup of all settings beforehand, since this US firmware only includes satellite positions that can be received
subtitles, which can be configured to suit the individual requirements. 20. As usual with OpenPLIbased firmware releases, the GUI is easy to use and features all possible functions. 21. A few Plugins are preinstalled and many more can be installed. Since this is a pre-release, the plug-in servers are not online, so the user must transfer the Plugins himself, using FTP. 22. Thumbs up for this cool plugin, called Satfinder: finally bars that are big enough to be read from distance.
16. About screen of OAM, featuring the brand new kernel 3.5.5 unfortunately you cannot use this firmware in parallel with the other kernel v3.3.1 based firmware images. That will certainly change when all teams release their v3.5.5 based firmware versions. 17. In this firmware, the media player has been replaced by a custom player called AZPlay. 18. AZPlay feels a lot more integrated in the firmware. 19. And naturally it supports
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in North America. How do you do that? With an FTP client you need to copy the satellites.xm file from the /etc/tuxbox/config directory of your receiver to your PC and after flashing firmware version 1.85 you copy it back to the original directory of the receiver. This is an absolute must, since otherwise a blind scan will not work. Please also note that this firmware is only compatible with the AZBox ME, not the MiniMe. We tried it out on both, but the screen stayed dark with the MiniMe. All official AZtrino firmware versions still use the old v2.6.22 kernel. So if you want to use the current OpenRSI v2.1 simultaneously there is only one way out of this dilemma: Use the unofficial beta version called AZtrino v2.0 RC2 which is already available from many Internet forums and which uses the new v3.3.1 kernel. We also loved the new boot loader: When you plug in a USB memory stick with the new firmware and re-boot the receiver a dedicated boot loader menu appears on the TV screen which greatly facilitates firmware updates. Keeping your eyes glued to the receiver display and pressing a button at exactly the right moment are now things of the past. In general, we found this firmware to be an excellent choice and one thing we particularly appreciated is the fact that you can now call up a visual presentation of all reception parameters over a longer period of time. If youre not a fan of AZtrino or if you want to make full use of the huge offering of skins, settings and extensions that are available on the Internet you may want to look at the OpenRSI firmware, which is an offspring of the OpenPLI firmware. It gives you the triedand-tested standard Linux user interface and thankfully youll also realise quickly that its developers have made giant leaps forward when compared to our previous test. In addition, this firmware comes with a very handy software manager than can be used to install all sorts of software components right on the receiver, provided it has access to the Internet. The OpenRSI firmware can easily be installed alongside the AZtrino v2.0 RC2 firmware and we can strongly recommend both for the AZBox ME as well as the MiniMe. At long last, teletext is available and actually working as well in the past the TXT button did not launch the corresponding software feature. The OAM (Open AZBox Mod) Pre-release 7 is a completely new project, which currently is only available as a pre-release. What makes this firmware version interesting is that it uses the new v3.5.5 kernel which comes with new drivers for some DVB-C/T USB receivers as well as for USB memory sticks. Yet there is also a major drawback: OAM cannot be used together with the other firmware versions for the time being. As soon as you install it the kernel will be updated as well, which means the other firmware versions (which use the previous kernel version) cannot be launched any longer. While it is of course possible to re-install the older kernel version again by copying the zbimage-linux.xload onto a
Persian Empire
23. Main menu with different menu-items. 24. The pre-installed skin looks different than usual. You dont like it? Dont delete the firmware try to install a different skin first! There are many skins to choose from the download server and this can be done directly at the receiver using just your remote control! 25. This is a great function: you can automatically have the AZBox search the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) to display further information about the current program. Even if your provider does not include a proper EPG, you will from now on know everything there is to know about the concert, series or movie you are watching. 26. Interestingly, this firmware features a file browser in the main menu. 27. Of course you get all information about the current stream.
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USB memory this will in turn mean that the OEM firmware will become useless. If you want to use the OAM firmware in parallel with OpenRSI v2.1 and AZtrino 2.0 RC we recommend searching for and installing OAM pre-release 5, since this also requires the v3.3.1 kernel. The Persian Empire Release Candidate 2 firmware is basically a modified OpenRSI firmware and comes with a number of pre-configured plug-ins and skins. The developers have gone to great lengths to come up with a user-friendly firmware and it shows: Even first-time users should quickly get the knack of it. Once set up you only have to run the installation assistant and then have a fully-fledged receiver at your disposal that will provide endless viewing pleasure. Obviously, you can arrive at the same result with the original OpenRSI firmware as well, but Persian Empire saves huge amounts of time and research effort, particularly if youre happy with the ready-made configuration this firmware provides. These are busy times for AZBox developers, and thanks to the fact that this receiver type is fully OpenPLI-compatible we can expect that software variations and improvements will
go a long way for both the AZBox ME and MiniMe receivers, making these boxes genuinely fit for the future. If you want to catch a sneak peek of what the future might hold just have a look at the currently offered OAM firmware. While it is true that its reliance on the latest kernel version restricts the range of alternative firmware versions that can be used in parallel, this disadvantage will shortly become a thing of the past. Once AZtrino and OpenRSI become compatible with the new kernel as well, all three versions will be on equal footing. As always, we spared neither effort nor expense during our test as we tried out countless firmware versions and even accidentally rendered the receivers inoperable due to
Firmware AZtrino v1.6 (MiniMe)/v1.7 (Me) AZtrino v2.0 RC2 OpenRSI v2.1 (2012-10-13) Open AZBox Mod Prerelease 5 Open AZBox Mod Prerelease 7 Persian Empire RC2
wrong kernel/firmware combinations. But thats not to worry: Simply install a compatible firmware version and youre ready to rock again. While most of the time the problem was an unfortunate selection of firmware and kernel versions, at one time we almost totally wrecked the AZBox, something insiders refer to as bricking. Yet again, we didnt worry too much since both the AZBox ME and the MiniMe feature a miraculous recovery switch on the back panel: No matter what has gone wrong, use this switch and a fresh installation of the boot loader in the flash memory will get you out of trouble. The AZBox ME and the MiniMe have become very dear to our hearts and with constantly pushing the limits the fun just doesnt stop.
Kernel 2.6.22 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.5.5 3.3.1 Official image.
Persian Empire
28. The plug-in browser. The Persian Empire firmware comes with the most Plugins pre-installed and even then you can install further plug-ins using the green button. From here you can download further skins, too 29. The media player has its own look and feel this is skin art at its best. 30. Congratulations to the Persian Team: they incorporated a full featured list of streaming many TV channels. 31. And yes we tried it and it really works. Firmware versions discussed in the report can be downloaded from the following websites:
Special Features Beta version with numerous bug fixes and new functions such as a boot manager for flashing via USB . Reliable and tried-and-tested Linux firmware with all imaginable features and functions. Older beta version that uses the same kernel as OpenRSI v.2.1 and AZtrino v2.0 RC and therefore can be used in parallel. Current beta version with many new functions, requiring the latest kernel version and supporting a range of DVB-T/C and Internet receivers via USB. Modified OpenRSI firmware with numerous pre-installed plug-ins and settings as well with its own skin.
Chart: Overview of currently available firmware versions for the AZBox ME and MiniMe
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Part 2: Multimedia
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Part 3: /12/09/azbox-me
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Part 4: /12/05/azbox-me
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