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1. Can a PLC input switch a relay coil to control a motor? 2. How do input and output cards act as an interface between the PLC and external devices? 3. What is the difference between wiring a sourcing and sinking output? 4. What is the difference between a motor starter and a contactor? 5. Is AC or DC easier to interrupt? 6. What can happen if the rated voltage on a device is exceeded? 7. What are the benefits of input/output modules? 8. (for electrical engineers) Explain the operation of AC input and output conditioning circuits. 9. What will happen if a DC output is switched by an AC output. 10. Explain why a stop button must be normally closed and a start button must be normally open.


1. no - a plc OUTPUT can switch a relay 2. input cards are connected to sensors to determine the state of the system. Output cards are connected to actuators that can drive the process. 3. sourcing outputs supply current that will pass through an electrical load to ground. Sinking inputs allow current to flow from the electrical load, to the common. 4. a motor starter typically has three phases 5. AC is easier, it has a zero crossing 6. it will lead to premature failure 7. by using separate modules, a PLC can be customized for different applications. If a single module fails, it can be replaced quickly, without having to replace the entire controller. 8. AC input conditioning circuits will rectify an AC input to a DC waveform with a ripple. This will be smoothed, and reduced to a reasonable voltage level to drive an optocoupler. An AC output circuit will switch an AC output with a triac, or a relay. 9. an AC output is a triac. When a triac output is turned off, it will not actually turn off until the AC voltage goes to 0V. Because DC voltages dont go to 0V, it will never turn off.

10. If a NC stop button is damaged, the machine will act as if the stop button was pushed and shut down safely. If a NO start button is damaged the machine will not be able to start

3.9 ASSIGNMENT PROBLEMS 1. Describe what could happen if a normally closed start button was used on a system, and the wires to the button were cut. 2. Describe what could happen if a normally open stop button was used on a system and the wires to the button were cut.

allow a PLC to detect the state of a process. Logical sensors can only detect a state that is either true or false. Examples of physical phenomena that are typically detected are listed below. inductive proximity - is a metal object nearby? capacitive proximity - is a dielectric object nearby? optical presence - is an object breaking a light beam or reflecting light? mechanical contact - is an object touching a switch?

4.2 SENSOR WIRING When a sensor detects a logical change it must signal that change to the PLC. This is typically done by switching a voltage or current on or off. In some cases the output of the sensor is used to switch a load directly, completely eliminating the PLC. Typical outTopics: Objectives: Understand the different types of sensor outputs. Know the basic sensor types and understand application issues. Sensor wiring; switches, TTL, sourcing, sinking Proximity detection; contact switches, photo-optics, capacitive, inductive and

ultrasonic discrete sensors - 4.2 puts from sensors (and inputs to PLCs) are listed below in relative popularity. Sinking/Sourcing - Switches current on or off. Plain Switches - Switches voltage on or off. Solid State Relays - These switch AC outputs. TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) - Uses 0V and 5V to indicate logic levels.

4.2.3 Sinking/Sourcing Sinking sensors allow current to flow into the sensor to the voltage common, while sourcing sensors allow current to flow out of the sensor from a positive source. For both of these methods the emphasis is on current flow, not voltage. By using current flow, instead of voltage, many of the electrical noise problems are reduced

4.2.2 Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) is based on two voltage levels, 0V for false and 5V for true. The voltages can actually be slightly larger than 0V, or lower than 5V and still be detected correctly. This method is very susceptible to electrical noise on the factory floor, and should only be used when necessary. TTL outputs are common on electronic devices and computers, and will be necessary sometimes

4.4 SUMMARY Sourcing sensors allow current to flow out from the V+ supply. Sinking sensors allow current to flow in to the V- supply. Photo-optical sensors can use reflected beams (retroreflective), an emitter and detector (opposed mode) and reflected light (diffuse) to detect a part. Capacitive sensors can detect metals and other materials. Inductive sensors can detect metals. Hall effect and reed switches can detect magnets. Ultrasonic sensors use sound waves to detect parts up to meters away.


1. Given a clear plastic bottle, list 3 different types of sensors that could be used to detect it. 2. List 3 significant trade-offs between inductive, capacitive and photooptic sensors. 3. Why is a sinking output on a sensor not like a normal switch?


1. capacitive proximity, contact switch, photo-optic retroreflective/diffuse, ultrasonic 2. materials that can be sensed, environmental factors such as dirt, distance to object 3. the sinking output will pass only DC in a single direction, whereas a switch can pass AC and DC.

3. What type of sensor should be used if it is to detect small cosmetic case mirrors as they pass along a belt. Explain your choice.


There are a few basic types of computer memory that are in use today. RAM (Random Access Memory) - this memory is fast, but it will lose its contents first scan S2:1/14 light light clear plc operation - 8.7 when power is lost, this is known as volatile memory. Every PLC uses this memory for the central CPU when running the PLC. ROM (Read Only Memory) - this memory is permanent and cannot be erased. It is often used for storing the operating system for the PLC. EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) - this is memory that can be programmed to behave like ROM, but it can be erased with ultraviolet light and reprogrammed.

EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) - This memory can store programs like ROM. It can be programmed and erased using a voltage, so it is becoming more popular than EPROMs. All PLCs use RAM for the CPU and ROM to store the basic operating system for the PLC. When the power is on the contents of the RAM will be kept, but the issue is what happens when power to the memory is lost. Originally PLC vendors used RAM with a battery so that the memory contents would not be lost if the power was lost. This method is still in use, but is losing favor. EPROMs have also been a popular choice for programming PLCs. The EPROM is programmed out of the PLC, and then placed in the PLC. When the PLC is turned on the ladder logic program on the EPROM is loaded into the PLC and run. This method can be very reliable, but the erasing and programming technique can be time consuming. EEPROM memories are a permanent part of the PLC, and programs can be stored in them like EPROM. Memory costs continue to drop, and newer types (such as flash memory) are becoming available, and these changes will continue to impact PLCs.


1. Does a PLC normally contain RAM, ROM, EPROM and/or batteries. 2. What are the indicator lights on a PLC used for? 3. A PLC can only go through the ladder logic a few times per second. Why? 4. What will happen if the scan time for a PLC is greater than the time for an input pulse? Why? 5. What is the difference between a PLC and a desktop computer? 6. Why do PLCs do a self check every scan? 7. Will the test time for a PLC be long compared to the time required for a simple program.


1. every PLC contains RAM and ROM, but they may also contain EPROM or batteries. 2. diagnostic and maintenance 3. even if the program was empty the PLC would still need to scan inputs and outputs, and do a self check. 4. the pulse may be missed if it occurs between the input scans 5. some key differences include inputs, outputs, and uses. A PLC has been designed for the factory floor, so it does not have inputs such as keyboards and mice (although some newer types can). They also do not have outputs such as a screen or sound. Instead they have inputs and outputs for voltages and current. The PLC runs user designed programs for specialized tasks, whereas on a personal computer it is uncommon for a user to program their system.

9.8 SUMMARY Latch and unlatch instructions will hold outputs on, even when the power is turned off. Timers can delay turning on or off. Retentive timers will keep values, even when inactive. Resets are needed for retentive timers. Counters can count up or down. When timers and counters reach a preset limit the DNbit is set. MCRs can force off a section of ladder logic.


1. What does edge triggered mean? What is the difference between positive and negative edge triggered? 2. What is the address for a memory location that indicates when a PLC has just been turned on? 3. How many words are required for timer and counter memory? 4. Are reset instructions necessary for all timers and counters? 5. What are the numerical limits for typical timers and counters? 6. If a counter goes below the bottom limit which counter bit will turn on? 7. a) Write ladder logic for a motor starter that has a start and stop button that uses latches. b)

Write the same ladder logic without latches. 8. Use a timing diagram to explain how an on delay and off delay timer are different. 12. Design ladder logic that allows an RTO to behave like a TON. 13. Design ladder logic that uses normal timers and counters to measure times of 50.0 days. 14. Develop the ladder logic that will turn on an output light (O/1), 15 seconds after switch A (I/1) has been turned on. 15. Develop the ladder logic that will turn on a light (O/1), after switch A (I/1) has been closed 10 times. Push button B (I/2) will reset the counters. 16. Develop a program that will latch on an output B (O/1), 20 seconds after input A (I/1) has been turned on. The timer will continue to cycle up to 20 seconds, and reset itself, until input A has been turned off. After the third time the timer has timed to 20 seconds, the output B will be unlatched. 17. A motor will be connected to a PLC and controlled by two switches. The GO switch will start the motor, and the STOP switch will stop it. If the motor is going, and the GO switch is thrown, this will also stop the motor. If the STOP switch was used to stop the motor, the GO switch must be thrown twice to start the motor. When the motor is running, a light should be turned on (a small lamp will be provided). 18. In dangerous processes it is common to use two palm buttons that require a operator to use both hands to start a process (this keeps hands out of presses, etc.). To develop this there are two inputs that must be turned on within 0.25s of each other before a machine cycle may begin.

19. Design a conveyor control system that follows the design guidelines below. - The conveyor has an optical sensor S1that detects boxes entering a workcell - There is also an optical sensor S2that detects boxes leaving the workcell - The boxes enter the workcell on a conveyor controlled by output C1 - The boxes exit the workcell on a conveyor controlled by output C2 - The controller must keep a running count of boxes using the entry and exit sensors

- If there are more than five boxes in the workcell the entry conveyor will stop - If there are no boxes in the workcell the exit conveyor will be turned off - If the entry conveyor has been stopped for more than 30 seconds the count will be reset to zero, assuming that the boxes in the workcell were scrapped. 20. Write a ladder logic program that does what is described below. - When button Ais pushed, a light will flash for 5 seconds. - The flashing light will be on for 0.25 sec and off for 0.75 sec. - If button Ahas been pushed 5 times the light will not flash until the system is reset. - The system can be reset by pressing button B 21. Write a program that will turn on a flashing light for the first 15 seconds after a PLC is turned on. The light should flash for half a second on and half a second off. 22. A buffer can hold up to 10 parts. Parts enter the buffer on a conveyor controller by output conveyor. As parts arrive they trigger an input sensor enter. When a part is removed from the buffer they trigger the exitsensor. Write a program to stop the conveyor when the buffer is full, and restart it when there are fewer than 10 parts in the buffer. As normal the system should also include a start and stop button.

9.10 PRACTICE PROBLEM SOLUTIONS 1. edge triggered means the event when a logic signal goes from false to true (positive edge) or from true to false (negative edge). 2. S2:1/14 for micrologix, S2:1/15 for PLC-5 3. three memory words are used for a timer or a counter. 4. no, but they are essential for retentive timers, and very important for counters. 5. these are limited by the 16 bit number for a range of -32768 to +32767 6. the ununderflow bit. This may result in a fault in some PLCs.

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